tv The Whistleblowers RT September 21, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT
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read an unbelievable propaganda on the website. the mines thing, channels, people buying, right? it else with the they created new means of communication and this will be the sign back on a much larger scale. when we look at the us, we heard down to me blinking when he was announcing the new bands again staci just about a week ago. but this was not an attack on freedom of speech that america supported journalism. but i just wonder what you'll view point is on this issue regarding freedom of speech. and yet here we have the us putting pressure on companies right . less than incentive to find any voice that doesn't succumb to the mainstream narrative, but they want people to hey, how skate all day. and what does this say about freedom of press and the right to freedom of speech in the us right now as well? what it shows is the picture of bikes, the m a pulling up, and then run
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a situation that never be done before. because people used to believe the garbage or at least go along with it. and what you have now is this disparate vision, what people that the flight in the ground like this person drowning in the ocean, they will pull any, any one more, anything down just to stay on top and give a little bit of extra life. and one of the challenges is whenever you have an establishment official and the us uh, signing was like, it was basically uh, the constitution uh and its provisions. what for this page you can almost be sure that the red line in the office it's applies. amazing. you've recently hated the likes of hillary clinton and cycle going on. you've had these official sign the roles, but there is no such thing is actually freedom of speech which of the constitution
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. it's the movie. see is there is. so i mean, you've got these hypocrites who are lying that disparate and a libel to do anything to try and get the wrong way with just another 5 minutes. yeah, it's the idea by you can say we like as long as we like what you say, greg. thank you very much for joining us. how not to international and scrape simon's independent political research and in sweep. thank you. well, as always, has been a pleasure to have your company will be back with another look at the global news agenda the top of the next hour until the display change here to all the international, the whistle blowers next the
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many americans, perhaps even most americans believe that lee harvey oswald did not act alone when he killed president john f. kennedy. on november 22nd 1963. oswald even called himself for patsy. just before he in turn was assassinated by night club owner jack ruby. it was a series of events that not only shook america, it also permanently change the course of american history. look at it this way. kennedy wanted to break up the c. i a and withdraw from south vietnam. had that happened, there would have never been a president, lyndon johnson, and then no anti vietnam war movement. that means that there probably wouldn't have been a president richard nixon. and without mixing, it would have been no watergate scandal without water date. jimmy carter would have never been president, and without carter, there would have never been the so called reagan revolution of 1980. those are the only ways in which history would have been different. and john kennedy's wasn't the
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only murder that had an impact on history. i'm john kerry onto welcome to the whistle blowers the . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 and we're going to tell you today about one of the most fascinating and so. busy murders in modern american history, and it's one that most americans know nothing about. i want to try to lay out the characters in the story. one is john f kennedy himself, you know all about him. another is cord meyer. he was a school friend of kennedy's, and many of their mutual friends said that they were best friends, indeed, best friends until the end of kennedy's life. kornmeier also became one of the c. i is senior most officers. another character in the story is mary pincher, my records wife. she too was a great school friend of kennedy's, mary cord and j. f. k. all went to school together and in fact,
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kennedy and mary dated each other before marian cord became a couple and got married. that didn't stop jeff k. and mary, from having an affair, though that's something we'll talk about a little bit later. kornmeier joined the c. i a, in 1951 at the invitation of c. i, a director allen dulles kennedy was already in washington having been elected to the house of representatives and contemplating a senate run. 3 years later, cord had a string of senior positions at the c. i always with kennedy support and the 3 along with jackie kennedy and newsweek magazine editor, ben bradley and his wife antoinette, who was married sister, were it every society party and every social event in washington together, the meyers divorced in 1958, 2 years after their young son michael was hit by a car and killed near their home. he was 9 years old to fast forward then to 1963. kennedy is murdered in dallas in november. the myers are devastated,
