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tv   News  RT  October 30, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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and stopped without pleases desktop, out of the, across the headlines here or not, you international. so if i q is prime minister blows up the western narrative that some drunken ukrainians, how to handle the node stream pipelines explosions. suggesting the real sabotage story has simply been swept under the rug by the west of the users, the american media to spread the allegation. the india's home affairs minister is the boss, the mind behind the killing about carlos danis separators and canada. you, danny, says the claims are simply of troy, just intruder was using for his own political game. also in the program and the empire state of mind, u. k. tory leadership contend, says former colonies should be grateful for the legacy britain left behind. they should stop complaining and stop demanding reparation for slavery. the entire boost
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on neighborhood of salon is on the threat. the name means garden in english and local say, is role wants to make it the are gardens. and while it's ready for us is wrap up, rage across the west bank palestinians are forced to demolish their own homes, all paid for his railey bulldozers to do the jump in the boot. i guess done correspondence study by it is a full program of your top story is ready to roll right here on ok. so the main stream narrative of a node stream sabotage. it never had any legs in the 1st place. it continues to fold a pod and now slip out to you as prime minister highlighted that the picture that's been painted have quote, drunken ukrainians bombing. it simply doesn't add up, say the discussion about who is really responsible as being buried in the public. a simply being sold a pack of lies. i didn't sit so watch with mr. fitz. so what's your position on
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north stream? do you believe in ukrainian submarine villains was 1st we asked to blew up critical infrastructure and destroyed, you know, there was that. and then we refused to talk about it ourselves and you know what we write in the newspapers. we read some, a drunken ukrainian offices, said they've been having to let me know. i'm exaggerating a bit, but imagine that they'd probably say old to the place where the pipe was. jumped into the was it dived, a few 100 meters took some sponsors and pyrotechnics and blue. it sounds good. yeah . well, it definitely seems that not a non believe has been pulled when it comes to an old stream to narrative that is being peddled by the mainstream media on western governments. how feet so of course might be one assassination attempt down. he said to, to his position on the equating conflict, but it looks like he is on to todd, and he's on afraid to speak his mind. now course, you'll remember as all view as wide that of the last 2 years. a number of theories
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have been thrown around a party. no one could agree who might be most interested in causing germany of from she, russian energy and replacing it with that road, far more expensive. and she but then finally in late summer as far as it was settled on 3 ukrainian divers went uh 18 meters under which i'm placed explosives and wanted to commit to one of the greatest acts up industrial terrorism in history. and then so the last 2 and a bit years they've managed to evade arrest. and of course it is a story that suits money because it doesn't really implicate anyone in power, but doubts have been so cracks of being a marching, it's not just of feet. so i mean, the floss pump show was, of course, from put it surprise went off renowned john the single hush, who lives not just the c. i a was behind it, but that the agency that even concocted a copy of a story in order to sell to the well old splost,
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says the boldest and sebastian in hungry, we have the prime minister. that is to open. he said that it is an open secret now that washington signed off on the whole operation. so basically, various theories up for a while, but not a suspect insights. yeah, idea there was that the on consumer pulled of the shortest lives at u. k prime minister and you've got a history list trusted. oh, i thought you meant that lots of sleep so yeah, so on into it, she allegedly tweeted, oh, sorry, i messaged up blinking within what a minute of it all the boss sang quote, it's done. now i wonder what that could mean. so i ask you, what is the official washington narrative on this? well, i mean, to know i was the oldest of the day when it comes to the white house, the state department, the c, i a and well beyond. but at the same time, it is quite difficult to ignore some comments that have been made. and i want to start off with ponens for in minnesota, who fell victim to quite an unfortunate prank. what do you think about no stream to so no stream through they trying to the trying to accuse us
