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tv   News  RT  October 4, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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the our enemies, however, have a command room that is centralized. they receive orders from one place of thousands of arabians guy, that's more than the kidding of hezbollah chief by as well. and wrong supreme leader says the middle east has one common enemy, which is taking motives from lightspeed. hugh, hey, green lights high roll for the long to stages chuckle items hailing the word ton to marissa as a diplomatic success by local spending. fast hearing, claiming they want involved in the process, which has left the us military base station that has the people. this is the absolute impossibility of the claim that a group of out of control ukrainian amateur divers were involved in the farming hall square, take the fresh job up the west spills, failing to expose,
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the real culprit behind the sound, photoshopping, old stream, dest lifetime, to be as the train you towards every corner of the globe as such a international like spot and joining us this friday. welcome. well, let's stop in at 11 and west 3 days off. the invading the country's house is ro is also stepping off. fits as strikes on the country's capital. massive plumes of smoke was seen as a favorite part of an attack. the idea says was a name dot has a lot. infrastructure is rose, also claim to have killed and also all of the medicine groups come on. does a finger peg to as the successor to killed her son, not alone. so has blah has yet to officially confirm that. the idea says that it
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struck and underground tunnel as well, which apparently ran from the lebanese pool to interest area. without rude includes a highway that was also hadn't even a huge crates of blocking road, forcing people to proceed on foot. thousands of civilians have been using the route to flee into syria as well. so as a talk to the road, as it was used to supply has pull up for us here and i'm fast to, to, to, to the kids. often delta bottom says, not as many unexcused lead could i have the ability of is that i need a statement to is a, is beyond 0. and i believe that this is yet another pretext to try and justify a tax on both civilians as well as the civil infrastructure in city and 11. and they have been targeting the only crossing point major to official crossing points between 11 and in syria. they have killed refugees in
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those the crossing points. they targeted a minor, the crossing points between pumps and central to the livid. in a couple of days ago, the woman and the children have been bombing, damascus, the, the capital of syria. they claim they are targeting indian or his bullet lead this actually they have killed the children. they have killed a friend and colleague for them. i colleague of mine with no, it was did a total of the city and television, a few minutes tv presenter whose only crime was that to us home. we've had 2 kids. she was killed by you visit any of these all. this is a, an example of, of the victims of is really the tentative isms state on terrorism against living and syria. and by this time, the, the
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meantime moving the ideas radio falls carried out dozens of strikes me a favor to international effort. black smoke was seen by the way across the city. lebanese officials reported that the 27 were killed in over a 100 wounded. in the attack. was the situation in the mid east, continues to deteriorate, a ring, a supremely, it has addressed both his substance and those of lebanon, and a rab public appearance lie a total ali khamenei said that the region faces a common tract. the enemy of the iranian people is the same as the enemy of the palestinian people. he is the same enemy of the lebanese people. that same government is the enemy of the rocky people. the enemy of the people of egypt is the enemy of the people of syria and the enemy of the people of human. well, there is one enemy, joke, the methods of the enemy very in different countries in one place with
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psychological warfare, in another, with economic pressure in yet another with 2 ton bombs. they are advancing this policy with weapons in one hand and smiles and the other. our enemies however, have a command room that is centralized. they receive orders from one place as well that spanish came of thousands. ca that entire wrong to move in the late has black chief hass on us for long around stream need allowed to serve as an odds. the people are black, one and not to despise, as he is wearing the aggression continues. and some of them solve as including tyrone universities are testified. and how much, randi, i'll convince that, as well as trying to drag us in to on without the united states. there would be no, is riley resumed, there would be no apartheid, and pa, this time there would be no genocide and ethnic cleansing has well on the resistance and never. and on said, we will accept a ceasefire. only when this riley regime accepts the ceasefire with
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a mouse and the resistance in gaza. and we know that the americans were lying about negotiating a ceasefire. they were just giving this way they were using time to carry out further slaughter. i don't think the method you who will accept this because he has lost a war. he's lost on all fronts. he's gained nothing in gaza. he's the red sea is shot to him. he will not be able to take the southern lab and on. and he will continue to receive punishment from, from the resistance. but i think that he wants to expand the war he wants to of somehow bring in the americans to fight on his behalf. he wants to sacrifice the west and americans in order to preserve his position. i don't think he cares about even is riley citizens. 4 of his people with the design is within this rainy regime. all he cares about is nothing yahoo!
