tv News RT September 28, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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the, do you have the united states fully supporting someone that's nice. i know the occupied kind of side these type of that. so i think this book continued. the good news is that they couldn't stop that as a says movement 1195. that's the submission of the previous as well, i need this done. that's going to be able to the stuff that is smooth, but the destination of the kind of the that that's the center of yesterday has with us resistance, i guess, occupation against genocide when i seen you. and the regime was sooner or later phase, the genocide, or as you say, because you can, you know, you can fight an organization, but you cannot fight the nation. but these are these have that is fighting a nation level, not nation nation, the power, culture, nation. and sooner or later they do
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a nice they have made it to sickness and your assessment. how likely, how, how close all way to an oil out conflicts in the region. a, i think the close, i think the patience and then maybe parts of this part of the world is running out the, the allies that if is there any is don't pay a price of these type of that sausages will continue and expand to other countries in this part of the most the day is our lives and americans, i think have decided to create this time of this type of may have and you cannot print, you need to live. so the test, the stuff, and the way to a stop it is to create costs for these types of good behavior. there is no other choice. you know, the position that you got in government setting was to avoid a major explanation. but it seems, is the more patients,
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even the and government shows the more aggressive the genocide that vision gets. so it won't say going to take to, to come tensions right now. oh, do you think would be assassination of no smaller than all options throughout the window? you know, by then it is a commander in chief in the united states because the voted in all this ships and things that they're delivering, nothing's to is or to not deliver the reference that there is, there is different called a reference from the americans, almost all the records from americans, most of the money from american so they could easy to use stuff as the genocide. but the americans are not interested in your stopping to genocide because they're part of the genocide the time. and so there's, there's no hope for what the us may do united nations. i,
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fortunately because of the retail power of the united states has not been able to do anything they've been watching. and the shooting the statements, even there's a solution that beats with, by the united states, the only language that is at least on this end, as far as that. i think that's going to be the language that they're going to be talking to. thank you very much. for speaking to us today is really good to get your take on the situation. so it is not a professor of political communication at the university of to run. thank you. think well back in 2012 has done this while they gave an interview from an undisclosed location to tease well tomorrow show, which was hosted, find julie and assigned explaining why hezbollah was engaged and it started off with as well. israel says the special heal for his beloved has fired brokers being to israel law at civilian areas. is that true?
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see the one hour on the truck, the cost here, some of those benefits. i mean, even since 1948, when the state of israel was created on the line just at this time, the as rainy forces have been sending, 70 and 77 in the netherlands, towns and avenues for the inches. be for the last time of our in the resistance here is the best between 1919 good on sale, 92 and then after 10 years of resistance and the phone bill upside, we started react, playing football the month, but partially and strictly to stop israel sending our somebody that's open, so the 1993 there was an understanding of what it was in direct between the resistance and the israel and not understanding i mean with, with and, and 1996 and not understanding what it makes clear that the size of the orange
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setting civilians and we always say it's a you don't, don't show off and it is then sunset investment and we have nothing to do with you over there. just send you a ton of service method long as a result of silly to afternoon years of aggression against living. he says, i didn't stuff and it's a is why you are the rather to make a kind of that current balance to prevent israel from getting that the new service . well for those of you just joining goes has been a lot, has concerns. the desk, obviously the house on known as well that he was killed and it is really strong on david's. his eminence, the master of resistance, the righteous oven, has passed away to be with his lord and to his pleasure as a great monta, heroic daring, brave wise, insightful and faithful lead to the leadership of hezbollah pledges to the highest, most sacred and most precious martha. now jenny, full of sacrifices and moss,
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is that it will continue it's jihad in confronting the enemy, in support of gaza and palestine, and in defense of lebanon, and its steadfast and honorable people. from the south. now, from correspondents, in a route the austin can acknowledgement and confirmation from his the law comes at a time when b route is experiencing a series of strikes. spine is really military because of the law confirms the death of its leader secretary general us on the sort of law. and the timing of course, was quite strategic the way that they carried it out was not strategic in any way whatsoever. the attack that killed the secretary general targeted southern suburbs of bay with these liberties, capital da, here. and essentially these rarely military use bunker busters, which penetrated through thick layers of soil concrete and steel,
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using munitions that are essentially as strong as 2000 tons per unit. and that usually about 10 of them and the attack level being up to 6 residential buildings on telling everyone in its wake. but the statement provided by his below also vows that his beloved will continue finding israel. so to answer the question will taking out in a slot results in peace, will that help israel? and the answer to the question, according to that statement is know, the group does about to find back against israel. and we can expect the more retaliatory strikes against is really side, and this comes at a time when of course the conflict is brewing, the conflict is escalating, it is pro, attracting, and it is essentially leading to a regional conflicts looking at the backdrop. now for example, is really air force is carried out more tight, more strikes, targeting the capital of the country. and this comes at a time when israel confirmed that they had killed the principal leaders. so the question now is, what is real?
