tv News RT November 2, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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of the the, the us once again cries, filed over russian meddling play being without proof about the video showing frauding air. the voting in the presidential election are all part of bosco's efforts. if you divide the nation all talk and no action are to look back at the legacy at the bottom, the administration last on the african continent over the past couple years. the 1st 3 children are said to be among 8 to 4 people killed in the recent idea bombardment of guys that are from a british diplomats, polls all these roles, tactics. in the middle level, you don't see anything as military or industrial,
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it's old beds and pictures. toughest children's toys, the but we're continuing our coverage of the latest trends shaping the world right now . this is our d to national i a michael watching that with america about to pick it's 47th president. that can only mean one thing on that is russia is a part of the op to it's old meddling tricks again according to f. b, i this time moscow is behind some fig videos aimed at in influencing both as of the intelligence community assessors that russia influence actors manufactured a recent video, the falsely depicted individuals claiming to be from haiti and folding illegally in multiple counties in georgia. this judgment is based on information available to the intelligence community and prior activities of all the russian influence actors,
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including videos and other just information activities. in one side video, a recent uh, a recent haitian immigrant to show and display multiple driving licenses, saying that he will be voting several times will come to the hires while encouraging all of us to do save the f b. i made a similar accusation about fig. videos a week ago when for to circulate thing online was set to show me didn't bollocks for drum been destroyed in pennsylvania. now in both situations, various us officials have jumped in claiming it's all part of moscow scheme to so division. yet they offer new evidence linking russia to the videos. but despite the lack of prove the headlines have spread like wildfire, russia is behind recent election. this information, videos, fake ones. we can definitively report that it is russian produced russian
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operatives are behind effect video that shows someone destroying mellon ballots. russian actors are behind a fake video posted online. the election coverage has been very skewed. i mean for one thing and they, they don't really cover the major issue, the other pertinence to voters, you know, the economy, foreign policy. they focus on trivialities and kind of outlined statements that a certain candidate might make and they succeed on that. so that really narrow the debate and they, they fixate on the personality rather than you know, coverage of the browser issues. that shouldn't be, it's taking me election. so that's one of the things you're flaw. and then a resort to blame me a for a century like russia. they recycle these kind of state department or, or c, i a talking points about russia that are totally false. and we don't cover other country like israel. busy of ukraine, actually there's evidence that those countries have interfered annual selections
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and they don't cover that. so that's another before, like a double standard. now the russian meddling tale is as old as time slash back to 2016. moscow was a keys of playing the puppet master in the election standoff between hillary clinton and donald trump. it was set to be pulling strings from a fox, thanks to a shadow ridge, full factory that turned out fakes to tip the scales and drums favor. but the digital forensic research lab late a found no evidence that supported the whole russia narrative. now that's while the democrats themselves were not exactly innocent bystanders. that clinton's campaign lawyer was accused of lying to the f. b. i, as opposed to false information, meant to cast suspicion that trump and russia where essentially working together. now for me, i see i on the list of laurie johnson explains why the bleeding russian narrative is back once again. what's going on here is the democrats realize they're
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likely to lose the election if it is free and fair to. and so to sit there wanting to set up a fall guy, someone they can blame when it doesn't go their way. and so russia is the convenient villain. but the reality is if you go back to georgia in 2020, that there were significant corruption there. and reference burger, the secretary of state of georgia. you know, he was part of it. they allowed multiple ballots to be counted multiple times and you'd say, well, that's not significant except trump only loss of state by like $12000.00 votes. so that was clearly brought on the part of the united states, but that had nothing to do with russia that had the all to do with internal corruption. here in the united states. we always blame russia on things that we do ourselves. the united states as
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a 75 year track record of meddling in the affairs of other countries controlling their elections, interfering in the elections. creating institutions like a national endowment for democracy which are designed to funnel money to opposition groups. the c, i a, is very active with information operations designed to subvert normal democratic processes. so you know, this is not unexpected, but it, it shows sorted, assigned to the desperation of a deep state. and now why the 2nd guy was being pointed as ross at time and time again, washington fails to call out the election interference from its own allies of the u . k. base center for countering digital hate has been accused of colluding with the us democratic party without being registered as a foreign agent. now the c, c, d h was founded by the former director of labor together,
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which has been advising come of the houses election campaign. that's as more than 100 bridges label party activists are currently competing for hot in the united states. other 2 outfits. she at the same address in london. it's not the 1st time the group has been caught. red handed back in 2021, 60 d h was accused of working with the democrats to central citizens over atlanta. cobit 19 this information, the investigative journalist appalled data cover the close link between london and washington. and he's the latest guest ongoing on the ground. around 2021 suddenly see setup or counter digital. hey, they pop in the united states. now, i'm a creature of washington. i used to work in the senate. i ran investigations. i lived there for 10 years. and so the 1st thing that struck me i was like, who is this group the center for counting digital 8 and who is behind them?