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author, i have a 50 years of dispute. the u. k. has finally given up its last african colony. the sovereignty of based african chunk of silence will now be able tons to malicious. there is a catch, the largest bay told deco costs you will continue to host an american military base . what we can, what we say a fellow martians today is a historic day for our republican following conversations with prime ministers or cure stormer. we have finally arrived at an agreement between england and the cha goes silent. we are proud to announce that england through disagreement recognizes our sovereignty over check us so many excluding diego garcia. some thought that this was impossible because a small country like ours wouldn't be able to have a case against such great powers. despite all this, we were guided by our convictions to end of the colonized nation of our republic. gotcha. this conclusion was a long standing dispute over the you case,
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last african colony, and it is a decision the follows a routing by the international court of justice, which the, the, you case situation was shaved. this island from the risk is in the 92 sixty's as unlawful, and it marks the end of a sauce, because also you can control off the british indian ocean tibits sheet, which was retained often marissa has gained independence in the 9 to sixty's. now what many did not know is that during that period around the ninety's sixty's going into the 19 seventy's that u. k. forcibly expelled the chick goshen from the land. i a move that has to be labeled as a crime against humanity. the displace population wants relocated to my wishes and the se solves to me wait for a u. s. u k minutes are based on the largest island in the to go. so now this to put magic breakthrough comes off to multiple international bodies, including the i,
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c, j, the united nations general assembly and the international type, you know, for the move of the sea. full supported maurice, this is claim to the islands. and finally, while the u. k, had initially resisted these movies, dismissing them as advisory opinion, it has no agree to comply with the quotes decisions. how is the, as part of the treaty, britain will retain control of the strategic military base on the diego castillo, which it operates jointly with the united states. that base is viewed as critical to global security with both the u. k. and the united states emphasizing its importance. this government inherited a situation with a long term secure operation of the diego go see a military base was on the threat with contested sovereignty and ongoing legal challenges. today's agreement secures these vital military base for the future. but check issue say they remain powerless and voiceless in determining their own future
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and the future of the homeland. even going as far as the cooling off the west, over the fact that the deal they present as carrying and looking out for the local population does not even involve local population. in that negotiations, i forgot the invoices deployed the exclusion of which a glossy and community from the negotiations which have produced. the statement of intent concerning the sovereignty of our homeland to glossy ends, have learned this outcome from the media and remain powerless and voiceless. in determining our own future and the future of our homeland, the views of to guardians, the indigenous inhabitants of the islands had been consistently and deliberately ignored. and we demand full inclusion in the drafting of the treaty. many also say that you case refusal to accept pos, readings was seen as an implicit approval of colonization, that the united states also induce to by continuing races off the vehicle to see
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amended to base. but today, you have the likes of present to bite and, and his entire administration. wall coming will fee cool, a historic agreement, and yet the deal does not include the diego castillo island, did fact, an american training to set an obvious question to ask one which everyone is currently austin, particularly on why the deal does not include the island with the u. s. space that is located. i don't believe unless i'm completely wrong. and you misstated this that the people who are actually the forcibly repatriated from diego garcia are allowed to go back to the regular seat that correct. so i will let the u. k. and vs divide, you must be the details the be allowed to go back to the island. i was about to answer the speak. all the details of my understanding of the agreement between these 2 countries is that they won't be allowed to go back to the other islands in the archipelago other than diego garcia. okay. but why is it that they
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can go back to diego garcia is what's going on there at this joint u. k u s military. ready so super all for a sensitive. ready or the cultural. ready role that people can, i mean i, i recognize it's not a very big island that i also recognize as of the number of she. ready units who were forcibly repatriated off of diego garcia, the beginning is not a huge, huge number of i mean, why can't they go home alternately? that is a question for the u. k. and mercy is your base is our base. but when it comes to the, the is, it is what's going on there. so, so, so the letter is that people, there is a question of the governments of the united kingdom. and marissa is to negotiate that disagreement and conditioning things as meet us base. but it is not really a u. k, so it is a us based. yes, they have sovereignty over it and will continue to are at least to exercise morrison sovereignty over it. but this is your guys operation. there is
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a why is it that you don't want people who live down there who, you know, we're on the island and we're forcibly moved off of it to go back. it is not a question of the united states wanting them. we're not wanting them to to them is a question for the united kingdom and versus, i'm sorry, i just don't get why they can't the why the why the people who moved from diego. so you can't go back to the other garcia, but they can go back to other islands. i mean, there must be something about diego garcia that makes it either dangerous or inhospitable for civilians. and i just think that, you know, people should know what that is. like honestly we have a base there, but when it comes to this exact question, it really is a question for those, those other 2 governments pool. so the, so when you will be a lot of money in falls, but we do not have the full details of it. and the agreement does commit to the u. k to a package, all financial support to move, which is based around and i'm disclosed annual payment over the names off of the
