tv Documentary RT October 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT
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symbolizes i think the spirit of brit. yes. perhaps a more modern day. constantinople right here in the diverse russian city of cars on well from a real research i assess, gets a, that has been an absolute pleasure to having you with us for historic events that live on archie. i'm. the only thing i will ask is you see, laurie and me, we see about 5 cameraman and behind the camera. but inside, you've got directors and sound technicians are usually produces in guest producers make up. they say it takes a village to raise the child. it takes a city to run a future like this, so the biggest thank you to them because without them we would not have been able to help front row seats, send dates. thank you for joining the
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b in the word. and why did the 100 years of british rule bring it to this low off, some 50, interacting, the late 30th the they came to take our change, our tech style, our wrong material, even before making cannon cannonball. they needed solid feature which came from india, india. and i just don't do property, they have no right to take my property my i don't my gods. we went to our big spaces. i will speak could spaces of uh, tempers and jenny wiley and keep pointed out these pieces. in fact, the word new also is like in the wood, which is now going into the english big city. so, quite telling me, even the him,
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the word lute has been muted into the english lexicon. suppose you have um enabled dig important labels and display issue as soon as i get from the other one . what do you do the like if you take an example of a piece of jewelry, sometimes you may think that it's, it needs repair on. it's totally broken. you might decide to break it up and remove the jet gemstones and actually measure the dollars and re cost, and it might be even brighter and better than what it was before. the for the is 321. good.
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good, good, good. good. good, good, good company to do nothing. i'm in time. i just wanted to show you. i see them. i just made a village 10 minutes before it has my son discharged all but but i'm split up that's quite booming to manually loves you to a modern manufacturing unit. last go. i know cartoons and managers to me. it was our real speech was also our misfortune. because had we been a poor country, i don't think they would have come here kind of didn't realize that guys do more than that. if i'm talking about, you know, what, the next step for the people are dennis i've taken collections from. it's like on the black to me and do the think he's inferior right to that is not a good. this is a punishment, not harmony. you'll be what i've been doing for centuries, like doing ready to the east and your company. he's here to save you from. so
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pressing social events and get the future. they propagated falsely. that india is a land of stake, thomas elephants, kroger dies, and we have to see relate these higgins and pheasants, so we have to convert them because chinese is salt. this london is going on in the name of knowledge. they're just showing scores the someone on the of the, one of the main reasons for the substance of these india comes to me was the divinity among indians, lots of provinces and around jobs in my dodges, were punched into fighting with each other the can we begin baseline hastings is any aggressive imperialist who was able to break up the confederacy of
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the various states who realize the danger of a brochure, which was beginning in 1776. so they taught the british, we'll just get down on the player. the probably did not foresee the coordination effect that these people who are bringing in that it was not just economic, you know, treat relations that they were looking at. they were looking at political subjugation, which was, undermine or not talk to well enough by the local indian p as well . the said the economy structure of india was such a unique, destroyed because india at the time of input i showed you hon. this is 6, which is country and the was it had the volume of trade was 16 of the world, the be live video and in between when to produce game. here, the story begins is 17161930. did use.
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what does it use when the indian artifacts sort of stolen from indian temples, houses, policies are sent us data to vintage music. den time british museum just filled with stolen items. the and here we are a night outside of it is boozy and trust me. it's gorgeous. from the outside latch on the inside. it's are quite controversial as some people might want to call it. so let's head inside and see what is all of the artifacts taken from india that
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this idea is i'm on had, i live in new delhi and i'm just recently graduated from nations and television school in london. so i was about to move out from london. come back to india, and when i got this opportunity, i thought that was the best way for me to spend my last days in london by going and going and looking at these museums that had artifacts and guys showed bases of belonging to my own country. you'll see this entire section is filled with solid, asian loaded artifacts of the things i saw that kind of the line did my, my love for history. and i was literally experiencing a c in front of me and it was of a beer to mix of emotions that i felt it was it was, it was it. there was a sense of sadness. there was a sense of pride decides,
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just like any of these of furniture that belongs to somebody's house, belongs to that house and should not be elucidated by some toward body and be put on display. and some other houses are in some other country and especially made it to a sticker to action out of it and monetized. so there is 2 ways of thinking that when neutral, these artifacts monuments, which were lying in ruins, perhaps if they had remained. they would have gone, become ruins, broken pillows, as you see in roman for him. perhaps by going to the british museum. they love preserves soul plus better posterity. the, the obvious item, the hustle and bustle of old daily that no wood service or is the least means
