tv News RT October 25, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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or the it is precisely in the civilizational diversity, a unique combination of national traditions that lies the strength and the norm as potential for cooperation. the rec summit in cuz on has come to a triumphant close, providing attendees with a detailed the roadmap for development. not because the west cautiously is the blocks of plans to shake off the dollars shackles. also, i had the 7 people are killed by an idea of strike on a residential building. and they route as 3 reporters lose their lives in the south of lebanon. and the tides are shifting and the red sea is around announces its 1st effort joint enabled drills with saudi arabia moving past years
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long from the relationship the live in the russian capital on rachel ruble. this is our t international partners have closed on the 3rd and final day of the break summit, top officials and leaders from dozens of nations descended upon the russian city of cuz on making history as they signed landmark agreements that are re shaping the global political stage. how did this year's summit wrap up? say for yourself. the the secretary general said that we should all live as one big family. my dear
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mister secretary general. this is exactly how we live or the chairman ship of the form left little time for rest. over the last 3 days, he held dozens of bilateral talks with participating world leaders and found time for a long c 2 and a session with a global journalist. the russian president, highlighted the importance of the summons declaration, and the versus the reality of breaks. this is the bus, it is less cause, same it, that it is precisely in this civilizational diversity. a unique combination of national traditions, even though that lies the strength and enormous potential for cooperation. not only within the framework of briggs, but also in that large circle of like minded countries that share the goals and
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principals of the associations activities. one of the best conference was going on there were also several west and doing lists who did ask questions to do the automated pulls. and as you know, the whole item usually is that the best and leaders may not wants to take questions from russian. john list, there was document within who was speaking of questions, head on, in fact uh, one nbc report or aust got the knife within about his sneaky contributions with tom . also. also he spoke about not screen troops being in russia. i would rather have with them said was it is totally nonsense. stick. listen, mister president, kid simmons from nbc news, mister president, satellites images, a set to show north korean troops that here in russia. what are they doing here? and wouldn't that be a massive escalation in the crate? walk through it. but if you try something you might not wish to, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that it was not russia's actions
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that led to an escalation in ukraine. but the 2014 cool in kia, of supported primarily by the united states, it was even publicly announced how much money the us administration at the time spent on the preparation and organization of this group. so wasn't this the way to escalation? and then we were deceived for 8 years when they said that everyone wanted to resolve the conflict in ukraine by peaceful means through the means of agreements. later, a number of european leaders bluntly said that they were deceiving us because they use this time to re um, you create isn't that true? this is true for the escal authority steps were made when western countries be again to more effectively on the key of regime. so what does it all let due to the direct participation of nato military personnel in this conflict. as for our relations with the democratic people's republic of korea, satellite images are a serious manual. if there are pictures, then they reflect something we,
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as you know, how strategic partnership agreement has just been ratified. we have never doubted that the north korean leadership takes our agreement seriously. but what and how we will do is our business. so you'll see a sofa, controversial question there, based on random reports on allegations and the citizens read only a going to or some question that was off during that press conference. and there were many of those former us president, now presidential candidate donald trump, whom we said that in one of his telephone conversations with you, the allegedly threatened you with a strike on the center of moscow. is that true? and how do you feel about all the similar tools spinning out into the public space more and more often, if it's true, of course, mostly what if anyone can be threatened. but it is pointless to try to rush out of an issue because it only cheers or something. you know, i do not recall such a conversation with donald trump. and i suggest not taking such statements seriously. we received various signals from our western partners regarding possible
