tv Cross Talk RT October 26, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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the, the is the same thing. it as long as the gains are on top of the thing wednesday. it's lois mander, that home capital tack on the wrong side. only limit didn't damage was inflicted positive of the wall ranges across the other middle east 3. janet was killed and then another is really in fact in nearby and they've been up to the boss, probably seen as a democrats again, that help and pump across the elaborate lesson mean. yeah, there's a doubt if i leave to go, was involved with shifting the bail onto russia and china, the very, very well well them to use them in tie all to international news,
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it would come into life from also. now let's take a look at that. something story, this our we start with breaking news the wrong says that the damage caused by these various attacks was limited as the mississauga successfully intercepted. meanwhile, the idea of said, completed the operation i'm on to the time and so it rang and retaliation would only be a further escalation. i can now confirm that we have concluded that he's really responds to ron's attack against israel. we conducted targeted and precise strikes on military targets. any wrong forwarding immediate threats to the state of israel. the israel defense forces has fulfilled its mission. if the regime in the wrong were to make the mistake of beginning and year round of escalation, we will be obligated to respond. the idea of has confirmed its precise twice
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on military targets in iran, according to his really media, dozens of fine to address participated. tech began at around 2 am is real time on such a day with the 2nd wave following involved to now an hour and a half later, the army has released photos showing the idea of chief of staff commanding this strike from these really air force is on the ground command center at the military headquarters in tel aviv known as the carry on the defense minister, an air force chief were also present. supervising the alteration of the prime minister's office confirmed that benjamin antonia holmes was in the operation center as well as the carry idea when the attack. this is the same location that's early in september for the 1st time since the 2nd 11 on war in 2006 was targeted by a surface to surface ballistics mesa launched by his ball law. so far we know, but these truck firing sites that's opposed or could potentially pose
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a threat to state securities. real reports focusing on military targets and weapon depos the strikes sol. so targeted any sol factory, a parade has by the radian revolution regard and a base used to one to ballistics may solves we hear oil fails and nuclear sides are reportedly notes and israel's target bang space time. what we're seeing right now is a strike that has been widely anticipated off to iran, launched dozens of ballistic may solves, again stays rolling over 1st with ero, claiming around, 200 of them and tell her on doubling the number of officials and tell a be about to retaliate, the only questions were the timing of their response and the choice of target and the delay likely stan from disagreements between tell them even washington over a target selection with a u. s. apparently favoring at limited response to avoid triggering at full
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a war and further escalation. and it seems that pressure from washington altima to play the role as israel's attack remained limited in scope. meanwhile, and reports indicate that phase ro closed as a space for civilian air traffic for several hours now. and iran did the same. we heard that from maria that is well, so tom, is it these mid seasons? can you bring this up to speed or stay on air? on right now, we woke up already in the morning with this news of israel launching a massive attack against taiwan and other parts of the country, including the southern city of she was we heard that from is really unofficial sources suggesting that the $100.00 aircraft, including in an f 35 fighter jets were involved in these really attack against one . and also we heard from the syrian news outlets that the syrian air defense systems. and of course, the rocky radars have been destroyed by israel before launching the attack against
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the wind. because those 2 countries are yvonne's western neighbors and not any projectiles funny as well. have to go through these kinds of those countries to arrive at the iranian air space. so we heard that the radars and the air, different systems in syria and iraq were targeted by israel before launching the attack against a wrong of course. or the attack has my colleagues said, was able to tell the ation for as long as we send massive missiles strike against as well. of course avo here iran unofficial sources are suggesting that the scale of the attack is not significant. reviewing the news from these ready sources, it looks like everyone has turned into a this toby up or if we were into one footages have been released by is really sources suggesting that every word into one has been targeted. some footage is saw