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gaining out of carrying out these strikes and in all, honestly, we don't have an answer to the question. let's go live now. it's well i guess the boss name corey palestinian, on tripping to on the phone. a politician. thank you for joining us on the program . he's very good to see today. very similar to like a very happy to be with. how do you expect has the loads here with spellings to is leaders assassination. the fair is that a line has been crossed here, and there's no return. could you, could the group not intensify? is a tax on his well, do you think, i well, let's look at this way. i think this a back the skilling of the 1st of all, who is a very charismatic and forceful speaker, is a collective that was a highly interviewed. definitely would not go an asset. i'm sure it'd be as one of the people when they got the 8 and the, to be honest, i don't, i see. and that doesn't tell you, shouldn't we cross many of the lines that was drawn into fast?
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i mean the that has to be in the lot of, for the student and the way it has been the was behaving. i'm not sure that this, this is outlines will not be crossed. again. of course one has to remember that the biggest blow to the as well the face was the features fiasco. most probably they did not only play small explosives to the teachers, most popular. there were some tracking devices that were placed in the pages. and that's why they were able to identify the exact locations of luck, only that i can find, but as of the, for the, the ship structure. so it's something to be easy for them to recuperate from disapproval. but i believe that they will do it. i am luck belittling the blow to as well, and thus what as to the axis of resistance, it will definitely be stupid, nice them. but it wouldn't definitely not eliminate the ideal the g and would love
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to finish them. the idea of reason, i believe that they have a very solid base of support. they have to be adopted relating the whole population for generations. dr. resistance is a way of life, and there was one that as part of that identity and the biggest goal in the life of the majority of the people who believe and that is basically to go. because and go as markers to have it. and part of it is lots of excess which is done, does the excess of resistance and this not just limited to it on from us and the hostings. if i have to caution and be very clear, the many in the region that i have not to, she hides that i'm up to the host ease very much in support of it has been run much as well. and this excess is doing, so it is not just the limited to the she likes it is in the feelings of my name
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that he didn't have the ability to and that he's, i'm sorry, yeah, i was, i was gonna say, i was just wondering, i wanted to ask you about the ideas and briefing they gave a briefing to announce the killing of nonce right now and this roller. but in the very same briefing is set that it doesn't so seek escalation. i'm just wondering how those message correlates with one is one another. i don't think they correlate with one another. i think escalation would come, of course, provided that as well as able to retaliate that. as i said earlier, that has been a big blow to us by law, which the in the past months or so with the pages for us going what there was before that and 11, what is happening after but the definitely is not necessarily tomato would not necessarily today, but definitely the whole the thing will not pass without the talk the time the
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ation for the simple fact. and this is something that is in the west. the us and support officer is not realizing that the issue is not killing or destroying the the minute and part of the society. the issue is to create an alternative. the intent actually and gaza is a prime example. the what is that has done in the thought on gaza that have not created an alternative the basically telling the people of gossip you have, what we're going to do to you is based, sickly. eliminate you is basically ethnic cleansing because basically it's a genocide. so the whole population regardless whether they are, is supporters or from us or empties from us under mintz dot org in support of that assistant. and this was less and you all, i would say that the i the 5th and those morrow all the in the well that the id i have done more than any on the, in the well to protect the palestinian people with all due respect, let,
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let them you know, and so to the i c c. and then come and clean betsy is am or 1st and nothing you know who is being indicted by the i c and there is a and what that is, what's probably coming. so i think bethany, who is the last person on of that, you'd like to us about the what i like to i'm legally speaking. i'm just wondering how can carrying out assassinations on another countries, but the software and territory talley with as well as main allies, was that the rules based weld over to well, it can, we have to differentiate between low based, international and older, and the spaced international norm what we want is the law based international, or the meaning that is based on international no, on, on the law that has been accepted by the home. few managing what the, focusing on what they're saying that they're doing is following federal space
