tv News RT October 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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is the, is this the west some narrative that sort of drunken you wait inside and then those same park lines as long as and so yes, in the real, sabotaged story has been slipped under the rug by the west. all to use is the american media to spread the allegation that in this home says minutes a is the mazda mind behind the tooling a little color. so any type of this in canada new did. he says the things are a pool, a dusting food is using for his own political gain. a lot of the files, a news demanding that a presidential election be held because of my name is amends, expired 6 months ago. the
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live almost. this is all the money as well as i'm in 30 minutes of news i use saw it now also. so it is off the mainstream narrative on the normal freedom shop as i've never had any like that and continue so full above so that here is 5 minutes. a highlighted by the picture that's been painted a quote. drunk can create is bombing. it doesn't really add up, say the discussion about who's responsible as being buried in the public has been sold. a backup lies the fight didn't fit. so mister fitz, so what's your position on north stream? do you believe in ukrainian submarine villains of a little bit to see what the, what's the 1st of the last 2 blue of critical infrastructure and destroyed, you know, that was that. and then we refused to talk about it ourselves. i know what we write
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in the news papers. we read some a drunken ukrainian offices, said they'd be given to blowing out. i'm exaggerating a bit, but imagine that they'd probably say old to the place where the pipe was, jumped into the water dived, a few 100 meters took some sparkling pyrotechnics i'm fluids help and well, it definitely seems that another a non belief has been pulled when it comes to an old stream to narrative that is being peddled by the mainstream media on western government. pizza, of course, might be one assassination attempt down. he says to to his position on new, quite in conflict. but it looks like he is on to todd, and he's on afraid to speak his mind. now course, he'll remember as all of you as why that over the last 2 years, a number of theories have been thrown around a party. no one could agree. who might be most interested in causing germany often she, russian energy and replacing it with that road fall more expensive and she but then finally in late summer advisor was settled on 3 ukrainian divers went
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uh 18 meters under roots. i'm placed explosives and wanted to commit to one of the greatest acts up industrial terrorism and history. and then so the last 2 and a bit years, they've managed to evade arrests now. cool. so it is a story that suits money because it doesn't really implicate anyone in power, but doubts have been so cracks of being a marching, it's not just of feet. so, i mean, the 1st on show was, of course, from put it surprise went off renowned john the single hush, who lives not just a c. i a was behind it, but that the agency that even concocted a copy of a story in order to sell to the world, plus over the border from sebastian and hungry, we have the prime minister that's to open. he said that it is an open secret. now of the washington signed off on the whole operation. so basically, various theories up for a while, but not a suspect insight. yeah, i see that was that the on consumer pulled of the shortest lives at u. k prime
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minister. and you've got a history list trust that, oh, i thought you meant that lots of sleep, so yeah, so on into it, she allegedly tweeted, oh, sorry, i messaged up blinking within what a minute of it all the boss sang, quote, it's done. now i wonder what that could mean. so i ask you, what is the official washington narrative on this? well, i mean, to know i was the oldest of the day when it comes to the white house, the state department, the c, i a and well beyond. but at the same time, it is quite difficult to ignore some comments that have been made. and i want to start off with ponens for in minnesota, who fell victim to quite an unfortunate prank. what do you think about north stream too? so no stream through the trying to the trying to accuse us of this problem. but oh wow. wow, you know, it wasn't the way we feel about it. whoever did it did, they did a good job and we now
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know that the americans had advanced knowledge of it. yeah, ended up it's which taken on its own. okay. maybe not diamond, but let's just remember this is the same chicago to ski who immediately off to images of the explosions and not just on line tweets has been deleted, assigned to usa, and also let's be on us. this is really of mine. who is there any reiterating what we have had time and time again from the americans themselves? there will be no longer nor seem to live we. we will bring it into if russia engaged to chrome one way or another nord stream to will not move forward. direct impact is one thing, but i'm, i'm literally talking about rolling back to the pipeline and get loosely to find that. but i mean of taking action that will prevent it from ever becoming operational please by price that is more streamlined in our it's from to we're not