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show that a massive strike was launched in the middle of that ron, which later turned out to be a fake image belonging to an explosion in a route. so, um, from the one inside, the iranian state television has dispatched its reporters, local reporters across that ron and, and in other parts of the country, including the city of she arrives. some footages are released uh from uh, yvonne in um, petrochemical sites. and somebody are wanting an even military sites uh and the international implementing airport. all those footages were leased by the iranian state television suggest that the scale and the scope of the is ready strike is not as try to be propagated by these resources. and the scope of the, of the strike is limited. a moran, maybe i'm just putting somebody to you is. yeah, and i mean, we all know that washington is of course, behind the box,
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things that i say is well to the health who had anything from them. so far, we hear reports indicating that president biden and vice president harris have been closely monitoring these really a sold according to these really press, the attack was unanimously approved by the countries political leadership and cabinet. but of course, after several rounds, health discussions and consultations with washington, american officials were reportedly brief shortly before this tribes. however, many americans source told reuters earlier and that the last was not directly involved and was not behind the attack against iran speaking to the press. a representative from the us national security council stated, but the strike was carried out as an act of self defense in response to the reading of sold following the strikes. these really defense ministers spoke with his american counterpart. we now here and is really media. now, citing the army reports confirming that the attack is over. we have to wait for
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official comments from ronnie and officials, but if we review the remarks and comments by iranian, at least i r g c officials during the past days and weeks. and they said that they will response, they would response to any is really the russian, i guess the warning and territories with even a harsher response compared to the operations. who promised to which targeted as well, with the dozens of a ballistic missiles report, suggest that to get one would use foul sense as support by iranian or gc affiliated a news outlets. thousands of ballistic missiles and one has at its disposal to try to target israel if the attack, if the magnitude of these where the attack is large. so we have to wait us the or how israel responded this time or to it was attacked because um, following the part of the operation for promise one,
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which came i think it in mid april be is really responsible. one was limited and that was calculated. i targeted um and, and one in a military base inside the city of is for hon which it was said that of this scope on. and the magnitude of that attack was limited and did not deserve a retaliation by the islamic republic otherwise. so this time the wrong, we have to wait and see how big and how large and destructive these, where the strike has been in order to see how one would react to that one. but as this task are, these developments with now is janis amount of how did she's doing this from adult hon. bye, thanks so much for doing this. good morning for little. we appreciate you taking the time. so can use obviously, when we all sort of had what was going on on these strikes, but who does seem to stay the same released by the pentagon. i feel take on this.
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the most definitely is, as i was saying, it was not involved, but it says the strike should be the end of the stage of fire within iran and is valid in your, in your payoff field. what do you have thoughts on? i do honestly believe that this is at the end between the 2. this is the end. i the but those are easiest have well gone. so far doing is actually to ignite a conflict and a greater conflict. and the reason that each of the complex and the fact that they have a system to, you know, to add to it on, in this way, news that they are, the one thing i pushing for that. and, you know, the states has been assuming, statements about the word about the humanitarian and i am a, is to the people and as the about the, what are you about the magnitude of that is very easy. it strikes that on daily
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basis to the better. but it doesn't change anything about the fact that they have just recently awarded as to 8 by more than $5000000000.00 to you know, the kind of, it's a economy stand up of to 8 years of a conflict. so no, i think that is the end american, i'll have to wait for that feedback from it on or for the action of, you know, that has said that it has actually a bit. it's with most of the tax photos with, you know. yeah, interesting. i, one of the you will take on this is why you know, we know is, well say i didn't care it out these. i quote, massive strikes. these are, those was iran said there was really limited damage. what, what do you think, what really half a day is we believe it was the 2 countries are called select bus one is there a says it's massive and defense and the, and it on stage that the, it has actually so many of us a status. this kind of,
