tv News RT October 26, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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the, the clear rainy and military claims an overnight is rarely a tag cause limited damage, while the idea of bows revenge against further evaluation. if the regime in iran were to make the mistake of beginning a new year round of escalation, we will be obligated to respond george's sans at a cross roads as 1st sold parliamentary election to take off the country and set to decide whether it's a future port flies towards the west for independence, and washington is raising concerns. and us media accuse take 1000000000 are eli mosque of closing up the to the following. the business man's endorsement of donald trump with the claims emerging just over a week before the us
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a console. i'd like set the from our headquarters in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. this is archie international. we start was breaking news a ron says the damage caused by israel's overnight attack was limited and its air defense system is successfully intercepted the missiles. despite previous warnings from the islamic republic, officials to the criminal and the legal scientist regime to avoid any adventurous actions this freak regime attacked parts of military centers into ron cruz. this dawn and the alarm provinces this morning and attends action. he stated that while the integrated air defense system of the country successfully intercepted encountered this aggressive act, limited damage was done to some places. and the dimensions of this incident are under investigation. as of these are the reported locations targeted by the is
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really our main video is posted on social media, have shown missiles being intercepted over to ron, to buy a range in the air defenses. right. we can cross live now to our, to middle east, to be or chief maria of the notion of who joins us from jerusalem. marie, i'm up more to tell us about this latest escalation and exchange of fire. well, good morning to you. a highly anticipated as really a tac last of the roughly 4 hours as around 6 am local time on such a day, the idea of announced that it had completed its limited operation in iran, named the days of response in retaliation for a runs of toper attack. and armies spokespersons stayed at the dozens of participate in fight address, return safely home off the strike and exclusively military targets across iran, including facilities involved in may,
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solves production and launch as well as weapon storage is as an old tennessee. israel also targeted iran surface to air missile systems and air capabilities to expand as well as freedom of aerial operations in iran. yonder released photos showing the idea of chief of staff defense administered air force, chief commanding the attack from as well as military headquarters in tel aviv with a prime minister engine yackel. also present all objectives were achieved. the army says, let's take a listen. if the regime in the wrong were to make the mistake of beginning a new round of escalation, we will be obligated to respond. our message is clear. all those has threatened the state of israel and 6 to drag the region into wider escalation will pay a heavy price. a well off to iran, launched a barrage of ballistic missiles at israel on october 1st. his rarely retaliation
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was a matter of when the note, if with the key question being the choice of target. and it took as well, almost 4 weeks to respond. likely. these are disagreements between till are even washington over target selection with are you asked, prefer and likely you had limited response to avoid triggering at full scale war and for the risk relation in the region. it appears that pressure from washington ultimately influence the outcome as, as well as attack remains limited in scope with no oil or nuclear facilities targeted despite previous claims and warnings. the targets were confirmed with washington and american officials were repulsively briefed before they strikes. of course, however, an american source told reuters that's the u. s. was not directly involved in this attack. washington suppose that these really strikes, calling them an act of self defense and response to the ran into sold, but expressed hope that the cycle of violence would end here that stick. listen,
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secretary austin visa and the ottoman clause commitments of the united states to israel security invite to self defense in the face of flux from iran and the wrong box, terrorist organizations. and the determination to prevent any act from exploiting time since or expands into conflict in the region. well interesting that while israel has the right to self defense, according to washington reports now indicates that the us is using all available channels to persuade iran not to retaliate or to limit its response. basically denying the similar right for to her on back to you. or we can also across to our a ron based correspondence, yusef, july use of what can you tell us about the situation there in our ron now and, and what's being said about whether or not we can expect to ron that to respond
