tv News RT October 31, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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is the conflict so attacking russian culture or in language. and i'm talking can only go off adults on search and trying to make ukraine part of nate to our own reasons for this, for this crisis that we see. so russia has no other way but to try and defend its brothers and sisters, it's compatriots, it's russian speaking people. so i believe that the main problem with the ideas, with the projects that are being disseminated twice now by people trying to find a way out of the crisis is it is all that look at the georgia, for example. there's a little there that calls on old, on governmental organizations to declare if they have any outside funding for and funding look at the history of it started with that in georgia on 4 or 4 more. take the for example, the vice,
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the husband is that small against l g b t q, propaganda. they have voice quest for the last like that and in the u. k. in, in poland and other countries. but they can do that because they are well masters of life, so to speak. well now it's georgette. wanted to know who is paying for these uh, cruise a big into them non governmental organizations from abroad. those. what do you, this, this is just sort of the pretty sure you're looking for the last level of government . and now if we look at you crane, i know, but nobody's reacting to georgia, but look at what's happening. nobody's reacting to what's happening is ukraine, where they go from the address for making loans that are directly attacking the russian language and the church, but in georgia, nobody's. here's me see what they wanted. so if you study to use a for looks of your solutions, you what the,
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at the scripts and that's decided here, as the rescue is a lot, i think, well, we need to find a way out of the crisis. so now richard says that it is going to increase its military budget by 3 of been in thousands the and that money will go part of that money will go to ukraine. can you come with them that no, i haven't you but it was not to use to going to other people's pockets. and that's what we thought was, but it was part of the case and it's always been saying they going to keep supporting your credit for it. as long as it is required, they kept pumping money into again, it's done for 20 years. let's look into how much is going to go into ukraine. we know that they to offices and weapons are already used in ukraine. but
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on the, on the hand, we see that ukraine is calling for more and more escalation. yeah. and then what do you think will happen with that? one of the, like i said, most, i cannot, like i said, i don't go to other people's pockets and i cannot enter other people's minds. prisons a lance keys with his every statement. he's once again 3 affirming that she is not mentally well, so to speak. and you have a blessed discrepancy and we see that she is not a person that can be dealt with reasonably as to his masters and those who walk straight. what's happening in ukraine. we're looking into them with what they're doing. we see more reasonable political leaders are trying to focus more on their domestic issues like we see in the united states in europe press or these are the
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schools. and instead, the leaders of the european union are trying to make everyone who do follow through with, with this plan to support you crate them to the bits. and i don't think that's the problem all for, for. and so barnes and major specialists participation in the ukraine conflict is very important right now because everyone knows that this is already happening. the instructors that are overdue of them are helping them guide their munitions against russia, against targets within russia, without those instructors. and those specialists that you printed, an army would not be able to authorize, but the west including london. so we don't know what else, so i don't really care about how they going to keep to
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guiding their insolence within ukraine. what is your position on the escalation of the conflict by the crate in the machine? and the question about me silence was not going to trying to decipher what's going to happen or try to move to scene to the future. but the fact that the presence of landscape is asking for tomahawk missiles and that's, that's a very, it's a water, a reaction in washington. we know that's the 1st step before that it sounds good. we know that to me that you least can insure the security of the american people. the united states. leaders are going to uh,
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reviews and see the presence of landscape of demands because they try to, they try to protect their own people. all right, let me go some uh, some good comments, ask them, but they just comments out from the 2nd up minute skin to national conference on your ration security that was going on. it continues to go on right now in minutes . of course, the russian foreign minister, so get off or off that with a few comments just to run down a few highlights a certainly a number of a special envoys and attendance there at the summit admin sco china syria hungry. so it'd be a and it's, it's kind of as level of was saying it's based on life itself. those security models that based in europe are outdated, they basically discredited themselves. and he was saying, the expansion of nato towards your range and regions is upsetting the global balance a document is going to be administered by the way, the end of this conference, detailing on multi polarity based on of the silver and the quality of states. basically saying the old system of security is out dated. he was saying one of the