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packet, but what is talking as well as that could move a sparked some sort of political control. obviously the u. k. and not in the caps were pregnant officials. in fact, conservatives of all giving back the eyes to you had no threat to restrictions while the child is the u. k. solving, teach as it is with some even say great britain has now to come to the overseas to retreat, which is the truth because i'm is 2 movers and it's been moved into yes. since the north stream gas pipelines were crippled by explosives, but the suspects were still launch washer has reiterated it schools for transport, international pro, during the latest do one security council session in new york. most goes and boy accuse the west of trying to cover up the truth. you bring us up with can so many of our attempts to coordinate signals from the security council,
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calling on berlin to hurry up and show more transparency would have been invariably blocked by the united states and its allies on the pretext that it is not possible to put pressure on german investigators is doing this recently, many of the most incredible versions of what happened to have emerged through this as an elementary endeavor by the instigators and perpetrators of this crime used to cover their tracks and lead the investigation astray unless we have this is the absolute impossibility of the claim that a group of out of control ukrainian amateur divers were involved in the bombing, was a little before a hollywood blockbusters. such a scenario would be quite suitable, but hardly for real life. there can be no situation in which one part of our planet is the one that arrogantly imagines itself to be part of the beautiful gardens. has immunity from justin deserve punishment. we want you to learn this very clearly and to have no illusions that you will be able to emerge drive from the muddy waters of the baltic sea looks like the culprits sit, consider the rest of the world are really gullible. and that's the only explanation
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that could be found, but you're absolutely right. it's been more than 2 years, september 2020 to one more stream pipeline and was bombed and of what eventually i was talking about today is transparency and efficiency. and actually was talking about a lack of transparency and efficiency and all of the investigations that had been conducted, officially, there were 2 by denmark and sweden, they were completed and now we're waiting for another one investigation by germany . however, all of those investigations. so just said that it was indeed a bomb, but didn't name any conference since it happened 2 years ago. we heard plenty of versions from the, from various people on some of the origin versions, but actually as suits a hollywood action or maybe a comedy action movie. in this case, something like oceans 30, you know, making maybe something like that. for example, there spiegel, one of the leading newspapers in the germany and some other german outlets have
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reported that was a group of ukrainians libraries that hired a boat some way of hard equipment, amish or divers. and so they hired a bold gold and drama the, and the committed this a terrorist act. and by the way of the famous investigative journalist from the united states. seymour hersh was the 1st one who blamed washington for these attacks, but was also not. and who am i correct and understanding into mounting on says that the un security council of what else was actually set that is not coming from oscar . the representative from united states states said that there are plenty of other urgent matters in front of the council. and this particular matter about north stream isn't really one of our top uh, you know, topics in this case friends had asked the bins. yeah. not so cold, it's etc. act until the german investigation complete. somebody already said that
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it wasn't a rush of the cold or the service stack. first of all, it was a german camp chancellor course, so there was a lot more common sense from countries like china, old jerry, a 2 years have passed since this get a pen see to the president and promotional peace and security and get the perpetrators haven't read i don't if i not the motor brought to justice despite to the counselors repeated engagement on these monitor progress, much like the investigation themselves remains largely store raise a c is concerned about whether the truth the truth will ever be fully uncovered. and i believe that many people have the same questions as i do. was there a hidden agenda to the initial opposition to an international investigation? has evidence been covered up and destroyed over the past 2 years or so?
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when will the trust in time, we have given be rewarded with the truth about what happened in china supports the draft statements circulated by russia on the north stream pipeline explosions. the western countries who russia is pointing at that fines, as well as we can see from this council meeting, they're trying to do everything possible to steer the blame away from the actual culprits. like to remind you that denmark and sweden, countries in that area where the bombing took place. germany as we have already completed their investigation and all they could sell the world, was the fact that it was indeed a bombing. but hold the culprit was, or anything like that, that was unknown. berlin has not really provided russia was any well, adequate information regarding this, that service act ends. and that's your president events you want more time? one year, susan, consciously or not germany, is acting as a spoiler blocking any steps by the international community towards establishing
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the circumstances of the disruption of the north streams and punishing its customers and the destruction of the gas pipelines has had germany's economic interest most directly to this, in these conditions, berlin's impotence in civility, finally puts an end to any emissions and claims to a global roll roll. you see, there are many unknowns in this case, and what russia one sir, is to find out exactly what happened. of course, none of these hollywood scenarios are working in this case and most of the adequate world in this case can see a right through it. and so they did we, you and human rights office has condemned. they are death strike on the west banks to car and refuge account that killed at least 18 people on size day. while the ideas claims that targeted a local. how mos lead to the un office says that most of the victims will either display civilians passes by more distressing reports and images.
