tv News RT September 20, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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this, the, these radius twice walk southern lebanon is the idea of, say, the target to the war. the 100 has for the positions thursday evening, and all say corresponding reports from they were submit the attack. so yeah, he's really as bombing lebanon. and we're going to probably move somewhere say, that dresser paused all the lines, the boundaries of the norm wednesday launched this separation. it's a violent terrorist attack. it's a genocide to massacre. the leader of has a lot, a series of statements accusing as well as being responsible for the terrorist
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attack, which kill dozens and wounded thousands when electronic device is exploded. at 47 signed the high ranking syrian official can funds in an exclusive interview. the ukraine has been strengthening ties with the middle east tower group. as kids who loves is bounce on the front line. we thought we had had that actually it seems that the reports all accurate and clear that the level of cooperation between ukraine and these terrorist groups on is increasing the very good morning to you. it's 8 am here in the russian capital, and this is on the international with the relates as world news update. just get to have you with us. on top story this our a new front is in the g waves that these really jets pounds has bullet positions and 11 on and fresh across the board of strikes. the
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savings of smoke rising over nights in southern lebanon. the idea of claims it struck more than a 100 miss sol launches and all the hezbollah infrastructure. these rated government has now won't presidents of several communities in the north to remain near 5 phone shelters. the attacks come this way. the officials won't have a major military operation against has by saying that it's having to stop the group for tax and then show tens of thousands of israelis are able to attend to that. how does the lebanese health ministry say that whole people have been wounded and is really rate on the town of our hyundai uh oh, say corresponded youngster napkin was in the lebanese capital where he and his camera crew still find the jet. so the head didn't had the explosions while they were preparing the report. things do seem tense and already ball this out situation
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seems to be worsening. over the past few hours, we have been receiving reports of this really aggression and offensive, and some sorts. china 14 suggests that it is an old out offensive. of course, we don't know the context, but we do know is that it's really fighter jets or targeting southern lebanon. but what makes matters a little bit more concerning is while i was setting up for this stand up, is rarely fighter jets, flew over b roads, essentially hinting that the offensive is near or at least essentially emphasizing its presence. but the timing of all of this is even more important. the is rarely fight or just that flew over the countries capital happened. exactly as of the has the low leader muscle low was speaking essentially highlighting a number of important matters. i'm looking at some of the fine details as to what he was discussing. it gives us a better understanding as to what happened on tuesday as well as wednesday, and in one sense or the other what to expect moving forward. that's all i said, that's the acts on tuesday and wednesday constitute impact of war. it is aggression,
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but more broadly said that it is mastic or because the devices that were set up, of course, did result in a number of deaths, but many more were injured. he suggests that the initial aim or the intention of, of the is really intelligence or israeli officials was to ensure that they could been tapped to incapacitate thousands of people. that the intention there is more important than the result and the investigation is ongoing. but one thing that the leader of hezbollah did say, he said that most devices were turned off or they were stowed away, as these attacks were happening, which really begs the question, did hezbollah anticipate this attack? because there were reports which suggested that the is really military was using this as a message to use against has the law just the head of a counter offensive, or an all out campaign or offensive. and so lebanese territories, and this anticipation could have actually exacerbated that development and actually pushed israel's agenda much so yeah,
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he's really is bombing lebanon and we're going to probably move somewhere safe and back to lita off has been a, has addressed the nation of to thousands of electronic devices exploded and 11 on that at least 37 lives and left nearly 3000 people wounded. he said, israel has crossed the line with his terrorist attacks, which home it isn't civilians of what the jail has the the is really anomie. these really graphs are built as i was the blue off the some 3000 papers, beaver, blowing up, some old patio sleep. the grass are crossed, all the lines, all the boundaries. i know the neurons when they launch this separation for those and the they didn't care about anything, not from the moral standpoint, not from the people, especially manage the point of view not from the political point of view. if this was targeted against has bola him, especially a warrior is one thing, but one yes. while we're people who were next to them guilty own people use beepers
