tv Documentary RT October 25, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT
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linton fronts may hold the keys to who should be implicated, we are unlikely to ever get access to that information. how is the investigation of jeffrey epstein not of the highest public interest? the f b, i spent 2 years insisting that epstein is privacy outweighed the public interest, only pivoting to new arguments. once he died. that's bad. faith. americans deserve to know what happened. not only for reasons of accountability, but also to prevent future miscarriages of justice. instead, those names the perpetrators of serious crimes, some against children, a being withheld. and while some may argue newer authorities could be smoothly putting cases together, give them they've had some names with 2 decades. it seems doubtful. the reality is, these a powerful people. we know that from the list already released and connected to epstein, but how involved they were if they were of the names that the public isn't aware of
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. this remains unclear what is clear is it, this is a spider's web tangled in spit, key, and up the hall to be influential. people from money from power who will do everything and anything to keep the names out of the price. and i'll be back with much more news here on our to international and less than half an hour. now in the meantime, as always lease, or to visit our website or to com for the very latest breaking news and updates by the the
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chest. the good answered and okay, and let me know what's gonna be getting on there. you can only put that are right. yeah. and you come woke up with this because i missed that as and we come with the behold them. we started to do it for you. okay. now justin mcgill in because of the police k, e by nath. neither human, the way the den misplaced the steps of getting the internet. the could you, you can split premium, which isn't no money for customers, but i'm dated 2nd 20 vocals. my discontinue dozens of you have to do language feature. films are released every year for the film production, the republic rank stood and rushing up behind only bosco, in some fetus, but even though only about a 1000000 people live there at the fields when a waltz and switch to the claim. so what is the magic of your code cinema mine,
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you the measured the the middle to use it and then that's how we model meetings with at least i look. so you look, us go, was telling me, she said, you know, we're going to the credit at the hospital even though it's different. i think 3 started ticketed in the money for the guys like, i mean that's the correct way of what they do is send the film set for
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against the comment to the adult of the bio, pick about the power olympic swimmer and silver med list. the future champions family comes from the eclipse here. this is the village where the filming now gets where little enough to suffer the accident. the took a hands away the, the, unless you got the draft. and you mind. yeah, that's what it the list. and you can do, did you look in, can you do thinking that can assist us with the early on, but it's the amount of the knew is cuz those things in my i think easy because the
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got those up all moms because i was the to make a one year to the schedule. i me it, those are the optimal. you go a little go where dish to hospice. so have built into it, but only for those of color that is that that has been out on new go. our steve says yeah, give us fellow 1000. 0 sure. oh that then what was the the deal with the machine and let us um when the hell for you to see the one that is the. yeah. put what is the one you loved? we know you'll do it and you know, with the bushes he put the new exclusive stuff to me and the most,
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you know, thing that matters to you have to pick it up with the claim that it was in your notes. but then we just bought, uh, what do you tell me anything then? cuz it said the payment date of uh looks like it was a $100.00 a month or something like that. but such as difficult as the most you really you with these are no good deal and uh we just do the like the same. so thursday is to best select the receipt to receive the and uh huh. so i know it's no matter what i'm going to with the, the work done in the day. it's due to send me some like that. and then with it,
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it's provided at this possible system to supervise. thirdly, seeking core that they are tuesday to set them on the recorded football. i'm stoked . elizabeth kings click on going to see if there's a fix for you. yes. can you and i show some of my to and i'm pretty sure they didn't have tons of data with us because last name of the school it magically or whatever it starts everybody, and then there was an acre no pack them to speak, a car deal scene guard the to the person who still just the room to get into problems. it may be got some film telling the story of the stuff up people and they medieval foods. it was shot entirely in the coat. yeah. even the whole stance was staged here. local hosp rate as enjoy watching wisdom teeth to the horses to perform the same hollywood tricks because it didn't even just take you to quickly with submitted 4 digits in my p
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cards, which certainly it was it the most with the thing that's on a sweep. the quick quickly slips pneumonia pill. you're just going to be done with the d h that you've been coordinated. we have to, to, to, oh yes, i mean, it was easy because the most documented, documented, they didn't disrespecting that and we use cause i did the us, my 4 pay 17 signed e o 2. and i noticed that the last time you had to get a hold of ideas with your community annual for madison. serious that for sure physically not with me, but i have, it's almost enough of that. it's a typically, if it's less than a police or the ocean, the enthusiast shows if should just keep the duplicate
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the floating. assume a come in, they'll give you a little push to put them in your pretty if allow me some money. but as them over some i'll go and see to software, which you did mention that it's correct in years here. oh yeah, i'm doing good. i found it. and let's see, let us ask them. that is because it give them we knew we live is do you know the natalie floating assume a little ocean was a mysterious face, cuz then yeah, that's nice fun. yeah. there's today which in know, but you do mostly to show you reason of the woman unification. screening my very 1st thing is which end of so couple years ago. so scare, so that's the
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use of the stuff i needed on pros himself seem to still uh to book on the duma stuff from lima. but the most, did you see the surgery the most and for today's through you machine, this one why it's endorsed, then you can then move it and get the good. so what is sort of what it is that the soonest, the, the thing with this. so the but i am most of when you put in was glancing what's going on with this tickets where the, the live is letting you instead of them, you look for an active inducement of bunch of exercise, go to the hospital and we're going to sift through but at the a little bit slow,
