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tv   News  RT  September 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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sion besser to russia. nigel casey this among the seasons. once in the orbit of the british embassy and the color sneak of expert at the moscow carnegie sat or consigned to them, took off editor in chief and c. o. can you save you some magazine? and then use too much on a german of the world union of old delivers. the graduate of church on university in washington are still rotating the least of new commerce. we showed up at case his birthday party is interesting among those invited were accept the report managing partner of the law firm, popcorn and partners. alexander that i was the chairman of the board executive director of the yelton center. did a good thing, jeweler, entrepreneur, in a word mister case, either continues to look for alternative ways to implement the interest of great britain in russia or voice. public meetings with real actors of this work is quite difficult to believe that the new color of soft power is the children of russian actors, jewelers journalists for an agents and old delivers jessica davenport,
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for example, 2 rated so called activists now and he's hi, this is payroll, she met regularly with id proof in media representatives such as newburgh cuz we have a paid for by the west jeep who's in the activities, leaving on british rods as the government and use paid for by the foreign office. jessica's passion, the was reported the pushing migration on russia. she often met with the lawyers and activists. they'll be migrant rights and freedoms, even at the expense of russian citizens. as the deadline expulsion noon. it is with them that you who denies the 5, the meetings, russian intelligences horsham shed with the press, a number of foreign office files that it had been deceptive not to be perused by the public. they bad was the eastern european central asian director as of
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the birth each followed office, these outsides, you may for them. i 6 when dedicated to everything and the russian, the d. c, a, d is integrated with g d, i s department 5. this close we are the part of the f, c, d o that focuses on defense and act as the interface between the cdo for an office and the ministry of defense. we provide political, military expertise to parts of the government, dealing with military operations ago. literally spies spreads across departments dedicated to disseminating breeding's propaganda. world was with a focus on ukrainian propaganda hedges, but add more be add ons, ring to oh, and basses, deputy director of government information campaigns, a plethora of departments dedicated to you, crazy of negotiations and quote,
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nation and initiatives. it's almost like ukraine, the eas paul, to run by the foreign office, or even kids has a negotiations department. and the p is the brits doing that for them. that's even an escalation department headed by simon fed wherever. and don springs the austin nature, presumably intended to analyze how far let that could push the credit and conflicts before new payable head start rating down on london. that's we see this particular group overlook, but we can put what's due really spies expelled from russia. have to do with these diploma. just go with the diploma and codes that we have now it's tripped over the accreditation. we'll probably get positions in the directorate as well. many of the departments that the you case, new ministry of propaganda has it,
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but really spies expelled from russia. b, e. c, a. d was reformed into its current state by most of the harris who the student in moscow is diplomats, james b. a who heads the media manipulation department spent soon of in russia and likes it so such that even got married it most school mach diamond to on so, so i'm few russian sanctions analysis and much more. he's and the average bike lots to keep fits during his time and most school. christopher joyce last didn't get much time to enjoy the russian capital. he was booted 1000 me a 2 months off to his arrival. your legend, he likes it in russia, su much. even shed some tears, as he was off to leave the country after which he became w. d. head of russian policy department. these files reveal just how vested
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as involved with me is in the ukrainian conflicts capitalists, departments costing of for to looking round the clock to keep the role that they help stop doing new benefits at ease at home. and graduates of the most prestigious candidates academy. and the was the breezy ship, a sea in moscow more i guess the oxy. right, that was more, i guess the of the r t has also repeatedly shed light on the american war crimes, for instance, a data base of the a trusted atrocities committed the new rock and of damage done, which was released to the public and the details review there are rarely any consequences, with around 2 thirds of the locations displaced by investigators. the arching is tre. bose has more on the inconvenient stories, the allegations of war crimes, the kind that stain a nation. well,