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and washington and the country are never the same. but life eventually goes on, mary, who had always been artistic, became one of the leading artist in the washington colors school that was an important american art movement of the mid 20th century. her paintings are now worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and are in museum collections around the world. on october 12th 1964, 11 months after kennedy was killed, mary decided to go for a walk along the cno canal. tow path in the georgetown section of washington dc. that was something that she did almost every single day. she was suppose to then me, her sister for lunch. and then she intended to paint for the rest of the afternoon in her studio, which was behind her sister's property in georgetown. but mary never made it. she was brutally murdered while walking along the tow path. police almost immediately arrested a black man near the scene of the crime and arrest which racism played
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a major role. that man was tried for the crime and then an all white jury found him not guilty. no other arrests have ever been made. and the case is officially listed as open and unsolved. our guest today who was the best friend of the myers son, who was killed in that car accident, took up the case as an adult. he published an absolutely riveting book about it called mary's mosaic. the c i a conspiracy to murder, john f. kennedy, mary pinto meyer and their vision for world peace. he used primary source, c i a and us army documents to get to the bottom of it. and spoiler alert, he solves the crime. any points the finger directly at the c i a that we are very happy today to welcome peter jenny, to the show. peter is a p h, the psychologist. he's a renowned author and a university lecture. peter,
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thank you so much for being with us. this is a real treat by pleasure, john, i am just really thrilled that the excitement around this story. i'm just luck as job to waited you and hopefully held, continue to talk today your audience. a meant to that peter. let's start with the players in this complicated story. i hope that i did them justice in the introduction. but tell us about chord and mary meyer, their relationship to john and jackie kennedy and to ben and antoinette bradley. these people were all at the very top of washington society and the 19 fifties and the 1960s. and these were the circles in which your own parents were traveling. yes, all of the people basically just mentioned, not not only socialized together, but their kids. uh, you know,
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became friends and where they went to the same schools uh, in washington to private school, particularly one called george foundational one, which is quite a well known right now. and uh, you know, they, they, they had a very old time in washington. and of course, that included quite a lot of drinking. uh, and it took it show a will tell us a little of your own personal history. you lived near the myers when you were a child. their middle son, michael, was your best friend. and then he was killed when he was hit by a car was trying to cross the street. you remains close to the myers into your young adulthood, and then when you were 17 years old, you came home from school during a break. and your parents told you that mary had been murdered. that affected you deeply. tell us about that event and about how it spurred you to write this
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outstanding book. yes, it did. did you know the event itself shocked to me? you know, i remember sitting at our dinner table the night before thanksgiving. uh, in the fall of 1964 and my mother just sort of casually made an announcement as to the event of this murder. and you know, here i was home from boring, so i was in the 11th grade, i was planning to go out and how to get a all night. and i ended up retreating to my bedroom and going to bed literally right after dinner and crying. busy most of the night off and on. i knew there was something very for found that i'd taken place. and
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i was also for many years trying to buy the scene at our dinner table because my mother did all the talking. and my father just vacantly stared off into space, which i thought was kind of unusual given you know, how. busy critical this event lunch, show it shape with me for many years. and there was only room in the course of intensive psychotherapy and since we were in the late got into. busy late 19 sixty's original views of cycle del x and a very responsible way that i just started making the connections that i needed to make that allows me to advance is. busy ready to
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where the ultimate end result was the bulk and that took many years. what tell us about the relationship between mary meyer and john kennedy, the national choir tabloid broke the story in 1976. well after both of them were dead. but now it's generally accepted, as fact. did you find proof of that relationship in your own research? oh, on the website. i think the thing you know to begin is that the 1st time j f k laid eyes on mary was at a pressure winter session and he said, j. s. k has gone from the church for very tosh arrange for actual award in wallingford, connecticut. and you're already graduated, but he came back the following year just to go to this big shot region there where
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there was formal damage. that kind of thing. and this was where the 1st where you all eyes on there and and there was a and a child or she could not forget mary's date was a man by the name of. busy evan atwood lashley became a member of kennedy's administration, was one of kennedy's and bachelors. but there are a number of references to the 3 of them sitting around that uh no subject quietly coming together and ran initially about when they were together at this dance. and so bill atwood kept running upstairs to guard the survey, you had a very bad cold. and during that time is when j. f. k started to make his boots on
