tv News RT September 28, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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the the breaking news this, our i new wave of is really strikes is reported in the lebanese capital overnights us casualties. like i'm of the size of the attack where it is to be able to fly wasn't strategic or targeted. it was a carpet bombing on the residential area of stuff here are correspondent and very rude for, for it's from the scene of a series of must sit by the tax with one of them. reportedly, charging his bullet sheets of the middle east is at the brink of full blown war, which it seems some keenly wished to see, to transpire. prussia condemned to israel's attacks on level. and i think united
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nations security council then comes the dozens of diplomats will guide and protest during the is really prime minister's own speech. the un general assembly, the live across the world. this is our to international. i mean in the video and you're welcome to the news our we begin with breaking news from the middle east, also with live pictures from bainbridge, where a new wave. all this really or strikes has hit the lebanese capital we're seeing now clearly or plumes of smoke from what appears to be the suburbs, just size of the lebanese capital city center. you can me a card in the distance, the mediterranean sea and the business district on the right. but these pictures coming in at live up to showing what appears to be another idea of
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strike on a residential area of base route. we know that earlier in the day, in fact, on friday evening, the capital was hit at 6 people were killed reportedly on another 100 wounded. the well plans of smoke could be seen rising from buildings in the cities densely populated at suburbs. here look at that, forcing people to flee and seek shelter at a local beach. lots of people in parks as well. we know markers square, very busy. the death tool is expected to rise as the rubble is cleared. more on that was the latest attacks as it comes into us here on the program. earlier on
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friday, israel target his bullet is headquarters in bay routes with a massive verse strike on confirm. reports soon followed the movements leader, son, nestor. all it could have been inside his status is currently on tier. but international media outlets citing local sources say he survived the attack. well, what the lebanese authorities are saying is that at least 6 people were killed and coastal, 100 wounded and not attacked. the idea of has issued a warning for people in bay route to evacuate from several suburbs of the sites. a smoke that i've seen all over. at some 22 more people who are reported kilobytes really stripes across 11 on also on friday while this saturday march, the 6th consecutive day of large scale cross border bombardments
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to give you an idea of the scale of the a tax level is being facing the 11 east health ministry of ports, $700.00 people up in killed since monday, while the un estimates of at least 50 minors were among the fatalities in the past . 48 hours of the arctic corresponded yesterday and is in the country's capital and spoke to us from where the id f or strikes it. i'm at the sides of the attack where it is real big, but it wasn't strategic or targeted. it was a carpet bombing on the residential area of stuff here to see is difficult at the spot tubes of smoke are still rising up into the emergency vehicles are trying to assess the situation. and while this attack happened, we were driving into the capital available. it's, we weren't in the south of the country. at moments after entering. we heard we felt the explosions that happened back to back to back to back. and what made this a lot more difficult to understand as this was the 1st time that is realized,
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targeted the capital in the, in the hours when the sun was about to essentially lose lights. and what we see here is a different, see, it's not one attack is not one bond. preliminary report suggests the munitions that was used were 2000 pound warheads that were designed to penetrate. through that concrete and steel, there were 10 of those that were used to level these buildings. what is also where we use throughout the entire day on friday, it was quiet. it was peaceful considering the past week or 2. and it was calm. but looking at the site here right now, it's difficult to understand it's difficult to describe. it came at a time when the israeli prime minister was attending the un general assembly that came at a time when he was receiving backlash from world leaders delegations were walking out on him. and in the evening on friday, they leveled buildings. this was not sketchy ticket. was not targeted or precise
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like these really military suggest this was a carpet bombing design to take out everything and it's wait. one more thing that is important to note is that there are reports suggesting that the targeting of the attack was on the front of the secretary general of hezbollah. these reports were 1st issued by his really newspapers. now we don't necessarily know whether that is true or not, but the what do we can't, we can't get our money on is that this will pump the response from his beloved. whether we're talking about a written response of video response by nestle, the given the condition that he was not targeted in this attack, it will be devastating to see how his beloved reacts to this attack. we can expect the already voltage child situation here, this, this conflict has been essentially edging its way into the heart of lebanon. is essentially of worrying factor for many to hours as well. one more important fact about the was many people think the public in the south relocated to areas
