tv Interview RT October 22, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT
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it is important to contextualize the history of bricks on the history of the architecture of international economics. in the i a math for international monday through find on the was on queen referred to as the bretton woods institution, bretton woods institution under of cost a while created organization can be described as organizations control likely by europe and the united states of america. and if you look up specifically the history of the i m s, and that was bound which was created just after the wide world, you will appreciate that these institutions, institutions which, why not designed with africa asia in mind. of course, subsequently, african countries have become members of these organizations, but their membership is of a, of a very token. this nature,
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one would say that they merely pay the goose pay to mean that they don't really play a critical role and not being appreciated, that it means that in economic terms, africa always get the shots on the stick. and secondly, it is important to note that african countries didn't do the developing countries or imagine economies as we now describe them. i've always worked with us for can countries. we would remember the non aligned movement, which was founded in 1906 is the idea was that you need to count to wait to the united states of america and europe for what is number 52 of the conceptual west, the margins of bricks, the for seen in that context provides an opportunity flow for can countries to
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participate in an organization where the voices will be ad on dick and status. and it's important to underline, had on deck and serious the vibe for the moment is that bricks is site general guys, ition. whether that is true or not is something that we will debate a little late, but it must not be lost on us. that even bricks us present to the constituted, has the leadership. and that can be the ship appears to come from china. it appears to come from russia, and it appears to come from india. and it appears to come from brazil and south africa to a limited extent. but one hops is that when other countries come from africa, they will negotiate their way in a manner that we give them the for toward that date is of the, i think is the reason why african countries beginning to warm up to
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breaks as a plus or level, i'm very wired about african countries individually joining these institutions because they'll be able to move in and out from my desire. if i was asked is that african country is operating under the ages of the african union in the body. that should in fact be present at bricks in that way, you then don't have to isolate south africa, j the it's c r p, a and deed with them independently. but to do with the african union as a union comprising 54 countries. and why does that make more sense to me? it makes more sense to me because africa union is now trying to give practical
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meaning to africa. agenda went to 6 to 3. so also to union is trying to implement domestic a continental free grid area. and for us as a continent, therefore to speak with one voice to be a safer moving in as africa union with a declared the continental legend, which will then be the agenda that is taken to the brakes. but as it is, individual countries are getting into brits with the consequence that the african countries which are not members with wants to gain feel that they are not part of the potty. and that to me is undesirable deck. on example, if you're dealing with the, with the countries which the prime movers of bricks, like, like china, you're talking about on the economy that is in excess of 10 korean, you're talking about brazil who's the economy is in excess of to trillion. you're
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talking about india, who's economy is in excess of nearly 4 treaty in united states dollars. and all of this because i am done is new cut, the largest african economy, done, or the nigeria, which has a gdp of slightly above 500 video. and united states does luca to egypt, which is just about $400.00 video non south africa, about $450.00 video in united states dollars. you can see that the combined economy of all african countries give or take is smaller than the economy of india. so it makes sense for the continent for the moment to go there with the continental vice. and in that way, the presence of the brooks would be that much more respected. and very last week, when you're dealing with us, look on countries, you are dealing with con, please, with
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a minimum of 33 guidances. and you are going into an environment where you will be dealing with india with that will be so you wouldn't be dealing with the china with you when you're dealing with the russia, with their who but so you have thought the 3 carbons is, how are you going to fit them in. so we've got 2 vehicles. i'm in some of these engagements, and it is incumbent upon africa and offer comes on the african countries to release the bulk of the history of how the i've been struck change unless got history in from current option for the benefit of the generation of generations. you have to be mon, when we talk about the colonizers on the call on the, on the, on the, i like to make the distinction big colonization was the experience of having political independence. and that we know,