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this guy doing right opposite he is british like what, how is the like getting the year of the president of the united states was so weird . and so i wrote an investigation for them well for last year. and what we found is that the setup, the setup kind of digital hate. i just went in on ok. man. i their 1st year in united states, they raised almost $1500000.00 out of the blue. we don't know where that money came from, but we do know that $1100000.00 of it came in in one big bolus from what's called a donor assistance fund, which allows you to donate money to. i think it's called the charles schwab but, and then when it comes from the charles schwab bind to another organization, you can't tell who the original donor is. so it said a very purposely to hide through the actual donors are. so that was the vast majority there money, but we also know is from, you know, a person i interviewed is that, you know, operate, it has admitted that he applied to either and the person didn't know was it m i 5
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or my 6. we don't know if you got it or not. we certainly know the apply. he certainly seems like an asset for british intelligence, the board, the chair of the board of a center for accounting digital, a guy named simon clark, is the democratic party, political operative. he's now on the atlantic council. he was the center for american progress, which is a democratic party. think tank a wave of mandatory to the surgeon and t, west and sentiments and political a tumble. i live, it's a hell that's protected history. joe biden has presided over during his tenure when he comes to america's relations with africa. archie still the video couldn't get breaks down washington's legacy on the continent for us or so by this time comes when in the succeed. so we'll have to deal with the legacy when it comes to africa, 5 in school school, the concepts to connected between 2 to 2 african strategies of not so mounted so
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much in that document. you should have enough to wait in global institutions to keep the concepts a voice in global decision making. and in some way, that's effective once again to happen. ways of space and expected the last 4 years have seen the political, the people who does the whole region, washington explain to community and so we sustain countries that have been to come to, to the beach and i'm no longer willing to remove them. a lot of these, yeah, the jewelry and government regrets, the desire of the american government to deny the sovereign easier and people the right to choose their partners into types of partnership capable of helping them to fully fight against terrorism. also being forced to service members destroys, they came in
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from neighboring side american innovation and supports have so many to be in crisis. really insane. continue to be at the front, ongoing conflict documentation so that so allies, in one hand is on the group. also pop on the u. s. continues to be experienced. someone else, the russian federation. narrative drowned out the us government in the past years. they were excel and the russian federation stoked a lot of the instability across this, the hell they did this through misinformation this information campaigns. so i see how we will double down and our efforts is through our own information campaign, but matched with our assurance efforts. a russian federation is really trying to
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take over the central africa as well as the ssl play me russia and signed them. i feel good, but deep down the lots of the states known as a whole 6 the wrong reasons. 6 times to change rush and china are global powers. they are going to be present. what we have to make sure is that we maintain our presence, and in that, in that region, it is all about partnerships and alliances. so by then for the most part to north africa over his entire, to me for years and office is hosted to a fee, was an applicant, dedication for business. even this coming along to visit us trades with subsaharan africa, prompting a list of questions, the fitness softly presidential trade program for the region. policy makers hope that washington's applicant to ask, oh cool. as the primary you is for
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a policy for the region on which development and advocate if a country is not willing to follow that policies. despite that intensive engagement between the united states and the central african republic, gab anesha and uganda, these countries have failed to address the united states concerns about the non compliance with the a go eligibility criteria. even so that's a couple of honda civic to vehicle what to to, to mesa civic russia was for simplicity to question with us investments funding and trade access is most of the upside from the office. we are seriously concerned that hosting that 2023 i go for in south africa, would serve as an implicit endorsement of south africa's damage and support for us as invasion of ukraine and possible violation of us sanctions, lot washington's casual dismissal fasick in touch season. even the continent as a whole soul is the bottom of the states for the people of africa,
