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tv   News  RT  September 15, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the the breaking news, a new daily repulsively rejects the washington's proposal to join functions against all to positive you with took unprecedented actions focusing on that us troops complete the withdrawal from these yeah, well symbol, the decade of fail down. the entire emissions in africa saw whole region also ahead . the other question of allowing the ukranian regime to strike russia with these weapons. though not, it is a question of deciding whether or not a native country could be directly involved in the military conflict. on the brink of world war 3 most scro issues a stock warning to the west against allowing k of to use nato supplies long range missiles to the palm, russian, the
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hello, and welcome you watching the weekly with the latest world news update along with around up at the stories the shape the week, it's good to happy with. what we thought with breaking news based our india has reportedly refused to sanction. all of the washington said it was welcome. such a new fine new delhi indian officials have reported the said they do notes for low uter last rule measures in post without un approval. this comes off to be buys and administration took legal likes to the game, starts a alleged election leveling, but all network has denied. well, joining me in the studio with more details is also you corresponded ramon calls the river amman. many thanks for coming in. so, 2 and a half is off, the, all china was taken off television screens across the west of the us, a southerly, unleashed these functions of function for souls. they say well on the on network. and it's now trying to convince other countries to do what we did as well. what
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else do we know at the moment? school? indeed, the members of the united states state department. i'm now on a phone kind of a, a road show diplomatic road show around the world, trying to eliminate artsy, trying to eliminate free speech. and you can see a, one of the 1st stops was right there in india, where indian representative some of the external minister. they certainly affairs basically told them, you know, what america, mind your own business we in india do things our own way so that you can see the united states are moving quite fast with the search engines were and as well just a couple of days ago. i believe, and now there are hard work up pushing the rest of the world to join them in the crusade or of flight. so if you will, to eliminate artsy to eliminate any kind of free speech from russia, obviously is not working. now, indian media have already written about this, and i'm the reporter suggested that the oval office
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washington has allegedly been pressuring india to switch alpha artsy. now let's take a listen to the united states. you deli, um, not an embassy spokesperson, and they hear him out as well. the government of the united states defers to the government of india and the governments of other countries to make their own determination of and accreditation procedures for these entities. the us would welcome all countries and taking similar actions as the united states government has now of course the 1st round of sanctions was uh, slapped to get started. so you just a couple of days ago, um, for global broadcasters are, uh, pushed to, uh, fits are enough. so all fucks that we have splendid, splitting, dangerous narrative. so all everybody that works for our g, or some kind of best buy or working with a russian intelligence agency. so
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a lot of things like that, a lot of scary tactics save this big bad a. russia is doing everything a possible to be the west. of course, obviously that's not the case. so one of the main reasons is to cuts uh uh, to limit the financial resources that are available to archie around the world. but we know that's a r t is opening up a has opened up in africa. archie is opened up in india, of course, and the other places around the world, places that will at this moment in time, probably have a little bit more common sense that the ends in the united states. and they are all for free speech and actually considered our work as valuable around around the world. and of course, over through the united states, it's happening dangerously close to the election cycle, which is what we're right around there in november. and it's surprising that said, the united states is surprising that washington must be cited states,
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but washington consider artsy as such and such as threats. and of course, always to be echoed by the state department itself, blinking also reaching out to the rest of the world to cut archie out of their lives or sickness. a russian authorization this information to subvert and polarized screen up of societies extends to every part of the world. in response today, the united states, united kingdom and canada, are launching a launching a joints diplomatic campaign to rally allies and partners around the world to join us in addressing the threat posed by r. t and other machinery of russian just information and corporate influence. each government, of course, is going to decide how it responds to this threat. but we are, is every, every partner to start by treating ortiz activities as they do other intelligence activities by russia within their borders. have,
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there we go intelligence activities. you and i are now involved, allegedly, and in the, in. so there's like, there is, of course, this sounds absolutely ridiculous and this is very evident that around the world as well outside of the united states if you will. but likewise said india had already made its response and indiana said, you know what, my, your own business me. well, you know, like you say you are not in the restroom. is that what? okay, well, oh, just a dog golf. we at these accusations because we didn't even realize we could be considered that powerful, let alone, influential. but let's talk about there's pressure that people don't india because it's not the 1st time countries that the global south have come on, the west and pressure. what else can you tell us about that? uh well uh, the united states have always tried to push their position onto the rest of the world to say that they're the only point that is their point is the only one