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like this. and now it's been reduced to nothing but trouble yesterday, nic and reporting and the girl and for all right. so, you know, off to the idea of confirms that had to hit because ball a hitch given by roots is really reports began to circulate on like the, the groups leader has some, those are all a may have been caught up in the block. however, a really in media outlets say he say more than that aspect of the bombings can be funded, r t dot com. so reaction for, you know, we heard from a reading, american scholar and commentators side, bahamas morality who's in at b route right now. he compared the latest is really strikes to the her wrist like terror attack. these were all residential buildings. these were all civilians. they were women and children, and in those buildings, many of them because their villages and towns are being palm, not only in this house, but in the 8th of 11 on in the back of a came to be root,
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to seek refuge. it is a very, i think probably i triple digits it's, it's 119911. every time that this way the regime slaughter is women and children. they say they were seeking someone. they were seeking some lead or that. and that's what they will do in the future as well. they always lie, and they will always use less than that guessing media to try to justify these horrific crimes against humanity. well, we saw it today and be with was carpet bombing. and one of the most crowded cities and neighborhoods in the whole region, it is, it is beyond belief that any human being could do this. and it is beyond belief that any government and the world would not break off ties with a resume that carries out such a crime. russia has condemned israel's repeated attacks on 11 on the out the united
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nation security consul foreign ministers, surrogate are for off war and not the middle east is on the brink of a full scale, more triggered by the conflict in gas. you to go to the other one this but it's the fact that the israeli palestinian conflict remains unresolved as the stabilizing the entire region. the unprecedented brutality and devastation of the consequences in gaza as triggered the sharp escalation in 11 in his real confrontation. the middle east is at the brink of full blown war, which it seems some keenly wish to see to transpire, who, to on september 23rd alone as a result of the large scale, was rarely bombardment of lebanon. and it was at least 558 people died, including 50 children who, according to unicef in one day and 11 on more people were killed than in the past 11 months. but we strongly condemn actions of the israeli side, which blatantly violates the sovereignty of the country of lebanon. we call for the immediate end to hostilities,
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which will end further bloodshed and create conditions for diplomatic and political resolutions stuff, but which you, that a lot has been said about the latest escalation of violence in the middle east, though, specifically, and guys and 11 on throughout the days of the un general assembly, but i think it'll lead to a climax, which was this latest session. i'll see you on security council. it's not very often that we get to see syria, iran, great britain, the you would be in union, china and russia, and many other countries agree on something so firmly. the mean messages, the violence in gaza and love it on must be stopped immediately. the amount of last civilian lives is absolutely overwhelming and the entire region, unless something is done quickly is under the threat of slipping into a full scale war. one of which i teach on china welcomes the convening of a high level meeting on the middle east, initiated by arab countries. the lebanon is riley situation is worrying. the sovereignty of lebanon should be upheld, and the safety of the people of lebanon should be protected. and all international
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support must not be absent, so we should uphold the peace and stability of the middle east. it should not become a low point of peace today. wish it a is a single you, but it's early on friday. these rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu was addressing the young general assembly. and he was talking about how he saw a great potential in israel's relationship with saudi arabia. well, saudi arabia was also taking part in this session of the security council. and it seems to me that unless israel recognizes a 2 state solution with palestine, then it's very unlikely that this potential will be realized anytime soon. i mean, we clearly see the dangerous implications of prolonging this crisis in whitening the conflict through the latest military escalation in lebanon. i call on the members of the international community, especially the countries in the council that did not recognize the state of palestine to do so. to support the 2 state solution and to maintain the prospects
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for co existence and a sustainable piece of the kingdom believes that ending the occupation and implementing the 2 state solution is the basis for ending the cycle of violence to alleviate suffering, achieve security and stability in the region as well. now, when is really explains the reasons behind it and facts on leveling on saying that it's targeting has belie, it's always accusing, we run all of us supporting an army. it, while the run was also taking part in the security council session. and it's accused of the united states of farming and supporting israel, making of this unprecedented escalation of violence. possible, more than enough has been said about the photos of ongoing dental side in guys a but not a single action is taken by the security council to separate. that's why nothing, you know, who has and his companions have become so viciously emboldened to dream of repeating, they carnegie's and 11 on and off pushing that entire region. the entire region