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in normal life. thousands of people died as a result of this aggression, including children and women. the thousands were in charity and it's a terrorist attack. it's a violent terrorist attack. it's china science massacre. electron funeral procession is being held across 11 on some of those events. have also been targeted reading reports, the explosive devices could have been planted inside pages and late to activates in via a message sent to the do this. however, it remains unclear, it will stage the supply chain was compromised as highways so which develops the page. you might as well say that was responsible planning. they will not new fact to to enter a licence by a hung gary and company will do. the losses saves, it was just a trade a versus the product that produce the all the products when it comes to the walkie talkies which exploded on wednesday, there were less details the japanese from which originally develops them. phase
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production of the model stuff the decade ago. we heard from a cyber security expert who describes how the explosives could have been long no smoking at this moment. we know that pages and walkie talkies are exploded with it seems obvious to us that there was an intrusion into the supply chain of these devices. and they added with external modules, we think that among those modules there was margaret chip powered from the devices battery, including ignition charge and additional explosive. these micro chips was also likely to include radio, g, s, m modules, the remote control, and activation of the explosive. such microchips can be punted at any stages. they are produced on industrial scale and a standard modules that can be planted either in the carriage or in the factory. as we know so far, the device is going to 11 and came through a long supply chain that included shell companies that did not operate and would most likely link different secret services. in cyber security, we call this a supply chain attack,
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and we're talking about every possible device be at phones or hardware. several years ago we face cameras rig with explosives in syria. that was a small party that didn't get much media coverage, but the technology was already tested and supplies a breed. cameras happened before. i'm scared of what may happen to mobile phones, like pages with alkaline batteries. cuttings have lithium batteries, lithium isn't active metal that is highly exposed. it by itself, and it's more explain this to add to the damage will be even worse. given how wide spread my ball funds off, we can predict a huge number of casualties. and the full on from the page or tax and 11 on some reports claim knowledge is of the american hospital in bay woods collected all the devices belonging. it's a 10 boxes 10 days ago for repairs. that's as us media is not proposing that as well, informs the white house on tuesday about his plans for the operation. and he's really broad casa, is even now claiming is where i live,
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the west co ordinate to the explosions and 11 on washington and 5th. so that it was not involved in any way. and i can tell you is we were not involved in yesterday's incidents or today's in any way. and i don't have anything more share. i have nothing more to add on these instances. i, i, i understand the question about the engage and i have a set of goals or speculate about what did or didn't happen or, or who might be response. is there any for intelligence assessment as to i'm not going to get into intelligence as estimates and assessments from here either. what area we discussed the situation with these folks posted in full thoughts as were full, missed democratic function, dimitri de leon, and he laid out the possible motives behind the attacks. do we have reason for this operation? it makes it so clear that it's the main reason is little that then you know, now according to all the polls in israel is, is gonna have to add,
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oh next to me that with, with the opposition in terms of, uh, next elections performance. and he wanted the edge you wanted the bush, you needed that so much things you guys are not going so well. so he looks for the next thing that would make him start and then pushes them over the edge. everything that video has been doing since 7th of october is self serving political interest. he is looking to stay in the theme and not to and is political career, which is a street in the next election is because that would be the bullet in between the so they wanted to do something more to make him look good. also drawer reaction. so they can hit and make sure that this what goes beyond november when, after the, uh, the elections in the united states of america as well as these developments come to light is much how does a hair balance in the united states that says,
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washington is fighting against all channel, all to you with new sanctions. so on i think the voice is it doesn't want to hear and loving accusations of misinformation. we go. reaction on old is one of the palestinian ambassador, choosing bob boy here says the band on us. he is an attempt to hide the truth. are we close to this? what is happening with the shuttle? the is a fight against the city, the more of a speech and the media freedom. because we've seen less but a cdn. and we have very clear negative and this is a digital side and is a little cooperation. the bending over us today is a 10th of hiding before a scene in facts. no one wants the i think, to form the people who control the view of the social media. no one want the voices of the victims to be here every live in the world. and then what the mission bethel