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also emerging from dogs from his radio stripes on unreal schools tongue shelters have killed it is 20 people in the past 2 days on supporting to monetary and put it says the targeted buildings of as rescues for more than 20000 people now. but the idea of claims the schools were being used as come on centers. fine militants, such attacks have been described by american metric to bluffton, garza and a now appealing to the white house. with only marginal exceptions, everyone in garza is sick or injured or both. this includes every national aid worker, every international volunteer, and probably every is railey hostage. every man, woman, and child, we quickly learned that our palestinian healthcare colleagues were among the most traumatized people in gauze and perhaps in the entire world. while the goals and
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health ministry says that it nice to 41802 people have been killed and 96844 injured in idea strikes since october 7th. now 14 died just over the past day. the british found adults from and your says that new women and children have been killed in gauze over the past year. then in any other recent type of conflict or has more on that from the american metrics, addressing the by didn't administration as president biden and vice president harris. we wish you could see the nightmares that plague so many of us since we have returned dreams of children, maimed and mutilated by our weapons, and their inconsolable mothers begging us to save them. we wish you could hear the cries and screams. our consciences will not let us forget we cannot fathom while you continue arming the country. that is deliberately killing these children on
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mass. however, just last week as well secured, a massive ministry age package from washington. so out of a tire to $8700000000.03 and a hall had been paid to the so called real time procurement. while the remaining $5.00 will be spent on defense systems now was it is on k. whether any of that money will be used for the on going on. so on dollars. one american to massage and his what that says that the palestinians have already suffered too much. one. i really was not expecting to see large numbers of children who had been shot in the head in the chest. every single physician who has been to gaza has seen a child shot in the head of the chest every single day that they were there. that cannot possibly be on accident. while i'll be honest, i was very angry when i was there. because i know that this, you know,
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i'm an american and my, my government is the one paying for every every bullet, every bomb. everything. because it's, it's all coming from the united states ultimately. and that was infuriating to be quite honest that though that was extremely frustrating. west buying a paste political science passed a sod name. it says that washington has invested in trust and fueling the middle east conflict. the more and then it is, the more i benefits fall into each and what the companies on job companies, water university of this wash and the policy of the united states so far is going to induct induct directions in order to make a profits for the service companies differently, there was a support, any kind of drivers on the road i need to do. i as a matter of fact, maybe creating wars in some areas around the world in order to send in more and
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more of their, their what that reduce congressmen are investing more and more and just wants to give you. and that's why they are supporting your idea of why it's about doing it as a fucking the ongoing war. and they are even against what sometimes will be suggested to cease fire in any way or in any time they are more invested. this wants to continue and kind of live in apples to this war and make it even larger and just funded by the likes of the us state department and the torres club less. george soros help installing the economy and development of india also, according to an income tax department, pro release by new tally or india correspond to orange and shawn law is across the story. so and use it denied the charges, but the investigations have reviewed all the wise. in fact,
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a lot of findings suggest that we do some 5 via these and yours is received media affordable funding. so some about 75 percent, some even 90 percent of some, even a 100 percent form funding. so they've clearly been in breach in violation of the indians for regulation act as is of these. and you have been used to target the big indian corporate houses that will call message your really use these investigations into these. and yours highlighted big concerns for india. it's clear that ox fam india has a direct interest in the listing of donnie ports. it is a sinister plan of ox fam, india, in the name of charitable activities to target an indian business group in australia. they are conspiring with foreign entities. so this, the altered when the indian ingram tax department is conducting source operations
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on the n g o. as in india, including miss, utilize the ship, all the findings basically over the course of investigations. the angels basically were influenced to run a negative campaign against some big indian corporate houses like the other on a group as well as. and she has some, you know, all the findings. also, you basically told me of each other, suggesting consolidated efforts need to run this new york town fee. and again, some of the key developmental projects in india and on the income tax department seems that the angels were receiving form funding that into in stockton with even india. and the press to your husband related to the company. as are a few of the stories by keeping an eye on will call me when now i'll don't mention actually looks at the daily spend the money next comes with it. terrified that the the need that home health is not just off the street. and so deep dive into the
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tape of production the they will have chevy and it shows the patient unix begonia fit the willingness, the computer is appreciated, but if you're doing your dose, but then you would just give them a shot the love of selling so that you bring it to school so that way you don't hear them step is just the fluid was the controller. so you have to remember i was unable to answer the phone is a visual of moving in. but i do have to make sure that people come the levels. what's all frustrated with as much. it's going to get the show you a different level may assist you with when you do it on different shifts and which the technology you can throw in the let's just sponsor, excuse me, just go out. i don't know if it was a go or you don't wish to just go in and put in.
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the good thing is done with this or fix it on this was was if the control so sort of all the the all important talked maybe focusing at that. i want to see the, i mean, you're right on my like us on this. it will be that your most and place i work with the most part. totally so you know this place the pm for my wife. most of the i mean the thought on the side of major sidewalk.
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the see list. let me, let me the 2nd mad. that's what cause i see the focus. so i'm kind of the 1st quote the most of most of these are more or less the scene that must be what she i mean, maybe she ended up as one of the formulas for steve. well, i really. ringback there's one more plan through you, i'm going to talk to you one of the numbers on the ramos bucket meant by the media . this one of the .


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