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tv   Documentary  RT  October 8, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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did nothing to say so, so if somebody rides to voice out my hoping it'd be to make the world know that my voice matter at this point. so we know that the political agreement is subject to the finalization of a t t as supporting legal documents. this means that there is so much on so a time for the governments to involve to go. she is indigo sanctions. and again, let me see for the max at impact to the relationship with the united states who does not welcome the legal uncertainty. i strongly encourage him to strike a deal that you is for its part has declined to become public enrolled in the dispute, but we know that prison joe biden praise the deal as a he started agreement and also know that it's private position as me. that's a based on typical garcia should not to be placed in jeopardy. so it seems like this is yet another move to please washington, added sneed,
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as well as some people are suffering the us presidential elections less than a month away on this campbell of harvest. witness the x social media platform as well as it's ceo will be toast. that's the view of a little musk himself who shared his concerns in a recent interview with tucker carlson. if she wins, i mean i how can a web ex continue in its current form in its current role in american society that they weren't, there will try to shut it down by any means possible. what do you mean by any means possible? i mean, if with luck, even if i, i have about 5 pass laws. uh they'll try to prosecute the company, prosecute me less just flash sides. what they tech, ty, couldn't was sitting there. his fear stems from at democratic party leads actively seeking publicly to curb at certain freedoms across the internet on x as
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a major target from the us history of state. hillary clinton has already begun pushing for wider government oversight. and what she calls total control over online narrative. we should be in my view repealing something called section 230, which gave you know, platforms on the internet to immunity because they were thought to be just passed through that they shouldn't be judged for the content that is posted. but we now know that that was an overlay simple view that if the platforms, whether it's facebook. busy or twitter acts or instagram or tick tock, whatever they are, if they don't moderate and monitor the content of we lose total control. well, us conservative commentator jewel and safe washington's efforts to bond information that doesn't bother to it. sounds is extremely disturbing. i don't know if you can take a stronger approach to censorship on the social platforms and they've already taken
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and so i'm sure i'm a little concerned on what it is they're trying to stop from happening. trying to stop the open dialogue. are they trying just to start a position where only if you think the way they think will you be allowed to speak? so it's more of the same rhetoric that we get from not the radical left, but this under pinning this government under, pending that nobody can actually see which is trying to control free thoughts. and that leads you down the path of what she's saying now that they may, quote unquote, lose control. and that's lose control being able to basically, and slave the american people as much as they have up to this point a live. it's fast becoming one of our team's favorite shows and is only diffuse a number of months ago. so let's see what all the types of arts i get over to the. let's talk spotted studios. the
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which i thought there were some openings to students, the slow that are sounds good right now. let's show the funds going to look you agree miss the to post the, the, the that the is that i, it's a get a minute come. other students need which is easy to so on the screen. so of course to ensure material, which is the model i'm willing to identify july. the 2nd is all about which will screw well in the middle of something that we did present to not the degree that the results between you and they will just didn't know for sure. no consequence, which would be which videos like suitcase products in i would rate my studios, in fact,
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a sign of the perhaps the most exciting period of my career. i went to the soviet union when i came back it was collapsed into 15 bucks. so. so if my friends often hold me responsible for breaking into foreign policy needs to be named, sometimes you may need to make the point gently, sometimes, forcefully. somewhere on perhaps 2000 me. then the us you need for the moment ended in a was where you don't have a global policeman telling you what to do. some countries comes to get the phone conversations on issues india, which has to be on the high table. india is an important voice. it cannot be the to hello and welcome my name is on. if i'm case they come to my shoulder for the next of an odd. we will discuss all these in the potter with a very special guest is a prominent diplomat and has subbed in various capacities,
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including as the high commission of to 5 years time and canada. they come, i decided thank you very much. i hope of the great to be here. joy, bas, sorry, a is a former indian diplomats with a career spending over 3 decades. he holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the university of delhi and earned an m. b, a in calcutta. he later got his 2nd master's and public policy from princeton. his 1st posting was in moscow in 1988. mister resario served as india as ambassador to poland. unless you amy, yet, he's also served as the high commissioner to canada. and as india is last high commissioner to pakistan with his tenure overseeing a particularly challenging period of relations between new delhi on this loan, about a job, a sorry, a speak several languages. there is an avid yogi. his 1st book was published earlier this year where you are with wanting to be a diplomat, right. but 1st of all, great to be here. i've seen you in the movies so great to see you in person may
