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tv   News  RT  October 1, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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mr. sitko, the 11 on is under attack is very private, just like the headquarters of the house about television tunnel and they re, the idea of pulled up additional reserves. the mit is around the deposit for the headquarters of these wells and national intel agency, most sides with strikes on the side of the nations of the global south res. cuz the israel's invasion of level them as they main privacy in 2 weeks. this and saw just weeks at the council of year and he describes as he is behind the balls in the british maximum security prison and condemns us for he says, is my eyes ation of gunners. i want to be totally clear.
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i am not free today because the system work. i am free today off to use because the ration because i pled guilty to general the is just gone and 5 pm here in the rough and capital world. wherever you're catching the news out from does a, this is all the idea has pulled up additional reserves, emitted ground operation in level as well, has also wanted lebanese, so it is not to travel southward tools. the country's shed buddha, because of the heavy flights a urgent, urgent warning to the south, lebanon residents. heavy fighting is taking place in southern lebanon with hezbollah elements, using the civilian infrastructure and the population as human shields to launch attacks for your personal safety, we ask you not to move vehicles from the northern region to the southern region of
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the tiny river. this warning is in effect until further notice, the scale of this stuff and a scene here following the easily slides on a southern district of a root. the liberties health if he says that in any 100 people were killed in the schools were wounded, as the bones rained down, any boxes of the headquarters of the out. so that kind of vision channel. what size is it? an idea of attack by the patient was confirmed by his will. is what a guess also destroys several major highway connections middle of the remedies army has denied a revolt. so for that of his withdrawal from the self as the is really enemy continues, it's increasingly barbaric attacks on various lebanese regions. some media outlets have reported in accurate information about the lebanese army, withdrawing from its southern border posts for several kilometers in light of the
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enemy's preparations to carry out a ground operation inside lebanese territory. the army command would like to clarify that the military units deployed in the south are repositioning some forward observation posts within their assigned sectors of responsibility. the command also continues to cooperate and coordinate with the united nations interim force and 11 on stays where the absence of not gone without a response. here's what it is. so i came back and miss i learned from lebanese tennessee, hit the highway in tennessee that connects nolan as well to the south as what a says 8 foot positive, the headquarters of the is where the info agency must side. now let's take a closer look at location on the fact here is highway 6 according to some schools it was here just like a could have one of the most that headquarters is said to be sent to it in the highway to on the left side of the screen, so there's some conflicting information about,
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but i made the destruction 11. all the countries prime is urgently called it all the un to provide a to civilians. he said, a 1000000 people in his country have been displaced by the inability of tax. lebanon is facing one of the most critical junctures in its history. with nearly 1000000 people displays due to the devastating war wage by israel, we urgently call for more a to reinforce our ongoing efforts to provide basic support to display civilians by let's say, more or less enjoyed. why on see correspondence? florida is he asked and i can embed roots and uses throughout the entire on gentleman, thank you for joining me. i said, if i start with you, yes. and the lemme is prime, it is a, has them on the that the you and take action, the desktop has a sub off of $1000.00. and does it say it's a decline? can you elaborate of the i definitely
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can elaborate, but before i get to that, i want to also tell you that there are reports coming in, suggesting that in is rarely raised targeted. a building in the southern districts of an apartment was targeted and attack similar to the cold attack on monday, during the early hours where a building and an entire floor was destroyed by it is rarely as striking, receiving more information. there's a great deal of increased activity in the skies. we are hearing drones, they are quite loud, they're flying low, and they're flying for many long hours. throughout the days i can hear at least 2 different unmanned aerial vehicles in the sky. the air rates that is realized target i get especially carry out, is increasing and i've lost the t as well as the destruction. but coming back to what the prime minister says, he did say that the country is facing one of its most difficult phases and the country's history. and that is nothing far from the truth. we understand that this comes at a time when is there a claim just started
