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tv   News  RT  September 10, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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the, the, the, it is breaking news here on off the international a civilians here in russia are on the file. a massive wave of ukrainian drones are intercepted on the way to the nation's capital. as 9 other regions are real, so targeted to exactly burial has turned, as you can see, into a spontaneous protest for people to express their anger and frustration over the tragic band outrages that have already wrapped in a palestinian flag. hundreds, gather in the west bank to mold the death of a tuck ish, american activist who was literally a shot in the head by his riley voices. this
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was a catastrophic failures of separate and forced us to withdraw from afghanistan is officially labeled a disaster as a house for an offense committee bloss joe biden and presidential hopeful come of a high risk for that failure to take the the warning also in the program ahead of the iranian presidents, our 1st visit to iraq this wednesday to both the coming out of baghdad. that officials that have secured a date for the us to leave the nation once and for the writers were coming to life from the russian capital. the residents of most go today have been waking up to breaking news here on out to you international, a swarm. so if you're crazy and drones attack 9 russian regions with residential areas around the nation's capital. also coming under attack of the russian ministry of defense has just issued this statement. during the past night,
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144 ukrainian aircraft type you avi's were destroyed and intercepted by air defense systems on duty. during an attempt by the key, every team to carry out a terrorist attack using unmanned aerial vehicles on objects on the territory of the russian federation. i left but i moved out across a lot of correspondents standing by on location that areas room on closer. we have a remote, can you bring us up to speed the situation? what do you know so far as well as the ukrainian, that zones attack to the southeast of the most of the region around 4 o'clock in the morning as the result of 46 year old woman was killed, 3 people were wounded in at least the 43 people were displaced, they're now being held at the temporary refugee centers. right now. i'm standing right next to a building which was attacked early in the morning. can see it's a multi uh, apartment complex uh at least 54 apartments there have been damaged and this is
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where a woman was killed. there are a 100 and so apartments there in sold. so you can see this is a purely residential area right now. a special services are working on the scene or collecting the or fragments of drones and everything else that happens. now the area, once again, this chords on golf on the people that live here are allowed to pass through it, but that is also limited. now this is not the only place that was that targeted to here in the admin square. another uh, apartment building was also damaged. now as the result uh, at least uh, 3 local airports have been closed or applied for diversion. but at this point, the airports have, but once again, been open. now, according to the defense ministry, there were at least 20 drones that were destroyed by the russian forces in the most can region. but elsewhere in russia,
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they were also attacks. and according to the defense ministry, a 144 drones had been destroyed. we are now working on the scene of the area. so gordon, adult friends that will talk to some of the eye witnesses if we get a chance. and the latest updates on this breaking news story here without your international correspondent, roman customer. thank you. to the west side, we go where a 26 year old turkish american activist allegedly shopped in the head by the ideas this during a protest against is riley settlers. last week, a family is demanding an independent investigation saying israel can't be trusted to try to charge it. they say israel's can put it in the crime. while i bureau chief, i'm, or if an ocean as details now, of the hundreds have gathered a novelist, notes of the west bank to pay their last tributes to a turkish american activist, allegedly shot dead bodies really forces the body of 26 year old ice
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unknown is wrapped in a flag of palestine. fighting for the country's independence costs, the young human rights defender, how lights, the palestinian and turkish officials are in the crowd. they stopped the procession for a short prayer. the ice in order was a muslim. and as long as they believed martyrs go straight to paradise is their rather symbolic family all the time to be buried in the country where you will be transferred from here. as you can see, there are dozens of palestinian national forces to shores in fact. so what they have organized and kind a military funeral. they have taken the body from the hospital and they are now
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carrying it together with eisner's. friends and colleagues had not exactly burial has turned, as you can see, into a spontaneous prototype for people to express their anger and frustration over this tragic and outrages. an american originally from turkey i showed was in the west bank as part of the international solidarity movement. last friday, she went to a protest in the village of beta indianapolis where a legal jewish supplement expansion pushed people to the brink to stop taking over palestinian land was the last thing i sent or ask for before the idea of soldiers opened fire after protest or is using life and the nation. the young woman was shot in her head in front of her comrades. they won't stop solidly. i know they have a very high precision on jones. uh, she was standing there. she was actually,
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she was in bondage wasn't moving. they had all the time targeted, targeted her husband, these really army issued a statement insane. the forces responded with fire to words and main instigator of violent activities for harold rocks at the forces and posed a threat to them. jonathan was with ice and on that day let's for a 2nd go with the. it's really nice say it was true in that distance. even if you are the champions of stone for him, it wouldn't make half the distance disability, the message. and the message is that no resistance to a vertical, don't you live in will be tolerated. and they know that they will not be held accountable. and they know that because no one calls them accountable, it is the same. who that, that is the use is to perpetuate a genocide with complete impunity in gotcha detectors. presidents
