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tv   News  RT  September 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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as open to discussing a diplomatic solution to the crisis, pass off the strong concerns were voiced by the u. s. these rules, main supporter and sponsor, and as the situation continues to escalate, those in charge of peace efforts must be in a hurry to act. or if an ocean, a r t fruitful thing from kitty, i'd be all they can know. the nice row of this comes amid intensifying is rarely our strikes across the border into 11. on the, on the lebanese health minister says at least 51 people were killed and more than 220 wounded in the country today. video circulating on my show plumes of smoke in a residential area near the syrian border. it is the 3rd day of back and forth, it strikes between the idea of and has belong. the most devastating assault so far was on least by israel on monday, killing nearly $500.00 people in love and on as well that those people in the
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coastal lebanese city of ga, are dealing with the consequences of the earlier idea of bombardments or once there was a car repair shop, there's now a huge crater. they have this report from r t correspondent joelle. i'm around in southern lebanon. this, i thought he thought that is to becca, based on the latest information about the attacks. it has been reported that these really air force has carried out a series of air strikes, the latest of which was aimed at the town of been to bail, killing an entire family living in a residential building. that was the target of the strike. today is really fighter jets, are trying to separate neighborhoods, especially in southern lebanon, and the cosign romano. area of southern bay route. there have been renewed reports of air strikes. it is currently under constant from bergman by is really war planes, particularly f 35 models. as we can see, these really strikes are aimed at residential areas and buildings where civilians live among the dead are children and women civilians. it is important to note that
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very recently an attack was also carried out on the area located near the south rodney plant. that is now they are hitting the infrastructure that supplies people with electricity and water. thus, israel is repeating the events of 2006. since this plant was bombed that year. see, one has reported that $90000.00 people and 11 non have been newly displaced in recent days due to is rarely a tax. nearly 40000 of them are sheltering out an estimated 300 sites which include the schools and the kindergartens are 2 corresponding s and i can brings us this report from a bay road school now serving as a shelter. the research wave of violence is really strikes has resulted in mass migration, the specs it is that we've been observing over the course of the past few days has resulted in the thousands of people forced to flee their homes on such a thing. and places like the capital battles and further up north into the 4011,
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east capital in and of itself is doing its best to provide shelter for those that have been displaced. lebanese official suggests more than $250.00 schools have been opened up a shelters, postponing the education and the curriculum year that was expected to start. last week, we would probably need to look into the authorities in the area to host people who might be just faced from their own villages due to the situation. and 2 days ago we start to do this. now we have like a serving was 735 families of capacity to maybe to hundreds of people. speaking of a shelter, i think every school days, just because in this situation who cannot say no, you have to say is and we have to work with them. so there are, i don't think that are exclusive said no to the situation. everyone has everything . of course, and the thousands of people that are residing in the shelters is just the start of
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what many. but if could be, and even worse, catastrophe this crisis that many referred to as if the strikes and the conflict in the south parts of the country become worse then more and more people will be forced to leave. if more and more people that forced to leave, then they will have very little to no options in places like the lebanese capital. israel is building a us news ross and all around us. we came here under the ban bottom and after that and we evacuated from our homes because israel is targeting civilians. it is not striking military targets, but only civilian ones. that's why we left our homes to protect our children. but one more thing that is important to know is there is a great deal of international outrage. lebanese represents this up to you. one general assembly essentially highlighted the importance of bringing the international community together, providing resources for what will or may become of very dire and bolder child situation. if a peaceful or diplomatic solution is not brought forth at any time,
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sir. was cross live now to abraham, the name and a lebanese, the problem at member from the change and reform block. good to have you on the program with us. or i'm wondering if you can tell us about the current situation in a route to where you are, a way better the got a treat saying that you would just need to think crisis, the whole book style of the people of less the sub. and because, and then headed to the safe to say for the areas and living and where we are trying to accommodate as much as possible. uh the, the people coming go really desperate for flushing the dispute. it's for the food disparate for medicaid kids. because the, as i, as a tax their homes with no tyler motors or trees with it, with no discrimination between the, the military officers below and disobedience. right now, we are facing a huge amount of people. and as you know, out of government and the country has sort of, they've been facing economic crisis. and we were not able to unfortunately mobilize
