tv News RT October 25, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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the, the, it is precisely the civilizational diversity, a unique combination of national traditions that lies the string norm as potential for cooperation. direct summit in cars on has come to a try on send a plo is leaving attendees arms with a detailed roadmap for development. that says the west cautiously, by the blocks of plans to chase off to the dollars chapel or go ahead. the 7 people are killed by an idea of striked on a residential building and they route as 3 reporters lose their lives in the south of love. and on and the tides are shifting and the red sea is
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a. ron announces its 1st ever joint enabled realms with saudi arabia moving past a years long prostate relationship the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching archie international work covering the top new storage from around the worlds of the car is have closed. on the 3rd and final day of the break summit, top officials and leaders from dozens of nations to send the pond the russian city . because on making history as they sign, landmark agreements that are re shaping the global political stage. how did this your summit wrap up? see for yourself the,
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the secretary general said that we should all live as one big family. no, my dear mister secretary general. this is exactly how we live, the a lot of the chairman of the form left a little time for rest over the last 3 days, he held dozens of bilateral talks with participating world leaders and found time for a lengthy e q and a session with global journalist, the russian president, highlighted the importance of the summit, spectral ration, and the diverse formality of rex. this is a bus, it is less cuz i'm school assignment the because then somebody was attended by delegations from 35 states and 6 international organizations. such
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a broad representation clearly demonstrates the authority and role of bricks and the growing interest in cooperating with us on the part of states that pursued a truly independent southern policy. it is precisely in the civilizational diversity, a unique combination of national conditions, even though that lies the string and enormous potential for cooperation. not only within the framework of bricks, but also in that large circle of like minded countries that share the goals and principles of the associations activities. while the best confidence was going on. there were also several west and doing lists who did ask questions too. but you've automated both and as you know, the whole item usually is that why the best somebody does may not want to take questions from russian. john lives, there was not the way within who was speaking of questions, head on, in fact uh, one nbc report or aust got the knife within about his sneaky contributions with tom . also. also he spoke about not screen troops being in russia. i would rather have
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with and said was it is totally nonsense stick. listen, mister president, kid simmons from nbc news, mister president, satellites images, a set to show north korean troops that here in russia. what are they doing here? and wouldn't that be a massive escalation in the a crate? well, that's true, but if it was something you might not wish to, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that it was not russia's actions that led to an escalation in ukraine. but the 2014 cool in kia, of supported primarily by the united states, it was even publicly announced how much money the us administration at the time spent on the preparation and organization of this group. so wasn't this the way to escalation? and then we were deceived for 8 years when they said that everyone wanted to resolve the conflict in ukraine, produced by peaceful means through the means of agreement. later, a number of european leaders bluntly said that they were deceiving us because they
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use this time to re um, you create isn't that true? this is true for the escal authority steps were made when western countries began to more actively on the key of regime. so what does it or let to, to the direct participation of nato military personnel in this conflict. as for relations with the democratic people's republic of korea, satellite images are a serious manual. if there are pictures, then they reflect something we, as you know, our strategic partnership agreement has just been ratified. we have never doubted that the north korean leadership takes our agreement seriously. but what and how we will do is our business. so you'll see a sofa, controversial questionnaire based on random reports and allegations, and the citizens read only a. going to watch some question that was off during that press conference. and there were many of those former us president and now presidential candidate donald trump. we said that in one of his telephone conversations with you, the allegedly threatened jim with a strike on the center of moscow. is that true?