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pumping gas into your at this time, more stream to never became operational knew that offers tremendous strategic opportunities for, for the years to come? now what many also consider suspicious, simply have to be indicative of a cover up at the highest levels. is the part that i have for the last 2 years. any and who investigations have just sold. i mean, we just prostitute us all of this. yeah. they close that prove they said there's really nothing for pull this. send an ok job. many has issued an arrest for it for one of those 3 ukrainian diving, instruct to us. but then it was reported that he was hiding out imposes. and he said, well, there's really nothing we can do. our hands are tied. so most go is the streets it . and on numerous occasions bringing it in front of the un security council. in fact, it has voice fits concern, the berlin is really not fulfilling its obligations under the un, on to terrorism conventions. so really when you take this all together,
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you probably con, playing fits for being a bit wrapped assistance in a blind. he embracing, of course the story, but the west palm, so totally clean and said, you know, 3 ukrainian friends got together, got drunk, hired a boat that went on to blow up one of the world's most consequential energy project . right. you too, all the news and now a huge big my think spice between canada and india looks to be heading to a whole new level that is also seen in canadian officials admitted leading to the press. but india is homeless, says minnesota, was the legend, boston mind behind the mother of a 6 separate this in the country last year. now this is puns relations between the countries to crisis levels and get some details on all this with all contribute to rachel mazda and in another chapter in this yeah, score, canada is accusing the indian government of basically offing callous down
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a secret separatists considered a terrorist movement in india, i called on the left hand canadian officials close to prime minister justin to go are now yapping to the washington post about a top indian minister. kind of like teenage girls to a gossip rag at 1st counting the pin, the targeting of callous downey's in canada on india's quite commissioner to canada . since that is spelled with a handful of other indian diplomats and now has a $500000.00 us dollar balance here by the way on his head to track him, brought to you also by a us space leader of the very same callous, tiny movement. the canada is citing with and all this. so what we learned yesterday at a parliamentary hearing in ottawa, kansas capital, that's probably this whole fiasco that it's now prime minister in their end or movies. home minister, i meet shaw that canada is now fingering for basically hiring dogs in canada to take out callous daddy's been working from home to organize things like referenda
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with the goal of carving out a piece of india for themselves. non binding referendum obviously because it's not like india is going to just be cool with it. so it came out yesterday's hearing that in mid october after meeting with india and officials and singapore to those national security adviser. not trying to do who wow. and the equally and elected bureau, crab, and long time rolled economic form executive board member, deputy canadian for a minister david morrison said that they do like that the issue had come out in the canadian press after their meeting. so what did they do? did they just pick up the phone and make a call to indian officials like growing adults and, and say hey guys, knock it off. what's going on with all these press leaks? no, we, instead what they did is something super mature. they picked up the phone to me and started sliding to the washington post within our strategy. we were talking to different audiences. and, and so we deliberately chose, as madame de la said, in her introductory remarks,
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a credible internationally. i read newspaper that with cherry, our side of the story. we chose a journalist who had a long record of background in this particular issue, had written on it a number of times before and through the washington post. we were speaking directly to our friends in the united states square feet, speaking to our allies in the united kingdom and elsewhere. and we were also speaking directly to indians. so to those national security t, if not that into law also said that they wanted a respected media outlet that was familiar with the issue to report on and to make sure that the input waste spread far and wide. um yeah. okay, but uh, i just tried to access that article, published october 14 from here in town on my mobile phone. and i hit a firewall, which would explain why the conservative opposition here is how that has asked. how exactly canadians were even supposed to get this info if they weren't washington
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post subscribers. maybe they can just dump all their evidence, these canadian officials behind us newspaper firewall for the movie government to since they keep asking for it. we are really a completely set up reject to the note in which the canadian government target at the commission and the provides. let's just look at what is the issue. what is the issue in no way is thought that a small minority of people there but who have made themselves into what appeals to be of the gulf political wants. uh and uh, uh, the uh, the, unfortunately the politics of the country that is giving that a political lobby you can call it perhaps, you know, a degree of
