tv News RT October 28, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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and that stopped without collision is best on part of the the the old position does not have the dignity to come to terms with its latest defeat. georgia's prime minister stands up to the opposition of the countries that pro western president refuses to accept the parliamentary election results. fleming russia, poor, her supporters defeats had given. it's so close to the front line. well, and if the via come, because the drone is far from the only threat of our team brings you this exclusive report from the newly liberated city of who frame the as the russian troops rescue the town of is my loca, in the doing that republican and with israel is more on loving on showing no signs of slowing down. communities are banding together to transform favorite schools
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into charity. kitchens for the display isn't one of them for a closer look. up in this kitchen, we all work together collectively, and provide food for several schools where refugees are accommodated. learning is the biggest problem well, facing now. as there is still no communication with stools the i'm rachel ruble, you're watching archie international live in moscow. we start in the southern caucus is where georgia's prime minister has cautioned to the opposition against undermining constitutional orders. this comes as the country's president is refusing to accept the problem and to re election results after 99 percent of voting precincts reported that the ruling and georgia dream party is winning the race. which one of those is wrong? because it's the opposition does not have the dignity to come to terms with its latest defeat. as for the positions, it should be emphasized with any attempt to oppose the constitution of order is
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unacceptable. this is an absolutely helpless attempt, a hopeless attempt by desperate politicians to somehow justify themselves to the voters for this part of the audit, this election can not be recognized because as the recognition of russia's incursion, georgia, subordination to russia as an outcome to the scholarship of that our ancestors did not really for this. we will not celebrate this. nobody can take away george as you are being future. just been quite tense here during the vote. a went up generally well, so i'm skilful, some fighting over a ballot boxes at the votes in which were removed from the account. put it to show the schism here in saint george and society. and the pressure of the government is under to tow the line from the west. now there's been a huge amount of money and cash spent here from the, from the united states. so these and he owes on its laws that have been brought in
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here via the georgia dream party who won the election again. here a boy a, a big a margin. also, it seems that have really been the key point causing anger and rejection from the west. of the election at and t l g b t q propaganda bill brought in by georgia dream. very popular here among the order of george and people are a very traditional, a, a group of people and also a bill of requiring foreign funding into political organizations to reveal itself. this also brought the are of united states on the you. but of course, we've no doubt against that. russia and china are involved here in this. i'm sort of at a crooked election. we haven't heard any of the russian or chinese voices wearing badges, or observers here at the legs. we have had 10 aliens, australians, that british and american voices everywhere, and almost every pony station, even ukrainian, and peas. we've seen on the streets here that marie is
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a higher of the russian foreign ministry spokesman has reacted to these obligations that of some kind of russian involved in some of the store as they say, i wanted to keep quiet at 1st. but since our country has been mentioned, i will answer, i have a question for 0. be see, lee, why is a georgian future worse than a european one? i must remind this french citizen, the georgia is in fact older than france. to think that the you can bestow a european future on anyone else is just silly. deprivation of the future is the deprivation of independence and national interest. as long as countries and people think for themselves and do not unconditionally follow the orders of washington handlers, they have a future summary is of a, you know, rejecting these claims that are not getting involved, not making any announcement on the elections other than to follow the results, but she was, after all,
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obliged to because russia has been accused of some sort of the, you know, interference here. well, the results themselves are sounding victory for georgia, dream. 54 percent of the poll. it's a big win for them. and the opposition parties remember the biggest to which is a you lose coalition of very small parties. you don't even get all what do you tutor essentially brought together, but a lot of western funding to try to remove the georgia dream for that you receive between 3 percent and 11 percent of the vote. the crucially 2 of those parties have refused to go into government. they refused to take part in the governance of the country, following the mandate of the people themselves. community national movements does not accept these falsified results. and we believe that the opposition will unite in their stands if not accepting falsified election is all on because physically the georgia dream control remaining power of this country visa,