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into a full scale was amended can, depends constitute the major part of his very live affinity. and i mean the ition using does uh, and therefore the united states is implicate to in every aspect stuff is right is that's for a city. now i think the work concern isn't enough to describe the atmosphere at the slightest session of the un security council. some are saying that the middle east is entering uncharted territory, which could lead to unprecedented horrific consequences. in the meantime, as israel continues its ways in gaza and 11 on the violence seems to only gain more momentum, the board has been off r t reporting from new york ortiz political correspondent there will washington claims at washington involved in the idea of attack on the hezbollah headquarters, which is really media reporting, not the wi ice watson to even informed about the strikes until the operation was already underway. here's what was officially said. i know you're seeing report
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circulate about a striking level non secretary austin spoke by phone earlier today to his it's really counterpart minister, go on. the united states was not involved in this operation and we had no advanced warning. no, i don't believe what were they ever say any more? haven't they haven't worked with them? i don't believe a word of it. they were, they obviously were aware of it. they probably had to have this kind of precise intelligence tells me that a lot of intelligence agencies were involved in acquiring this information and, and, and, and to hit in the evening and in a densely populated area. they had to know precisely where that, where that site was. so they had they be using all kinds of intelligence. uh, particularly from uh i, i would say even including from united states. but i also think hospitalized as a, as a serious, a security breach. but then even if knows robert is killed, are there, there's already
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a successor in the wings. how's blood has trained for years that they, that the person in position will always train because a successor and that's what we're seeing. that's what is going to be happening again. and it just so happens that the string of assassinations that have occurred on its face the, the, it's for at least would like to think it, it's going to cripple husband. well, but it's, it's not because the people that, that haven't, their underlings are now in the position and haven't been trained. they know what to do next. and even if all communications were shut off, husband are has procedures on how to undertake operations. well just hours before the strikes on 11 on is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu took to the floor at the un general assembly in new york. several countries delegations responded walking out of the chamber and protest as he began
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to speak. the side, a delegation was also absence of mister netanyahu talked about his desire to improve relations with the kingdom. so he deflected the blame for his failure to achieve that goal, saying it's a run this fault, adding up to it on um its proxy and so responsible for the violence in the region, insisted. israel is the one fighting for peace and says the death toll and gals that from the almost a year long is really operation has surpassed. 41000 people, according to local authorities. is rules. space is real, yours should be israel has made peace of will make peace again. this rose up certainly a fuse by the icbc prosecutor of deliberately starving palestinians and gaza. what an absurdity without bringing 700000 tons of food into gaza. that's more than 3000 calories a day for every man, woman and child and god. the real volkswagens are not initial. they're in the wrong
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. they're in gaza. it's syria and lebanon, indiana. and those of you will stand with these war criminals. those of you will stand with evil against good with the pers, against the blessing. those of you do so should be ashamed of yourselves. visually, pm was preaching peace from the un podium. just days after number of is really army rates in jerusalem were made. public video was from the area for port to show civilians including children targeted in one case a 15 year old boy was shot dead, biased really forces while walking along the street on armed ortiz. and we have some notion that has more a dozen. so he's really forces enter this us liability steed, refugee camp and occupied east jerusalem arrive and secrecy on a regular mini bus. the cover is blowing almost immediately sparking clashing
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the soldiers mission arrests. the targets are young locals, whom they believe need to be checked. they quickly finish taking those so tough to with them. mission accomplished yet when they wake, they leave behind a dead power stealing, teenager life lost and on mentioned in any army reports. the following day we return to the camp. at 1st blinds everything appears peaceful. local use gathered to play and share the latest news on the steps of a house where just hours earlier. soldiers had been heavy handed with one of their friends, the finding the spot where the boy was killed is easy. the youngsters lead us. they are aware of the tragedy. many were weaknesses to the shooting that chatter their