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that is right should be adhered to in the rest of the world because it's their own right, they based game, it's their own rules which you know what seem to change whenever it's uh, fits them because we know about their free speech record of the let's not, let's to far away. let's look at so the conflict in ukraine then began back in 2014, not in 2022 like united states, but like you to think like the state department would like to think. but it began back in 2014, which is exactly. uh, 10 years ago and you know what you had to states had been fine to pressure, not only media about the leaders of the world as well, but pushing their own narrative list they could listen to this. got been glad to see again the strengths of the international alliances come together to, to support you printer that is in its efforts to defend itself. and so i think
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that's the important the piece here is to try to protect and preserve the international order. we understand india is a long relationship with russia and india has to make it sound determinations about where it's wants to be on, on the scale. you know, it's difficult to, to describe this, but, you know, i'll give it a try. it's nothing but said acts of desperation, especially with their election cycle coming up. uh, the united states can probably see that this world, the gemini, is kind of slipping away from them and, you know, come back to ukraine because we, we are talking about this. so is every single day when it comes to ukraine, even the united states, the state department are admitted. and that's because of ard, see, everything is not so simple. so they're working against. uh, you know,
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the artsy not to show any kind of point of view. let's take a look at this. this is very interesting. you've asked question for matt, for months and months about you know, the global south and why there's not more support for ukraine in this part of the middle east or that part of latin america or this part of africa. well, one of the reasons not the only reason, but one of the reasons why so much of the world has not been as fully supportive of ukraine as you would think. they would be given that russia has invaded ukraine and violated real number one of the international system is because of the broad scope and reach of r t. we're proud again to this information and allies are spread to millions, if not billions of people around the world. well, i was happy to hear a one point in the slightest sound by that with just heard from by mr. ruben is the fact that archie is so one of the reasons that the world whole world
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hasn't being as supportive of ukraine and of the american narrative. i've been working there at the crating conflicts the last 10 years. and i'm happy to say that i was one of those instruments, is the goal is the call to show a different points of view to show a point of view of from the ground and global south. you know, the, which is a big part of the world. they're also not budging. they're also saying, you know what, american mind your own business. let's take a look. here. we are not new drunk from the very beginning. we have taken sides. and we have chosen the side of peace and we will continue to engage with this country on the basis of that and we try to respect. but we're not to tell us what to do. and we expect to do as not to tell us what it to fox, the chest and that no one should have any doubt that will make our decision within the framework of strategic wisdom and equity. so there you go. that sits and i'm
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not show, we'll see what the state department will be up to in the coming days of i believe there's going to be quite a lot of this because the american presidential election is coming up. so we'll probably be seeing more things like this and you know, what's, that's the fund? well, i think it marks, and we'll crucial a turning point for the well don't it doesn't it with the us is ordering or timing or advice like these countries to do is they say, and that's what i'm running say. no, we don't want to. that's a substantial moment in world history. what are you? thanks for coming and remind get to see why we had it. i think that this one she's commented on us occupations that we've been working with. the roches intelligent services calling the claims complete nonsense, which is cool. it's very easy to promote freedom of speech and practice said when it's only your speech that counts and no one else's. what's even more amusing is
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that they accused organizations of collaborating with intelligence services, which implies were some kind of intelligence unit ourselves. that's absolutely nonsense. we're not any part of the intelligence services. perhaps we would like to be. maybe we could hide better if that were the case, but we've learned differently were journalists and we continue to do our journalistic work. historian on post op day to tempt us as a reason for leading global south countries to join the american product down on russian media. the initials like china, india logic, nations that are more independent. and so i wouldn't, i don't think they'll succeed, of those nations getting to, having them also participated in binding or the for example renal. but even that india has refused to go along with the rest. the sanctions on the show for very good reason. we have no reason to do that and we have extra excellent click into that. i feel why should we go along with that? so i don't think they'll be, participate in this. i think the focus is, is astounding. it's, it's very of
