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tv   News  RT  September 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the most of them died 6 was incredible genocide. the this is the story of freedom and democracy in simple 3 west. it seems to me that only clinically insane people or those for obviously bias can believe in it's. it's very easy to promote freedom of speech and practice it when it's only your speech that counts. and no one else has. all these editor in chief blog, washington functions like i can spell it channel as an unprecedented spelling of the thing called the white house continues to tell things, commitments to spring statements. the united states respects and champions film expressions, but we will not stand by as r, t and other actors carry a corporate activities in support of russia's various activities, such as media outlets with holes on a meeting between a ukrainian delegation on members of a terrorist group. when the syrian associates is live before those kids,
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recent involvement in a deadly terror attacking law, they both have promises a response to a decision by the west to allow with westminster trying combustion parent trip scorning that action could trigger an outcry more would play. so lots tells us what and we'd expect the best mode to tell us what south africa aust, cuz the us to stop preaching to of the world quoting for relation is still fun mutual respect because the very welcome this is on to you international with the latest we'll need something thanks. as always, it's good to have you with us as hope story. absolutely, lots of free speech and the free press in the us is now a parent to any same person as, according to the editor in chief of auntie harmonics. not
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a response to washington sloughing. a fresh amount of functions on all the claiming on global broad costs on social media channels sporting dangerous markets. and which one you to do is why are they doing this now? closing down banning? well, it's clear they have elections and wants to distract from something. but most importantly ahead of those same elections, they don't want such a large number of people to know the truth. they need to silence everyone. this is the story of freedom and democracy in the so called free west. it seems to me that only clinically insane people or those for obviously bias can believe in it is very easy to promote freedom of speech and practice said when it's only your speech that counts and no one else has. what's even more amusing is that they accused organizations of collaborating with intelligence services, which implies were some kind of intelligence unit ourselves. that's absolutely nonsense. we're not any part of the intelligence services. perhaps we would like to
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be. maybe we could hide better if that were the case, but we've learned differently were journalists and we continue to do our journalistic work. the idea that you can't achieve results without being part of the intelligence service has exposed them for about they are. it's a classic case of projection, as people say, the guilty party always has the red face, improve their media, their foundations, the new york times, and all the others publish legs daily. what are these leaks? they receive orders from intelligent services, right? this right, that they have long since merge with each other. if you look at who runs these foundations and often the media there either families of intelligence employees, former intelligence officers or future once they flow from one or getting his ation to another. i have nothing against intelligence services, but it's simply not the case for us. they operate one way we operate in other we're journalists, of course, were struck by their approaches regarding our fund reason for the front. we have re substantial amounts for the front during the special military operation,
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we collected hundreds of millions of ramos. we send drones through the front, everything that the units requests. so our guys can defend themselves and fight better and feel safer on the battlefield. if you can help in any way, then you help in any way. we'll have done that and we will continue to do so. what was the season also loaning, commenting on the situation? most goes, the foreign minister has what was the response to washington? it will make them think twice about the hostile accidents, but here's what the us secretary of states had to say about the alleged threat posed by our china, russian reputation, this information to subvert and polarize freeing open societies, extends to every part of the world. in response today, the united states, united kingdom and canada, are launching a launching a joints diplomatic campaign to rally allies and partners around the world to join us in addressing the threat posed by r. t and other machinery of russian just information and corporate influence party
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also secretly runs the online platform african stream across a wide range social media platforms. now according to the i was website, african stream is and i quote, a pan african digital media organization based exclusively on social media platforms. focusing on giving a voice to all africans, both at home and abroad. in reality, the only voice it gives is the kremlin propagandist. the united states respects and champions freedom of expression, even when it comes to media outlets that wittingly spread government propaganda. and will continue to lead the world in defending and promoting media freedom. but we will not stand by his r, t and other actors carry out corporate activities in support of russia's nefarious activities. have relied on actual evidence, very heavy on allegation at these very tenuous links the corner that attend there.