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stolen and elections. it is a use a patient of power and a constitutional cool. it will not be accepted. so as you can see, there's a sense of almost a negative bill with you about this. for long before the vote, the west was making it clear that they weren't happy with the democratic institutions here. so it's hardly surprising that these are the parties that they've been funding and supporting have come at rejecting the vote. it's important also to remember that uh, the opposition here in 2016 said the same thing that the elections one for in 2020 they said the same thing also. so this has to be borne in mind when we look at this, what we've been speaking to or the georgia is on the streets at the polling boobs. some members of the police force i've even spoken to. and generally, defense here is a of a desire for stability. and a lot of people see the opposition as a kind of on trustworthy, at postponing them who's backing them. these guys disagree with each other on most issues, but they certainly all agree that they want to remove the georgia dream,
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the georgia dream being in power and ever since 2012. so they are a force of stability here. and indeed that sort of stability is it runs right through the population when they talk about what it would mean to, to change direction now for george and a time to listen to what they have to say themselves. yeah, i've been through 5 governments here several cuz i know to has ever brought people it back to life. you know, a revolution re 2 fights. nothing good will ever come of it. it is necessary to give people in the government an opportunity to calm down. so that they can do what it's meant to do. the european union needs us more than we do because of people who, when that's a, with that they have pay 3 times less than the page here. if we want a freedom in our democracy, then 1st we need to achieve all of this, the g something here. so there's a definitely a sense here of uh, wanting to be part of the european saw me, but um, at george's turns not on the terms of the you or ask them and g o at that,
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georgians have to decide the route they take while maintaining good relations with the biggest neighbor, remember this a small country in the south caucuses? it's thousands of kilometers away from brussels. many thousands of kilometers away from washington. and most people here and i understand that good relations with russia are as important as good relations with you. and they want to follow a path towards achieving friendship with both of those powerful entities. we've heard from george, a newspaper publisher, terry. all god needs a he says the election was an opportunity to free the country from external interference and opposition. accusations of vote rigging are ridiculous. no services. there was no falsification for these. adjusting cookie cutter slogans had the costs of a trading scheme with external sponsors of the current government. these elections with decisive because it was an attempt to free one cell from external pressure external dictates,
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so far throughout the entire post soviet period. how has it been georgia and also in the georgia, but all of the post soviet republics have remained under external dictates all the rules for us. how to live, what to do, what not to do was set from outside from the states, from the european union. more recently, let's see what program the new government will propose. they have to offer something of their own based on their visions on local needs and surround. you lasers were closely following the elections in georgia and recent boating and low dover. brussels appraised the outcome of model the referendum as victory for democracy, but the eu has come out swinging over the george and people's choice for independence . citing significant concerns about the election. the election observe is reports and on even level playing field. a divisive campaigning polarized atmosphere and significant concerns over the impact of recent legislative amendments on the selection process. we call them the central election commission of georgia and other relevance will start to use to fulfill that duty to swiftly, transparently,
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and independently investigate and adjudicate to like to the regular season allegations, as, as order has declared, the georgia dream party to be the winner of the vote, and of course the opposition in georgia has denounced those results. georgia o e u of position claims that the vote was full and they've even even called at the constitutional cool. they have said the phone was falsified. and a certain western countries also seems to be on the same page as the opposition, according to a statement for us secretary of state international observers have not cleared the elections to be fair. and surprisingly, that is also a similar sentiment that is shared by the you. i mean, is the same story here because if an elected leadership or government seems to be open to have relations with russia and then the west comes up with the same comments, we have seen countless amounts of time. but there has been a drastic difference in their reaction when it comes to the most open elections.
