tv Going Underground RT November 3, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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the, the time action or time see and welcome back to going underground broadcasting around the world from the u. a. e. there is no such thing as a democracy without a free press. and as we have exposed time and time again, i'm going underground. there is no free press in nature of countries despite the valley into attempts by courageous john, unless to expose foreign interference across the vessel states of us and by far an interference is not coming from official enemies like china and russia. though, on monday, we will expose the genocidal israeli governments attempts to get veterans and candidates elected next tuesday. today we cover the role of britain supplier of weapons for the holocaust in gaza, does
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a but us democracy and deluxe kamala harris. despite some polls indicating the trump may have already won the us election by land slide. joining me now from madrid is british journalism award winning. it pulls back a founder of this information, chronicle with friend of the show met, diabetes expose lead documents showing british advisors to come on the harris not only interfering with us elections, but the campaigns is above the us constitution and destroyed the 1st amendment. and the quote kill mux, twitter, a pro censorship strategy is linked directly to the chief of stuff to julie and assigned to persecute dot u. k prime minister. secure still by himself. a full thanks so much for coming on. we've covered on going underground. now the u. k 5 minutes to get some residential asset to run the u. k. agency which tried to persecute julian, his sons, of course, wanted for assess the nation by the c. i a under my compare your revelations with friend of the show tight. you'd be mad. tell you, we show a 2 way street that these britain, us some power. how has tom is the u. k. labor policy being involved to,
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to trying to corrupt the elections next tuesday in the united states? well, so there, there's a group, there was started in 2017 by a guy named worrying weeks we, he's a sort of the brain child behind a group called labor together, which is the conservative wing of labor. and this, this group is called the center for county digital hate. and what they were used 1st for was the kill to sort of go after anyone who was allied with jeremy corbett . jeremy corbin is a left is part of the left part of labor party. it's not done by the way i've disabled. i'm sorry. it's hard and left, but they're nice. there's nothing. right? go mean anything these days i'll give you the anymore. but anyway, so i'll go through. so, um, what, what ccbh did was, when did they, they just went after anyone who basically was considered, you know, against the sort of conservative wing of labor, you know, which is this group called labor together. and one of their main targets was
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a new side call the canary, which is a lot this new site that was pretty much allied with jeremy corbin. and the way the attack them was by lobbying constant claims of anti semitism against the canary. many ways were found, like none of them were found to be true later when they were looked at. but what this did is, is scared away advertising it, especially tank the website. so they had to lay off the bath majority of their staff. it shut them up and you know, and then we know what have, i should say we've, we've had the editor in founder that can area on, and then i know a day all the video is deleted by google's huge you. but uh yeah, we cover the, the ocean of lincoln area and its time and of course it was, it was really amazing when i, when i interviewed her, um she was so. busy um, but at one point time she almost started crying because she was, you know, telling me like how terrible it was to be no considered and not seeing being costs like used to being an asi, but it was a successful campaign. and so in around 2021 suddenly see,
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separate counter digital hate they pop in the united states. now i'm a creature of washington. i used to work in the senate around investigations. i lived there for 10 years. and so the 1st thing that struck me i was like, who is this group the center for counting digital 8 and who is behind them? this guy doing right opposite he is british like what, how is the like getting the year of the president of the united states. it was so weird. and so i really wrote an investigation for them. well, for last year about for the tablet, which is a, a conservative to your site, it was very interested in all these issues about shutting down and sensor and people. and what we found is that the setup, the setup kind of digital hate. it's one in mind. ok man. in their 1st year in united states, they raised almost $1500000.00 out of the blue. we don't know where that money came from, but we do know that $1100000.00 of it came in in one big bolus from what's called
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a donor assistance fund, which allows you to donate money to. i think it's called the charles schwab but, and then when it comes from the charles schwab bind to another organization, you can't tell who the original donor is. so it said a very purposely to hide through the actual donors are. so that was the vast majority there money, but we also know is from, you know, a person i interviewed is that, you know, the operator has admitted that he applied to either and the person didn't know was it m i 5 or my 6. we don't know if you got it or not. we certainly know the apply. he certainly seems like an asset for british intelligence, the board, the chair of the board of a center for accounting digital, a guy named simon clark, is a democratic party. political operative, he's now on the atlantic council. he was the center for american progress, which is a democratic party think tank, which helped to ride the always buttons campaign. now, in the, in the present about the last, i would say 6 weeks or so. there's been several reports and the post the washington