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a loan to the new york times the washington post of the voice of america in the past. when i was a kid in the eighty's, i used to, i don't remember the voice of america transmissions board. gus, it's all propaganda. all news is propaganda in one sense, all the other store to, to claim to be us is, is a, uh, you know, different from everyone else. i may have said democracy and it's, it's the, the be strong on top of the hill, the shining, the light on that as a board. it's simple, critical, legal, exactly what the americans do. everybody does that to claim of the us, the use of, of media outlets are exempt from this. they are totally of entirely independent. it's, i think it's actually invisible, it's lovable. and on our website we go, i think he's with the full out to the us. a cellphone on network and if you'd like to way in, you're welcome to do so in the comment section where you definitely wouldn't be censored for disagreeing with any west. the narrative. freedom of speech from russia with love on r, c dot com. the and other developments us troops of scrambling to find
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a new base of operations in west africa of the deadline for the withdrawal from asia expired today. they were trying to do the following 11 years of washington's failures to bring security to the whole region as on teasley who you're coming to explain with a close off you is a base one, a one me name me and completion of this withdrawal from a base to one i got these, we are seeing the last 2 is troops leaving these even to a 2 to move in a dixie. it's presence, the u. s. tried hard to keep the pro, match the gap in use with the j open even puts you off. naming last to las vegas as a to, but that was not enough for the government, preoccupied, but it's always the bible. and the fact that the you is so which is a little respect to flip the government to revolt because of the 2012 ag roommates which it revealed was the secret documents not endorsed by the public that allowed the who is to operate today as a lot for inform,
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the arrival of the american delegation did not respect diplomatic practices. in fact, it was unilateral by note verbale, that the american government informed the nigerian government of the date of arrival and the composition of its delegation as well as the nigerian authorities to be met without any clarification as to the purpose of its visit. it is therefore, out of courtesy and following our age old tradition of welcome and hospitality that the government received, the american delegation high ranking state department officials winton is a way typical imperial aptitude afflicted fame on democracy and to bond. is that the cut over links with the russian government also accused the most having secret deals with the wrong to solve uranium. but g, a suited its rights as a free and sovereign nation. while the nigerian government regrets, the desire of the american government to deny the sovereign nigerian people the right to choose their partners within the types of partnership capable of helping
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them to truly fight against terrorism. the significantly affected u. s. z o strategic position as me z, it was the only country in west africa. we've had a minutes of prisons. now we're drawing entirely. the u. s. is losing its surveillance cape of policy and the capacity to projects. how was something the power to struggle to save while back tracking on this rates typically saving lead is following the crew are economic and security partnership with the share which is significant. hundreds of millions of dollars depends on the continuation of the democratic governance and constitutional order that has been disrupted. we want to be good bought this with new. sure again. and the cnsp must also be a good politician to us. in our discussions, i confirmed the incentive the united states to review security and development corporation and seizes, we see berkeley as the sienna speed takes actions this and menu, ongoing crises. and this,
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the house shows that traditional instruments of wisdom involvement and no longer adequate to respond to the challenges in africa. and the u. s. is african strategy just as work. and instead of fixing the strategy, they just keep leaving as is the recent team remarks that ask becomes efforts to promote peace and advocates. i've been distorted by russian and chinese misinformation regarding the aides of us. after coming home. a lot of my efforts to be able to come in alignment with some of these african countries on how we're going to approach the challenges have been distorted through misinformation or this information. untruths of what us africa command was trying to do with a particular country. that is washington actually know what it's doing in africa, is powerful, send it as of tacitly admitted that they hadn't even known the extent to a few as involvement, tennessee in the 1st place. i didn't know there was 1000 troops in nature. this is
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an endless war without boundaries, no limitation on time or geography. we don't know exactly where we're at in the world militarily and what we're doing. and this is feeling an even difficult arguments that the u. s. $110.00 failed victim of cheese for militant east limits. violence in africa rose by 2 in to percent from 92000 in 2022 to 23000 last year. reaching a re could live little facilities that's according to the african center. this shows almost a doubling. indeed, since treat teaching to one and a 100000 percent, some since the period of 20022003. the one that is pertaining to alternative ways to come back to prison, particularly within the newly formed alliance of the health states and to and if it's with mom, the address in the hospital, the p is new. she has finally realized washington's approach on the african continent. has failed and is now replacing it with plans that actually what the
