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tv   Cross Talk  RT  October 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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the, the hello and welcome to across the boards were all things are considered on peter a little bout 10, all warren balding, the united states be averted in the middle east. also why has the national security we unified around candidate come over harris to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, george, send me while we in budapest, he's a podcast or the guy go which can be valid on youtube and locals. and here in moscow, we prostitute dmitri bob, but he is the deputy for an editor, a comfortable sky, a problem. the day we are a gentleman, crossed up rules and effect. that means again, joe, anytime you want and i always appreciated. right, let's start out with george. and buddhist as, um, obviously the one of the main issues confronting us all now is watching the events
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unfolding in the middle east. and, you know, the question, is it a, what would it be even a greater more. and i think maybe the question really should be is, why is the united states not stopping? and i think that's really what's in the way right now. go ahead. all the data, you have city, right? and the way you frame the question, because we are going to seemingly, on the brink of this, i would catastrophic will in administer the destructive war and the united states, just as seemingly ascending on its hands of observing this and um, any effect, collaborating with israel as to which targets it showed he showed me to his knowing i'm, as we all know, that it still doesn't even listen to anything that the united states. so says, so we know that israel will unquestionably it back against the
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be around the tax um of the last week. um, we know that israel will head back very hot. this will nobody just simply as symbolic attacks because clearly that was the, it will be runs at tags. what damaging to the israel reputation, particularly it's reputation reports of ms field defense. um and then they would therefore we also know from the rom that the ron will not sit still for a um, for the so he's really attacked and will in turn retaliate. so we've got a little making see of a cycle over its allegation around is a major power. um, it probably is a, it's not a new clip up, but it's a, it's a huge countries and $90000000.00 population. so we're really sitting alone on the bank of this like a catastrophic war and it, israel, and particularly when they've been in this, in the yahoo in, in recent days as well as we're always fighting a war on 7 friends. so that's where we are, where you are 45, you know,
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who are and 7 friends. and there's no prospect the tool of any of this getting the results. and given the united states relationship with israel is united states is both more likely to get involved in one or more of these words. know rekey them in . if it does get involved judges of why it's a war of choice, it's not the thought of necessity. that's what makes it even more bizarre, you know, demon, you know, obviously the risk of damages that is being done to 11 on and it's people is brand new center in the news. but the genocide in gaza continues on out of the baited. and a lot of commentators, particularly in the west, not only are biased in favor of israel, but they don't will. there's very little recognition admission that all of this could suddenly come to a stop. there was a ceasefire in gaza when you think about it. well, where do it, you know, one day during the day you will say the old that they're both homeless at,
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they're one of the set we also looked over to 1000. thank you. 3, of course. uh no one seemed ashtray. excusing the said that that was a terrible, terrible events, terrible cry. but i would say however, there are many questions. how would that crap, you know, why do you do israel? which now going destroyed every the don't. testable are every the veto almost every day in the leadership or what, how much, you know, knowing besides that wherever they are, and all, you know, which a building that long term, that's how, who is really a mis. hundreds of people, you know, using federal blades using bows. any trade into is 3rd, you know, the board, it would not be a goal for 4 days or 4 days. there was still a gap, is that bands, you know, and, and that, that the tribes to continue. so there are many questions to be off the beast and you have on your whole body. yeah. she is a label is actually in front of the states. let's move on. don't ask questions
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about the past. let's move on, let's do narrow it. you know, uh im gonna, there is no do you mind just the destruction of the population essentially in the image of the because we are on the, on the year on the after the, the events of october. so i'm george mentioned netanyahu's made somewhat of a come back against all hans, i mean, you know, in here the alternative spear, everybody say he's told us these done. he's gone, he's not ok and he's got binding around his finger. i mean, talk about a change of fortune. this is quite remarkable out this political a bit sure. it was written a little prematurely, but everybody originally in the west. so really the black and very much because there's just the, you know, it's just a little a little bit of strep or as they all great, well, we will get some really decent guy in his place. and of course i the
