tv Documentary RT October 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT
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integration in dennis and the urban society, that's why it's called social cohesion. i have never met one person business implemented to back road. who says, i don't want to integrate, i don't want to be part of the society. so this perception is creating, by the call you cation to cover their own stupidity. so that is very important. second thing, you must know. there is no such thing called one, mostly in community. therefore communion was lived in europe. many of them are so nature, but people come from 2 to 6 different countries have different culture, different languages, and different z. so there is not one person who can talk about 15, do fairly this, speak differently, some are businessmen, some are the workers. so i think to, to present what's new, there's one community and say, i don't want to integrate. i think this is very unfair, incorrect. okay, well,
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um, okay, uh, assuming that, that's correct, right? i mean, in russia there's legislation that for example, forbids the burning of holy books like the koran in the bible. but in the european union, right. they considered that to be a tenant, a freedom to be able to do things like that. do you think that the, the, your opinions, understanding of western freedoms has played into the sort of divisiveness that's emerged in relation to the muslim community? my friends, look when the art is live in a majority society. they cannot afford to live separately. we go to the same banks, we go to the same restaurant, we go to the same labor market. we have our neighbors, i live in denmark, so every thing i do, i do to gather this paper. so i don't understand why is this issue of a simulation integration is again then being brought forward by part of this and
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then we'll give you a very quickly an example. um, as i said, i live in denver. we have been having put on believe we had and so do cartoons of groceries. we have a, we didn't using the media to present the same communities as one unit and as a negative do not want to integrate them making laws, no, only of this but not a system. yeah. so you can see that you're in east of only want to do something. they're very selective in that approach. let me say abilities. and if today, there was a major law and in many countries internally, for example, if you do not issue criticizes right, i can says how to do with this. is there any policies in gaza? you can not get citizenship or you cannot, but you're not allowed to do that. so this kind of a, did you, i think it's not, it's not a new thing because i know that it's all for you. and he to this machine is not the
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new team. it started in 8th century when the most interest rate, new to a to win the buyers who in order for europe and then the ne game here and community and father. so it's a very complex issue. so okay, not missing information, i'm going to your you okay, thank you very much, mr. bush across the sorry. we don't have any more time for this news program, but it was great having your european muslim initiative for social cohesion secretary general budget course you, thanks again for joining us on the program. you're welcome. that's all for this, our stick around for more news and just about 30 minutes. the
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chest, the good incident. okay. and let me whats going to canada. you come when you put the right. yeah. and you come on, come this, cause i missed that as we come with the before them, we started a deal for you. okay. now justin mcgill and because of the most a lease k e financing. uh, either given that all of them were done just pay the steps of getting the net could you you can stream what it says. no, no, honey. the customer has bought them for the 3rd 2nd, 24. cool. my discontinue dozens of your tooth language feature films. are released every year for the film production, the republic rank stood and rushing up behind only bosco and some features, but even though only about a 1000000 people live there at the field when a waltz and switch to the claim. so what is the magic of your code cinema mine
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you the measurements, the middle of statement so you send it into the national model meetings, clear looks at least i look so you look, us go was telling me, she said, you know, we're going to the email although it's different if you could get me new on 3 started to cut it into one whenever the guy just took. i mean that's the correct way for the send the film set for against the
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current, the door of the bio, pick about a power olympic swimmer. and silver metal list, the future champions family comes from the a quote to you. this is the village where the filming now gets where a little nasty, a self of the accident. the took her hands away the, the she and got the draft of any money. that's what it the are you getting the did you live in getting everything connected that says the land but it's the amount of i knew is cuz those things in my i think these it goes the god at the football.