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there in terms of cutting a holler and all that well and things like that. but you know, mary kind of struggled with a grain of salt. she recognized j. s. k. at that time for me was, you know, a very wealthy play moore's who is just awesome. married. and you know, they didn't really address mirror. he didn't, i address mary really, but definitely he was very uh, just taken with her. i never forgot the times now. fast forward into the late fifties, early sixties. and they ended up being neighbors, j, f k. and his wife jackie were 1st to occupy vickery hill, subsequently, where bobby and ethel and their family may have dr. j. f k. and just wanted to georgetown. so there was a lot of, you know, interaction in
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a certain time. um, i think the thing to remember here is that the trauma of miners and particularly mary losing their middle son to a car accident where mike always get kind of as josh is coming home for dinner. and that was all 1956 in december. and so barry was out of state and i think that was really one of the primary things that chat a divorce uh or simulated native worst to take place. because mary was also increasingly very turned off. of course. busy at the central intelligence agency, but she, i and she just didn't blanket she hated the island dollars. and she
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was just a po uh about hearing a number of things that they were involved in. peter, i want you to hold that thoughts. we are going to take a short break and when we come back we're going to talk to peter jenny about his investigation into mary myers murder and the exciting combination of all of those efforts say to. 2 2 look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show you live in to the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to make a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the team and the
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robot must protect this phone. existence was on the . 2 welcome back to the whistle blowers and john carrie onto were speaking with dr . peter jenny. he's a psychologist, renowned officer and a university lecturer. peter, thanks again for being with us. by your peter, let's get into the details of mary myers murder. mary went for a walk along the cno canal in georgetown like she did almost every day. she was going to have lunch with her sister and then paints, but she never made it to the lunch. take it from there. well, berries walks this, you know, told her. busy a regular part of the cheese,
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typically winter studio around 8 in the morning. she would work for 3 or 4 hours and a go take a walk down in georgetown from wherever studio was, which was about 6 lots. and then go under key bridge and walk out the cho path to place. busy fletchers, boat house, so you go out to fletchers and that was about 2 miles, maybe 2 or a half miles long. and it was a, as i said, a very established routine. uh, mary. jo, she as a woman and her early forties, she was very physically chad. she played a lot of tennis. she took exercise very seriously. so this was, you know, routine that she really enjoyed. and we, you know,
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keep it up even on the coldest, asian winter. and there's a little story in my book about one day she walked into jackie kennedy, this post assassination. and uh, the 2 of them just embraced and cried together. and uh, it, it's a very, it's a very poignant moment. i think. and the story in terms of, even though barry and and j. busy k, we're having an affair, which i really think jackie knew about, as well as any number of sexual encounters jack had during his career or, you know, the 2 of them had a bond that was above and beyond conflict just in terms of their respect and connection and you know,
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deep of buying shades and j f. k was at the time and the tragedy that had take your place in dallas. one of the absolute craziest parts of this story is that of mary's diary. she kept a diary, and she told her sister and brother in law about it and asked them to destroy it in the event that something happened to her. then immediately after her death, the bradleys were in their home and they heard somebody in mary studio behind the house, and ben bradley went to investigate. so, tell our viewers what happened next. well, actually, there needs to be a correction here. the way the bradley's knew about the diary was she to mary's best friend and slowly and alma not andrew was in japan the day of the murder. and on the evening of the murder, she actually called the bradleys and she was looking for jim angleton. always many
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people know was the chief of counterintelligence at the guy and she wanted to inform everyone that there was this diary they needed to find it because there were a lot of uh, very fascinating details that. busy in the diary and the band did not want to see this information get into the wrong hands. so what happened at that point is bradley and angleton went to mary's diary, and bradley had the key to the entrance. so they went down to larry's gallery and found a diary as force. bradley gave it to angleton to quote unquote take care of it. and so. busy busy it was an open blatchley news about the diary already because he
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was having married each phone. i knew how who barry was and what she was capable of. and we're talking about a moment that is just, you know, in september of 1916 floor, the one condition. mm hm. has been written and released. mary had her own copy, which she read and just curious to know and, and it was at that point she was planning to go public and basically tell the world of her relationship with j, f. k. and what had happened and she was going to blow the whistle on the c, i a particular raver, ex husband, and of course jim angleton. so that became really the motivating factor as to why the c i a so they just tried to get rid of her. she was going to