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because i get you scheduled to put the motion multiple for this measure to test it . what's the, what's the best method in the room? what's the model? what is this p. c whitfield right here with this house? even the transformer is still the same to but you get all of them. it is the welcome modeling. doing it on the but i'm sort of not the because it, it, i laughed but that was loaded up for follow up on to me is that it's good. just use for bundles because vocal what i'm dealing with the the quote that
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you sent me. but those will, it is to help you through the modem. so when it comes to fed up with zip code, it, it was, it, well it, it won't do anything going on with them. but i would, but it's talking about, but let me look at but, but the to the monday, but i was thinking it will not, well the bottom, bottom bottom did not do that, didn't 0. it's enough, but a better color. but it seems to me your just know by the rules of blocks keeping, then mostly if it was that the yeah, no it, i think it was the i think the thing to go 1st. that's why i think we made the payment on the full the lips when the the
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i suppose because i need to see him. so one for you the time and always that are you? what can i say? i presume? hello. did a put on them. here's those to me as soon as i mentioned to me in the past that hi me, that's the new opportunity of which to my understanding to this custom originally there are in the book the extent of it. i'm either depressed sort my go by the name or what the commercial in the which is just to let out a lot which are to show us right. new carpet or what spit or whatever. so elizabeth sally, yes. what's that? do you getting the best to come come back a the governor raffle found the shift from my per person. the
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companion is a square face. we're playing mine is which i understand. well, it must be changing the scope of the child has the in with the kid. now it's good for the new for you. good school, which was also my question is in the model is, are you on center computers has soccer soil, which in my so it's based on the effects of a large nose, which in the for some christmas carols needs to back up now our course the home of the equal facilitators deal with that is a fun sort of across some way by pressing the credit order from this time. i know this was the frontier out the rest of the names of the television. yeah. if it's on with, if there's any, i'm a good, it was interesting there 0 or that i mean much from i speak with direction busha spirit hash of a chevy. what the for the parents. and then when i share my thoughts share was from
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and i know surface for that with industry, this spice. we had something which this 46 to talk to use for the course from atlantic or peer with use the phone so that your time, what specific stuff to produce, characterize them as a business, the what i would show they just don't have to shape out the application and engagement
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trails. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look so common ground. the good news for you. i said you'll probably get some of the video. i didn't know she do. you have points to the 30 on the by the, by tomorrow, what muscle and that all of the sudden you get this and we will see month old, verify you had in the morning really. so though i can this, to you started me another bullet that cuz that, that part of the that, because i didn't, so he has to me that of them. but in general, when you come to work, whether you hide you of what seniority was store temporary at a spot as a fit for that i might as well do with it. come on, you come by,
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they could easy the kind of way to connect. yeah. that is getting us through the really picky just please of the or no, yes, sure must fit in the so the key the use to are you just the so you can put the radium much at the so the words can you see are seeing you written the by the right, the see of fema. so is the new with that and then this and then they can come find this hype anymore. that's what they give me. is it thinking that the, the work of the do the then the, the, the, the, the, know, the, the of this, the, with the child, boom boom, your beacon score cannot open the door and you see, you know,
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what does it matter? what zillow rit deal its way, cannot hit that. so you want you to somebody in the, in the, in force that has retail them the cool but it's not. and then working on that you get the and that's the phone. the last like for bu, a speed side of the focus. well, sounds can be steve wiley ready the about the force at the work it is good to revisit or use compass to why that the men invest or they, me, it was the most of what the seats and the move it a new need that and the way my head and getting that and they can re, every yeah, that's the step to hit the good us now. well, a lot, a lot stop months is now do you lose it to do this? medation in this extraordinary story, really took place that the code to you in 1910 from
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time to time step, then there are sick of fools into a catatonic sleep which the only event of the artist, photographer, and son of a priest can distinguish sleep from death but he then sets out on an ethnographic expedition step on follows him so he won't be buried alive a day to see whether or not but the mean. i don't follow it. those step down isn't played by a professional actor, but design and technology schoolteacher. the to neptune was seated because that decision, um we did receive them, let them loose loose to send you to me up with that because the lease can you leave
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for the shuttle. it's a decent procedure for this will tell you the loop of hooking up with the bus to find the vehicle. the yeah, the move size will explode. you, if we started thinking about the seller and go to their commitment, what's the total feed move you need to, to, you know, remove that discount most of the listing. why? the assembly just feed my federal region, the 50, but you left before the to the can you slow to know the missile? this meeting goals are just on the market is, i mean most of the actors in this see, you know, from local people status, the directors and act as a rule local residents of to the working day. these people rush to please and rehearsals, rather than heading home to watch tv. live in the middle of what's to
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disclose to let them eat to live in the book. so we can also look just do that. right. the yes, the way a kid. well, if i send you the, someone who would like to follow those. yeah. yeah. but, but if you look where you would call you on bicycle going, do you get a good? yes. not allow me. yeah, this is your address. i'll show you the subject, you know in that i didn't i'm going to do i have the gave up. yeah. from the sheila overall. how difficult limited the by the last i don't know it's the stop on a be they will but uh apparently we saw yeah. no problem, i put the, the, the, the, the special but are you in the fitness and yours should, will be said virtually because the boys have private with photography. e. perfect.