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mama gonzales the to make a one year to the schedule like me it. those are the, i'll put you in the go a little go where dish to horses still have those enjoys but only to those that have come out of that is that that has been that on nickelodeon defense yeah. 2 bus fellow 1000. 0 sure. so, oh, the, so the, the, the letter to me on the sheet or something to be delivered or when, or how for you to see the one that is the . yeah, but what is the one you know, you do it and you know, with the book purchasing the the new exclusive stuff. excuse me. yeah. the most you know,
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things like 7 days to get to pick it up. i went to the claim that it was in your notes, but then we just bought uh, what do you need anything then it's because it's a category of uh looks like you see the one who was somewhat cute. it looks like it's difficult for some of those who are you with these are existing good. let's see that you have to deal with the we do better with like the said. so that was the best responses to record the vicar. and huh. the letter we don't go with the, the work done in the day. it's due to send me something like that. and then with it, it's move out as possible because it doesn't just 3 via thirdly. so you can
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coordinate the i t c to set them on the records, but south to very i'm still looking, just keep on going to see if there's a fix for you. yes. could you, i feel so much the number that you just said in the process is to ask and last name of the school. it's a magic, you know, i want to talk to everybody and then there was an equinox back then the speak occurred. the scene guards easy to use to adjust the wrong dig into a problem is i'm a big action film telling the story of the stuff up people and the medieval foods. it was shot entirely. and yeah, could you even the whole stumps, with stage to you? local hosp rate as enjoy watching weston's, antique to the horses to perform the same hollywood tricks because they didn't even use picking you use it quickly, would scream at least 4 digits in my p cards would certainly close it. the most
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would do thing that's on the physics where you think we produce products, we might have proof there's that's going to be done with the d h. the vendors coordinated we to oh yes, i mean it was easy because the most documented stuff. we mean they've didn't disrespecting that and we use cuz that is the lowest possible verification for patient, human sun, the ocean. and i noticed that the last time. yeah. do you get a hold of ideas that your community annual canada theory except for what you're physically not with me, but i hear it's almost enough. i've done it. typically i figured this in a clip to me or the ocean of the enthusiasm of the shows. if this kid that i didn't do continues further into
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schumacher me now give you a picture to put the menu pretty if allow me some money for us to move or some i'll go just to to software which usually mission that is correct in years here. oh yeah, i'm getting good a phone, get to know what sealants asked them. that is because it give them we knew we live is do you know that natalie float and it so i'm a little ocean was a mysterious face cuz on yeah. as nice phone yet is today, which in know the if you to do more push live to show you reason other woman unification screen, you might be frustrated which end of show us couple for foster care. so that's the,
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here's the premiums don't appear to sign yet and your phone portion of the same to go to look on the doom of the, from liam. but the most, did you see a subsidy? similar to this through here? pushing this one, why it's endorsed, then you can then move it and get the good. so what are sorta produced by pressing this? the why didn't we list that the most of when you put in was done some of these to go with the, the law degree. now, instead of them, you look for them that you can just go to very precise and go to the hospital in this says through, but at the a little bit slow because it needs
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a skater. but the more show little for this music lou test. what's the, what's the best method on the show room? what's the model? what is the this key? see, whitfield right here with this house. even the transformer is still the same. to play you get all of them. it is the 2 all combining it on the but i'm sort of month a cause it it i laugh, but that was loaded up for follow up on to me that it's good. just use bundles because they'll come up with the get the quote that
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you sent me, but those will it please give me approval for me to put the modem. so when it comes to build up, what zip code are you there with it? well, it won't do anything good, i'm going to throw in but a sudden but, but let me look at but to bit the to the monday, but i was clicking it will not hold on button bottom button, jeanette. jeanette didn't 0. it's enough. but a better color, but it seems to me your just know by the rules of lock keeping, then mostly if it was there. yeah. yeah. is there a good way to go for one of the things to go 1st. that's what that means. the payment on the well, the list when he was
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moved to i suppose because i need to seems to one for the time. and how is that? are you? what if could i say, i presume hello. did it put on the nearest of students interested in management in the past? the staff highly. that's the new opportunity which to my understand to this custom originally zone. and those are both of 10 of them either depressed both my go. i don't know the name or what the commercial in there, which is just to let out what you're trying to show was your last new truck start. would spit out as a so and was excitedly. yay! what that can be best to come. come back a the example gunner raffle found the ship from my profession. the
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companion is the most clear facebook for any money i was returning as the new guy who must be changing the scope of the child was the him with the kid. and you know, it's good for the new play it good stewardship. but also my question is in the model of you on sacramento shirts. uh the quote number sawyer, which is my. so the 1st on the effective option is which in the present christmas kent needs to back up. now our breakfast will facilitate and deal with so that is a fun sort of because i'm way of a precedent for the order for this term. i know this is the frontier out the rest of the names of the soldiers in here. if with on with, if there's any, i'm a good it was interested there. 0 or that i mean much from i speak with direction busha, special of a chevy. what the for that i had from him and i share my thoughts share was from and i know strictest for that. with industry this spice you had something which
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this 46 to talk to use from across from atlantic are clear with you 0. that's on for that coupon. what is the fish the police cause them as a business? good the that's the issue of, of a decrease some of the video. i didn't know. shoot him. your points the 30 ask the by the, by tomorrow. what muscle metal the honey at this we will see month over 5 years in the morning. really? so the right goodness too. and you started me another bullet that cuz that that boom 5 the that because i didn't. so he has to me, is that of them. but in general, when you come to live, whether you hide you, what seniority, restore kimberly at
