tv News RT September 23, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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no the 50 people are killed. the 300 who did as is well, strikes 11 on this. is that the idea for pointedly moves heavy? almost to the folder? we're gonna have a live update from our correspondent in a in just a moment. the gunfire break size is, is waiting for says wait, palestinians, pestilence across the west bank that says evidences emerging, of which falsities being committed, fine only being treated with many. no wording is brandi ily,
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defending to another guys, a idea phrase have grown more frequent. the military's operations of stretching longer are becoming deadly and more brutal. the, this is where from russia started it's scoundrel, offensive all t gets exclusive access to the co scrimmage in the face with the queen in troops to retreats inside west and made weapons continue to go up in smoke and does the empty establishment. abs policy take 2nd place in german rondon but we're looking to have german sentiment is changing towards new crane conflict. submit the nations rest, stick it back, and we'll make the time the
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like the joining into an aussie and the national. it's a busy news day and a busy prism coming up. see we've got reports from level these relatives so much more base monday while we're going to kick off on use our without top story and head straight to the middle east. this is where the tensions on i read whole some 50 people have been killed over 300. last wounded is really strikes on lab and on. this is according to local officials. the, his early monday morning footage level and that's coming in from lab and on the, on the f as in that states hate to bus 300 has belong targets.
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well, let's get into the story. now of course like this, our, to a correspondent who's in pay route for us. this is yes and can yes and um there is a huge amount going on that lots of cross blue define. can you just bring us up to date with the latest developments where you all the, there's a great deal that we need to cover because we understand that that is rarely defense forces is currently engaged with has the line, the south. but it seems that its attacks are reaching further inland and that they are attacking larger cities. and they're not just limited to the suburbs of the country where his, the lot is essentially operating out of. and despite statements from the idea of these strikes seem to be targeting residential areas, of course they do claim that the sites are areas that hezbollah is operating out of the team. them terror targets. but taking into consideration the scale of the attacks, the indiscriminate attacks are, of course, harming and causing harm to civilians in many different ways. we understand that
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the strikes of course, have been targeting residential areas. we understand that there was a mass exodus that is currently under way. many people are leaving southern parts of the country moving further north. those that are lucky enough will make it's a bad road if not further up north and bobbie for this a live broadcast. i was speaking to a local teacher who said that she spoke with our friends who are leaving the sell them. so the parts of the country they're moving further up north and they will be staying here with her at her home until things and one way or the other, finalize, at least until they can return back home. or if the conflict in one way or the other could de escalate. but the prospects of that as time goes on, are becoming that much more slim. we understand that the 2 sides have been engaged in massive back and forth strikes over the past 48 hours. and it seems that the conflict on monday has been picking up speed as well. the idea of says that they are retaliating as a result of the fact some of the idea of us to say following indications of the
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season paula was preparing to fire towards is really territory. we begin striking terry star gets throughout lebanon shortly. the idea of fully engaging, extensive, precise strikes against tara targets, which have been imbedded widely throughout the lab. and then the idea is operating and will continue to operate in defense of the citizens of israel. where ever required these attacks by the idea for not just buttoning the livelihoods of lebanese of the lebanese throughout the country. but it's taking a different told as well, we already understand that the country is facing a great economic crisis and it has been for the past few years. and it seems that this ongoing conflict is just exacerbating that situation. but we also understand that schools are supposed to open up last week, and they still haven't so many were assuming that the schools would reopen in some parts of the country later this month. but it seems that the conflict as it becomes
