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tv   Documentary  RT  October 3, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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done, you ask me, who made things not work. and so i'm not at all this donna's if this was also the case with the potential ceasefire and let her know. and we had over the last year that his ball was not really interested in turning 11 on into a box. just each is fine. those run up with a tiny puppy. lot in the arrow, been great really never. she never made to these very aggressive speeches that he used to do some plan to 15 years ago. so i could not detect any style of buying those that i left to go all the way to an open from frontier this read. yeah, very interesting. you know, we've, we've also heard that initially yahoo is re, seems a vain for him because he was unable to bring hostages by or from gaza. but they've been on the up over the recent actually is his will do. this is going to encourage
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him more. yes. i mean he's, he just opened, if i may say a ser upfront because we have not only got the front was 42000 people killed so far . we have hundreds of people who were killed in the west back. we asked about the cells and enjoying the soldiers being killed. 3 for thousands interests. and i wonder how the army, these regular army, and many go in now, never know where they have failed several times and you want it to be whenever they need it. and if i, it looks to me like they didn't. yeah. who's the lonely age in order to really get the input on in the, in the concentration. yeah. i mean, he has been, if i just may mention that he had given through his chief of stuff about 8 years ago, or 2 of stuff was then benny guns based on the can. also,
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it is his rival for parameters to ship and guns, and the t in the military had said no way that we are going to attack iraq. it was never the wish of the of the is ready to army to do that. but it was always missed in the society to get into sleep catch. who comes from station was iran right now. he read it just about to do it. yeah. yeah. but it is quite interesting how his mind was made with the usa, develops folks deposit services instead of washington. never one to deal with how much, how one of up there he had said that he had said the opposite. what do you make of this change in in rhetoric? you mean now his bolo, because he said in india, india? yes. no. bars. oh yeah, we have so many actors here and the changing actors. uh well,
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um it is by the is so to say a no go uh nobody wants to talk to his ball. uh because he give them some small just able to pull him up. didn't watch any man to net washington errors, pool for other people. it's a be ration lose mad. you too much extra stuff. uh, i think that his paula as is really editing as being a complex over the it has always been opened as if it was not from the start. that could be context. it went, why other context it went while i've taught it, when i don't know what some other. yeah, that's the oldest of you and played a search the old. why are you need there? so um, now was some sort of natalie and it was really israel does have pushing or
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what's this, this open consultation. although it was not expressed in the interest, was he a balance of the parent? they just wanted to sit in their arson on. uh you said to say that if i may say purchase band of uh, never know the integrity because they always said the are to do it. so they just wanted to keep that on. and uh, and then you also broke the silence and a little have to be with this. i knew it was a pleasure talking to you. uh kevin, cuz he so full amount of general for him is i am head of the go key center austin, facebook university. thank you so much for your time. do i wish you a pleasant evening? thank you, sir. and that's all from me. for now. it's always a pleasure to have your company, my car in the marketplace. i will join you in the top of the hour. so i wish you a very pleasant day.
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the gong hills in the river valley in the republic of kenya. we are witnesses and i really res, between the rain on sun side, that is the beauty of the continent of africa. i just saw fitting that we are doing this when our focus is on fund african is fine off. we're going to zoom has a long history, and it's history's funds to the 1900 in those are the days when in the us for africans who had been sick in a way to the united states of america to europe. and the median was struggling to liberate themselves from the chains of celebrity on the colonized list. it is in those early days that the pond also considered it started to emerge in its
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embryonic days. we, of course, credit a number of individuals. but one can see that as the father of bon off, we're going to zoom in. those id days was w. b. dubois. but the very 1st meeting was convinced by henry is sylvester williams . of printed died. vieira the many attempts of bringing africans together. i'm the spirit of pa, not for goodness to it is in that sense that we must see the efforts of individuals such as must customer see a gulf view. although the one not the whole brand new fund applicant is in the 90 days. this but it did come to them the most i corner of the meetings was the 1945 meeting in month, just thought in the united kingdom. when africans from the continental are present at that time gone, the medical room was present is that that's the thing. and that was the period when
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also some countries was beginning to fight the colonize issue. i've been been colonized by the english colonized by the french colonized by the portuguese colonized by the 3rd young colonized by the belgian colonized by this funded there was seeking to break the chains of ducal don't i this on. when so done the game, dian defendants in 1900 on 56, it was not as loud as it should have been. it was when gunnery gained the independence of the 6th day of march, 1957. and these said the officer with the must unite that this pretty to find out which one of them was given to place a meeting. but i found off what kind of must be understood to been the solid. dotted d, o, pass some of african descent wherever they are within the mazda continental, outside of the continent. and it's more than the conception found. african is,
