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tv   News  RT  October 4, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the, the, our enemies, however, have a command room that is centralized. they receive orders from one place of sizes of radians gathered some more than that, death self as well as chief, the country supreme leader. it saves the middle east, has one common enemy, which is receiving its instructions from overseas. also a head on the program, the u. k. green lights home rule for the long dispute and shake of silence. feeling the return to let us just as a diplomatic success, but the locals vent their fury, claiming they weren't involved in the negotiation process, which that the u. s. military base station there of the united states has consistently and persistently promoting mechanisms for controlling financial and commodity flows in the commonwealth of independent states under the pretext of insuring a sanction solution. in fact,
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it is implementing neo colonial policy sanctions by stealth, a meeting with his regional contra parts. russia is security service chief, curious as the us of pushing its own interest using economic scottsdale the just after 10 am in the pose 10 pm in shanghai and 5 in the evening. here in most of this friday, welcome to the global use right on. we begin in lebanon, where israel is continuing its attacks on the countries capital. this friday smoke can be seen here rising over at bay root. in this latest footage we've received as the idea of targets, what it say's is, has bullet infrastructure. israel has also claimed to have killed another of the militant groups commanders. i figure new to us the next head of his bullet. although there is be no official confirmation on not the idea odd started struck an
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underground tunnel as well. crossing the lebanese border into syria. i mean, well, it's really our strikes have left a crate or blocking the highway of the key crossing between the 2 countries. follow reasons of people fleeing lebanon have been using the road to reach syria. people could be seen carrying really, whatever they code with them. and the overnights, the it's really or for us caught aids like dozens of strikes near bay roots international. airport black smoke crossing, bellowing across the capitol. lebanese officials reported the 37 people were killed . and over a 100 wounded in the attack. well as tensions in the middle east or the uranium
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supreme leader has addressed as nation and the citizens of lebanon, and the rear public sermons a toya alisha come in. i said the region faces a common thread that wants to a presence of people. the enemy of the iranian people is the same as the enemy of the palestinian people. he is the same enemy of the lebanese people. that same government is the enemy of the rocky people. the enemy of the people of egypt is the enemy of the people of syria and the enemy of the people of human. well, there is one enemy, joke, the methods of the enemy very in different countries. in one place with the psychological warfare in another, with economic pressure in yet another with 2 ton bombs. they are advancing this policy with weapons in one hand and smiles in the other. our enemies, however, have a command room that is centralized. they receive orders from one place who a speech came as far as those gather into around to more in the late cause. bullet chief has some those rela,
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around the supreme leader lead the service with calling on the people of level not to despair. i mean, these really impatient r t, corresponding use of july, they picks up the store. that's what he saw it coming. da da da, wanting a supreme leader would come out and leave the friday prayer himself. i made out all the tensions and the escalation that does exist between one and as well. the one has just struck israel with missiles of barrage of missiles and any okay, we just want to break and not because the un security council is holding a meeting on the north stream pipeline, substitute rushes on voice just begun speaking. let's listen of the 2 branches of the north stream from hotline in the international waters of the baltic sea and an exclusive economic zone of denmark and sweetness of which is this event. and rightfully so, was in the spotlight of the security council, as it is a direct threat to international peace and security in that to get you to speak or to the energy and of mental security of europe and navigation in the baltic sea.
