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tv   Cross Talk  RT  September 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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we still have some common ground, the the hello and welcome to transfer bullhorn john peter liberal nature is on the verge of a major military escalation against russia. nato is thinking the unthinkable. we explain why also ortiz again in the news western relates, are obsessed with r. t, we must be doing something right to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, george samuel way in budapest. he's a pod cast, read the guy voltage me down on youtube and locals and assemble. we have that each serial a month. he is a historic and political commentator. i totally prospect girls and effect. that means you can jump any time you want, and i always appreciate it. all right, let's kick it off with george in budapest, over the last week, there's been
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a intense discussion about ukraine using long range missiles, obviously western made, made, made to be um, um, used against um, being turned in interior, russian. what was wrong about that story, and as i suggested in my introduction, this is a nato strategy. this is what nato wants to do, and essentially, you way of nato, a back troops in russia proper today in the course guerria. but there's no denying the nato is at war with russia. been that is the double speak the we keep getting from west or know it leads to this day? is that no, no, no, no, we're not part of the conflict. well, george, the rubicon has been crossed. go ahead, but you're absolutely right for you to. and it is quite extraordinary that the nato ventures, particularly in the united kingdom, but in many parts of europe. uh,
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i'll just go on your ho as thinking yeah, yeah. we can take the take this additional step uh, because uh, booked in his bluff thing area, you know, bring in a book. but we don't have to worry about anything that putin has to say. and it is very, very strange because um, earlier uh, in the week uh, booked, it has issued a very explicit stage. and now the, you know, they have been russian leaders, a car and the lady who been through just shoot the miles solve and make all sorts of, uh, threatening declarations. but bolton is never done. that has been quite measured in, in anything that he says here. he was very specific, he said that if you take this that you know what you call, and they, you allow in ukraine to use your message, which is a misnomer, because essentially you will be using this. most of you, ukraine cannot use these massage by them. so ukraine needs all this,
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the satellite technology, the delayed gps, targeting everything that's, that's the only the nato countries can provide that. so therefore, if you don't take this step, it means essentially nato is a war with russia. and we will then act accordingly. that's a very that was very specific. and so, um, for the western countries, particularly in the united kingdom with the nearest 5. for me you a defense secretary, select issued a statement give you upgrade to the storm, shadows immediately. so it means that the, there's a complete lunacy that is ripping the west. i mean they, they seem to be good and got into this habit of fighting awfully as a small, feeble of power as the cool kind of hit back. you know, for all the, you know, what the, your rock ro, wrapping syria working panama hate it. well, i think that the same thing applies to rush or, or don't have to take anything that you say sir, that is so, so, and it's just
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a thing. so we can just go ahead and do whatever we want to do. and the remarkable thing is that they don't have a plan b. well, what if russia isn't bluffing? then what are you going to do? what, what's your plan for it? and then no, no, i did begun that. let's take a look at the present in putin's words here, and then move which meaning the giving the ukrainians access to these long range missiles, which george has bought rightly pointed out, cannot be used without nato assistance. this move, wade called, change the very nature of the conflict and would mean nato and russia were at war. this is the very plain speaking here. the president went on to say that you know more the rush, you would take appropriate decisions coming. this is pretty clear stuff, these are a single syllable words that are being used and i don't know what there is to be to, to be misunderstood. go ahead. but if, if people are in the best of all,
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i should say he gets the so called the dates of the west was the reason i believe the normal and had phenomena intelligence working. i mean, like the intelligence that makes it has more then these what should suffice, right? absolutely, and maybe they have fun now. but the problem is that as the georgia also pointed out, they have gotten into the bad habit of mistake and continue with the russian restraint, which has saved us up until now from escalating towards the suite for a message. that means that the rush, i remember a hit back at the under any circumstances, even if they get that closely involved in direct the attacking did from ukrainian territory deep into its own territory. right. this is what we're talking about here . that is totally insane. maybe the message that i put in send out has got so i would add one thing, which is, i think the best thing that is saving the word right now,