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post and the political that labor together was directly advising the hill the hillary clinton campaign. at that point i realized, oh, now i get what's going on? like they 1st brought this labor together vehicle called this jennifer kenner, digital hate brought it to the united states to attack all the enemies of the democratic party. now in america, we don't really have a left, so there was no one to go after there. but the people they went to after were r f k junior. and eli must the 2 major threats of the democratic party. right? yeah. and so you've been paying for kamala harris? no, i'm sorry it's, it's easy to give these, instead of hillary clinton, kamala harrison. oh yeah, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. yeah. cop copper probably. right. yes. and so in and out of the blue, i began getting concepts from people inside ccbh, telling me what was going on internally leaking documents and that was their latest piece. and, you know, i just had a bunch of documents that i was being given and i went through the monthly plan or
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the center for kind of digital hate you. i must suit them because he alleged that they were basically attacking him to try to shut down his advertisers, which is exactly what they had done. the canary is there. their whole topic is throwing happy's issue that you yearning like them. i, you're a racist. you're in to you, whatever. and then they go to our prices and say, aha, helping you have advertising this guy. this, the game plan they were running against twitter strikes, shutting down, basically like crush them by not having any advertisers. and what we found is, and their monthly plan or their annual priority was almost twitter. the 2nd item on the agenda was advertising focus. so we see internally that, i mean, i do want to get into the trump little assume that's now image, but i that right the quotes that you had met a be put into your articles a showing that a base, kamala harris. hola, cause ours gets elected. definitely, it's not good news for anyone using ex anytime soon. i mean they want to destroy. i
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mean, if already they have agencies that have that on their monthly plan, are they going to be part of oh yeah. iris administration. oh, without a doubt, eli mosque is already said, i mean, you're on boss. could you go back when he 1st bought twitter? he was not really allied with either political party. what's happened is the media kind of pushed him in that direction in the direction of the republican party by constantly harping on him, constantly attacking him. and so now he's like, he is a direct supporter of uh, you know, of, uh your trump, to win the presidency. so of course he's a target. um, yeah. and you know, so we can see like, you know, what they're doing is this is just it. the interesting thing about it is there's nothing wrong with a political campaign like this right of his politics. i'm sorry, like, put on your big boy short. so let's see, let's, let's go to battle, but this is current is the media interview, right? but this is far in interference. right? so i can tell you right now i've just gone through their tax records. about one 5th
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of their money. they got last year came from britain to to board members are actually british citizens, one is actually just selected as an m p. christie mcneil is a brand new n p she was on the board. so this is just, this is a labor party vehicle which they use to, you know, put tears to our manpower based on how this is affected, but let's bring over the state. so let's see how it works over there. and what makes it so interesting is normally, if you understand politics, our politicos do like the project out. right. so american politicos and for a variety of reasons i've heard is because we have the best political operatives like in the world because we have, we have um, campaigns happening everywhere. there's tons of money. there's tons of money in american politics. so you can try out new strategies. so when you're an american political operative, you get like there's causally
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a campaign you can work on. there's cost money, get you out, do i figure out how do your polls effectively had a new strategies? are political operatives like once a campaign is once they go work in england, they go work, it is real argentina, the middle east, eastern europe, whatever. it's very common. and actually in my lifetime, i'm not aware of a single incident in which a brick came over and became an operative. you know, behind the scenes in america, in my mind it's, it's a, it's a very singular actually makes me proud to be british chapel co. uh, here's the letter from the trump campaign. the, uh, the hillen law group incorporated. i don't know, but it, because of your article, a complaint against a labor party, the united kingdom, in name sick. he has tom of the british prime minister in intelligence as a complaint to an hours for the present for making and accepting illegal for national contributions. so, um, what i mean, what do you, luckily happens? this is the version of your constitution. and if it was another country doing this