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and how do you feel about all the similar tools spilling out into the public space more and more often? if it's true, of course, what, what is it and what does anyone can be threatened? but it is pointless to try to rush out of the c cause it's only cheers or something . if you do not recall such a conversation with donald trump and i suggest not taking such statements seriously, the solution we receive various signals from our western partners regarding possible contacts. we did not close ourselves up from them. any claims that we refused contacts, including with european leaders, simply align if anyone wants to resume relations with us, then we welcome. also all of that in the back. draw both the very fact that the all these countries sol, how the us back for nice. the don't know, this is back in 2020 the tools. and now the countries are finding ways so that the west can not risk fix them. and in the logic instances amongst these countries
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really is that the west has been holding them by the forest by colonies and now by several restrictions that are in force in terms of you need lots of sanctions and central and therefore the, the, the bricks, the lions has been focusing on read the dollar i vision kind of the full amount of more and more countries are now developing ways, methods and payment systems that will be an alternative to the had gemini, of the dollar. and we would like to develop a system that allows us to exchange financially without having to be afraid that they'll be some punishment. don't we assume you use monic republic of you. ron strongly supports bricks efforts aimed at de dollarization of economic relations between members. we often have great offers who do not have the list of ok. so we now have to look at where they'll be forego dealings with them or do we find some settlement which,
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which works otherwise. so changing the wall or door into a fair one, and that's what the bricks leaders sold to achieve from this brick summit. in fact, uh the, the leaders will be present around 45 percent of the was population a lot smaller than the g 7. in fact, he r wanted to do just that the do realize that the global south, it needs their own a tom, their own principles to work on them. that's what really they were doing. now, a lot that i put in something that off by seeing that bricks back smart people, i would order on the cars on declaration. a positive agenda is looking into the future of several of the leaders headlining the events took a moment to praise the platform as it concluded. the south african president says breakfast gives the global south a strong voice. we've just computed most successful big summit,
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which was led by prussia this time we had the new members of bricks who participated. that'd be rid of the police to have and now an expanded bricks that has brought together a number of other african countries. it says bricks has now been strengthened. and in fact, one of us felt that this started times to go based off. the goal of a solid now has a very strong platform platform that promotes multilateralism platform that promotes the development of the global soft countries at an economic level at the cultural level at the social level. and this also promotes the unity of the people of the saw in our discussion with you. again, the based economist lou, as a joshua la, well, he explained why african countries are increasingly gravitating towards bricks and
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away from the west. the west 10 or 15 to add devices. it's vision of what the box would be, the international who's best up or down with something that we feel that the books care about what she had interest on trade and plus fund. if you guys in terms of trade, you find that said we, we think we've confused is more convenient for us. especially when you look at the, the deck or the investment is i think most of you can get them into my know, if you get to me between the 2 blocks, what counties find it easier to be fixed as opposed to at that with our k was able to speak with serbian minister without portfolio and then add the pump of its during the busy summer, he told us the rise of the block heralds the coming of a multi pulling world. and that the success of bricks and recent years is due to
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the mutual respect between member states and their partners. the got the bricks is developing faster than a lot of groups. the economic approach that the bricks country is implemented since the foundation of the blog and the results they have achieved. show that today the bricks members certainly have great to purchasing power. then the g 7 countries. and so the multi polar world begins to fully a much, no one could have predicted how the economy would develop over the 18 years since bricks was formed. china's tremendous success is russia's significant achievements . global changes in economic reading is around the world. several crises in the global economy that have shown who is stronger and who is weaker. all of this led to today to these results for breaks. there are lots of new members of bricks with many more expressing desire to join. and i'm sure that if we took in 3 to 4 years, the number of countries that will want to become members of brakes will be much more than even today. the important part is that everything in breaks is based on
