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tv   Documentary  RT  September 30, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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the ceasefire, there's just one, i don't work, you need more mastic. there's more destruction in their agent, and that is why the americans are supporting them. but in reality, to date the ladies they don't want, as i said, will be the just one more and the americans are supporting that completely. that was these role as being the up in the states. and they'd stand off with that has the law have the international community warning of the risk a full scale war in the middle east argues roman confirm has been looking at the power levels with the 2611 and war is the latest escalation between israel and it has the law has become the deadliest of self since that 2006 ford, a conflict that many fear could be repeating itself today. that war lasted from july 12th until august 14th, just 34 days. and it was triggered by a cross border attacked by hezbollah,
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which captured 2 is very soldiers and killed 8 others. the response was swift and incense with is ready forces unleashing a barrage of air and artillery strikes across the 11. and what defines of this 4 were the members violations of international law and the heavy soul of civilians is read. it forces repeated this truck areas with no apparent military targets, inflicting heavy casualties among civilians and causing widespread destruction which race concerns them on their rights groups on the conduct of israeli forces. once again, is their elizabeth thing on its excessive military force to settle the problems with its neighbors. and 11 on is once again, the victim of an aggression whose the brutality has exceeded all expectations, and on previous aggressions, hiding as always, behind the rights to self defense. this reveals their twisted understanding on international idea of tanks also to positions more than one kilometer into the
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northern central and southern strip. the violence has continuing to date, a family of 5 was killed. been in his id tank, fired at the house and gaza, which is at least the 2nd time in the reporting period that many members of a family have been to hell of this sense. amends was a widely shared before triggered an outpouring of international condemnation with many countries accusing israel offsite, disproportionate response that violates of international norms. the presidency of the european union is shocked and dismayed by these riley as to likes on the southern ebony style of carolina. there was no justification for the tax goals and a casualty symbol, innocent civilians, most of whom were women and children. the fact that the residents had been want and called upon to leave the area does not justify these tragic event. as israel had rejected the 72 hours, the station and facilities called for by the un to open the way for safe evacuation
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of civilians from solving lab and on the normal process of negotiation accepted accept the fact that the civilian targets and civilians in law, the states are being bombarded is against international law and completely unacceptable. the allegations against israel extends beyond the battle field. a start reminder of its past abuses is see um prison in southern lebanon. the facility are run by israel's proxy force. the south lebanon army became the story of fort for sure, an arbitrary detention, although israel denied that direct control human rights which reported that is rarely personnel trains and guided v. s l. a. making israel complicit had the
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systematic abuse. prisoners were held without being charged. often for years in conditions that violated international law, reports of torture and severe ms. friedman for rapids casting a long shadow over israel's actions in lebanon. israel main same throughout the conflict that they were targeting has full of fighters and infrastructure and that civilian casualties work. and unfortunately the consequences on has the laws, tactics. we defend ourselves in this brutal war. and sometimes, tragically, as has happened to the women and children and do get hurt because they are used as a human shield by that because by law. because by lies homes 11 on which housing miss side in which the family sleeps with a miss side. when you sleep with a miss side, sometimes you don't wake up in the morning and as well, we have homes which i equipped with a,
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an air raid shelter. to save people from bombs and 11 on, they have homes in which they equip them to launch imbecile taking into account that those people could be killed. we today say we are truly sorry for the people of lebanon and for the people who are killed. but 10 minute the widespread destruction the united states food almost alone and its support for israel descending its actions as necessary and blaming as below for the conflict. people around the region in the world need to take a step back and recognize that hezbollah as well as action. create a very strong, strong reaction that uh, that uh, unfortunately, costs some people to lose or lose their life and us and people to lose their life. but on the other hand, it was hesitant of the cause of destruction. people have got understand it,