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and the georgian results we've moved over we opposition forces were deprived of opportunities to engage in any kind of campaigning in the electro process. it has been well documented as well that they've been persecuted, that they were enter a gated media outlets were shut down. there was a internet and internet resources. what was the blog? i mean, most buildings in russia alone, where someone surprised when it comes to voting. i mean, well, there's nearly 500000 multiple lives in a rush. the only 2 police stations were open in the whole country and that is uh with $5000.00 each. meanwhile, in the us and western europe, 200 police stations were open and none the less the west has. welcome to these results with open arms. the european union welcomes the outcome of the referendum. the citizens of the republic of mo, does i made a historic choice dying to the future within the european union, despite must have interference in the hybrid campaign by russia. and its proxy still undermine the democratic vote. and the, the use obviously keeping
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a close eye on its own members, candidates states, but have any concern has been raised outside of the european union? yeah, do you is not alone. uh, washington has also been putting pressure on at georgia. but for a while, i mean the previously georgian officials have claim to be american added to, to georgia does not correspond the strategic partnership that they officially have with one another. and that goes into the us, right. and in georgia with sanctions applying those sanctions because they claim that those sanctions are due to georgia under my name sweet them of expression. but now when it comes to the current elections, we have the u. s. b, u k, and the you going on and on about how the elections are of fraud and that somehow a restaurant is involved. international observers have no declared the result to be free and fed. we can demo contravention. so the international, no one's enjoying calls from international and local incentive, as for the full investigation of all reports of election related violations.
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georgia's european and hero, atlantic integration bills enshrined in the countries constitution requires that the government respect the rights of members of civil society and the fundamental freedoms of old georgian citizens. the picture emerging from georgia is clear. yesterday's election has been stolen by pollutants pop of government into believe c . i backed the people of georgia as they stand up for the freedom their rights in the future. though it is interesting to observe the difference in these reactions because when it is a government that is more keen in pleasing them, they seem to be quiet, okay. with that, they seem to be quite happy about it. but if it's the opposite, if it's a government that might even challenge them a little bit, then it becomes a problem to a senior figure in the george and solidarity for a peace party told us the west is trying to manipulate public opinion opinion into play, see but its attempts to have failed. i made a comcast that on the move will not be the american side. wanted to switch our
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leads, the ruling elite with the opposition. but it's not worked out for them yet. i don't think it will be in the west. they accepted and believe that the majority of the georgian population supported a pro western pro euro atlantic foreign policy strategy. therefore, they wanted to manipulate the fact that if brussels blocks george's entry into the european union, the people will come else against the georgian dream. i them like western politicians and representatives of the european bureaucracy wanted to manipulate public opinion, but so far they have not succeeded my unexpected that the georgia dream would win these elections. i still think that we will have some excesses in georgia. we wouldn't be sped mass protests, but in the end, i still think that the georgia dream will settle in power is here to stay where we are ukrainian armed group has been stopped from infiltrating the russian border region, nebraska. according to the local governor, the attackers were hit by heavy fire with officials saying the situation is now
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under control. amid heavy losses on the battlefield and failed attempts to penetrate the russian border, ukrainian forces are on the run as russian soldiers continued their ground to advance rescuing another village and the donuts republic. according to the defense ministry, the liberation of is my love to helps strengthen its true position in the region. a video of a russian sold or finding a seemingly working us abrams tank that was a band and has been circulating on social media. several dozen of the multi $1000000.00 vehicles were supplied to key a. here's an exclusive report from the newly liberated new cranes could brought to us by our t correspondence. eager staff was bought the unfiltered emotions at a rushing to mont post ukrainian evacuation group is stopped in its tracks. not far from another crippled nato made fighting
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vehicle. but now bez, a russian flag the fighting towards the towns of getting out and sleet of a r s fees as a particularly pretty little creative, a jordan easily. the last thing is our guys are storming the footholds because there's a lot of foot holes in the woods. they're made of concrete, most of them doing french. they made the foothills out of concrete. there are some disadvantages of stormy and such footholds, but we do it very effectively. so it doesn't matter if it's made of concrete or would, we'll still take them away. this video was shortened given to us exclusively by a russian reconnaissance team directly from one of the captain strongholds here, just a couple of hours offerings. ukrainian garrison was kicked out for