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problems in the, well, those are the major hedge them on the top guy on the planet refuses to really to, to speak to the other countries on, on, on an even keel, the reference of food instead of outbreaks that we don't stand against any one. briggs is not on the west is just not western. he said that of areas of peace pounds for ukraine needs to take reality into account. allow for off saying that a china is peace proposal suggests of finding the reasons for the conflict and trying to find some understanding and then look at georgia for example. the reason parliamentary elections a, b, and c for an agent, lord god and g o. having to, to disclose if they're getting more than 20 percent financing from outside and who's financing them? not cool with a big upset as a police, he's lawyers, he said against the l. g. b, t to propaganda or it's simply designed to protect children. but western countries got angry about that. one of the questions, the level of was asked by the press, the britain instead of just going to send 3000000000 pounds every year to ukraine. a lab rob simply said, well, but you k pump loads of money into afghanistan for 20 years,
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so how much would it pump into ukraine? at the end of the day though, talking about ukraine laughed ralph was saying the landscape with every statement reaffirms. he's not mentally well of the most go see, easy is not a person who can be dealt with reasonably more details on what level had to say going up online right now on our website. you know the site, it's a, it's a dot com quoted genocidal violence. that's helping us as a special weapon to have a palestine is described what's going on in gaza vall and spreading to the west bank, which is so far resulted in the depth solve $170.00 children. the developments on the grounds are, are gruesome and it is long because it actually since the beginning, the d d d d, the violence, the genocide, the violence that they have described in my 1st state board has expanded in mid
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sized in other parts of the group. i'd probably seen in terry 3, and if you look at the past there until violence, the destruction of a cvd on infrastructure roads energy grieves, uh, uh, water pipelines and that sort of wire homes. and if you look at the numbers of extra judy shows keating's in the us bank as well on top of the $42000.00 policy instead of being killed, assert, and killed in gaza. including 17000 children. how to explain the 700 over 700 policy and have been killed in um, in the west bank, including 170 children with the following remarks on israel's actions by then gaza . on the west bank, francesca albany is, was branded anti semitic and, and fit for her role. at least that's according to the us invoice, to the united nations. as you and special russell to albany visits new york,
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i want to reiterate the u. s. belief she's almost said for her role. the united nations should not tolerate um to semitism from a un affiliated official. hi. it's to promote human rights. and i got cooler from the international coalition to stop the genocide and gaza says the remarks by washington's and boy, and basically part of a narrative still being pushed by the west. you don't expect these that those behaviors are the max coming from the match. but we've also seen that this is not the 1st time that american diplomats have spoken out in a way that was and method quote, unbecoming over to collect the narrative that exists kind of the way anything that is pro palestinian an antivirus and, and the legal occupation of the israel is labeled as empty symmetric, and that is a narrative that seems to western population. but the east in reality, no true relation between the 2. it's the normal and i think that comes from the
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west and government, unfortunately from the western world. and that type of traffic is one that does need to change. it is not the true reflection of what's happening is moving. anyone who speaks out in biology is labeled is and decent methics or n t west or n t. busy a nice ation of weld mt democracy. it's just a horrible thing that's being planted on over people's faces for speaking up for justice, humanity and human rights. and then while the war of was just being forwarded, the un and the war on the ground in gaza, civilians and aid workers continue to suffer. the video you're seeing right now released by the palestine red crescent that shows the mind with one of its volunteers found the body of his mother among those recently killed genre is that good again says the norm was an international law, went out the dual one schools and hospitals started being without a doubt it's won't be more than a year of get
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a type within the destruction. i mean, you can actually low wind out the door when schools and buttons are being a schools and hospitably involved. i mean, it sort of yellow context, it's more than 75 years of the legal occupation about taking action. but this last year has just been symmetry and the western world has tried to create this impression that it's mobile. and what this some people say is it shows that the publicity and the he booker see in the application to match the rule. that's when it comes down to way. if you look a certain way, sound a certain way, then yes, was applied to national or to you, but if not, i mean people can do what they want to you and it's additional want to. but i would like to hope the trust that china and the big country is like south africa, can work together and bringing a peaceful solution to the palestinian people and to bring an end to the legal occupation of benefit when it's hard to believe that's not what less than
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a week to go until the us elections, and this is a life thing, a new lead, a full back country. right now it's a but it's all solve the democratic media machine starting as coverage, basically, propping up the vice presidential dialing, come a lot higher. so donald trump has is a hands full with a mug of faithful and as a time grows near the mudslinging between the 2, hopefully spirals of a nation is divided as usual. so we'll be covering every minute of the race right here and special coverage on this trying the the so can washington go a day without american politicians slandering each other? well, no. the latest incidents involving the usual suspects, joe biden, donald trump, with the current president, taking aim about $100000000.00 plus supporters of a former commander in chief,