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a ground operation and it is essentially targeting has the law territories within the south. but it's not limited to that the attacks over the past. we suggest these attacks have targeted has the law elements of july august. i mean the, the few lp and the list does go on. but the reality is that the civilians are caught in the crossfire and the situation on the ground is increasing as casualties are piling up. it is becoming a scene that was this was in a sense, reminiscence of the 2006 war. but a lot more deadly in comparison, and we understand that miss missed the call to the lebanese caretaker prime minister as well as given on the resolve leave you a few minutes. and that is having coordinator for the, for the, for, for 11 and a half. essentially started a half a $1000000000.00 appeal to mobilize urgent resources for the people that have been displaced throughout the country. they suggest that at least a 1000000 people have been affected. many people have relocated susan capitals, where they have very little to no options for shelter. and refuge,
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many people are on the streets and the death toll and casualties are piling up as well. the fortune 4 digits are looking at quadruple figures, and it is becoming a lot more worst. the united nations have confirmed these numbers less listen to them. immense loss of life and destruction continues in lebanon in the past 10 days over 1000 people have been killed with over 8000 injured since october 2023 of the israel has essentially escalated its fair rates on southern parts of the country. it has been increased its artillery strikes in the south, we understand a residential area such a door. they have been attacked of these con casualties. their attempt, people's belief 7 killed in their homes. and we also understand we need a lot of data or general for the, for the whole line a lot. so marches were great, and 11 on was essentially chilled along with 5 others. and this is of course,
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one of 11 on the largest, if not the largest refugee chap in the country. it is the kind of headway refuge account which is currently home to more than 100130000 people, excuse me. and with the recent wave of migration, we can expect that the numbers a lot more higher than that. and the attacks that targeted that residential area, that refuge account, essentially destroyed buildings. and we believe that many people are still under the rubber shad city. devastating indeed. yes. and as the any reaction from all the regional powers we've heard from the turkish president, we've heard from, for ministers across the country, sorry, across the region. we've heard statements provided at the un general assembly. so there is some condemnation, but we do understand that the church president is taking a more proactive approach and finding a solution, not necessarily a military intervention, but calls on the united nations general assembly to be in a position to enforce the resolutions that were adopted in 1950 to use force if the
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un security council fails to stop is running these attacks. i'm looking at did you went chartered the un purposes and principles of the united nations as well as its members. we understand that there are articles in place which should provide safety and security for those that are on party to the united nations with which was really is a party to be honest, an article too for it ensures that there is a prohibition of threat or use of force in international relations, in this case, it ensures that as well should be in a position to, to abide by these laws and especially respect and recognize loving on sovereignty. templates all integrity as well as the political independence of other states. and in this case, the lebanese government does not recognize the territorial integrity or the political alliance that is certainly in place. the is rarely narrative. is that living on this a failed stage, and that it is up to tell the beef to ensure that they combat has the law on many different funds. but there's also on article $25.00, which suggest there's an obligation to give assistance to the united nations and
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refrain. this one here is important. refrain from assisting the targeted states of preventive for enforcement action. in this case, this is what the israel if then you went, decides to take action. that would be, is real countries like the united states would be essentially borrowed from providing any kind of assistance to israel. monetary military, the weapons, the rock is stuck, the is rarely notes or uses to florida. off the attacks from the air is themselves and it's their defense system is crucial. and if the united states, as hypothetically speaking, of course, put in a position to stop providing these weapons and munitions to these rather government, then that would also mean that the israeli government would need to take a different approach. applying pressure on israel to resolve this by diplomacy, as opposed to military means. but looking at other statements for ministers from different countries towards the united arab emirates, suggests that much more can be done. and they called out the united nations on what should be done. the assistance of them, israel's violation of the sovereignty into the total integrity of lebanon by
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launching a ground attack is an illegal invasion the attempt. this attack must come to an end immediately, and these rarely troops must withdraw from lebanese territory. the un security council must uphold international law and take the necessary measures against this attack, that is the condition of lebanon. every crime committed by israel is also a blow to international law. and the you in charge, or the you, a reaffirmed its unwavering position towards the unity of 11 on national sovereignty and territorial integrity em for sizing the country steadfast support for the people of lebanon. during this challenging period, the united arab emirates expressed its deep concern over developments and 11 on as well as the repercussions of this dangerous situation, an impact on regional stability. yes, and thanks for that update as well. so the now to use if here's the thing you are in iran, of course. so money we were thinking, well erewhon and to this confident, directly, what has been tied wrong direction so far?