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contacts. we did not close ourselves off from them. any claims that we refused contacts, including with european leaders of simply ally use if anyone wants to resume relations with us. then we welcome. also all of that in the back draw both the very fact that the all of these country sol, how the us back for nice the door little this is back in 2022. and now the countries of finding ways sold up to the west can not fix them. and in the logic consensus amongst these countries, he is that the west has been holding them by the forest by colonies and now by several restrictions that are in fours in terms of you need lots of sanctions, etc. and therefore the, the, the ricks, the lions has been focusing on, read the dollar. i vision going to be some of the more and more countries are now developing ways, methods and payment systems that will be an alternative to the head,
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germany of the dollar. and we would like to develop a system that allows us to exchange financially without having to be afraid that they'll be some punishment doing what he is telling me. you know, he is monica republic of you. ron strongly supports bricks efforts aimed at de dollarization of economic relations between members. we often have great offers who do not have the list of change. okay, so we now have to look at where they'll be forego dealings with them. or do we find some supplement which, which works otherwise. so changing the wall or door into a fair one. and that's what bill bricks leaders sold to achieve from this brick summit. in fact, the, the leaders will be present around 45 percent of the was population last more than the g 7. in fact, she are wanted to do just that the do realize that the global south,
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the needs their own tones, their own principles to work on the that's what really they were doing. now, a lot that i put in something that off by seeing that bricks back smart people, i would order on the cars on declaration. a positive agenda is looking into the future of several of the leaders headlining the event took a moment to praise the platform. the south african president says, rex gives the global south a strong voice. we've just computed most successful a big summit which was led by prussia this time we had the new members of bricks who participated. that'd be rid of the police to have. and now an expanded bricks such as brought together a number of other african countries that go the south now as a very strong platform platform that promotes multilateralism platform that
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promotes the development of the global soft countries at an economic level at the cultural level. at a social level, and this also promotes the unity of the people of the south headlines in the west are reluctantly, acknowledging that the brick summit is picking up steam after closer scrutiny of the account or balance to western influence and are getting did a read about rushes pivot away from the dollar alongside a growing list of allies. and that's all in the background of western politicians. relentless efforts to isolate moscow. doing part to our sanctions and export controls. russia has become increasingly isolated on the world stage 2, and is now isolated from the world more than ever. russia has never been so isolated. we have never been more united. we have demonstrated that russia is isolated and alone. russia is globally isolated. it shows the degree which mister
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pool and russia are increasingly isolated. present is never been more isolated, isolated and alone, isolated and struggling, presumably isolated russia is more isolated on the world stage than ever. you'll see the headlines in west the region which are you do it every day. they are between a puzzlement and the child is one deluxe. he's not please relate to what are the oldest people doing because, you know, because obviously they are, they have not been following the work of bricks and what's happening across you, raise your frequent it's set or the other thing that is that very, very few for a reason doesn't want to go normalize anything. they are offering uh an
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alternative package. global package. do it go nomic in geo political say they don't have to satisfy the western branch of this for assumptions. it's very, very difficult because they still dominates the narrative. follow to especially via social media in their organizations controlled by this fax is washington new york brussels. so when the west is east, they assuming they will be interesting to examine what happened here this 3 days. their number one interpretation will be, it is, is the western club, lots of all the offices, the legitimate governments, etc. and they want to vote against the wes, this is what it will be in the headlines everywhere. but we can count on some critical thinking minds that here and there outside of mainstream media. of course, they will understand that this is a very serious alternative project for international relations as
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a whole which the, which they are. and they are be extremely polite. i as the western media steals itself for a future laid out by braxton's the block which represents nearly half of the gloves population is looking to redefine the world order as we know, s r t was right there. and the think of that capturing the action as an unfolded in real time for all of this and more stories from the round from around the world. don't forget to visit our website, our teeth comp. in a historical 1st a ron has announced joint military drills with saudi arabia in the red sea speaking to. busy local tv channel, the a rainy and navy commander said, reopened the door to the possibility of joint exercises. the number in the is the delegations from the saudi navy, because we are present in the red sea have requested to hold a joint drill with us there. and they invited us and we invited their fleet to pay