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is that the rest of the data shift makes a distinction which is very important. and this is my guess, and that's between the can be a lot of us if they chose to do so, but i will be respond to that is our decision, right? so that i think is the position of the russian leadership. but they have told us, and i'm thinking you also have a statement that they meet at bas golf to speak of putting made on the reference of september. once they have told us is the via the response by the way to be a response. but we have also actually left it open, what kind of response the be? so they have various options. i personally think a little like a bond is if the rest finally takes a step, is that they might look on the best opponents in the rest of the world. and the right not only ons and this rushing weapons, which would be one step think with, and this is also being in the 2 beds. i don't think that i'm visible how david told
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them how these weapons are made. you can add to that. all of them know how that russia has access to, via the it's connections to china and north korea, iran and so on. this, all of this is made available to opponents of the best thing in the middle east. these can inflict very painful price, very painful cost, honestly. okay. on the usa, on fries there, larry, believe that they're very, very valuable. as george pointed out, basically, these are not your powers. and when these uh well, um, uh, well, my powers are uh, upgraded with technology, then they become very fierce. okay. george explained to me, you know, i'm just a talk show host. oh is gaming ukraine, these missiles under american and nato guidance. how is that helping you crane or whatever, because it isn't helping ukraine because some the, the various numbers we're getting for the,
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the scale of the capital to so far. i just staggering. i mean, they just mind boggling and on both sides. um, but what's really going on here is this latest scribe, a jay, of keeping the wall going. they don't really have any and goal if you were to ask any needs or leave the will. okay, what's, what's your opinion gave me what, what, what would you settle for? what, what would you claim as a, as something a result that is achievable and, and doable and was like to secure your interest. they wouldn't be able to answer, but just say we need to stop boot and we need to prevent bolton from winning because they put in windsor when they come, cuz europe, and that's really the problem that the latest strategy is. well, let's keep this will going and, and that's where the, the, the problem live we have here, which is the major can do that is, i mean, if your brain is willing to do this thing when they, ukraine,
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is willing to sacrifice thousands upon thousands of, of its own people then, well, it can be, you know, just invested at least expensive, and that's will really need to, once they just wants to be in this position that whatever rusher achieves in the dumbass, they can keep loving missiles into russia and keep raising the costs for offer and say hey look, you wanted secure, it's a, the last thing you got is security. and so that's why it's a um, such a dangerous situation because because neither has no uh and getting no final. uh go end goal inside. they can just do this and say, hey, look, we weighed inflicting pain on russia. you know, the tiny point of the problems here is that, you know, well, i'm looking at the 3 of us here right now. we're all children of the cold war and the level. yeah. what, what, how we got through the cold war, the conflict between the soviet union, it satellites in the west,
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the united states and then satellites was deterrence. and deters works when both sides believe been deterrence. and one of the problems we have right now and makes it extremely dangerous, kind of a echoing some of the things that george says is that the west is no, no longer believes and that russia does. that's a, that's a recipe for disaster. i think you're right. i would add one instance. uh, we also go to the cold war because because what i'm lucky isn't deterrence as such, you know, if you need to define intervention to survive as a species. we know about some of the incidents of video going, the luck safe to us. that was 19. 62 was 1. 1983 was another one. i won't go into the details, but this idea that people have the cold war was perfectly managed. that these are deeds on both sides with things under control all the time. it's completely wrong. we also go through because of the knocking. and if it had gone on much longer, sooner or later, we both have run out of luck, right?