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condemned to killing pointing a finger at a 0 i showed is the, the vine lima, the young child abbas to this day that killed 41000 innocent civilians. 17000 whom children, they all fall back to me attacking children, women, young and old, they spinning blood. while the investigation is on the way on the ground, there are no questions on who's to blame. the idea of kill tens of thousands and thousands of thousands in the west bank. it is not surprising that the full support of the crime, but the truth is clear, that the truth is that there can patient army and occupation sniper are the ones that killed this for an activist ation. newer. the state department of ed can dollars says to the family, saying it is collecting the facts about here by now the do and is really check going on there. the eyes on the long journey from the to our
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case as the family all by 260. the now going for an independent as pyro pro for america's support. saying that a israel doesn't investigate. then washington showed gray from ocean off all the reporting from novelist in the occupied westbank. a total failure. that's how american little make a michael nicole brand at the us withdrawal from afghanistan. a damning $300.00 page report out of washington on monday. it's filled with blame for joe biden and come on a high risk, but not heating the warnings of senior officials at the time. this was a catastrophic failure of epic proportions. say, sir john was orest. i say this was a lot of the videos from the day basically speak for themselves,
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but numbers highlight the human toll from the 2021 tobacco, 170 s guns were killed along with 13 american servicemen during the evaluation. that was when a suicide bomber blew himself up. a countless number of civilians are also wounded, and the investigation found the bite and harris administration refused to consider any alternatives. even those disability in the region was going through a total collapse. the colonel says, crime rate, chief of staff of special operations come on central during the military. retrograde reiterated. the military told president biden, if you start to withdrawal, the taliban are going to come pouring in and there's nothing that's going to stop them. according to colonel come rake, the president decided we're going to leave and he's not listening to anybody. vice president carmella harris was the last person in the room when president biden made the decision to withdrawal us forces from afghanistan. a fact she boasted shortly after president biden issued his go to 0 order. despite warnings,
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against withdrawing by senior leaders, vice president harris's aid disclose the vice president strongly supported president biden's decision. while the american exit was described, not only as hasty but well, so it's very costly for washington because it's estimated that $7000000000.00 worth of weapons on hardware. it was simply less for the taliban. that's in addition to report was a piles of cash. we're talking about more than 50000000 bucks we just dumped. we heard from a former c. i a analyst who says with the presidential election around the corner, officials and washington are trying to pass the buck and avoid any blame them. so there are things so united states could have done to have avoided abandoning afghanistan in this way. so this was, this really was ultimately both a political failure of the political leadership and a military failure. a complete failure of the uh,
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kind of gone to the then secretary defense lloyd austin, mark malay, who was the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. and the general who was in charge of central command who had overall responsibility for this. they failed, or none of them have been punished. they're all trying to keep the blame on the political side and avoid any responsibility on the military side. let reports of the american withdrawal propaganda stone. i'm not the only ones being talked about right now in washington. a d o has apparently been struck for us troops to exit iraq in the next couple of years. and then he was comes as by guidance i ron ramp up joined security cooperation. the president of iran, by the way, expected to visit a rock this wednesday. it will be his 1st trip abroad since taking office muscle would possess, can previously vowed to prioritize on the strength and ties which are on his
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neighbors. and by god meantime, is playing a key role. the sweet relations for tet wrong in the rich. a way of preparing for the president's visit to iraq. this trip a significant due to iraq's role in addressing iran issues with neighboring countries, including saudi arabia. baghdad has made efforts to normalize relations with jordan, egypt, and several other countries with deep and longstanding relations with iraq since taking office for the show has value to prioritize and strengthening ties with neighboring countries that are putting their wall, i guess is 1st, for a sense a lot of messages are relations between here one and 2 wrong. both she hines majority nations have recently grove significantly closer to one is uh, one of the rocks leading tween partners. and more importantly, i wheels considerable political influence in baghdad, particularly as allies dominate parliament. uh, the current government, i know this comes as the warranty resistance forces. sharpie have been targeting
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american bases. and we gentlemen, are these really war on the side appears on us actually, and can no longer resist calls for. we can draw all of its forces from the errors for you. why has be calling police on the you want to also pass it into law and now especially in the west is support for he's will. everyone is turning this one, washington, believing that dice, military presence, any warranties, a source of the security. uh no sure that the west has reached a deal when they arrive to withdraw our troops by september 2025. would a complete x in the next expected flying on the end of 2020 say so the was packing off and he was supposed to bills to wander relations with his neighbor. this will definitely we shape the landscape for the entire region, especially as it appears to be worldly, welcoming, dissolute dynamic. the boomerang of sanctions has come back to bite