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of this problem. but oh wow. wow. you know, it well from the way we feel about it. whoever did it did, they did a good job a fight. and we now know that the americans had advanced knowledge of it. yeah, ended up it's which taken on its own. okay. maybe not diamond, but let's just remember this is the same chicago to ski who immediately off to images, olsby, explosions, unmatched on line tweets has been deleted, assigned to usa, and also let's be on this. this is really a man who is there any reiterating what we have had time and time again from the americans themselves. there will be no longer nor seem to live we, we will bring it into if russia and they to chrome one way or another nord stream to will not move forward. direct impact is one thing, but i'm,
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i'm literally talking about rolling back to the pipeline in a good, loosely defined that. but i mean taking action that will prevent it from ever becoming operational, please pipelines that is more streamlined towards from to we're not pumping gas into your at this time, more stream to never became operational knew that offers tremendous strategic opportunities for, for the years to come so now what many also consider suspicious and believe to be indicative of a cover up at the highest levels, is the part that i have for the last 2 years. any and who investigations have just sold. i mean, we just prostitute us all of us here. they close that pro, they said there's really nothing to report this. send an ok job. many has issued an arrest warrant for one of those 3 ukrainian diving, instruct to us. but then it was reported that he was hiding out imposes. and they said, well, there's really nothing we can do. our hands are tied. so most go is the streets it
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. and on numerous occasions bringing it in front of the un security council. in fact, it has voice fits concern, but berlin is really not feeling. it's open to jason's onto the un on to terrorism conventions. so really when you take this all together, you probably con plane fits for being a bit reticent in blindly embracing. of course the story, but the west times the totes need clean and said, you know, 3 ukrainian friends got together bought drunk, hired a boat that went on to blow up one of the world's most consequential energy project . well, the big old diplomatic spots between candid or, and india looks to be heading to a whole new level, is off to a senior canadian officials admitted leaking to the press, that india's home affairs minister was the alleged mazda mind behind the motoring of a 6 separate here in the country last year of this case is progress relations between
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the 2 countries to well crisis levels. that's a, learn a bit more and shed some much needed lied with all contributor in another chapter in this. yeah, store canada is accusing the indian government of basically offing callous down a c k separatists considered a terrorist movement in india. i called on the left hand canadian officials close to prime minister justin to go are now yapping to the washington post about a top in the administer kind of like teenage girls to a gossip rag at 1st counting the pin, the target audio callous downey's in canada on india's quite commissioner to canada since, but it's spelled with a handful of other indian diplomats and now has a $500000.00 us dollar bound to you by the way on his head to track him, brought to you also by a us space leader of the very same, tell us teddy movement. the canada is citing with an all this. so what we learned yesterday at the parliamentary hearing in ottawa, kansas capital, that's probably this whole fiasco that it's now prime minister in their end are
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modi's home minister and the shot that canada is now finger. and for basically, hiring dogs in canada to take out callous daddy's been working from home to organize things like referenda with the. busy all of carving out a piece of india for themselves, non binding referendum, obviously because it's not like india is going to just be cool with it. so it came out yesterday's hearing that in mid october after meeting with india and officials and singapore to those national security adviser. not trying to do who wow, and the equally and elected bureaucrat and long time ruled economic form executive board member, deputy canadian for a minister david morrison said that they do like that the issue had come out in the canadian press after their meeting. so what did they do? did they pick up the phone and make a call to india and officials like grown adults and, and say, hey guys, knock it off. what's going on with all these press leaks? no, we, instead what they did is something super mature. they picked up the phone to make
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a star bladder into the washington post within our strategy. we were talking to different audiences. and so we deliberately chose, as madame de la said, in her introductory remarks, a credible internationally read newspaper that would carry our side of a story. we chose a journalist who had a long record of background in this particular issue, had written on it a number of times before. and through the washington post, we were speaking directly to our friends in the united states square feet, speaking to our allies in the united kingdom and elsewhere. and we were also speaking directly to indians. so to those national security t, if not that into law also said that they wanted a respected media outlet that was familiar with the issue to report on and to make sure that the input waste spread far and wide. um yeah. okay, but uh, i just tried to access that article,