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since then, we've discussed this topic over 10 times, both in private and public meetings. were you said to moses cumming upon the initiative of version federation. so 3 attempts were made to agree a security council presidential statement on the test. a draft resolution on this topic was also offered, and yet it has not gotten to the root cause of number. but we believe that today is a good time to take a look around and to get our bearings to see where we are 2 years since the gas pipeline was low. not much. let me start with the positive side for legends to me saved. it was none of the security council members, no one at the united nations, with the exception, perhaps of the cape regime. and the, the work is it's accomplices who lost their minds of, uh, there was a for the, a, the polls and the baltic states. no one disputes the fact that the attempt to destroy the north stream pipelines should be condemned and that the culprits for this crime should be punished. it wasn't easily this important not only from the
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viewpoint of international law, including the international convention on the suppression of terrorist bombings of 1997. but it's also important to avoid such sabotaged targeting international and to see infrastructure as an aside from gas pipelines and or pipelines and referring also to electrical and communications cables, fiber optic cables and other networks. and when you go to the stables operation of what should determines the prosperity of hundreds of millions of people with the roof. if these the infrastructure sites a threatened, a big blow could be dealt to the entire global economy. i hope we will understand that. however, if we wanted this infrastructure to be free from danger, the terraced attack targeting the notes from pipelines should be investigated and thoroughly so, and those responsible whether they be state slick, real groups or criminal individuals should be punished, punished in such
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a way so that nobody even thinks about repeating directions yet there's no doubt about just they watching us very carefully. they're working very carefully, watching very carefully at how the terrorist attacks are being investigated. and here we must unfortunately come to the negative side of the ledger. as we all recall, 2 years ago, the 3 contiguous countries, germany, denmark, and sweden began their investigations. in february of 2024 denmark and sweden stated that they've completed the national investigations did use. so that was the only conclusion that was drawn following 18 months of what it was that the notes from pipelines would deliberately destroyed using explosion devices alone would be able to get the that's the easiest for you is the, the continuation of criminal proceedings by the james and the swedes would appear not to be possible. you mean is lower in other words and stop. com and,
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and copenhagen's that, you know, they, they did the obvious source, the fact that the guest pipelines were blowing up with the police. and then they simply trucked, but it drove suddenly, but as you and what's most staggering, is that off to the wisdom colleagues instead of calling the state of state. instead of saying that the emperor has no clothes, no source of unlimited works what they did when we convened a briefing on the 26th of april, they all rushed to a search that the investigations conducted by denmark and sweden with effective and met for the high standards of the rules of law stupidity because most of is the lose lose. now, they're trying to convince us that we should wait for the completion of the system supposedly including effective and transparent investigation, being conducted by the federal republic of germany. and this, despite the fact that the lin, over the course of 2 years did not even gain to give the security council any specific or substantial information about what is the chief to be at least the interim results it's achieved. what is the realistic but what's morris?
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well, that are attempting to come to an agreement of a signal, a collective signal. the council could send you could send and to grant a call to the land, to hurry up and be more transparent. what was blocked by the us and it's l as on the grounds that supposedly we shouldn't exist. any pressure on the drum and investigators with this is very disappointing and surprising because the german investigation, much like the completed investigations conductive ident buy and sweden and not transparent at all. yeah, things. and this, despite the fact that the russian federation is clearly is one of the effective parties and has sent us any mutual legal assistance and my labor credits to all 3 states. these requests were simply ignored relative to pacific let's call exist. situation creates very specific and rather dangerous challenges to international peace and security. for many of the united states duty bound to respond to the city. the main thread. is that the dangerous repercussions of
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impunity? this i mentioned already who, furthermore, we haven't st. jude transparency on the parts of the german. oh sorry it is. and this is a ready resulted in all sorts of versions of what happened cropping up, all sorts of conjecture about who might be behind this crime. is there any point for you is this might be the product of the professional curiosity of journalists, or journalists tendency to sensationalize. if that's the case, we must combat them exclusively by providing reliable official information. something that the drum know, thirties have not done to date. this is the, as a result, is you guys because we see these suspicions coming up as these suspicions about what was done. oh, wasn't done by the authorities in the us. no way do you k germany, but also poland, poland, which supposedly knowingly helped to one of the suspects to hide used to be sure that there's another explanation as to why i'm late. we've seen more and more far