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shut the day with. it's only platforms that go great respect and degree to professionally view it over the public and the board. then for the same uh, you know, that the should to be one of the main sources that we use. the, the, with the international, a sources that we have you. what is happening in the world? don't shut the plays good at all during the doodle side, just to, to show the facts and dig around and talk to know. we are sure that no one of the international media, the till the or tell of the, the story and go to sleep. because these are either off with the patient or the is that you to general set a gene that a fuse all the international journalists to instead of goza. and to the feeling
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or from the ground, the following ukraine's incursion into the cost region. last month, russian troops have launched a town to offensive is resulted in most go taking back a number for the territories of correspondence egleston of sensors, this exclusive report from one of those villages. so this is the small village of could, but keep, it used to be the very front line. it used to be where the russians stopped ukraine's last month's advance. the front line remained scale for quite a while for about 30 days since ukraine's board when cash and attempt and as well. this became one of the launch pad spots as to where from where the russians launched a counter offensive of their own. which so far has resulted into most cool times reclaiming well over
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a 100 square kilometers over its territory. this one of that happened basically to the north such small towns as dave smugglers. step on us of the total span over just a few days. in fact, the boys who took part in this cultural offensive operation have told me that even though they themselves did not expect for the ukrainians to full back so quickly. and while ukraine's zalinski has said that was probably that counter offensive was accounted for in the ukrainian plans sofa. what they did is they're in response. they launched another border in cash and attempt to the south west. from here, there are advancing on the town of refuel them. but that's where you craze. plans
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so far have been they have been crushed in a couple of days. they last about 70 men to tax including one left put several um with vehicles too. and they have not even managed to gain a foothold in the town of you surely. now, so this town provides a unique overview. although, of the whole, i won't say the entire c to rule in the could squeeze you in because it's a, it's still a bit fall from such hotspots as sutra, for example. but still, it provides a good. it's a good vantage point onto the, onto the bottles that rage cindy in this, in this part of the course region and brother, while it's a, it's a major part of the quick region and sofa over the past couple days. and maybe over the past week it has be nothing but
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a major loss for the ukrainians. and they were told by the us department of defense rebels. the ukranian unit, trained by the american troops violated human rights d. o. d. personnel may have misused appropriated funds by training, a ukrainian unit that may have committed a gross violation of human rights resulting in a violation of the legal law. because they did not sufficiently document that legally vetting occurred for ukrainian armed forces units that receive d o. d training in the us to so named landlord prohibits america in america from providing military assistance to foreign units that have submitted to human rights violations. this liability of this year, washington lifted a weapon supply bond on ukraine. the assault brigade, which is formerly known as the odds of regiments, that unit has been accused of multiple war crimes during the fighting. and don't boss is 2014. we heard from full,
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my us army reserve is called bennett tuesdays. the pentagons reset report shows washington. so guessing around to understanding was a host of ukrainian units have done it is a list of cascading problem is that the united states is faced with a, giving a weapons and money to ukraine and intelligence. it's described as dealing with keystone cops. ukrainians essentially don't know how to keep secrets and they steal everything that's sense. and there is no accountability or money. and then there's also the providing of d o d assets and material and training to the ass off brigades and the right wing. uh, battalions that have gone off and done no doubt war crimes. and so the department of defense is recognizing that it is, it's neck is on the line because of the criminal war crimes and crimes against humanity and acts of terrorism that these ukrainians,
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drugged up sides have done. and i think largely it's because the c i a and the politicians and m i 6. and these other nefarious star groups like massage have been in, in uh, ingested into the craney and operations. so the department of defense in the united states is, is paying the bill that others have cashed in and they are not true soldiers honoring their own to the constitution if they allow these crimes to continue. this report is the tip of the iceberg, and it needs to be exposed because there is a vast amount of more toward more material. they're high ranking syrian government officials stays. ukraine is collaborating with terrorists to metal in foreign conflicts you spoke about, keeps increasing in both months with medicine groups located in syria and this exclusive interview with the team of the committee. elaborates on the media suppression in the west. and the, as well as recent attacks,