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of course for now everyone is waiting for some images to surface out of the attack sides to get a sense of the scale and the magnitude of these way the overnight attacks against that run. uh, but so far, no images have been surface so far from the wine in a miller 3 institutions. but we heard the iranian air defense. it released the statement a couple of hours ago. ready and i'm reading directly from the statement that reads that despite prior warnings from it, why didn't and visuals to the criminal and quote, a lawful design this regime to refrain from any adventurous actions. this illegitimate regime launched an aggressive operation this morning, targeting military centers into one who's this fall, and then the law provinces. and then uh, the statement continued this way. the integrated air defense system of the country, successfully tracked and counter then intercepted this hospital attack,
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resulting in limited damage to some areas. so i'll be there, ronnie, and i'm military institutions, including the air defense are now undermining these where the attack they are saying that the attack has been very limited. the scale and the scope of father damage is insignificant. for now, we're not sure whether it one wants to respond to this attack or not. we need to wait for more information surrounding god, the size and the magnitude of the damages that have been inflicted on the iranian military sites. overnights or to wait for a ronnie and any potential iranian response to the attack of course. uh, we also heard that as well has and had informed everyone of its, quote, a limited attack against its miller, 3 sides and the country through a, an intermediary regional country. that's based on,
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on the american news agency of siding, some informed sources, but when it comes to the public, unlike what we expected, we expected a sense of a panic. people would rush to the streets or long lines of cars waiting, or, or rushing, flocking to a gas stations. but this time around. no such a thing happened because people perceive the attack also to be a very limited in nature and in the scope and that magnitude. we reviewed the social media in iran and it became the subject of mockery by people sarcastically thinking israel for letting them sleep in peace. while benjamin netanyahu himself did not lincoln i throughout the night, sending his own people to shelters. that's based on our comments and posts on instagram and other social media platforms. so of all the and i'll,
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based on what we saw late at night, it was less than meets the eye. but everyone now has also allegedly warned of a response. some news outlets are citing some iranian unnamed, anonymous iranian officials off. um, uh, threatening a response. we're not sure about this, but this aligns with it. wants previous comments by different who are wanting officials after they launch their october 7th attack. they have been warning israel off against a retaliatory strike against it. was saying that any response on the part of israel would be met with even a harsher response from these womic republic copy of on and based on recent comments during the interview to r t a bus out to the wiring divani and for administer also said some similar remarks, and let's take a listen to that. always. so for the,
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so if the nose that's they are behind the i mean aside for you as well. we defend the last 500 assessment, defend this one again. if is the fax us a people to respond the way our response so what mr. are off to you said a lines perfectly with a wine in officials up flyer warnings against israel that any kind of aggressive action on the part of israel will be met with even a stronger response. yvonne has already a warrant of revising its nuclear strategy. it's saying that it will step up its nuclear program in case of the woods housing authority attack on the part of as well. and wanting officials. the also indicated that iran would launch 5 thousands
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of its ballistic missiles, add its disposal against the territories inside, as well. and those sites and regions have already or been designated carefully by the i r g c, these womic revolution guard score that's based on comments by iranian military institutions. they're wanting. officials also said that the deploying side, the american fad system would not benefit as well against a potential strike by the islamic republic of your on. so all in all. for now, we need to wait for more information to surface out of this overnight attack by swell against your want to get a sense of whether or not to get wind will respond. all right, to ortiz yourself to loudly live for us in to ron. and thanks as well to our to middle east bureau chief maria from ocean who joined us from jerusalem. thank you. it's all right, we can go now to journalists, jani ben. when i come to joins me from jerusalem,
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you're only going to have you on the program. the pentagon issued a statement denying us involvement and saying these strikes should be the end of a ron and israel as exchange of fire. i'm curious, are your thoughts on that? do you believe that the us was not involved in this and that this would be the end of this back and forth, a tax between around and as well. we don't know what the audience was do, whether they will respond or not. but of course, there was a full coordination between these really united states and the tween. these are the army of the pentagon and the americans, a deployed forces and the same day at the craft, the defense me a system. so he's well, in order to help us to protect itself. if the right hands there retaliate and the this is a full scale require cooperated operation between these ladies and the americans.