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delicious, that's a real difference between these really lead is, um, cellular cell are a little more likable than others. is just meant the i was off the tablet like a little person. um, but yes, i mean, it is a venture, it was written, and then we're now seeing, particularly in the optimize of the attacks against the has as ball or leaders, will it as the pager with tags. so that will control kids act. and then of course, the assassination of most or all of that is that is to see the israel as we hear of the, our, the tough guy, the security guy that he has always presented himself as. and it's very hard to see that somehow he does, he like his political demise because ultimately every one of the israel leaders would probably pursue exactly the same policy as, as, and it's in the abu has not a remodeling is the, is a p scan to that um, but probably not as effectively and as ruthlessly as nothing the app. okay. so it's
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very likely that you will play any price. and so let's talk about the corruption, the day it trials. and so, and i imagine he will live by with, with those things as well. so i, i tend to think that any other way it's going to be around for quite some time. i mean, he's been around for read it at the top of his rated policies. so something like 30 years without team it has been the over the last few weeks is that a lot of pipe um by officials are actually officials a visiting that russian. you're on, we'll have some kind of security agreement, which is very odd because for us it doesn't really do that with very many countries . um, the, the russia obviously wants to be avoid being drawn into this. we know that the, the, the 2nd is rate, i'm sorry, uranian strike on israel. and the russians were informed us that, that was where the americans and of course, the americans and born these railways. and i'm says that kind of cooperation is
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going to continue. but just slowing on the lines of what george said, i mean, it really is refill. most likely as thinking negatively is going to strike back. but with the, the retaliation for the retaliation, i don't think around is going to signal its intentions again. they will tell the russians is, is what to what the degree of would russia go in and defend and protect you around if things that started going sideways, go ahead, do my own. well, of course, the political systems or russia and they're on a very different and there's just one thing that we've had been full, ideologically. that is the rejection. what was the west marriage? and the rejection to over uh, west and aggression. what's both a low congress? i was what the gorge has just said about. you've been shuffled, but probably with that then you have a wife to do with this the best. so why she's because she is very cool that you
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know he's in existence contradicts the west. i'm never good because what, how would, how it's from the west of the last few days before and all that. yeah. you're on. is that there? oh, this is an unprovoked attack. it goes, but he's real. you know, we've heard that before. uh, rushes approval at the cookies to great. these are believe the why, you know, just look at your own use the whole deal. last row i was voted, is it and i like, well the rock courtyard is my you can yeah. well, the that it will take it right now, is it? so it's denial of use facts about the and deem it to be fair. i mean, around is not killing leaders in, in israel, or anywhere else in the world, even though it's called the, you know, the, the center of the global terrorism, georgia. well, i, i couldn't find it anywhere all the time here, a homeless here, but then in georgia with put you on the spot. if, if the war does to expand duty reduce advantage as
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a defense for commitment harris's, this is a, we think we probably argue both sides are on both sides of the moon with. i tend to think that it read down stewed from, say that, um, simply because it, it, it seems that everything is spinning out of control. the biden harris leadership has been so weak and effective. and that is that if you continue with this, then you know, you know, world war 3 is guaranteed and the, so therefore, you know, trump might bring border out of k all. so that's why it's at the moment, but you know, you never know the go, but if it war emergency. good. uh, you know, we're down that higher. so say about that. but i, i tend to think that people just one of the boys to stop by the name american people's instinct is we don't want to was we suddenly the one was that we get dragged into and they were going to get killed and destroyed. so