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must be understood to mean the unity of africans to out the, was for the benefit of the continental wasik. when i climbed into my saying, in 1957, that africa must need the look. you know, west africa must look forward. he was talking about 35 volts or find out so soon as the colonized this and of africa. and when he said that the independence of gunner meant nothing until the whole of africa was independent. it was a plugin called the africans must unite, not only to liberate themselves politically, but to liberate themselves economically, has the same a statement, 60 plus the political kingdom and the rest. so come today. when we talk about finance, we're going to zoom. we are talking about a new split, a split that's not the only addresses what maybe describe i 0 month defined now. so
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10 is the more sense to meant to find out. so then as we are talking about using the ask on that for the purpose of the bible of african peoples, wherever they are in order to achieve success in it's the time that they have been a number of activities around those initiatives. who forget in 1900, on $6.00 to $6.00 when africa met in cost center god for the festival box. who is forget in 1977, when us become met in lagos, nigeria, to celebrate cause death to celebrate, ought to celebrate menacing. and who will forget that in the spirit of bond off with them today also comes uh see it, but it is some forced liberties in the spirit. they'll find out for going to some of the comes, the speaking repair isn't for a photo. nice vision in the spirit they'll find out for good is an offer. comes us thinking that the son of the consul active folks that now find the residence in
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museums in different parts of europe and america off as i say, we must be given that we was new to africans. i say that even what you call the depths that i owed through you through us institutions such as the math such as the wide bunk, must be seen at the beginning of the patient and in bit as one must go down hill. and remember that when in 1900, down 6 to 3 on the 25th day of may, the organized vision of bostwick on unity was this thoughtless in just stop by itself. the, with the presence of sudden 2 heads of states on the government. the idea at that time was that the co would unite and then did up to 1963. there was a title meeting of 1964 on the 1965 missing. and not that i have done,
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which was meant to be the meeting at which of the community wants to be solidified . it never came to pass on african institutions thought the long until late the when this but it was really the night the when warm out of the da c. when he became the president of the be announced positive say we must have visit the split it up in oklahoma. we must revisit this period of the day. we must have to visit the spirits of would duplicate that. we must have to visit the spirits of some automates as myself, we must have a visit this 1st of all, these brave men in order for us to occupy how prior to a place to day, when we talk about financed with them, with a member. the lead the file news, but we also remember that is the reason 1st. we have had young people who have contributed to this, but it's of find out what kind of you can name many of them. i've already mentioned
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go to my talk about your daddy. i talked about would be able, i've talked about for 3, somebody to move. i've talked about getting a civic owned. i've talked about some water on my shelf on much young. the talked about people. i don't mind. you see dogs, some color africa has of men and women who now believe that this, but it's a fine us with that is a must be very nice the in a different way on through us to come to institutions. we must now begin to talk about the continent. that is no longer a shame. we must no longer talk about a continent that defines us up in the times of the full month, quarter nights us as little phone or new cell phone or phone call phone. we must only be a little fun because it is in that state and from dots fun find the africa come in. they the was from us some point of respect from us some point or friends
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and resent initiatives which are fun off. we're kind of in the car is such as office agend going to 63 must not be allowed to be mia slogans things on the initiative such as of the continental free thread area must not allowed be allowed to be just initiative, which would be dead on arrival, they must be infused with this, put it upon us with them. so that also comes within the mazda continent and africans, is that they ask for kind of begins to pull in one direction. i remember so very fondly these words of malcolm x. when he said that a gnostic on any way in the world will never ever be respected until the day that the mazda conference is receptive. and i have no doubt in my mind that what the colonial is, try to raise is now beginning to emerge. his studies through the midwife you'll see for that step on the dap of senate. gov now tells us and conforms to us that africa
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is the cradle of civilization. history now conforms to us that the spirit of fund african is a must be the thing when that will push the continent of africa in that direction the few months ago. what did the police economically splitter slowly and otherwise the quantum, then these up of course, thrones. and the question is, how do we behave? and i know how one of the things that we must do now is to do corner nies or institutions. one of the things that we must do now is to the colonize online. one of the things that we must do now is to the corner nice the economies. one of the things that we must do now is to do corner nies though a part is it's one of the things that we must do now is to do corner nice. so i do kitchen on when we do call on eyes all those institutions on when we do corner and