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a play which i would argue is not just bad for us. and for our relationship, i would argue is also bad for the cabinet. i'd say, well, at least someone sounds concerned about that organized drive in canada. if teacher go had been, do you think that maybe they would have not imported this whole conflict into canada in the 1st place? and um, even if these guys are in india, at least they are asking right questions of teacher don't mostly just sounds concerned about losing the support of is overtly pro callas down the coalition partner is minority government, drug meet, sage, and also the support of the callous down a building block mid to that was taking popularity, which now sits at around 30 percent as other parties. they're sorry to talk about perhaps having that minority government ball in and on confidence vote, even before christmas a including cool. that's what a power nicole for a lot of minutes and then see to explain why there hasn't been
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a presidential election in the country. that's avoiding to an m p who filed the lawsuit on the mass of the bar that says he appeals to the supreme court back in july or the law to schedule a presidential election to because of the constitution. what, what are the kinds of villains he is? i mean, given 10 days of states, his case just to remind them is that it seems to him all this officially expired in may. it may, while a manger russian involves on the front lines, those troops raised the flag of the town of saint lead dover to show it is now for me i'm the most ago has been told the air is close to the main, just city across a key logistics hub, take care of some energy. symbols that have also involves into 3 other towns. well, joining me now on the same guest to discuss this in detail, the whole,
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you claim, solve the 9 years 2023 potential a supplier demographic from a greek. i'm boss that i did for them. i did buy the land is because i'm stop police and journalist and it's a migraine org. it's the mazda in j. gentleman, thank you so much for joining us here on all to your pleasure to have you. we'll have a lot of actually questions to get through. so i appreciate your quick responses and concise, some responses. very much indeed, mazda, if i may, start with the mountain. so is this calling for a big guy and ukraine on the west and media of all foot and put that into a live in victory yet? to an a halt? he is a to it's russia involves the on the front page. it will tell you how all the people in the west i knew when we got to see that this contradiction in the west, the media very slowly and reluctantly waking up to the realities of the situation on the ground. you know, the,
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just the last couple of days we saw an economist piece which tends to very poor picture of wellness, the state of the prey. now maybe it didn't cost a whole sentence. and if the economist is saying that, then, you know, the, the economist is probably the most closest to the lines of western english language newspaper to the european union. and if i think the economy is paid so, you know, giving me a picture, you know, i think we can assume that some events he stays on, number is known as economy some eve of the baby. see just yes they publish to an article which, you know, whole said, painted a very, very great, great big picture for um, for the produce those 2 towns that you mentioned you this said adults which is just full full them. and uh, no folks have pronounced that correctly, which is a key transport hub, which i think we're probably for um, shortly. and if that does, then, you know, the rights on the wall, i think is pretty clear for us is that you have to remember the lens key has been
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sold in panic mode. now for the last 3 months. and i think if we look back just a few weeks ago when team members of is coming to resign and particularly for minister, who was considered a particularly important intermediary for the rest of the leads, you know, following that. and then the customization, which is now going horribly long. and i'm but firing, i think, you know, it's the, the, the panics that we're seeing now. lensky is reaching new levels. you know, the so called victory plan, which was revealed to include tumble michelle's, which is by the ministration fill. so i'm not going to sign a form. you know, this is the whole thing seems to be a shambles. and we seem to be witnessing malice, lensky, and this was the final days if you'd like, you know, you mentioned earlier about elections. you know, this is a very, by the key issue for him because he knows if trump gets in the white house, then very, very early on from, from probably create
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a cx 5. i don't think he will pull off a great deal. but i think you create a safe spot within the 1st few days of being an office and the government sees what happens is the pressure to push aside the states as the marshal. and actually, um, except that now we have to create to the basis for presidential elections. i think that will be the 1st of many problems that so let's people say so you know, nothing is good for him. the video options, none of the options are good, but i think uh, you know, russian involve sing every day and with media. now finally acknowledging the situation on the ground, you know, i think some of the future is, is quite blink. yeah. indeed indeed. yeah. as if i'd like to and to you, we heard that from mazda until a little bit about the economy's report in b. b, sales, a. lesson media narrative. i sort of shifting with a move for pessimistic off that goes on you claims prospects does. why is the tone changing now? is this, is this the beginning of the end?