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a lot more volatile, that's the schools will be that the that they will remain closed because we understand that some of these schools have been used as a refuge over the course of the past decade or to one the, the is rarely and the hezbollah minutes areas where essentially engaged and come back in 2006, the schools and other similar institutions were used as a refuge for civilian. so the general understanding is that if this complet does continue, that the schools, the charges and other institutions will serve as a refuge for many people that are leading the south. we understand that housing is a big issue as well. but in retaliation, of course, as well as, as that it will continue to use its forces as well as the resources that it has. an ad is disposal to come back is really aggression because of the lot of facts that occurred on tuesday and wednesday, last week. the pager bombings was a direct attack not just against as the law officials and sought commanders. it was an attack on thousands of civil use throughout the country. and this is wise as
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well that says that they will or react number tally or to wait. and they provide more information to so why has the lot to say with respect to that lady will fall at least real 6 life comforts. it faces an adversary, the values to life all times do we can now resolve. we typically lead to this option will never succeed in shots or email me. of these individuals have committed themselves to this struggle and for them. achieving more to them is a full field alteration and realize that the hands of anatomy recognized by life humanity as a sort of security and global peace. over the course of the past 2 weeks, we've realized a change in israel's resolve. we understand that it's military cabinets, convene to revise its strategy, moving forward with respect to its northern campaign, especially when it's a conflict with the lebanese has the law. but what we're looking at right now is, is a complete full of focus on a re shaping identity of that strategical tactics. and we understand that they are
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going to be engaged with his beloved moving forward. we understand that they want to resettle certain civilian areas. north of the northern israel, close to the lebanese border, but here's the law says that they will not give way to that, that they will not allow that to happen. especially considering the attacks of the idea of having caring against southern lebanon, or just over the course of the past few weeks. this past weekend. hundreds of missiles targeted push it positions in the southern part of the parts of the country. and the timing of course, could not be any more important because we understand that the, somebody not to be in general assembly is under way that many world leaders will be vocal about the events that are happening here. so it's going to be interesting to see how this guy essentially essentially takes part of the agenda of global leaders at this assembly. so moving forward is going to be in central to see what the development on the ground proposed and what that will look like. but the current situation is while the tell and a could of course, evolve into something a lot more threatening as well. yes, and thanks very much. we'll bring this up today to learn about the course. and yes
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is asking for us in babies. well, the current escalation was treated by last week. shocking tara tax. this is one thousands of pages and easy to explode. it across 11 on thousands of people wounded in dozens were killed, including women and children. now while countless reports are placing the bane on most side, israel's president has denied his country's enforcement claiming that has been law, has many enemies. it's ever assumed that if the security forces were behind the expert in pages than walkie talkies last week, whoever was behind those that those attacks. they could not possibly be sure even if they were aimed at the people you've just illustrates it. they could not be sure of who was going to be in the room in the chair at that point fly or reject our.
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busy hand, any a connection to this, all that source of operational we uh here simply to defend ourselves. that's all we do well, that says, washington officials have marked the college in lab and on. yes, that's why it does have a listen to this. this is this us state department on voice offering a move it on. so that seems to delight who attends after october, 7th, there was a feeling around the world at the start of this week or in, in, in, in did you want to be for it? we can i can give you a few but it has the law has appointments to host response what it claims is as well as role leaving the page and to, to get tax over the weekend. there was heavy cost for the 5. this was an exchange between the idea found has the finances. well, we've been hearing from a lebanese humanitarian activist. she says,
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people in her country faced on preston to terra this past week. i mean, just imagine for a moment the western reaction had thousands of pages and will control piece exploded in cities like new york or london in my life. it was panic all over the entire country. and most people are panicking and holding their devices and wondering is it going to explode now in my hand to watch, you know, they manage to put the entire population in a state of panic. an unprecedented, it's an act of terrorism. most importantly, a one has to noted as such because it is in the box of terrorism against the sovereign state against level. and it is to inflict, you know, of casualties and death and the terror among the entire population. and this is what a terrorist does, actually, this is, it has all these,
