tv News RT September 14, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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the the x and champions freedom expression, but we will not stand by as r, t and other actors carry a corporate activities in support of rushes. various activities are to slough with more sanctions in unprecedented active censorship. from the u. s. washington loops to silent forces that challenge the mainstream narrative. you've asked the question for matt, for months and months about the global south and why there is not more support for ukraine is because of the broad scope and reach of r t. the russian foreign ministry reacts to the latest measures against our channel, calling them the purest form of persecution. virginia. this is no longer about the
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sanctions and it has not been about sanctions for a long time. it is not about ukraine, but only about one thing about maintaining its own american dominance to another class because it was called a d 7. and you wouldn't let anybody else into that slap. so we've had, we've also had on the program. india is foreign minister. it saves the rise of the bricks, grouping of states as a consequence of the big quote. close shop structures of the west of crowd nights is it will conduct an investigation to the death of a turkish american. active as killed by the idea in the west by the woman's family has also called them the us government to take action wherever in the world there is injustice, oppression, or the killing of one of its citizens. america swoops in like the eagle on assembled them. but when it comes to israel, there can be an effort to overlook things. the,
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the saturday september, the 14th atn here in moscow, welcome to the global use round up on or to freedom of speech has been death. another blow, washington has slipped a fresh round of sanctions on r t, claiming, or global broadcast, or a spreading dangerous normative. this was what the us secretary of state had to say on the part of the threat posed by arch of russian represent this information to subvert and polarized screen of societies extends to every part of the world and response. today, the united states, united kingdom and canada, are launching a launching a joints diplomatic campaign to rally allies and partners around the world to join us in addressing the threat posed by r, t, and other machinery of russian. this information and corporate influence party also secretly runs the online platform african stream across
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a wide range social media platforms. now, according to the outlets website, african stream is and i quote, a pan african digital media organization based exclusively on social media platforms. focusing on giving a voice to all africans, both at home and abroad. in reality, the only voice it gives is the kremlin propagandist. the united states respects and champions freedom expression even when it comes to media outlets. the winning, we spread government propaganda and will continue to lead the world in defending and promoting media freedom. but we will not stand by as r, t and other actors carry out corporate activities in support of russia's nefarious activities. while i correspond to ship o showing spring, now live in the studio, shea f. i said you did have who, you know, what i mean because we've been here not so very long ago talking about similar themes. what are we accused of this time?
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right. well, it's essentially more of the same. it's a very, you know, heavy on allegation, very light on the evidence. i mean, this is one of the key points here that was actually present in any case where it is present to fake news or made something or, you know, contract something out of thin air, which is the west to me just seem to be quite adept. i am no, of course technically the entire organization has actually been sanctioned. so it's, it's smells of a little bit of desperation actually add. uh, you know, obviously it's not having an impact that they know who's watching already. maybe globally, they're watching that they're worrying about us. they also interesting something that's the most interesting it with this round of, of the theater of the play or this act in the play. as they rolled up this guy called james reuben, who works for the state department to a james used to work in at, you know, in the media and the hollywood clique of hollywood about him. he's a, you know, quite a dapper gentleman. so he's enrolled out now he's revealed some very interesting ad
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details of that. why they're so worried about us. so worried about the truth. so worried about someone disagreeing with them. while tony blinking tells everybody that the us is going to hold a poll free speech, except when someone disagrees with us. so james has been rolled out and he's revealed some very interesting details. that's how the listen to what james doesn't say. a vast question for matt, for months and months about you know, the global south and why there is not more support for ukraine in this part of the middle east, or that part of latin america or this part of africa. well, one of the reasons not the only reason, but one of the reasons why so much of the world has not been as fully supportive of ukraine as you would think. they would be given that russia has invaded ukraine and violated rule number. one of the international system is because of the broad scope and reach of r t, where propaganda does information and allies are spread to millions, if not billions of people around the world. and so apparently we're