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and it'll take time, andrea, and they'll take care of for people to see the truth. that hezbollah hides behind innocent civilians as they attack. and we're finally ended on august 14th, 2006 after israel, as the law and lebanese government agreed to the terms of united nations resolution, 17 o one. the resolution called for an immediate cease fire withdrawal, his right of forces and the disarmament of his below. however, the resolution did little to resolve the underlined tensions and the scars how the conflicts were made during the 34 day war. israel submitted to reparations target is not only has voted lot positions, but also the lebanese infrastructure. leading much of the country in ruins, over 1100 lebanese, were killed, most of them civilian fed, approximately 1000000 people were displaced, while hezbollah emerged from the war, claiming victory, the human cost and devastation left lasting damage to lebanon. now,
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earlier we spoke to a lebanese parliament member who brian named me and he told us about the motives method. yeah. who has been deceiving in the company lately? the way he's the idea receives colacho damage and the lads, he's ready warnings about it strikes and 11 on the message was uh that the whoever it is home is near america decides or community allowed or any arms. the principalship evacuated on how little disability and i know, you know, so many of the don't even know that these vocational questions on the are so how are you able to know if you need to evacuate or not? some people who are taken by surprise, some people believe it don't trust the isn't a if these messages, they are thought a good thing anyways the, the, the disability and because it seems to me that is a, in the way they see it, that we give you a warning, and this is the way to evacuate this house for them to increase that condition and to add to it'd be the responsive responsibility of the discriminating between the
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civilians. and once they've been in this way, they can have mass destruction or uh for the whole area. i mean, uh they even, you know, we've seen uh some type of good thing for them. and believe that, but you know, they targeted these leaders with no the attention or move or respect for disability lived in this building. they thought it takes a few days ago. uh, sometimes the in southern suburbs available. and they brought the whole business thing off 9 floors with the families with the women and the children on the ground just to the, to target one. uh and uh, because this has been let either and this has brought me a water try. this is a little discrimination and for the defense of millions of amenities, and i think they're doing it intentionally just to say to the international community, the by thing by administer law. and they, they don't care about connecting to devin for them for them. so it begins out just
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connected and damage, which we believe that is a bit. i mean it's, it's, it's a, it's against too many seats against it. they're nice and the law. if you have someone just sit with you and you just don't go until the decide the best we have for and you, i think what the thing you know, i've been trying to do in the past a year or so trying to uh, drive the whole area to an old or you said that he wants to change them, at least i know how else would he want to change them at least if he doesn't get. ready or that act the night and states into an all out load with the open old fronts at the same time, under the pretext of protecting is, are you and i believe that escalating visitation in the south and disconnecting the aggression on having this war. i'm getting civilians is about dragging more and more that they could uh, reactions from has been to just provide more and more escalation and may be. and i guess other countries and to this pull it out for alex cross now live to
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alejandro. bruno risk consultant has golf state and electrics alejandro is nice to have you join me now. not mess all squared reports of be fired had to us military base near baghdad airport. the spots of explanation impose risks for americans service met in the region. i don't think it causes risk for american servicemen in the region, particularly as uh, most of the service men uh, the ones close to the area are on traps aircraft carriers. and also, i don't think that the lebanese hezbollah or any other army is interested in drawing in us the forces. in fact, this whole operation right now from the external point of view is trying to contain the conflict rather than expand and the the know
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the overall d. c, these really invade we rolled up some kind of initial invasion that has to be done. um, it has, well i would still not have to be focused on the ground operations as are the thing is were along the other hand is able to sustain water on 3 fronts. at the same time, the guys are lab and on, and yemen well is really counting on external supports that is essential. and so we have for example, the, the, the, let's start with the bombs that killed and that's what a lot a few days ago. those were confirmed to the american made. so imagine if his bullet had somebody to give them bunker busting bombs and the airplanes delivered.