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all the print, all the prints of what a terrorist is and, and what is he capable of what they are capable of? i mean, i heard so many mothers as being terrorized trying to unplug the monitor of their baby and unplug some household devices because they did not know what is going to, you know, exposed and whatnot. you know, everybody was panic and then you also went to hit the timing was very important. and in order to, to cause the maximum damage the maximum casualties, the maximum massacre, the maximum acts of an absolute terrorist attack on lebanon. and they succeeded unfortunately, but let's head down. there are 2 central goals that because at least 5 people have reported leaping kill. this is as the result of an is really strike on the city of
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the alpha. all the attack was carried out on an apartment building next to the i'll ok so, so as well. and then also the own clave of residential building was hit, where he and his race flight. this is in the to valley a refugee camp. children said to be amongst the casualties that meanwhile, the white house national security communications director. i said that the main reason is was a soul to phone calls. that is still thing is because the leader of how much is most engaged in sleep for discussion. mister sand while remains the big obstacle here to getting a deal. and it certainly is the case that he has done nothing in the recent weeks to prove that he's willing to move this forward in a good faith way. he is the major obstacle, no question about it. and whoever that official was is, right? i mean it's, it's tough to get him to say yes to things that he's already said he want. so it's
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very, very difficult. while as tags moving to position and is ready, bones are fooling on the lab and on all mess today. the question is, will the conflict be confined to the food? alonzo is a why just spill over ready to create a middle east, a reduction, the injection far new st says lot more is own the cons. more on this. you had a but to our website off feet don't. meanwhile reports are coming in the del idea full series of conducted a series of overnight raids. this is in settlements in the west bank of video emerging of troops and almost vehicles on the streets. as gunfire was bringing out the, the idea as conduct agent operation, the another refugee camp that's also being quotes on cameras. major reports tend
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locals have seen arrested point id f forces, no comment. so for all those foam is well on those latest developments. all of this comes as the id f on thursday killed 7. i'm going to the 11th allison and this was during a 10 hour long offensive operation in one of the cities in cafeteria. drones strikes reportedly had crowded parts of the settlement, and some of these rarely atrocities were cool with all the camera that's headed over now to all these middle east butte, or chief maria from ocean with some of this disturbing footage. 3 idea of soldiers on the rooftop pushing and lifeless body toward the edge. i'm going to get stuck hanging upside down and it twisted position until one of the troops makes an adjustment. and the body drops with a brutal snout. oh, not much of the soldier's chief. they approach the next time around and swing the
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2nd body back and forth like a rag doll before hurling the men over the side. listed body is simply shelved over the edge and they all know yet, i'm sure. so the inner, a, lindsey, so these controversial incidents happened in the palestinian village of cuba to the new jeanine in the north and west bank. you are in what the idea of labelled account of terrorism operation, intense clashes between is rarely forces and armed men resulted in casualties. and other video shows and gunman racing across what looks like the same rooftop hours before the buddies. the throne is really army leaders stated they had killed 4 militants. most likely the individuals in the video are the same ones referenced by the idea of, but it's hard to verify whether the palestinians were already dead when their bodies were thrown from the roof. what is clear, they lost
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a great deal of blood before hand. the roof still bears red stains, hunting testimony to the violence that unfolded here. on the bottom, shaking a little that shift. the gunfire was intense, directly targeting the house. the young man inside tried to sleep, but they were surprised to find the special forces surrounding the upper part of the house. and they started shooting injuring 3 of the the 4 young men didn't die immediately. they were bleeding. this head ambulances started to arrive to transport the injured, but the ears rarely army had the area surrounded and prevent anyone from entering whether they treated anyone's there's a target and shot of them. i know the young man who died had been leaving for about an hour and a half until the roof was covered with their blood mixed with the stagnant water on the rooftop lay of one. another evening play chose is really soldiers. when looking on as a bulldozer, a tries to grasp a life the body with its bucket. once again, it takes multiple attempts to somebody who may have the autobiography is really army took for bodies was to,