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a lot more influential than we thought you in. i mean, uh, to counter a trillion dollar proxy wars around the globe, which the client media in the us. i've been intimately involved in operation mockingbird and wants to go and google that. that'd be my guess, you'll find that you're so intimately related to add a deep state in the us that the client media is just that they should have employed or t because we could have the law a lot cheaper at r t last shade quite literally in response to the earlier accusations, as we mentioned a few weeks ago at what's the reaction being this? well, the reaction has been similarly lighthearted. if you like fuck sarcastic again. i think in response to the lightweight allegations, if somebody was to, you know, present some actual evidence to some cases, some actual, something to debate about or some, as in a court of law, you can just walk in and say, we don't like what you're doing. we're going to slap you with a sentence. this is what the americans seem to be doing right now. can i just throw
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something on that very point? last time we spoke was also on a saturday morning. if you recall, it seems to be a lot of this is put on a friday afternoon. the media is how they're worked on during the week. not too many questions because they, some of the papers have to come out a lot of news for that. it just appears 2 months less than 2 months before the election as well. timing is a big thing in hm. yeah, absolutely. economy is a big thing. and of course the people here in order to you, we understand that we understand the media. it's a very professional organization as we can attest to. so the response, i think was appropriate, given the lightweight allegations, very serious consequences. well that's, i've listened to our response. we've been broadcasting straight out of the k g b headquarters all this time. no, but seriously, we're running out of popcorn to sit and watch what the us government will come up with next about us about this. so yeah, i mean look, it is a sort of light headed response to serious allegations. but again, i think it reflects what the,
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the lack of wave of the allegations. and i know interesting the young pierre, the, this a spokesperson, very colorful character in the, in the white house. she was also asked about this at, there's obviously being a dick type sent out among all of the political elite in, in washington. take this very seriously and don't fall into the top of actually breaking into a grin. and when you're talking about this ridiculous allegations, that's all the look at miss young pierre and just watch for her. the suppression of a gigabyte there. say, let's have a look at our social media a r t c. in the state department head. we're running out to be here, fly administration on sanctioning them at this point. we do not laugh at that. that is very serious. and we take that very seriously. so obviously i called a 3rd. yeah. yeah. you see. so there's obviously been, uh, you know, the,
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the russians are trying to make us laugh about this to try to highlight the fact that this is all quite ridiculous. so under no circumstances are you to take their joke, don't, don't laugh at. their jokes is the worst possible thing you can do. the russian foreign ministry also responded making quite a stark comparison shave without a western and need a tax on russian media, which has been a running theme for some time not. well, of course, if there's anybody you want to sort of hit the nail on the head and you want to bring out to do, make a succinct, sort of a description of, of this, a serious nature of this attack on free speech. because of course, this is a, a determined attack on free speech. remember, if ortiz was, you know, peddling the narrative like the client media in the west, we would be getting awards like we used to do in the united states for america. marie is the heart of the has really hit the name of the head and, and describe this as really persecution. because after all, in the real world,
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this does present problems for individuals working for r t, it, it can have impact on people's lives. but the main raise on deaths, and the reason this is happening is to suppress a narrative that is not convenient to the western narrative, which is a pro war pro had gemini narrative. let's have a listen to what murray is a. have a said the issues you'll doesn't you know, some physically this is no longer about sanctions and it has not been about the sanctions for a long time. this is about persecution in the same way that people were persecuted on the basis of nationality as soon as the t religion. this is what is being done around russia today. and in general, around the russian media, russian public figures, those people who are ready to really lay down their lives, there will be those people who call things by their names who are not afraid to say the truth. who have gone through hellish circles of pressure sanctions, persecution, of all kinds of humiliation insults they do not give in. they do not bend. it is not about ukraine, but only about one thing about maintaining its own american dominance. the russian