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mutual understanding between countries. compliance with international law, respect for the policies of any state joining breaks along with the independence of its policies and the economic development factor of any country. this is very important. bricks countries treat each other with respect for international law and with respect for its development in political or economic matches. it is much easier to achieve success this way. and that is thanks to the correct economic policies of brick states. 2 years ago, everyone expected that russia would be on its knees economically. and now russia is the 4th largest economy in the world. such a result hasn't been seen in a long time. everyone expected something else. but the why is incorrect policies if you will, president vladimir putin, the wise policy if you will, government such as input, substitution, or beginning of cooperation with new and returning partners, because helped rusher achieve great success is when it comes to economy. i am confident that the symbiosis between bricks members was old and you will bring
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a lot of benefits to the economy of the entire world. citizens of. so it'd be a loft bricks. why? because the rich countries adhered to international law. they respect that cost of oh is an integral part of serbia. they rejoice in all economic successes and do not impose upon with the interest. unlike the european union, which very often imposes its interests and its values on us, which is even more dangerous. i see a huge future for so it'd be as co operation with the bricks countries. it might happen in a year, in 5 or in 10. but we are already heading this cooperation with russia and china has changed. and it's going wonderfully. i am confident that in the near future cooperation with other bricks countries will begin to develop at the same pace to make sure to turn in it tomorrow for the phone interview with an ad popovich broadcast on r t. throughout the day. in historical 1st, ron has announced joint military drills with saudi arabia in the red sea. speaking
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to a local tv channel, the arabian navy commander said we are open the door to the possibility of joint exercises. the number in the is the delegations from the saudi navy, because we are present in the red sea have requested to hold a joint drill with us there. and they invited us and we invited their fleet to pay a visit to our ports. their delegations must come and our delegations need to be dispatched, and the exercises need to be documented, specifying what will be done, where, how, and which vessels should participate. this all will be coordinated. it's unbelievable to former articles are now teaming up for a joint naval drilled in the red sea and where's batch region? it's we're yeah, man has been targeting is really link chips in the gaza or we're still waiting to hear more from us. how the web yeah about this announcement for that. it's a huge step towards the rop rosemont between re, of as to one since they started
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a mending fences last year. now they are wanting and they become under admiral shop from here on a husband has not laid out a timeline for this field yet. he mentioned that it requires a significant staff coordination, which he said that is already in the works. interestingly, yvonne has been ramping up. it's a military presence in the red sea as part of its uh, strategy to extend its 40 just footprint thousands of miles away from this freight of hormones. this measure comes on the heels of the gauze, the conflict, and the who these targeting of a commercial ships heading towards, as well as part of their operations against as well and, and, and solidarity. or would the people of gaza back to this joint drill with us? how do you read? yeah, it's actually a big deal. it's all set to happen right in the red sea, where are these 2 countries have historically backed opposing sides for almost 8 years? the whole thing is we're fighting against the solid. you led coalition. while everyone
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was backing the who fees? earlier this month we saw a boss for administer a boss. our chief is at the re visited. we all of the had the talks. what solid, the crown prince, how am i been so long? it seems that ties between we all until one are moving on the right direction after yours a possibility of uh, fast forward to 2020 suite and it was china but finally mediated in normalization between the 2 nations. so far, we know that the 2 sides discussions have primarily been absolutely political and a bits economic. but now with this and now cement, we're expecting them to take a step into the expertise. rec, and perhaps military spheres. tech giant intel evaded a massive e u. fine after the blocks court of justice and old a $1100000000.00 penalty, the case over allegations that entail used rebates to shut down its market rivals
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was filed and the european commission in 2009. the company is still facing another $400000000.00 fine for abusing its dominant trade position. well, your panels are not the only marks trying to stand up, but to in tells alleged shady business practices. the chinese cyber security association has urged the review of the company's products, citing national security risks. the association has accused intel of frequent security vulnerabilities and unreliable service above all claims the company is using remote monitoring to collect the personal information. intel has responded that it in value is the safety and quality of its products and will engage with authorities if necessary. but joining me now is one way an executive dean of redman university. strong young institute for financial studies doctor long to have you on the program with us. what does the chinese authorities investigation of intel products look like and how serious is it for the tech guy
