tv Cross Talk RT October 28, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EDT
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it still was surprisingly restrained when it comes to it as well. so therefore we have to try to explain why was israel so restrained? well, one of this, um possibility is that there is a us selection taking place is rarely watching. who's going to prevail on um, on in november and we'll act accordingly. so i think that was, that was one of the calculations. i think that is real probably decided to give a bite and a break. and if it is possible that how it is really acted in a less risk rain, where had it actually gone for the uh, oil refineries. maybe they would have been, uh, some people quitting this um with the washington. it's get some, we don't yet know. i mean, but we'll find out later what we'll do as far as what the run we'll do in the short
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term, probably around won't do very much in the longer term. i think you're wrong, well indeed move towards some kind of a nuclear capability because this is the situation is clearly unacceptable due to robin's leaders, whereby and it's a, in the cross hairs of to nuclear power is israel in the united states. and it has no means of defending it, so you have been technical. so the what as a result of the balance of power has not really changed. i mean, the israel, i agree with george. i think there are political considerations when it comes to washington. but israel has to start seriously thinking about what it means to go up the escalation letter, because it's never had to do this before. it has always been able to attack its neighbors with impunity. now it's a lot more complicated take yes, i agree with the last point. you may definitely understand it correctly. um i would only draw the opposite conclusion from it. that's what i would say. the balance of
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power has changed. okay, tens of cause most of the state disclosures slide from beach it has changed. i think it is changed in the sense that we have seen is through this training. it's sort of so as not to be heat too hot too soon, but you're wrong. so one way you can see this is x c also away in bitch, iran has proven that it came to an extent already deter is right, right. we don't know what the right now or later. i think that's absolutely true. but mind reading is that the least trained on the is very the side we can explain to, to an extent probably, i think george is right. the considerations that have to do with the usa. but also that i think we should forget that they also have to calculate the writing and response. right? and i do think there's an element in which the base science of shift it seems over on has a text for the 1st time, which was a very my, is the attack,
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right. and then for the 2nd time, this was a little bit most serious. we have seen that iran kind makes so it's some pressure on this, but it has also suffered setbacks. it's very clear because as well, i has in many ways take losses. but not only, but my sense is that iran has actually proven that its position is stronger than say, a few years ago. and again, i agree with george that for the wrong and leadership. the key question now is, are we going to act on this? now if i was having a nuclear arsenal, or are we going to acquire nuclear weapons 1st? yeah, and, and, and i think it's, there's almost an inevitability here about that. but that's a subject for another problem. george it's, it's really interesting when we look over the last year. and the question is how we've just been, why doesn't define any ministration, exert leverage over israel since israel was a little,
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virtually solely dependent on us arms and diplomatic support. but, but there is a news opinion commentary then the by the administration actually did exert a lot of pressure on israel, on how we do um, retail we, which brings up a very interesting and very disturbing question if it's true. because if they have leverage over israel, when it comes to broadening the war into the region, why does it apply the same or the genocide in gaza? i mean, it is, it's a, it's a truly disturbing thing to consider being name of a will exert pressure to stop genocide, but they will exert pressure to stop the expansion of the war and your thoughts. so that's an excellent point because it does look as a so as you say that the bind them this ration did exerts
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a lot of pressure on israel thing this situation now before it hadn't done anything . so if we look at why is it done it now, then you have to think it's in terms of election calculations that the probably figuring that if israel the what to launch a very serious attack on the, the, around including attacks on uh, oil facilities, including maybe even the tax on the nuclear facilities, then this would trigger any rainy and response. and this will home a combo harris's re election process because we'll say they look, everything is out of control. you brains out of control. the middle east is out of control and it will re, re town, negatively against hub. now, they need to answer your question then why, you know, why did they think that? because that's the way they all that's, that's what matters to them. they really don't care very much about of the flights of guns that palestinians,
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them today very much about 11 on his ball or anything else. so they only thing they care about is that checkbooks the jobs that are the office holders. and so this is, this is the reason why that on this occasion was one occasion they got quite agitated because the, basically they said they thought that this will damage them. uh, the combo la harris's election prospect invitation also, it kind of confirms things that we've talked about in the recent past is that when it comes to head gemini, the us has a supremacy. but when it comes to re, they the grinning details about how to maintain in a id. unfortunately, and a genocide as part of the, you know, making the sausage. you mean, you know, the us wants to maintain a hedge, a monic of control in the region or a and or denying others that have had gemini in the region,
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which i think is really important. it's a denial of policy as well. but if you know it again, we showed this how it kind of dovetails as long as it promotes the gemini, western, and gemini everything is elses use time and everything else. is that this kind of embarrassing detail now i look i, i think that's all true. well, you have said, well, george had said, i would add something, we're just going to look up what, what i see. and, but the also seeing is that the usaa administration progressively to blog whatever you call them. right? they don't give a damn about the genocide, the genocide, especially of brown people that does not matter to them. right. this is the aspect of the mara dimension, which is incredibly important and horrendous to look at how far they go. it's not totally surprising, but every time they act out like this, it still shopping, right? but there is a political domain, some s y which is interesting. this is they don't give with them about the global