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that is there is want to calm down the societies that we have dealt with. you know, it was positive, they cannot do it. they come up to the actors is because at the same time you cannot just put the complex was it on aside from what's going on. and the agent is that you just have been saying for 2 days now, that the patient and the minimum wise to be ending soon. we have a high is a leadership officers below. so we can bookstore all of it. this is not the t is that the, it's a r b s all 7 and died. it's a pulse of that and i 10 patients with the trust below slices. and this is what makes this the, the, is that you didn't pay. and this is what's going to end the were a small things from the statements. they say us, but you know, we know that they don't have
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a strategic patience as strategy that they would wait and wait and then they will decide how to act on it. so that is, it is so and at this point we cannot because even if it isn't positive, i'm not making them declared. no, but i think that both sides are daunting. or if i'm still getting the options of that the psych has already happened. but he said quite clearly, i appreciate your kindness on this. you are right. we don't really know what's going on. i didn't the day, this is a game of war, but isn't going to see how the idea suppose, listen, came out and said, you know, that sense is over. we, we, we've hit our millet children, jack is, but that is came out. and so i told him, saying rudy and ruwan thing is rest. and uh if we do uh to retaliate and to this one is gonna become more serious. oh, we just witnessing a lack of bravado. uh,
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22 countries, just both within the chest buying that just thing. don't attack anymore. we know this could get was yes we are, we are the center please. because if you come to think about the, when you saw this, when the world started with this thing, the sport a adult, they were so many talks about it. so it's kind of along with it kind of handle this . the word would still is a, is the word within that the prices as cities and, and us, that's the one that actually sends the school would. and was not only it has was, it has supported the change of site. so basically the where it is now and it is in accord as to that is easy, which is we are seeing that the american and presidential elections are being assigned is by that relationship. when it's ready,
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everyone is ok with what is right is doing. no one is talking about stopping the words on the is the is really just and i know you are heating, but there are issues. that's why they, you asked to stop the war. now we are talking, blinking is in the area. he's talking about stuffing the work changing hostages. i know this is not why this was thing started. it's not why $40000.00 plus from our people who have died. they have died and they have been killed because we are the nation at the movement, whether it's from us or has the law as it, we started to wish them because as decent, i mean in the future we started because we want to live ation. we did not form a, you know, stopping the word just because we want to stop the admitted to the actions, but as a military must of actions and the agendas side. but this is a, it's so basically what is being said now is about protecting and saving blocks of
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its citizens. and it's kind of funny and their way because the sense of is a, his house died and he was tens of thousands of but his 10 years and his have died in this year. that was looking at the history is so yes in on is involved in this access, is this, the other thing is that it's the benefits from any aging or not. but this not having a military action is going to be equal, or it's going to be taking someone other side and politics. and this is what they're going to see in the company a few days. this today is that we are witnessing that each a are actually the most important in the holy boss. get the most what important then the whole cost just because they are the funding, what's going to happen to the whole reason as to the wishes and to the thoughts of
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that is there is an america behind them and also their pins that are on the list and this genocide on the supporting is that it's so these days are going to be the shaping the future of video just depending on what it is i'm going to continue doing, depending on what that is the way to be continuing to do you know that so but not so much blood shed is seen. i would have to leave with that. as always applies a janice, maverick hobbins. thank you so much for your time. meanwhile, 3 just have been killed in these various types on another day, like on the 11th on all the things that i see sweetie as the details, i assume. but i have not been able to talk to the 3 good that's been killed in as radio fucking this out to be documenting these white people involved. but they've
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never been revolting from the front line. but the ability to structure that parties an hour arrive in favor. i didn't choose that to strike was deliberate. these radio, the patient takes pleasure in killing mondays. it targets agendas. exposure is proven auto. so it takes them to disagree. he said, it comes just days off. there is only 6 remaining goodness in northern projects have without any evidence of their members' lovely photos of the country on their way. a member of emotional scenes is families grieve, the loss of their loved ones killed in the line of duty. mothers moving their songs to the sound of his right and drugs overhead. for some, the pain is too much to bear. he is now in