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again, of course, remember 2016 uh hillary clinton need an excuse for losing the election in russia were conveniently annoying to those that a reason. it's subsequently turned out there was no evidence whatsoever. the hunter, bye, and a lot of people come from member this and of course there's a sense of desperation. now that as the election approaches that come out of harris may need an excuse as hillary did. so that could be part of the reason that this is being deployed yet again. uh, but interestingly, uh, there's also an obligations of, you know, a r t being too close politically at the kremlin here. and one of the man who actually came, it was rolled up from the state department to, to make these allegations as a guy called james reuben, a james room. and also suggested that we, in our t here, were responsible for countries in the global south africa, etc. and not support and you find it is to do with neutrality. it isn't to do with the traditional relation to russia. it's to do with or to we're responsible for the
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lack of support for you. find, let's have a listen to what james had say. you've asked question for matt, for months and months about you know, the global south and why there's not more support for ukraine in this part of the middle east or that part of latin america or this part of africa. well, one of the reasons not the only reason, but one of the reasons why so much of the world has not been as fully supportive of ukraine as you would think. they would be given that russia has invaded ukraine and violated real number. one of the international system is because of the broad scope and reach of r t were propaganda does information and allies are spread to millions, if not billions of people around the world. so apparently were much more influential than we thought here in moscow. we are responsible for undermining that basically trillion dollar a proxy was our t laugh che, in response to the earlier accusations coming from washington, essentially,
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ridiculing them what's being the reaction this time or? yeah, again a, the or t press office responded in a quite a tongue in cheek way. you know, i suppose that demonstrates the ludicrous nature of the lightweight allegations. no evidence just again, as allegations of subterfuge, spice stories and no evidence, nothing that you would present in a court of law. and i know interesting the young pierre of she was also asked about this at, there's obviously being a dick touch, sent out among all of the political elite in, in washington. take this very seriously and don't fall into the top of actually a breaking into a grin. and when you're talking about this ridiculous allegations, that's all the look at miss young pierre and just watch for her. the suppression of a gigabyte there. say he has social media, c, r t v here. i mean, administration fun, sanctioning them at this point. we do not laugh at that,
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that is very serious and we take that very seriously, is obviously been, you know, the, the russians are trying to make us laugh about this to try to highlight the fact that this is all quite ridiculous. so under no circumstances are you to take their joke, don't, don't laugh at their jokes is the worst possible thing you could do. but there was also a response from that belkin who was the deputy editor in chief here at ortiz, who addressed the serious nature of these allegations. you another side of this. at this point, it is amazing to watch what their apparently minds will come up with next. when, in fact, since almost 20 years since our tea has lost all, we have been to start off as journalists, which is bringing the stories and the voices to the audiences. bethany's team media would not allow. and that is something for which the west an establishment has been trying to get rid of us since day one. the prove that they are in fact afraid even
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terrified of a dissenting voice. less their people believe it and even more so perhaps they are afraid of this was being heard all around the world in other countries and regions around the planet. because they want to be the only ones to control all the flow of information. the only wants to control all is in there. well, it's too bad for them because our t is not going anywhere. we will continue to run our job, and we will continue to find new ways to reach our audiences in every corner of the world. some very important points there that this isn't about, you know, a threat to democracy. it's about a challenge to a narrative, which is, you know, centrally created to a client media in the west to correspond to the veneer of plausibility that the united states puts on these allegations. there's a serious, serious attack on the very, very pretext and context of free speech. you well,
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it makes the fresh functions honda down against a frequent guest on cause. alec was detained by u. s. o. authorities for several hours and the guests christopher loudly was scheduled for our program today, but declined to come slicing potential risks. he sent us his comments instead of what is happening now in the united states is a blatantly unconstitutional attack on freedom of speech and freedom of the price visa bolding strong and in optical, one of the us constitution, a love of these freedoms quickly, being eroded by the justice department's help bounce on come back to this information and draw some propaganda. visa media use some isms for any law. i know . thinking that once counter to the mainstream narrative of the us government, the situation has had a profound chilling effect on many commentators, researches and activists who would speak about the needs and current events on all the the shows. how is the us government is more concerned about self preservation,