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pop the resources to accommodate these needs. and the situation is very, very, it could take it on the go because you have people as being on the streets, people are going without any destination. that people are not having enough for children. and for the children, you name it. we are facing huge crisis and all because is the name has decided to escalate. it's a good estimate against them and these people and ways of what i guess that if it needs to put us in this situation. unfortunately, i mean, we are sitting facing this oh, this guy says without any prospects of a solution for that because the solutions of domestic solution that good the didn't get it a bit of the ceasefire or the escalation when we can i please have a video to be able to beat and be with these if you, even if they're in exclusively facing. you said that israel has attacked homeless without prior. notice is real though,
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claims that issues evacuation alerts before attacking. do know how these alerts are issued and do lebanese civilians have enough time to evacuate before and incoming, our strike. and unfortunately, you know what the message was. uh that, uh, whoever it is home is near america decides, or community uh, allow me, uh, any arms defensible as a back to age on how of disability. and i know, you know, so many of the don't even know that these vocational questions on the on. so how are you able to know if you need to is actuate or not? some people who are taken by surprise, some people believe it don't trust the isn't a if these messages they are thought of getting anyways the, the, the disability and because it seems to me that is a, in the way they see it, that we give you a warning, and this is the way to evacuate the south for them to increase that connection and to add to it be a bit as possibly responsibility of the discriminating between the disability and
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non civilians. and this way they can have mass destruction or uh for the whole area . i mean, uh they even, you know, we've seen uh some type of good thing for them. and believe those, but you know, they targeted these leaders with no the attention or move or respect for this the video, the video who lived in this building. they thought it takes a few days ago. uh, sometimes the in southern suburbs available. and they brought the whole building of 9 floors with the families, with the women, with the children on the ground dispute. uh to try to get one uh with. because if it's valid either, and this is pardon me, a lot of crying. this is little discrimination and for the defense of millions of admitted city. and i think they're doing it intentionally just to say to the international community, the by thing by the several. and they, they don't care about, connected or damage for them for them. so it begins out just connected and damage, which we believe that is a bit. i mean, it's, it's, it's a, it's
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a games to manatees against international law. if you have someone to 7 in, you just don't go on to the device and that's we have formed you more than 90000 people have been displaced in loveland. on since monday we've seen scenes of panic, massive traffic jams in, in bay road. it appears that the idea of a salt caught everyone by surprise. are there no a back you ation plans that were made in advance? but unfortunately, we were following up with the government on the elliptical emergency plan for such a scenario. we have been trying to push the government, which is a can take a government by the way, um to uh, to, to, to provide the so security funding under resources for these plans. but unfortunately, i mean, our other government kind of been able to tell you that and that, and unfortunately as the way that we see things on the ground does have been a 90 with the, with the, with the, the,
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with the magnitude of the price is that sort of facing the students or the public is to choose are not able to accommodate. uh, these new uh, our high demands for, for shelter and for uh for food and water and other medical and the 2nd. but i tell you that the nice people so that if he has been demonstrated a highly, with a lot of the initiatives on the ground without trying to us unfortunately and make up for the, for the vacuum that the government has left with its, uh oh, this uh week uh, emergency line. so unfortunately i tell you again we are looking for had, from everybody, especially from our brands uh around the world who supported up in these people in these dire thoughts. the idea of claims it specifically targets homes. whereas the weapons are stored, what's your response to that based on what you've seen personally of liberty, you know they, they can say whatever they want, we need. we can see you help civilians are being killed. you just mentioned annual
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report. the number of civilians that have been cuz we have, i don't, if you day we see i don't over 580 people uh, been killed by this like somebody that i and 50 over 50 of them of children and over $100.00 of them on women, so how can we say that uh, is there is able to target those below with, without uh, without sacrificing or, or the jeopardizing the civilians. this is nonsense. we see that our, of our homes, our people are being targeted. and the is there is they are not respecting international law and the dogs. and unfortunately, they are doing all the account with the propaganda and they need it to cover up for uh, florida, for that for these little kinds of them under the type of under the pretext that it has the right to defend itself. so for us, i mean defending the defending is right. it does not happen by uh, can civilians will have those taken this envelope maybe been dragged into this the despite that intention. so it's not something that's gonna be taking likely we
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believe that is a, it is not doing enough to uh, basically they don't care a little bit of any 70. and then this is what you see the results by this mass of x of this, i mean from the selves under the top. and the different agents will see area in the north of lebanon to find a safe haven for the families and the children i'm doing. there is a video that's gone viral of a local journalist who was live when his home was hit by a strike and 11 on we saw the explosion is quite a shocking video. do you think he was targeted? what, what's your reaction to that video? and i don't have that information on the unfortunately, but i believe that all the press me should be protected. this is something that the as mentioned international law. but we've seen the other as those as well as i mean, i mean much more flag it in a tax that has been done by the beginning of the escalation in the south. the