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suggesting every last one of them is better off a landfill. or puerto rico or i'm in my own state of delaware. they're good, decent, honorable people, the only garbage i slowed down there is your supporters is, is, is team and ization seen as a cultural, let's say 225000000 people choose essentially. and he's going, i'm going to reject your team by the way, with garbage, with garbage and i call you the heart and soul of america. you're the people that build perhaps no surprise. the white house was like a forced to walk back to biden's broad slap in the face of roughly half of the country, insisting by and it was not referring to from supporters as a whole. of the online outrage, even let that come out of harris distancing himself from the president's comments. and so with just dates to go until the election open out to remind color of
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exploring the ins and outs of what is the us presidential election system. the united states of america, the number one, the self proclaimed veterinary and exports are on democracies of the world, the cunning enforcer of its values. if any of the country there is to disagree, the once more it see an indisputable global power house continues to dominate across many sectors. but the size of inevitable deflation are becoming a parent with more nation standing. their grounds and domestic presidential election discourse that threatens this thing's very existence. the debate over the legitimacy of the 2024 election is already underway. the election is now just 25 days away and all from is very clearly planning to run the same playbook from last time. election officials are going after non citizens, they say, legally registered to vote. tax id introduces live for us at a pulling location in buckhead with the very latest indeed,
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where the alleged vote or fraud was discovered. we understand during an audit thousands of border registrations in denton county being challenged as an eligible, grim outlook. and that wouldn't link confidence in the electoral system had been worsening with every cycle in 2005 former president jimmy carter for sold the upcoming crisis. when he code share the commission on the federal election, reform americans are losing confidence in the fairness of elections. and while we do not face the crisis today, we need to address the problems of our electoral system. after roll. how hard could it be if you've got the most votes you with rights? well, not in the land of the free. in the year 2000 vice president al gore, won the popular vote but had to eventually can see that supposed to george w bush, who also one of the presidential election. but according to an alternative count,
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the infamous american electoral college, a system where a representative from each states in numbers proportional to the state's population cast, their vote was in accordance to their own and often unique state rules to determine who will be president. i really do now think it's time to change that it's always tough to amend the constitution and risky to do so. but there is a very interesting movement under way that takes it state by state that may really have a chance of succeeding. i supported the idea of the electoral college because the logic is it nits. the country together prevents regional conflicts and it goes back through our history with some legitimate concerns. but since i've given a lot of thought to it, and i've seen how these states are just written off, hillary clinton claim that that's wednesday, a 16 presidential election was stolen from her pastor. she got 3000000 more votes than donald trump. once again, the electrical college thought differently and gave the white house to donald trump
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. i've been telling candidates who have come to see me. you can run the best campaign. you can even become the nominee. and you can have the election stolen from you. one of the united states, best exports, hollywood films, have thought us a thing or 2 about the complexity of the american election process, as well as creating ways to make it work in favor of one of the candidates. usually the fosters were bad guys, organized crime. so i've sort of inhibition for world domination. so hollywood was not far from reality at times. the fact remains united states indeed has a long history of consistent elections. earlier this year, better on journalists, chris wallace said that john f kennedy probably stole the 1960 election from richard nixon. we report document in the book that, that was an election that probably was stolen by john kennedy and richard nixon does not usually portrayed as a hero. made it in the,
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in the decision not to contest the election because was the height of the cold war . he didn't want to go to the courts, he didn't want to paralyze the country and he also would look terrible for america to the rest of the world who were trying to convince to be part of democracy. now he didn't care about that part, but i think he decided to do what was best for the conference at him in 1977 of former texas bolting official louisell, a set of interviews that he certified and no fictitious balance dispute and election in 1948, and he then congress been, lyndon johnson when that propelled the future. president's enter the us senate, johnson did not win the election. it was stolen for him. and i know exactly how it was done. we can tell any election judge, give us 80 percent of the vote, the other guy, 20 percent. we had it made in every election. the icon of the democratic party, the 1st ever african american president barranca bama also admitted the vote of
