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tv   Documentary  RT  October 9, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT

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may know we've got so lucky and hungry are both very vocal and are standing up, been representing their own public's interest in their own interest. and uh, we've got, i think there's a lot of hidden, we don't see it publicly, but i think there's a and we've had that the hungry and the foreign minister mentioned this. there's a lot of discussions i think privately in, in the background and, and nato does not, is not unified in the support for continued support for ukraine. and i do not see a solid support to ever, ever accept you crate into, into the alliance. and i, personally, i think it would be very dangerous and not, not wise, as far as the security of europe to provide them. so it's a, yeah, there's a lot of disagreement going on behind them. so it is not an opportune time to, to have a political disarray, especially before the us selections. it does seem like a timed,
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a changing things are shifting, but have to leave it the side they a pleasure as a international security consultant of residents. and thanks again. thank you. i or, well wrap this up as this and use out as always. good to have a company here on the, on the washington state. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community invest ingles. i'll send, send up the send, the 6595 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will ben in the european union,
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the kremlin media mission, the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t. suppose next. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the the, my fellow americans today, our armed forces joined our nato allies in air strikes against the serbian forces. the
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successful traveler could you leave it to see that your son same team will pass since the my, you over to some of the fields that i do the deal. they have no need to send that to me pretty much similar to to toothpaste. i most know what i'm going to else the to the quote so that land degree the total distance are going to do the medical center as well. no woods can see it all in light of your neck and connected by the
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middle of the way. so green community live that know the middle of that with the on that the issue to get back. first thing with that, the under the centurylink sends you an app before they made that up for the so doing the valve cover because i'm looking for the for obviously the product is for the, for the game or one. ok, so me customer service time still the
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case is of the nation, which is reinforced with the depleted uranium that has a special capacity to pay the trade from lucas safety point of view. there is no radiological or even, you know, the been significant consequences. the corner for service one moment. can it be the concept come forcing so. so i'm actually on the the cell themselves. i choose the district's village of bugging you. about many houses here was swallowed up by the farm as long ago just 50 years ago. these
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lands with thriving today, people then come here unless it's absolutely necessary. it's just too dangerous. yes. is allan santa instead of the fellow bushing everett's folks to know brianna, what's so for me? says obviously, i know it's tonisha, seaman mccoy and it says the lowest from the close ones. even the last part of the smoke, which of the few kilometers away there was a sylvia and military base native plains bomb during the 1999 will be able to provide you the village spread through us with i'm gonna be we still forward the inquiry to so guy getting a nice so commanders chose uranium weapons for that powerful penetrating power the but they ignore the, the consequences for those in the affected area from march to june 1999 thousands
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of cruise missiles and tens of thousands of ad on this carrying tons of depleted uranium rein down on the former yugoslavia outside the suite, just whatever you know to assessment bothers me so but never more fema your from munich waste of them by zillow has downloaded the file shoop their ski, celebrating my posterior studies done. done us mean equities nice who will guide you on the all initially a loan on me to explore 0 and it will stick with them down to see why that eats on over the minute. when you show that exploded on more threat. you seen done, you know, span and we split are giving you the that's what you said there, guarding them. not to me as mentors really on the boss, last name of course. and what do mess it's got questions over from the bottom. the when you on your board showed the variety and how to do since then. the village of by any of us has suffered an uncle, logical, ever demik with some of the rarest forms of $0.10.