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international. when you say it was based, it, this whole subject goes towards it as the american societies and pull those who claim to be african. so basically there's a complete difference between low base and the restaurant older and their own base and fitness in order. so yes, they can claim that the following is the basis that should all the stuff by them. but definitely they're not following the law based international norms based on international law. and what kind of reaction do you think the that will be? who knows why the stuff in palestine and the wider made a lease as well? i think it was definitely those who are against is the policies in the region which is know if it wasn't majority of the region. what feedback too, was one of the forces that one of the faces that were at these are, but the, to be honest, the over the wasn't me, majority of people in our region to see see the everybody's going to
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die one day. and the many people i've been talking to, many of my colleagues, i don't me today and they're saying what we every, my son loved because now he's, we've got this feeling. and this is what i wanted to say. since that is no other alternative, is that with the spectacle, any further use, as many of them are saying, the only way forward for us because we have no future. we have no prospects of rebecca live here on the search is to basically go and die. and they die as martyrs, so that we can go to have them. so i think that is going to be more of a feeling towards the wanting to follow in the footsteps of the summer and the opposite. unless the americans and there's a these with 2, and i see that americans because basically this attack is an american attack. it was done by american weapons. it was not by american intelligence. it was done by american surveillance. so yes,
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it is the execute the best. the best of mine definitely is american technology. well, that's the one the, sorry to interrupt the kind of help the nude is in washington right now. the earlier, earlier around the us claim to have no knowledge of the strike. i doubt you believe that. and as we teach uh on the edge of this road, a conflict. now, what will it take for the us to, to step back from its special friend as well and say, we don't go to support you anymore, or whether it's going to take a lot to be honest because is the, is the baby is and they have spent the trillions of dollars literally and, and making design and frustrating it and sanctioning, it adds and selling this whole brand offices around the whole world as a peace loving advocate unless they have shared values with us. or, of course, ever since october 7th, it has,
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it has proven that it has nothing shared in terms of values with the low base, international, local, and the as, as of these, the americans and the, those in the, in europe. a lot of the support of officer is going to pick them up for them to, to change their mind. don't forget that there is a very, very strong, a back jewish lumpy in the u. s. which controls basically congress and controls that the american administration accepted a. so it's not going to be easy for them to give up. but the, the part is this, and this is something that is slow to slow, the, they have to realize that the ones is changing. if you follow the, all the speeches that took place in the you engineering assembly this week, you see that the overwhelming majority of speech has from countries that historically where not sticking size is stood up and said that is going to take more crimes. and enough is enough and they took stuff. so unfortunately the americans and those are these, i'm not reading, but i think the door,
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but it would come to bite them because basically, and essentially the weather's changing and eventually they would have to come to their senses. i only hope that they will do it as fast as possible before they're just marketing for that is more lecturing on both sides. i don't think this assassination would go down to the time you said it would be. most of it is that could potentially become an engine names. thank you very much for speaking to us today is really good to get your take on the situation boss and corey palestinian entrepreneur inform a politician. thank you. thank you for having me. with all the lights, this is wally as strikes, has have hits the lebanese capital of a nights. the below is if somebody could be seen rising from buildings in the cities densely