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a slow brain a little have this connection with terrorism is a strong and continuous one. and there's no doubt the terrorist groups are looking for the old parade to supporters and sources of funding. this is something we've noticed recently as naturally the create new thirty's are in a crisis session for ways to support themselves by all means. and so, you know, home and shaking hands and collaborating with terrorist groups. naturally, it seems that the reports all accurate and clear that the level of cooperation between ukraine and these terrorist groups is increasing. it might have been on a lower level before, but now it is growing with ukraine urging them to carry out sudden operations that ukraine wishes against russian forces as present in syria or in other regions. naturally, ukraine's outreach to recruit terrorist is not new. they've always done so they constantly looking for these going to be of interest to recruit for the dates that
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perhaps they themselves cannot carry out. having trained is with terrorist organizations is nothing surprising. as long as these areas are not under syrian state control, we condemn this, that persons is illegal and even if they all present, it is in legal training and supporting terrorist to carry out the tax and peaceful countries is irresponsible behavior by the crating government. that can be described as childish behavior, not reflecting any political rationality in any way even has the will, this depends on how much money they're willing to injects into these medicine race as a what for who as a funds them with enough money, they can recruit these terrorists and leave them to carry out operations. whether that gaze russell or any country in of it regions. this is what we've seen in the syria in crisis over many years. mass and res, way recruited based on the money flowing into the hands. and when the funding stops, the terrorist organizations stalled. currently this does the money that ukraine is
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offering. these terrorist groups we use for the deeds ukraine wants to carry out. and of course, ukraine is now in a state of confusion, and sometimes they claim they want to end the conflict of the times. they say they will continue the war until the very end, especially when it comes to financing and requesting aid from the united states and european governments. and the grant is now on to absolutely engaging and a failed political game, playing with some extent or cods in different regions. plus ukraine's current actions, i believe, have entered a phase of confusion and final disputes. saudi . i kind of use this, the beginning of russia's special ministry operation in ukraine. siri has supported russians position and provide a significant backing. i believe the syrian government will take hold positive steps that would support russia stones and ensure the restoration of things to the original stage prevent west and thrice the support from carrying out operations
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against russia and threatening brushes. a regional interest, well preventing the return of a global balance and a multi part of wealth. all these factors showed that ukraine is currently a total used by the west to prevent the rise and return to the global balance led by russia in china to restore well the equilibrium was in a and the consulting shop. i don't mind, i'll pull it and help you on the voice of truth when we speak the truth, anyone who's hurt by it feels a pain. we saw this in syria and experienced the struggle when they signed the star official, governmental and private channels for many years. because we heard them and expose their license. now aussie and brushes, day of facing the same things and brush of websites being accused of money laundering, terrorism, promotion and fake news. all these all misleading lines that the wes tries to use to justify, to the western audience why they're blocking these channels. where is the freedom or expression? now where is the freedom of speech?
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whereas the freedom of publishing all these values, the west space about a collapsing with a sense ship and blocking. i think that would stop that. they even pressure, india and other countries to block these platforms. training a spread lies the united states always says if you know with us you're against us, this is a clear slogan. all the united states. if you don't say what pleases them, then they are against you. anyone who opposes us, policies on the stands is set by social media as imposed by platforms like facebook . you don't mask amongst you could, but will be subject to censorship and bands. the standards of what the united states consider virtuous and suitable for all human societies. anyone who say something different from what the us once is subject to band restrictions and censorship. this is what we see in the current conflict between israel and the palestinian peoples of what the people up at the end of the month. i believe that what is real data was not the right course
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of action. and it was clearly a breach somewhere. but he faced ro could invasion on keep by 11, and they wouldn't hesitate for a 2nd highway, but they currently incapable of doing site trying instead to carry out individual terry's backs against syria and lebanon. and they make false claims that they all the source of tara and power since october, 7th, full days miss israel has built a now collapsing, rebuilding israel's fate and prestige, claiming they cannot reach any one of the items and beds is inaccurate. and the best evidence is the weapons and breaches coming from yemen, iraq, and elsewhere that can bypass all is ready, defense systems. these devices that israel has planted, claiming they would target, has la forces or weak excuse. these devices. also civilian purpose is using hospitals. and by individuals, so then not exclusive to as the law and the not a legitimate literature we response is a vile act of brutal crime against civilians not against as blog. this is unacceptable, but those standards and targeting civilians is unprecedented. they claim that using