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eyes the mines, then we can go beyond the, into the wall until the y b o. we are after the guns will have no apologies to mx and we kind of invoke the spirit of the pioneer in panos. look on this and there is no shortage of them today. well, i've been brace does fit, and i have no doubt in my mind that it's going to be done. can you guys go get was the young as written? a book, which i commend to anybody who thinks about lot that they find out for god is of the colonized vision of the mind. because it is through that when the mind is called on the eyes, then you are going nowhere. when writing in 1950 is cost, as you would some real to both call to miss educational, the new girl. he was selling the blocks in united states of america, that you have been mis educated for too long on the time now is 3 a do k to
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a sub. and i believe that the in this, that the fund enough but then is them we are going to need to tell you, tell us of, i believe in the spirit of finding us within his them, we are going to have new initiative in this pretty to find off with on his them, we are going to give meaning to watch off because suns fall and that is taught the liberation of a saw how sons and daughters. and when she does that, she is doing dot not because she wants to isolate ourselves from the log, but because she knows that the mazda continent is the appraisal of all a civilized vision. that is why throughout the ages, in the spirit of pond applicant as we have always been welcoming. so today that as a, remind ourselves that our upon us, we're going to zoom is not about building walls that are on the continent of africa . but creating pretty just enough that the willing to adjust this, you know, spirit that will ensure that we are respected in
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a city that will ensure that we uh, join us in the was in a mind uh that will define a feature on the, in the mind uh that will define humanity dot is the fun off we can split 3 i in gauging and we must continue to engage. but we dissolve a break in a few seconds time. we will be back again to continue the conversation. the the, what is part of the, the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word, or is it something deeper, more complex, might be present?
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good. let's stop without glitches. let's go out of or the conversation about the mazda continent continues, and today we want to focus on a sub gift that is significant to the content and current and see as one of the legacies of colonized this. and is that all african countries inherited occurrences that they did not create. and this curtis is become the medium via which the economies of african countries, uh drug, and the media via which africans conduct commerce. today, they are nearly 40 to different occurrences in the continental vasa,
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on this in and of itself, creates an environment that is very bullet died because there's a car and says on, not in many ways the diamond in terms of the value from the countries that run them so that many offers on the central bank may know the volume of money that is in the market. many african countries may know the car and see the one printed. but the most important thing that they ought to know, which is how do we control this car is, is controlled from elsewhere. we already know, for example, the need. most of the former french corner needs the 14 of them in most of the site, 80 and region on this central africa, most of the courtesies controlled from me. and there is a common courtesy called to see if the from the question is the full. how can africa control high economy?
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you're not an environment where she does not control. i've gotten, and since night, the 1972, many african countries have been the car insist on the united states dollar. i'm the united states, dona is us. you have to come in and see it is a kind of see that is not backed by any resources. it migrate the roller goal from the days of these cabinets and from the gold standard. and they can print as much as they desire. and most of it finds its way in the continental plots. the cost was the medium of crumbs such as the countries in africa, for example, as in bob with which for a long time use the american dollar as the currency upgrade. and in many of the countries on a daily basis, the central bank, the time in this frank or otherwise, or the car is, is depending on the door. as the saying goes,
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when the door les needs this applicant cutter and says, go into a coma. and this is something that is undesirable. if you're not in control of your currency, it means that you cannot control you a economy. and you will find, for example, you in many african countries, even when loans are being bored from multilateral institutions, such as the international money to fund all the bond, coal, even b realty, in union. the denominator caught in, see if the united states dollars and of costs recently, they euro, the question that off with the must they are for us is how can we have on the corner me always corner these, which i dictate the 2 from outside. i remember sold very fondly on famously this statement of gun us, but i'm in oklahoma city, father, the political kingdom and the rest will come on to you. we sought and obtained
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possibly the political kingdom, but they've gone with pingdom has not come because we are not in control of or guardians. these on 1 may ask, why must we be in control of what courtesies we must be in control of occurrences, because it is the medium of exchange. we must be in control of what car is to because it is what the diamonds. oh, all i corner me is going to interact with the rest of the walk. we must be in control. avoid calling me because it is the some missed some of the goods on services that are available within a country. we must control our currency because when we borrow how we bought into by borrowing the timing to buy is a car at the top of what kind of this is on many african countries. indeed the recognize the need to have currencies that are strong. it is in that regard that there has been us there is to move to have come on the cutting says in the village