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a better place than we are. he believed with all his heart and lived with face. he died on his own land. his blood was shed on the mountains and the lands of the south. and we are ready to give our lives for the south to he's become the pride of our people in the south, in syria and in a rock. he lived as a hero and passed away as a hero. and he will remain a hero in memory. and these are our colleagues, our friends, the eyes and is on the ground. on friday morning they paid the ultimate sacrifice across the city house minutes to pharaoh's i'd be laid out in the garden statistics 11, jen. this killed an 8 wounded since he is right. the aggression began. 163 health workers killed, 55, a test on hospitals, many been forced to shut down. power medic, mike, mood aha,
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is explained the difficulties face working on the is right. the fire. okay, mark that one more the now days. many people say why do you risk your life? you can't come here. once you show up in a medical outfit, you can be attacked with them and we will say one thing. we value our lives and on, but it is our duty to help all those who are hurt or in need of the world knows about the threats we face in doing our job. but we should not put our lives in danger a lot. we need to help a certain organizations that can provide our security and protect us. we, the ambulance and medical team are not affiliated with any particular group. we carry out a humanitarian mission during our work. we provide humanitarian assistance to anyone in need of the affected people injured or even those who have already died, no matter who they are. we therefore call on all parties to support the medical teams that are doing their work on the ground in temporary accommodation sites. and areas that are being shown and i'm in holland, we are facing great difficulties today. and hopefully we can cope with all the
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challenges and help everyone and need to come on mohammed out of the gravity of the situation as lebanon comes on to sustain is right. the phone box and the button on the fussing now is, are kind of genocide. what's happening in different, especially in the south and south of it and they lived on the call and it's investigation would continue more and more would test for them and live on, on a new guys that are here to especially to attack the head system and live on the hospital medical center, the answers of the civil defense is according to the international uh for lucky i mean we do this. so 1st confidence the test i guess was happen until now to attack about 40 suspicions. $100.00 magic as
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hunter's, and kids to about $100.00 to $6.00 to $1.00 in the parade of homes i had system and civil defense and also to destroy $162.00 evidences and event on a so know that all day here and 11 and according to the ministry of health, the death toll since october, the 8th last year has now risen to 92 and a half 1000 as 11 and moans as 11 and babies. it said these ready bump up in the country continues unabated. this is, these are you need for it all in favor of the other news that was less then i phone line to go until the president of the magazine, the pro democrat made it is now tom of the thing that was really just person. the little thing journal has a fuse tech, and so i couldn't eat all mazda. it was suppose that the drum campaign of having
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contracts with russia. the go claims are the m as in onto the and the russian president have had several conversations is 2022. there's also a legit involved method. put those requests for a loan of not to activate the stalling satellite system over tie one as a favor to sign is made another trevor. it has this, this, the allegations say motzkin puts in the have a limited interaction before 2022. it was, they just got space issues, i'm feature technologies, but the us never media main click. so it's been a fake news story and i think we don't know what the details are right in the us. officials don't really know, but isn't certainly not something that our national security officials are going to think that as a good thing to do it. it's hard to imagine that someone who is a government contractor and a defense contractor,
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it that isn't constant conversations with one of our chief adversaries in the world . it shouldn't be hard to mean it, but it's not, but it's not. vladimir putin is a former k g b official. there's just no question. the vladimir putin would have been trying to utilize eli mosque as an asset for the russian statement. the question is, what was the line must thinking he was doing in those conversations? well. 7 5 there's a fuzzy on russia live and see me to i was a failed to notice interference across deadlines, a and according to the london hudson. so gold volunteer is to assist the democrats win the election. i'd say is that marina customer of those now and how such interventions has been down played by the media if we are to believe the latest pulse and forecasts the u. s. could be in. so the closest presidential election since 18? 76. that's why, of course,