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present by domestic, you need to division for apricots in the world that advocates wrong. do you agree with these records making that beautiful office most important thing says default. christie, aside from resides of applicants. it seems like with that not the administration comes in and makes more promises. i'm not. africa has had enough not to get all the latest news and views of the upcoming presidential election and the us be sure to follow a special covered line care on archie the now to the middle east now where up to 52 people had been killed with another 72 wounded following id ups drive on the east and 11 on. and that's according to
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a local health ministry. that's wild ease. really stop us, have down with half a blown up civilian neighborhood along with a mosque in the southern part of the country. at the same time, after a short countdown, the whole neighborhood was reduced to rubble, accompanied by the joyful chairs of these rarely soldiers. and now the ease rarely strike in the same part of the country, killed up to 4 civilians as a huge cloud of smoke tile it into the sky. about a residential area of a former british diplomats at craig moray flu. 2 bare room, a ton of personal admission to expose the truth about these rarely strikes on civilian areas. he spoke to r t about his efforts there's a tremendous in balance in the news that people are seeing in the western world,
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in particular with the have literally thousands of western journalists credited to israel. and these really armed forces competing the news of and is very slow. and what they say is actually the tube in advance will determined by these savvy censor and the number of people who are covering the conflict film. besides, all of which might cause the resistance is uh, is actually that clearly very small. uh so um i'm here to join the a handful of fun just missed active. i can let them trying to report the actual truth and what's, what's really happening on the gap until i saw that with my, my own eyes. i hadn't really appreciated the scale of the devastation and in the southern. so i've ups that they do. i think that hasn't come across to people in western countries where i'd be to know the areas where the block to block off the block is entirely flattened. and there's also a website in, but you know,
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from all appearances, these blocks visit the actual plants and maybe you look up the detritus, it's hot, hot breaking because in the modeling the a, up in the middle level, you don't see anything that's military or industrial. it's all beds and bridges and kitchen equipment and carpets and children's toys. not this all comes as the british both cost of the bbc is on the scrutiny from its own staff. a group of them have sent a joint letter to the editor in chief condemning what they say is it's biased. pro is ready, call a coverage, at least a $101.00 employees are demanding. the truth is shown about the horrific scale of israel strikes on its neighbors. we are dismay that the lack of consistently fair and accurate evidence based journalism in coverage of guys across, impartial broadcast. there's the bbc in particular is license,
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fee funded. and the russian of its only tutorial, a standard has put its impartiality in independence. such serious risk. basic journalistic tenants have been lacking when it comes to holding is real to account for its actions. a well, one journalist suddenly can't be accused of being pro ease ready in his coverage is just retired safely to the us after i don't know a deal in which he was detained by israel for simply doing his job. jeremy lawford, the, was arrested by the idea i've gone point have to, he reported the on the after my for feed runs missile strikes on israel last month . he's really look forward to use a cues low, fragile, of quote, assisting the enemy of tea. he reviewed the run, had damaged these really military infrastructure. hava and his ready judge ordered low fred, those rubies. after he was shown in court that all the media outlets had published similar reports. now we've heard directly from the gray zone correspondent about
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what he and your twins to conceal the exact impact i was kept in solitary confinement. i wasn't really given much food or water. i was treated like a terrorist in any of the states. and those are the charges that they leveled against me was kind of know just to leave the country. and it was my case open on purpose to dissuade me from ever coming back to the country. so according to my lawyer, last the mail is a wonderful human rights loader inside a lawyer inside of israel. she said that if you were to come back to the country and your case remains open, you know, on purpose. it's because they want to, you know, detain you and, you know, continue charging you with the meeting and a betting and giving information to the enemy during more time. so i think my reporting from inside of israel are inside the west bank right now has to be put on hold. i will still be, you know, doing my investigative journalism from here in new york or from the country surrounding israel. but i can't go back to israel and we can't let them dissuade