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maintaining its power and control then on the liberties of ordinary americans. the emerging, well largest media summit has kicks off here in most go with school with the delegates from across the globe, descending on the russian capital for the brick score. we close up with the head of the national society of the senegalese press agency who stays joining the surround the was most before it to carry out their profession. a lot. the answer needs to be depressed must be free. the press must carry out its work in all corners of the world, journalists, or people of the world. that is my conviction. now, why did the united states make this decision about r t? is it justified or not? i am not authorized to comment on that, but what i can say today is that r t is an international channel that i follow. and i think journalists there are doing professional work. recently, i've been a guest of the channel. they have dealt with the political news of synagogue and
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a very professional way. now the approach is may be different, but what is certain is that a journalist is a citizen of the world. they must practice their profession everywhere around the world. that's the case. media outlet has published the photographs that to cap to a meeting between ukrainians and as little as terrorists and the syrians, city of islam. it follows the earlier report was pointing to kids, the alleged recruitment of militants, to talk it. russian troops stationed in syria. that's close to live as he was. he corresponded yes. and that can for more details now. yes and good to see that. what else do we know about ukraine's dubious involvement in syria and elsewhere? of the nick a. it seems the given ministration or the ukrainian government is in some form of desperation because what we understand is since 2022,
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the ukrainian government essentially established a foreign legion of 4 a legion of foreign fighters. and it included fighters from different parts of the world, mainly from uh, western back countries like the united states or the united kingdom. but what's interesting is, according to the initial data suggested that there were more than $20000.00 fighters that were enlisted in that program. but over the years it seems like the crate end of the discretion did not uh, essentially propose the 2 numbers business inside or just very recently contacted a number of experts who were essentially questioned about the true numbers or the true nature of how many people are currently actively engaged and active in your brain, and therefore, experts suggest that the real numbers are anywhere from 1000 to 2000. so what we're looking at is we're looking at a, this interest in many foreign fighters going to ukraine and taking part in active military combat. so then that begs the question, well, what can you try and do next? and that is a force recruit fighters from elsewhere. we understand how you have thought here or shot me is i currently engage in active military combat with the russian state and
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one for him and other very similar sentiments, shirt and molly as well. and we understand that of course, this would mean the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or at least this is what the finding administrator is trying to achieve as tried to achieve some sort of an alliance. and the local newspaper item suggests that's your cleaning delegation was in there earlier this year, met with the leadership of the terrace organization. try to recruit some fighters, but the details are a bit scarce. but what we do understand is, of course, a number of reports suggest that either the printed administration wanted to higher authority ocean to release a number of chechen or georgian fighters in the h t. s. prisons in exchange for what is reported reported to suggest like 75 as long as there's a comparison. but the undermining thing here is that the freight administration wants to ensure that it has some force in syria as well to further difficult uh to make the agenda of the rush of state within serious about,
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much more difficult. we also understand that uh the russian 4 minutes, just like a level confirmed as such, suggesting that ukraine is info is in fact involved in causing some sort of chaos in the state of syria itself. let's just look at the form and i received information that ukrainian emissaries, emissaries of ukrainian intelligence are located in the live de escalation zone on the territory of the syrian air republic are recruiting job hot news run militants . they used to be called that and now they are called high yacht tie here, alshaun. they are doing this in order to involve them in their new plans and the various operations. let's not forget that they are already casting their gaze further south to the said harris, the hell zone of the african continent where they also carry out terrorist attacks on the government armed forces together with recruited extremes or the ukranian administration seems to be interested in making the life of the russian
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states that much more difficult abroad, but that doesn't come without other complications as well as much as the obligation suggests. ukraine is trying to, uh, essentially uh, so the seeds of chaos in syria, especially at a time when we approach them. it is a huge matter of discussion between the syrian governments, church of russia, iran, and many other actors that are involved. it does have some sort of promise and a roadmap to peace, but actions like this could give real that the real that very, very fact as well. but what we're looking at is ukraine has also been involved in a number of issues elsewhere like molly's, there's a 1000000 a separatist group within the country that is tied to all kinds of. we understand that over the course of the past few months or the past year, they've been actively targeting russian interests in the country as well. we understand that there was a number of attacks against the multi in uh, minutes every. and we all understand that this military also receive support from the partner group a russian private military company. so it seems like your client is trying to