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they're gonna have one device. she get you to want to perform a few boxes and catch them on the slip, but i don't mind if the but even that you think you to complete the script here. i'm shopping t. who do you even google or write your message from the city of google supple grandma, the last name? what should spin away the rest of the shall we do? yeah. yeah. do you know it's too much. so did i you, did you, what did you do? you do, you will just see my feeling replaceable. yeah. but before i, when you look as it sees mich dash, and that's a feeling yet expect the voice that lives in the door at the start of audi, cause buena mice get the i'm gonna do when you have coverage. that's hopefully that. or what i see me throughout the you'll see the general stories cuz i have no problem. so if you go to the books came via code to you in the 18th century,
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those fast missionaries descendants still live here. it's 15 years. you this nice. i'm listening to the for them, but which is that still think with the initial problem, just let's put it in. we're just giving you another solution for for river event, but both but ethnographic collections together from 19 o 5, they also took photographs for museums in some petersburg and germany. these film scenes. what based on the artists photographs and paintings? a nice, almost let me the steps get. let's see what's next. produce a we supposed to me a copy well enough to initial how, who do i don't can lose know a was that as the summer as long as name like a day of the big this is activity on your i'm using your vehicle to do really that's deploying brush the get killing me through the original
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data. think doing this thing related when it gets to the the listing while it was studying the my, let's do the data flow. okay, so then what's the pretty big? yeah, we do it, give us a good study of the shows cause out and they haven't to the yes for me with them with the, with the, with a didn't look at me this evening will have or me and the deal will tell you what's left. so stay low, it's kind of cool. i'm confused people is a let me make sure, let me finish coping with them. deal if you could go somewhere. i put a cute. what was the best match?
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well, but the thing that i wanted to get the weight is the best thing that was good was setting and descriptive as to the destination of these new muscle flu associate middle, was there any way? shape with me said, can look and look at it. you can review this to me, it was going to be moved to bowers. i'm going to sit on the step in the seats skipping and some of the assessments ain't going to send. i like a way to use the kind of a mr. political just now because that will to proceed to the scene. yeah. let me see if j. c thing then can, would it good move to wait federally clean? it will make it because i didn't even defy that. any steam i live, it seems to be for that i know a spill going in in the move of enough quick google book just doing it. but it's
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the kind to issue a pretty jam. it would say, let's do this. then i'm going to press the back the you, they will clock same thing, then i'm gonna put these in the lower i missed the symbol of the local, the game a bit, this manual. yes. and you can give me a track of bushy for one. this a with avita, the film came here this year in particular, craftsman from illinois. the equity has spent 3 years sending the project involved . 34, netflix or villages from 12 looses, or districts a local enter apologist, devoted his life to collecting surviving benchmark fragments from old over the summer and then to recreate the ancient some of the rich difficult. that seems to have been lost.
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is i got get them grass can of coverage. i was with pretty or show just a fast way to go gives you say to yep, us all of these. uh huh. 0 is what i'm going to do is beside the site. it's a 2 doors, their cars. wilkerson are going from place as long as they gave occlusal part, and you guys are viable school that will affect the work that you should get young, you need what are the issues and you're working on a p of the vehicle. it would be nice to chat with somebody and see why i moved up to him, said, boy, lived in yours on the bus. all employees with no way, most eating goodness,
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forever in search of enemies, while bricks promotes trade and development, essentially a win win approach. the it is precisely in this civilizational diversity, a unique combination of national traditions that lies the strength and enormous potential for cooperation. the brick summit and cars on has come to a triumphant close providing attendees with a detailed roadmap for development that says the west. cautiously. i the blocks plans to shake off the dollars shad homes. also, the 7 people are killed by an idea of right on a residential building, and they route as 3 reporters lose their lives in the south of lebanon. and the tides are shifting in the red sea. as
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