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we now have our own political independence to the extent that you can describe it as independent. but do colored me on that to is, is, is a different ball game with the next step of having to ensure that we, but a to a saw from this shot close of going to you is admitted to didn't that he cannot make order. sometimes even political or the event of cultural or that was imposed by the court on your project. and that said, even when we talk about african solutions to african problems, we are not named to assume that africa will now divorced. so from the rest of the, we have simply say that africa must cooperate with the rest of the world from a position of a sprint, not from a position, a witness. and this is something that africa has recognized from 1963. if you listen to the position that was taken by africans of that, the people that grew my people,
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i got my loved in austin or requirement or that will go in your area. tons. and yeah, there was saying that it is important that we create institutions that they've gone to enable us to engage from a position of strength. and if that is the case, the question is, how are we doing it as we speak, we realize, and this was evident in the conversation that took place in nicholas in $198.00, under the leg was plan of action. africans recognized that we, amongst ourselves, we don't create, we don't add value to a good look in cross country. now it is below 20 percent. the lowest anyway in the world. yes, potentially, we has a market of nearly 101500000000 peoples. so re, i say that it is an organized africa organize as contemplated under the leg was fun of options organize as contemplated on the i forgot gender,
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going to 6th to the end of the continental free criteria that the vendor and do to engage the dog. so that when didn't gain the was the i in gauging the one from a position of trends when dan breaks, then they are doing so in a manner that enables them to speak at the same level with the but i've seen with russia with china and of costs with india, and it is a partnership of because otherwise, if a phase week i relationship is like the relationship between a horse underwriter and in my meant of africa, would be the house and the others wouldn't be the riders. and it is something that is desirable and i do not understand even brakes to be say, you're not going to walk with the united states of america. we are not going to walk with you. we are going to walk with everybody in the world, but from
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a position of which service, but on the sprint from which will benefit so that the relationship will be symbiotic, that it hasn't done but a civic and africa has been beaten times without number. but somehow, she's never shy. she still enters into crops, which i saw a video of us, which is what we must divide. if we are not to be eaten for breakfast by other civilizations, russia, china, india. and of course the brass you, i imagine markets. but the margin markets in the context of a wired, which is still in many ways dominated by the conceptual west. so the sucking technologies, which, for example, russia has, which we need,
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which the conceptual west is unwilling to give to. uh for guys to look at the end, i just stepped up, for example, we need new technology in order to use nuclear technology for college in the nation . if you go to us and into, in a typical westdale country, they are never ever sure that kind of technology with an african country. but is russia is prepared to collaborate with the african continent to alpha technology and to trans finds that technology so that we can generate power and move into the fact of industrialization. why not? if you look at the area of agriculture, for example, i believe that it is necessary that we collaborate with concrete include in russia, china, india, plus an ice show, for example, is very strong in the area of the allies is open and, and not,
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no gun exceeds all can we collaborate with russia in dockery good on one is also talking about mining. acknowledge, so we know that why the number of african countries are involved in the mining sector. how are we going to collaborate in that district? and my kind of so to african countries is that as we have collaborate and we must look at what is in our best interest, in other words or relationship with the rush, must be defined in the mind that is beneficial to us. and russia must also define what is beneficial to them. and when in the middle, you know, since i've spoken countries talked to, didn't gauging with the i met front of the bank, they have prescribed minister permission to appropriate the most fundamental distribution that were prescribed by i met fund was that was what was described in the 1900 on the eighty's as this from actual adjustment programs on
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a form was on african countries, i think excluding eritrea we came about in 1991 and and what's on the west subject to the structural preventive cost. south africa, which i've not regained independent from the appetite movement. all countries went to these and we have thought that we way imagine there was telling, are these national lies, your institution sell all assets to remove government from what is the business or last side business. several years down the line, you've dementia, of those success is the quality of people's lives. not that this picks not a g d p, not g d p per capita. not that does that quality of people's lives for comes the better after that. the on site is the know of we address the critical issue of the