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the little bank avon of his son was born 4 years after the native bombings. he's now 20 and has been struggling with congenital diseases for his life of the locals that could be install. this was caused by uranium bombings. so he's not supposed to hear about to night get only so the least on molly's that having more children in the process. i've done this on my class by a couple hours. i got an optic subject pull to the. 1
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who, being his neighbor, drug and event of age because of the war veteran. he's busy preparing papers for canning a couple of years ago. he's in charge of time and they would gather on the porch. doable easily to somebody to go to the side, cause an equal donna pulled it up with monetary to go there. some will let you lead nice one over the bus. and so there's still some of the most so some of those you pieces and slips and tools samples you missed the bus and that the police and the the recently he to receive the terrible diagnosis from his don't is fairly familiar with the trail or the car the bigger the
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know so long ago the pinterest town of ran yet in southern sylvia was famous for its ancient architect to today. it's a venue of ever increasing mortality for this and allows you want to miss that. but it is a cool guy and all of that, but at the desk of itself, but what's really cool, best pushes for me instead of other shows out there. you to, diana really does find insight on that of the 122 almost what i'm actually what i knew. my firstly definitely is not, but it's not even i know assigning more about it. going to be less ability cup, but i see no way that will happen. all those labels spend on each of them and i know are causing the political keisha and actually it all day. it was because i'm there, see or float a line that's is put on a queen block because i got really what the said, you know, you know, said really to possibly the impulse done on a little professor. there's only me a judge of it's moved around you in 1999, a few months before the nice hell bombings,
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the like many other local this they couldn't imagine that the legacy of the war would linger forever in these lands. spinning that a shot, i knew that i noticed that i was going to what i knew about that. so do i need to be supremely, i did activities in meetings where you will be allowed to swim. they keep them mess below as i missed these, which one of the let you know the while to fill out the form and keep them. so that's why i'm quite on the football district. is this the, the, the rest of the 50 foot off is that all of those up in the system is any question. see, these are the symbols on the, on, so not to it has to be positive. it is that the problem that i know
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more the center of the see that i see on less than optimal form posted to go in the bill victory to purchase your virtual the sheet that i see. if i the concept see met this, the pressure on the cost to be on my from netflix and buy from less. so the nozzle is still on the next year step from the north side, but as to why it was 12 when virginia was named today, he's the only one left to live among his peers, who survived the bombings of that as to the guest, not to perform a lesson good, i'll do the democrats frontier that the democrats border is on why they knew the contract. must fiddle with that. so i could do the search was the causal a set of motion or on y'all's phone that presented from show who you want me to
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look for. but it's so concept person sounds regardless of a pretty. so kind of sort of boy check the shipment without a to play open a saw a concept not at the low cost of that is somebody's pulled as much less than that goes on that side of some dollars. so that is supposed to look at a, since i goes through some more difficult control for this. i couldn't sleep with the stroke adult to the bottom if it only sort of the buffalo to come across all the family when uh, furnished. if there's less the histories, the venue of silence, only the rustling of funeral announcements blasted onto them, posts can be heard. the wind rustling through the photos as if turning the pages of the local book of the dead. and to every month,
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death writes new chapters to flip it, i'd call you want me to. what's that for the bedroom that is locked and let's get fox here. not to, let's do it as to the gold in the suit for say, all the use of the tv, all the fees are there, but i do so see them. i've seen him would on your dog or, you know, your full beachy cousin, but that's good. all the easy that the colleague lab, you'll do beds of a fuel, but i don't know you had a mutual model in my email. no, but my disability fee and i do obama stuck with assume was it on, there we go. so try with the do go really to see that your son sent him a pass and see my you only want it to somebody to see what's out along that i do the
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the of the
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clinical center in cussing dougherty. in 1999. it was a community hospital. the only one available to this population in this part of boston. yeah. it's where chief physician professor slough coast. they receives cancer patients. today, former yugoslav, sonia joe co so much and she came to him. nato bummed his military unit with you rainy. i'm shells the hours and for some of these questions or 2 we have no, no, i'll quit by fozzy, before the election. will not you to the 3 of you to start the process of door that us here. that'd be plus i took out what is all there is nobody in the most and will come out and you have too many. so what does full mental problem in the don't to tells us junko story. now he has a tube in his land rings, having defeated one cancer inbox on a fight with another for almost 30 years,
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cancer has been eating away and his body, the for the cheap, the easy got to you on the video told me, has to be presented for abuse, a sort of medium shot buick studies. rudy peptides through the points for beauty portfolio done i put on there or go right to 3 minutes. each of them is duty. austin way there are 2 more to seek. we do it to somewhere on the got sonoma doing, you boy dealt as jointly and his colleagues of kemp says to sticks on tens of cases instead of being in the start of nato's aggression. the number of cancer cases in you raining, that thing to the areas is now reached at the demik promotions. we spend money. usually it's a very cheap roy documentation over type tough place to go towards the pool table.