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and not the nato vassal state, perhaps it'd be more, i would cry. what, what does this mean? a 1st step them are for instance, and how does a legal process work? can they expedites against alma, perhaps off to the office? and i don't think that's going to happen, but i can tell you right now uh, you know, we had in our follow up story that the trump, people are furious about this. yeah. and if trump was the presidency, you know, there's multiple ways that, you know, investigations can happen to set up a kind of digital 8. i know right now the guy running around opted, you know, who worked and he was a, you know, a political worked for several members of, of the british parliament. he's terrified he's terrified to trump schedule when he sees himself as someone who's very much allied with the democratic party and just give you a sense of that. you know, they held
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a private meeting this last summer and they had something like a 100 attendees, separate gutter, digital a, a meeting in washington. there wasn't a single person, right? obvious like 100 different people who attended was the republican. it was all democratic operatives, you know, either members from the hill, non profits allied with the democratic party, the state department, people like working for the, you know, for the, by the administration. they are a nothing more than a democratic party vehicle now. and so that's why, of course he's got to be worried because you know what, if the truck comes in office and then once the selections over committees are going to be sending out subpoenas, that's gonna happen. and we're gonna see all these internal emails. how many days the price that seems a bit long, you believe i as a british? yeah, i'm a british subject. if i was working for the british government on the payroll of the british government and was living in washington dc, trying to manipulate the us elections in favor of um,
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of kamala harris. i mean, i think at the very least my visa would be revoked to be thrown out of the united states. if i'm working for a foreign government drive to manipulate your elections when well, it's very difficult to understand. like when i 1st wrote my 1st piece, i didn't understand why he was not registered as a warrant agents. my understanding and i've got to be careful because we got more dr. or are you coming out with? i think he's actually become a, he's marriage and american out in rockman as um and so i think he actually has american citizenship now. um uh it, but it's very weird organization. we have some people in, in, in washington working there have people in london that are flying back and forth all the time. it's very hard to tell what's happening. i know that last year, like i said, 20 percent of their money came out of england. and i think that a lot of their money is actually now coming out of hollywood on rod is a, is a very, very smart guy. um, you know, in the 1st piece that i wrote, you know, he's not, he's not from a wealthy background,
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but he will get back to me. i will get back to him. if i had to pull a, i'll stop you that more from the founder that this information going to go after this break the, the once again, the democrats are turning to the black community, begging cajoling. we need you, we need you, we, we have to, to feed donald trump, but they're not offering any substantive policy to encourage us to support them. it's a matter of the vice president went to a historically black college. she is the and, and member of the alpha kappa alpha us are already incorporated into dances pretty
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well. the the in 1943 at the height of world war 2, bengal was hit by famine. a year before the japanese troops drove the rate is out of neighboring vermont and came close to the indian possessions of the british empire. london's response to the threat was completely inadequate. the british actively used the sports or policy. while retreating, they turned everything around them into an uncouth deserts, having no mercy on other people's territory. food in large amounts was exported to great britain from the starving provinces. boats used for fishing and transporting
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food along the river. it says that more confiscated from the local population, the barbaric actions of the colonial administration let the monster its consequences. can a year up to 3800000 people die from starvation and disease caused by mail nutrition. the old great britain itself had enough resources to overcome the disaster. at the same time, 170000 tons of australian wheat made its way past starving india to the british aisles. i hate indians. they are a beasley people with a beastly religion. the famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits, british prime minister, winston churchill commented on the reports of the tragedy. the famine of 1943 became the climax in the british policy of genocide against the indian population. according to historians, from 12 to 29000000 people overall died from starvation alone during the reign of
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the british in india the we'll go back to going underground and i'm still here with the 5 under this information clinical, both aca pull in part one, you were talking about what might happen, i should just say you are and i'm, and presumably denies all of this, the labor party a did nothing wrong. everything the saying you and matt, tell you these are to go it involving a british u. k. government to corruption and conspiracy to overturn the election over throw the election over throw democracy the united states isn't true. and i should also say actually the charles schwab escrow account which was used according to your articles as a sort of slush fund, perhaps for this kind of operation. it's just an escrow account. it wasn't set up that type of account to necessarily disguise in my 5 and in my 6 money.