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critical problems of poverty and disease in many african countries of we ensure that on monday, fostering 2nd does authorizing do we have sufficient knowledge in the nation. and most of us are got, the honest is, know we have become more dependent on western institutions. and you've seen a number of the economies enough because housing currencies that come northwards and the barge of flows from the west and some countries i've had 2 dollar eyes. the problem is we have seen zimbabwe notarized, the economy because of sanctions. we have seen southern countries informally dollar eyes, the currencies or the economies. these i am mess as was the phone and the full best and prescriptions. uh, not an one never designed to new,
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but 8 i forgot economically, which then ben's declaration. what would bricks do that is different? the answer is we as also comes on the african countries must be in there. so that's in the, on the formative stages. the able to lunch from the list and the past to ensure that they are not dealt with in the mind. that the i m. s. and a lot of bunks have dealt with. the brakes must ensure that is agenda is an agenda that is going to new but 8 africa countries economically. and i'm prepared to embrace in breaks because there's chinese of us 30 to doubt within. but it's, they can tell us how within thought the they have succeeded in lifting nearly 800000000 people out of the i'll be of succeeded in industrialized. if they
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tell that story within bricks, it is a good study which we can also adopt and adapt. india has a story to tell they to have listed nearly 500000000 people out of poverty, unders walk in progress. brazil has us 32000 and i've seen those stories of this 30 that we need to hear within the continent of africa. i'm not here, but to learn from a not just lawn from but news the listens to liberate africa from economic public. so our success is, as always been the model let for our civilization that's we must never forget and she's a month, not because she has the resources. she's the home of many minerals. she's the home of arable on. she's the home of individuals who are now
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capable of doing medicines on the areas which i think are critical. one of them is infrastructure, i think is for us rep, j is going to be very important for africa. if we are going to give practical meaning to africa, continental free trade, a one to ensure that if the bones which have landed in the front of them bustled the front of the battery dash to them or dobbin or beta, those goods can be moved to go my, in the democratic republic of congo, i want to have a situation where booms are from the point of data or point to barbara or g d. those goods to do but install so done on document required that we have good roads that were required, that we have good, randomly, a strong support system. it wasn't required that we opened our skies. so infrastructure is an area that is going to be very critical in terms of investment . number 2 is in the area of power generation. if off it goes to industrialize, you will need power. if you look at the combined effect today,
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and i divide applicant to 2 adults and salt, look at what is called this. i'm so hot on optic. do you know the south korea generates more electricity than all or some so hot an african countries combined? we need to harness, i'd realistic power, we need to go into new power. we need to go into solar power. we need to grant, adjust time of power. we need to go into winter. power is anerio of investment. we also need to go into the area of mining on value addition. if you look up some of the critical of mineral that we have gnostic, i looked at what is produced just in the side region in my lean chart in booking now. and the amount of uranium a different democratic republicans on the uranium know got to call boat look at me, see um, which is now going to be the key mineral when via moving in to the aerial clean energy. you are talking about the sea of us talking about the call about this on
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mid roll that a month to 3 when you're going to make batteries when you're going, talking about more biased electronics. so you need the investment in those areas, but not investment. that is designed to simply take away our minerals, but these designed to value to add value to those minerals, then going into the area of agriculture, but to see of organizations which lead on financed by individuals and organizations such as the land melinda gates foundation on clinton foundation we are now going into g and most and we are using more or less seeds when we talk about major talk about millet. aside for you, i told him about palm on we are using all of these one wants to investment in organic suits and a group. gotcha. because if we can feed ourselves, then we're going nowhere. do you know that we import almost 80 percent of or for the import in fish game fucking poetry?