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published october 14 from here in canada on my mobile phone. and i hit a firewall, which would explain why the conservative opposition here is how that has asked. how exactly canadians were even supposed to get this info if they weren't washington post subscribers. maybe they can just dump all their evidence, these canadian officials behind us newspaper firewall for the movie government to since they keep asking for it. we are really completely sort of rejecting to the note in which the canadian government targeted high commission and the provides. let's just look at what is the issue. what is the issue in a way is thought that a small minority of people there but who have made themselves into what appeals to be of the golf political wants. okay. uh and uh, uh, the,
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uh, the, unfortunately the politics of the country that is giving that a political lobby you can call it, perhaps, you know, a degree of a play which i would argue is not just bad for us. and for our relationship, i would argue is also bad for cabinet i'd say, well, at least someone sounds concerned about that organized drive in canada. if teacher dough had been you think that maybe they would have not imported this whole conflict into canada in the 1st place. and um, even if these guys are in india, at least they are asking right questions of teacher don't mostly just sounds concerned about losing the support of is overtly pro callas down the coalition partner in his minority government. jag needs change and also the support of the callous down a building block mid to day was taking popularity, which now sits at around 30 percent as other parties there. sorry to talk about
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perhaps having that minority government ball in and on confidence vote. even before christmas we spoke to the a former ambassador of india to morocco and to wait time is the probably the dial and the cold kind of those allegations baseless and will. and they will bring relations between both nations to a point of no with time. i'm still very drawn reaction because this the reduce and we just do a diety without any girlfriend, which is basically what i'm actually diabetes the by laughter relationship with you're already seeking to the very little miller's. i'm afraid that the leak is done uses. we dig the, the relationship grew up on the lower done and all the horizon because justin to, to has to be labeled, bank quantities were total the bottom. so the axis. so we needed outside symbol,
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and he got that all right. so far from a seat kindly we do is need joe needs the 91 full body, the new democratic party i squared divided sees and i was just in google has be done to do all geron beats and by the law they've gathered up was to highlight wrong, the relationship in india is much extra 9 d b o b i, b c, g in doesn't going to 6 requests to the canadian a part of the home. it will be do it by. yeah. but done, it does not extradited these did risk at all the other hand, the previously against didn't, didn't interest the ever got the deadline to make sure they have sending the data. so data dog must extradite these people, instead of making business allegations against interfaces and all the stuff.
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all right, before we joined a guest, quote, former colonies over the u. k. a debt of gratitude. that is a claim of tory leadership hopeful, rubber. generally. he says the old countries of the empire should simply be grateful. they were able to inherit such democratic institutions as given by the british. i'm not ashamed of our history, may not feel like it, but many of our former colonies made the complex realities of empire. i was a jess of gratitude for the inheritance. we left them. it started with the common male lead the summit, which was held in um, so mobile and this is basically when the, even before the summit started there, was that shows on the u. k. and they will mama is that the commonwealth countries, basically this is about 5060 does most of them form or you can call them these b. wanted to basically defy that. you get off for a rep retreats of justice and you need before the,
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somebody to in fact even began the u. k. prime minister in an interview basically went on to see that the u. k. is a full to his bus number, which is really to look so we're, i'm not to look backwards. so do you think that's something that you never really wanted to talk about any sort of compensation or reparation for a slave trade, which most of the albany does really wanted to talk about. so she may not want to do it, but most of the other the does that really wants you to talk about it. and they did just something beautiful. so that was mentioned image with join to communicate, which came out. we'll stop submit a heads noting coals for discussions on proprietary justice with regard to the tramps of monte trade and then slipped africans and chapel and slaves meant and recognizing the importance of this method to member states of the commonwealth agreed that the time has come for a meaningful conversation towards forging