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and uh, actually icing. uh, according to uh, chinese media tree off uh, national security of sound forwarding high tech companies are illegally serving and the mapping china by discussing their driving technology. so color until they are 19 companies have been to include the, the in the investigation and the f. you just the measuring it the chinese side of a space activity. so here we can also see best weekly mentioned the intel. and so i think this is a routine and a normal uh, filtering examinations off networks a q b hoping to better defend the china network. so give me so why would intel based buying on chinese people who benefit from that kind of information of cost for most of the time people excel us, the states, the u. s. a spying or china is an open secret. the fia is property,
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please do coding as spies across speak, chinese and a many. yeah, the security part to also show that the china is one of the country most severely. they affect you to buy the site, but attacks and intelligence abuse each, the competition between china and usa, it's not only in media, tre, economy, training, but economic gender, financial respect, but also being in cottages. and despite that of passing a china no longer trusts the u. s. s trying to data in the past, but has taken necessarily national security precautions. so i believe that to china and piece by policy on technology security issues. we'll continue last year american ship maker micron technology was accused of security risks as well. and given how these security concerns are being res, time and again, why aren't the companies taking steps to resolve the problem? uh, of course, the item that you eat, uh, for example, they enter into generates uh over 50 beating. and you will watch
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a 15 up eating dollars annually worldwide. all reach about a 30 percent comfortable and the chinese market. so we can see that china is the interest logics to oversee the market, the in the world for those of forwarding uh, companies of costs. so today that's another one to loose these market. but for all we, for our health, for china, of cause we, uh, we also have to save that to those uh, forwarding companies has made it and pointed to contribution to the bank from adult charges technology. china has no intention of a political driving, the commercial eagles between china and the got it takes. we hold the data more and more forwarding company. it could state in china, but then directly would be some off uh network security and the information of supervision will not be relaxed. and any of the piece off wrapping national
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security must be ruled out by one by law. as far as the impact on intel was reported, the company made more than a quarter of its $54000000000.00 revenue from china last year. so how do you think this unfolding situation is likely to affect the intel uh, in the chinese market, as well as worldwide? yeah, as i said, that's a nowadays china, where's the entail lodges to oversee market the world? and the certainty does not want to lose these market. and even the use of china has been all note, the inter, a has been questioned about natural work secuity. and in the past, at 10 miles, inter a stock market has followed a by about 50 percent indicating that the company would call into the, facing the huge and challenges. so i think that they yeah, have to uh, insure, so cute it all for network. all right, we're going to leave it there wrong when executive dana brenman university's tongue
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institute for financial studies. dr. wong, great to have you on. thank you. thank you. i'm turning now to 11 on where 3 journalists were killed and several others wounded overnight following and as rarely striking the country south, that's according to local media. a journalist who survived the attack and captured the destruction on camera. the strike targeted a hotel, but how is local and international reporters covering the ongoing conflict between has the law and israel uniform policy chief of joseph burrell, says there's a limit to israel's right to defend itself. certainly east or west has the right to defend against that as well. i fax, but every as wide as the limit and delete this international law under collateral damage is that you create on she, beauty and population. 2400 people being killed is certainly not
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showing proportionality. 11 a is capital was also targeted overnight with at least 12 air raids on by roots in recent hours. the image is posted on social media on thursday, so the impact of a missile hitting a residential building. 7 people were killed including women and children, with dozens more wounded. idea of says it targeted hezbollah operatives. we spoke with a couple from they rude to flood the syria. the woman shared her distress over their missing children. we've arrived here. what else can we say? we got out by running for our lives. we couldn't believe that we had managed to escape for another 2 to 4 hours. airstrikes were heard everywhere. i hope we will
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come back and find our children, but we don't know what's going to happen next. i'm the cutter. we are still in the state of shock from the bombing of thoughts are confused and we feel like we can't figure out what to do or where to go, or even what to say. we have had more, but we have never experience such a will. but the strikes of white absolutely everything off the face of the really heavy is and, and the roost. alarm people have once again taken to the streets to the man, to the release of the remaining hostages, held by her mos since october last year. or 2 middle east bureau chief, maria, for an ocean of returns to one of the 1st is rarely settlements to be targeted by hum us far. awesome. that is really community on the guys a boulder. it was one of the 1st hate to buy, have mass on october 7th, last year. militants entered, reaching fences and berries, used paraglider as were shouting and shooting, causing widespread panic and destruction. we filmed here shortly after the attack,