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have admired doable movies and i often feel that diplomats should learn acting because often you need to act in the global states. i think they all did do a good job. yeah. you know, i, i had it at the back of my mind the, i, because my father was in the government. so i wanted to explore being in the government. i did do an m b. i explored possibly doing either could it is. but then what attracted me to government and the ford service was to be bought to be in the story and to work on a logic canvas because i had a sense even early in my twenties that you know, the india story is going to be a good one, and it would be exciting to be part of in as join in a more direct way by being part of government. your 1st posted in the, in investing must go back in 1988. and since then, you have an impressive could you,
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how is it like being that i believe you speak russian, i do, i do speak some russian and i in fact vent to my 1st posting in the funding service be are for blaze it's mandatory to learn a foreign language and mine was russian. so i went to my school university for the year. my job was to learn the language, which i did not, you know, how much time to do learn language. it's an emotion course that we did so in about 8 or 9 months my, i acquired a good deal of fluency and been below and off the streets. so you know, you're in most in that background. so i did speak the language fairly read. so it was again, a very interesting time because i was posted in most cool, in my formative years in diplomacy from 1988 to 91. how many b as well you there in law school? so i was that 3 a see, one of which i spent learning the language and the other 2, you know, looking at the embassy and the political being and the economic coming. and i went
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to the soviet union. when i came back, it was collapsed into 15 bucks, and so some of my friends often hold me responsible for breaking it up. i believe you bought incident, i will do the story behind it. i guess i just joys my parents when they happened to be in senior goodman. i was born. so it was my father was a no transferable job and i was born in she no good because he was managing all india radio and as an engineer and, and she now goes. so i was born there. and it so happened that i moved from there to mom, but at the age of 3 and i had no memories of or seen or got. and gosh me, but i did go dad much later of and i was already in service. so i couldn't go there to the terrorism is only in this century. i got an opportunity to revisit the place of my birth and the opinions before that then and the partition in 5
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percent. no, it it so happened that my mother as a child of rent and state and little hard because my grandfather was posted there for a couple of years around 1942. uh so that uh was just her experience in going to school in the heart and but the family belonged very much during the day, but from what the dish, what are the story they used to tell you of the independence partition all focused on just so my mother had some very interesting stories to tell me. 1942 is her clear memory of the quick didn't get a moment. me see would see the processions of part of total. and she never heard about. the bucket stopped me because you know, the focused on the holidays. lucian had been busted in 1940, but it wasn't a big thing. so in the forty's, in, in her stories, she hadn't really heard of this concept of focused on base. she had gone to right
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load india and her happiest memories was, were offered trip the family to, to monday, the hidden station and event to up to bob and traveled over. so i often say that in, in the forty's, this was the most integrated region in the world. you could travel from run going to all the way to the shower vape, no visas, and they, but so it is about the family members that they could travel over this westland and then you became the commissioner of in progress time. and then the most trouble of the times. in fact, that has been no, i commissioned enough to your daniel to how well you're dealing with it. yes. you know, so i would rate my, uh, 2 years and fuck a sign of the perhaps the most exciting period of my career because, you know, working in a conflict environment is always a challenge and, but it's also very exciting. and 3 is many diplomatic possibilities. i was then 2
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years and one of the better docs is a funding for an individual night and focused on me is that during the day there is a fairly low facility, but then the afternoon you could meet be meeting with diplomatic colleagues and then there's a good deal of friendship and in the evening of glasses of wine or risky, you are very friendly, right? with the common people or people who haven't got nothing to do with government. so that is a better dorks that did as a such a good deal of posterity. but also such a good deal of friendliness and this go to the affinity of speaking the same language, liking the same food and so on. so i think this, that adults defines a diplomats rule impact this fun. i also went to a tough and hostile period. and i think good that as bad as some degree of
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creative diplomacy is required because even at a time when the host of government is very against your opinions, government, you, some doors are open, do have quite conversations in quiet diplomacy and to understand what is happening what do you think is the basic problem of focused on with india? if you asked me to name one fact to me, i would say it's bucket stands, identity crisis. that while india, uh at, but very rapidly developed an identity, develop the constitution within 3 years of independence and had the benefit of leaders. but some continued to focus fund did not have the same good fortune. it's early leaders passed away. july died in 90 for the aid, cut the con, the 1st 5 minutes to bust away. 1951 and focused on could not develop a constitution for it says too much later. so even it developed the constitution in
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1956. but that was abrogated by 58. when are you a condo military dictator, to go? so the centered problem became the capture of pakistan by the elite, in this case, the army leads who have captured the country and continued to rule it for all these tickets. and have distorted what focused on could have become in my view. so i think this is a fundamental structural problem that focused on face that it became an abnormal country run by an army lead, which was intent on promoting its own interest rather than the interest of the beep . and yet i would say that in the last few years, it has been no media that is at tech and the last 10 years to be very besides what has changed your be for us. you know, you would record from the ninety's. terrorism became a major issue,