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journalists like myself or journalists all over the world from reporting critically on. there were efforts which is exactly the goal of drawing them in prison, in solitary confinement, charging me as a terrorist. and you can, we, we can, all journalist can't allow intimidation tactics to work, or else the truth will not, you know, get out anyway, a journalist, myself, who's been in and out of the west bank and southern israel several times since the war began. reporting on, you know, the kind of the collaboration between the military and the settlers to block you military aid at the criminal and border crossing the collaboration between settlers in the military to displace and ethically claims places in the west bank. these are things that i've done in the past in the last few months in israel, and i put out this report that everyone else was seeing. we will have to report, but only i am targeted only i am, you know, so i was throwing in jail only, i'm just way to from ever returning to the country. so it seems obviously it wasn't about this actual video. it seems like it was political and it was something about my reporting in the past. it was a way to stop me from reporting like that in the future. and close that home. now
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on the front lines with the ukraine, russian forces are continuing to make creeping advances of the defense ministry says troops have taken control over 5 pounds and the den. yes, republic. now the 4th, it shows a grad multiple launch rockets system in action. moscow says in the past week alone, p. m. s last 4000 soldiers. and in that same time, more than 70 attacks on counselor attacked by you create in forces had been repels me a while. i'm at the fighting civilians are finding themselves in the fire in lines one group trying to evacuate from types of yada. and they did yes. through a public came on the attack from ukrainian drones, and one of the people in the group told us about their plight. i started to mutual . i mean we, consisting of 7 people, were forced to go towards the russian federation for evacuation. we reached the 4th
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in the row to turn towards the bridge and canal, and they started firing at us. all 7 of us ran into the pill boxes. there were 5 of us and the 1st round room, 2 of us ran into the next room for as they fired mourners that asked them they started sending drones at us. after being hit by the 2nd drone, one person was wounded in the back. we're radio that we had injured people and the russians dropped us of medicine and water, and the craniums continue to fire at us. and we've had a neighbor and the 2nd shelter she was wounded in the arm and 2 of his fingers were turned off. then they threw in and c, jury. 2 of them caught fire and a stand burning. i started to put my cellphone. my husband grabbed me and said, let's one. it was quiet at 1st, but we could hear the blows continuing. but we didn't climb out. we didn't move, we just said there, i do not know how it happened. well, in short, something exploded and hit me in the face. oh, my husband was one of the leg, june 27th, the guys to consolidate. they took us to the medical unit, treated us,
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and they told me i had to go to the hospital. they brought me to the hospital, social security, some terrible you did that. and on the moscow sad ukrainian armed forces attract people trying to leave stuff of yard to cross to the russian side. drove and footed shows several people walking along the road, holding a wide flag russian troops dropped the food and water for those trying to sleep. but couldn't rescue them asked the trade in a tax continued, at least the 5 people were killed with one of the group reporting about the debts via radio. before contact was last for a major crane's difficulties on the fund lines. canada has been hosting a conference and support a vitamins, zaleski so called these plan to end the war, numerous european officials web at. but so was the journalist, dimitri las vegas. when he quays the parties depends on whether the lives of published means monitor as much the demo ukrainians you found. the delegates
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wherever locked in to answer for a posting lives worth as much as a premium lives you don't think so. excuse me gentlemen. are palestinian lives worth as much as you are printing lives? no, you don't think so. i take that as a no or pell as the lives worth as much as you opinion lives. yes, no one seems to want to answer my question. i thought it was a simple question. palestinian lives worth as much as you premium lives. are you printing lives worth more than tell us any lives? simple yes or no, we'll do. i'll take even a maybe not since the beginning of the war and ukraine more than 21 a half years ago. the all special civilian debt still stands at less than $12000.00 . however, in just one year of the war in gaza, that's been the staggering 43000 being while ukraine has received a 118000000000 euros in a while. and guys that has got less than 1000000000 imagery loss. gary's has the
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western powers don't care about killing as long as it's all in their interest. and certainly there was a contingent there that was willing to say on camera that ukrainian lives there was more. there was a very large contingent. i posted this question in all you showed a little snippet of what i did to probably about 80 delegates only for for answered the question. yes. one of them was the palestinian who actually wasn't attending the conference. she was attending another conference happening next door . several said no straight up and the rest refused to answer my question, even though they knew they were being filled. partly it is the racism. partly it is the fact that the defense so called defense policy of western government isn't about the security piece. democracy international law or any of that nonsense. it's about the so called rules based international border, which basically means that the united states makes the rules to the benefit of the us or lead. so there's