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b e u in wal throwing rocks at russia. russel is, is now seeing an avalon to be, it will make failures overtaking as west wing cities. the industrialization without cheap russian gases found the block grasping at straws to state rather than especially to compete in global trade as prizes go through the roof. the solve, which is the situation before my european central bank chief says of course auction got to be taken. now conditions have changed. world trade is low in china is actually slowing very much, but it's become much less open to us. and actually it's competing with us in global markets on all accounts. we've lost, pardon me, supplier of cheaper energy, or asher. and now we have to stuff for a defense to game for the 1st time, sees the world, sees the 2nd world war. got a lovely use of the passive,
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their last are cheap energy from last year. like it just fell out of their pocket like the house keys on the way back from the store. and like the you hasn't actually adopted the toppling from china as a strategy. as all my washington was wise, you're all the way itself before rebranding that the coupling just a de risk gate when they realize how stupid a move that would be to alienate china as its top trading partner. and now, since the road shot gun with uncle sam and ukraine, they found him is used to make more weapons at taxpayer expense for their own defense after entering out the old junk from their closets. and that's why dr. is talking about the need for defense spending. now it's a good thing too, because making more weapons is just about the only real no brainer answer for improving the us economy right now. judging by the dire straight of things outlined in this new you competitiveness report that represents about a year's worth of work by former european central bank president and
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a tally in prime minister mario druggie. at the request of queen ursula fonder lines, the royal european commission. he points out that they're basically a bunch of idiots for buying most of their weapons abroad, so they can't even really do the whole military industrial complex spending thing, right. with nearly 2 thirds of weapons that they purchased coming from the us, big mystery. why washington wants to keep the party going and ukraine, when they're making bank of drumming up to need to ramp up the weapons of purchases for europe under the guys that your ups, former top economic lifeline and energy supply or russia, was suddenly a big threat to them, the whole report is just loads with gems like this one that you cannot become more productive will be forced to choose. we will not be able to become at once. a lead in new technology is a beacon of climate responsibility. an independent play on the world stage,
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we will not be able to finance our social model, will have to scale back some if not a football ambitions. this is an existential challenge. donnie is going on about all these ground visions like leading new tax and being a climate and social model icon. while european o v, it's have been yelling at the leads to turn down the heating and the air conditioning to stick it to put in and sharing mild winters like we're in the dark ages. druggie also said that the you needs another $800000000000.00 euros, which is about 4.5 percent of the entire block cvp, just to be able to stay globally competitive, which basically just means on screwing everything they screwed up over the past 2 and a half years through self inflicted idiocy in the interest of impressing their girlfriend liners zalinski drive. you also said that the amount of cash needed to make the competitive now is so massive that private investment just won't cut it. and well,
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you know what that means. time to reach into the pockets of the much put upon european tax there once again. but hey, why don't they don't want to because they've had enough of paying for all the screw ups as some recent european elections would suggest. well, here's the javi with a plea to the violence. but why do we care so much about all this? that's one question i asked why do we care so much about growing? yes, we have to find is these needs. and these, these are important. but why are they so important? where they are important because they have to do with our phone, the values, prosperity, equity, freedom, peace and democracy in a sustainable world. a and e, you exist to insure europeans that they actually will benefit from these, from them in the rights. and if you're up can no longer provide them to these
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people. it will have lost its reason for b. okay. so they blew a bunch of cash and de regulated the economy for ukraine, but now they need europeans to be ok with handing over even more cash to these clowns because it's totally for their own good. this time they promise and here's cleaners will have to add her $0.02. let's not forget that to be competitive. we need to be resilient. we have gone through multiple shots in the past us. and we've been working on building more robust industrial valued chains, especially when it comes to security of supply key concepts here. access to political raw materials, to essential components, strong energy and digital grids just for in a few. so bottom line is talking about supply security and drive is also saying that the u needs more friends. ones that happen to have
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a ton of resources that they can close the up to preferably. and he's also saying that some countries are already trying to do that on their own, but it would be better. he says, if you took charge of it, because these nations kind of winging it on their own, are missing a chance to punch above their weight with the power of the you. or maybe they'll just use all that power to punch themselves right in the face with the you, if the blocks recent performance is any indication. so the us spend book interference is clear to see worldwide that's according to the russian foreign minister. so get out for off the responded to washington's claim. the russia, once again, is meddling in the upcoming us presidential and much but with gives me a show that said, love shows, attempts to interfere with everything. and everywhere is a trademark of the united states as well. as the british, the main allies of the us,