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fetched versions of what happened. and that's simply that those who ordered and executed this crime, i tried to cover the attracts and to point the investigation in the wrong direction . and there in fact, the 2 things that points to this, to this explanation. first of all, it's the possibility of assertions about to the fact that the grains people who was involved in these explosions, it's an out of control group of amateur divers, ukrainian image of divers. it could work for hollywood blockbuster, but it's not fitting for real life. the more the overwhelming majority of expos, a search that without state support such explosions as simply impossible. but it's the 2nd argument in favor of the covering their tracks. vision is the desire of our wisdom. colleagues, the determination to defend building and it's dragging its fate trust. the calculation is clear until the investigation is over with you. they can continue sabotaging the councils attempts to adopt the security type of product yet. what's
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the investigation is over if it's a bit and they wouldn't have any such that russian know under these circumstances was germany knowingly or not, is basically warning overall attempts to move forward blocking any steps by the international community, skid, towards establishing the facts and punishing those who ordered and executed the explosions of the notes from pages pipelines. this nice, this role that jen colleagues playing is all the more surprising, given that the destruction of the pipelines directly delta blurred to germany's economic interest and some of which will go. and in fact, germany's highest leadership has recognized just what's a great crime was committed just last month. the trouble of germany, all of the shots himself acknowledged that what happened was a terrorist act which required a comprehensive investigation, namely delete them. but then, given the above feelings, civility, it's impotent to has defiantly swore to its ambitions and claims to play
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a global role. we hope that the billing understands this. blatant truth is whatever the case may be. 2 years since the terrorist attacks could all the suspicions we had to and the suspicions were prompted by the west pronouncements and then more like whole how to, confessions, in fact, implicating them in the explosions. these were made by us and you official college . all these suspicions were not already debunked. they were amplified, given a western colleagues behavior including at the security temp. so we cannot draw any of the conclusions. once again, we must day. we must state that the work has ended on yet another draft presidential statement to this work has ended because the us and the allies were completely uncooperative. we tried to come to an agreement on the statement for over a month. we held several ground consultations and we worked in good faith we used for you. and yet our opponents set themselves over the objective of preventing any substantial collective decisions or council statements. and that meant that we
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didn't have any chance of succeeding. colleagues, if you think that through your obstruction isn't with us, you will discourage us for these is that you will dent our determination to determine and that who was responsible for the explosion and to punish them, then you are mistaken. with each the solicitor's maneuver to obstruct the work of the security council, you're making us all the more determined to establish the truth. you want to use. you make us all the most certain that we're on the right track and that you do have something to hide. all the more of this is the fact that the establishment of the facts and this is necessary for our world to return to any kind of construct a cooperation between the global plays, which is something that's so important for the state of the global south. was it was we cannot have a situation where by part of our planet, mitsubishi, those who quarterly believed themselves to be living in a beautiful garden,
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a situation whereby they are immune from a fit and well deserved punishment. we do, we want you to understand this? well, we don't want you to have any illusions about the fact that you might be able to come up dry to come up clean from the mickey waters of the baltic. that's i think you. so we'd just be listening there to rushes on, the voice to the united nations, a addressing as a security console on nord stream, the gas pipeline explosions. now over 2 years ago, september 2022. just to give you some of the remarks that facility and the bench here was saying there at those who executed this crime or trying to cover up their tracks just some of the background and it happened under the baltic sea. there was investigation, a joint one car he died at by denmark on sweden not prove only concluded after months and months of investigation that somebody had car died. the act didn't
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a tribute blame. and that is what russia saying. we're not going to forget about this. we're going to keep it at the forefront because somebody has to pay for this act of terrorism. also adding their just towards the end interestingly, and pointing out the germany leadership recognized as not very long ago that it was a terrorist act on that. it needs an investigation, of course, german citizens feeling the front of it, higher energy prices because the russian gas is not getting to germany and they are paying higher priced l n, g coming from the united states. okay, so we want to just to give you that sense of what's happening up the security council today in new york. not a decades long dispute was result of this week with the british government, a proving transfer of sovereignty of the che got simons in east the forget to marissa is that it is a part from one detail, the largest auto diego garcia. you may know the name will remain home to us, no,
