tv Direct Impact RT September 19, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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lot of similar struggles and also to find a similar solution based on our problems that we can see the one thing to get the best for women moving forward to that. and i think it is a very good step for us now to talk about is together and also make sure that our voice is being that made the governments we've got rick sanchez and the latest episode of direct impacts coming up next. always great to have you with us here on on t with 5 with low news and just 30 minutes last night the the rick sanchez here. this is direct impact on this is some of what we're going to be talking about already. civilian from every country needs to come here. you know,
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this is an indictment of every civilians. good and evil compass. that's the man who allegedly wanted to try and shoot and kill donald trump explaining why his obsession with ukraine should be my obsession. and your i'm session with ukraine as well. if you're a citizen of the world, i'm gonna say, let's do this. the, the, we are learning a whole lot more today about ryan ruth. the man who took off running when the secret service shot at him. hiding in the bushes of a palm beach uh golf course. by the way, the more we learn about this guy, the more curious that his story becomes. why and how did he become so obsessed with? i mean, it's almost like a wonder using the word obsessed here. he became so obsessed with ukraine. what did he watch or what did he read that? got him to that place? who did he talk to?
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how or where did he get the money to travel from hawaii to washington? from hawaii to be back to hawaii, back to washington, who was his contact in washington that put them in contact with congressional staff members, for example, who put them in contact with ukraine commanders and with potential as can recruits . right, this is that's a lot of stuff for, for a guy with hardly any money and a wicked criminal history. here he is serving as the pitch man for ukraine. very civilian from every country needs to come here. you know, this is an indictment of every civilians. good and evil compass, you know, if you're not here and you're sitting on your couch watching tv, then you're not doing the right thing. you know, this is about caring and kindness and, and, and loving, and altruism. and everything is good in the world. he believes right? well most people who try to kill
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a president or ex president don't often live to tell about it. ryan ralph. he's still a lot. so there is a chance that we will get answers to many of those questions that i post just a little while ago. but then again, if, if we depend on it, we're going to depend on our trip of journalists in this country here. and the good old usa to get those answers. i'm thinking maybe not, maybe we'll never find out. is he after working and media all of my life in this country, at some of the most well known outlets that exist in this country? i have come to believe and my experience tells me that those reporters, they don't work for you, they don't work for you, they don't work for me. they're mostly beholden to the government. i mean, here's what i mean, and people in our government don't want you to know about this guy. don't expect that you're going to learn about this guy from cnn or from the new york times ain't gonna happen the days of walter cronkite days of the seymour hersh is out there. they just don't exist anymore. sorry. in fact, you know what i woke up to today,
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i opened up all my laptop where, you know, i read newspapers nowadays. and i found reporter, after reporter out there explaining why they had interviewed and written glorious stories about this guy ralph last year and made them look like he's some kind of a hero without ever checking to see who the hell. yeah. here's an example of what i'm talking about. a reporter least seems kind of remorseful and transparent about it would, which is more than i can say about others. here's the article where it, where she asked why the journalist like me pick ryan ralph seriously. oh wow. what a surprise called checking, and it is a good question by the way, to be fair, when they have given a pass to anybody else. but or does the source get a special pass when he's pushing a narrative that certain people in washington agree with. so he's different on touchable, i don't know. and if that's the case, which it obviously is, are you
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a journalist then reporting on behalf of us the people are you just doing b, r for the government? i mean, how is this reporter describing ralph in her original story. i looked on it, i looked up the story today, and i found it here it is. here's what she wrote about it back when she originally wrote her piece on a year and a half ago. she quote, he also came recommended as one of the more capable for, and volunteers in the ukraine for someone who got things done. he built relationship with front line military unit commanders served as a de facto liaison between 4 and fighters and ukraine. forces. hundreds of ask, ask and alone volunteer to fight. directly through his website, he arranged visas. he helped other logistics in the logistics of entering the country, steve and travel to washington dc to push lawmakers for more support for kids. i mean, this is a guy. i mean,
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to be fair when ralph finally got to ukraine and ukrainian officials met with them . they seemed to decide this guy was a little bit off his rocker, and they essentially said, thanks dude, but no thanks we, we don't need you. we don't want to work with you. go away, right? i got on them by the way. sounds like they figured them out but if they figured him out, i guess we should ask. they were figured they were able to figure him out in a few meetings. they were able to do in a few meetings what corporate and media reporters in this country could not figure out over 2 years. it just, i don't know, it's almost laughable. let me bring you into this. i imagine you want to weigh in after we're getting all these new details about this guy and what we're learning was written so gloriously. he was a hero to these reporters and called him a new york times. yeah. work. i mean, what more could i add?