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fraud took place during his own campaign in 2008. i come from chicago so, so i want to be honest. it's not as if it's just republicans who have market around with elections in the past. sometimes democrats have to, you know, whenever people are in power there, you know, they have this tendency to try to you know, tell things in their direction. big elections rely on big spending. ordinary visors are spam with calls to donate on the regular basis my own inboxes for daily please to pitch in $25.00 to $1.00 campaign or another. the largest supporters and contributors, however, are billionaires and corporations, and it's arguably they would spearhead entire campaigns and control how their cash is spent in 2012. jimmy carter said the, the us electrical system is the worst in the world shot through with financial
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corruption. we have one of the worst election processors in the world right in the united states of america. and it's almost entirely because of the excessive influx of money. you know, how much i raised to run against gerald ford 0. you know, how much i raise to run against ronald reagan 0. you know, how much will be raised this year by old presidential senate and house campaigns. $6000000000.00. that's 6000 millions. despite the seemingly never ending stream of donations towards the 2 uncontested american political parties, the quantity of allocations on those funds are questionable. the misuse. whether purposeful or not usually gets a run through at a lower level elections in 2018, georgia democratic gubernatorial candidates, stacy abram said that there had been systematic, deliberate, disenfranchisement for years in the state of georgia. do you think that there was
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deliberate interference in the election? yes, and i believe it began 8 years ago with the systematic disenfranchisement of more than a 1000000 voters. it continued with the under funding and this investment in polling places in training and in the management of the county delivery of services. and i think it had its pinnacle in this race, but few months before in may of 2018, a republican primary had to be called for do over because a number of voters did not receive accurate valid. meanwhile, on the other hand, 15 the american states allow any wants of gas to balance with valves, embroider id, no need for any documents. just trust me. i can vote. that's a major point of disagreement between the democratic and republican nominees. first of all, we should have voter id. when you vote, you should have voter id and if you send something in, you should be sure as, as
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a state and as a country you should be sure that that vote is meaningful. and it's not just made fraudulently because there's a lot of fraudulent voting going on in this country don't from has been quite vocal about his, this consent with the simplicity of how the american presidential election could the rig back in 2020, he claimed that the election was stolen from him due to wide spread irregularities with mailing voting and voting machines. if you look at the balls, it was a reduction or you look at the different states, the election was totally reg. it's a disgrace to our country is like a 3rd world country, these ballots flooring in from everywhere using machinery that nobody knows ownership, nobody knows anything about. they have a glitches as they call them glitches, which is where glitches they are sending out thousands of votes full against me. by the way, trump cold, it's wednesday, 20 presidential election. a catastrophe. those words are resonated with thousands
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of people during your rally on january 6th. 2021. the save america marched near the white house, quickly turned into the store bank on the capital. following this arrest and convictions, the american democracy has now made it impossible to claim that an election was stolen. meanwhile, washington loves to judge and make statements about national elections all around the world. then as well as no exception and the bleeding. electro fraud. following the july 28 presidential elections, the georgia people into the polls on saturday in an election environment saved by the ruling parties, policies including misuse of public resources. we are extremely concerned about the situation and sending all the political situation instead of god. we want to see elections continue as they were scheduled. we want to see them take place as soon as possible. so very goal american democracy do as i say,
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and not as i do the floor now from the garbage gate, a sense of coffee d and from donald trump, seizing the theme, he arrived at a recent riley and a rubbish truck. more on that head up to walk, you don't come way with sorting through the slot and to give you a clean picture of what's going on. the meantime that you, a labor party has dispatched a 100 delegates to america to meddle and drum up support full time a lot higher, as of course has no election to fear is going on there, right. this is the end of the
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the as we drew my attention was attracted by a soldier with not unusual co sign all these baseball caps, tangerine and civilian life. he was a ship mother the monday. yeah. but it's hard for me to do that. so comfortable work and they're both j as in special good to be me up and started running a non done that or the the the,
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what is going on with the 2 s 4 coupon, so propelled heavy malta caliber, $240.00 millimeters maximum range. 20 columbus is. are you guys any mo, not do some flaws and the state is coming back? no, no, no, no, no, no, show day that the issue of solution focused amino and the so i'm, are you is i'm, which was the truth thing. come on the one in coming to the
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