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oh no, i'm so what we know now is that that big boss of money came out of hollywood from an agent. i want my name a leon kushtikian. she's an agent, holly agent, hollywood, her class include mark russell. oh, you'll see on twitter is promoting on iraq mid and the center for kind of digital 8 . i also found out that they got a big, a big bunch of money from specing or savannah gomez. also donated money, her agent is also on the board. i didn't know his name exactly. i figured out where he was. and then i just heard recently that soft repaired cohen also gave him some money in his 1st year, and he brags in the office about having dinner with the comedian, any schumer. so there's a lot of money coming out of hollywood so that you just say the bug around flow is a pro palestine activist as well. whereas sasha baron cohen is designed as the agent. so it's interesting how i hear the bed fellows. all right, so you don't think it makes no sense. but also mark russell was
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a big promoter of jeremy corbin. he's now working directly with him on a med who helped to push jeremy corbin at office. so i mean, you got to understand that like these, if was watching, you can always, you can always come on this you, i think he follows our twitter account. so, you know, i'll come on board. i'm. yeah, so, so obviously these funds are being used to manipulate the electron, but it's fine in the united states if you're an american vote or american citizen is a good thing to be involved in the electoral process. trying to influence things as part of democracy. if i were to box it, it's a different thing if the key has stomach and the british government is somehow connected to manipulating democracy in the usa. right, exactly, and the other main problem i, i see is, is that the media does not explain to you when they quote them when they put him on ok, made on, you know, cnn on cbs news. they describe them as the sort of disinterested guy who's going
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after a is going after any segments as much going after as well. if that would be a, he's not, he's a political operative. his job is to support the democratic party, which the, you know, the cure stormer, z, z z as something that they want to have and work with in the future. yeah, i mean, as part of the nature, i'll give you the, all the american system. i mean, people worried about drums, money coming from miriam adults and obviously, and that influencing the, the policy if a continuation of how the close irises genocide, policy, and guns. i mean, you're an expert on medical ms. information given the possibility, being a flagged up by a candidate trump of finally over throwing the power of big pharmaceutical companies. what could similar types of groups and similar kinds of actions and hidden hans be used to be re, lenny trump presidency. they've tried to attack these powerful pharmaceutical
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interests, the domain a not just your television advertising, but obviously dominate the world to a certain extent when it comes to the drugs. we swallow. i mean, the, the pharmaceutical industry. you know, i, when i was in the senate, my investigations were in the pharmaceutical industry. one of the things that i had passed was a law that now requires these companies. they have to report when they send money to doctors. so you can look up doctors now and see who's paying them, but i'll give you a sense of like how this, this information machinery operates. i run an investigation for the british medical journal about problems advisors, clinical trial for their code vaccine. it was based upon internal documents that received from a whistle blower secret recordings, internal documents. it showed that clinical trial was kind of a mess. um, story comes out with him about a week and a half. there is fact you're lacking contacts from one of the lead stories, one of the fat checkers out there. they couldn't find anything wrong with it. you know, when, when, when they were my other m j call me, she says,
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we have this back check or say x, y, and z. i told her, i said, i ran investigations for united states senate. i've sat across the table from all the smartest lawyers working for g s k buys or all the big companies. there's nothing wrong in that story because if there was, you'd have already got a letter from the ceo or general counsel of pfizer demanding corrections. you didn't get that letter cuz there's nothing wrong with it. these fact checkers don't check backs. you have a sorry to interrupt you the apple. but i mean, we're on rumble this show. we'd be banned and then sometimes we're allowed, but as you know perfectly well and what's relevant is what you just said that you tell you bringing in the senate. and this show goes out intermittently on youtube and right. so in a sense, the power is bigger than your congress. you being in the senate. but yet google, under a surrender up to try sort of see a cut to cut out because google um,
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is this a contract to? they can be they, they can be weaponized, whoever wins the election next tuesday. it doesn't matter. zach a bug, presumably your what is being censored on the methods facebook as well as on google searches and youtube videos and people asking you questions like this? oh i, i'll just give you an example of how this censorship works. about a month ago, there was a video circulated with tamala hair as saying something about how we're going to take something down, whatever. and it irritated me was like a 32nd video sweeping around. i took it to clear up on facebook and i said, you know, the person who wants to become the president, democrat, the democratic nominee for president is in favor of censorship. right. i got a fat check out of italy in italian that marked what i had written on facebook because other people had shared it the same video and it shared inappropriately. not what i had said, but they had said other things about the same video. that idea, right,
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and it was their natalia, and i'm just like, why are italians getting involved? and what an american say about the american election. this entire thought check industry is out of control. it needs to be shut down a name or not, but it is like in the set of challenges will hate their writing the center of it. they actually to put in their tax forms and they, and they lead a coalition of $7070.00 different non profits to deal with it called moderation. moderation is their code word for censorship. you can see the desperation because all these different strategies of being the have have seemed to be failing according to swing state polling, obviously too early to tell. but the fact that um, the harris team of high the important lawyers associated with the legal election law fair in the military, industrial complex refuses to accept a trump victory on tuesday. how will its control of a media like social media like facebook, legacy media?