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. these thoughtful can countries, i've always wanted to move towards a common courtesy. i didn't, must be a member until 1900 done 7 to 7. the 3 is thoughtful going countries ok, and they've gone to on times and the common currency, which they've pretty much controlled and which pretty much ensure that the economies was stable. we of costs dissolved these toxic and community and now there is once again a move towards having a common courtesy in the west of the country. as an agent. until recently, there was a move to have a courtesy call difficult, but that was to be doing from europe as we know, particularly from buddy on that was a dead zone on arrival. and we in the center last week on region, we now know with there is an event in new share in the monday, the book you know, for us. so there is enough time to create the courtesy that will cover that region . and one hopes that ultimately there will be
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a card and see if that is going to envelope the entire continental vice versa. so that's of the kind of concept without the midwife pretty well the courtesy was printing. they do not control of the cutter and see who is valued. they cannot the timing of the car and see which can be put into the markets on which can distort the markets in a month to that effect. the economies of that, those countries all of look on the countries by way of undermining the gross domestic product and didn't did, undermining the by changing power. one of the thing that i know for example now is that africans in that they ask for uh, now trying to come up with the car and see which is the know mean nathan through resources such as sola. and i know, for example, the jim bob with as a recently introduced a kind is the called the signal,
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which is been nominated against the, the goal just on the, on one hopes and of cause believes that if this is coordinated africa will move from the power to buy better in wishing now finds the stuff, well, one move from one country you move from kenya, you'll find that you've done done shooting that on. sonya inserting the the last to the night or this to the, the better on the kwanzaa. this kind of scenario is not good for applicant economies, and the sooner we migrate from this environment from multiple currencies, which i do use it to manipulate the sofa off because we're big. it is important to talk about on to the thought a, the fact that if indeed africa ones to be practical meaning to africa, continental free trade area, it can only succeed if there is a hallmark card and see which is you can use throughout the continental wasik if we
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are going to have an effect, the continental freed thread area, which is and then the by the united states dollar or is on the then to buy the euro, then we are buying them nowhere. because economic determination will bid this time and buy the car and see that you are using on a daily basis under disease. some must be made at the level of the african union that we must migrate from the dollar as the stand the of the timing, the strength or otherwise of well garz's, and also migrated from the euro. so that which of the cartons to recreate in the african continent with that it is the fro. whichever name we use is going to be the same table as the car is, is with a dock gardens is the don't know whether that car and see the euro. whether that garden see is the one with a dock carter and see the rupee with that card and see the ruble. so that when those cartons just need in the international market,
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we are able to say that africa is using a medium of trade, which she controls on what was the value she con this time. so from where i sit, you find for guys to realize up what 10 show, one of the things that must be dealt with is current and see that as migrate from these 40 to guarantee that we are today. it has moved towards a single currency and let us move if we can do it in one fell swoop. that is thought originally. and once we have it originally, then we will have a single currency unless it be time bound. and in my view, in the next 10 to 15 years, we have a single currencies, so less single currency, so that we don't denominated with the foreign currency. then we can begin to talk meaningfully of quantum that is moving economically in the right direction. we can
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begin to talk about a continent that he's talking about the agenda print to 6 to 3 who is economy is not the pendant upon a foreign currency. we can begin to talk about of the continental free trade area, where somebody has a common card and see which is used from kept to chiral. i'll call my car and see which is used from i'd be stop by to duck guy in center. go. a common carrier and see that is used in construction and also use the amount of cash in the model. that is the kind of environment in which we should be operating. because guardian see is one of the keys that open the doors of economically buddies of to come up, do that in order to gain economically bodies. thank you very much. see you again as we continue with the conversations about the thing, the thought, the continent of africa, the
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if you think about russia, what does your mind picture the bottom landscapes open up before your eyes? the last one does, can you imagine the, the discounts dodge the journey? the you ready to come along
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the, the breaking news right now. russian troops gain control of the stronghold. atlanta, a key logistics point in dumbass. of the late 6 explosions i had across the room and had made each ready as strikes as a huge pillars of smoke. rise up out of lebanese capital fiction has belie i'm bushes, idea of truth, nothing on killing the 8th of them as easily all attempts to expand to the pump line. gold rewards the air is heavy with tension ethics,
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unmistakable sound of is really actually react case in the distance. sorry.


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