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be located me. how could it be? uh, additional it'll say one point the but you know, talk with somebody that's too much in one analogy with each i have 2 more to go out of state to keep, keep with us some because he really does it on there. so they're shut off as plenty will be side or east on the uh, the customer will suck with them no closer to natural beaches was i think that'd be pretty sweet on the small the day on this get for that to get started and now she totally spoke with not good, but you know, tell them based on what they don't see you and that's what i'm going to put you in tech. we saw the seat saw today. not quite a bit more of them on the
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test lab goes donnelly's friend and colleague, professor of surgery, marco vacovich, tired of watching his patients die from cancer. so he decided to conduct an investigation in the territories when they tell used uranium bones, the federal templates and the total weight studies to rob, to what's the need to why you have to keep a woman with pets in all my joy or my for my little candy now is i shall have the legal probably will go by enough to let to bump together because we have to, more than one was on the process of the which is investigations resulted in a book that explains the direct link between depleted uranium bombing and high mortality rates in this thing to there is muscle product. i'll call you the quote
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here for you, the white white 29. so 0 people in the white screen. i've got to have some for me and they should be me . so a lot of people don't know what's going on with this, but peter velma from focus on it from from so that's similar to this in the you know where to put them in both the so sort of my so name around you either this or this it just, it's a peer to on the recording of the bucks and 100 to the cool my yet watching in both . i'm about be like 3 come a year. not sona, for similar to the to money, a yellow, the new color. you can know. fortunately, you know, i don't know how to code deal, so was it to the core? so we a bought to me yesterday said to me on the existence,
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most of them are close to about course. i mean portfolio so much while we're on the civil, much longer in recent years, thousands of studies and thousands of bunks of a period. and so it'd be about the dangers of uranium weapons for some reason. major countries are reluctant to acknowledge the dangers to people. and the environment, it's a focus to it as a tool them plays. what's the item that phone wishes to do is showing you a good day. when i clicked in the media on this one, put it over the little thing, but you will continue to listen which of these 2 choice points. and let's see, addition going, you boy, next night say of if you wish to show for, for, because that's in the course to it that you do. i don't, i don't. there is, was an interesting thing of linux. now, the one says the steel rose and no problem was just on the stairs, the fence. so suddenly misput made
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angelina, which is the son of a deceased journalist who study the aftermath of uranium bombings is continuing his father's work, collecting documents and tracking counts and mortality. rates as a huge, easy region where nato bombed industrial facilities with contamination, shells much of them say website support and all that allows me to do, decrease the literally because i'm a little concerned with my my team. i'm with the, the, the so the know the districts, they're going to be busy, so they're looking what they'll be a bit of a velocity comes each on the said that it towards the full try it less monthly course. so that's so it's sort of continuing to hold your team on the reception then. yeah, nipple cool needs to be. so can you what do you expect the close out. okay, so the quiz from the moment. believe i'm going to box it 3 p 9. not the play is in minnesota, so the junior across the whole middle, it cost me
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a full scale of space. got sort of what i've done. so it's really actually a little a formula. see us that sort of, you know, the, from the mazda of me loans father the that because it, and if it's just a few days after the explosion, the knowledge experts from the vin to a nuclear institute arrive to take readings. and so it was samples. however, the findings never saw the light of day going me and me. no, i mean that. no, no see on them. yeah. a denial of never the so the thing is everyone about to call you what kind of juliet and the general tab would have never worked. as i said, for me is it's a totally cool. no story. it. and you have all the that claim loving that. don't have no pets when the almost simple family on the signal gives you the lead. either i'm assuming i'm a breach. i see the dock as the jump of age initiated the commission to investigate the consequences of nato bombing. as the commission also proved that