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community. thought i would have thought he was coming out of here, just walking. and suddenly there was a sold today. he showed a bullet here and here in this pit. and here's the blood. they competed with sand to hide the traces of it so that his blood doesn't become impure or decay. he was just going out to buy something. the army thought he was about to cause trouble down. so they showed him without any reason for pri warning and the consult i was i was riding the bicycle around here. but i'm investigating someone shows us a photo of the boy from the hospital. a clear bullet mark is visible on his chest. the boy's name was hanny. he was 15 years old. it seems that the army didn't plan to arrest him or take his lives during the raid. a supposedly killed the guy and every time they were in classes, they come down and killed a young man,
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depriving them of their families. another eye witness hiding his face from the camera, agrees that he was a case of wrong place, wrong time for handy. it could have happened to anyone who was the they were firing at the houses here in there, and they shot him here in the chest. he died when we tried to pull him away. they started shooting at us after that. so we managed to pull him out and took him to the hospital. they said he was dead. i don't know. they were shooting at the houses randomly to the right of us and to the left to whoever gets here gets hit. the boy was likely going home, maybe to buy something for his mother or someone else. and they show him. i mean, i don't know, i mean, they have no rules. he was an orphan. his mother passed away when he was 2, and his father followed 3 years later. his grandmother raised him, and as he grew older,
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he became her only caregiver. and when is the when he came down, i told him, honey, go buy some bread for dinner. he said, close the windows, there's gas and the army is at the check point to just for our muscle. the batch was the last thing that nadia heard from her grandson. so i had to go to the, to the, i like the, the phone i called honey, but no one answered his phone. we all tried calling his sister me every one. then the young man answered, i asked, where is honey, why do you have his phone? he told me, honey, we're shot. he's in the hospital. i said, praise be god. at least he's only injured and not murdered. the kids who found him brought his phone back. i swear by god and asked them where is honey? i swear to god. where is he? one of them said, honey, his past he's murdered. i said praise be to god on. we're no better than gaza. about the receipt with how it is to grandmother is in his room. that's one of his
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favorite bird is quiet for the 1st time and it's life, as the boy hasn't come to see it. it was, it was, if the army didn't come to the account, nothing would have happened every time they come, they shoot some one and leave, but they come to the come kill someone and leave the so what can we do have a where can we go to the campus crowded and there's no space. people are prompt where the children supposed to play. where can they go? the army is only supposed to open fire in response to an immediate threat protocol that has been violated far too often, including here in the show thoughts palestinian camp back in march where we posted on the tragic killing of another boy here who was shot 1275 words to as we return to where honey was killed, we noticed a woman talking to the children. she's a field research here with a well known palestinian human rights and g, as we know that there's no real change happening in the world,
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including what is happening guys now right now there's a lot of children has been told and goes on. no one made any move about this, but we're still trying to do something to say that there is no crime here. last week, the un general assembly adopted the resolution urgent israel to withdrawal from what coupons palestinian territories, including is jerusalem. and should have thought these really foreign ministry denounced to move as encouraging terry some and harmon, the chances for peace. because uh for the children, they tell us the kind of thing and then based on the same telling machines that is keeping telling you the promising and wherever they are. according to the palace, dean, health ministry, more than 700 people have been killed in the west bank since the gas of war started . including 160 children, 10 women,
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and 9 elderly people. locals have placed this memorial sign near the spot where hanny was shot and killed feature in his name. how long side the word he wrote in arabic, the number of children in law to the same violence. hey, sponsor grace to remember the president's feel. it's too important to forget marie, from ocean all to reporting from shaw fault can okay, no history to bring you to day typically see has taken name of washington for a quote, acting childish. it's after due by me with through an invitation extended to the georgia employment is true for the state dinner. traditionally hosted by us presidents during the un general assembly. as for the cancel dinner invitation to shake hands with the us president. this was to some extent a child to step the us is a big country and childish resentment is not appropriate for it. so apparently washington thinks that the un general assembly is just one big school yard that it