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a visit to our ports. their delegations must come, and our delegations need to be dispatched, and the exercises need to be documented, specifying what will be done, where, how and which vessels should participate. this all will be coordinated. it's unbelievable to former articles are now teeming golf for a joyce naval drills in the red sea. and where's batch region? it's we're yeah, man has been targeting is really link chips in the gaza or we're still waiting to hear more from us all the web. yeah, about this announcement, but it's a huge step towards the rop rosemont between the re of as to one since they started amending fences last year. now, they're wanting, they become under admiral shut from here on a husband has not laid out a timeline for this field yet. he mentioned that it's requires a significant staff coordination, which he said that is already in the works. interestingly, yvonne has been ramping up. it's a military presence in the red sea as part of it. so i was trying to do to extend
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it's 14 footprint, thousands of miles away from destroyed of hormones. this measure comes on the heels of the gods, the conflict, and the who these targeting of a commercial ships heading towards, as well as part of their operations against as well and, and, and solidarity a with the people of gaza back to this joint drill with us how do you read? yeah, it's actually a big deal. it's all set to happen right in the red sea, where are these 2 countries have historically backed opposing sides for almost 8 years? the whole thing is, uh, we're fighting against the solid. you led coalition, while everyone was backing the who would fees? earlier this month, we saw of us foreign minister, a boss, our chief is at the re visited. we all of the had the talks. what solid, the crown prince, how much been so long? it seems that ties between we all until one are moving on the right direction after
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yours a possibility of uh, fast forward to 2020 suite and it was china but finally mediated in normalization between the 2 nations. so far, we know that the 2 sides discussions have primarily been political and a bits economic, but now with this announcement, we're expecting them to take a step into the strategic and perhaps military spheres. a now 211 on where 3 journalists were killed and several others wounded overnight following and is rarely striking in the country south. and that's according to local, medium journalists, who survived the attack and captured the destruction on camera. the striking target at a hotel that house local and international reporters covering the ongoing complex between hezbollah and the israel. the idea of also targeted the lebanese capital overnight was at least 12 error rates on the route and recent hours.
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the image is posted on social media on thursday show the impact of a missile heading of residential building, southern people were killed including women and children with dozens more wounded. id of says it targeted hezbollah operatives. and we spoke with a couple from a rouge who fled the syria. the woman shared her distress over their missing children. oh, we've arrived here. what else can we say? we got out by running for our lives. we couldn't believe that we had managed to escape for another 2 to 4 hours. airstrikes were heard everywhere. i hope we will come back and find our children, but we don't know what's going to happen next. i'm the cutter. we are still in the state of shock from the bombing of thoughts are confused and we feel like we can't figure out what to do or where to go or reason what to say. we have had more snow, but we have never experience such a will. but the strikes of white absolutely. everything off the face of the really
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heavy is the indonesian foreign ministry has condemned attacks on health care facilities by has really forces urging the un security council to take action. the alarm came after the idea of set fire to northern causes indonesia hospital. earlier this week, the attacks targeting health care facilities and workers in northern garza, including the indonesian hospital, are clear violations of international law, international humanitarian law and fundamental human rights. the medical complex is one of only 3, partially functional hospitals, left of 10 in the region. the indonesia hospital director says they have been under is rarely caesar per days on the site. now we have to be shown seems to be the issue on
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this is some very serious and b, c t b because key. so by the city has all seen some non and music kind of stuff. the come up and meet the dean and i saw on, on the close to the to the to so we are going to, you need to speak to see these are are on the system that we need to use societies. and again, just to lease in on the kind of stuff and the age of peace conditions are severely restricted in hospital staff is say they're having to bury the dead inside the medical complex. the chairman of the medical education and research costs advisory board can damage the latest attack on indonesia hospital and described the difficulties facing volunteers working in northern gaza.