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i would say so i think it's the beginning of the end. we see that this situation in the ukraine is not. it is terrible, i would say with the resignations of various ministers as the previous speaker said, the minister of foreign affairs. and of course, russia is advancing and uh it, it's about time that the west to realize is that uh, if they are not, it's not going to it. because the 1st of all, there is a big reaction of the european people of the west and people with about the results of the sanctions that are destroying the economies of the west. for example, they know greece, we have uh,
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terrible energy prices. so increasing the bills that can not be paid and all of this is due to the sections that have been imposed up under. i showed that the spect firing and instead of a rush of paying for it that so you'd have been people who are paying for that as that it's exercising pressure or the european government to advance towards a peaceful agenda. you start because she ation square piece is indeed what we certainly have a cold wind. so i had, i was still about the gas would come in handy to the van to the so i don't know if i'm going to and to you. uh, this is simmons, he's indicated a while. he's sort of the, he's blaming the west full of the situation on the front. i mean, is this actually have the west let him down? you know, i think um, it's very unfortunate dot zelinski below is going to be used as
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a staging ground for on, on. we know, because if you go back into history, you can use to be a very strong point. in fact, when the, the us as a whole, you quinn hot, one of the largest military up in the nuclear awesome. and you find the top largest nuclear awesome up into 1000 about time before what did you look at us on when you look at what's all parked in the police, there was more to come and do something for the expansion to get used on you. quinn was a significant treat, but then go back to the factory to get split up. you have a president, what's electric, you know, by the majority of the ukrainians to provide these and security and stability in depth. but one thing you decided to use for the loading and also introduce some ukraine to go to that is clear on the one that is new but due to the interest of the wisdom of the drug complex. because the news you claim,
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besides the economy, by pointing to a little loop on this, i can get back, but they just have say that are we born? so nope. all the time and i'm times different i'm i hope you guys it's up to bleed . funeral. i did this in the beginning, god, who is not going to be winnable, sir, but just one thing i've missed on the term for a long time. to be able to put it go shop does not know you feel like your smoke 13, like your brain can don't want to cut off due to increased risk. so for him to allow you to continue to be used as a staging growing. we're talking, we know we want to get the remainder of the floor and the destruction of his company. he cannot blame the worst, because he allowed himself to be able to handle that. but we mean, didn't tell each your girl is like a bustle. united states. it also decided that the drag easy to go on drain to you and you want to be a bus of the 3 men to the independence of ukraine. then you should hutchings
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to have to be placed on our do not speak our mission with the initial factors and do not have good where we're looking at the coming on board on to some degree shown to the crisis. excuse days are known, but i think if i help them to be in the lives gives you just simply resign from the office of people have been unkind. the largest 132 motors. most of all ukranian who was discharge hope. you're going to need to be able to bring this possibility to the region on with that 161 congressional yeah, the very sorry. interesting how you say he said resign. i mean, if he resigns, you'd have to really leave the country with me and i think you'd face a trouble. they're getting says people will know there's a 160000 new recruits. that is a nice is fine to collect from the ground. but if i made to you, i mean, it's an excuse, pretty much claiming that the ukraine lacks enough weston weapons. that's because,
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you know, that's why they so low impacts on the battlefield. when it comes out with these statements, mazda isn't what he's saying, that doesn't cover the buck, or is he just saying that to his west and panos saying that, listen, you have to keep supplying may keep supply mail or, or was that somebody on the somebody else said that he, he means to say it's, it's a constant, it's a constant publication. you know, his style is to be polemic. and to constantly provoke that annoying, irritated, and made wisdom leads, feel guilty for the situation that he's in and the ukrainians are in the closest pull, the humble ukrainians who are paying with other lives just to be part of this well, between the western russia. it's not really of anything to do with you pray and your credit. so just basically free most summaries to the west uses and he's right in the middle goals and he's trying to keep keepers, but it's who credibility. so the blame game just intensifies united just planning