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so if you start a new quote was, this is going to happen. but the other thing i would like to add is that the list has, as we know, the suit as proxy work is the knowledge a 25th for the called a strategic defeat on russia. they want to do more russia in the international system. that's the idea, right. and now they have reached the point because this has obviously my orthor and what this will turbo, that i'm not showing back from boeing even further. they're going into a space versus nuclear deterrence does come into j. s investments of want them very approximately several times. and then be at one point about your prior question is why is the best of doing this? i think george is absolutely right, but for some analysis, i would add something as i think the best has a double gang here long. it has tried to makes us more elders and bleed russia. that's the idea. they don't notice they're beating themselves mean what?
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but we also is, if the war is to be lost, then they want to crane to go 1st and acknowledge that ukraine is supposed to throw in the tower. and one way to do this is let you frame to, these resides even deeper into russia. let the russians q to but an ad ukraine because of that they definitely blew. and when the agreeing has absorbs that less and less ukrainians finally. so for pace, because then those rest implementations cancel at hand and say, we have always said we will support you to the end. but if you wanted to end, all right, so there is a double strategy here. it's also about the possible exit from this last 4 funds. this last book, civil war, full risk. finally, the day that i agree with you, but the problem is, i don't think the saying in nato a leads will ever see another opportunity to inflict us with dietrich if the doctor watches why don't think they're going to give up. gentlemen,
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i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break, and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on some illness. stay with our to the what is part of the, the employee was posted. isn't the defense. you wasn't bidding the word or is it something deeper or complex might be present? let's stop without collision. let's go products. or the see the silver the somebody. how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and
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military equipments through a little bit of boss and locally. and then maybe a little in your system with low grade level, nominal facility or some of those other staff we, i'm about to the daisy student and they also want to know we have more of an easy, some better mobile bubble sort of wellness that will kind of the piece that have gone on now. well, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world? to turn this country into a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally use that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell but known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys. we sell weapons. yes, we're also known in the world as arms dealers that we must not be ashamed of them the to the world of magic cross that bullhorn john peter
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lebow. here we are discussing some roommates. george, you are frequent uh a guest on r t. i think you, you, you're a frequent guest and you're in a very, very popular and pacific ride or so this news outlet again is in the news. okay. well, we like to report the do is we don't always like to be the center of the news, but this is what's happening. george k u and i've talked to headlines about the phenomena and called the rest of the day coax by heart determination. we're about 3 point oh we could be more nuanced. 85 point. oh i'm not really sure. um, but you know what's going on here? i mean r t is been banned in the west or overall. it's not on youtube. um uh we have uh this uh, uh, new iteration, nebraska game where some right wing a influencers were somehow um, quoted both paid off or you know what? we still don't know a lot of details about that. that's why i don't want to waste
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a lot of time on it. but what, what is the point here? i mean, it seems to me, in my humble opinion, mrs. focus, the, the, the obsessively have with our t is the obsession with their own publics. having access to other points of view, but it's the attack on western public's not on hearty, not on russia. and george i, i agree with the b that because when you look at see, the oxy basically is west and those west and is appearing on a platform provided by russia. so there, there's a, you know, they keep talking about the propaganda from the criminal. and there is no propaganda from the criminal level because everybody would be, there's a lot to actually lives in the west. and these, it isn't a, this isn't voice in the west. so it's just simply the presentation of alternative points of view to the west, and probably the needs of that, which is the, in the process of government. some of the and this is a piece with the attack on the twitter with the attack on the door of and telegram,
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which is the suppression of rule. uh, this was an opinion, an interesting enough. um this of this horrible preacher, jamie rubin, who is the head of this uh, state development side, global engagement said that he gave us news conference last week. and he explain why this of this attack on sees as well. we're losing the war in the, in the public opinion, all throughout the year to since you mentioned that will read the quote, you will go right back to this is the quote from the state department r t is one of the reasons the world has, has been not fully supportive of ukraine, that is something us state department, keep going join us. that's exactly exactly it. so we've, we've gone out of all way to tell the world this how terrible russia is and how we muscle a rally behind the united states. and they, so in this a proxy war and ukraine and the rest of the world is in buying it and why is in the