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south. because look, even if they are told of cynics and months to switch, they are, and they don't care care about the murder to the murder of civilians. they could still st. yeah, it looks very bad to most of humanity. so we have to do something about that and adjust to that and what they've demonstrated over a year now is that they don't even care about this. and i think what this shows is that this american struggle to preserve the empire at the dyna empire as i think and to preserve the gemini, everybody. and the word is not on the boat. it's always been built. it's incredibly short sighted. it's too quick now, which makes you as an incredibly dangerous country. the lottery's trained eyes of the morality, or even by a tiny bit of rationality. nothing is working any more and my view well in charge to add to the pessimism that he just expressed here. when we see
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a country like israel, us laundering a path to the people that are dead and in golf to our children. and this is a genocide against children, then we see the long destruction of whole neighborhoods in, in lebanon, and be rude. but this is a, a power that has nuclear weapon. so mean they think the big, the nightmare scenario, the new killer age is that you know, a, a rogue state or a non state after would get their hands on one. but there is a, there is a lunatic state that has moved to looked up and committing genocide. so this should be the most terrifying thought in our telling. but it's not george. no, it isn't because of latex strongly on reserve support. the there is for a israel and therefore it is around believes, but it can get away with everything. now, you know, when it goes, there has to say that the israel's neighbors have not exactly covered themselves in
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glory um over the past 12 months because no one, no one out of state that has had diplomatic relations with israel. not one of them actually even went so far as the break of diplomatic relations. no one just said, okay, well that's it. no, no, no diplomatic relations. and again, when we come to all the powers of what you know, when we're aware of how the policy in a way, where's that, where's the brakes westbrooks coming along here is all these plan here is, uh, we're proposing a conference. everybody has to show up for this uh, peace conference. they've, they've been, you know, i felt when it came to the ukraine, they created a phony baloney peace conference on, on ukraine. i mean, suppose it in the chief anything. but nonetheless, it was a police like a good, a global public relations done. you're going to do exactly the same here we need. and so kind of a peace officer is what has been able to get away with everything because they haven't been sufficient counts of lading. forces and of course the americans. well
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yeah, but what was it america gave us a blank check to is what it's always given a blank check to as well. and it in always, well if, if the things continue, the way they are towards brings up a, a very, very important point is the culpability of the entire international system here. and this is a in condemnation of it. uh, something, something certainly coming to an end. what's coming into being, so it's hard to say gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here. i'm going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on some real estate and with our tea the,
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the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community invest. ingles, all sense i'm up. the, in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia, funding and supports the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the student services for the question, did you think it would cost to ship the
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welcome back across that bullhorn design, people available here were discussing some real news. take, let me go back to you 1st. here. we just had a problem entry election in georgia. it was a boom. proceeding a was to move on tight 5050. it was a georgians, were presented with a russian future or radian future with b, e, u in western values and everything. it was highly propagandized reading, western media and it was bits, coverage was deplorable. i mean, really, i mean,
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we're all critics of western media, but in reading some of these things just was extraordinarily biased and, and highly politicized here. but the, the george and people have spoken of the ruling party in georgia. dream did. well, i think they did better than far the more than what the polls said. but of course the opposition called file. so we could see something like they might gone from 2014 in ukraine. your thoughts here because and i want to dump tail it into what we have in recent election. we have over breath from end and we had in, in molto. but go ahead creek, you know, the, the stronger over georgia life has been going on now for at least since 2008. you could say right. and it's a geo political stronger most so far. it's not as target about the values as all, but it's the values of the packaging and bundle. every party was hopefully intelligent, should have caught up to that, right. it's,
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it's no longer fresh. it's a very old propaganda tricks that'd be able to expose to again. and what is that? if you look at the origin dream, which, you know, i have no stake in georgia politics at all. but as far as i have read up on the georgia dream is hardly actually a pro russian party, but georgia dream is there are no real rush. it parties in georgia incentive free to do pro, rock direction properties like what everyone. but that's the problem. but georgia dream really stands for is totally extend, retain a balance balance that could actually be very different ages and has the for georgia, the georgia temporary refresher. lift china, not to be forgotten but fits it's building important relationships and is the best grease which is always the problem. that's the best. it would also be open to working this device because look at the way that the relationship between on one side to i sent to you and georgia on the other side has recently develop all the
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aggressive steps. have literally come from the e u, the commission. and from the american government that's been impressed on sanctions money, it has to be before the funds that you're as from that you, we've had brady to elect somebody to few months on the side of the e u, which basically was trying to live a rich views of privileges to tired of georgia and i thought you will georgia dream out or you will get you a visa, a proof of that just. and the more it was very, very clear of what was going on. this cogent reimburse at one point retaliating to every talk, right to record shop, right and response. but if you look at the fundamental process since they already developed this as one and the real problem and the rest is and this was done to ukraine as well. the exec does the same thing in 2013. so the problem is that the best says it's only us. you cannot work with everybody, you must have owned the us. it's like so close a relationship. and personally,