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a common future based on equity. while the nations, you're looking yet some sort of compensation, but the you get, does it or lies that this is going to cost them billions of phone, then the you get really does not seem ready for that. and how would they be? they've not even apologized to the former colonies also once they've done in the faf. so to see now during the summits they would also contributions about what kind of compensation or on the justice that really is being spoken about. but as far as the yuki is concerned, they did mention the interview before the summit given by the u. k. prime minister . really talking about how he wants to view, so word i'm not backwoods, but the, the kind of statements that all come in now. the um, the, the invited a lot of trouble, even 5 to do a lot of backlash from not just asked within even countries
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a bunch of from the u. k as well, deeply offensive added a noxious distortion of history. enslavement and colonialism would not gifts, but imposed systems that brutally exploited people extracted wealth and dismantled societies all for the benefit of britain to suggest that former colonies should be grateful for such unimaginable home disregards the legacy of these injustices and the long term impact they still have i'm really grateful to watch all of an example here in india. uh the, what the british gave me in the i was a lot of destruction. a lot of renewed a lot of style. we sion vets of millions of people and does is there is a level of any form of support, a g, the a, as in india or other former colonies of the you get, it will go up. but now yours need job to basically see that a country should be great for him for what they've been given and for the depths
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for the destruction, for the new, for the salvation of millions of people, for the sure reason that, um, it definitely would speak to the phone uh the former colonies. uh it's its, um, unimaginative with that in, in 2020 for those kind of statements v b r b need. uh, but the summit, no, many would see the kind of threshold that was created under do gig is a step towards the right direction to do give me know if you want to get rough, any sort of justice in terms of monitoring your financial compensation. they may even think of a gas less stokeland justice, so i'll but would usually expect so instead of using off or, or austin apology. well that's what i'm or take this conversation further here on how to international crossing. now live to full my india and pass it up to what if li, romania, moldova, albania, son, marino dodge, jeep dog, route. what a career politician you have bein and diplomatic. thank you very much for sharing your time with us here. we're not the international are very well welcome to get
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this the right. so the conservative leadership hopeful robot generally insist the form of the british called them is owed along the debt of gratitude. oh, i mean, i, i guess right, right now, right. you've, these nations are going to be lining up to say, thank you, right. a very good to britain. if this person becomes a major of the party because he needs understand the history. and he also needs to watch his words because what you said is absolutely shameful and share and just uh, let me start with what not done. uh, during 200 plus years of its occupational center. uh, fast india was considered one of the greatest civilizations in the way the british came in there was considered as one of the most prosperous countries and the work of funding for nearly 25 percent of lower gdp before participating in required. when british came to india,
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they took it between little 18th century onwards. it took the last, b, y trillion borders, according to a study done by london school at the moment. so we are talking about 45000000000 dollars, 1000000000 dollars. when british came to india, india as well would be a visual was about 23 percent. then the lift can do it goes to 50 percent. yeah. when british came to india, the stop the practice of indian games, an indian head 0 strict the previous provinces. when from in used to strive to programs for the state, then the lucas king would give subsidy and cash to the file most so that they could get the order. but for the fees then produce game, then please. the extra is when there was a find,
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the 150 georgia was getting when there was a from and they'd been going farming. and then the treating address for days you said don't want to play like rabbits. so they didn't choose the population anyway. so the british was one of the most insidious and almost criminal reminder in there that you do towards on the list. yeah. what do you want to do, but what, what else you for that you give me that example in just a moment i pulled, i tried to jump in, but i've just got to pick your brain as much as that kind of what i've got you here . look, enslavement, colonialism, exploitation brutality. often they've been able to present that. you said many tons of trillions when, when you look at the, when you look at the numbers here, um is, is it a case? i don't know a small mind syndrome like in the pony, on a complex center. that wasn't, i am find the british empire. it did exist now. it doesn't exist at all. it's like in the probably on a complex here or is it just this guy henrich? basically robert, generally he's just politicking. right?