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rest of the world buying it? see? so what the, this new attack analogy is about is we have to, is to really go off to the rest of the world and to tell them you need to band to you. and that's really what, that's what you need to amount of it. why do you need to do it? and then they come up with these loaded crisp explanations, laughable explanation as well. they've got the cyber capability, and so they're engaged and intelligent. what inside lean, george. we had actually been to that interested in that office of the internet. that's a cyber tape ability, the able to lead w if you, if we miss the criticism here, i suppose the state department officials have to use a vpn to watch it. okay, i'm, i'm not really sure how they watch in here, but if you want to invite a viewers of this program, what and watch an entire day of our tea look at all,
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but the news bulletins and all that. there's no one come here and the joy of focus targeted message. all we get is people are just pointing out as a people disagree a lot. there's a lot of disagreement on our tea itself. ok, there's no uniform method. this is, george said, we have westgate or is coming on and criticizing policies of their own governments and global institutions. but there's no one single critique go ahead cutting. nope. i think you know, both, and that's the right above the way in which i t is a platform really for best on this. it doesn't voices. and then you notice, you know, solver and history late, so it, so you could say that i can. so tom is dot of the west now, right? this is called russia ac facilitates west of this. it is to speak back to the west . that is one thing that or them, and of course, which is also right, that is, this is part of a larger pattern. i would add the attack on tip top as well, right?
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so as we are attacking every thing that provides a platform for tentative points of views is very, very clear. the obvious thing that i found very interesting about this announcement is specifically the point about the globe besides right. office is we're glad i colonialist mindset, right? ask for times or other people in the global sales do not have what you're writing. it's always happen. preston disclose management agency. they don't shows to watch a t somehow i t is manipulating that right. this tells you a lot about the ways they see the cobra falls, maybe an extremely arrogant terms. and what is interesting, 2nd to you about this is that they apply the same logic to their own public's right at home. so they treat that wisdom complex was the same arrow. goods is the same, basically colonialist our guns that they treat the public's off the global south, the only ones in the mended nation of these west and they lead to have any right to
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actually make their own choices. i believe them sense. right? nice thing though, in societies know outside of the global styles, can anybody as less be left to their own devices to actually figure out what they want to hear? listen to a watch. now i don't think this will provide, i think this is, is so ridiculous that once again, i think this is a sense or a mess of stuff on it. i wonder actually work in a no charge. it's interesting if we look at the, the timeline that's going on, this attack recent attack by the d o j, i'm on hard t comes of when kamala harris's poll numbers weren't as good as everybody was hoping on the political left of next month. russian will host a very significant brick summit. it's getting a lot of a lot of excitement. a lot of people are going to be showing up. it's going to be a big deal as they say here. this, the timing of this attack on our take can't be a coincidence. no, i don't think so. and i think it's a,
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it is tied to the election. it's clear that clearly a very anxious about getting a comma harris across the finish line. the pulling numbers are not right, and this is a part of it is about it, and somehow russia is interfering in alexis rustic. the is somehow preventing call out or is from when encourage brooklyn were russians or preventing the american seeing the glory of cala harris. and there's no question this is, this is a, uh, absolutely a proud of it. um, but it is the issue is that it's a massive failure on the pop of the united states to persuade the rest of the world . and it's a sole point that, that, you know, they have all these, um, uh, these boats in the united nations and then they keep them all they do have to impose sanctions unless you have to impose century, go to stop doing business and no one's buying and they get a good continue to do business with russia. and oh, yeah, and so this is
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a real feeling that we've got to do something. and incidentally, what are the, you know, when reuben was speaking to, reuben was explicit. instruct me, it was issuing threats against the, the global so that you, if you don't play bull with us, we're going to make life very, very painful for you. you know, you see all these instruments. we have financial science since economic science shows. um, you know, are there ways we can stop the leasing the justice department against you? is that this explicitly so, you know, you better play bull with us and start cutting off the off. so teddy a george's, absolutely, and all that their tool box as it were, but this is an admission that they can't win an argument. yeah, that's fine. important, i think because of all in, in, in western philosophical thinking, right. it's next to me, the old on do my that goes back to one of plato's dialogues. but, but they explained that the best rhetoric the best, the bad thing takes me is to have to. but the case, no tricks been replaced, but,