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we received information from our friends in gaza. that is really forces had approached the area of the indonesian hospital. previously they had received pamphlets, asking the residents of north gaza and the health workers in the hospital to leave north guys to go to the south. well then the health workers and the patient's in the hospital chose to stay for humanitarian reasons. however, the wounded patients also need immediate treatment. even if they leave for the south. there are no institutions or hospitals in the south that can adequately help them. if they were forced to leave the area, they might die on the way. therefore, everyone agreed to stay where they were. israel force them out with gunfire. some say with mortars. some say with canons, some say with tanks so that the 2nd and 3rd floors of the hospital were damaged. therefore, the director of the indonesian hospital doctor mar,
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one has cried out for the world to open their hearts to help them there. because out of the 3 hospitals that are still active, only the indonesian hospital is adequate enough in terms of facilities and medical personnel. each wave m e r c sends about 4 or 5 people based on the agreement to date m, e r c. indonesia has sent approximately 30 volunteers through the emergency medical team under w h o in 5 batches. up until 2 weeks ago, the last batch had left gaza. currently, there are 4 non medical volunteers, therefore they are now no longer in the north because they were forced to evacuate by the w h show, it could be very difficult if we attempt to do it ourselves, or is indonesia itself tries all of the points of when to enter, when to stop, when to exit, all of that is decided by the w h o. all the processes from a to z are negotiated
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by the w h o with israel. the situation is very difficult because the residents of north gaza have been asked to evacuate to the south, whereas our hospital is in the north. so it was surprising for us when the 5th wave was able to enter this hospital in north gaza because that's what we all dreamed of, to be able to work in our own hospital. but after that we had to be evacuated again . it will definitely be difficult to get into the north. in the south capacity is very low. this is a big challenge that our doctors have to face because everything has to be evacuated from the north. aid is very limited now because it is prioritized to the south because the refugee camps are in the south. in the north. the israeli military has shut the area down. so the people who are still living in the north can't stay there and move to the south. we have been working there with limited supplies. it just so happens that we work with the w h o. we also bring some
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medicines and medical supplies together with w h o. the tech tying, the intel evaded a massive e u fine after the blocks, the court of justice and the old a $1100000000.00 penalty. the case over allegations that intel used rebates to shut out its market arrivals was filed in the european commission in 2009. the company is still facing another $400000000.00 fine for abusing its dominant trade position. and your opinions are not the only ones trying to stand up to intel's alleged shady business practices. the chinese and cyber security association has urged a review of the company's products and citing national security risk. the association has accused intel of frequent security vulnerability is an unreliable service above all and claims. the company is using remote monitoring to collect the personal
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information until has responded that it values the safety and quality of its products and will engage with authorities if necessary. wrong when executive dina brenman university, strong young institute for financial studies, told us us buying on china is nothing new to you as a spying or china is an open secret. the fia is property, great. recruiting as the bicycle speak chinese, and many of the century parts are also show that the china is one of the country most severely. they affect you the by the side, but attacks and intelligence and easy to the competition between china and a usa is not only in media tree economy training, the technology and the financial respects, but also being in pageants and the spice, and passing a china no longer trots the u. s. s, trying to data in the past, but as peyton, necessarily the nation knows acuity, precocious. so i believe that to china,
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and he's by policy on technology security he's use, we'll continue. china has no intention of a political allies in the commercial, easiest between china and the got to get 6. we hold the more and more forwarding company, recruit state in china, but then directly with the some off uh, networks of puberty and the information as to what the ship will not be relaxed. and any of us really piece of the wrapping national security must be ruled out by one by one of another, sexual abuse scandal, as making headlines in the west with questions about previous cases left unanswered, former abercrombie and fitch, ceo. my jeffries has been arrested and charged with running a prostitution and international sex trafficking ring. the american business man is accused of exploiting young man at parties that he hosted as a state across the globe with his partner. matt smith ortiz at charlotte davinsky