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you summed it up pretty ap leave there. it's not so much that these reporters couldn't figure this out about ralph. it's that they will fully ignored all the information that they could have found that were at their disposal about ralph. like his lengthy, lengthy wrap sheet. that's gone back 20 plus years to include weapons of mass destruction in north carolina, which i believe is his home state where he's originally from, from greensboro, i even have family myself there. so it's a small community. so to have somebody wrapped up in something with being charged with w. m d. and now i'm going to read to you real quickly where the statute of north carolina is that it includes any explosive or an incendiary device. bom, grenade rocket, having a pro pallet charge of more than 4 ounces or miss aisles having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one quarter out, online or device similar to any of the devices describe described above. now in his
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charge, it doesn't say exactly which one of those he had. but if you are a reporter and you're going to call somebody and, and much less, you don't write a big, lengthy story about the new york times. you checked out who this guy is and you find out, wait a minute. this guy has a w. m d charge. yeah. automatic, no, go for me wreck as a reporter. yeah. it. but it's funny how people have the opposite opinion of him regarding the war and ukraine. and again, everybody has a right to have any opinion about the situation in ukraine or any situation. but it's funny, or when, when people have a contrasting opinion, how they write every detail, every sin, the bubble gum, they stoled at the convenience store when they were 10 years old. by the way, i once told bubble gum from a convenience store when i was 10 years old. i'm sorry me cool. but um is okay, there's something else in the story. i want to talk about that. this is something else we're learning about this guy. ralph, who seemed to make his money doing odd jobs, right. he worked as
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a handyman and he also made and sold this thing. see this thing right here. he made that it looks like a shed on wheels, but most of all he's spent time in court like we just mentioned, like manila just mentioned. he said he'd spend time in court or in jail the guy because he had an exhaustive criminal record. so here's the question, given that right, given that situation, isn't it fair now to ask how a guy with an exhaustive rapp street and very little money ends up flying from hawaii to washington. and then the keys, he has access to ukraine, military officials, access to government officials in washington. i mean, i have a hard time just getting sources on the year to so i can quote a fact i'm trying to check out on one of my stories. i mean, the guy was superman, i guess. i mean, i'm just thinking this guy had to have manila me being suspicious here. it's my job . me being suspicious. this guy had to know people had to have some contacts to get
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all this stuff done. he had to have some help in the inner circles of our government. i think it may be a fair, supposin an unfair supposition on my part, what do you think? i think that that is accurate because as a reporter, your job is essentially to be a paid skeptic. right? you're supposed to check and double check the triple check. everything, especially a source. and with this guy having a checker criminal background, having bounced around from job to job, so no job stability. where is he getting his money from? how do you get the case? you go look at how, how does he, how does he afford to fly back and forth when you're this kind of to bit, you know, a handyman. the rather have a steady job. how do you afford to live in hawaii? one of the most expensive places in the united states to live. now, if you go and look at his social media,
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which has now largely been taken down by all of the various companies. but, you know, the internet is forever. and on his twitter account, one of the few people that he had followed one of his original models, the people that he followed and, and they follow back, was a lady called sue kim is now this lady is a retired c. i a analyst. no profile is private. he has somehow defended this one and there's no telling at what point he followed her and she followed him because the profiles are locked and taken away. but there is some suspicious activity besides his crazy tirades on twitter. so i think rick, there's somebody that knows something somewhere here in washington because his background does not add up at this point. no, i and i, i agree. then thank you for confirming that for me. i think it is a fair question. i had a professor when i was studying journalism at the university, minnesota,
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and i asked them once, what, what, what, what, what the difference was between, you know, what we're allowed to, where we're allowed to use conjecture as reporters. and he said, it's okay to be a gift, take, it's not ok to be a cynic and that's the difference. and i've, i've carried that with me most of my life, and i'm always a little suspicious when i start wondering, am i asking too many questions about this guy? cuz it seems a little weird. i mean, how the hell did he pay for the game? for example, and i think you're right, i'm being skeptical about it. that doesn't mean that some better factor may not have paid for it. and it could have been perfectly legitimate. so i want to be fair to him as well. well, all the information continues to come in. all right, we're going to stop it there cuz we've got a breaking story that's coming into us now. it's a really weird story to. thanks manila, um. alright, so here's what's going on. believe it or not, something is happening right now in lebanon, where people's pager scenarios pager,
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the beepers that we used to wear here. i don't know if you're old enough to remember, but in my generation, before we had cell phones, we were beepers. and when somebody was trying to contact us, they did, the thing would go beep, beep beep, and that meant that we'd see a number. and then we'd get to a phone, a landline, you know, regular phone and we call somebody well and let it on. for some reason people are still wearing those. i know the reason, but regardless of that, the officials 11 on wearing those pagers those papers, many of them have just started exploding. these officials, many of them have died. the other ones are on the ground bleeding out, they're running out of, of ambulances. they're running out of blood. this is a huge deal that's taking place right now as we speak. we're learning about this. we're gonna be joined by 2 officials who we've gathered for this conversation. former us up about the bill, corey is going to join us. also a veteran of war correspondent, elijah mon, yay. are going to is going to be joining us as well. both of them were expertise on the region and 11 on in particular,
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stay right there. we're going to be right back the, [000:00:00;00] the tab here, the establishment of the boxes for his email is been in 1933. the position of the indigenous population in the portuguese colonies deteriorated dramatically. especially in angola, decatur antonio de, i live at uh, salazar, encourage colonizing, be in golden lands by europeans, and sought after turning the country into a portuguese province. where the and goldens would be 2nd class people. in 1961, there was an outbreak of violence on the part of the portuguese, in revenge for the plantation workers,
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dry. portuguese aircraft bombed abilities in northern angola and race rides took place in african parts of lawanda. the people rose in an armed rebellion. the route of the colonialists knew no bounds. despite the un calls to stop the violence of or degrees only intensified their terror against the rebels. the 40s actively used the political contradiction was between various groups of rebels during the war. colonial aircraft regularly used in a farm and dropped the fully ends on peaceful villages. the portuguese empire was severely exhausted by the struggle against the national liberation movements. a revolution in portugal brought down the processed regime and put it in to the murder as war against the people of angola. on january 15, 1975, the l bore agreements were assigned and the country gained independence after so many years of the brutal war.