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rest the impact on the eighty's 1st and then job the ninety's and crush me from the 2 thousands all the way and then we never had a very good on. so for that, we would, uh, you know, not react perhaps with force. and even after going nuclear in 1998, even in 2008, india did not react strongly to the moment later. what has changed now is that we have a different bus show of active defense. there's certainly an effort to, uh, to strengthen ourselves from begin with means have strong counter infiltration counterterrorism grades. within your more interest me for instance, to prevent service from coming in. but also a pro active or active defense bus 2, which means you are willing to dig the battle across the borders in hot pursuit of the status in 2016. the reacting to really,
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it was reinforced in 2019 when after the pl, why my tech, the biological a strikes took place. so now, here was in india, that is, was setting up a strategic deterrence or the governance against it, or is it the message was that if there was incidents or for a certain scale, take place in the will again, across the board to interact. so for the focus on army, the policy of mounting terrorism, which was a low cost policy now became an expensive business, because now it was clear that if you launch an attack, be retaliation should be, would be such that you, you could go to water, you could would have to react, so there was a 2nd cost. and that certainly is part of the reason that there's been a dramatic drop in cross border terrorism. it's not been eliminated. it's taken on different funds, but there has been a significant drop. and i think that is an achievement of government results to
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address this question in a clear headed way. why do you think the governments were not interesting and advocating article to 70 when i think um, certainly for the beach it be, it was on the manifesto. it was on the cards and it was certainly a goal to be achieved. but even the b, b a n d, a government could not achieve it in the early of tags in a bunch of these guys because it was an india government. that was a coalition government. that was a coalition common minimum program of the india. and this was not a priority, but i think that was clarity even in watched by his mind. and uh, and in other lead his mind. so that one's state would be a majority. it gave the opportunity to have optical, $370.00 a aggregated. and i think it was a decision that was waiting for the moment that a party had a clear majority. and
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a strategy, i think integrating your mortgage mean was a very important move. and more than that, having the strategy of counterterrorism. content integration to ensure that off to that optical, $370.00 moves, they would know blood shit on a large scale. because as you would recall, there was a conversation that if i had to go 370 would be to move, they would be live as a black and english me. but none of that happens because it was well planned well executed. and i think the, by the benefit of hindsight of the last 5 years, certainly a successful policy both in terms of stabilizing the state to jim when crush me. and in terms of giving a clear answer to cross border terrorism. yeah, because i come from the same area and i feel that it is beneficial to the people of
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crush me. the business is i'm climbing into the infrastructure as has been yet, when are they going to 70 was able to in the parliament, there was a total position from southern section of 5th. yeah, i think it was a political conversation and that was a political move because article 370 was more of the move and it was more than just a political move. it was also linked to security foreign policy. and i think it served all those interest me when we finally got it done. and i think now there is a reasonable consensus in the country that it was a good move. and that now we move to the next stage, perhaps of the healing touch. and you're moving crush me to rapidly moving towards stability and normally the sea. so that brings me to naturally, so after this done parameters, some of the with the 2nd longest serving pm, a friend is this continued the good for india on the phone and policy point. it
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certainly is, we are now living in an age of a very turbulent twitter too much is changing into, well that is, that are conflicts that are, you know, i'm moving towards a multi polarity and therefore foreign policy needs to be named. so i think this government has been successful in very nimbly negotiating the world and improving india is have the end stature by mr. more the has the external affairs minister jason good, who understands the game and plays it very well. and the personal chemistry that the prime minister himself enjoys with this continued t. that's a cut all of the advantage of it that you'll develop. but still chemistry and personal relationships with will lead to us. and that helps who is with annotated step. now, he's representing a $40000000.00 economy with a huge kind of pest in the world,
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in economic terms. so for just as an example, the rest issue relationships in, in what is called the middle east, but the, you, we, but the bid. so there may be, those are some new innovations in, in policy that the closeness of that relationship codes in the, in multiple areas. and you've said that in diplomats i'm more confident and the more the why do you feel that they represent the country that is more confident that they represent the country with the leadership is consistent, then giving a certain message uh to the, to the world, to the people and they have clear instructions and, and it helps that you know, and goes on. baba is growing in does have to such that india is voice, is heard on the high table below believe whether you're talking about climate or trade or the global order or the g 20. so i think all that helps uh
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for a clear message to go to the diplomats to act with confidence and to be able to, uh, you know, represent the name to that is more confident in one of your opinion pieces you wrote about a multiple of wood and india of wanting to be on the board, how much it is for them and association. good already done that for that was i think he has and i think india has because, you know, this process has gone on. i would argue, since the ninety's, because 90 is after the soviet union collapsed to be moved from a bipolar world to a uni polar world for the in the us was the on the act and down and some better on perhaps 2008. then the us, you need for the moment ended and we are moving towards a new order which might be multiple. and bingo is making the point that in the future as an aspiring power, we would like to be a potent. we wouldn't like