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over a month that has stool the advance of the russian troops. a sold teams of the 80th tank regimen took it in less than a week, and the simple soft. it was wooded area about a few moments along with entrances and both sides and threes and tom before it was like a hole on the ground. seated with fortifications, multiplications beneath those, the dog in very well. we took it almost without casualties. more than 40 gradients with that. in one back out, there were more than 12 people and 15 in a dugout home the other side. and none of the 40 more were hiding. but anyway, the foothold is else now. fresh from the bottle. russian soldiers bring a wounded ukrainian prison. oh, who is given water as smoke? his hands around tied on the he's provided 1st aid. the medics
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arrived, which, by just the moment, you mean that nights we were surveying with a drone and just controlling the perimeter was decided to send an assault team there. we set up an ambush and waited. the enemy pc arrived and unloaded the troops, but we didn't of time to hit it. we waited to screw to the sold team. let them get as close as possible. then we got into a fire fight. that lasted 4 hours. they were shooting to the last until they ran out of ammunition and the end, those who didn't surrender were killed. and this guy surrendered to us. they've so . but the fighting isn't limited to just free lines. ukraine boxes, the town of okay, just to me, a couple of kilometers away from the front line. it is utilized as the spring board for rush is offensive. russia has been in control of what could i use for about 2 months now, i guess. but it is still far, far from a safe place. you can see over there are ukrainian, sho,
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hit something in the residential quotas. and we are cells. we have to move, we try to stick as to moving under the trees. because as to be drones, still a very big thing, but he had given it so close to the front line. well, and if he did come, because the drone is far from the only threat ukraine's operational crisis and the jeannette screeching aggravates by the day. and as mary assigned of even a glimmer of hope for key of here, i mean there's done of reporting from credit and the net squeegee. whatever the landscape has passed, a new law that allows foreign mercenaries to sign up and served in the ukranian armed forces as officers parliamentary arguments and support of the bill emphasized kids, severe lack of demand staff. look at this bill for ukraine's military efforts. you
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can head over to our website, r t dot com for all the details on this story and more but now to southern level non where idea of strikes have killed 8 people and injured dozens more in the city of side on as, according to 11 ons health ministry, this drake reported they hit a densely populated suburban area which previously saw an influx of displaced families from other regions. and as strikes either way as a then government support civilians are turning to their communities for help or to sue sweeney fall. this report from a temporary shelter in bay root where people are learning to be self sufficient and that the more liberal and stands on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe. with 1200000 people displaced from the south and the southern sub of somebody with schools like this one is open that door, some refugees, but the government isn't deadlock. struggling to meet the needs of the people social worker for i to he was inspired to open a community kitchen,
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feeding around one and a half 1000 people have in the capital babies. i also in this kitchen field and also was solved, blushed on chains, volunteers who wanted to be part of this kitchen. and now they are seizing more than 1500 meals and some of the, the space people live in this area. and the others live in the neighboring but a day. however, this mission provides food for the or the thoughts and amount of displays of this to view. it says, and this was on the other one far explains how the women work in the kitchen, preparing and cooking hot meals every day. she says it gives them a sense of purpose, the odd now feeling that they are part of the mission. instead of waiting meals to do to, to come to them, they will, they are actually moving down there are putting on, they are participating and they're being part of this initiative. and that by itself, lots of cottage and gives them excitement instead of waiting onto the water. and
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they do have a very important that you should say a very, very important mission to actually do. and that's what they are doing today. they're preparing rice and chicken fresh food for defense to donations and the lebanese public. so what's going on here? this is, yeah, it's nothing of only to open that kitchen fields and establish a cook. these kitchen. however, it's very essential and very vital to train the people how to cook a huge be on steve. and that's exactly what you're seeing here. these women here with that on stand on solid, they were able to learn as through our own shafts that we on through the team that's i actually, um, got the 2 through my own team that came to the school. they were drains on. how to, to cook the eyes on how to clean the eyes and how to take care of all the initiatives or the initial um and you should things that they have to do. and this is exactly what she's doing. she's, she's, she's actually watching that ice from the same way, but she will stop have to do it because also they come from places where they all the out order the mothers and they cough and they take that of the children. so