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that's how an in depth investigation by renowned us publisher, the new yorker, describe what it discovered while investigating 781 cases of alleged war crimes by the us military. that's not what's most shocking about the investigation. and that's 65 percent of the allegations were dismissed by us investigators and only $151.00 cases. the investigators actually find against the us military. and even then the punishments hardly matched the crimes. the de, somebody's makes it possible for the 1st time to see hundreds of allegations of all crimes, the kind that stain a nation in one place along with the findings of investigations and the results of prosecutions. the picture that emerges is disheartening. the majority of allegations listed in the database was suddenly dismissed by investigators. those which ones we usually dealt with late, the bike amount is and the justice system that can be that parental to defendants
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and disbelieving a victims. but we're publishing is not a complete record of the atrocities committed by the military since $911.00. it would be impossible to know the old age has its own story, but many stopped. and in the same way with a her wrist. the guy perpetrated by members of the ministry which was then punished likely or not to sol. so what do we know about the 151 cases where action was eventually terry give? well, it seems obvious that for the past 20 years, the pentagon has been concealing that there are any investigations at all. and it's only science, the independent investigators and a witness statements that we know anything about the dark underbelly of the us, ministry's crimes interact and afghanistan. one of the most infamous b, a has visa massacre interact on november, the 19th, 2005 marines, and the dfcs killed 25 civilians including men, women, and children, the beginnings holiday, didn't i. e d attack on the marines combo. it's the last one of those coordinates,
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dead marines shots. the civilians dead on the street. and then 3 nearby homes and one house, a mother and full of her children were killed in a bed in another house, a full year old boy was shot apparently at close range. well, it turns out that senior us officers who were aware of the killings failed to investigate him for several months. that's until a video recording of the aftermath was the to the press. eventually, after 3 separate investigations into the, into the for marines were indeed charged with murder and 4 officers were charged for reporting, failures for obstructing justice. but only one of the marines present that fateful night staff sergeant frank water, which was convicted of any crime. and only a free pleaded guilty to a single count of beverly action of judy. astounding. the we'll treat syrup no time in prison. i sadly had beat wasn't an isolated incident on april, the 15th, 2000 and the full marines array to the house and my mood. yeah. and captured to men,
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ali how about a korean until he made henry allegedly attempting to flee in a white call. a marina 2nd left tenant, then allegedly directed them to perform their own set, jump the call as they was searching, he shot them dead. the 2nd left tenant told investigators that he shot kareem and hun, jeez, roughly 6 times in order to send them a message to other rockies. now, according to the investigation into the murders of these 2 men, a hand written cardboard sign was left on the car with the marines. you motto, no better friend, no worse enemy. the young officer responsible was charged with 2 counts of premeditated murder. hey, but surprised surprise. the charges were later dropped, interestingly, and 2010 to kill around for the us house of representatives. it seems executing civilians has no bar to a political career in the us. but what's probably most disturb is the number of cases of violence against children from the killing of 3 death,
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teenagers hurting capital. so the shooting of a 13 year old girl gathering beans. there's a disturbing trend of a quit or a non prosecution. on february, the 18th, 2004 and all massage and open funds, the village is now out about the getting one and wounding to others. the sergeants allegedly fired on the civilians as they tried to flee in the area where a roadside bomb it just exploded. the sergeant shots a 13 year old. go and it's a algebra. worry in the head killing up. the also shot your boy's mother and sister . how much the 6th, 2007 and all the stuff sergeant reporting killed 2 teenage brothers and asked set up an order the killing of a 3rd boy. made an advice carried out to me with deaf, unarmed, and hurting capital when they were killed. well, it doesn't, and they're the execution of hand cough detainees, the certification of prisoners. the list is as shocking as it is disturbing, with the lack of justice for those that suffered and died is equally shocking. i
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find that the wounds inflicted to a 15 year old local, national and the death of a 6 year old local, national on about 70 to september 2005 at o 815 or a direct result of the escalation of force by private 1st class a gunner for c team, 2nd squad of the brigade, special troops, battalion military police, petune, private 1st class, acted in accordance with the rules of engagement and the units use of force matrix . i recommend that no discipline reaction be taken. private 1st class understands the rules of engagement and acted accordingly with the situation he was placed in based on the documents that never reach the course. and only considering cases that were aware of the us apologies, ignored, more than $75.00 abuse cases, $64.00 solvece. i'm an astounding 476 murder. i must of murder cases. finally, 10 cases of rape. meanwhile, the men century,