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a point weapons to ukraine because they want to do farm to russia. and it was always for see a vote. and now we're seeing the horrifying inevitability of this, that ukraine's military would be destroyed. the west had every reason to believe that what happened, but they armed it, none the less because their goal wasn't to save you opinions, but to hurt russians. and secondly, there is the military industrial complex which profit enormously from these wars. now believe us a former president, even morales has gone on a hunger strike, demanding the government immediately addresses what he says is the dire situation in the country. a hey, this is ego. i have decided precisely to force the stalls of tools that i will start to hunger strongly concealed the government to establish as t boned tables seriously, about economic issues. secondly, on the political issue, lee just unjustly detained in prisons and prosecutor. morales has been
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demanding tools for the government, following scenes of chaos in which the police amended for you were deployed to break up street protests and road blocks. sweets of lasted for weeks follow us of the former president, but also with cheese have been behind and on the stake over a military post and holding. so just hostage is bobcats are aiming to prevent his arrest on what he calls trump top rate charges aimed at what thing his political come back. the dpr k has expressed it's steadfast support for russia during a meeting all their top diplomats in moscow, a genuine, and choose from the very beginning of the special military authoration respected on re chairman of state affairs, kim john on given instructions that without looking back at anyone we would consistently and paul for lead support, and this is the russian army and the russian people in the holy war, little corporate. and that to indicate a skim were deeply grateful to our queen,
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friends for their principal position regarding the balance that have now folded in ukraine. as a result of the west course of advancing the 2 to the east, and encourage and extermination of everything russian in the sphere of education in the sort of culture and even in everyday life in general. last week rochester parliament rectified a comprehensive strategic partnership treaty with the p r k. the document had been signed in june between john burton and latham and put in during the russian president's visits of the only young it provides for us trusted a bold partnership based on mutual respect for 73rd, total integrity and non defense in domestic affairs. during the meeting in moscow, the dpr case for administer outlined what she described as escalating concerns for the korean peninsula. we would equal guide to be on, on the currency. the security sedation in the d p. r key isn't
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a thing to us and i'm stable state due to the entry of the us and a set of lights are esteemed comb ray, the d p archie's head of state. so that now the military alliance of the us and south korea is shifted into was a nuclear component. this shows that the situation on the korean peninsula can become exclusive at any moment. this is extremely dangerous for the security of the korean peninsula and for the entire region of node east asia, d b r keys had a state. once again, clearly noted the current situation and future threats require us more than ever. disturbance and strategic and offensive nuclear weapons and be prepared. fluid is kellie jean, the flu striking in general. i assure you, once again that our countries will in no way change its close of strengthening its nuclear forces under, in the senior fellow at the institute of oriental studies that rushes academy of sciences via the my, my career and go says of the biological partnership between the countries is full
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fledged and not limited by anything. you all do more, most of them. i think we can expect the development of a full fledged large scale pump, the shift that will not be limited to military and strategic areas. in this case, the word strategic should be understood extremely broadly in the sense that north korea is of could also interest to us from the false do we change the model of russia's development? and when we abandoned attempts to use the liberal model of entering fund markets and participation in the international division of labor, which actually gave us no market. so russia has been returned to the continental model of developing its own economy. that is, we plan to develop a whole bunch of industry and rely entirely on 9 strength from this point of view, north korea, with its population of 2527000000 people is if could also interest for the development of siberia rushes fall east in terms of accessing the asian pacific market. in most cases we should consider north korea or is it could also demographic entity in terms of potential, which will participate in the development of russian territory. so this is an extremely important partnership with that would also be of enormous importance for russia in terms of solving problems in the asia pacific region.
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