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a trump is more likely to bring with me as well as to an end than harris's here with the demon, and go to the contrary. and i know how to and george and of have talked about this before. you could, it can make an argument either way, one way or another. but i think the deal of the foreign policy, you lead to them, they will, they are they, they're not against an escalation here because as we've talked on this program before, these people see solving all problems all at the same time. and, you know, is it sounds like lunacy, but for a lot of these people, this is the opportunity of a generation go ahead dealer. oh oh, let's look what we have a little. but from the united states, what do the gauge it is. uh, what does it mean for us? so one, tho on the radio, do you feel drum says just says something extremely stupid, right? i mean, i would know spoke of these ro, uh, then you off. what's wrong with taking you clear. uh, you know, or nuclear infrastructure while we're on. that's perfect. the reasonable original
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they do. that's also was but then we have a demo with iris who can g use the same ones that reduce, you know, like, uh, how many is you who you are on is e will. uh, so we support uh is really what it is. 5, basically of these 30 well assistant agents, which is what i was going back to the logical conclusion from a very premium picture of the world of evil that has been created through the west is the last few decades. i mean, if you look at the image, what, what is the evil, you know, go straight in the world. if you look at the media, i'm pretty distance viewing either states and in the world. they say, these are just crazy, these pages. uh, usually it's of excuse for it. now they've ration from the united states and from europe and i was, oh, this person wrote in iraq or the bit you just crazy. it's very dangerous. so these
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are all is this flow in the playbook said ok. we just have the, these, these will return, but peace, the thank you and this is the west that is out of control. not these the, let's dictator and gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break will cause a large, especially on some real estate with archie the
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the, what is part of the is it that the employee would post good? isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without pieces. let's go products. as the, the love about the across side boulevard design. peter developed here. we discussed the wheel is starting to go back to you. it's really
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quite remarkable. um, over the last week we had about $700.00 plus board in policy dignitaries, from the intelligence community, etc, etc. um endorsed kamala harris, which was really interesting. if you look at the list, george, it's the $700.00 plus people that have created the mess that the world is in right now. okay? and kamala harrison is very happy to accept their endorsement here. i mean this, i mean, as far as i think it's only 700 people. they're on the same list. they should all be indicted for war crimes, but not in the west. okay. these people are, oh, what are they called the the adults in the room. your thoughts story? absolutely right. this lewis was we have the 700, the foreign policy, national security people, they, the people who are the expertise of about, well, the says,
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and then you also have the and then with come with the higher is campaigning with the list cheney the, you know, the and also of the torture, the bombing of it just went to every country on the planet. she's also enjoy the endorsement of dick cheney, and harris has proudly talented this endorsement the. now the training is that with us as a you know how i felt they will label the bad feet by the we weren't going to get into these stupid was, wasn't, however, what he was touting bar of obama. oh no more stupid was what i saw a lot along being of i got them, but it is very interesting that you know what it is. there's these national security officials have against the trump and the demo. who said earlier about crumbson's, you know, extraordinary comments about around that. yeah. yeah let's so it, let's bump nuclear facility those,
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those things that you want to bomb the. so what is it that they objective? well, how does a one plus and we're actually, um, done at the time, suggest that it might be a good idea to negotiate. and then he has his own wayne, broken with the consensus as he didn't quite used to explain what was it but so offended the the foreign policy lead in 2016 is when he said white glove, we had good relations with russia. that was very, very upsetting. and that was, that was never forgiven him for that. that that's what he led to the whole a rush for collusion most. so even now he's the one person or less. no, no one person who was suggested. but one way that we could bring this war to an end is by getting on the phone and talking to moscow. and that's of the, the, the official consensus of all the governments in, in the, in the west. and the, all these 700 of national security officials is the way to win this war is to keep
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bombing ukraine. keep your brain going. keep sending more and more money. weapons collect ukraine, loved to miss. so as wherever they want, if they need to bone moscow, then they need to be able to bomb moscow. and then of course, russia will magically come to the indigo shaving table and make all the jew concession trumpets. anyone who was saying that i may not be the way to go, but i think that's kind of why the, the so the infuriated her with the drum. yeah. the entertainment for outside was looking in me. yeah. i think a really good example was the, the, the single vice president, vice presidential debate a, where they differ on guns, abortion, immigration, the education, you know, the usual boiler plate issues in american politics. but the 1st question of the debate was about the rad. and both candidates, vice presidential candidates came on more or less as foreign policy illiterate,