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boards over the us president typically hosts a traditional reception of these meetings and the binding ministration explicitly sent georgia a last minute invitation to attend that something that you'd figure would just be a formality. but then they told georgia that it was being this invited altogether, which is kind of like sending out an invitation to the entire kindergarten class for a birthday party except to that one kid that you don't like. and it's a way of kind of announcing it to everyone now, when asked what exactly was going on here at the american embassy and georgia told the georgian press that the dish invitation was due to quote the drawers in government, anti democratic actions, misinformation, and negative rhetoric about the united states in the west but just a few days ago. busy the same as this invited georgian prime minister actually met with the us and bass heard of georgia about the fact that washington had very recently been taking steps toward slapping sections on georgians, particularly george and officials who opposed its agenda like
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a former georgian prime minister, who has worked for better relations with russian to repeat economic ones and also some leaders of the current prime ministers party the dream hardy, which just happens. i'm sure it's a coincidence to be beating the united national movement party founded by pro us former president and the care sector freely in the polls. now, they are the cues, the party that's currently had in georgia of passing russian style loss. so what are we talking about exactly here? well, to start a ban on l g, b, t, gender reassignment, propaganda, which apparently the you considers anti democratic, not being able to talk about those kind of things because i guess westerners literally died in battle fighting for the right of their descendants to cut off their junk and all this is happening against the backdrop of
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a parliamentary election coming up in georgia on october 26, opposing to very different world views. i can say with certainty, the only goal for returning the collective national movement to georgia is the desire of such an external forces to open a 2nd frontier. so the current pm's party, the georgia dream party, is running campaign ads with images contrast in georgia. with the current state of ukraine and the text is no to more choose piece. the georgia p. m himself has been saying that you probably need officials at one point wanted him to open up a 2nd front against russia in georgia. and that he basically just told them to get sent. so apparently the george in p m told the us and bass or just the other day that hey look, man things really just can't go on like this with the us constantly price range, origin officials, the sanctions headed sidekick, the you threatening to revoke visa, free travel to europe ahead of these parliamentary elections,
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which actually kind of sounds like the election interference given the timing and the us. and you were also totally, i read about the george and pm's party cracking down on for an interference with a transparency law that could certainly serve to unmask western and g o as operating in the country. the exact same kind of measures that the u. s. and e, you are constantly taking themselves in a very selective way against russian entities, for example. so, is georgia over reacting about for an interference, maybe? well, not according to russian for intelligence, suggesting that there was already applied in play for next month selections at the till the lucy might do. they plan to reveal the evidence of election fraud refused to recognize the election results and demand the change of power. law enforcement agencies will be provoked to use force to suppress the protest. at the same time,
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the americans are working out options for a knock down political and economic response to the excessive use of force by the are these against peaceful citizens. the jordan pm is already accused the west of ginning drama with russia and the country back in 2008. so when the us says that it's upset about what george and officials are saying, and doing right now, maybe it's just simply inconvenient for washington look. in any case studies by the current pools, georgia's certainly seem to know what aligns with their reality. know among the most challenging portfolio for any government administer is now the responsibility for energy, but in south africa, that's the difficulty is supercharged with power outages, having wreaked havoc for years next door to speak to them on task with keeping the lights on in africa's largest economy staples, the 1st would like to find out
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what is the status of energy schwartz's in south africa right now? so thank you very much for the invitation. of course we had had a major challenge in relation to add the energy difference the day we had a situation with our generation capacity. wasn't that sufficient to meet 50 mind and for us to be able to protect the great day we initiated to update inside of that and tell you we would call low chevy. why that simply means is that they, we deny households in industry that likes to have the electricity for setting the hours of the day. and that going to be multiple now and say in the morning and even in peak and the situation overload shading, and am i going to intends to live as a in 2023 a way we can reach what to close, state 6, locating so and that means is that the.
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