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media, primarily those that are engaged in broadcasting abroad, show the facts. they are not demonstrating a pro russian position, or they do not work to improve the image of the russian federation. they provide objective information and this objective information reaches different parts of the world. there is not a single example of russia today engaging and propaganda, this information fakes and so on. otherwise, it would all be in court by now. but it isn't. that's why these measures are being taken. yeah, so marie, is our of, of very sustain creating very a, definitely a putting the case that what this really is a, now it's, there's some humor to it. but under the veneer, a possibility that the united states puts on these allegations, there's a serious, serious attack on the very, very pre text and context of free speech. you should stay with this because we've got a guest on the line. i've been saying that we've got global reaction. we certainly
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do. let's start off by going to durban, south africa. and because the finder, an editor of the behind the news network tool maligned at, joins us joe. good to see you and fox. first of all, let's take a listen because i want to get your reaction to what james reuben, who is the coordinator for the us department of state's global engagement center. very good. last, the type of what he had to say about are to that's a big difference in our state funded media. i believe. you mean no one in this building gets to tell anyone that v o a or a fee or are out what to say do are right. they ask us questions and we answer them . that's the difference between a state funded media organization in a democracy and one in an authoritarian government. the leader of r t is admitted that that's what she does and they do. and we've now given you a norm as examples of how dangerous it is around the world, and i sure hope it meets your definition of something new. so essentially what we
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have there is our state funded media. well, we're superior to all of our global counterparts. do you find that argument convincing? what the hell is he getting these statements from what need to to what's um, you know, there's this, there's a sense of desperation here. i'm also starting to take that. it's not really shopping because in the past who i was 16 and there was a weakness, we've seen the lead. that's where the i love to be. gloves is the duty, but it means um, no, you seats in the stage where you question the time you guys do like to speak with out evidence your quotes. don't say that we points of must assessment to 3000000 to put the nothing to do with without the
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images. what is the evidence all? oh, i don't see being uh a oh i feel comfortable patients. are there any good? what stories with those when? when did it happen? what evidence do they have? because now they tend to pump another tends to look it up and see as if, you know, odyssey is a problem. they need to put the evidence that anything and everything, but i'm in the hands of a promo. it's a little mess, unfounded. but the one that told me that was maybe last special last for the board to go based on who most. that'd be just fine. so, um, it was long, kind of in any way we, we love surprised because they're very predictable. you know, sometimes it's better digit codes to one to listen to what the, the administration of the people died in the drawings in washington. all kinds of going, oh yeah, it's, yeah, it puts us why the, it's like this guy's
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a program that anything that comes from russia, we need to present to this because we live. so it's not on the waiting because the people now we're finally we have that's a lot of americans are going to an issue. and then when they see the governments on the mid july and then not still be leaving the other side as well here. so whatever the, these guys are talking about, no one question back to come, what is the evidence of what they're talking about, the kids they provide it. just going to ask you a question. if i, if i can jump in, you know, blinking has said a ledge, basically, he said that, you know, ortiz responsible for some sort of malign influence in africa. you know, i mean, we all know that russia hasn't a, doesn't have a colonial uh, you know, baggage if you, if you like in, in africa. whereas, you know,
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the united states all through the cold war, etc, has had quite an impact of the content of, of africa. and what do you think about that? what do you think of the allegation that rich russia is having a negative influence in africa? whereas the disease suggest that the united states is having a positive one according to the mazda. um that's, that's what he believes. because it's just that being the parts that the truck that had looked stopped looting up the car getting involved in the face. so when somebody is coming to put some studies forward to assist the african people peacefully and see some people as partners the most. so live i like that goes to meet these people to wake up. you will see the way of the course of the american pop ups and the what's the purpose that has been removed from power in africa? did you like that? um no,