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somebody of beloved other at the media and press people have been direct to try to get this and, and it has been a new showing and this is big issue. that is why did not this coming done? they were waiting in the spring, the press, and it was very clear, but they separate the less then thought to give it the 1st. was it something we're taking also to international court? so we can think i need to prove that is that i has to get that intention the, the preston. so i'm not surprised that we see. is there any thought a good thing? now the, the media are pacifically it and that so far we have seen airstrikes from the idea . but do you believe that a ground invasion of 11 on is coming? and if so, how do you expect that to go considering what we've seen over the last year in gaza? unfortunately, what nathan, yahoo has been uh, kind of claiming and trying to promote uh for the past few days that he wants to
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change the middle east. i can see that uh the, the aggression of us that he has no, uh, no ceiling. they are going to end with everything they can. and i think that it's very likely that they are considering this get on invasions and received a lot of the military forces had been relocated to this to the north. besides that, i am the landing and they are constantly stating publicly that they are in the considering and invasion and love it. and so, um, honestly, you know, so i wouldn't be surprised that the, that i would attempt to do such a thing. but i tell you something that is that i love that all the things will be united in confronting, in that regards, despite our differences for his beloved as the as the particular room. but at the time when we have like an action against our country, we cannot,
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we cannot but stand by or protecting our country. it for the almost duration of this war with gaza. there been many sides of the voice concerned about the possibility of this complex feeling over into a wider regional war. do you think that possibility is greater than ever now? i think what the neo has been trying to do in the past the year or so taking advantage of what happens in october 7 and trying to uh, drive the whole area to an all floor. and uh he, he said plainly, like i mentioned a while ago, he said that he wants to change them, at least i know how else would he want to change them, at least if he doesn't get involved or that act the night the states into an all out war with e and open old fonts at the same time. and the, like i said, the purpose of protecting is right. and the see can and forces plans up on the
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agent. and for me, the way i see is that uh uh, that i tween government and is that i would not stop until that you that i think they're trying to do all the account to uh, to uh, to not be for the to promote that up and actually to implemented the gun and i believe that it is a skid 18 visit to ation in the south and disconnecting the aggression on having this war and getting civilians is about dragging more and more that they could uh, reactions from has been to just to buy more and more escalation and may be a drag other countries and to this uh, this uh on alt what i can say. so, so what does the 11 east side see? is that possible resolution to this new round of escalation? i mean for, for us. so its not what we are looking for is an immediate a ceasefire and an implementation of 17. 0 one. we are where we have been
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a like i mentioned and disagreement which has been the since they opened the support from the south and support the pods. and we have boys that a numerous times um, but i think it's time for everyone to accept that. but what we need to do now is bring back the news, the collective decisions together into supporting each other through an immediate cease fire, where we bring back our army to the south. they need to be taking the responsibility . it has been the constitutional split that thing detecting our country. and i was hoping to the implementation of the 17. 0 one for both sides. this is uh, this is what we need to do and making sure that is what i should abide by the 17. 0 one as mentioned and the exact words. and i think in the last few hours we've heard that there is some kind of a proposal. and by that have been use the speaker to and try and
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get this a road map approved from the united states and maybe somehow get some kind of an agreement from the visit a to to the united states. so we can reach a ceasefire as soon as possible and the sub okay, work and live with our abraham and name a lebanese problem at member from the change and reform blog. thank you. thank you . the one out to new york, where russia's top diplomat circuit lab, ralph has held multi polar deliberations at the assembly that says lab rome has held talks of the g 20 ministers meeting st. much of the progress is undermined by western efforts to preserve its head. gemini, a loose so we managed to shift the gee 20 priorities towards the developing economies, the series of presidencies of indonesia, india, and now brazil have played a fundamental role. here. we are convinced that this trend will continue during the upcoming presidency of south africa. the dollarization is on the rise,
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as well as trading and national currencies over 90 percent of russia's trade with the countries of the shanghai cooperation organization and the your agent. economic union are conducted in local currencies. nevertheless, some global mechanisms still remain in the hands of the west, which is clearly abusing them. the united states and its allies are trying to impose a confrontational agenda on international structures. the western monopoly is unacceptable . funds are being used to fuel military operations at the expense of aid to africa, asia, latin america, and international development in general. strengthening the multi polar rolled and the english cities are among the main messages heard during the g 20 ministerial meeting, which was held to here on the sidelines of the general assembly of the united nations. according to russia's 4 minutes to elaborate. lots of progress has been made in terms of the building a multiple world, but he says, concerns still remain involved the west collegian to its weakening hagi ammonia.