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whatever else happens in georgia, i am on the side of those who think it's much better to maintain the balance for the externship insight to your political situation. because the other thing that can happen to you is your rate in future is going to be that of ukraine. exactly. and i think that's what have so many journey we have august 2008 that, that is recent memory. george of you know, and i, before i forget which being the outrage of selection brought in moldova, where the russian definitely the, the aspirate in russia. what was effectively blocks from participating, most likely would have made the difference here. but, and even the, all the electioneering and it was, we have a whole the result. well, you know, it was razors that we can leave it at the judge. what this is really all about is the european values, the euro with land taken off, you know, whole beds kind of soft and fuzzy stuff here. this is all the process of inducting
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georgette and they'll go back into nato. that's the only thing they care about. the rest of it is just lot. go ahead, george. the best advice exactly right. anyone remembers the rule of the 2008 ward in georgia and he was directly tried go to buy the book or a summit. the problem is and they to a membership to ukraine and to georgia, georgia and you, oh gosh, really, the president there, george, at the time you, the georgia club, not to join nato as long as they've had on result on conflicts on this 3rd trip. so it's that, gosh, really took it upon himself. he saw that as a signal from need, so that hey, i can now resolve my problems in georgia and then i'll be good to go for a membership of a nature. i just probably given indications by us secretaries they come to lisa rice, but yeah, go ahead. you know, do it, you know, rushes preoccupied with a lot of other things. this is your moment. so there is no question. this is what
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the goal is here in georgia and in bold over. and of course, there's also the question of opening up in the front against russia because, you know, if there was to be some kind of a problem. again, as in 2008 himself will say to posit up, or even though it is going to be a problem with trans, this strip. so there's going to be difficult for russia. i mean russians right, preoccupied with ukraine and they wouldn't be as little as easy as it was in 2008 to a to handle that crisis. and they to knows this and that's why that's the only value of a georgia envelope. but these are 2 poor countries, but they, they are in a strategic location of georgia is a very strategic location. i mean, it's, uh, is the eastern uh, coast of the black sea. it's a neighboring target neighbors as it by john. so clearly this is something that's a great value too late, so. so all or is about values of l g, b, g q, right?
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so the, uh, the foreign it agents registration act bull, uh, is just a lot of uh, fob. yeah. but then goes back to your original question, the people, what's going to happen now? well, we know that the opposition has already cried. file the media already up a bumping oxygen into these planes. i fully expect you today to say absolutely, though this was a completely bogus election. this was stolen, you need to cancel it immediately. and the, the, the georgia and the president who was going to parachute it in to be, as a pro wes, them proudly the wage nachos these cries, did george and present it to is a french citizen, correct? was a french citizen, the who was born and lived all her life and for a 102 was a member of the think civil service. throughout her career, i pulled me up on her retirement, was,
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did they graph up and dumped the into georgia? this isn't, you know, the doesn't even really speak georgian, but the don't to, to make sure that georgia maintained its pro western uh course. you know, teddy guy looked very closely at um, uh, the campaigns in moldova, and georgia. and you know what, i don't want to, you know, and surprise you or anything, but it was about corruption, energy security, inflation. this is what most voters were talking about. okay. you think the current model been present and came in on an anti corruption platform. but tim is running for reelection on you know the the move to the west, i mean, are you banded have corruption to your band and the standard to be the energy crisis that moldova was, it was, they created it themselves, they want, they want adapt spot market prices for, for oil and gas and no, no, we don't do that. you know? no, well,
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no long term contracts with directions. you have to use spa. well then when the prices go up, the poor country is poor. me. busy and that's the way you know, i mean, the way these campaigns were run is that they will slip back into rushes hands. well, if you look at both of them, what malls odms, they actually, you know, border ukraine, their home, a lot of them don't want that to happen to them. the georgians already know what can happen in 2008. they want to be restrained as well. and when, when we approach that you, uh, i'm uh, described earlier, i think that's what most people want, but the mandarins in brussels and in washington, se, nope, just exactly, we use, i only us go ahead and take, you know, i, i, i wonder also what will happen next in both cases. right. and, and of course i can only get some speculate but concerning georgia funds and literally i know one have observed recently. my sense is that if that is an attempt by with you visor but as to parachute into use of people not enrolled and so on and
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start a colored revolution again, i think they were faded in georgia. and i think that because they failed to talk with the transparency law and they, they pulled out all the stops, then, i mean, if you look at the demonstrations against the transparency law, those could easily have been turned into color revolution scenario. and i think they would have been turned into that if own needs and would have been able to do that. and i think they have tested the limits already and in the georgia in case my sense is the you in the west country, right. once again, a said like to do in georgia and other places, but i think they'd fade. now that the model in case i think is a bit more complicated, possibly because of geographic location and positive because it seems to be that the incumbent of toe is already on the side of the best as a severe stopping from a different position. right?