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attack russian interests elsewhere. and the intelligence agency spokesperson, essentially confirmed as such that the ukranian administration was involved. and the attacks against washing address in molly the form industry, however, later retracted that statement, listened our years very briefly to shut off by the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the russian war criminals. the whole world has already seen this and principal, this can be commented on. we certainly will not disclose any details, but let's say there will be a continuation it is uh, the transitional government. the public of molly has decided to silver diplomatic relations with ukraine without conducting the photo study of the facts and circumstances of the incident in northern molly, as well as without providing any evidence, a few grains involvement in the specified event as a both of these developments we understand that these are, as well as, sorry,
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melody as well as this neighborhood and country news or has severed ties with kids, particularly because of its supports to terrace entities within that region. and it seems like that, that, that some of the sentiment is spilling over to the middle east as well. one more thing that's really interesting is on the reports, local forces within syria suggests that the delegation and creating delegation that met with high, i've talked about some leadership, was also accompanied by us soldiers, a representative of us interest as well. so it really does beg the question because hi, i thought i've shown as a designated service organization recognize this such a by the united states as well. and if these allegations are true, then it does big. the question is the united states working with terrorists to essentially target, in fact rushing interest within the region and of what cost will this up in the us and many thanks to bring it as those the sounds. that sounds a correspondent. yes. and i can well, actually has defense industry has confirmed that as far as if they've made further gains and don't boss taking control of a key settlement. and why did investment hold for further advances the russians and
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now points to potentially in circle ukrainians in the area of seeing new funds in the past or for the don't. yes, with public, according to law school kia have lost more than 700 soldiers on the front, just over the past 24 hours. this comes in mid reports, that ne, totally this onset to allow kids to use west and supplied missiles to strike deep into russia. most goes, won't have serious repercussions as such. and these would mean the us, like books, direct involvement and attacking the country. the russian president has said everything on this subject. the decision has been taken all carte blanche and indulgences have been granted to the clients and keeps. so we are ready for anything, and our response will be such that they won't fail to notice. the situation remains unfavorable for your credit, and it is getting much proof in the quotas region where ukraine saves that surprise . offensive. over the past week,
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russian forces have gone on. the towns were tax season, about 10 several months. ukraine has tried again to, to relieve pressure on his forces that attacked from a different direction across the board, meeting a failure, and i'd be lost as a russian forces of taking what nots the capture of zelan. the piano is on the 1st . we've only gone to lot of his left before you paid him. forces in this saturday at all costs all entirely of this is all happening in the bucket offs. fee of a safety from which russian forces are again, just several kilometers. has a city the size of box move and which is a major, strong old, all of you guys, all the ministry, but it also a bass. it of morality is captured, its loss will have severe consequences for u. k. that is against lease backdrop of ill fortune for the armed forces of uh, ukraine. but the west is talking about allowing it to stripe deep into the russian
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territory using advance west than me. so i was russia had previously wound the president of the russian federation as well as top officials. i the said directly were new to, to the fact that if that position is given, if west and weapons are used to strike jeep into a russian territory. if it mean that the west has become a direct positive but all police will easily remove, the nazi regime has been hitting off to retrieve for a long time outside the combat zone. staging terrorist attacks the gates, the civilian population, and the civilian infrastructure of our country. if the decision to lift the restrictions is indeed taken a will be taken, it will mean that from this moment till they take countries begin a direct school with russia. as you know, the use of such weapons as possible. and the, if you have access to intelligence from a satellite, the united states and the you, you credit itself does not have such an opportunity even close. and they also say
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the ukraine lacks the technical personnel. well, the technical knowledge that input coordinate strike coordinates into west and missiles. it will have to be done by nature troops, american to reduce the french troops. any country that supplied the these miss house, which would mean that the directly involved with strikes and the both absent positive supports of this conflict. the reaction we've heard from uh, where the from west to representatives is being the no such thing we, we supply these results to ukraine and the russian sweats shouldn't be taken of face value. we have been very clear that the united states is not going to take part in this war. we're not going to put boots on the ground. we are, however, going to continue to, to equip ukraine so it can defend itself or, and continue to work with a coalition of countries around the world to help you crane defend itself. the