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and they did not even really address the question. the reason why i'm bringing this up is, and you can talk about all you want the bottom, it had a domestic politics ideological reasons for our religious reasons, for whatever reasons, but just as charges say, but not foreign policy. and that's why we have this huge convergence. now, there is no debate about foreign policy. you don't even where you really shouldn't even talk about it. go ahead dealer. well, there is no debate broder because it is so embarrassing. i mean, if, if we look at the situation, nathan, yahoo are indeed a dodge was right. he has been in his ready pointed to explore almost 30 years now since 1990. 6 people in the west coast say the ocean because of being the russian 46 fall to well, they forget that. but on yahoo has been at least 4 years longer. simple integrated points and that's fine. yes. really has to go to,
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don't worry about the program is the death on. yep. and still in speak. the go to dread through night states and the or be you get into very dangerous is going since, i mean, uh, the united states and the your will read to show what the story is. will you know, defeat trash, defeat iran or has block. but just don't get us into the mess that do it without any risk for us. and, and then, you know, send you off with zillions to just go ahead and, and, and that they do what they want. they put the west in danger. and now they're sure that they will get away with, you know, how many a negative logical, so been published to both. yep. and yep. says the wait nights you, she was vilified by the american brass. but the message from here is not going to go without. i am your boss, i am your block. leave me if you, you literally mean follow the same messages from there. yes, you invest,
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it's far too much. you do me. if you, that's me down. now the question, why did you, you'll be all of these bits. so these people, it gets a big question, why don't people say, oh, yes, i knew it was the last year i just bought that silver west. it's a big issue. always close after you knew i bought it. i been thinking this is kind of people are talking about this and i, i didn't expect that we would do this, but george, i mean, this is the client relationship. i mean, it seems to be a point of discussion right now. you know, you know, who leaves the other, you know, the boy, i think about it. george is, it is just, it's not necessarily national security interest, but it's just kind of a mindset of seeing the world we, they don't see the differences they, they assumed that my interest or your interest, but, and much more of a kind of a mess psionic way and not necessarily security. when would you know we have especially when it gets really dangerous. okay. doesn't void of reality. but then i
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think that it's the, this is a artificial comes drug and goes leading home. i think it's a much more a meeting of mind storage. no, i agree with the beat up. because when you think about israel is a other thing of just think about the october the 7th of tag. okay. it's accepted that israel will retaliate, but who remember, it goes to anybody to think about a retaliation has to be proportionate. you know, the wage, a war of complete annihilation. oh, well that's our response. and that's what his role does. whenever his role is effect, immediately launches a completely a disproportionate attack against its neighbors in wages. this, this, oh, nothing more against this neighbors. because, you know, at any time anyone this, do, you know, strike israel then of course, um, you know, it is the one that has the right to do whatever a one says any,
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anytime it once and no matter how destructive them, how absolutely insane. because you know, israel's existence is a state which of course it isn't. and so yeah, in that and that is absolutely accepted. go throughout the width. is that yeah, what is what has a right to do whatever evil ones for me and what is security? it is a say, no, no, what's the difference? but no one else gets to do that. everyone else does. what do you have to make a proportion of response? you can just simply wipe the wipers state of the face of the just because you was threatened on one day a year ago. and he is always this thing in think this thing goes to from the ukraine, is just why let's, let's just keep this wall going. and he never close to anyone to say, well, how long, how many lines is it worth sacrificing for a while to this gold? which is, this is ridiculous,