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um and again i, it, it might be possible for you to, to force impose this policy on model. unfortunately, i don't think this is good for model, but my sense is they, they won't be able to do it in georgia and it's going to turn into that you face the, the color of course. of course, the other line problem is that every time these attempts made business a phase or in quotation marks succeed for the best, right. but they fail or succeed in bringing down governments. they don't like. and re aligning the geo politics of solver nations. every time they what a lot of damage in all of these scenarios, all of these societies suffer a lot of damage. and what we really need to see, it said at some point somebody forces the best to stop trying, not just to try and fade, but to still try. well, is that springs up really interesting calling because george,
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i just don't think it's in their dna. i. i, i think that they have such a myopic view of it, and they truly believe it's about democracy because the mind, media, nato, and democracy are the same thing. i mean, which is absurd, but i think in their mind. and that's why i think this is very dangerous, and these people are not very nuanced at the end of the day. okay. now, when in doubt, pilots, that's what this is, what's gonna happen? a hi, i agree with you, be the i the not capable of changing cause. so that's why we can already outline exactly what they going to do. anything targeting may be right, that they will fail, that even if they at us dot triggering violence, you know, we'll have the usual button buildings brand cause and then the media will regardless with a terrifying stories of police brutality. and then we'll hear from entity blinking about peaceful demonstrators and the georgia injury may still re run the selection
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. all of that is probably the ruling a government um will prevail now where they live this question of done with, with the mold. oh, because it goes, we are, we still have, you know, the round to go the next uh, next week and we, you know, my assigned to and then okay. and since we already know that the best that was what happened a week ago was uh, was clearly a stolen election. will be kind of interesting again, whether they going to try and steal a big game in the 2nd round. maybe maybe a topic for next week's program here, but i think all 3 of us agree, buckle up, embrace for impact or a gentleman that's all the time. i want to thank my guess and the symbol and in budapest and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. and next time. and remember across the apples the,
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[000:00:00;00] the 1935 fast is easily led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial empire in africa and take over the opium. by that time, e v o b a was the only fully independent states on the continent. back in 1896. its inhabitants were able to defeat the italian colonies and defend their independence. since then, rome craves for revenge for the humiliating defeat. in the morning of october 3, 1935. without any announcement,
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the foxes attack the b o. b a. and bombarded it most severely. d. d o b, an armed forces bod, courageously. but the roots allergy of the italians knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians, but also the chemical weapons toxic gases. this change the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia, by the fastest 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval. britain and france recognize the annexation, giving the green light to a further fastest expansion in the world. and davy, and the way for the outbreak of world war 2 in the late 1892 french soldiers led by general pole who they arrived in this. yeah. was the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more
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than shot. the funny, i mean, he stuck up some issues around the cars and just showing the list to the tent that the, on least one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting somebody i know the pushing it to download the glass you followed there to do so they put the national most likely multiple villages with devastated a numerous members of resistance groups and what the headed to apartment for us to get the move of nancy level for a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on the journey to africa . the traces general who with eyes, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is penny, and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about the emissions of
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willie and the history of in, in the region the put your number because it's the opposition does not have the dignity to come to terms with its latest defeats, george's prime minister stands up to the opposition of the countries of pro western president refuses to accept the parliamentary election results, planning russia for her supporters defeats close to the front line. well, and if you come because the drone is far from the only threat our team brings you this exclusive report from the newly liberated city of lagrange. as the russian troops rescue the town of is milofa in the don't ask for public and with israel war on 11 on showing no signs of slowing down communities are banding
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