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while the army was still clear in the area. a year later, we returned before we arrived here, we expected to find out asa renovated. boston was live with the residence, working to review normalcy. we sold the locations captured in our last year as voltage would be unrecognizable. instead, we found everything almost exactly as it was a year ago. we walked from house to house, finding plenty of matches, meets the rubble, the only additions are pictures of victims. and banners telling the story is the area has become an open air memorial to the tragedy. far as the ones home to 1000 people last over 60 residents that day on the house as we see march left by the army. the let's of b indicates a dead body was found inside. and the number beside it shows how many in this house
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to was meta. but the fife will save shara and his wife are likely the only residents who have moved back to live permanently. inks are also off to the attack . if you doesn't, others come and go. if i don't live in my house, for my opinions from us, we shar holds the knit on yahoo government responsible for both the tragedy and everything that followed. so with the government that we ever had, they didn't do nothing to save us. even knows it doesn't want to give enough money to soap. lucky boots, he accuses the leadership of prioritizing wars of a peace. we are fighting in uh the 3 full places we can win this war. we must to come to our normal size. right? no, just too many mission to
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a small allow me. what is really officials in the army describe a success in southern now? northern friends char sees as a sailor is also is the, is assuming. good. you guys are. most of the people can come back to the home. what we have in v and a lot of dead soldiers for some things that you can achieve was agreement 19 residents of x are also were taken hostage to guys on so saw 12 have returned as part of is rose. only exchange deal with him us to others were mistakenly killed by the i d. f and guys are last december of to be misidentified as terrorist. the remaining 5 of the keys appeared to have little hope left earlier this week, as well as defense minister a told the families of hostages that there is no deal on the horizon. this government doesn't want to talk, she preferred to fight. even the most of the people that chose this government don't go to the army like
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a lot of religion. people that doesn't serve probably if they decided to finish the was it can finish it in 2 months, 3 months. they ones that this will going to be a little shows house is within walking distance of the community gate opening to gaza, less than a kilometer. beyond that lies the northern part of the palestine and in place with fighting has recently intensified that contradict september claims from israel's defense minister. but the idea of was nearing the end of its operations and the gas a sweep. when some minutes to say that guys i smelt the story. what do you mean? you is the story. they still fighting? you still didn't brings us those same war. they move a lot of told us to live and on because i live alone. it's a new world right now, they need more soldier. if you can help to both sides of his life, maybe you look into the right place. i noticed at to to on chars arm a salt to put a big list on my hand. what i want to say to is a government, but things in,
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i just put a number because it's a heckle, falls ellis on the coast. on october 7th, char and his wife spent study hours in a say from before the army arrested them the next morning. this is a say from my wife was under the bed in this corner. and i standing like this. all the things in though, because if someone tried to get in and that's the way you've got the leverage against people to try to put things in. if the one to 3 people is our struggles and you are believes that we are afraid, but i can say that i don't remember, we already know a fight would we do everything to survive? they didn't discover a lot of people for the 2 boats. i believe that the just said to afraid from the army, so they've done everything quick quickly on the laser,
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on the wednesday understands it's the army doesn't come so fast. they style to go 4 miles to us and tried to kill more people. for my luck, they didn't try too much to get to my house when we went outside, when i understand what happened, then i started to afraid of. even though yesterday i had noise outside. so i take with me on a knife and go outside in the end, it was 2 dogs, it to try to find food. i don't know if they ever, you know, but we can cover it and continue our life every day. different people visit our awesome volunteers and journalists, foreigners, and minis rate is while we were there, we saw a woman and a man who had travelled all the way from tel aviv. i'm, here's the say, sorry, so this, this is, that's what i'm doing here. we have the stronger, i me better just everything we have the stronger that's what wins a head doesn't work all the body the.
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