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populated southern starbucks forcing people to flee and seek shelter at a local beach. i had a bath is well targeted, has police headquarters in bay route with a slew of ass strikes, killing the groups. nita has done no swallow, the 11 people were killed and more than 100 wounded in that strike. the idea is issued a warning for people in bay waiting to evacuate from low to pull this up, the absolve. this 30, some 25 more people lost their lives in his way the strikes across 11 on based on today mark the 6 consecutive day of launch scale cross pulled up on boardman. s y results the wrong guys in north and as well with walk is find from 11 on towards the effect got into a region the attack, which also his residential buildings. and the southern sub outs of bay roads was
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the largest is where the striking favorites is the 2006 bowl in level. which gives you an idea of the scale of the attacks. lebanon has been facing the countries or taurus he's report 783 people have been killed since monday, and move in 2000 wounded, bringing the death toll since the beginning of the conflicts between as well, and has been a long stop. so back to 1622 with 5549 people wounded. the u. n. estimates for these 50 children were among the fatalities in the past. 48 hours in the a r c correspondent. yes. and i can the poets from fe, routes, acknowledgement and confirmation from heads of about comes at a time when they root is experiencing a series of strikes. spine is really military has beloved confirms the death of its leader secretary general us on most of the law. and the timing of course, was quite strategic the way that they carried it out was not strategic in any way
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whatsoever. the attack that killed the secretary general targeted southern suburbs of bay with these lebanese capital da here. and essentially, these really military use bunker busters, which penetrated through thick layers of soil concrete and steel, using munitions that are especially as strong as 2000 tons per unit. and they use about 10 of them and the attack level being up to 6 residential buildings and killing everyone in its wake. but the statement provided by his below also vows that his beloved will continue finding israel. so to answer the question will taking out in a slot results in peace, will that help israel? and the answer to the question, according to that statement is know, the group does about to fight back against israel. and we can expect the more retaliatory strikes against is really signed. the end of this comes at a time when, of course the conflict is brewing, the conflict is escalating, it is pro,
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attracting, and it is essentially leading to a regional conflicts looking at the backdrop. now for example, is really air force has carried out more tight, more strikes, targeting the capital of the country. and this comes at a time when israel confirmed that they had killed the principal leaders. so the question now is, what is real gaining out of carrying out these strikes and in all, honestly, we don't have an answer to the question. well, for those of you just joining goes a reminder about breaking news this. our hezbollah has concern displayed the house and the swallow has been killed and it is wally strike us. he's women cause there are things as the story of know as well as 32 year leadership of the court house on the thrall lovejoy then uniform resistance movement called has the law. when she was 22 years old, the around backed organization was tasked with opposing them banks and aged to is really to patient of sather. lebanon has done this for all. i had to step up as
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leader of has the largest 10 years later, after his previous s or a boss side was sally was assassinated in lebanon and along with his family, in his rating operations. under his leadership, their organization quickly transformed into a regional, political, and military force as us from the consolidated power and restructured his beloved. while fostering alliances with the ran and syria slowly became somewhat over resistance symbol. following his will less success, enforcing israel to withdrawal from southern lebanon in 2006 years laser, he cemented his staff as, as a national and regional hero. after claiming another victory against israel. we are today celebrating a great strategic historic and divine victory. how can the human mind imagine that a few 1000 lebanese resist and sons held out for $23.00 days in a land exposed to the skies against the strongest air force in the middle east,
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which had an air bridge transporting smart bombs from america through britain to israel against 40000 officers and soldiers for brigades of a lead forces 3 reserve army divisions against the strongest tank in the world and against the strongest army in the region, has blah is openly supported by iran and syria in large parts. thanks to mess for all us leadership. under his reign, the entity has been slowly or partially recognized as a service organization. in countries such as canada, the united states, u. k. israel and the gulf states. listen to the words of hezbollah as leader the terrorist most rolla who has declared his hatred of america. he says left the entire world here me are hostility to the great satan is absolute, regardless of how the world has changed after 11 september, death to america will remain all reverberating and powerful slogan, death to america. as on this role, i had always actively blamed the united states for the problems in the middle east,