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and the cost of it is an american templates. they don't think bottles to be attacked, but they are assisting ease with it to defend itself. even though would be iranian retaliation. israel said that it turned out massive strikes, but a ron says there was only limited damage. do you have any insight into what made that really happen as well, according to senior security sources and he's, well, the writer is uh, id and the results of the tax. because the very bare is for, for a lot at the end the, we're talking about the tax on closed and military base is a no and generally smaller right here and there isn't been scanned. the gift could also be said base is in order to see with their own eyes what really happened. but it is where the assessment was a very successful attack and that it was only a mean good, a military sites and not civilians sides. so that i don't care,
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so please along the civilians and the these were the same very clearly this, this is only the beginning. if the logins the decide to retaliate, then that is some security sources saying that this is the 1st stage if they are all will continue to continues with the rod at the in the future. is redwood strike also the nuclear sites and the oil industry? oh, be wrong. yeah. how are you expecting this to escalate? because iran had said that it would retaliate. if israel does carry out this attack, which has been anticipated for several weeks now. i think for right now the trying to gain time, the really blow a bring down the what happened last night, the probably estimating the situation at the destination and these was that they
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literally tell you that's off stage. and so the idea that easily the defense forces are ready to launch. and now the attack on iraq at this time give it to happen, it would be stronger than that that last night. so. so what, what do you think were israel's goals and the situation because israel says the edits shaved its military goals, but to ron says the very level was actually achieved was this about as well. trying to test ron's patients trying to actually escalate this? perhaps no the same. so i've seen the diesel earlier. what was important for these are these 2 that the set back would be quadratic. it's fully with united states and the in order to gain the american support is what i took into consideration the president by then and coming i always a very where it's a full, the successful it is really it back that day we do that. they undermine the successes will come in,
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i would say being elected this the next president. so is there a typical consideration and the americans will compensate these rifle? that is, there's no doubt about it is so, and we're just waiting now for the results of the american, the american elections in 2 weeks. and afterwards, this would be the different ball game. all right, we're gonna live with their general as you all need been without them in jerusalem, you only thank you. thank you very much. i'll be sure to follow our coverage here on our to international for more updates as they emerge to stay with us. well turning it now to the south, the caucus is where crowds are heading to pulling stations as crucial parliamentary elections kick off in the republic of georgia. more than 3000 pulling stations have already opened across the country with the state election commission preparing to accommodate over 3000000 voters. the ruling party has been in power for 12 years
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and the seeking to win a parliamentary majority for the 4th time, but opposition parties are looking to create a coalition to push aside at the georgia dream and building underway. the us is already expressing concerns over election interference. we've made our concerns very clear about the trajectory of the democratic institutions and election process in georgia and we remain very concerned about it. or to say both brings us more details from freedom square, the very hearts of publicity. well, i'm just started here in freedom square in the center to police in georgia, georgia code to your best 4000000 people in the so called many, many thousands of kilometers away from washington on brussels. good. uh, you know, uh, as a georgia dream party, the biggest party here been in power since 2012. they face off no against this united national move and which is a very loose coalition of numerous much smaller parties. this election has become
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important in far away place. it seems with the american government suggests and even russian and chinese involved. but somebody can tell you the in the hotel and we're staying in and on the streets here. i hear a stadium voices, british voices. american voice has plenty of them. so i'm saying that there observers here, i don't hear any chinese and very few russian in any official capacity. so it seems to me is if this is a little bit of hip hop received right there, i say it's coming from the west. that's of a little listen to what that say do nice states. oh there and colleagues in europe have a long, strong instead, fast friends to the people of georgia. unfortunately, this powerful bond has recently come under the wizard attack of the ruling georgia dream party. the georgia dream government has openly renounced the longstanding democratic annual atlantic choice. as the georgian people ran a put and ask style,