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now the chinese, the for a minute, there's also praise to be girls all for multiple larry and at the same time as cold for an over hold of the united nations. or would you time go to g? 20 members should be supporters of you and reform. we should uphold true multilateralism, not selective multilateralism. as the cool platform for global governance, the un should back to fulfill its mission of maintaining world peace and promoting common development. the reform of the security council should be discussed in depth and the spirit of consensus building and focus on boosting the representation of developing countries. now these words were echoed by the indonesian for administer . well says that the need to strengthen multiple audi has been revealed by the carnage in gaza. we thought a functional and looked at the system, read risk sliding into era. we have power refills all for just this. indeed, the dia, humanitarian situation,
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and father stein has truly review on how frail multilateralism has become. the genocide in gaza, along with the exclusion of tension in the middle east, serve as a reminder of the urgent need to uphold international law and from them into rights . be thought exemption guys as being discussed a lot here at the united nations. many leaders have been condemning the violence, have been calling for an immediate cease fire and have been supporting a 2 state solution now regarding the reforms of the united nations, or specifically the un security town. so also many representatives from african latin american countries in india and russia as well. they've been saying that the un security council needs to be extended 4 minutes to elaborate, says that it should have permanent representatives from asia, africa, and latin america in order for it to be able to an answer to modern challenges. now of course, this is only the 2nd day of the un general assembly. here in new york will be
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closely monitoring all the latest developments arrest warrants have been issued regarding sabotage of the north stream of pipeline. the german government has confirmed its action, but no concrete details have been announced. arrest warrants were issued. this is a common case and the state govern by the rule of law. then there must be a procedure and at the end of this procedure, a verdict is passed and then we can speak out about it after this verdict. let's get more on the story now from our take contributor rachel marston. rachel, bring us up to speed on who exactly germany is looking to punish for the nord stream? 2020, to sabotage. yes, it was just a few days ago that german chancellor, all i saw, was pounding the das demanding an impartial investigation into north stream. well, over 2 years after it was mysteriously blown up. and what do you know now is government is announcing arrest warrants. not that we have any suspect identities
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to go by their spiegel, which claims to also know who the suspects are, says that that's just so the perps don't become targets of russian hit squads. but seriously what they said, these frogs all guys and one women are apparently just civilians. spiegel says, carefully recruited by a former ukranian intelligence officer named rum on shared vin ski, whom they say, quote, looked for divers, who could operate the depths of up to 100 meters and were prepared to take great health risks. just not rushing hit squad, health risk apparently. oh, except for treatments, he can take the head squad. so i guess because of the german process during his name around like can be on halloween. surely, it's just a coincidence that he had a major beef with you creating present environments, lensky and even call. that was what was the publicly for leadership failure. so
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under the bus he goes for an ice tire massage, but the rest of the suspects are just out there showing in total peace somewhere. maybe even still dressed and they're driving seats like the german press. photo of their regulator, the ghost of the baltic sea vladimir z, who's been presented as a diving instructor, which these guys specifically recruited for the diving ability apparently needed. speedo also says they all ran to the cell boat and ross stock germany called the andromeda. and then it took them all the 3 weeks sailing trip to plant all the explosives, which apparently no one noticed. they just sailed around the baltic sea dropping dynamite like the average torres raising 0 suspicion. so you might ask yourself, who actually paid for all of this? according to dere spiegel information, the 300000 dollar theater action, which was privately financed by insiders,