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ukraine's right to join made. so it says it was was who is lives for this ludicrous goal of ukraine's right to join nato. and that's all it was about this, but it was like, well, your grades into the ukraine, so run it that, that's all i mean. your brains are right to join the hostile military lines. there is no such right. but that's the textbook, the mentality of the wisdom phone policy leads wiping out an entire generation of young man. it just, it does really explain your, you know, statement that they think they give me the kind of, um, continue with this point here. i mean, particularly with israel, but i think it need 10, makes somewhat the same argument when it comes to ukraine. is that when you look at the, um, personal emotional investment to me, when you know, for many american politicians have been conditioned over for, for decades now that an attack on israel's somehow an attack on the united states. and that's how they act as how they think. okay, now of course the israelis want to know bugs on. they,
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not only they see themselves as the 51st they, they might, may think of themselves as a 1st state of 51 states. here. again, this is kind of a mentality in, in this mentality of squares with real interest or dislike, what george is saying, i mean, so you want to wipe out an entire generation of ukranian men to join a military alliance. really. i mean, my presumably, you know, if you'd stayed out now the lines, you'd have a generation of young man. what's better keep going email, go ahead. well, the prominent lives with the west and i d o g because of the defend in your state defended your 30 is okay. uh that's this nature. that's what they should have been doing this. instead of sending moria bought the 10 flips. so for example, the office, can you pretty easily be aware of that? i mean, how did it stop united states just the, your being unit decided to use the opportunity. you know, you all know which will be considered a pro, russian for some reason the nbc was for some reason. okay. but because it's new
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products, new de delusional. well, so they, they, they, uh, basically often, oh, the sign you know, that association agreement through, they knew she didn't confused to sign off on it because you guys know, she didn't have enough money to pay for it. so, so basically, uh, she became uncomfortable with the southern part of the population. so they use it to boss you. and then you have a domino effect. uh, is that what possible sounds, you know, the east of your brain stated basically that could be expensive. uh, also uh there was talk with nick to express and even decent get predicted to that need to especially will lead to war and it will develop so dramatically the altima play. you get to go into and all out. cool. and then the space of the us by the action stable, the 1st major war since 1945. how could it be possible?
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the same thing with, with the be the ways i mean, what do they mean when they say we will do everything to protect israel? i want to destroy the contest. i want to start the nuclear war settlement, but run out of time here. but again, these are all wars of choice and the sum of someone to have power upsets. you have to say, no, i want to take my guess in budapest and here in moscow. and of course the, what i think our viewers for watching us here at ortiz, the next time, remembered festivals. the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills,
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and is it just as a chosen few fractured images present? it is, but can you see through their illusion going on the ground can the about doing on august, the 6 ukrainian troops across the border and launch the full scale and caution that the rest as co screeching reset research as we put into it, focusing their offensive on subjects patel near the border. the soldier subscribers to several settlements was seized with this. the thing is what else and so special model,
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the commercial subsidy ellipse video. web studio with russian troops moved out to the battles in counter terrorism. operation regime was included in the course for the odds confront, they'll go out, regents muscle from a farm, dvd rewarded for prior like invoice reflects the motor and then as the level of support and you you said your little footage listed in the state of the muscle americans today, our armed forces joined our nato allies in air strikes against the serbian forces the, the guy, yearly village brought to us with that movie. we still, for we conclude disregard, you know, swim face piece of the nation, which is reinforced with the depleted uranium that has a special capacity to spend a trade from a new car safety point of view. there is no radiological or even,
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and not even significant consequences. the, the symmetry seems endless. a real city of the dead, where it's very easy to get lost. similar graveyards now exist in iraq and afghanistan. they may soon appear in ukraine with thousands of square kilometers of already being contaminated with deadly dust. for the next 4 and a half 1000000000 years, the i would rate my studios in buck assigned as the perhaps the most exciting period of my career. i went to the soviet union when i came back it was collapsed into 15 pods so. so if my friends often hold me responsible for breaking it to a foreign policy needs to be named. sometimes you make me.


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