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this is something that ought to know to happen. but digital wise, that me go into that area of investment to not to me, also talking about the dividends. so the font, the inductive involution, on that differentiating intelligence, how are we going to get into that space? if you look at the media, for example, also kind of going to rely on the media. so that is controlled from outside. we need to have our own equivalent of, of workshop or, or equivalent of internet and not we require that we invest in the space that we have low on set of lights. because if you don't have city lights, it means that you are going to be controlled by odds. so there is no shortage of areas in which we want to invest and you go into the area of a vision. i believe that africa now should begin to think of, of, of producers and aircraft. china is already doing that. so brad is already doing that. india is in that space,
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and they are the ones that are going to induct us into that space for the future of the continent of africa. they are many things that i believe come and ought to be done for this continent to really be in on a bit where she can compete with the rest of the was a good, the misguided the say step because we and we are not going to collaborate with you real quick, you're not going to collaborate with the united states of america. they are part of the human equal system. what we are saying is that breaks will enable us to engage with them differently and beneficial. we are going to ensure that we link from a position of friends and a position that is not a citric position that is more, truly beneficial. and i believe that brooks can do that. you know, when brakes is strong on brakes now brings together as it is now, even in it's,
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i least they just, it brings together a logical to nation. is it up a petition? the conceptual west to combine? that is a good beginning, but can be on the population. you must have the sophistication to engage in dom up . that the while it has been dominated by the dalai zip codes, and in my view, now we must top alternative payment system. today. if i'm sitting in kenya and i want to send $1000.00 to uganda, the money with funds to go to the united states of america enough correspondence bunk is not a good system. it is not why come to i use a system that is unique to us and beneficial to us. so i order the ve, the brakes is going to be a counter wait account to wait. is to columbia condition findings from account weight that in terms of population is also strong account weight, the todd,
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the human resource, the send, a clear message that going forward, we are going to move eyes because that is only necessary, but come on the tree and that is what this test data let me tell you. this is not uncommon. cool. my said very clearly in the 1906 is 1965 were there about when he wrote about neil condoning is the last page of imperialism and the most dangerous usc routine countries are now getting to us combo flock. you will see the united kingdom under the guest of the commonwealth. now i get paid to my lot more on making promises. first with the law firm before noon. we also try to bring in, not only to form a french corner needs, but as is already in kenya in the 2026. they are going to organize
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a meeting in nairobi, kenya, this is a news combo philosophy. and they are not prepared because the good life you see, you must 0 being countries is fine, honest through resources from africa. so it is not because they love us, that they are coming to us. it is because they loved themselves and our eyes at that to be up and we must not for a 2nd time or is it for a 3rd time? there was celebrity, there was coloring, eyes, ition. there is now neil colored, eyes ation. we must never for upside time allow us out as africans whether in the continental or that they ask for to be controlled like monday or next by outside. those who do not mean well for us, it is important that we have a system that does not allow any single country to be. they may get go more
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of the was or to be the policeman of the was both in green toms and metaphorically . and he breaks, couldn't do that in the my not that is deceptive. in the long run. it is probably not only for the wise, but even for the united states of america a unfortunately and on the india and african countries on latin america and everywhere. that is the kind of water that we want to see. know that was where there is one courtesy, which if it costs the currency is go to the intensive care unit, the oh, the
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10 states associates, can you just net man? what are some of those 15 or something like that? got those pump. yes. because the shows much the number you just didn't have from the magic, you know, whatever which one of the missed on this meeting was the store? yeah, probably sheila or lord, have a gift unlimited device. not allow me to change the subject, you know, and that i get unlimited. do i want to delete the meeting? i'm in the eclipse can we can also justin justin mcgill. i'm the mother to release k e for nap neither human the float into so much. little ocean logo is teachers going to be moved to bowers. i'm gonna sit on the split them sheets, get those checks in their state. police whose opinions because was, you know,
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the stuff i need, you know, we've got to use to live in years with no way most to the increase the russian states never as, as tight as one of the most sense community invest in most all sense and up the, in the 65 to 5 must be the one else. suppose question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the media mission, the state on rochester routing and supports the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you see a request?
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the the find welcome to or the dawning of a new era for the most part of the world, leaders at the sending on russia for the brick summit for the promise to right the wrong use of a previously western dominated global florida, that's not to say they're angry or opposed to it, but they are looking for perhaps a case of out with the old and in with a new book and to have special coverage from the hospital. cuz on the us, the last few hours, our studies stream of gen, sabina, i'm bringing some of the wells, movers and shakers to this land, monkey event that the indian and the opium 5 ministers of the south african president are old among those getting a very woman brace, they're off the touching down and cause i'm all that china is be the region thing.
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