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was submitted to then commander in chief of ukraine. valerie's illusion e for authorization. therefore, he gave the green light president vladimir zelinski, on the other hand, was not informed by the sabbath tours and military. it was said, attempts by the us to stop the operation failed. so there you go. case closed just a little venture capital funding for a $300000.00 project run by the commander in chief of the ukranian armed forces to blow stuff up. ukraine started up nation. nothing but zalinski even knew about though that's according to should be goal. so he must have been really furious with the so loosely so angry that he made in bass or the london all this actually kind of contradicts recent wall street journal reporting, suggesting that someone's view was in the loop, but that he just couldn't control this guy solution he because it's not like zalinski is the president of ukraine or anything within days,
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zalinski approved the plan, according to the full people familiar with the plot. all the arrangements were made verbally leaving no paper trail, the ca ones and then skis office to stop the operation. us official said the ukrainian president then ordered sally's need to hold it. but the general ignored the order and his team modified the original plan. i know who else spiegel says was totally powerless to stop anything super weak. the c i a and german intelligence reporting that that's military intelligence war. nothing about this operation that they just weren't able to do anything at all to stop it, even though they no doubt really, really tried. just like the only suspect whose identity we have any clue about vladimir z conveniently managed to slip through the cracks and escape from poland where he was living to ukraine because of some shot in german paperwork. that's according to police authorities. ultimately led to mercy was not detained because
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of the beginning of july to left polish territory crossing the policy green and border free crossing of the policy grand border by the above mentioned, person was possible because german authorities did not include him in the database of wanted persons, which meant that the polish border guard had no knowledge and no grounds to detain blood to mercy. so there you go, the latest twisting turns, and this uh, collaborative monday, water mystery, that's evolving to be even monday or in real time. but still, conveniently in a way that absolved zalinski us intelligence and the only country whose leader biden openly talked about in order to stream like he was a mob boss putting out ahead r t contributor rachel marston. rachel, thank you. all right, let's get more on this now from greg simon's an independent medical researcher in
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sweden. greg, good to have you on the program with us. what. what do you think it means for the north stream sabotage investigation that germany has issued arrest warrants? now, 2 years later is already funded, gonna stay alive at the end of the tunnel. as well as the least people being watching too many to be slowly, right? only what movie season was buttons and the giving these probably in the ideas that by throwing the mazda in the water. that was something to take the eyes off to really commit to that because it was pretty obvious. in steve, i have a couple of sacrifices that these random people do at home. likely would probably have no idea of the the capability or capacity to do what literally inch to the side of the seems to be germany doing the sort of the job. but for the united states to drawer away up, the engine,
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part of them is being the absolutely most likely culprit for doing so. so do you think the german government suspects someone in particular and if so, why wouldn't they release more details? because i'd probably do not have the details, i mean, but they are all the rooms, but it's the water for nothing. they make up rooms along the way. if it was actually typing to cool, it would be probably strong. now, it made some spice of. ready rather rapid with an organization on the lot of white wisdom, liberal democracies that they might get legal guys. so everybody is, by the time that assertion was on, well when, when it could be this guy is guns. a few very vague, suspicious things which were made up if they like it look that way. and there
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should be goals article and basically i post a story that was reported by the wall street journal in august. why do you think we're seeing an increase in western articles with this narrative given that the legal investigation has really not offered any anything new? no, it's just amazing that there's because the why the report that reminds me very much of the why they tried to cover up the optimal details. night georgian rush, when i said well on the lease of rice tried to war uh successfully not to. ready buffy with the the anyway, so it seems to be another one of these updates. and then the fact that the starting to build this up more more, they're trying to create ad there's a, there's a white noise in the information spice. so just to tell a lie often an awesome great point, especially if someone.


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