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the so i can set this up as best as i possibly can by saying people are right now scratching their heads and trying to figure out how this happened. but what i just described to you, just before we went to the break seems to be a high tech at of sabotage. where for some reason, the people who were willingly wearing these pagers these a beepers suddenly had them all go off, many of them at the same time as if they were triggered. and many of them hit hit the ground we're reading, i've been reading descriptions of people just on the ground bleeding out from the area where the beeper was like, the things have just exploded. now remember, i mean a beepers barely the size of like the size of my phone. right? so this is bizarre trying to get a handle on it as we go here. and the bill corey is joining us, elijah monterey,
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is joining us to try and get some at least some proper factual reporting on this elijah, let me begin with you. i know you've been checking sources what, what, what do you know, what, what, what can you do to illustrate this situation for us? in 2006, the only communication system that was not in deceptive body is really well the pager system that was used by hesper law to communicate between all the militants and to give specific folders according to a list of numbers that equivalent to a sentence where they give orders, for example, to cease fire, or to fly head 10 or 20 to attach a rocket. so all these old as were given by numbers and that this will change on the regular basis. hm. that's what the best system that. ready is not in the step in by these rebates. now what happened is that these phone pages did exist in
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hezbollah hand and they still functioning. but several months ago has been the bolt and you batch of pages several thousands and the whole mother and they have a solar system charging and they don't need to buy it back free, but they can be of the jobs. so old, very new. well, we understand from the sole source on the ground is that it was evey id sophisticated, emphasizing the engineer will be trapped the advice that was embedded with an exclusive width of page or electronic circuit, showing them advanced level of technical expertise. so what these really did, if they've sent that message, is urgent and then it came as in the form of error. and then it goes by breaking. so people needed to take the pages in both hands. and this is why more than 300
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people know those ends off of the people that i side. other people around 9 died, but there are hundreds of people who had minor injuries. so often a specific examination by has been a lot to the remaining. they just, they discovered within the down the circuit, which means that in the manufacturing of the devices, these really bring into the manage to implement a small amount of explosive 3 to 5 grams. all say it's highly explosive, a quantity. and that exploded to a specific to the signal and exploded similar tankersley and then off and the saw in be root and the set up in syria. every way. that's amazing. it's amazing to think the way you describe it that 1st of all, they had to convince them that they were a neutral party, just selling them uh, some new page or so that they can upgrade the old ones. and apparently they
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swallowed that hook, line, and sinker. and now as a result of those pagers, i guess we're triggered right in the bill of what would you like to add to this conversation based on what you're hearing? i think so is an excellent explanation of the technical aspect. so office a big question is uh, who the manufacturer was, who the supplier was. uh, most likely, uh uh the manufacturer was infiltrated by someone who works for these rarely uh most odd. the fact that they all explode it at the same time roughly. i mean, this was, uh no accident. it was uh, triggered now uh, the political side of this is that there's a long history of falls, fill it the between. is it a that has the law, in fact has good luck came into existence. after these,
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riley's invaded and occupied the south lebanon off to bail road, in 1982, as well as been fighting. uh, is there a in the ever since there have been several rounds of fighting uh, the last one being in 2006. um. but uh, late the, the, the latest on started after october 7, uh that has been uh, has openly said they are fighting israel and support off their palestinian brothers and garza. well, let me, let me just stop you for a minute to try to understand is we're looking at an over here from far away. those of us who aren't close to the situation. i guess we have to understand these people who, who were now 300 people who have no arms and hands or were to have lost their hands and maybe part of their arms where they come back and or where they officials in 11
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on. and if they weren't combatants, then what does not qualify as a term that i hate using because i think it's over used anyway. but with this, by definition, be an act of terrorism. it's certainly an act of terrorism. any way you look at it, you're crossing borders which is or is does on the regular basis in the agent, and you're reaching out to kill people and perhaps you target certain people who are affiliated with hezbollah. yeah. but these were mostly already service. some of them were in the market shopping uh, getting the grocer to use others were in other public areas. and when it exploded in somebody's hands, it gives 2 or 3 people or injured somewhere else around that. yeah. and what, what of what have you gave it to your child or your wife or your husband and you said, you know, sweetheart homeless for me. i got to go to the bathroom or something. and while