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well, moran, we've been hearing this report suggesting an eminence, ballistic missile strike from iran against as well. but of course are wanting officials, i've yet to reveal much details about how and when that promise to strike against israel. well, come, but of course are these days over the past days. well, i've been hearing a great deal of spread from different iranian officials that one has long been under pressure. uh from uh, it's a people and a force from outside of everyone's borders to go ahead and retaliate for israel alleged assassination of as might have yeah. into one but the country has been delayed its response due to multiple reasons. first and foremost is that one is calibrating its moves carefully to avoid a regional conflagration. and of course, to ensure minimal escalation as a result of his potential strike. and so can we see that the new iranian government
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seems to be unwilling to enter into any kind of conflict and the regent, given the fact that a president position beyond promise throughout his campaign trail before he was elected as it was president, he found his to build ties with there was to improve on these tensions with the less than anything that results in a conflagration in a conflict intentions and escalation. he views these things as a hurdle to fulfilling gun richard. realizing his campaign promises a for sobs. we see that despite this will be leaders directives right after it's might have your skills into our fonts, vanya. and so peter issued an order or a directive, urging the iranian government, heavier, wanting on forces to go ahead and retaliate for the killing of his mind. how do you about? so are the one in president then who are wanting president seemed to be hesitant to do this. he's now under pressure from our, the iranian about his,
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his one. and critics, especially from the hard line parliamentarians, lawmakers saying that he made a big mistake by relying on western promise is fine to insure it wrong, that they will force a ceasefire in gaza if iran delayed or cancelled it's response to as well. and it seems that although it's too late for now, uh, the running president seems to have realized what a big mistake he has made. i'm only giving and gifting much time and enough time for as well to go ahead and go after a different key leaders from the resistance access one by one and expand this pool of its operations in the region targeting not only how mos in gaza, but now it's rel, has expanded his operations to also target or the who fees in the m, and we saw what happens when israel latest air strikes the air strikes, targeting the strategic port, city of kind of for data, indiana,
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and destroying k facilities inside that for city belonging to the who is the so of course, this is why one seems to have made up its mind right now and has shifted its rhetoric from mild to fiery. we've been hearing from different you want it. officials saying that the country has not forgotten about the laws of this might. how do you know that israel has gone too far to assassinate us on us for la? yvonne will definitely try can this is a comments made recently by the spokesperson for it was for an inch ministry and also cannot. a joe moody is lobbied on randall not ignoring acts of aggression but israel. israel will never escape punishment from regional resistance and run and forces we will take appropriate on the size of actions. joe, we're uh, use of a lot of other us position on, on all of this device. will these developments? i mean, we know they've constance consistently called for the escalation, what the same type of whole supplying weapons they hit, but we'll see, i know,
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but do this for them to increase the demands with this comb thing to n now is as invaded mobile homes and you still have an unbiased well as well, has been, has crossed, virtually crossing philippines borders yesterday and the united states. we see that the, the us state departments set on monday. that is where it is, where the officials have informed us officials that they will, they will convince, conduct a limited operation in southern lebanon to attack and target the infrastructures off his bo, uh, in southern lebanon. so while the united states did not elaborate on one, vast limited operation means. but what's clear is that the united states has given this green light for israel to go ahead and destroy the infrastructure belonging to his bowl. um, to avoid another october 7 style attack against israel. and that's based on
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comments made or we simply by lloyd austin, b u. s. secretary of defense and his phone conversation with his uh, is where the accounts are blocked. and i made it clear that the united states supports israel's right to defend itself. we agreed on the necessity of dismantling the attack infrastructure along the border to ensure that lebanese has block cannot conduct october 7 style attacks on israel's northern communities. i reaffirmed that a diplomatic resolution is required to ensure that civilians can return safely to their homes on both sides of the border. i reiterated the serious consequences for on, in the event iran chooses to launch a direct military attack against israel. alright, i think we, we lost use of that, but the gentleman the asked and i can embed route is of you. i wasn't terrible on that. we bought the connection. we'll try and get it back. but thanks for the up