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sending stolen items in stone and goods we are right in front of and in the heart of fluid was out of the light, knowing the lease. and it is a miniature version of what i saw in london and position them with all these stolen visuals. and on the fact i better give you the movie of so many said stuff is solely or to us indians. so yeah, yeah, these watches and i can do it in a black, didn't belong to somebody. somebody without either. without is there to look at this. this looks like, obviously, or see cd we camera would be like it lives in the mall or something. the video is an absolutely perfect and ology about what british museums to the
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the do of why entity at origin. but uh the, the siding they did is uh, biology the call him a little but the biology is reincarnation. the guy exactly do not remember the exact date. started the as or somebody in july or late morning we got a call from the family member here. he called us and said the temple has been a little bit above the small more these are the date is the 5. what does that store view at all in this? because for us, it doesn't on the item,
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it is the swami and they deems the guardian says, funding this for us, there's like your trade in good conduct. tony. you'll see the newer, smaller change gets kidnapped, filled out for 10 years running a group called in the upgrade project. and galbraith project is a project when they are trying to locate all these other, the edited icons, the date, these or the call, the images, or statues, or a lot of the that are digit images are big. some of the different parts of the country and the name and the i pause so some phrase to see that not only that of those and so such images have been smothered from this country. the
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time on the rock succeed now cool founder of the nearby project, which is an organization to make the case that history belongs to its geography. so what we knew is make the case for artifacts and heritage looted from india to be brought back to india. british the colonizer say they saved items, the items were safe for centuries before they came, the items are not saved because it broke them down and sold them away. right? so for somebody to say that the item, i mean, why does, why does the museum toyota fibers collect of i do these items because they stayed safe for centuries and, and they are centuries ordered when a destroyer believes that he's the, he's the same. yet, when the villain believes is the heat of the
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afghanistan has attracted conquerors attention from time immemorial, in the 19th century, the british empire decided to subjugate that century. the british view, the ap can lands as the northern gateway to india, and wanted to turn them into an obedient province, trying to protect the independence fee a mere of a dentist in the us to move on, turned for help the russia waste. the british considered their d o political adversary. this was the last straw for london. britain declared war on the half against you in august 18, 39. the invaders occupied couple and brought their hands been to bower. the invaders brutally suppressed. any resistance thus being is telly, they slaughtered all ask in man who had reached the delta and raped hundreds of women seeking to humiliate the muslims of 18. 41 general uprising against the
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british yoke began debris. it is under the command of general elton stone left couple and started to retreat. only a few out of the 16000 invaders who had begun their march from couple made it to the british possessing leave in general about the defeat of the royal army caused enormous damage to the prestige of the british empire through the world. the victory of the afghan people became the most important event in the history of the oppressed peoples resistance to the colonialists. it just failed the races. smith, of the european invincibility, the way down the steps of getting the that is the mosque was assisting us in mind that got those. com yes, because the shows me much the number you just didn't check from the magic. you know,
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whatever the missed on this meeting goes to the store. yeah. probably sheila or her gift unlimited device not allow me to change the subject. you know, i mean, i get unlimited. do i want to delete the meeting? i'm in the eclipse can we can also just justin mcgill, i'm the mother to release the financing to either him that are on the road. and it's so much lower than most of them see what's going to be moved to bowers. i'm gonna sit on the stuff and huge companies with those checks in their st. louis, who's opinions because of the sudden in the yeah, we've got the boy lived in years with no way most eating. curtis, the
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so to do that was done yesterday is called the shots are put you busy right? ancient ceremony. and this is not an idolize ation. of a physical weapon. it is rather an appeal for lights to defeat darkness for goodness, to defeat people for right to defeat wrong the job space is very interesting. the family and it was for modern the what we call the punjab. now, you know, the sort among so many other objects for taking that sort as
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a meaningful because it is of far off long quest fights for assistance. was that the family uh, engaged in, um and then delightfully, you know, the edge of that family should have a light to it. my name is in jar chopra. i'm an international laura by training being a half indian and, and half british. of course, these are powerful forces that when i was growing up, i had to learn how to reconcile. but in reconciling them, i understand very well both sides of this equation. lifetime has been on both sides of this equation. we have to go back a 17576 years actually in which the east india company had reached the punjab. what was in the punjab at the time was the 2nd part of the founder of that empire. my raja runs, you'd say a died in 1839. and as
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a result of that that empire was breaking up into different kingdoms, least in the company had managed to create a compromising set of relations with the northern half of the punjab. and that left one kingdom in the southern half of the punjab, which is where my ancestors were ruling at that time it was inevitable that there would be a conflict between the east india company and the british forces. and this last remaining kingdom, the last part of india to be conquered. and this was the fuse that's let the 2nd angler sick war. but it was an extremely powerful fortress in little time. it took an enormous amount of material and troops and artillery to be brought to milton for the siege. and so as the british advanced, they came up to so they came through the city, came up to the fortress, and then communicated with mirage to say it's time to surrender. ultimately,
