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tv   Lumumbas Africa  RT  October 31, 2024 8:45pm-9:01pm EDT

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to us it got sp seen as a friend with whom they can enjoy a symbiotic that rather than not, but a septic relationship. that is the context of don, very long history. we continue with the conversations about the continent of africa, but we will come again of the shock break. see, the, what is part of the, the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word, or is it something deeper, more complex might be present good. let's stop without cases. let's go out of as the,
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as we continue to converse about the mazda continent today,
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we are in the very heart of the city of nairobi on live, but the building and we be hard to bundle rom, weekly. the city over night will be on the, in, on an interesting question from liberty house. we had talked about the liberty of the continental of africa. the history of contemporary africa can never be told without reference to the same as conference in violin. which took place towards the end of the $1880.00 full on the island part of the $1885.00 non conference known as defined in conference. sometimes as king leo for this conference was convened by european powers as a way of dividing africa bits, riley in to see is of influence, the venue repeating powers while at present the germans. why they are the british.
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why they are the french, why they are the belgians. why they are the thailand's why they are the punctual gaze. why they are on the spaniards? why they don't they did was to look at the entire continent and build with it as an individual. ah, plantation drawing boundary is a bit tried really, and africa has never recovered. i'm not time is the entire idea of the partition of africa was divided it into economics fields of influence so that they could exploit the resources of africa. at the time when europe was graduating, as it was from an upgrade in environment to industrial revolution, silas of africa, why use for plantations full costs? the 4 key, 4, rob, on the things on subsequently of costs. they went into the mining all different
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olds, whether it was, i don't know whether it was monger needs or was this was done at the time when african countries and the african nations had been decimated on debilitated by the destruction of the empire as across the entire continent where they, it was in the west. they are destroyed or the kingdoms remodeling k this on die. and all these been destroyed on the solid, the fight or vice versa. the zulu empire, the one on the top of the empire, i had been destroyed in these thoughts with uh, the bug gun, the, the new order tire i'd been destroyed and all of the gun institutions had been destroyed when they are for they transmitted from the economic donation, then the political donation came in, and that was the advent of the colonized ish. and when of course they hold on eyes off because they impose the institutions they've brought in the laws. they've
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brought in the institution digit is surely the governors and africa has never been to the same a game on when they are pins for the was in europe with john normally describe the wild was in the 1st world war, the germans and last via 30 threes in different fox on the are these why then migrate the, the, some of the power of the territories of the german with wind, south west africa. now the media in the home a, in the comment rooms why event transferred to uh the powers which had remained after the destination in wild. well what, what then, what's the impact of these very unfortunate a incident or event that took place in binding? in $1884.00, the impact was as painful on the deputy peyton as it can be on off because i've already covered off because now i've already covered because
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people is the different missions. why then divide them into different on stuff separate? he is, he is so that if you went to gun, you'll find the mall, but people now divide and to be found in prison day. gonna present data ogle and president present day book. you know fast. so you got to nigeria, you'll find they are, but people is in the comfort room and you'll find them in the dog. you come to can yeah or 2 times and they must die. you can, you have to be found as they must say. you have tons and yeah, they was of, can ya to be found in uganda to be found in tons and the to be found in the democratic republic of congo to be found in so done. you go to a seal up here, you'll find different communities across different countries. and this is, i was unfortunate as it can be. and it has been debilitating,
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debilitating because when the struggle for independence started in honest and african countries was sticking to the gain, the independence from us. why colonize us? we, as the continent had been divided into c, a they've been friends with the former, a french color needs been insane, mostly described as the francophone countries. the portuguese has been described as the list of one countries, and the british colour needs been described as the envelope for the countries of costs. the democratic republic of congo remained as the sphere of influence of the belgians. initially, the democratic republic of congo was the individual property of king leo ford on the belgians only migrated to belgium of the country a little later in time. the struggle for independence death was started in honest