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responsible for the legal war and the rack that's form or vice president dick cheney. he has recently resurface in the us in our nation's 248 year history. there's never been an individual who has a greater threat to our republic than donald trump. he tried to steal the last election using lise and violence to keep himself in power. after the voters had rejected him, he can never be trusted with power again as citizens. we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our constitution. that is why i will be casting my vote for vice president cala harris. so as dick cheney seems to have found his voice in defense of come iris, it seems that the voiceless victims of the us military will remain for gunner and other victims, not only of the brutality of the u. s. army, but also of a system determined to ensure their cries for justice will never be heard. now the
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international secretary of the american communist party crystal violently believes that the list of war crimes is just a fraction of the reality to me and to many other americans who have been speaking out against the work crimes committed by the us military. during the 20 plus years of the quote unquote wear and tear, this only confirms what do we have been saying for so long since the beginning. that the american military was committing gross crimes against the people in iraq as well as, of course the people and i've gotten this done. and many other countries at the us has been involved with on the ground in military confrontation. and i think that it's important to recognize here that this is quite a small fraction. and the reporting by the new yorker and this investigative team is very clear that this is a small fraction of the total crimes committed by the us military by us military personnel. the united states army and united states military overall has been hiding these crimes for 20 years. because of course,
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they don't want to jeopardize their own reputation. of course, much like some other armies in the world today that we know all too well. the united states army continues to say that it is one of the most professional armies, the army, that is the one of the most ethical that follows the rules of law that follows the rules of armed conflict that follows international law. but of course, we know this not to be true, right, is not just our t less be in the case. i think the faring in the us elections, if on their own citizens are being branded with those accusations. and that's after us court filed for block rights activists guilty of conspiracy to act as russian agents. now the us justice department says that there were conspiring to act as on registered agents on behalf of moscow. a sentencing next at each of them now face up to 5 years behind boss. and a, one of them is a 2 year old. well, malia should t lot know ness,
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founder of those who were movement would fight for the rights of african people world wide. the how about, according to american persecutors, and this was just the cover to promote ross's views on politics and the create in conflicts and allegedly into fact in local elections in florida us and as america continues its blame game and locking up individuals for supposedly meddling and us elections, washington is ramping up its own propaganda. our efforts this time targeting by 18 that more than 1.41.6 dollars have been located in attempts to count a, quote, china as my line influence. it's all detailed in the recently passed to bill america alone make us plan out investing in media and civil society is around the world. the bill. it doesn't require disclosing 2 recipes where the money is coming from. now let's not forget but georgia previously accused washington the meddling and
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it's into internal affairs. you'd offer guns. now, as in bob, we spelled us the id or functional officials for overstepping the role of the red cross. i said intended for venezuela comes with political strings from the agency. we spoke with a canadian john leslie in china about all of this. who believes that it's all part of washington's desire to have it footprint globally. we see the reach of the n g o z and use their strategy playbook, used to go into smaller factories that have maybe a week or on here a week, or got me the stabilize it, use the american playbook. i'm paying the, you know, the red, white and blue is coming year to save you at the american dream and so on and so forth. what's happening to america though, is they're running out of countries to invade or running out of pensions to bully, bankrupt, or ball. and that's what we're, you know, seeing right now. they tried this a long years ago when they tried to stabilize the home con, uh and uh, you know,
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china said wait a moment. uh your ouch. and they basically, you know, kicked a lot of these and yours on a phone call. and uh, you know, beat up, their security was smart countries that are doing that. unfortunately there's other countries that aren't prepared for it. this last thing with the ash what, how and i want you to follow the end, you know, a book from america, your government gets replaced. alright, let's return to our breaking news. this, our human last our, the us ticket you stayed on to the blinking leveled more accusations against our t at you follows last week's allegations of the us justice department, claiming that russia had somehow been pulling the strings in the us presidential election ballot for us out live to we probably on war correspondent and john list on the deal. i've been dead. i've been doing good to have you drive me now, but it's been a week since the f. b. i direct to us off in the general said that on network