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that busy punting for positions for security council for african comes out of the goals and selected. now to go to see the puppets that are going to the 2 colors are going to come up. so the guy that he, you see this guy says do believe that it's due. um, it is still 1800. no, wait, this technology we can decide on our own. we've been put on our own. and you can see that america's was the what the cars are becoming a baby. they have been in the budget for the past by front of you. but against both say, some one of these influence in africa is most of the kids can see for themselves on the exchange on that very point. it's very strange, isn't it? because they, they feel it seems that whatever africans here, they just believe, you know, they're susceptible to all about they've got no critical thinking. this is the
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allegation that was put forward by washington at this week. that is exactly my point, but this tells you that's no, you know that's, that's understand that and those guys in the government really the, i'm the, how the sleep on there is the problem. i can believe that what in the american government, you have to be stupid from there in order to be able to pronounce things that are supposed to be to say things that can be doing business. i believe it doesn't control good unless you don't mind control because the weight is being the way to say things though, is it, though, is it was, it was an unsafe he's been dissing people i do. nor does the other thing that it was being done is based on last, but then to the goes comforting for themselves. this being why. now we are going to see which concert they're going to select for this,
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actually the cousin because of this, these, the things that we don't want to do that. and they did a come back to say, oh no, no, no, this is why this i'm so you can see these are pennsaid that because disney um, as country ink uh, on top of that, on top of that you will see that when they do something and you respond to that as a form of aggression when they say something else and you will close it. no, no, you are into the one the one to the american, the one the whole world to believe that americans was like individual which is the put you on the phone just for my son. this done say no, i was like just for my for the in the but you say if i didn't, but pretty don't. so i was remote. so is the thinking in the supposed to be this be a cycle for them. and these people don't realize that. yeah,
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stupid you can spend the winter is around that. i'll find it. very interesting point a on all position being a form of aggression as well. that's a really interesting point. joe, thanks so much for your time today. enjoyed speaking to is always behind the news network finder editor joomla, and gotten also our t correspondence shared bose and join me in the pseudo. thanks for now gentlemen. it's on use. the west that is the take of india is foreign minister when asked about the rise of bricks and the increasingly meant the membership to forming of its doors. it was another club, it was called the d 7. and you wouldn't let anybody else into that trap. so we said we'd go, i'm farm, i don't know. i'm still struck by how insect killed the not this when. when it's freak about the break says somehow something seems to get under people's skin and you know, up on the hills and up submission a diesel. you know,
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if there is a g 20. did the d 7 this band has it stopped me think so it still continues. so the d 20 exist. the d 20 is there, but the d 7 still exists. then why come the different they'd be that in the mix also exist. what essentially dr. j sean 3rd is trying to see that this is at least call the g 7. that's all we've seen this. oh, so the very fact that one's the g something was form, it was very exclusive, it did not let any enlarging economies of developing countries via far to fit. so what that does is that also gives them a lack of understanding. yeah, no book or section as well. considering that they've been sol snobbish, they've been snotty. i'm very a lead in that sense. and i wouldn't be talking to rick sweet talking. that it's going to do. it's about 45 percent of the walls population, about 3600000000 people. it also accounts for about 20 percent of the walls
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of bill gdc. just the we also saw, oh, and bill break security for which was posted where in the us and lucy was re much prevalent. but of course a g, the wall there had some interesting thoughts or raise of handling says issues of common concerns are no longer a couple of i've just seen martin and such a new situation in this context. i'm particularly happy that countries of the global so i present with us today. it should be just but and does global outreach is real good in the fundamental principles. all of us are the com, which means the word is one from the break to speak to a mutual respect and understanding solid data, equality,
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openness inclusiveness, and consensus remains our guiding light as we are deliberate today and many crucial issues. yeah. has again and again we'll focus on you to a non exclusive with each, like the rest has all the zeros of the bricks. also looked for reforms in a for example, the was by the system, the mechanisms how the i am a for example is what we've, we've seen the new development band can please. and we're seeing a mass indeed vision in the last few years. and which is by the roots of in talk. so we're starting to see for example, your way to go out of course. so there are countries within the bricks as well. the focus on use, what we've got and seen with a false is aiming to achieve lots more in october when the summit would actually take place. and that's that we're expecting that the