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and so we have it completely a symmetric situation. but the whole goal of it nothing. you have a invading level, not is to draw the united states in. so, um the, the, the strategy now is to look, i think i'm to this by entering the, the, the, the, the ground or we are. and if we, if we can keep it limited to the groundwork as well, that's risk, because hezbollah is, has more soldiers, better drain. so there's more equipment to sites. and that does how much that so far as we've seen in gaza, israel has been a x or a 2 in civilians, but not so good actually eliminating the how much the presence which continues. so we have 2 a symmetric words going on and that one is more than enough. so it,
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it does risk. and this is what happened in 2006 is we'll have to leave it in a cheat. many of the debts that were mentally to start working with weapons, the legal light cluster of buttons, that was a very famous people in this aspect of the 2006. what so i don't know is when things that can go in and contain this conflict, it says minor operations, but it's always easy to start and it's always very difficult stop. all right, do you say you have a scenario where more region of countries will be involved in this escalation? the well, the obvious, the obvious one is iran, and i don't think you're on, you know, though it's been criticized. i think the route is taking the right move is making the right move, but not stepping in. because by stepping into the conflict directly,
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it would play directly into the hands of one benjamin netanyahu and to the neo conservative americans, senators, who can't wait like lindsey graham, who, who can't wait for a wherever they run. and just to understand that in the united states, it's not just that the is the support for israel is, comes a lot from the so called the sinus christians who want to see the manifestation of video processing search and trigger the rapture as that's another. but, but essentially there's a strong base and particularly up front rotors, i'm sorry, say that are, are itching for this kind of conflict. it's a map so we have the but the, but iran is the definitely from that the staying away because of an arc. if it has an iran is an old, ancient country was
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a strong strategic through the med physician. and there are there, i think, acting as the internet or perhaps not popularly people who want to see them intervene. but they are, i think it's an issue containing your answers or if you're on to stay complaint and contain the conflict and remain outside of it. and then the united states will not involve nor with other powers. other, if you run that into the, not only with the united states, and if you start to come to israel a but a, and we could also see britain and france getting involved. so uh, it is easy. the problem is, it's very complicated for iraq. it's a very difficult position. right, is this why he's released accent, which such confidence right now and besides that, does it feel it's got has been a lot on the back foot right now. a well, testable not is not one of those organizations like a central army. it's
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a very disjointed. so the, let's just say the people who come to the to lead has, well i units. i almost understand that they have a, a death penalty hyundai on their back. they know that they could be eliminated at any moment. so anyone is explaining his success, deputy, or someone else can come even step into the role of leader at a moment's notice. so that's your so i think on the ground level in particular, it's where hezbollah has an advantage over uh, over israel, and over what israel has been doing in the top of the evening. the lead us let's take the example and that's the law was not just the military leader, actually he, he was a religious figure, 1st of all, but where his drink really was used in the organizing the force and
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raising it to the level that it is today and growing and managing for a lot of this, a managing the aide and coordinating with iran to reconstruct the country after the war and to provide a number of social services to the she a community in particular, but also other communities with and the she of where the pores in the level non so has a lot and we, we talked about the military side of his boss all the time. but actually his was a very important social role to play with a level. so it has a, i think the they've decapitated some of this strength for sure. it's a bad blow and, and it looks very bad. but the, the battle is only just beginning. and we as well is appears to be entering it in an overly confident wait for on that. is that okay?
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cuz it makes mistakes. me now, what sort of international reactions do you expect to see regarding a novice bible is really escalation as well? um, i was surprised to see some uh voices and you're starting to complaint with the deputy prime minister. belgium has condemned the is there any of the action against has vote against the law and certainly against any ground evasion with the other you are being leaders of being quiet, but i suspect that countries like spain we'll certainly will probably come them as well. and other european countries will at least offer some kind of mild warning. you know, we don't really the certainly europe, particularly mediterranean you're, there's not least another one of these was going on at the united states. of course, although they talked of diplomacy. blinking diplomacy is the only solution. well,
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he should start with him. you know, he's being a terrible diplomat. now that you don't even know whose it was, he actually cares about whether it's the middle of the united states. so at a, on the face of it, i think uh, both the, both parties in the united states cannot afford not to express words of support for israel. they have their hands are type, particularly just the 60 days before uh, presidential election. ready imagine those candidates will continue to roll over themselves to protect and express will just support as well. so it's from the, from the united states we expect use well, but i've seen some surprising reactions in you. and of course, in most of the rest of the world, that's call it the bricks oriented world we we see in general universe, so uh,