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i know jeff bezos from amazon as said he's washington post won't to go harris or trump of this time, right. they'll be able to run legal cases and they'll be able to propagandized with all their facebook mets. i was the other one, the game youtube, google, google searches, right. so between november and january non stop misinformation. and the fact check is line up. you know, i don't really know what the strategy is, but some of these groups are why they do it. they do, i went to twitter and um i came out of there and to meet was very obvious, but twitter was very much allied with the democratic party. it's why the and really began attacking, you know, you log boss. i think a lot of these other companies are also, you know, me before you mean right now that before we bought to his right before he bought teresa? correct. yeah. right, exactly. i mean, but, i mean, the reason why you, la mazda is so despises great. he took away the democratic parties, censorship,
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tory, you know, you can see it internally. i mean, as soon as he started, even pretend he was gonna buy it all these stores. this is a guy who was man of the year on the front page of time. and then from there, once he started talking about buying twitter, all these story started floating up about how he was, you know, allied against transgender, white nationalism. any semitism, you name it like the story is, it is coming left to right years. one of the craziest media, one of these, i think i've ever seen a light and that read did kind of told me what was going on is you know, this is something that's happening behind the scenes. we don't totally know that all of it, but we definitely know that, you know, the military's involved intelligence agencies are involved and the democratic parties involved. and you know, as far as i could start the whole thing to then i don't need a batch or i'm a grown up. don't even tell me what to think. well, the killed musk strategy, obviously, still going on with the foreign interference from brit blue. but you know,
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we've had no, i'm john ski on this ro, we've had jump the late jump pill john, this joe julian is on. ironically, all the strategies, even the ones outlined in your latest work don't seem to be quite working um off of a democrats 90 percent of the g o. b. they don't trust media and i presume includes all this type of oh yeah. does that mean that the, they've actually lost it with the american people? the american people are showing themselves that they can would stand at their tablets area and attend by the dnc. there's a gallup photo. i mean, the latest thing that happened was, you know, the washington post refused to come out and endorse either candidate and 250000 people, cut off their subscriptions of the washington post. because what is going on is a lot of a lot of the, you know, the big media outlets. and like matt and i have talked about this, there was a huge shift over to the left. where
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a lot of these media outlets just became out pieces for the democratic party. and people saw, you know, people, my trust in the media is gone. you know, i mean, i know reporters that like different, you know, the big outlets. new york times, washington post. they tell me like, it's so crazy that you know, they don't know that really know what's going on anymore. so the trust is loss of the media, but it's for good cause because they destroyed themselves based off, become a reporters. they started to come out pieces for the democratic party. people see it, they're not stupid. i think, you know, i was talking to my sister about this i think is like the kind of a good person to talk to kind of average american, you know, lives in the suburbs of atlanta, you know, works for a financial group during backend stuff on them. and i asked her what she thought about what was going on with the media in america. and she said, the problem is, trump lies all the time. but even when he doesn't lie, there media says he lives so you don't know what to believe in my that that's the problem is the media is not trusted anymore because they make up stuff about tom.
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and then just finally on the articles from this week, you expect any action under trump administration fiercer action against the british government. talking to, to the british ambassador perhaps. and i certainly know visas for any use labor and peace coming to interfere with your elections. i don't expect that, but i do expect subpoenas to, you know, land in iraq. meds, you know inbox i expect. i hope that like we're going to see all the emails of everything that was being done. you know, after a story came out, he planted a story in the guardian and a story in the washington post. the try to beat back our reporting. i knew it was gonna do it because i never, yes, he's been planting stories in the british media forever. he's now doing it america . it's going to come to an end because people now know who he is. he actually had to turn off the replies on his account, because he's always reading anything. there'd be like a 100 replies. if you'll tell him to get out of it, get out of the america, go back to england and stop interfering in our elections. well,
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he says he's just countering digital hate full factor. thank you. all right, thanks for having me as absent. that's it for the show. i'll continue condolences to those surviving the u. k. u s e u, i am totally co us here in this region will be back on monday even for us presidential election to explore israel as role in anointing. the success as a genocide, joe with the older and i mean nominated filmmaker, james, bam for the until then keep in touch, why will i social media if it's on the sense of, in your country and how do i channel going underground tv, hon, they'll come to us new and old episodes of going underground see monday the the is the loan ship, this special military operation mold in $13000.00 far less than the race of joining the ukraine. miller, tre. williams club.
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