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oppose are managing. the nascent lead is a set to allow kids to use western supplied missiles to strike deep into russia. the books top military adviser has claims such a move is justified militarily, there is a good reason to do that, to weaken the enemy, to weaken its logistical lines, fuel and munition that comes to the front. that is what you want to stop if at all possible. so there is a good military reason why you should do that. there is a legal ground to do that's the most good has won't have serious repercussions as days of supply the long range missiles are used to hit russia and the you, when the countries invoice and such a move would explicitly mean they told us direct involvement and the conflicts and fee a declaration of war is well applied to my post and said some days ago about the situation . there was an attempt to substitute concepts appointment because we are not
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talking about allowing or forbidding the key of regime to strike out territory. it already does that with the help of drones and other means. but when we are talking about the use of precision weapons, long range, western made weapons, it is a completely different story. the fact is that i have already mentioned this and any expert to confirm it both in our country and in the west. the ukrainian army is incapable of striking with modern western made long range precision systems. it can only do that by using intelligence from satellites, which ukraine does not have. they get the data only from the you satellites, or from the united states, in general, from nato satellites. that's the 1st thing, the 2nd and very important thing. maybe the key one is that the flight emissions and these missile systems can, in fact be inputted only by nato military personnel. ukrainian service men cannot do this. so it's not a question of allowing the ukrainian regime to strike russia with these weapons or not. it is a question of deciding whether or not a native country could be directly involved in the military conflict. if this
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decision is made, it will mean nothing else but the direct participation of nato countries. the united states, european countries in the. ready in ukraine, this is the direct participation. and this already, of course, significantly changes the very essence of the very nature of the conflict. it will mean that nato countries, the united states, european countries, are at war with russia. and if that is the case, then having in mind the change in the very essence of this conflict, we will take appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be presented to us. meanwhile, the us secretary of state and colin's farm and as the unloading or the car and restrictions being lifted on you for and using the weapons holes top diplomatic voice supports for the us initiative. so i think that a large threat from russia was tony blank and also held the countries around pop in funds for its military pulling on the spot is bending over 4 percent of gdp on defense. this is really the gold standard among nato countries. and of course,
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it hosts thousands of us and allied forces as low as i was telling, totally produce that space is regularly breached by russian drugs in mississauga. last year, a russian christmas so traveled through the 2 sides of portland and landed 10 kilometers from my house. so i believe we should do something about to preempt with both the german olsa and we'll correspond to thomas roy, who stays the west, is playing with fire. and we're seeing the outbreak of world war 3. the country is at war with the us and, and russia helps them to strike us territory. i think that would not be a discussion with a rush as part of this was. so i think, i think the west is already active. part of the war for a long time because for international loans we have this from the ex, parts of the gym and from the start of the german problem and even sharing intelligence data, operate of data and toes. data is already participation of the war. and this,
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the rest is risking this escalation. um, i'm afraid that might be a rational, a reaction with which the west doesn't like. and then we are coming really in a, in a really process of, of escalation steps. and whether we find a way out before they are there, well, i'm thinking what would happen? i don't know the really the worst test, the thing, whether it's worse taurus, world war, the real hard world war. because of all these questions we have here. the attacking rush, it was a long range wisdom of weapons, which technically putting this right wouldn't be managed and programmed by what, by wisdom, but nature soul just as i think a step which is yeah. the final one, edward should be the russians were, the russians will react with what they didn't do until the as rarely prime minister has promised retaliation for a young, many a talk on the central part of israel. that's also the who's the find, the hype of sony ballistic missile, which the id as failed to intercept benjamin netanyahu also reminded the minutes to
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include that as well as charging that heavy price. but any attempt to home them, according to the idea of the missile, landed in an open area with no casualties reported in the incidents me while i, who use these folks posts and labels the launch as a success. saying that they managed to come for a distance of a 2000 kilometers and 11 minutes, making $2000000.00 is where it is free to shelves, as you'll say, warranty as well that this blank is only the beginning of all the is really and the make should expect more strikes and i'm come and special preparations as we approach the 1st one of us. so we have the blast october 7th operation. these include responses to criminal aggression on the city of data and continued support operations for the press posting and people this week. so a memorial service is $42060.00 turkish american. active is 2, was killed with a shot to the head by the i d. s. and the west bank,