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a spot as a fit for that. i might as well do it, it come on, you come by, they could easily see the kind of way to connect. yeah. that is getting us through the really picky just please of base or? no. yes sir, it must fit in the so the key the use to for you just the so you can put the am unless you can. so the worse can you see a p e written the by the about the see a fema. so what was the news was that and then this, and then they can come find this hype anymore. but the give me his thinking that the, the work of the brother, when i give them the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, with the child,
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boom boom, unique in school. i cannot open the door and you see, you know what the state not on zillow writ deal its way. can look at the where you want you to somebody in the, in the, in force that has retail event, the cool, but it's not. and then working on that, you get the and that's the good news from the last, like for bu a spits out and the focus will sons' can be see body ready the about the force that the what is good the visually is consist of why the board here me and invest or they mean you're for the most of what the seats and the move it a need need. that's another way my head to getting that and they can re, every yeah, yeah, that's the for you step to hit the good us now. well, a lot, a lot stop months is now do you lose it to do? it is monday and the, and this extraordinary story was rarely took place with the quote to you in 1910
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from time to time step, then that a set of falls into a catatonic sleep which the only event of the artist, photographer, and son of a priest can distinguish sleep from death, the event sets out on an esna graphic expedition step on follows him so he won't be buried alive. a to see the not but the mean i don't followed those step down isn't played by a professional actor. but the design and technology school teacher, the snippet was heated because i didn't, we did receive them,
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let them loose loose to send you to me up with the book as a lead. can you leave for the rest? you know, it's a decent procedure for the full tell you the loop of hooking up with the bus to find the vehicle for the yeah, the move size will explain you if we studied thinking about, was it a cell, go to cause a commitment was the total feed move, you need to to, you know, remove that this go most of the listing why the assembly just feed my federal. we do not want to keep the po for the through the can you slow to know the missile, this meeting goals? we just don't want to take it because he is, i mean most of the actors in this see, you know, from local people status, the directors and act as a rule local residents of to the working day. these people rush to please and rehearsals, rather than heading home to watch tv. live in the middle that wants to
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disclose to the media, to them in the book. so we can also look just do that. right. the yes, the, we're good. well, the thing is that i'm going to flip back to bundle those. yeah. yeah. appropriate. you've stick where you would call you on bicycle. going to use the because yes, i'm not allow me to receive gps to show you the subject. you know, in that i didn't i'm going to do i have the gave up. yeah. for me sheila or her gift unlimited device. well last i don't know. it's the stop on a be they will, but uh, apparently we saw yeah, no problem. i put the, the, the possession of the unit, but the fitness and yours to be said vitality. it was
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a private with photography. e. perfect. they're gonna have one device to get you to want to perform a partially because the label done when you do. but even though you think you to complete the script here, i'm shopping t. who do you even google or write your message from the city of? oh, cool. so cromwell gloss paper should speed away the rest of the shop. we did. yeah . yeah. it took, you know, it's too much. so did i you, did you, what did you do? you do, you will just see my feeling a little yeah. but before when you look as it sees mich, that's, that's a feeling yet. expect the voices in the door at the start of audi, cause the mice get the i'm gonna do when you start yourself with her about how she means that the you see these, your stories cuz they have no for us.
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the books came to you a quote to you in the 18th century, those 1st missionaries defendants still live here on hits. but seeing in yes you this nice. i'm listening to the for them, but mostly set you up with the initial problem just for the images you need or another solution for, for the event, but both but ethnographic collections. together from 19 o 5, they also took photographs for museums in some petersburg and germany. these film scenes based on the artists photographs and paintings. a nice some of them you the steps get. let's see what mess, but to use a supposing to me don't go through with enough to initial how. who do i don't can lose know a was that of the some of us lose land where i could day have big this is activity on you. i'm using your vehicle to do really
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let's fully push the dead killing me through the results data to me isn't valid when it gets to the the listing while it was studying the my leisure the data fluky. so that would seem like a pretty big yeah. we do it, give us a good study of the shows cause out and they haven't to, yes for us to move the we the with a didn't look at and it will have the media and the deal will tell you what's left, stay low. it's kind of cool. i'm going to see if people, if they let me make sure, let me finish coping with them deal if you could go somewhere. i put
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a cute. what was the best match? what? i wanted to get the look what is the best thing you will still be setting them is descriptive as to the destination, leaving a message for the associate middle. was there any way? shape with me said can look and look good to can of images to tell me what's going to be moved to bowers. i'm going to sit on the split them sheets, skipping those checks and there's a green and send like a way to use the satellite. me still pretty cool, just not the little to proceed to the shooting. yeah. let me see if to see thing then tim would it would move. we typically meet at a school make it cuz i don't really defy that. any esteem i live, it seems to be for that i know this will go in a new roof and that's quick,
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coupled with display. when you looked at the country ways to do it, a pretty jam, it would say, let's do something. i'm going to press the button, the you will clock, same thing, then i'm gonna put these in the lower i missed the symbol of the liberties in my fit, this manual. but you can imagine bushy full of this with avita. the film came here. this you out in particular, craftsman from over the equity expense. 3 is sending the project involved, 34, netflix or villages from 12 witnesses or districts. a local entre apologist devoted his life to collecting surviving benchmark fragments from old over this land to recreate the ancient some of the rich e codes that seems to have been lost on
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with the lady bad. your times i got get them. gasket has coverage. i was with pretty if i show just the passwords, don't even use data. yep. us a lot of these. uh huh. 0 is. what i'm looking to do is beside the site. it's a 2 doors. the their cars do it, they're still not going from for us as long as they gave occlusal pardon. yeah. 30 guys at bible school, that was it doesn't that doesn't work that you should get so young you need me. what are the issue that you're working on a p. yeah, the vehicle you know, what can i suggest with somebody asked emergency my move that to him said, boy, lived in yours then. plus all employees with no, with no student. curtis,
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