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uranium kills all living things, the employer acquired the laws. that concept concept concept concept if they'd be a door for them as well. but the support you in piece at the is are still top put black mesh. we're going to me that or i can set up the next clinic and move on to that. i just became a little then that is why they keep the head of them. you cough that was born shortly. often they toes, uranium bombings, more just the same. and that way, you know, something like allow the moment budnick is simplistic with one me. actually it always legally a person on it. but i shall corporate all the don't to sir john mitch of age. practicing that was going in run yet on witness the bombings in 1999. i find it on a car in the vice today's post with. she will not me a me,
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don't know who you're going are for the addition of the human last of the bottom example to as on those uh, this up, the origin that fell on the paper tray to 5 t o. and that is out a movie, a pneumatic bay quarter. so but to, to, and my formats and not in my for my, the week is because i don't know if, if we nailing daniel request a quote it or to back to own equipment. okay. so the quote, i mean is that to, uh, just look at the sun within a mile of it. uh, no, i mean they own a couch. okay. and, and a full capacity che, let's who named build fee to be able to be total and requested for the i i, i can put down a queen d or the said to me about the format decalle. and that is apple. and the neighbor know is up in indian queen, i mean,
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i'm in the dilemma that i see that you about the market. so the week, the week of adult learning center, i'm in domain cleaning and i logic i am on the same teacher is you now out it a to, for a city really freak out to go to lot the to says 2002 by the engineering specialist antonia, it's a guarantee it's going to consult and so on. it's out in government commissions on depleted uranium and diseases among data and military personnel. a quick as issues to the g b. so that gave them that to me. certainly thought to now to see it on, on my laptop, i'm allowed to deep. that's a legitimate on a new to me and informed me so that the mind can goes to. so tomorrow or the committee put the right. is that a and the this, the courtney might have been moved on because the d that the wooded instead of a not so great. and so whenever i barely started to, to,
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to not initially quoted us the order for that. and i put to a g, a in, in louis poses who do not n t, v cheese. delta guntee began her research more than 20 years ago since then. hundreds of nato soldiers, veterans of the war in yugoslavia have died from pathologies caused by the deadly dust, the moment or the list of the own. and then the call to bid assign you and 50 on the k ha. and uh, can you see on it? imagine it assume they do not the predicted. i mean i got it. let me, let me investigate that a minute to something that i get on. ok. kind of load quickly moisture quiz that i can set up for a 1000050. i'm a lot higher. so these are still a then i'm pulling back a little bit aside, your aid and i'm in think we have the secret am ruffling queen. i mean,
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i've been dialing 9 to demand. so now to get, say, the state to limit the data to be probated settled, antonio's, it guarantees what remains unrecognized by any nighttime in the country. otherwise they'd have to pay millions in compensation to the soldiers and offices for, for the gains of you, and hope the use of a deadly weapons the night. so this would mean admitting the will from the of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide totally died. yeah. just, i mean, they mean he said that the face of it again the, the media diety described to the web that a guy in the dougherty room matter, that the shortest, i mean that line add to the style the combo. when all i'm at the gate and the 5 to so the with say out, and me get, get a on the committee. sure. you all these i knew the receipt of them being daily persona to fully idea go and they will guide you making a loud no fast, no loud,
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no fat. so when the, for the mice i'm not good with say i have to make it am all the time you have them be in this. so notice on sap, be they left to pay this so they love the area i found on family based and all that baby. go to see that they knew i need for read the mail. the shovel. me yeah. yes. who knows that to be generally piecing. if you get the will a local main, the agreement, anybody who are the main floor, the, that a little the, you see, see, i mean he can even begin ocean city uninstalled the fish of ice flow. they did the need for really a dish. i'm all for that one mean that genus will delete all of your the chest. i don't know a lucy, adam neat and clean out. i mean, they go now by fish relay the message. i lead designs, we get the,
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