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it came to the day of surrender, and this was the 22nd of january, 1849. mo roger was brought to the commanders 10th who is general william rush, and the translator in the tent to consort, and gave it to william wash. as an active surrender, so mirage would be my 3 great, great, great, great grandfather. then the generations passed and as the generations passed, there was the search for this particular sword. there was no evidence of it anywhere for the various fun and then and be forwarded to them. even the e far been the far more repeat that the me
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in the door is the play though for me this is in my father. i the it is and meaningless. listen at school idea name is the life lessons. we just thought that appointed you. yes, said for that's my son, the starbucks that god wants you to learn. only this portal, the opportunity to go on. the 3rd off board for fathers the, the business education system in india. before that, the education system was very localized, the great education institutions. right from 5500 years
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the, the ed motors schools and the largest member of the trains people in the work. i will advise you to 5 more than 90 percent, your phone number to the team and introduce this public school. is the system of education, or the mission or the schools kind of an education that anybody a pencil under one rules. and they have to learn signs and the loan mats and defends that. they have to be developing the rational mind and the scientific mind . and the windows of the indians were thinking in a very backward superstitious manner. the
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education they concentrated on higher education. they've been to establish street presidency colleges, new institution, to bengal or presidency invalid concerning my trust and in bombay who was that through pressing on the brought. it's not an invitation here. if you give them credit, it shouldn't say they wanted to put to indians. young indians in the main stream of education. so they wanted to somehow impose that scientific education with what happened in the process was that many of the children cannot relate to that. before that the education was, would even relate to them to put something concern with their own set own length, which they could fee, which they could sense. mistake would smell, relate to it,
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of course. but it really shows the easy going life the by they also providing the jobs and also by giving them the easy way of address. gratitude says on the left side. so all school was on colleges on the education programs were on the new change, including the off schools, indians, well painting on the floors on their homes. the declaration you see that created was really beautiful effects. those who are exported beautiful soft materials, which is to the point of costs. and all of that changed during the colonial is
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a lot of crafted, stopped costs that people didn't know existed before. you know, look, fixed meeks have stopped because industrialization, machinery and things that have replaced the traditional form. so all of these things made it feel for those really come in from the traditional practices that they have. so that's how the values are been slowly decreased. this is uh the g, upper memphis, and the height of that guy is a g, a integrated they did the academic then the research in dollars vedic scripters is done. we are not to depriving the storing sierra in getting that a killer academia you the students focus on the that i am with as the
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verdict, the scriptures this targeted them for the sake of 2 things. one is to know the ancient ethnics of the lifestyle, the mysterious award as a how it is fond my below are. but in my daddy's, we had better for me to send you out. and then i'm a 3 times a day morning. why the sun is raised the evening. one sun is setting an astronaut when sundays, and then make the be had this famous even famous throughout the minutes of lord mccully. who said the main objective of english education in india is to create a last set of interpreters,
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not someone who does it would just end up it does between them the rulers and the millions. the big dublin was indian in them like adding the skin color, but the, the english in their opinions and their models and their intellect. as i said earlier, the cool is it says the education system, the bay introduced and india somehow has a big a very low self esteem among indians. it starts with the school, it starts with childhood. so people are always thinking, i'm repeating the sentence, but people are, indians are always thinking, the grass is green on the other side. so that's how even cricket was introduced into india along with the other education curriculum. the
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ticket is popular. moving on on this only the sleeves play this game. our games would have been more advertising like football soccer for hockey. come back the of the 6 beaver beaver heroes in these games. but uh, like english language, i think it is also a mock, a signature on us a call on the mindset and sleep the
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the this is for digital rest of choices to operate. it didn't don't pass under the orders of ukrainians. special services. the hands are staying with a load of hundreds of people who are the neighbors in the towns and villages of john bass. beach was problem is money in a career and ukraine security service in case of failure, they were guaranteed st. you in ukraine. however, today's reality for them is jail time for many years. the outcome of working for ukraine, the enemy is up to 20 years in prison for terrorism and espionage, the
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brick by brick, the global or that is being rebuilt. this time built on a foundation of equality at mutual respect. hi there and these changes surprised surprise. it is correct. welcome to a special corporate studio. yeah, the 3rd and final day wrapping up here right now is not important though, making all sorts of speech is not just with a delicate but also with the international press. and you said the interest in bricks worldwide cannot be ignored. i will listen to some of what the russian president i to say, he's very happy by the way, with this declaration from this brick summit, it is important that it confirms the commitment to pull out states to building a more democratic inclusive, and most people will go to.
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