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just destroy all the publicity that was going into the warren commission report and trying to put the public uh, address that of course it was lee harvey oswald when in fact, she was already convinced that it was that you used primary source documents from the c i a and from the us army that allows you to focus on one person, a man that you believe to be married, myers killed her. now, this is the thing to me. this is what sold me on the book. who was that man? and what led you to him the name of the man was lieutenant william l mitchell and mitchell. busy on the under cover a contract agent for the c i a, a she started to develop a habit, richard was instructed to do. i'll be out of the. busy around the time,
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mary took her walk and so on the day of the murder, she was actually the last person to see her. now, originally i thought, mitchell was the assassin. was given the nature of mitchell's personnel rank, which by researchers helped me get the least along with the jump. turning, we got his personnel file and examined a mitchell did not have a profile of the c. i a, a shots that had been a c, i a ss and there would've been certain entries in his personnel file of having training here. i've been training there. they weren't there. but mitchell is a very credible critical person. again, this story because we're going, going deeper into this web,
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it occurred to me that there was a she, i a session and these people. busy as you probably might imagine their life goes, i mean they come in, they do the work, and then they just completely disappear and vanish. and there is not a trace of them. i don't think mitchell, i was the assassin. and one of the reasons that leads me to this is i, i filed the lawsuit against nature. i had to get to him in some way. and in order to get rid of the last 2 vigils, attorney agreed to a deposition that i would have a 3 hour. busy deposition with mitchell in california, whereby i could ask him questions that he has never been asked before and of course it would be recorded manor gated, it written out,
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that kind of thing. so we went to this deposition that mitchell was unaware of my level of preparation as most people are. so i basically caught mitchell with this pass down a number of details and it was very clear through the deposition that he was like at one point only took a break by attorney was very anxious. so that's your date of. busy what's going on here he shut. busy up, peter, this is a guy will come back with a loaded gun and shoot as all right, that's what i'm worried about. a force that does not happen, but. busy i think that deposition really short the case, several start steps further deeper to really show that there was an immense amount of organization around this operation.
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and you have to look a certain way or else the suspicion was just going to totally be rail. what do you tell which in st paul wanted to achieve in the shop or asian? and a go ahead peter, i, i apologize that we're out of time and i want to thank you for being with us on the show. and i, i want to encourage everybody to take a look at this absolutely magnificent book. mary's mosaic thanks for being with us. but a pleasure, john arthur robert per se, said it, his famed book then, and the art of motorcycle maintenance. the truth knocks on the door and you say, go away. i'm looking for the truth. and it goes away. puzzling. but that's what so many americans have done as others have searched for the truth and some of the most dramatic and historically important events of the 20th century. that's why we are
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so fortunate to have people like dr. peter jenny, out, they're researching, writing, and not being afraid of the truth. i'd like to thank peter jenny for being with us today. please. again, check out his book. mary's mosaic, the c. i. a conspiracy to murder john of kennedy, mary pinto myers and their vision for world peace. i'd also like to thank our viewers for joining us for another episode of the list of lowers and john kerry. aku, please follow me on some steps at john kerry. i will see you next time. 2 2 2 the. 2 the regularly on the ocean, things phone say no photos get them in a way of like the size of the shield in comes i shall bring you my store. the one that i see is this to my 3 other senior. so the machine that you
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wish to move this whole thing is that it will say a little difficulty, right, left of the right to question. what are we supposed to pay and also another for the city which the with the same. but i think a funny of, but he's most of them all as yourself. good one, i suppose. then we space differentiates the condition of motion. they're going to show a function of the less and less than let's go sluggard and you don't. but uh, the man or
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the, the gas to rises, been paid versus the lasers telling the time to take. so the search he lives in dawson's attentions, boy, these red line is up, it's across has on, has beloved positions in lab and we strongly condemned this. i'm the president of the tax on friends 11 in the and the citizens which comes to use a gross violation of historians a time to is a serious challenge to international law. at the united nations security council was done for the people of the life and all of the wireless devices is back today to don't mind speeding doesn't say the new building 1000 some old tech talk about the accounts of several products.
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