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r t poses a threat to the upcoming us presidential elections. and now the secretary of state has just the queues ross and media of cobalt intelligence operations. now, what's your reaction to all of this is at the same old story to uh, 1st of all, we need to see what the, the americans say against the, uh to uh, they say that the russian juries are um, is the prescott, the cobra for these buying uh, the with this, but the, the, the dentist co, uh no evidence about this. so on the low end, it will not, uh, give evidence to the public about this. uh we see just another another. ok, all the information will work better against the restaurant by the f. b i by the, by the united states. without any bruce is just prevent god about what's the rush of deeds in the united states. we see the thrush are promoted uh for uh you to back
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of the seats. whats at the f b? i said, uh, but this is absolutely nothing. can see, it looks the united states. do we today, usa d, c a and the partner states against the freedom of speech and media in all over the world on russia. we remember of something we remember all the use of the raw system for forgotten the information or was there or take to uh, bring a resolution in different country in the for example, they probably didn't cause it's done if he didn't grade know is a in georgia the risk of the same situation. so we see that's the, from one side we see american students do these things and we have all the tools and all the evidence that they do are doing keys. and from the other side of the beam russians were due to be just for you to there is the just sort of because in
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my opinion, all right, now let's take a look at the allegations that blinking presented, including my lines, fiber security, providing support for many 3 operations that it seems like blinking would sound like the weaponized ation of media. what's your take on that is cause media and the mental warfare of our bottles. the water, of course, proper gotten any information or cetera or part of the water and the action united states are finding no, just in agreeing about it all over the world. we see, for example, that americans are trying to put the bases in the media. that's before it was a rough show, ollie's, they tried to do this incense raising, causing song, for example. i know they are promoting the border patrol of catholic stuff. we did a money in order to try to stop the apartment shoot between china and russia
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in the, in the creating problems. and this information, of course, the reason is trying to induce both we see from one side of america, they beats very serious. do they do their best or do they have a gun? the, the invest billions of dollars, although the workforce bed they and they both of use and the agendas on the sides. russia has not started yet to do their own propaganda and always rush. i tried to follow the rules about the media, for example, restaurant as a, at the end the, the credit that this is, is a rough shot media bots, for example, was for example, germany or repeat an on unit say, do the i or people from the local citizens like they did, for example, from mendoza or for example, like mic, the decked or uh, uh, it's a general, a media project i talked about that's in my tongue and for the diesel. i'm trying
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to 7 of the time previously on of, for example, that you have them on the pay. the, with the phones for the compression of the baltics is media like me to the doctor to chicago. in the f word, spread the proto piano. people gotten the heed to russia, and we can russian languages under the color of the gentleman, special service. and the medical decision really beat into the same. and we have all the evidence. so a fresh would be something you just as always on onto her, to all the best seats. the terrible things that the west and the united states are doing against the russia. and there are 2 boats come up, interest me. it's always about russia doing the wrong things. if you can find a rush atlas manufacturer, a russia that you're seeing that for caustic, who responds to marty's office, not the same kind of feedback, was also given a week ago. what do you make of the reaction? the and i think that's when uh americans launch is somewhere to because like you this with very few proves and the rain they do the
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same every times uh seasons, the cold board, the, our expectations, psychological warfare and the privilege and they have a very good frame to prevent the machine, of course, so he's the blame. others for do the same. they, they do much more time, much more the better and the which much more efforts. they are just ridiculous. what they think that we need to accept the challenge and try to fight back to try to explain to the people why for us uh, our opinion are better and we defend overpayment. we don't need to be scared and they think that the else, but also at the to the department of justice of the united states of soon fee is absolutely correct because we need not to be scared to be to go forward. we need to fight into the information on what fare we thought of as penny and fear. of
