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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  September 30, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EDT

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stays with you. all right, so what i have to do with this, uh the, uh, but appreciate your time today sir, kind of by a electra at the high school does have on communication sciences, blah, blah. thanks again for your time as well. that wraps up this news. our next enjoy in my colleagues on most of the meals shapers, and we'll be back in about 30 minutes. oh, oh, the the
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hey buddy. welcome back to moscow. welcome back to the moscow mules here at the center for this information, already deep in the bowels of the basement, the labianca building of the f s. b. of course, we have to mention our sponsors. and as i say, you know, behind every great mind there's always a great woman, but in my case, it's poor, all logged on us who again will be guiding us through the leafy and all tunnel pathways of western complete boats. oh, well, what a better place to start. our old friend seems to be back. oh, sleepy joe, you know, he kinda reminds me a bit of cold it. you know, they said it was gonna keep coming back, stronger and stronger. but joe keeps coming back, but he's getting weaker and weaker, dumber, and the more and that's, that's not
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a listen to good old grandpa jo, introducing at who he doesn't know who is introducing actually at this quad meeting and very important meeting, not the quad. what's that? yeah, exactly. yeah. a quad meeting indians. uh, you know, the us, uh, basically china bushing club and joe forgot who he was talking to and to talking to about actually, well the video he touched this is i want to thank you all for being here. and now, who am i introducing next? i mean, so who is next? who's next? i mean, this is cringe heaven, right? this is just saying wish guess the prime minister of the republican of india. yours yours the prime minister of the biggest democracy on earth. the biggest burgeoning superpower, the biggest publication on earth. yeah. how could you forget that guy? yeah. he's not read. it doesn't really matter much. you matters to us and breaks. we love you, india. we love you kind of sitting in there. how sleepy joe,
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other than golf hack into his cryogenic bed chamber. you had to be rolled out again at the un because he's still the president of the united states of america. and joe got up on the stand and he put the points so succinctly, everybody understood exactly what he was saying and he really hit them, hit the notes to me. i mean, it was just how's yours or? oh, really? oh, oh, whose it is nobody there who has usually used to live in level valley without fear, work to below to reach accountable for war cry. what ash yars point where the is the irish here? the show me some are delusional. archers. i want to talk today about who would you ask is where it was the bomb and all those kids you submitted for that was with you and charter. what the fast especially the despicable acts of sexual
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why girls through almost script ran. if you say a hot mama group the the without, i ask for mom is riff, this is the like here. do you see? did people, joe, people, and of course not everybody in the states is got their head in the trough of the absolute stupidity when it comes to the war and ukraine. the global show that is the american foreign policy. everyone who's watching the show over that side, we know and including our friends of the f b i, hey, how's it going? we know that there's a lot of smart people in the states and they're all going to be trying to do their best to change things at this upcoming election. but all joe wanted to give about a $1000000000.00 more to the narco. fewer or the defacto dictators lensky was the funny. how it all, as a boy decided to go and visit a shell factory,
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he decided to sign some bombs to tear some human beings and parties to be a thing these days that american politicians. so of course, the circus didn't in there. and of course, the america's top poodle, laptop, whatever you want to call them, the x, a global empire, who were really essential to the establishment of slavery. and the abduction of millions of africans, probably on a slave meant lots of advocates therefore, and secretary, a guy called david law, me at decided to turn up with you and, and put on his a shakespearean act of being uh, you know, basically black dave black dave wanted everyone to know that he was a black man, it's fairly obvious for those of us that are in color blood. and i can see that he's a black man. what do you want to do? lynch's black heritage and being the child essentially of the slavery with russia. because of course you, of course, is one of the biggest imperial slave a gathering countries in history. let me think about that. no, it's actually to go to a new k. and that seems to be if i am correcting informed to against the country