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he's just trying to appeal to a voter somewhere on this to the fact as the team does not have any money any longer now. so they're trying to avoid the subject totally. but the fact as you would like to pointed out, let me give another lesson administrator to disperse the of the slavery. and they've been been struggling with was really works well. they, they sent the chrome and del only about $3000000.00 plus people to work asleep. when slavery ended, i think american 33, what pretended was, you, one more amazing the game as compensation, millions or phones to the british slave owners. because that period that decline to 0. the 1st clearly i've been up all the there don't get anything to the 4th is when will this part of the experience of being slaves to, to do these for the most uh, let me give you another example bitten and there lies would not have one either the
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1st floor or 2nd world, but for the indians who just died in millions. yeah, this is the trump piece. yeah. as long as all a hair of the song, the heroes of that jeep listen, you will, touching down on some very sensitive history. i really do appreciate you saying that as a because too many people these days that know where, where of the history and the is intrinsically connected. partnerships um, looked at, you know, colonialism officially ended long ago. but with the rhetoric like this, it does seem to suggest a trace of the old ghost era does kind of linger on today. i mean, look at my career on the french meters and morocco right now. selling morocco, his friendship, vision with his multi conglomerate, multi nationals and bribing politicians and, and so on and so forth. but the end of the day, who's strong, good today about g, u. k or india to let me let me continue with my thoughts and let me come to the present times and give you 2 examples. going. one is about pressure. what right?
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the us a bit and another 2 fries and sees $600000000000.00 of russian money. yeah. have done the same to is right. who's in right now is making loan on the doing or do what they're doing to the better stevens shown date? apply the same thing. suppose let me give you one more example, the key or for the info to see cheese bought in. these are your meaning risk. there's not a rush you missed your up. is like a garden. the rest of the was into the show drive and is a jungle. yeah. i'm going to go live and reading the garden. so it's this kind of racist mentality still exist in the declining. yeah, yeah, yeah. then gone to the but coming to the main topic, let them start by 1st apologizing and seeking. it needs to be turning the
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antiquities that go from can get the british museums of homeless when getting there and they could use if they were to return doors and difficulties, they will have to close down the british museums. yeah, so the chief, i appreciate that. i mean i listen, i like what you're saying if i had my your optimism, but forget about it. my friend, hey, listen to the end of the day. by the way, i'm so glad you mentioned joseph burrell. you're describing that you, you as a god and the rest of the world as a jungle. he also commented on the african continent saying, i don't understand how these africans loved russia so much. these people need to be reprogrammed. that gives you a sense of how, of how brussels looks at the rest of the world. and before i let you go to that g funnel question for you regarding india, the u. k. and all this nonsensical rhetoric coming, coming out of london who needs who the most are i g, does india need the u. k? there's a u. k. need india to the cutting field. it is that you do need, in the,
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in the most europe in general need seem to have because there are 4 need to economic injures of the world. to do one is china, china is reached at b. india is the one which is marching towards the big. yeah, because the i can fisherman villages the computer and the technology goes what is reading for india to become the leader of the way. so if you order for new especially you get confused. it's had to do with the read this fellow has done. i think this bad news for you is yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the look at mode, you look at moody a few days ago and cause i know the biggest bricks conference to date, by the way, a number of those attendees of the bricks conference were invited by the u. k. to the meeting of the commonwealth in samoa, and these nations did not get to step in. we're going to have breaks for my indiana
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bass so that you feel good. i love getting a chance to pick your brain. thank you so much for sticking around. thank you. thank you. thank you. so meantime in online, you'll see this in india is western banking gall residents have called cut her rallying to defend the cities beloved and trem service ages old. if it's up to an upper ration after a 150 feet to get some details right there on line. i sure think it is now to spain where the problems of valencia has been smashed with historic flash floods. basically taking the lives of at least 64 people and counting a torrential downpour hit the region on tuesday. mocking the deadliest flooding span is experienced and 3 decades of valencia known as the orange capital of europe . sunny days were nowhere to be seen as waves is more difficult for local towns with devastation. there is absolutely shopping more details online at all to the city. also some of the latest pictures right there on our website,
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bro. got you covered on our end, on line line from oscar, talk to you the, [000:00:00;00] the in previous to us of duty, i often heard the phrase on tennessee is the god of war. so which is repeated, and it's often seen on military chaperones. was stuck in my head. what do they mean really? i was wondering what these soldiers are like, what will they do and how they handle that powerful weapons that go down. yeah.
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