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a word of it, which slaps is back into being a bipolar what with china and russia outlined against the wrist? or uh, you know, a word bad in his voice is not good. and so i think we have been very active in terms of for a, taking the g 20 as an example. that is an organized a is a body which tries to speak for the world in which economics matter, the economic major economies matter and essentially make the point that uh in, in this, uh, uh, well, the way it is going in the future. the major economies like india, need to have a strong se, uh, in the direction in which it as well. so how important are 4 months like big send this to you for them like people of like, i think they are important and i think what has happened in this most people are what is that you have new will formulation like big says seal and ask for it but so before those, like i do, you do in,
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in rest issue and so on the board. so these are on issue based coalition. so they come together in a world where you don't have a global policemen telling you what to do. some countries come together, every is the, you know, the phone conversation, the issues, no big sport instance came together for a conversation on economic issues. for the middle of the bible stuff, i made an applause that it represented. so i think that is the kind of, uh, what would be the move to uh, the uh, countries we'll have issue based alliances. some of them the space, some of them will for you to be. and we will question this world order, which is presided over by the united nations, which we feel hasn't delivered enough in terms of providing be since a go to the, to the was so or done. it is really much, but we don't know which way it's hated. except that we know that india should have
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us in the re, uh, bottom, in the suggestion. good, now conducts or knowledge. so uh, open about his point of view is which makes us proud of. we never used to have somebody who would say, who we call a, we call them out. is that a deliberate attempt to do that or it's a personality trait off of a problem and is this i think, i think it's a boat, it certainly represents the new india which is making its point. yeah. to the world and it's a confident new india and therefore he is the voice often of that new india. and therefore he has to make the point about india as views and is very difficult about it. absolutely. so sometimes you may need to make the point gently, sometimes, forcefully, sometimes in behind closed doors, sometimes publicly. so i think the, the point needs to be made and the broad, the point that is emerging is that india,
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which has to be on the high table india, is an important voice. it cannot be not. so the show is called list of products. where do you see in the, in the next decade? well, i think the india is moving in a positive direction. the stated objective of india is to bring prosperity to its people, right? the we want to be a mix and part of that developed by that, developed in debt by 2047. and what does that mean? that essentially means we need growth. be ongoing at 6 to 8 percent feed. possibly want to grow and a blade of 8 to 10 percent and bring prosperity for a people and a folder and policy a will be oriented towards leveraging the will to facilitate this phase of india. and it will be a peaceful and benign race in asia, as, as compared to the village of in today's, of china. see me,
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but it will be something that would be good for the world. and i think good therefore, endeavors get more more partnerships, deeper partnerships, endeavor, engage, and a might be aligned, we with russia, with the best and power is with the board and maximize the economic benefits for the tip, but also be a forceful of stability underwood. great, so what are your future plans? well, i've just written one book and i've been talking about it in different florida. and this is the book which included an angry men. and that's right. it's called anger management, and it's been released this year. and it's, it's, it's essentially a story of the, in the bucket fund relationship and in a sense, any hostile relationship, but door to the prism of diplomacy or from the eyes of diplomats, not just my experience isn't focused on but also of my 20 for read this i says, who uh, a high commission. those are investors from india to pakistan from 1947 to
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2017. when i went, i hope the right to another. and i'm working as a corporate consultant that move to the private sector. so i'm having a lot of fun, but that time did it take, take you do like this book? well i to me, i would say about 2 hours a day for 4 years. and because i have a to take book, it's 540 pages, and it's the amount of movie that i've done in for the i ran 40. exactly. i see. i see where your, your, uh, over is much more impressive because you know, each move we would have had a lot of, uh, lots for it and diaz is going into it. so, but, you know, i, i enjoyed the process of writing this book and researching it. of multiple foot notes, i hope to write another one, and i'm also
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a distinguished fellow at the observer research foundation. so doing some research in trying to understand this. well, now that i'm out of government, i'm at a distance, so it's good to look at the word from a distance and comment on it. the active list. thank you and the size of it. thank you. thank you very much. 0 my here and the thank you for watching to join me next week as we uncover newly in yet another debate. and let's talk about it. i'm on a problem kit would buy the,
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[000:00:00;00] the israel launch, it strikes the lebanese capital in in you round all the 12 departments. civilian casualties are mine. think following rays on the countryside to this blog who makes us more determined and steadfast. to continue supporting garza and defending living in a victory for diplomacy. that is how the british far in the 2nd trace framed that new de la guaranteed the return of bit shaken silence to nourish has to go. seems themselves though bent on anger, not being left out of the decision making process. they announced


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