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america the other day for you know, not allowing him to use a longer range, missiles that come home. for example, i'm constantly making an issue about homes when the reality is is that some of the arms it's, it's, it's poppy about arms, but it's more of the infantry. i mean, so that's good and never had numbers assumptions. and this recent announcement, i think today or yesterday, looking for a 160000 new recruits over the next 3 months is laughable. i mean, what kind of recruits are we talking about here? you know, man in the seventy's, i would imagine he's excused. he thinks he's done the research and he thinks that there's a few and a 1000 young man standing ukraine who have legitimately, as they do the conscript process. but you know, is we're going to see a lot more videos on a social media time lines of people being thrown into the back of bands. but i can't imagine it really making much of a difference at this stage. the game,
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you know, the west has made it clear. it's support savanski, but i'm to a point and i think we're seeing now and the pin government's a certain recession or something. a certain thing now, which is kicking and you know, i think uh, i don't think in the coming months we would see such a great commitment in terms of military hardware. and i think he knows that's coming and the, the is the best as an inevitable. you know, he knows that there's only a question of time now before, before things will get ready up before him and they'll be no negotiating position to to, i mean it's very, very little because ca thing, wiggle room at the moment. but the only real called the west can play is, is offering russia to, to, to stay for you probably to stay out of night. so that's really the main play. that's one main reason why bite and we've never agreed to, to pray and joining they to have just sort of play a sort of a to a game like his plays foot some very, very difficult situation. extremely bleak. and i think this is why this,
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this blaming now is intensifying because he's losing political capital every single day. so, you know, you, we just mentioned earlier about the cabinet members. i'm leaving. i think the next thing to look out for now is for key people actually leaving the country. i would imagine that something's going to happen in the next few weeks. yeah, interesting. this is what made certain to you before we wow, that's fine, but i'm kind of thinking a little bit about along the lines of where this is landing. we saw, we heard that from mazda in the main, that shouldn't, of the tumble holds in that as the so called big 3 prime was made public. is this a way to uh for the us to finally perhaps distance itself from what's going on or will they continue to send billions of dollars of items to your grade? i don't think so. i think that we have reached a stage where everybody is pushing for
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a diplomatic solution today. sure. we had the jobs that are called a week ago who mentioned that he is a favor of opening of a diplomatic solution. but uh, let me just uh, uh, mention something about the double standards of the west. we have in degrees today to visit the trim and press ok. and germany owes greece to really good euro said war. reparations, as a tribune president said, set for them. the issue is closed, right? so you see the double standards that the germans are using. double standards when it comes to their that's when it comes to the sanctions against russia. but that's a small, a parenthesis i bait. but the issue is that now we have reached
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a level where everybody in the west is serious, it thinking or starting of using the road of diplomacy because they called them is of the western countries can no longer stand this, this, this war that is depleting the western countries and making the western citizens suffer to the detriment of their governments who would also have change indeed, and not of them as well as he could decide as to the us for leaking his request. but on the whole mess of how my, the us responded to key of confirming such a demand. and um, uh, it just looks like the leader to you is, is waiting to respond to zalinski. he was hired to do something deliberately or deliberately what abilities are live allowed himself to be
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a winning team for that. but now the only thing on is looking like given to the new library, is the democrats and likely being to lose the november election on one of the things i've done to consider is actually, um, do you put in war uh, did you go back to when the term was depressed and then key emphasize on piece on simply what they should have done from the beginning. everyone 3 years into this, a special going to do a visual, a loan by rochelle. yeah, wasn't, i didn't to, someone was indeed us window. does that mean? i know you'll see the image in it will arrive within themselves? i'm thinking about diplomatic, so be sure. so this kind of the was done that should be helpful. so the visual by knowledge is it is crucial except the fact that you've been used and dumped and she will have no longer dependence of what do you expect to get in for them to you is because of course you have made up to me electronically. they're going to do is we
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just need to double the police report to you. so i don't, i don't think um zalinski is likely be interested in the sponsor from the united states. yeah, indeed indeed, and that's what i'm going to have to leave in gentlemen. thank you so much for joining me. now. i do so i need something to be positive. so that's why i've got about for the greek, i'm by. so the, and diplomatically on those for some of those jobs and edits of my going to be the old mister mazda in j. thanks again. wow, that wraps up this new. that was a pleasure to have you with us here on. ok. see international do check out on c dot com. great. so is that old? so we're going to be back at the top of the list together. the player falls 1899, but then carry all the, i'll skip 10 valley. this entire area is a native spice.
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