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that mr. lani is representing the biggest and part of the earth has ever seen the biggest proponents. east india company, a few other nice little jams and they're india for is a dollar stolen arlin staff to death massacres, problems. it's hard to know where to start or stop with the english. but mister, allow me with letting us all know that it's all russia's faults, surprise, the fries run the video. but i say you to the russian representative on his phone as i speak, that i stand here also as a black mind, whose ancestors would tell you couldn't chains from africa at the barrel of a gun to be enslaved. whose ancestors rose up and sold in a great rebellion up in slate, imperialism, imperialism. can you believe a british secretary of state talking about imperialism? falklands islands? anybody get though you're bolder? maybe a little sprinkler of northern ireland? yeah. get the scan and i know it when i see and i will call it out for what it is
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in this week, or what i'm here talking to all the partners around the world. about all shed futures and the future of the us. russia is trying to re ton of to weld of the cost a weld of imperialism. well, the only real empire, of course, as we know, is a nato. now, you know, is the beginning part of the being and power fuel by western arms sales at big companies like rape beyond mcdonald douglas, boeing. they're all carson and all the wars. and of course, the reality is, the british, the french, the germans even, are still gathering huge amounts of cash influence, politically and economically across africa. and the little charge these, they start to people like prints, are you with a head like a fetch cottage going down to africa, right hand on it that lives and basically telling the poor old african what's good for them? what's good? you're going to be more like us. oh boy. i think we heard that before. and i forget
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and hurries. charity actually isn't a bit of hot water accusations of rape um the best on that. very nice. the so it seems the boys making the rules of toys who are actually responsible for the whole colonial unimpaired showing the 1st place. once you find a guess who is next on the list, all the little puppy jump up and down the can. we have a part of the nice the motion. yes, in time and time. my dear boy's ad, that's america. talk a just little puppies and action. i was the germans, the good all the genius, foreign minister of germany, and lena bear back now. miss bareback has an interesting and colorful background in, you know, the study of diplomacy. she's an ex gymnast to fail to even submit her thesis for a master's degree. i mean, why don't you decided you got something like so gala ross of 50 years of diplomat speaks for languages, a world renowned strategist. so what are you going to do when you come up against this giant world diplomacy in the us? i know that's makes some stuff about adopting teenage girls and put on
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a very nasty face. that's just be angry. let's just, let's just spit fire lots of new the all, you know, the strongest man of your country, even single life, man of your find 3 t made to go see major cars. net. what about the little rabbits knows the thing is on costs. all these people dangerous. it's very important. we set a few things straight here at the center for this information. ology, correct? okay, absolutely. one of those faxes that and then we're in a directions of children from ukraine. when russia moves people away from the fighting. that's kind of direction, that's called bringing them to a safe place and looking after them. remember, russia has taken well over a 1000000 refugees. check out the u. n. refugee side. we don't wanna talk about that in the west either. is that addiction to? i don't think so. i guess what happened? and after saying that all these kids have been stolen, they turned up a few. they found a few of them didn't tell you. yeah, just
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a 162 ukrainian kids turned up in germany. they were previously taught eaten by vladimir putin for breakfast. so what do you think? oh, you correct. well, at least they ended up in one piece. uh huh. not like the well 1520000 kids in guys . had the kids now getting vaporized and level because when you're an american proxy and to us giving you your jets and your bombs and your bullets and your cash and the political cover and you can do whatever you want. and of course, people are going to bear back who is representing the green parties are so concerned about the environment and personal freedoms, the cult of the individual. that's not all individuals. so more and more happy about their personal account and others on the video of failing. oh, nice. $45.00 abortions, well energetic and energetically energetic boyfriends just turns out that now for
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the 1st time in human history, one percent of people accessing abortions are not identifying as female. how does that work? okay, let's take a look. mm. i are you all bones a comment harris? i don't want to leave my right. like i'm a trans man and i'm day and i have been pregnant and i had an abortion before. and i don't want to lose that. i'm afraid of not being able to be myself anymore because from what i've heard terms of marriage or there's a want me to look like this. that's why i'm here today and that's why i'm building boom, trans man. which means it's a woman and i'm gay. so i like man, so if i'm a trans mine which means i was a, was a woman. now i'm a mine, but i'm gay. so well. so i should have just left it with us basically. right. well, it's probably more fun to have an abortion when you're a man. oh, more for yeah. okay. i'm talking about the cold of the individual. i gives you the