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they are holding your beep or your page, or it blows up at a child, does, i mean, it seems as if nothing else irresponsible. i mean, right. it's, it's reckless it's, it's actually criminal. uh and uh, if you look at the, i mean according to let them use all florida to use there as close to a 1000 individuals and hospitals or being treated the one way or another. and you would find that many of those, if not the majority, are civilians not affiliated with has of a law. so they may have gotten if you will, here's what law officials in the process. but they killed many more civilians in order to get as a few individuals. like, how do we know at this point if there's been any kind of a reaction from either is real or official reaction internationally from any of its allies or otherwise what's, what's the global community saying so far? if anything, or is it too early? well,
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the is really prime minister when he had got the wrong and didn't just my and he came out and play the small clip by saying i am and that then you all been here. mean that then yeah, imitating james bond today. he did something similar to by showing the intentions a showing the responsibility behind it. but normally these 3 days would not admit such a not because as your guest right, please said, it's an act of terrorism because it is indeed directed also again to begin with. there is a child that has b can and was playing with this page or that was not that of a to the minutes and only but to a wide range of people and, and because it was cheap with facilitate of payment. many people took this page and paid off a number and of the society or different world supplies. so yeah,
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once you put something like, once you put a product into any market, you can't really control who's gonna operated because that person could sell it or he can buy 3 and take one for himself and give the other 2 a way to like you said, family members or something, so that, and, and can you, did i hear you confirm that this has, in fact happened that we know that some of these people were, were, were not in any way connected to as bullet, etc. yeah, there was a charge announced that one child was good of the 3 years old. and many people with close to the, to other where carrying the page of the bad old there where enjoyed body explosions and some people in bold, actually 2 pages and gave them to their family members. and they no longer within the soul, sort of the what and the separate and money see body to use and they root. and then the solve for flapping on because it's an accident way of communication where there is to it should be cheap. it's
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a way for people to communicate with their family members when they want to send this to a quick and vast message with no boss, no, those are very effective way. and this is why these really had pop up that have a nice assign. no bill, i'm going to give you the last word because we're down to like 45 seconds. but do you expect that there will be any repercussions against gabriel is real on something like this. not that there ever has been, but you know, might this be an exception of turning point? you take it away. i certainly don't expect the by then administration to react in any way. they've watched a whole said mass occurs in gaza. and all they ever say is though we're telling israel there's a better way of fighting how much. uh they, they have that pretty mind. uh and then they continue sending arms shipments and technology. uh,
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the only reaction would be from shows of the law. i expect they will retaliate in a time and manner of their own choosing. so the fact of this would be further escalation of the struggle more that's and destruction coming all the way. i'm afraid, bill as well. i mean, elijah, of thank you so much for this report. this constant compet between his ball and israel. we'll see what happens next. but this is this, this is an amazing story. i've never in my, uh, 40 some years covering news in this world. i have never heard of a story like this. i think it's one of the most amazing things i've ever seen. let's see what comes out of it. thanks once again. wow, that's our show. remember, always look for your own truths. look for truth outside your own box. to still live in boxes, as we like to say. i'm rick sanchez and i'll be looking for you next time.
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the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify all confused who really wants a better world and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusions, going underground? can the see the silver so the somebody
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how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipments. destroyed no pain. the boy, but of boston, low green and moody elbow in your system and located along the nominal facility or some of those other slash we, i'm about the easiest little sort of snow. yeah, we'll have an easy, some better mobile bubble sort of, well, nice to hear what kind of the piece that have gone on now. well, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world to, to this country and to a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally use that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell but known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys. we sell weapons. yes, we're also known in the world as items dealers that we must not be ashamed of that the to
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the, the, i have already said we will return the people of the north to the safe homes. that is what we will do. benjamin netanyahu has a planned wallace way. the time conference will know is well announces a close new phase of connecting to return those displaced spots. this comes as 11 on his head with the 2nd wave of deadly law offices. thousands of personal electronic devices exploded with a pin to the dog trail to find out who mind. you'll find that at the cottage where the fax goes, orange, plain hungry, you can see the from behind me. this is a very much
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