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condemnation. and then consider that when the time jago spoke to the un assembly on friday last friday, uh, 3 quarters, the assembly left the, the whole. so that's, that's a, it was a clear signal of what the most of the world thinks about this operation. all right, we have to leave you here now alejandro bruno risk consultant and golf state and electric's. thank you so much for your time. thank you. right now that's the update this i'll keep watching our team to national for all the news from the middle east and around the well, my colleague charlotte, the best key will be with you at the top of the by now the, the
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russian states never as one of the most sense community best english i'll send, send up the in the 65 with the keys 195 and speed. the one else calls question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine for states on the rush for the day and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center even closer to the
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1935 fastest, easily led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial empire in africa and take over the d. o. b a. by that time e d. o p a was the only fully independent state on the continent. back in 1896. its inhabitants were able to defeat the italian colonies and defend their independence. since then, rome craves for revenge for the humiliating defeat. in the morning of october 3, 1935. without any announcement, the foxes attacked ethiopia and bombarded it most severely. d, d o. b an armed forces bod, courageously. but the rude taylor t. a. b. i tell you and knew no bounds. stay use not only massive bombing attacks
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on civilians, but also chemical weapons, toxic gases. this change the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia, by the fastest 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval. britain and france recognize the annexation, giving the green light to a further fastest expansion in the world. and baby, and the way for the outbreak of world war 2 the, the germans. so just to deal with the other one will take me that picture. they were proud of the muscle better and ready to leave, to go in your mouth, because i didn't recommend your opinion or know very good study with or i. so it was why she on google more gained with and then almost a week ago. and then we'll get to under the general say to us, love to the street,
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but this, this indeed reality last has never been did you purchase a i did you please give us a time to time prize size and call you to do this to yourself. if it's your ex, that's us a v as in actually this is a very vote decision by the gym and government to even stop because he is when the agreement while they reached gena, they did more divisions and more and got more questions. a lot of those they are using to pay us. what they are giving us is go to the persian countries and now we have not been supportive calls. what has been happening here? it will open the ponder as books,
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the next thing it will be them both then also have to pay the in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general pole boot. i arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot one or 3 to come on sunday. i mean, he's stuck up some issues around the cars do. and dick's shown the list to the tent . the food i on the east, one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. somebody, i know the question, richard dental. hey, i'm philosophy followed there. do so they put the actual multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups with the headed olympic apartment for us to be the move of nancy. and i'm going to be
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a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on that you need to africa, beach races, general good eyes, flood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is ben and i come from england and i've come really to find out more about the, the mission, hopefully, and the history in the region, the on march, the 22nd 1943. during the great petrie. i'll take the shirts and bunch of cuts out in 118 and down the belly, mercy. and for that you have cutting the shape of the person if i did the wish in the fitness center. yes, this one, most of the rooms to pony it to you. 149 people died including 75 children of age was practically wiped off the face of the long new
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blue loves the little boy lit orchard and couldn't. charlie was no noisy and we'll use for dispos. oh, shoot. was hard really. i really usually its own you feeling? yes. so the infamous fatality and responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukranian nationalists from west to new. right. now you have what you thought was a split the price of the simple guys so far as the new e phone, the so long as you guys pursue and your upper show. and i'm with them. us costs the declassified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g, b, a better rules jump to light on the atrocity and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on. see the
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what is part of the the employee would post good. isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present good. let's stop without cases. let's go part of the the quiet west 3. i mean, the thought on, i mean i was kind of major was how your safe was threatening system and obviously
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a hair dresser, a bus driver, a sales person, anyone could become a victim. that's how private negotiators, faster pen looking for the best assist you know, pretty much what i'm going to say we started this week and some of the ok. no, no, no. yes. that's the reason why you're going to be up by the name on that, on those over those. and i mean, it won't be feasible missing on from the yes to the studies boys took over the serious me he does. he has to say a news in the middle that they say we're still in the room is the
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israel is the class, the limited operation. the game has below targeting 1011 on the lebanese health when she says 95 people have thing to move in a 170 wounded in his way. wades across the country, both se is where the tongue so ruling in 2011 on beginning a knocking the other 2 rounds of operation. washington sometimes is well informed due to its intention to carry out to limited crown corporation in lebanon. however, that doesn't need to pay to promote it. any efforts find the white house to re new
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its allies.


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