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every both towns and every helping hand is greatly appreciated. in 5, the presidential race is apparently so type that democrats are going door knocking in windsor on. are you in search of american motors to tip the balance for tablet harris, and that's according to a former us ambassador to canada, who's been tasked within so i assume voters there to choose the democratic nominee . and he believes that americans live in canada could determine the outcome of the selection. in 2020 democrats abroad played a pivotal role in increasing the civilian vote abroad by 73.5 percent over 2016. as a result, overseas votes made up the margin of victory for white house and senate races in georgia in arizona. it's all about those swing states and targeting the ex pats who come from there now aside from canada, which has the largest diaspora. there's also mexico followed by the u. k. in 3rd place. one could argue that americans live in the u. k. don't need much convincing,
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considering the british government is already opening a campaign in full time, a lot, harris. i have nearly $100.00 labor party staff current and former going to the us in the next few weeks heading to north carolina, nevada, pennsylvania, and virginia. i have 10 spots for anyone available to head to the battleground, state of north carolina. we will start your housing pieces illegal. maybe that's why they do k. governments wants x to disappear, so that people don't read and it couldn't be any uncommon slide because that this was the revelation revealed by this information chronicle, which showed internal documents from the sensor for accounts or any digital hate outlining their goal. so kill must ex wife, frustrating advertisers to withdraw sup wards. now the angel's legs to both the labor party and the u. k. n. the democrats in the us have been very well documented . you on months can actually re access to the news, saying it's
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a criminal organization and this means more. meanwhile, donald trump wants to hold the british governments accountable for their plates and interference. i write on behalf of donald trump for president 2024, incorporated, to request an immediate investigation into blayton for an interference in the 2024 presidential election in the form of a parent illegal for a national contributions made by the labor party of the united kingdom and accepted by harris for president the principal campaign committee of vice president campbell at harris. so you can probably minister a rush to justify himself saying the party is not doing anything illegal or new for that matter. they're doing it in their spare time. they're doing it as volunteers, they're staying, i think with all the volunteers over there. that's what they've done in previous elections. that's what they doing in the selection. and that's really straightforward, very straightforward in the considering how much they've heard over the years about interference in us selections. well, the wonder is how the mainstream media handled this revelation. russia is drawing
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a metal in the 2024 presidential election, the volume industries and heating russia with new sanctions, now accusing moscow of interfering. and the presidential election already pointing the finger at iran as part of a claim that it was hacked or ron was responsible for hacking into former president donald trump, to white house campaign, russia. iran and china are likely to engage in newly sophisticated influence and interference efforts. ahead of the 2024 us presidential election pulse. all right, that's how western mainstream media cover electric interference by their enemies presents. and proof is, of course, not a necessary when it comes to russia, china or iran, loud and hyperbolic headlines being or not small wonder friends are involved and the proof is in the pudding. then it's a company, a different story. look at these headlines when it comes to modeling a bi canada and the u. k. the presumption of innocence is paramount, in this case,
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labeled a claim or an accusation. while those who dare expose legs between various organizations, like the c, c, d, h, to put his labor party and the democrats get hung out. so try always in the name of democracy. for the british devin, my idols. i am proud told us it was to me, the outlet down play you government and diverse in the us. that isn't because the objectives coincide the fact that the people are trying to minimize, it has an issue like he said, case with labor costs yet to be still a little help in the us. it gets just the vice and due to campaigning supports the to the highways campaign is interesting because if it was the country, i suspect the complaints would be, would be, must lived in the media, then think it's a good look for, you know, for a test um is it going to be allowing this to happen? they to be back in one side in any given day so that she should keep hands of the
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elections and deal with whoever gets get selected. a people be a terrified about the idea of it sounds may get away to begin as we do in 2016. and there's a real kind of mainstream at west and mainstream and liberal to dislike of the idea of trump and what he stands for. and so that, that's where you see these, you feel like double standards way. oh, yeah. so, so the okay for laid back to base to go and literally can of living in washington during the election campaign and supporting. but you know, i'm, i'm feeling that i gave something less than that and the same thing. so in the newspapers every day, you know when that sort of thing going on that. so for me, when i'm going to you at the top of the hours, mind calling a reading to reboot. so do say to the night is up for the
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