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a ceremony has been held in its stumble for a turkish born american active as killed by the idea. last week, body of, i should know what it is. the id arrived home for burial some days a turkey is just this minister said the country has launched its own investigation into the deadly incident and the move that's being welcomed by the victims family. this is casey. when i learned that our government has not given up on this senseless murder and has opened up an investigation that was very happy, i hope for the same from the american government as well. she is a citizen of that country. therefore, the american government also has a responsibility wherever in the world there is injustice, oppression, or the killing of one of its citizens. america swoops in like the eagle and assembled them. but when it comes to israel, there can be an effort to overlook things. a miss like
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a hide reportedly being taking part in a protest in the west bank where palestinians burn tires um through rocks is really trips which then spark flashes. however, as a washington post, the investigation revealed, she was spending considerably away from the violence. moreover, i should or was still more than 30 minutes after the clashes had picked up was more than 200 yards removed from the idea of forces. while the report claims troops have refused to comment on why they fired on the demonstrators, long after they had retreated, i'm from a distance of which they posed no. a part in fred, not according to the official, is really the version of offence i shouldn't or was quote in directly. i'm only intentionally killed by idea forces while they were trying to target another pro tester who the army labeled as a key instigator of the rights israel has expressed at regrets over the activist
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desk and launched approved on despite suspicion raised by witnesses and other investigators. as to whether her death was a deliberate killing, the us has brown. is it a tragic error? easily it has acknowledged its responsibility for washing those deaths. and the preliminary investigation has indicated that it was the result of a tragic error resulted from an unnecessary escalation. that must be full accountability and is really must do more to ensure that incidents like these never happen again to. however, that history shows, incidents like these are not isolated the case of rachel corrie, the american peace activist killed by the it's really army is one of the most prominent in 2003. she was taking part in demonstrations and the rock against the demolition of homes in galvan an armored is really both those around her over. but the nation supreme court exempted the country for liability. then 2 years ago
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palestinian american journalists sharina about westlake was shot dead in the janine refugee camp. no soldier has ever been prosecuted. well, while the number of foreign debts is already significant, the number of palestinians killed in the west bank is very large in comparison according to the palestinian health ministry. more than 680 people have been killed in the west bank and east jerusalem since the 7th of october over a 150 children among them. while israel's biggest military operation in the west pike entered its 3rd week at least 50 people have reportedly been killed. a relative of action or id said the killings of stuff. yeah, and is that the cool cus support for israel is well known. we don't find us response sufficient. this is the 2nd incident and the same region. previously another american activist was crushed by tank. first we,
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us citizens almost. there may be more incidence in the future. us also needs to protect the rights of its citizens. the individual who went to that region had benefited from us freedoms and opportunities. the full going that of us knew it was an innocent young person with no intentions. she was peaceful if she had felt threatened, she would never have gone to that region as to know, it became a victim of her own courage. you know, they are a gulf states are actively working to men, ties with syria, but will not reproach, will be supported or actively opposed by the us establishment that lots, lots more. besides this, discuss next in the early weekend, going under the
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the world from the you a this week the usa spending more in defense than the next 9 countries combined commemorated its failure to defend new york city in washington dc 23 years ago. while the attacks originated in c, i a support the terrorist and cost of it and i've got a son. and other 911 was commemorated on wednesday in the milton friedman economic neoliberalism. flash going to chile. on september, the 11th 1973, the ca impulse to create uh, that would see the elimination of democratically elected lead the salvador and but decades, it would be a template, an example for installing death, squads, torture, privatization, and us russell states all around the global south this week though, the present boss of the c i a was not talking about mistakes ahead of the trump parish debate in philadelphia. he was in london backing israel and ukraine on a sofa with a supine and my 6 bosses. they congratulated zalinski on the ukrainian invasion of russia and all this as kamala harris said, she was proud to receive the endorsement of the man who.
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