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all these attempts turn out to be afraid when it comes to russia while they may work. in some cases, a lot of crews have been organized. but in relation to russia, it has the opposite effect. i couldn't to protect myself any clearer. the us known for decades as the country that likes to midland elections across the globe is once again, like the port trying to pull lots of capital for being black. last week it said russia, china and iran, with trying to spread this information ahead of november's presidential election, russia, iran, and china are likely to engage in newly sophisticated influence and interference efforts ahead of the 2024 us presidential election. russia is trying to madeline the 2024 presidential election. the rest is everywhere. and the sewing divisions here at home, influencing ukraine policy and security rushes preferred outcomes. it's this information so in misinformation, but as well as hacking, i think we can expect
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a quite a bit more of a out of it from the ron and ron was responsible for hacking into for more president donald trump, to white house campaign. no evidence was provided, but you know, that's just normal. the us clearly doesn't understand the concept of taking the log activates. oh no, i before removing the specs from nova recently, it was would be us military was running an online and see chinese vaccine campaign targeting. people in the philippines, fake profiles made it to look like they were real locals. we used to criticize everything from the quality of chinese face masks, test kits on the sono, back back seen within the pedagogy with it while she, because there was this fear that they were going to lose the philippines, so to speak. ad. so they launch, this is secret propaganda campaign and the philippines that al squared south east asia to try to denigrate tried, is actually in the kind of god was using these kind of secret social media accounts on twitter and facebook. to say that this accede was harmful,
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that it was dangerous. can you imagine if the show was on the other foot, the us would have been incense, and you don't have to dig deep to find plenty of other examples. how about operation ernest voice? this was a military initiative, but used sock puppets. no, no sort. so it's, this is again, the idea of developing false online personalities to be used for all sorts of nefarious means. including pushing pro us narratives. the technology supports classified blog and activities and for language websites to enable send content, concert, violent extremist, an enemy propaganda outside the us. and it's still going on. our joint investigation found an interconnected web of accounts on twitter, facebook, instagram, and 5 out of social media platforms to use the subject tactics to bremo pro less than that as a, as in the middle east and central asia. these campaigns consistently advanced,
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and that is, is to promote, in the interest of the united states and its allies, while opposing countries like russia, china, and the run all the while. the us military continues to develop new practices and tools. and it's planned to influence, deceive, and disrupt through this information. that includes the use of the bikes, military information support operations provided, next generation capability to collect disparate data through public and open source information streams, such as social media, local media, etc. to enable me. so to craft and direct influence, operations and messages and relevant peer near peer environments provide a next generation of deep fake or other similar technology to generate messages and influence operations via non traditional channels and relevant appear near peer environments. so wally us is wagging it, spin good, well show and making unsubstantiated allegations about this information. it's
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perfectly happy to ignore the fact that it's military is heavily engaged in doing just fine. but of course when the us does it, it must be okay. right? that's at least what they want you to believe. that's what wrapped up this out program here, and i'll have to you a quick side note. did you know brussels is furious at georgia, offer that to police. the government is points to an a false a bad on l g b to propaganda brussels cause it outrages. as josh, georgia calls brussels behavior as unacceptable is a big right hop waiting for you right now on our website. it's on the
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the, if you think about russia, what does your mind picture the landscapes open up before your eyes?
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the last one does you imagine the, the discount starts, the journey, the, the, you ready to come along? the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're such orders that conflict with the 1st law show you alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously is to great trust, rather than fit the various things with artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme in the
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robot must protect this phone. existence was alexis, the i was one of those that is correct. so what we considered was almost single slide kritisha celia, but the task of things to do, you got to you that he said the pacific was told that a little quick look at the sub you downloaded the air conditioning. whether it's a photo on the i got to go to the 15. yeah. well, the other stuff, and i do see there with these things and,
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and they don't put them in, you know, well, those are just like that i've had or the, [000:00:00;00] the, at the end of the 19th century, africa was divided between european empires, which mercilessly oppressed the indigenous population, modern day tends and he used to be a german colony. the germans levied heavy taxes on local drives, and use them as free labor on cotton plantations. pheasants protest turned into an


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