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and they are coming up against the sprite, z i to the ones deploying and the most amount of very, very resource propaganda around a lot. but it doesn't add up. so the opponents, including those will speak on out to you, but not only have to, but the cases and lose begins to test, that's what they're coming up against. and that's why they're so frustrated. let me add one point as we're talking about this, that's what i've found, particularly um, and that's about what the said is that the labs are that a t is the fact or an intelligence or has or does the intelligence work. now remember, the is phones case that was all built under the same light that i saw was not an investigative journalist. and publish a bought an intelligence agent. and that's how they punished him for almost 2 decades defunct onto these findings to remove the clause from him because it
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couldn't get him to give us a, in the end. but this particular link to claim that journalism is somehow intelligent. so bringing but into position i think to use it against more individuals. surveys that use that against a thoughts. i agree, you know, in georgia and the last couple of minutes cycles we had um, like every interview with victoria new and essentially admitting what the 3 of us and much of our audience knew to be the united states and particularly the u. k. torpedo, a peace negotiation early on in the conflict. any, any great, we were all called conspiracy theories. we were called nutters. we were called a bit. so you've got everything that made you can possibly say as a slur, but we weren't right. then we were right. okay, go ahead. we were right, but of course um no one really acknowledges that any more than any want to acknowledge that the who, the people who are right about the, the iraq invasion being in the bucket list of numbers, they didn't have weapons of mass destruction. but the people who, oh,
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it's that invasion were rewarded with lucrative media gigs, you know, felt a dog, jamie and mania in the united states. right. i'm going to tell you exactly. i mean, and now, and i got a little ours is boasting boasting, but she's getting the endorsement, the big chain in the list. jane know, i mean what and what you will and did the is admit that you sabotaged a possible piece. there was a, you know, more than 2 years ago, you sabotaged it, you know, whole, these lives go, have been saved. and really that's been barely any attention paid in the west media . so, but when kill style goes to washington. so how the media presented as well. this is a really an important step towards achieving piece 8 in ukraine. no, that's okay about continuing the killing continuing of the escalation with so how they present that as a, as a, as the roku pleased when there was a possibility of peace and they uh and newland johnson and the rest of them
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sabotaged it. all right, gentlemen, have covered a lot of ground here. i want to take my guess and assemble and, and do the peasant of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here, r t c. and next time, remember, prospect was the the, the claims of the king of the belgians leopold the 2nd to the congo were finally authorized by the leading european countries in 1885. in the very heart of the african continent. states under the rule of the belgian monarch was declared since
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the beginning, the congo free state was total, may have for the local population and functioned as a universal concentration camp. the majority of the population, including women and children, were forced to work on the rubber plantations. those who failed to fulfill their quota were beaten and mutilated. to keep the con, the least people under control, the king set up the so called forest bleak which were punitive detachments that cast terror on the captured country. and its inhabitants, fearing that their subordinates would simply waste bullets hunting for wild animals . the officers demanded that the soldiers gave an answer for every bullet used, and as proof presented a job hand of an african, it was not uncommon when drying to justify the use of the munition. the colonists amputated the hands of not only those who were dead, but also of those who were kept alive. the atrocious exploitation of the congo
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turned into a real genocide. you know, late 20 years, the policy of the belgians lead to the death of nearly 10000000 people alongside the holocaust. the genocide of the congo population is considered to be one of the greenest pages in the history of mankind. the line, scott bennett, i'm former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del daily the . so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts, to take back to the american people. the
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hold on bass of the front lines, the square, the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are exploding the go, i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war. the the
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