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from the overall family and actually one from the nicest family and another from the doctor and off family. shoddy and humbling. he held out for 4 hours a day and say to the bodies down in a broad manner and a bulldozer took the bodies and handed them over to another voters which took them away. this isn't the 1st time these really army has done the one we've grown used to these action to how much the occupation leasia you. how may i assist you the statement strongly condemning the soldiers? behavior design is doctor patient. all i'm a committed atrocities seem to tell and they'll come by to you by throwing the bodies of marches from the roofs of houses. these mess it goes common to context of the ongoing genocide against the palestinian people in gaza. i made international silence, and the american support requires a strong condemnation from countries and human vice organizations. international humanitarian law clearly outlines the responsibilities of all parties involved in military conflicts regarding the treatment of the dead. each bonded to the
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conflicts must state all possible measures to prevent the dad from being disappoint . mutilation of dead bodies is prohibited in response to our request. the idea of has denounced the behavior of its man. this is a serious incident that does not coincide with the idea of values and the expectations from id of soldiers. the incident is under review, whether the soldier's face and the consequences for the actions remains and mystery, though so far, there is little indication that any one has been or will be held to account settings in the west bank and is jerusalem. have reached a boiling point with many now wording it is gradually descending into another guys, a idea phrase have grown more frequent. the military's operations of stretching longer are becoming deadly and more brutal human rights organizations from all sides is really probably seen in international how busy documenting the growing
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list of abuses, but with a general sense of impunity hanging in there. it's hard to see how things will improve any time soon. marie, from ocean on how to you free floating from east jerusalem. but switch is not because russian forces off pushing back ukrainian troops on the coast screeching. the nations and bodies as cap has lost over 318 men. this is in the last day alone, the russian military officials also report forwarding ukrainian plans of attacking critical russian infrastructure. this is as a russian chauffeur cruise viewers in on the cleaning long range, all tillery positions and keeps troops in the trenches will open out all these. it goes down off with an exclusive report from the coast region. the entire left bank of the river. same bends, swarms of ukrainian company, kazi,
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the oh, that's 3 by the by. so you just do that. okay, so moving to the select. so it's essentially what's the effect? please keep, i'll just keep us, you know, let's say this stuff as this guy briefly play as we head out to witness the destruction delta by ukrainian shells and missiles in the town of quick. but keith is no longer the front line, yet it is still being baffled by the ukrainians. it's a rather unique point. this is where from russia stuff and it's counter offensive, grabbing back well over a 100 square kilometers over at sloan that was previously held by t of at the same time, directly to the south west from here, the ukrainians attempt to the another border incursion. but this time,
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the hopes for an august like blitzkrieg will mess and leslie denied. ukraine has been held bent on trying to breach the boy to once more. here to have the most goes counter offensive in the quarter squeegee. and a drone pilot with russia is 100 and 55th gods and naval infantry brigade shows me the gruesome price key you've paid for these attempts on you put the $2.00 well, the charge and so this field and get around us from that side. yeah. so those small vehicles we've done them with, well, we suppose of them in advance. i don't think we can now even see it's, it's been to the ground. it was burning and exploding for 3 days. it melted, i guess. but as long as you cream it has enough men and steel to throw into the meat grinder. it will. our crew gets
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a chance to witness keep troops crash and burn as it happens. this little party might this to. so the, what i could is necessary to understand that the enemy has brought here the best he has. we can see that from this brenda equipment or from here, the leopard tanks, the abram tanks and we burn highmore systems. here are the 51. no one expected it to be easy, but the enemy got scared and sled on yours about this work to our advantage. and we moved on and would like us to go all se pavel makers done and reporting from the course region, russia r. c. and it's hard to election race in the german states of brandon, but the rising empty establishment policy, the ask the who's taking 2nd place behind chancellor sholtes. he's s p d b a s d says the result soon. busy the idea of putting germans fast is gaining
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momentum. germany has been governed by a party contel, the launch, the shares, the same agenda, whether it's on the d. u, euro savings, immigration, or foreign policy. there's little distinction between them. the a if the stands is the only thing willing to challenge the status quote, i'm advocating for the interests of the german people which have been sidelined for too long. many are beginning to realize that germany's policies have often been contrary to its citizens interest. we need to prioritize our own people's needs, just as is customary in every other nation. this realization might stem from a deeper issue, a lack of confidence in our national identity. when we speak of normalization in both things it's, we are affirming our identity to be on germans and we want a future that reflects about well, in terms of the results here, the, the pulling, the, just the percentage points behind alternative for germany. it's not secure, it's 7 low seats in the local parliament. and while