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landscape of ukraine has claimed that he has forwarded the list of targets to the united states targets, but he would like to strike deep within marcia. we have heard from west of representatives to coming to a many of these targets saying that little russia has re base it, said croft, it's just, it's a, it's far as it's almost beyond the reach of these me solve it very easily. so we're ready, outdated. what would be the point of allowing the lifting restrict restrictions and allowing them to strike deep into russia ethics point, any escalation here for adult modes? who would be uh, could be uncontrollable, independent, just doing it as sonya vander then to say, is the speculation about using long range missiles destroyed, beep and russia has been growing. partly because ukraine is losing the complex. the ukraine is running out of personnel running out of soldiers. so this is the 1st
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point and actually i think they already have this b cells and maybe they are not using them, but they will use them. i've heard some stories over. i read some stories in the western media that they will not so they will only tell when it happens. so when it say, you know, when they asked the rent, if i remove so then they will tell, okay, uh maybe oh, accidentally ukraine. it is or whatever, this is the tech stick. i think what the west will use. we sold it all over again and we will snow so also not forget, i mean they have to f $35.00 boomers already in the romania. okay. they cannot do my, my many things, but still they are there. so yeah, and now of course everybody is speaking also in the western media. this ukraine is actually losing to landscape himself so, so it has to go something. so what will they do? it will, they make so personal then i think they're already there and they can try and
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dismissal into what you can do russia, but uh, i mean, it's unbelievable. i mean, they will still say, okay, we are not as low as rush out that it only say we don't have folks on the ground. okay. they don't have a whole army, then maybe they have parts of the army that we don't know. but still, i mean if you fire long range michelle, you can, is it one of the countries who wants to do it? then you are more efficient. approximately one. and meanwhile, russia and ukraine of swamped military prisoners for the 2nd time this month, each side received $103.00 of its soldiers. the russian service men who is being housed in ukraine have been taken across the board to buy the roof. but i'll do to spend some time in russian hospitals full checkups and rehabilitation. exchange was carried out and thanks to mediation from the united hour of edward switches, also helped with several previous slips. the
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south africa will only get engaged with the us on the basis of mutual respect and will not allow washington to dictate to per toria. that's the message from south africa's farm and as to who's currently visiting the states. we wouldn't, or she wants to see it by invest us from the us in the account. not only relationship or for instruction of middle meters, but the vin add, you know, a clinton and helping us with the industrialization. which manufacturing with the most amazing and live program our calling into a new modern so site. and this also relates to a part of the us issues in relation to jump on it because met us that search for also be ended at which was respectful relationship. and we're going to continue to engage with this content on the basis of that we try to respect, but we will not tell us what to do. and we expect to do as not to tell us what
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during his visit to the united states of africa's for an offense, minnesota on last level has made it clear that african schools south africans, are not people in need of help, or people who need to be told what to do, and most importantly, they do not one part of the 6 way, one sides, this 16 documented roles from the consumer. at the words, if the u. s. needs to call a time, all 10 feet to speak to and as the goals. and this comes as a, it has a long been a swelling sense of discontent from african nations with the man i wish the united states has thoughts, choose its economy, muscle, and dollar dominance to ball nations to the will. and when listening to the minister, one comstalk must think that actually the legacy of the united states policy in africa has always been checked. so out of history, the united states, electric field gifted on the continent. and as a result off that its policies will launch the wavering between exploitation,
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neglect, and the hot hot to the teams that for many children assistance and african countries that have grown tired of that is also very important to know to as well as that to the minister on this visit was very vocal about pretoria support from palestine calling globally. so the devotee was kind of started having us into this reporting conjunction for human rights and doesn't as we stand with the people and most part of the international court of justice to good is one issue and indicated that this they don't, is that i just received it submitted to our operation which would seize destruction, offering prospect. despite the court's ruling, the state of is that i had continues to do so. and it is like this big around that will continue to call for the collective contrast of the community to spend and sort of deputy with the people of palestine. to call is that i am to stop. the
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general sites that is cut into the unfolding of this call comes out of time when it is rated. diplomats are being instructed to lot be members of the united states congress to process of africa into dropping his case against the as well as the international court of justice. we are asking you to immediately work with lawmakers on the federal and state level with governors and jewish organizations to put pressure on south africa to change its policy towards israel and to make clear that continuing their current actions like supporting him us and pushing anti is really moves and international courts will come with a heavy price. but so that's because says it will not withdraw it's lost, which is useful. and in fact it will provide facts and evidence that will prove that israel is committing genocide in palestine. these really of across the united states is unlikely to happen because the united states to once to maintain its
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relationship with.


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