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and it was quite vocal in his anger that was manifested once again. and when he spoke counts in defense of gaza, you the americans can stop the aggression against gaza because it is your aggression. whoever wants to prevent a regional war and i am talking to the americans must quickly help the aggression on gaza. you, the americans know very well that if war breaks out in the region, your fleets will be of no use, nor will fighting from the air be of any benefit. and the one who will pay the price will be your interests, your soldiers and your fleets. the frolla has been as a month and it has been lost support for the palestinian cause. we will continue to support gaza and we are ready for anything. we are not afraid. our demand is clear . a complete and permanent ceasefire in garza, the past year has seen more than 10000 attacks exchanged between israel, hezbollah and other lebanese groups now has done this, for allah has been killed in one of those attacks on the capital of beverage,
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vermont cost red archie. well, back in 2012. how so? nice. well, i gave an interview from an undisclosed location to all day as well tomorrow, a show which was hosted by julian, his sons explaining why has but i was engaged and it started off with his round. israel says the special heal for his beloved has fired brokers into israel law at civilian areas. is that true? see the front, the cost to the center. i mean, even since 1948, when the state of israel was created on the line by this time, the as rainy forces have been sending 70 and 77 in the netherlands, towns and avenues for the inches. be for the last time of our in the resistance. here's the best between 1919 good on sale,
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92 and then we'll follow on after 10 years of resistance and the phone bill upside, we started react, playing football the month, but especially and strictly to stop israel extending our solutions. so the 1993 there was an understanding available, gosh, it was in direct between the resistance and the israel and not understanding. i mean with, with the 1996 and not understanding what makes clear that both sides avoid setting civilians. and we always actually just say it's a, you don't, don't show off and it is incentive that we have nothing to do with you of interest in your time of service method long as a result of silly to afternoon, years of aggression against living. he says, i didn't stuff and it's a is why you are the rather to make a kind of that current balance to prevent israel from connect live in the service so that you on some reports adjusting on
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a rainy and revolutionary gall. it's cool. general was reportedly killed alongside husband as lead a husband, as well as be no comment from iran on the report so far. they stay with us for all the latest on us. and thanks for joining us here on, on the international has quite a day here in the studio. we'll be back with more shortly. the in the late 1892 french villages led by general pole arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot. the sonia, i mean, he's stuck up some issues with all the cars and dick's showing the list to the sense of who they on the east, one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting hold of somebody. i know the question
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that you download it, i'm philosophy followed there. do so they put the lecture on what socrates multiple villages were devastated. a numerous members of resistance groups. what the headed off that department is in for us to get the young investigator in search of his own identity and box on that you need to africa. the choices general good eyes, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the consummate. so my name is penny, and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about the position of lake and the history in the region. the 1st i'd like to find out what is the status of energy shortage in south africa
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right now? no, thank you very much for the invitation. of course we had had a major challenge in relation to add the energy difference. the day we had a situation where our generation capacity wasn't sufficient to meet the mind and for us to be able to protect the great, we initiated to what day and time definitely cavities lead carlo chevy. why that simply means is that they, we deny households an industry that likes to have a electricity for setting the hours of the day. and that going to be more profound, say in the morning and even in peak and the situation of rotating and, and i go to 2 intense level, say in 2023 a way we can reach what to close, state 6, locating so and that means is that the degree to assure adults, $6000.00 made a lot to meet that the month and, and that times they typed into.
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