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find agent law to parliament. this law is openly intended to stigmatize and undermine the nation's independence, civil society. georgia dream is also expanding as ties with the chinese communist parted rapidly and handing over key infrastructure to the people's liberation army military link companies. as another aspect of it stake, tutorial turn, the united states must not allow this attack on georgia in democracy and it 0 as linux future to go on. and so it's very interesting when they mention the, you know, of victor coney laws so that far an agency united states has had a foreign agents registration for decades. united states on particularly on to be blinking. so angry. it seems on, on the copy that your just passing laws which defended sovereignty. and essentially, the georgia law, the, for an agency,
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the registration at or the same is georgia version of it brought to the table both to the front of the georgia dream is essentially a georgia version of the phrase same law. so instead of very hypocritical for when this was brought in by george and cream big opening for our kids are huge demonstrations here in freedom square. and again, america was very quick to say that they would now even consider sanctioning georgia . the european union suggested that they were done with law phoning from the beginning of today's action. and the schools are concerned about the consequences of antique democratic actions in georgia and the efforts by key individuals to use violence and intimidation to achieve the aims. the united states remains committed to holding accountable those who seek to undermine the rights of the georgian people. and again, when this act was passed, the ruling party here at georgia dream remembered democratically elected for the
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majority of people. the vast majority of the over 60 percent voting for they did some research and see who the parties were most aggressively opposed to the new legislation were of assumed itself for at least more than half of them didn't even have a website. a lot of the didn't to submit their annual financial returns hooked onto great lakes to can see where this money was coming from. european and american egos, chief among the united states, also suggested that it would launch a new law and the mirror to call the mega bar yard, which is a huge target to stick to essentially huge funding for georgia. it follows the atlantis as western view of the world. but what they failed to tell us in the western media is that both sides of the political divide here at the national coalition data facing georgia, dream on georgia, deep one to follow a european path to be patient. this is georgia. dream said they want to do it their
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way sensitive to georgia institution, culture and regional realities, particularly not wanting to get thrown into any kind of conflict with russia and ukraine, heated seats on the billboards around the the city hear people saying choose peace . we don't want to have a called a white on 2 points. so that's how we tune together with the georgian people logically complete the european path. we started and become a member of the european union while preserving our dignity in response. the agents of external forces still want war chaos, and poverty, leading to the destruction of the country, internal and external enemies should not be allowed to destroy georgia. georgia is a country whose population wants to become a member of the european family with peace, dignity, and prosperity preserving its own values. of course, all this information needs people to ask here in georgia,
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politicians into police. the of the parliament had tools the united states wants to achieve some sort of regime change here. the color revolution bite on 2 point. oh, as the georgia people go to the polls, the noise will be uh on to the leasing at george. and we need to get 60 percent to give us majority to go over it again for the next the number of years as do this, a very loosely that coalition. and one of the key points is, is how will this lucy led coalition heavily back for the west on the react? if georgia dream achieves it's cold, us 60 percent will, that'd be more protests that'd be violent clashes here. it's a belief seats will be here following the story every step. the way the tied to moscow narrative is quickly becoming a staple of us presidential elections. and this time the smear campaign is targeting none other than donald trump's a key ally. the law must accusations that detect billionaires cosy ties of put not
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pulling focus away from the candidates themselves, are to use. we're in a customer eva takes a closer look. a mosque has become a big sword in washington's side, especially since he announced to support for former us president donald from now this is a man who everyone in his field knows and respects. not only is he not afraid to speak his minds, but he also has a lot of influence. and maybe that's why we're seeing so many recent attempts to smear him. space x is now under intense scrutiny for environmental violations out in south texas star based facility. the department of justice has filed a lawsuit against face executing the company of hiring discrimination companies. largest stakeholder is facing a new lawsuit of choosing the billionaire of market manipulation. and just in case that didn't do the trick they brought out their trump card quite literally just blink 8 on most of lot of our boots and, and you'll have americans warming that he's leaking washington's top secret to