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right to do basically whatever that you want me to with. and something that is sadly on the rise along with the food banks and the collapse of the security and safety on the streets in the west is a portion as a lot of that happening. that's pretty grim how one of the numbers there. the new numbers show that there has been an estimated 1037000 abortions that have occurred in the united states health care system in frontier 23. and those numbers are at their highest in more than a decade. well, those are pretty good numbers, right? but there's always an upside. if you had a made it in the game of life in the usa. yeah. there's a significant possibility that your mother would have turned you from a boy and to a girl. brought you on a talk show as the world's youngest, dried queen, to split yourself out on the ground, and not out in the football field, not out, you know, doing your thing with your bodies. and well dressed as a lady to do some sexualized dancing, run the video only for me give me
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a fucking break. what's more freaky about this is probably the fact that there's a bunch of models collapsing like seals. i mean, who are these people clap for the? i'm going to go up and walk though. i mean, this is a what a 10 year old kid. what are you just this guy on you look at this. i'm not surprised if i see my phone money out as well. why don't you just get mine a this is a, this is the disease in the school for this to you improve your caffeine free. i think get on board with that. my mom doesn't like new jersey hassle, so you can take a cup of coffee, but you can dress up as a prostitute and lie on the floor. this is the world is completely different. you're one of the youngest and 1st drag queen slash kids and
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kids. young people, coughing. it's the poor seeing who you are. yeah. well, you know, this type of, uh, woke uh l g b t, q, and sanity is what it is. it's propaganda boys most is everywhere, a radio tv newspaper, and ain't here on the most go meals. we're swimming the other way. but guess, well it seems to be working holly at all this a l g b t multi color both seems to be having an effect in the us. right? nearly a 3rd or 28 percent of gmc adults in the united states. now identify as o g t that that's lot of freedom us. of course this is a function of evolution, right. and we can have to daddy's can have a little baby. you can have to daddy's that where to mommy's, to turn it to, to daddy's then become gay marriage on her own gets a surgery in the lay of the egg. well, that's according to disney, who's now come out with a completely new evolutionary process. which means uh to sausages to bacon can make
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yeah. watch the video too. so that's why they want to be around other than this one x 0. i know that it's going to daddy's on the be great sense, but it seems that it doesn't and they're a guess what the american political leader doing, i guess what their priority is. yes, surprised surprise is the ukranian states of america all over again. they decided to take a little trip to a weapons factory and do little bit acute the signing and heavy artillery shells. and anyone who's ever seen what a heavy artillery shell does to a human body. what find this very interesting or even a humane? but it doesn't matter when you got to get your political point scored. it was the boy is right at the forefront. but it's interesting, isn't it that zalinski uh, went touring and basically campaigning for kamala,
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know republicans allowed. and only a couple of days later, he signed a check for him. oh, sleepy joe. yeah, they woke them up out of the chamber and then once he gets a $1000000000.03 days after doing a bit of campaign of color, not the see here only one, the video. so this is kind of green. this is a green uh 20232024 thing. we had nimrod to the indian lady who tried to be president who said she'd never vote for trump mailbox. trump. yeah. full of the, you know, the absolute, the dignity of politics. there. she signed a few, you know, finish them. it's become a bit of a, a sort of a butcher shop to you and are able to just enjoy the blush. and we'll explain why a little bit later. mm hm. i will call speaking of zalinski doing this little thing here as a dog big dog, called as soon as he won the greatest salesman on earth, a movie little z boy, you know, have
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a little earplugs open at the time because he's decided to register his self himself as a brand zalinski, the ad to weiss, it's ukrainian not rushing. i can see he's decided to register himself as a practitioner, fewer rules. his company will be able to bury people. know, oh, we don't need this uh, bottom on. why would a defacto dictator, who just basically killed about 700000 of his people want to get involved in a funeral business. ok. any ideas have no idea and let's have a think about it. 700000 dead people. you kind of caused their debts because you didn't sign a piece deal. your friend bars jones pulled you at the table. let me think any ideas, nothing. i know i know is because he's a good guy. in reality, what's happening on the ground in ukraine and so pretty of cities like uh, toward yet. and of course only dar this exception the important strategic city that