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on the after the world war 2. and after the rise of the plan off with the movement on the rise and i get a sion of african independent fighters, we then hide the wave of independence with the gun uh, taking the lead on the 6th day of march of 1900 on 57 and the after wave of independence, which culminated in the, our, this type of conference we saw the bought the organizational bostwick on unit. and i can't remember solve very vividly caught this you of history. when on that day, every officer can lead the will spoke with a it was a z last see of if the up. yeah. which i've never been successfully punk good on who hosted confirms as a it was plum including them all gone or whether it was a different call or whether it was a nom de as if you, with all of them why you not the most in the article mission that the pain that has
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been visited had been visited upon africa in violin, had to be key with the discussion. then arrows should really visit the colonial boundaries. and i have comes to the doc fe mazda vice of governmental go to my say that has nothing to visit those boundaries. let us stick unity. because if we begin to revisit those boundaries, there would be conflict amongst all african countries. i was, is to met those boundaries as a bridges and that was his fair muscularity on the call that africa must unite because it is in high unity that africa would neutralize unmet nonsense of those the boundaries. unfortunately, on the occasion in 1963, it did not happen on the subject in countries remained as they why and edited from the colonizer, with the advice that a dis, just one of the colonizer remaining, from sometimes
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a belief and sometimes thought of. but controlling also some countries, the conversation was that it visit that the game in 1964 in title when they offer carnita as well hosted by egypt to come on. i've been na center, but once again, we adopted as off with the doctrine of the, you know, in the viola ability olsby and edited boundaries on the understanding that the content and what do you not. but that did not happen in 1965 prime included with my hosted up conference in a crowd done on the assumption on the day that africa would the image united. but it did not happen on one year later in 1900 on 6 to 6. just to give requirement to put on by himself, was overthrown. and we now know that he is remove, or from pow wow, was through the mock conditions of west on dollars visa boundaries. it is
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up to the, to use of the colonizers invited in, remain a source of conflict in africa to day african countries. i divide, that was, i've been, for the big cost of those boundaries, was continued to reflect the cost of those boundaries. countries. i divide the cost of those boundaries. african countries cannot speak with one voice because of the events of biling. in 18841880 5. they are those who are in the business of telling off with guns that you are going eyes too much, that you have now been independent for upwards those 60 as why the to tech side the o u r f. as we as the continent on taking charge of off fast. but the question is, how does africa ever be not allowed to take charge of our affairs? no, she has not. she has not because i'll stop by lead. there was
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a corner in irish of type vehicle, nice vision. there was and there is still neil colonize ish and neal colonized as a means that the us while colonize us, still on studying the claudia, on a call or violin. so the portugal is still wants to control, have gone on these in on goal in mozambique. indigent, may be solved in solid, telling me on the putting the stupid in a cardboard. read that the friend soon want to control. how cold on these in west africa, the british still wants to control a former color need through the commonwealth and of cause. the belgians are still alive and well in belgium, we are not free. and when they cannot control africans on the african leaders, then they of course undermine those who will stand up against the violin. is most of the car. violin is the one,
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is the one that continues to commend the continental vibe for car. because the is the one that keeps on divided keep size divided through our laws. fewer size divided through. oh wow. education system give size divided through politics. give size divided through neil. colonial institutions give size divided because of the boundaries. 50 tons divided because we are manipulated on the basis of the past violin was a cause. i did k, i did by jo dot fe mazda nigeria has written a book, which all of us must read the costs of buying and didn't bid. it was the cost which remains with us is of cost. it is a cost that must be exercised. the cost, if the cost of buying is not exercise, africa will never be united. and if africa is never united, shall remain
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a plantation. the plantation would that was conceived invited in, in 18841880 5. the time is now to dissolve by the in the time is now is to met to met those boundaries. pages of the community is what will dissolve, byline, continue to talk about the mazda continent, but we will come again to continue this conversation, which never ends on which must never end. see you another time the in the final stretch of the american presidential campaign voters are presented with the proposition of who they most fear virtues that going. in fact, he was moralizing out showing policy discussions. we're to believe hitler is on the
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ballot. in april falls 1899 tabby, although i skipped in valley, this entire area is a list of spice. take on some of these get cheese sand to find out that as as codes from these to really study. when you chance to review these to corporate tax, even slowly about how you do the source of the state, the, the weight, the window and go with it. i'm going to.


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