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course, there's no need to be scared into way. that's why we question more. now, washington repeatedly is cracking down on the media. is i simply censorship? or there's a need justification to this prop downs to me items. so, you know, that's a very soon because of all the contacts and the connections for say that's uh, will appear us. com that leads to the about the power of the department of state as corrupted youtube bass and drums for a share of the opinion of. also, how is important for the guidance audience to add some grain with me to review. and that was the means or the documents or they in the department of state, paid the money to you to verify that you could therefore do that. there are all the tools as products, and the 1st ones would be as counseling, they don't even need it. so i'm absolutely sure, uh that's uh again we're going to show to all the was white audience that they are
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just ridiculous. now, archie is a popular view source world wide washington now talks of attempts to cub rawson global influence. isn't that quite a big challenge facing them? i think that's the russian today. for example, as i always say, the russians did respected all the news, all the lows of journeys, and those of the ultimate, probably on the, the big merits publicly from where they go to the money they oscar the permission to the friends governments for and or in the media odyssey or was made legally and openly without any threats to that. um, what not on the go ahead. go ahead. go ahead. i'm listening to you. uh oh. okay. um, uh against the, the, um,
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the little of any other countries. uh, otherwise, the americans always in the use the spectrum service and they do, i've read, we're face against the law of russia. and the other countries is like, for example, russian develop at the house of georgia and other countries. they low against the forwarding agents. for example, for example, like the judge for uh, doing sort of conditions or other octaves like the us department state that they pay money to the firm to not to preventative organizations for state their own. so if i got into the paid the broker, the 2 bedroom and to the duties, you know, either the way we built the inputs to be to stop them. and they simply don't know and don't care about the date, the original book. instead, everybody always respect to being transferred all about the media. is that very big difference between us and all right, now,
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what do you make of all the charges imposed by washington against a number of individuals who work with russia? media has working with media organizations become illegal in the us, so that was what was said. that was so sinister. and i seem to, that's if they are trying to transfer sheep and the block, our voice, the voice referred to and the voice of the independent children is like me abroad. it's me as a abroad in the, in the europe, in the, in the, in the united states. it means that they, us code this code of the, to it's, we remember, for example, how they promoted a lot into some of those products into, through the grant. and control offensive in the producer oldest. oh, they go to the for 2 months about these big offensive that's a keeps keep, keep routine to laws against the russian position. and the folks are most they liked about the all goods is offensive schools. and that's good. that's the truth
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came and we still, we so with our eyes that some kind of lost uh, they are tense. they are musically thumbs in support order without any results. so we just need to go forward to say the truth of the people already the, the, the good it is about the same media, both the respect for the countries and, and we will and we have the information on workflow. what feder, just say the to, to the people, because lice always had that. and those of us will and bed together we, they utilize of cost truth and fox will all those when now the state department says that the support of you for ukraine is low around the world because of our tease influence, what do you think about that? i think that causes save the opportunity to promote the uh, the supports of for brain uh, corrupting uh,
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jewelry around the world. we have the tools that teases up and up into easily uh bought to simply knowledge. people use the just very tired of the lice, for example, amounts present to find your appeal. i mean, time i see very well all the id to uh, okay. and the minutes or the and the to crane and the sanctions are very best ethically, the very best aspect against the economy of europe. and the either the in your mind . but the, what we see all the delta of the industrial production going down. because we have not did, should, yes, a, from the rush or that you've been or get and sold it to the in germany. the hours beside is in the producing goods. good sweet the item already. and so we need to up civically. cheap energy for a go for a lot of the weeks our industrial production for this reason, these sanctions are keeling over economy and the all those mark people
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can arrive to the conclusion that it's not this. we want to support the restaurant because we don't structure maybe for them for me also for the so you have my my d e d e b s i leave here too. so it's one thing about the end is mark doesn't simply see the paycheck at the end of the month. see how much the gas price. he's in the bills. oh much that would cost interest for markets and the comics that this and so we are up to the conclusion that's is simply not a good for us to support the green and be you know, audience with united states. that's a impulse to us to make sanctions against russia and the people who never as adults as the to august and all for example. we see that mr. trump and those is there being talking about with some extra taxes and.


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