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tv   Documentary  RT  October 30, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

3:30 am
of the, those there is no man's and, and the reports from the, from the different sources has go up going to him that the whole grain is really lacking. mass, we know it from, from in the side, in the doing. but side by the also crania, is noted that it, those, the gosh, the numbers are huge. moving people. ready to arms doesn't change the all calm, all those they are there, buckle words, and this is almost a 0. and it's basically when we have a professional russian army which has a just offer a hand in all possible spheres. you just pulling up people in front of them doesn't make any change even if they are armed with weapons, but which they cannot be used using they are, they're not there to get it to do do use. and so, so i think that this is a strategy for the key of regime to keep people out from the streets and demonstrating and making problems inside do to send them pops up. while
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you can't get for the details of all the stories will fall like an r t dot com. i'll be back again with more updates at the top. i'll be out by the the the, the sultan tells me you floated up to 15000 people in bed income.
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you must have left of 6 days. the sultan says victims have desktops. the heads will cut off placed on sticks like soldiers on parade. the she tells me what struck the hands of each victim so you could keep a tale of how many they had killed on payson court. the committee in the bed moving appealed waivery out through istic sentiment, the statute, luminous and terrifying, like a flash of light menu, necessarily sky fix them and for the brutes
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fuel my cic connie, is to, because you to p as in africa at the time in few done just 9 months to purchase machines and $10000.00 and a single day on demand, the name of the germans. what about to begin, what they called the annihilation of the herero pete? and then comes on my journey with joseph. come up again. the belgian conquered, as we're reducing the african population by 10000000 in a decade. a little. why not so easy? gunny goose. i really do. good. ok to me. i can get those who go to do the upgrade with godaddy to the 10 and really that it's a cut down the default. that's a king. then to me, what is it?
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i'll get you as l i as as well. and they did the i is going to come in and look into it and think you've done with that and you're considering doing i came up to your little kitchen. thank you. how can and then some of what uh, what, uh, what uh, monica allowed to have to deal with the at the go come the little kitchen to the and got a desk with some, a duck. yeah, we buy to spam. it came with the gold chicken, the one with the i like the $18.00 the found kind of gufferson. zach i'll place you quote and i come up and talk with the fluttering 10 kinds of says what was going to do when would you like a lot of conditions come with a to go no go to,
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i totally my got well, but could you book a new, my cousin. yeah. the teacher she knows you know kinda, it's a good idea. we do a lot don't. well because of a very book vision of my to you because it just of the one divided eggs. some of the unseen had done with you now, and you must go by the diva. who are you the actually you might know i could see more or i could see more about was because she and like a young i'm with them. but in sheets she lives that i look at that by the b as in bob would love to print stuff that i see got. but i see so much to god seen in the names. so really, i guess for the exclusive and cream quantities
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you might need and cream key is the mtv just see what the case did and also, so what not when you under which i knew was also went to try to get me well, i knew well maybe i may be better as a dispute to discuss the 2 subjects for the economy of remembrance for the world turned upside down on his he includes me my small bit to sign the light on history . the world has preferred the
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of the oh my god, god, god, god, god, god, job to the
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route to connie is thinking pretty easy to photo, a wrecked glow in the sky. and as a village so destroyed by 4 days called on the greeks. of course, the a terrible sight, several girls hanging from the tree at the entrance to cut that dangling feet, nor dogs to the french officer to the just as comrades to pick to the man said to stop cut. so now clause was closing in on you to my station,
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my who lives my everything below the thing was to know what he belonged to. how many powers of douglas claimed him for their own. i was going to dismiss in by the following means to discover that is a schema come to see the glory of a captive like me. i would soon as the queen sized my life, then submit to these 2 men, jason and surrender my position. the men's plan covers on the threshold, the great thing completed in a voice of low meat, wistfulness of tone that made my blood run cold for these cupids club with zullie here at the village of the inquiry. it was july 14th, the french national holiday pop and next the so called drama. the inquiry was
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strange and anything conrad had imagined, the indians having the mean. yeah. that one m to many i won't do any good that i've been the yeah. yeah. yeah, i'm the one then she wants to go. so i'm going to get a uh well not. and then the design is on punch. it wasn't on me some stuff late. uh, what's it got you guys, are you guys of the club? and julie came face to face just outside the village. it was 7 30 am on by steel de diagram strong by eye. witnesses, detailed the 2 men's positions, the cards,
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the waste of his weary brain device shudder. we demetrius now. images of wilson fame party. so i tell you, it had gone mad. the