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they have the perspective. however, you would, you may have likely 1000 people. that's another scenario and that's why they have to give, be given that has to be ingredients and the way to do it, the code on the, on the wall to wall. no, no, actually the officials. yeah. they make sure that the section, these kitchen fees that always maintain the supports that they have the accessibility to work and we do not have company. however, they have to pay a huge amount to, to see what the, what it is that how many people just take it down to $1100.00. and these 2 a yes. and the devices price. where does this come from? uh we, we buy them in fox and huge, huge box. uh because it's cheaper and we go to like a areas where, um, wed houses where they, where they sell it and a huge amounts and with cheap guy. so as far as, as the people are putting together at the time of crisis with inconveniencing sunni, shia christian andrews. supporting each other again as the selection of this unit
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see that this people have among them and the follower that they hold within. and i live in these people, honestly it, i can every situation, they come to amazing office unity and the strong wind that they was survive and they would wind the water and they wouldn't be one of hands. and they wouldn't allow anyone to come in between them. and then this mission that they're working towards is the end of this is a big city as a few of the big cities. and that's what you see when you speak to these people in the ad on break of it. and they come in, one of the women takes a break from the cooking to explain how important it is to be part of the community kitchen. in this kitchen, we all work together collectively and provide food for several schools where refugees are accommodated. we have many of our sisters on our team or passionate about helping people in difficult situations. they all work is one. we are very grateful to them for all their help. me the all mighty, bless them for their work. there is of course,
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a flip side. this school should be for the children as a new term starts, but many a close now, either use as temporary shelters or too dangerous because of a self funding. the un warning of a law scan ration the maya learning is the biggest problem well, facing now. as there is still no communication with schools recently, they have started to introduce programs to start online learning public schools. but there are many serious issues like i hope that everything will work out with the most important thing is to provide education, at least at the minimum level possible. so the children can learn to just hold on to that time to ensure that despise children, receive an education using these make shift cosby. we currently have 3 teachers who educated children in our school. we're allowing them to teach the children according to their age. and we have divided the children into age groups. we provide lessons through each class as much as possible so that the children don't lose interest in the learning. and the idea of learning stace and their minds and
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doesn't disappear for a long time. so that they don't face adjustment problems when they're to so we try our best to keep them and they said occasional atmosphere. as we have seen the cost of that and the community is putting together and it's time of need. but goodwill and community spirit component do sustain so fall on sunday. a consignment invite from pakistan. 90 tons was postponed due to the as ready bombing. i much how the conference in power has agreed to donate $1000000000.00 to help mitigate the impact to the cartridge. but according to report says, will not be given to the lebanese government, but instead, shutdown. so most the agencies. in the meantime, community kitchens like this one are instead footing the got some promoting self sufficiency as the people of level and hope for an end to as well as will. this is steve, so we need for auntie and bailey. to stay with us here in archie international up next on law school meals. my colleagues shape bose look said failed western
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the, the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best most i'll send send up the, in the 65 to 5 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz vote net, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube. the services for the question, did you see a request for chance?
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the 1937 militaristic japan started a full scale invasion of china. the invading army was rapidly advancing towards the capital of the republic of china. the dies, the city of not seeing, leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead. on december 13th, the japanese occupied time, z and states the real massacre. for 6 weeks, the invaders exterminated the civilian population. they carried out mass executions, rates, women, and were engaged, been merciless, robbery,
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ruthless confrontation of 2 officers of the imperial army. the my guide and su yoshi no doubt to gain particular notoriety is they competed with each other as though who would be the fastest to kill $100.00 chinese with us. or this monstrous competition was widely rewarded in the japanese press. to the nuns, inc massacre claims the lives of about 300000 people and became one of the largest crimes against humanity in the world history. after world war 2, manufactures advance of the atrocity phase trial. however, the commander of the japanese army in the non seeing operation freezes, yasu e to a socket, was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the american administration. the,
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