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and takes a closer look almost a decade ago. the now infamous host of info was alex jones claimed a sex trafficking ring was being run from a washington pizzeria. well, no concrete evidence of age to support those claims and juggling was laid to apologizing, to the owner of the pizza place. what jones did help showing a spotlight on was it at the seats of power or something dark and disturbing was going on? we know this to be true because only a fee is late to the jeffrey epstein scandal broke. when i say broke, i'm playing a bit fast with the rules here because actually authorities in the us were web ex done was procuring young girls often under age to engage in sex acts all the way back in 2005, a few years later she was given a rap on the knuckles and by default allowed to continue trafficking children for sex. the starting case with means problem, i think yes,
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we've had the lease of over a 100 names. so unless you quote documents, but these are individuals only listed as being connected to epstein. and that in itself is nothing allegation of wrong doings. yet amongst those powerful names, some have been accused appearing in the documents. it does not mean someone is connected to anything illegal, but for the 1st time, epstein victim victoria, do free, says she did have sex with less wecks and her lace wakes not be enough for me. i know of brands like victoria's secret on that, but call me and fitch, who hired jeffrey epstein to handle his finances. people have said it's like we have one brain between 2 of us. each has a side. i think we both possess the skill of seeing patterns, but jeffrey sees patterns and politics and financial markets. and i see patterns in lifestyle and fashion trends of mine who are pointing might jeffries to run
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abercrombie and fitch, the same mike jeffreys who's now also accused of operating an international sex trafficking scheme of male models. many of the victims, at least one of whom was as young as 19 years old, were financially vulnerable and aspired to become models in the fashion industry, a notoriously cut throat world. indeed, some of the men they recruited, had previously worked at advert crombie stores or mottled forever. crombie on occasions when witnesses threatened to expose or sue them. jeffries and smith relied on the services of a security company to surveil and intimidate those individuals, thereby securing their silence at staying in jeffrey's aunt alone in the last few months, shown cruise back to known as the multi award winning office p. d. b or puff daddy has also been in the headlines accused of sex trafficking. coons abused, threatened and coerced women and others, and let
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a racketeering conspiracy that engaged in sex trafficking, forced labor, kidnapping, arson, bribery, and obstruction of justice among other crimes. the combs used violence and intimidation and leveraged his power over victim's power. he obtained through obtaining and distributing narcotics to them. exploiting his financial support to them and threatening to cut off the same and controlling their careers. many powerful lanes in the music industry. being linked to the parties of free golf coons hosted, none have yet being accused can visit the 1st musicians to be implicated before him came rafa all. kelly was currently in joe for charles sex crimes, but in all of these cases, there was a real life the public information as to who exactly was involved and what level r kelly didn't have a whole lot of rich and famous people participate in acts with him but did he
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reportedly did, and we know that epstein did, at least according to some of the evidence, even though a lot of those people haven't been prosecuted. a lot of those people haven't been prosecuted well, thoughts, and then the statement to say the least, to date, only one person connected with that style house being relating maxwell a 2nd mouse only putting down was due to face quotes in front of a allegations of human trafficking for sexual exploitation and rake, but he took his own life before the case went to court. just like act stein and halo as the problem at stein. 2 weeks before apparently taking his life, told a psychologist that he had a wonderful life. it would be crazy to end it between now and mine who's trial could've also exposed how high and how deep these sex trafficking things went. also took his own life. and while the f b i in the usa where it's equivalent in front of me, hold the keys to who should be implicated,
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we are unlikely to ever get access to that information. how is the investigation of jeffrey epstein not of the highest public interest espy i spend 2 years insisting that epstein privacy outweighed the public interest. only pivoting to new arguments . once he died. that's bad. faith. americans deserve to know what happened. not only for reasons of accountability, but also to prevent future miscarriages of justice. instead, those names the perpetrators of serious crimes, some against children, a being withheld. and while some may argue newer authorities could be smoothly putting cases together, dealing with they've had some names with 2 decades. it seems doubtful. the reality is that these a powerful people, we know that from the list already released and connected to epstein, but how involved they were if they were other names that the public isn't aware of
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