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bytes nations of the global south have takes a note of israel's invasion over level on the cold foot piece to be pumped. the restore of the car is one that rebecca and have a to pollute in, in the need yet. and the earning salva in india, before the internet is clearly worried about the situation. the enemy, from flooring, a fierce ministry, and lead a nation embassy in their rude. how an online meeting discussing about the current situation and focusing on indonesian citizens in a level non and career going down to evacuation. member of the nation house of representatives have also speak up against israel upon the situation. asking the international community to pressure is or out to stop if the attack on lebanese territory represent advised to come to one of the member, he expressed
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a deep concern over the conditions experienced by the 11 east people and also in nations and lab. and on. he regretted it that the united nations security console perhaps so far, failed to carry out its monday. typically he's also lashing out at the israel biggest alley. the united states who still support is or out in political sector and also in defense as the seemingly most powerful international organ. the u. n. s c is like a tiger with no teeth against israel. the situation could not be separated by the united states role in supporting israel politically and sending an economic and military assistance. and the re, i shouldn't have been coming a lot from other sectors as well, including the innovation, lima. com. so the console stated that best attack have caused increasingly negative reactions and it is still here that the attack will continue to spread. the causal also reminded the people here in indonesia have to continue boycotting
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products, made by israel and all affiliated items to support the struggle for palestinian independence. this boy cod movement should continue. this is real evidence in a clear commitment among muslims that indonesia faithfully supports and continues to help in realizing palestinian independence as long as the is of human colonialism continues in palestine. we will never stop fighting for palestinian independence. and even he has not allowed during the united con, a nation general debate lesion for administer. well, how about house on also stated how the fetal power has been abused to enable mass atrocities in palestine. how fun under lined out israel, our up until now has violated every international law. there is including the genocide convention. genova conventions, m for human right treat his food in our our any is there was no reaction
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to the voices. india stand on west asia. i've been very clear and it's been very consistent, one of the zeros, but no exports of pointing that the me see a shift to email the policy as far as this conflict and the escalation in this conflict has been sown. we are in fact the seeing statements from india uh for, for why law, which says on the need for humanitarian consuming or anything to the government is also looking at the evacuating people from india and from 5 to 11 on is a need arises from minnesota region moody, it talks folks to of the tenants in yahoo yesterday and he's the one who's asian over the phone. he basically told him that there is no peaceful edited them in the country. terrorism has no place in our world. it is crucial to prevent regional escalation and ensure the safe release of all hostages. india is committed to
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supporting efforts for an early restoration of peace and stability. but of law. com that will be interesting to watch is the brick summit later this month, where most of the big spot know us have a very, very clear, are a very heavy stand on the particular uh, conflict in fact us that as um, a dc d for decides israel for the also the con states in india hasn't done that so. oh, but india e as in fact trying to boil could apply to dipole. india of course, very fluids. he continues to monitor all the developing situation. india has not officially reacted to the invasion over. it's really nothing not, but we will wait for that statement of itself. well, for a more yeah, should on this course live now to form of the south african national assembly member. and after many people's convention body problem after this present 10 bug or the 10 that you said by say for joining us here today. and i'll change that,
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i shall we just had the from indonesia, i'm from india. i'll go over the side of the people that are reacting to what was going on in israel. i labinata. but what do you think about, what do you feel about this invasion to 11 on the things that how much is from the continent. we are looking at the developments in the middle east. it with a higher degree of apprehension. asking the question, when and where will this head to the quote that is the free car? pretty much e mail on friday to play a critical role in raising awareness all the way else to the unfolding crisis, especially in cousins. and now we can see it's now the button on the question is, when would it stop is it's less, eh, does stop in time. maybe i'm going through
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a pedro to damascus. and i think that's, that's, that's where we are. and that's what we a we wanted to. yes, and that's why i was why say awesome. next, you know, because is what i was described as a brazil limited. it says the older woody logs is a save you to a residence, to know them as well to that homes. i feel for regional goal, but it's making to you what does it stop that is, that's it. that's all they want. could this be that perhaps spike yeah, i'm speculating it, but they could be one thing, the whole territory of lebanon. what are your thoughts? oh, yeah, well do you know, um this way you'll see shows speak without, without care about the intentions m a c and the number of statements including the that you saw as a prime minister eh, a sweating in positions that a 2 line is going to be free the countries you so i don't,