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the russians have been trying to capture for quite a while. and ukrainians are for to flight since 2014 which is about to become strategically unimportant, of course sooner to rush up to arrive with completely unimportant. yeah. and i know that they've got it. no, no, nothing. take it, take it away. but in reality, we know the p a thought and scott, which is a, a russian convenient store. it's everywhere here in russia much loved by the russians and also now much loved by the finance. they now are telling us that stealing and looting and taking over a single if you have thoughts got in course is a far bigger moral and strategic victory. the actually strategically important city of only the, this is really happening. run the video or you like what the report or you will check this out and we'll see and see. my husband gets you. it's got sushi number hoff. this is an official ukrainian t v show you show it saying this look,
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drinking a bottle of whiskey. get that iris whiskey out of your mount, you dirty. you cannot see either daddy amount and they're saying that the tortuga is a symbol of the russian world as the and the fact that they looted div hope the 10s of millions of ukrainians. yep. so basically document your war crimes document stealing on the civilian shop. this is the height of ukrainian morality and is the centre for european values, democracy and freedom. of course it is slab of porridge. and of course, you go to ask yourself as americans, as europeans, you've got to say, how come we're paying for all this type of behavior in ukraine? it's obvious the dogs in the street, no, but the corruption and the absolute failure of the society there. but it keeps happening, they just go under 8000000000. i wonder why, maybe it's because at least 50 members of congress, lawmakers in the us own stock in defense companies. and that stock is worth a ton of money. oh you correct. actually it could be as much as 10000000,
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but in reality, the number could be much, much higher. and of course people like tim walton, kamala harris. they've got plenty of cash. not really concerned about you and your family. they just want to shake that old bag of bones once every 4 years. they get back into power to keep the lobbyist on the being wheel spinning course, they're all just middle class or be folks like us, you know, the nurses fireman, the, you know, we're just your, and we, people do not pass joe, i swear to god. when the video of you, i family a long on this and make it to meet a lot of families. i think we're middle class people, the vice president talked a lot about that. yeah, we just thought of the middle class folks, and that means you don't earn much money at all. right. you're just struggling with the rest of us. yeah. oh you. what do they actually your hair is actually earnings around $20000.00 a year. $28000.00 a year. no, it's a month. and the average american regular run of the mill guy salary is $4.00 to $6000.00 a month. the very middle class cousin said to middle class,
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to me, it sounds completely tough glass. and of course, here at the center for this information. ology, oh, you know, we work for turnips vodka and the occasional cup of coffee which it brought to ourselves after she'll tough. well if it come out of this, come out of that and to waltz for the boring of of human labrador. let's talk about the big dog. the big don is in full flow, and he is a heading for the white house. maybe a lot of people think he's not going to get there. why? because you're not going to get elected. know because he's going to be killed. yeah, welcome to politics usa, 2024. while he's a big chunk of americans, don't think the big guns going to make it. but not for the reason you might expect actually 2 thirds of the roles or say it's likely that there's going to be more assessing nation that time skills to for all done. yeah, i mean, you'd imagine there's some kind of subliminal messaging going on the media. whenever the democrats get together,
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they're very careful to avoid any reference to violence against donald trump for do, did get shot. and then another ukraine. yeah, i tried to shoot them again. you know, our friend spaghetti in a code. so he could do all you would be avoid references to violence, squashing killing up. exactly. well the video key just wouldn't cause like i, i'm fuck the just be and there was like a like a bug right. them who so you felt the course you can imagine what would happen if a black president was referred to that way by a white commentator millionaire billionaire on a talk show that squashing them like a bug d humanise they will insect. i'm sure the western media would be completely okay with the dog. absolutely, and of course, the big dog has now announced to the world that he believes that it's the rainy instead of trying to kill him, it's worth the fact that it's been 2 americans doing the shooting in the us 2 occasions. i wonder why you certainly trust the same intelligence services. we're
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50 intelligence chiefs said that, you know, trump was interfering in the election with the russians. all turn out to be both. remember, the whole rush of gaping where hillary made his boat slip cuz she lost cuz she, she suddenly, these dudes according to the phones, are completely to be trusted. just doesn't ring true to me. yoga was, i was starting to feel that he's not going to fix anything. me could be true. maybe it just doesn't matter. who's in the chair at the white house? it only really matters. who's the chair right here on the law school meals. ok, let's leave the united states the u. n. and the center for a common sense, a course of un renowned for preventing conflict more and defending the week and stuffing genocides anyway. let's move off with us or let's go to live a pool. all right, make a great football team. a lovely part of the world, a lot of ours, their parties that could swim as we call them and build and just use their i guess