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hundreds guy within the palestinian city of the police on monday to pay that last trip used to i should know ag hope all day was wrapped in a flag of palestine before being sent home to takia. i should not have been protesting the expansion of both of those jewish settlements, which it displays locals on september. the 6th, with the ideas opened fine in response to try as being fund unlocks my and it was the same, but i, i know they have a very high precision job. uh, she was standing there. she was actually, she was there manage. it wasn't moving. they had all the time targeted, targeted her even if you are the olympics champions of stone flooring, you wouldn't make half that distance disability, the message. and the message is that no resistance to is really colonialism will be tolerated. and they know that they will not be
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held accountable. and they know that because no one holds them accountable, it is the same booted that it uses to perpetuate in genocide, we'd complete impunity in god. and we do the head of ocean of funeral, which was held on the saturday. and the total case, postal city of the, the, in the country is just this minister sit down to or has launched a phone investigation into the deadly instance and lose this being welcomed by the victims family victories. okay. see when i learned that our government has not given up on this senseless murder and has opened up an investigation that was very happy, i hope for the same from the american government as well. she is a citizen of that country. therefore, the american government also has a responsibility wherever in the world there is injustice, oppression, or the killing of one of its citizens. america swoops in like the eagle and assembled them. but when it comes to israel, there can be an effort to overlook things. hundreds gathered, indeed in the family home of i should know is get aged, a turkish american, do
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a citizen that was shot and killed by is really forces in the west bank in the palace sitting in territories. now, this is a topic that has been to the attention of the turkish media as well as the locals, as well as policy makers throughout the country. and one of the fundamental talking points has been that the fact that i should know is the age. it was a us national if i the united states has not shown the support that many assumed us national would receive, has become a great talking point. the more important is the rhetoric that was discussed. the is really mandatory issues statement suggesting that the killing of i should know it was an accident that she was killed by ricocheted fire or that is really military size. forces essentially fired upon a group that they deemed threatening and provocative in the west bank during a protest. i protest single legal israeli settlements, however, and that there are a number of rhetoric and new statements and information that is arise suggesting that that was not the case. we understand that the bullet that entered ation was sco went in a straight and linear line, not indicated of which
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a shape fire or something that would constitute an accidents. on the contrary, the bullet entered her school, killing her instantly. video footage also arised from the events that day suggesting that she was 100 or 200 meters away from the scene at the time of these 400 meters away from these rarely snipers that shot her in children. there's also witness testimonies. her friends have travelled from the united states in different parts of the world to her family home and do them to show their support. to i should know is again, this is a, this is a talking point that has gotten many interested for many different reasons. one of them is, of course, the fact i think is really military and these really government is killing people indiscriminately matters down in 2003. rachel corrie was killed by the israeli defense forces in a very similar matter. we understand in 2022 american palestinian journalist showing up that was killed by his really military forces. it seems that because really military was carrying out these attacks, killing nationalism different parts of the world indiscriminately. but when it
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comes to the united states, of course, there's a different rhetoric and sentiments involved is over the course of the past few years. the united states has express outrage. but when it came to the case of fashion, as a gift, the dual national and the us citizen, the outrage just was not there. and more importantly, the church government says that they are doing everything in their power to ensure that i should know is it does receive justice. those responsible are brought to justice. they are investigating this incident, particularly. and there are hopes and at least the probability that the turkish government will use this as a case study to provide at the i c j. and it's case with south africa against israel is coming up next steps on a boy, the latest episode as well as a pos and thought that was more nuisance. 30 minutes. see you then the the
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hello and welcome to wells a part for more than 3 centuries, ever since the piece of refile, we're european powers agreeing. that identity on some warranty can have them have. you don't need to lie to me or a rule of me for us to we side by side. but the out of the cold war called this principle into question, allowing some nations or somebody the all induced to claim that they are inherently better than others. and therefore have the right even the responsibility to make others in the image. whereas if leading europe, the west and the world to discuss that i'm now joined by midland or a member of the european parliament 1st like a leader of the republic moment. mr. eric is great to talk to thank you very much for being available.


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