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actually makes what we can, what we say a fellow martians today is a historic day for our republican following conversations with prime ministers or cure stime. or we have finally arrived at an agreement between england and the cha goes silent. we are proud to announce that england through disagreement recognizes our sovereignty over child got so many excluding diego garcia. some thought that this was impossible because a small country like ours wouldn't be able to have a case against such great powers. despite all this, we weren't guided by our convictions into the colonized nation of our republic. gotcha. this conclusion was a long standing dispute over the you case, last african colony. and it is a decision that follows a routing by the international court of justice. which steve, the, you case situation off and save this island from the rushes in the 9 to sixty's. as a rule for and it marks the end of over fox because of you can control off the
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british indian ocean tibits, which was retained often marissa has gained independence in the 9 to sixty's. now what many did not know is that during that period around the 96 these going into the 19 seventy's that you k forcibly expelled the chick goshen from the land. i a move that has to be labeled as a crime against humanity be displaced, population was relocated to my wishes and the se, shelves, to me wait for a u. s. u k. ministry based on the largest island in the to go. so now this to come magic breaks, it comes off to multiple international bodies, including the ice today, the united nations 0 assembly and the international type, you know, for the new, off the see, all supported maurice, this is claimed to the islands. and finally, while the u. k had initiative resisted these movies, dismissing them as advisory opinion. it has now agreed to comply with the quotes
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decisions. how is the, as part of the treaty, britain will retain control of the strategic military base on diego castillo, which it operates jointly with the united states. that base is viewed as critical to global security with both the u. k. and the united states emphasizing its importance. this government inherited a situation with a long term secure operation of the diego go see a military base was under threat with contested sovereignty and ongoing legal challenges. today's agreement secures these vital military base for the future. but say they remain powerless and voiceless in determining their own future and the future of the homeland. even going as far as the cooling off the west, over the fact that the deal they present as carrying and looking off for the local population is not even involved local population in that negotiations. forgot the invoices deplored the exclusion of which
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a glossy and community from the negotiations which have produced the statement of intent concerning the sovereignty of our homeland chicago scenes have learned this outcome from the media and remain powerless and voiceless in determining our own future. and the future of our homeland, the views of to guardians, the indigenous inhabitants of the islands had been consistently and deliberately ignored. and we demand full inclusion in the drafting of the treaty. many also say that you case refusal to accept pos, readings was seen as an implicit approval of colonization, that the united states also endorsed by continuing races off the vehicle to see admitted to base. but today, you have the likes of prison to bite and, and his entire administration welcoming what they call a historic agreement. and yet the deal does not include the diego garcia island did fact. and american turn in the set, an obvious question to ask one, which is one is currently asking particularly on why the deal does not include the
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island with the u. s. space that is located. i don't believe unless i'm completely wrong. and you misstated this that the people who are actually the forcibly repatriated from diego garcia are allowed to go back to the regular seat that correct. so i will let the u. k. and are, it's just as i used to be the details the be allowed to go back to the island. i was about to answer the speak. all the details of my understanding of the agreement between these 2 countries is that they won't be allowed to go back to the other islands in the archipelago other than diego garcia. okay. but why is it that they can go back to diego garcia is what's going on there at this joint u. k u s military. ready so super all for a sensitive or the cultural. ready role that people can, i mean i, i recognize it's not a very big island that i also recognize it. the of the number of she goes into
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a forcibly repatriated off of vigorous he is the beginning, is not a huge, huge number of, i mean, why can't they go home? ultimately, that is a question for the u. k. and marissa is your, is our base. but when it comes to the, the is, it is what's going on there. so, so, so that is the letter, is that people say there's a question of the governments of the united kingdom. and marissa is to negotiate legislation and can lead me to us base. but it is not really a u. k, so it is a us based. yes, they have sovereignty over it and will continue to our at least exercise morrison sovereignty over it. but this is your guys operation. there it is all. why is it that you don't want people who live down there who, you know, we're on the island and we're forcibly moved off of it to go back. it is not a question of the united states one and then we're not wanting them to them. is a question for the united kingdom and versus, i'm sorry,
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i just don't get why they changed the why the why the people who moved from diego or i can't go back to get it or see it, but they can go back to other islands. i mean, there must be something about diego garcia that makes it either dangerous or inhospitable for civilians. and i just think that, you know, people should know what that is. like, obviously we have a base there, but when it comes to this exact question, it really is a question for those, those other 2 governments. cool. so the, so when you will be a loss of money and falls, but we do not have the full details of the agreement, does commit to the u. k. to a package. all financial support to marissa is based around and i'm disclosed annual payment over the names of the packet, but what is sucking as well as that to move a sparked some sort of political control of the seats, the u. k. and not the same as the cops were pregnant officials. in fact, conservatives of all giving back the eyes to have no threat to restrictions while the child is the u. k. sovereignty of the ottomans with some even same great