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jer 60 meters separate coupon from the madison to stop. 16 we took between life and the since i and pete over the edge myself, i understand better than meaning northeast could not see the flame of the candle. but it was wide enough to embrace the whole universe piercing enough to penetrate on the hospital beach. in the darkness, he had summed up the judge on the same one only just don't need to shape out the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will
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depart, we choose to look so common ground the the, the, what is part of the is it that the
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employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word? or is it something deep but more complex might be present there? let's stop without teachers, desktop, out of the man, trump died instantly. and unlike foolish, countless african victims, he gets his own memorial. represent one. when was it that i'm going to push it? don't want to look for the, [000:00:00;00] the
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1st one was, you know, somebody from the university. the other was she probably, she's on the kitchen. i don't remember how much i thought of the auction. the auction went to the kitchen, the afternoon, kill clock. there's no way that i could use it to shoot for this
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logic of colonial quest for to have to come. it seemed to go private possession. i like to have the episode racist advocate to clean youth because i am a black chief. the king of like top i am not on girlfriends, man. i am in a free can like you of the that evening. some of us are freaked on such and decided to break drunk and put and then took up the envelope. crazy planned but he fled on a heating or boost or night just before don't be phone. he is the age of the village of my just the one o s. couch. so team dad to the to the head, the body to him. i just bought
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the video immediately. so then the sub don't say to you slow what he told me the so he was the,
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the 1st thing i noticed was that you agree to that this magnificent tree literally sucking the life from your bones. so so this affinity, fairly phrase for the training. and so we're going to show you we're going to show you all the other ladies and it's only $1.00 oh $2.00. and i finally found okay, to move to the 2nd with the one who's gonna be the one we're gonna move out. so, but i'm guessing you and your wife we, we the, the see about,
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you know, the attendance sheet for you to one of a couple of them. see that. okay, exactly. got it. okay. yeah, this is her. we provided a solution. okay. not for sure. what am i that i can to the you know, i used to get hungry and no one can pass the statute assessor roads force that competitive pricing has to be degree. looks like your
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what the month when does the item is done on it to move and you have it coming in. when would that be good to know what the company was wondering? can you give them to somebody come in and help community to be in a new mount in a new modem that i to complete when they come on pressure on the new i'm reaching to the, to the young who's not appropriate to the, you know, want them to go in and use the new on them with the goods, but you can do that. can you tell them to go by can, does i pick a one and not the other 2. i thought that become applied to the new board as far because i have a what is the month? i can
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the tool was no problem. we also humanize some options and then i see the next one. yeah. what about why 2 levels? you know, god, the company, you know what i need to do to machine to, to go in within this a couple of the 2 to pretty much funds i've been with us with a good deal in a place. wouldn't speed up with one of the top one is the one that was on the i want to rip, you don't come from out of the ground really and see the people need to be free of
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you forever and find the future bright. but now i see you never really died. your white supremacy just like cuts still haunts our modern world. i. well the we've got so used to looking away. we forgotten that someone else always has to pay the price for our come since the, the,
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the, i'm backing up, so it just just grown and i was strikes and the police killing of black people in america, spots world wide protests. the instances, the history i traced the course and is uh, as burst into the present the, the as of zullie, cuts and roads us to work today. still killing from the
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people that i learned that the test will never lie down. we cannot simply forget the interest to seize us history. we must confront him if we ever hope to be free for the future. the, the,
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the, i recently went on a trip in west africa where i followed the role of colonial mexico. why that was that colonialism is in the past, the same thing, which is ruining people's lives today.
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[000:00:00;00] the the hello and welcome to dental and vision. this week we've decided to escape from the big city and come to an island of tranquillity to experience a more traditional way of life. the
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normally sounds like we've comes, the weather wouldn't look out of place in a token novel, but we are inside in the rest and no more precisely, you know that i left school for the
4:00 am
of the most of the logistics of what we now living and avoid extermination come out and when hospital any surroundings it becomes a dissolved story area. 20 children are a mom that leads 93 palestinians killed in 90 is ready. it's tried going to be lucky in northern gazda. and that's where the idea recently read at the cities only remaining the hospital israel has found, quote, a new way to kill children. that's just one of the angry reactions from you and bodies over israel decision to the band. the welcome one was described as a partial live line for civilians and the guys on the toner is the principal means


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