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it was there. i could all to tier care to tier care decided to make a speech. and of course, he stuck his nose firmly up the ass of these railways and pleaded for a return of the sausages to watch the hostages. you mean no armour armour or must return the sauce searchers? yeah, let's have a look at the video as well. again for the immediate c spot and garza over ton of success to break the way we go. i mean, how do you manage to do that? i mean, is this a serious world we're living in the return of associates? what do you think of celsius on his mind? of course, leaving the good old u. k. had ukrainian, can the united kingdom and heading back to europe to things aren't really that much better. there. this garden, that old mister barrell talked about, you know, it seems to be overgrown and there seems to be a lot of kind of thing. and the dogs and the sewers are overflowing. the bills are
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getting more expensive and the boats keep coming to migrants keep filling up. let's have a look at how things are on the beautiful metro in paris, where you can imagine it's the picture of quaint french, you know, how many enjoy on the video or the got what? so here we go. oh, what, what just better gets better? she gets shocked out. what to do? it gets stronger. well, oh my god. well, you know, it is a bit of a giggle, but in reality, certain french towns are actually getting completely overrun by migrants. and this is a real problem. you know, you can talk about migration without being a racist or a fire, right, or nazi your kind. and you should talk about migration because migration is a big problem and you are, guess what a professor and my country are. and it says the irish people are going to be in
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a minority in a couple of decades. that's in our own country. people say that be a good thing. let's have a look at what's happening in all italia. the again, the things uh, of course, very quaint, a bit of past a bit of pizza, a little glass of red wine, mike, musical, run the video. so this is, this is the doctor who actually wanted to see. so tickets. getting a bit of treatment. uh and very grateful from uh, one of our new friends who has a ride on the cost to see if maybe a lovely guys. of course, one of the symptoms of this tidal wave of the illegal immigration coming into europe is crime. because these do tough and know where to sleep, nor to eat, and they're on the streets all day. i'm them sure they get discriminated against to sell a one way street. but in germany, of course they had a great idea. not liking all the time. yeah. let's avoid that. just don't ask the migrants for any tickets. they just don't ask them. they want to rob something. let
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them do you want to just jump on the train would have to go ahead at. no, jo here has to pay the migrant dose of the book as well. if you're a 9 year old kid or 10 year old kid in germany, and you want to wave a flag in, you know, so they're already with those thousands of children to be blown to pieces by american munitions and has a wonderful they give you a pass for the august, what do you think? no, they want. i don't think so. check out what happens to a 10 year old kid in germany for waiving a palestinian flag on his claw house. the. yeah, so this is the crime of waving and palestinian flag in germany the land to go to you know, this is the great a new life in the country. so that brings us to the end of another episode here on the most go mules until the lights been all about the distortion of reality. the
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$1000000000.00 machine in the west, the media pump in you full of propaganda, is propaganda. but as most as in your car, it's in your bedroom. it's everywhere. i don't remember we're so like the u. k. run the biggest empire on earth. calling out the russians, who never had a colony in africa. by the way, the bad guys, you know, you've been spawn a heap of boats, but we'll be here next week poking at the underbelly of the beast and trying to shine a light where they'd ride and we didn't. we'll see you then. how does your yeah, the
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hello and welcome to cross the full board. here we discuss the wheel and the
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the size of the idea of being put into 11 on they was the, the ship says it's running into the village scene problems takes un resolution to send his armies southward, make solar note for this part is part of the border with is we as an evidence already to fully implemented a un security council resolution, 17 o one, and we are ready to send the lebanese army to the southern area for it to fully performance duties and coordination with international peacekeeping forces as well . so i've come up to an 11 on and killed one that was needed to resubmit cruise of a limited representative in iran. is this in the middle east did as a clinton junction. and.


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