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britain has now become the overseas to retreat, which is the cheapest mine is to malicious. on earlier we heard from leader of the maricia space to take us refugees group, olivia bun, cool. who described what you go see, and i've been forced to venture 8. so was a very nice me a boy recycle issue because we were leaving and you said no money on all of the race. said i knew that, that she's going to have a us me telling be so you can go job you starting by approaching people and you look at the site, the parents, mother and solomon and one year off that they say may story up and on better than us and so on. and we were or evicted every shame for a way to marcia's and seeing that we still have well, i to redone. i advise that i'd be engaged in several legal case. again, you can go ahead by because i can see that my, my front of the right. no,
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i thought might be provide me manage for maybe. yeah, i just use my website, but i can see that we have based on what started we don't need value each node violence. love to do is we are the success is because we believe we don't want to of why what, what do, let's our, uh, lives the website about the i'd be like, oh, nice by as you might be. okay, just finally want to bring the story too, as well. the head of russia state security service has excuse washington, of spreading quote, neo colonial policy and former soviet states through sanctions earlier the official met with his counterparts from the commonwealth of independent states in the cause that capital in the united states as consistently and persistently promoting mechanisms for controlling financial and commodity flows in the commonwealth of independent states and the implementation of major energy and infrastructure projects under the pretext of insuring a sanctions regime. in fact,
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it is implementing neo colonial policy. the long term task of bringing western control, political leaders and representatives of the business industry to power in the c a u. s. countries is being realized. in addition, in order to divide rusher and the commonwealth states, the american and british intelligent services and diplomatic corps, using the position of controlled non profit organizations, a journalist and pseudo experts on the history of so called civil activist, inflamed the notion of an imaginary threat from the east ukraine's representations reinforced by specialists and information and psychological operations are also involved in this russell phobic propaganda. the main topic says to be acknowledging and fighting the wes under hand tactics when it comes to ukraine and also beyond because according to mr. borton called they see the key of is losing bill, so see that they're losing their global dominance. so they're trying to do
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something about it and they're going about with, with under hand tactics when it comes to ukraine. for example, you said that nato was military as participating alongside the korean army along the whole front, also. and the number of people not participating in the international legion of the defense of ukraine, which the west set off has now reached 18000 people from 85 countries that moving on. they said that it's also, as they see, the key of is failing to win and the ground. in fact, it's losing that they are encouraged and the west is encouraged and you have to resort to sabotage and terrace wars. and mr. board have of, for the example of corpus city hall, of course, the terrorist attack and most of which happened in march. and there they saw the recruitment of terrorist and the supports of claims that those terrorists are blooming, included with kids, and the west health, and where are they being recruited as a foreign institutions ukrainian ones abroad. they also said that the west continues to block here for making any peace efforts with russia. and the key of
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insurance is trying to provoke a harsh response from moscow. again desperate tactics here some more directly in the post soviet space. these hostile actions are expressed in the purposeful escalation of the conflict in ukraine with the prospect of direct involvement of nato military contingency. and the expansion of the combat zone to moldova, and velo roofs. that's another interesting point that the head of this has been made, is that the us and it's how ours are pushing to expand the war zone to the baltic states to poland, to moldova, as well as well as the south congress has armenia, for example, was brought off and he said that western countries are apparently pushing armenia to exit the collective security for the organization. any regime in exchange for arm supplies, which is of course would make our media even more dependence on data when it comes to it's conflict with i zeta byers on the head of the f. as we also said that the independence e u civilian observation was and that was the place on the border with armenia. and
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i drove by john is actually there and is conducting intelligence activities on behalf of a natal country against russia and its allies. and finally, he also bought in an interesting point about the bombing of pagers and 11 on of course, and that poses a very high risk for government officials and c i s countries. so lots to be on the edge of violence and the c i s, and they're trying to make sure that they are not only aware of it, but they find the mechanisms to flight these acts of sabotage and also publication ran across the river and others around of the big global stories as we approach the 1st weekend of october. i'll be back in 32. hope you've enjoyed me. then here on 247 r t interns. the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the new ones years because yeah, really that's what happened in this forest village. 18 years ago witness tests and things of those things that are


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