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i don't take am seriously the fissions but it is limited crowned a, you know, in case and it is riley has and you know, is why it behaves like a youngster. who knows that to you is the kind of us and can go down to helping anybody and every person knowing that the eclipse will quote of, i'm, every tiles, pertain and, and the whole of the will be union. so is whilst up, it takes a while, knowing that each has unlimited support, it has more limits. and then by the time that time we live on it the most cuz we still want any other t a, we're also the product out. so i think for as long as the americans can, you know, uh, hold the rest of the world in terms of say that he's riley, a part of student conflict, his concert. and it is important to you to act,
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you know, with absolute impunity. and nobody will believe that yeah, intrusion is intended to lead me to just to better to handle that incidents in to not than into knock and is right. i mean, he's, well, i made it to the silent team with the proposed unions. end of the whole day that you know, site and cause that was the file. so it's not complicated because it is right lisa, i'm not interested in peace. we'll continue to escalate it on to it, but it's not, you know, it won't contend into paid merkel and data and data. so it doesn't get to that that i have the name of that time. i got a for myself for the national assembly of i'm gonna thanks again for your time. a. thank you. all right, last speak about somebody else. so good enough. so i've deliberate speech to members of the council of them. i hate repeating the dock details of years behind
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bars in the u. k. as in bell, my supervisor present now was he had plenty of evidence to slide washington with. he said, he finally pleaded guilty to journalism. to win back is freedom. his life of his body and they want to be totally clear. i am not free today because the system worked fine for you today of 2 years of incarceration. because i pled guilty to journalism for all waiting for this for so long. and he did actually start by saying that sort of excusing himself in advance, saying that perhaps i will not be as polished as what you used to from me from before. but this is all because i've been locked up pretty much for 14 years. and the last few years, it was in the cell in isolation, and he said that this really strips away one's self identity. now what you're left with is the sense of roy existence. and also he said he's not fully equipped yet to
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tell us about all of his experiences behind bars. because he did say that he witness, for example, best buy had medical negligence, also murder off his fellow prisoners. so i'm sure that we'll be here in about that a little bit later, but he said it was very important to attend this hearing because his case has set a dangerous precedent for during the less all around the world and not the situation now with freedom of speech is only getting worse. the truth now seems less the syllable and our regrets how much ground has been lost during that time period. how expressing the truth has been undermined, attacked, weakens and diminished, having a map of where we are. let's just understand where we might go. i saw his claims that they had that request in secret for 2 years while they, you take the us and the new leader of ecuador, basically prepared the political and legal and diplomats of grounds for his arrest,
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then that us forces investigation against him. his family, his colleagues, the u. k. also according to the sides, took part in some of the structural vision which they later admitted. so that the european court of human rights. but there was spine on his lawyers in the u. k. illegally. and that we all so know for example, that his wife and son son were targeted. and again, all this has shown sondra again, is saying that this his case has given a rare insights into how powerful organizations are basically involved in trans national depression. when pa formations fuel entitled to target individuals beyond the borders, those individuals do not stand a chance unless they are strong safeguards in place and the state willing to enforce them. without this, no individual has a hope of defending themselves against devoss resources of the state aggressive can
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deploy. so again, waterhope is there when you have countries that are getting together and as long as it serves their interests are changing the laws and regulations. if they want to punish someone, they will do it. and again, he said that the u. k. establishment is to play involved with the us establishment because they have so many legs when it comes to weapons when it comes to a, b p, for example, a company as well. so they, they benefit that you take benefits from them so they will do whatever the us wants them to do and then back to. so there isn't that interesting, that 9 times more people are extra, got it from that you paid to the yes, the us the vice versa. the us always get want it want. yeah. and, you know, i mean i, i still enjoy listening to what us on try to say to, you know, what, because he's been locked up for so long as he's not afraid anymore. now, is really coming out with every hitting truth bonds. i mean, you want to touch down or for example, something as simple as the freedom of speech and right, what did he go on that? is that because right now he has one of his informants for example, one of his sources of this for.


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