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russia. i think we don't know what the details are right in the us. officials don't really know, but isn't certainly not something that our national security officials are going to think that as a good faith it's, it's hard to imagine that someone who is a government contractor and a defense contractor. it that isn't constant conversations with one of our chief adversaries in the world. it shouldn't be hard to mean it, but it's not, but it's not. vladimir putin is a former k g b official. there's just no question. the vladimir putin would have been trying to utilize eli mosque as an asset for the russian stay there, apparently best friends who regularly discussed personal topics business and geo political time since the whole street journal claims that have received this information from several carnes and former us your pin and russel officials, who also revealed the boots and asked the billionaire to avoid activating he's
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starling satellite internet service over its firewall as a favor to that signing these later. i'll just like a boots and supposedly got a lot of favors from, from after he helped when during the 1st election though it's still unclear how exactly are also benefit from, from this presidency. it's also on the clear whether proof is and once again, just and normally sources anonymously making claims. providing 0 evidence just relying on smoking head lice to work their magic. well most go is as always, a set in the record straight on that. as you remember, put in was accused of goals really having conversation with jump. now who's allegedly talking with musk, these claims that are all completely false. the wall street journal published a completely false statement, put and had only one in culture with most before 2022. but so had more of introductory style. they talked about the future and the vision salvage. lots of
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himself has said that these claims are absurd, but who's listening? they're busy trying to expose and punish him and the lead up to the election. and the latest scandal is over his $1000000.00, which stakes. so one of the things we're doing is we want to try to get over a 1000000, maybe 2000000 of, of, of voters in the battleground states to sign the petition in support of the 1st and 2nd amendment. we're going to be awarding a $1000000.00 to a random weights. if people have signed to sign the petition every day from now until the election this is a way of getting people to vote in swing states and of course must can definitely afford that which is making a lot. 4 of people angry like the democrats and the justice department, which jumped on this right away. saying that this could be legal though they can be
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sure. yeah. it's still a wonder if the departments is also looking in. so those staffers from the british labor party who are campaigning for hi mila harris right now in the west. and questions remain over. who sponsoring that, cheerleading squad, and how legal that is. but of course, the law mosque is arguably far more powerful than the u. k. labeled party and also a key figure in the tech space industry, which puts them in a very tricky position. one person aware of the conversations. so the government faces a dilemma because it is so dependent on the billionaires technologies space x launch is vital national security satellites into orbit and is the company now so relies on to transport astronaut to and from the international space station. they don't love it. the person said, referring to the must put in contacts. the person however, said no alerts have been raised by the administration over possible security
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breaches by musk. muskets sets that have top level clear incentives, no doubt, be monitored, so safe to assume that if there was communication between him and vladimir putin, the fence would know about it and could probably provide evidence. so what is this all about? just another spirit campaign for american voters to read off since the roster trump hopes worked wonders for them last time. even if it was proven falls. the question is, will they buy the narrative this time? most of the conservative daily podcast, jo, altman says, those who refuse to sing to the tune of the democrats will face similar backlash, kill the unfortunate part is anyone that opposes the agenda? that is, is so evident and united states, it becomes the enemy and it doesn't matter. you can't think for yourself. you're taught not to think for yourself. and in this, in this, in this regard,
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even mosque is, is a business guy, right? he's been doing business and creating innovation all over the world. but what you're seeing now is they just turn against them. he was once revered as the person that the left to use as a beacon of hope. and now they, they look at him is it that he has betrayed their interest? is audiology. that frankly is been a perverse with with sickness. and so what they're trying to do is manipulate and to create a narrative that gets people to believe what the results will be in november. and so this is just another one of those smear campaigns with baseless accusations and things that they make up out of sitting there in order to disparage someone like you are most core or president trump. so i don't, i don't think we, we do, you understand or i don't think anyone across the entire country are world understands the, the, the, what's really happening in the united states. the machine companies are 100 percent
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