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a german challenge to assess his support for ukraine will remain ronda, but glucose won't their own interests put fast. this one's older, people are just dissatisfied. there are always many promises nice, but they are not fulfilled. many of us are against putting so much money into ukraine and would prefer to invest in our infrastructure, for example, me a sort of the sort of the more storage than that, i believe the frustration of the politics is particularly strong in east germany pretty. so people are sending the message with us since they want to make a change and think they want to know, tentative, and even the identity we shaft. well, we've been hearing from the lead to all 50 in the brendan, but local parliamentary says people want a government to tackle the pressing issues instead of following orders from a broad excuse the unsuccessful type. the, the a, f, d is the only party that truly represents the interests of the youth before we want proper education in schools again and the trend for the economy to function
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properly. again, all the other parties not doing mission with as they are destroying the future of the youth when the government is firmly established. now the government does not necessarily represent our national german interest, but rather subordinates itself even to the interests of other powers. the parties that call themselves the democratic house are really on the verge of damaging democracy. would that means they have already damaged democracy. their grip on power is more important to them, then a true democracy. and this is a big problem. and this is also a task that we as we have seen and they are addressing it is one of our most important issues that we want to preserve or restore democracy. well, to break down the recent chapman regional elections and why the status quo has shifted from the traditional hands of power to alternative voices. all these contributor rachel most and has the details. and this looking at this for us of the
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i salvage my right alternative for germany. your a f d party has just fish, neck and neck with german chancellor off sources establishment left a social democrat in the berlin bordering state of brandenburg home of the roman brandenburg airport, serving the capital and also home to schultz himself, who resides in the states capital city of passed down, so how exactly the shall see this anti establishment surge in his home state. well, german media described them as, quote, thoroughly satisfied citing sources close to the jazz surface in new york right now for the un general assembly. and when asked about the parties moved, he said it was quote good. of course you have to kind of wonder if that low bar for satisfaction is part of the whole problem here. and why the ac has been searching in the 3 east german state elections. this month, the a f b certainly seems to know exactly why that's happening is good to know a cloud. they still want to convince themselves that the voters run away from them
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in droves because they have not explained their policies well enough. the opposite is the case, the citizens have understood their policies perfectly well. destruction of prosperity, the industrialization, mass migration at a loss of internal security means you are the chancellor of decline. mr. show. yeah, everything's awesome. according to solves, yet they've lost control of their migration situation. so badly in germany that they've had to pay with service to be issued by implementing border controls, which at this point and really just search to keep all the migrants inside germany until they can figure out what to do with them if they just can't send them to rolanda, like the migration commissioner from schultz, his own party has news about german medium to large size companies. bank for fees are 41 percent so far this year, year on year. big german companies that have been around for decades if not centuries like billed or gooseneck halls or machinery producer, called us our ship builder. myer,
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verify all facing bankruptcy. turns out that not even a beer company can make it in the country synonymous with the world renowned octoberfest boots up these days brower and bruce has also tanked. it took 322 years in their case for souls to come along and oversee the that particular feed. and what's next after german beer. well, maybe german cars like volkswagen, with rumors flying around about factory operations and jobs being on the cutting block. $30000.00 jobs is the figure we keep hearing about. we do not confirm this figure. one thing is clear. volkswagen has to reduce its costs, edits, german locations. this is the only way the brand can earn enough money for future investments. so is shots just a cheerfully clueless one man rocking ball or is there something else going on here? well, luckily for the establishment cove,
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