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small bones and targeting individuals fall from civilians who said these devices only by his beloved, the evidence is the many injured and dead. we've seen in the males, the supermarkets and other places wherever the civilians present a highly. and you took the, during the talk, he is not acting in a way that shows seriousness about returning things to normal. serious demands were trapped expressed by president bush or alice that which is for to kids withdrawal has took you have reached the point where it's willing to meet serious rightful demands with not such a condition that is an occupant. and there is someone supporting terrorism when the aux about a band and supporting terrorism and stumps occupying the land of others. the old masters will be result. siri is always open to restoring. i'm renewing relations, but took care which used to be exceptional for many years. but
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a responsible actions during a certain period destroyed would have been built over the years. the luscious type is a problem and has done that with pockets donnie. it's help diplomat as soon as lama bonds on wednesday, but 2 countries offset to boost cooperation across various fields. including in the education and energy space, s, a t's were on calls wherever pulls from is not a bad and obviously the solutions have come along with in focus on there is a desire to force strong cooperation with the russian federation. we believe that a step by step approach based on the best and mutual respect has for the relationship on the very positive back rush of deputy prime minister ali say over check is on a 2 day visit to puck installed this week with a country's foreign ministry indicating that their relationship with moscow is based on goodwill embassy. and for that quite a lot on the agenda here for the russians. integration, including meetings with president i. c for these are the zari prime minister ship
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boss to re, for administer it talk door and all the report you started, you officials out. but you still on is one of the major players in the global south, which is arguably becoming the world. and you economic center freight volume between the 2 countries amounted to the modest $1100000000.00 us dollars in the last fiscal year. and the that's something that both nations one changed. however, the share of transactions settled in national currencies and the currencies of friendly nations. in the 1st 6 months of 2024 exceeded 80 percent. now the russian deputy prime minister underscored the most go and the slim a bad a working on a free trade agreements. would you region, economic union and market over at least 190000000 people, as well as the food of energy security. and generally expanding economic ties out of state overshoot suggested that purchased on participation could be instrumental
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informing you sick, your supply chains between duration countries and the global self by participating in the planned international north, south transport core door force. connectivity within the region is a very important subjection and we've introduced our colleagues with the for it we're doing on developing and our sales transport, core door and uh with uh, and discuss the benefits for joining your southcourt in transport core door with to the boston road initiative which is promoted by the people's republic of china, cabin you trade rooms is expected to run all the way from the northern ocean and the baltic sea to the persian gulf and the indian ocean. now this will also create a better business environment and the necessary infrastructure little foundation for increasing seamless phrase and other relations and contacts among the people
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along with a youth bradford court door now apart from a business and security projects, the sides also discussed, facilitating direct contacts, between people and communities overall shame fuck you, start that assignment that has welcome to increasing number of state funded internships for bucket studies. students in rush and universities that will pay the way to most goals at various technologies in the traditional and clean energy, transportation to agriculture, medicine and many other sectors of the economy as well. both sides are eager to develop connectivity projects, including zealand drawer networks between the 2 countries and beyond. in terms of custom and educational dice, we are pleased to see increased context between universities of over 2 countries. meanwhile, russia has welcome islamabad application to the growing rich organization and
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stress. that's old you. nations are accepted by consensus of old members rather than and majority votes for special brotherly relationship. that's brooks countries . brakes nations have developed over those in 3 years of uh, brakes existence, brakes as a platform is actually what is attracting off many countries from, for all the world to breaks. and uh, we uh, we are happy that pakistan has applied so that socks between rush and focused on our scheduling. intensifying with the next meeting scheduled at the shanghai corporation organization, prime minister's meeting in his lemme bed in october, long call for archie, islamic republican for this time. oh, it's good to have your company here and i'll see we've got the latest episode of in long visions coming your way next and all. but that was more news in just
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