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tv   News  RT  November 3, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EST

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the going underground can the quick 2 days to go until the us presidential election. several states activate the national guard, anticipating possible civil unrest to head over. and lilian, although business counts votes to far this summer in their own presidential ballots on, that's not only citizens interested in the runoff results with french liter emmanuel mccaul, urging them to choose a pro european future sparking claims about the election interference on western media. speculate southern middle russian for the fonts meant on the possible change of leader in the why it's always a lot of errors. zalinski is looking quote more and then stress will bring. you are exclusive footage from the complex front line showing holland where russia is getting. this video was shortened given to us exclusively by
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a russian reconnaissance team directly from one of the captions from holds here for over a month. it has to be advance of the russian troops. tank regimen 2 kids. can you less than the basically is our teacher national. welcome to our retail book the week that was plus this sunday's big developments to with a little over 48 hours to go until americans pick their next president. the race to the wi policy is expected to be neck and neck until the last results come in. and we will be keeping you updated with our special coverage here on our t. the
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tensions are high and spilling over an example of the division of play. the states of washington, oregon in nevada, our old activating national guard troops in case of unrest. after november 5th, the decisions came after a number of ballot boxes were burned with officials also concerned about wider election related violence. well as the election day, just closer the mudslinging has wrapped up the gear among us politicians instead of focusing on the many big issues at hand, hurling insults seems to be the priority. instead, donald trump is increasingly unstable and unhinge, she's a very low, i, 2 individuals who's dumb as a rock, and i'm sure this is a kind of joshua like a smack in here. we're run by very stupid people or puerto rico or my home stay the door. they're good decent honorable people, the only garbage. i see slowed down. there is your supporters. i like my garbage.
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but in response to those garbage comments by go by and people are being wearing rubbish, bags and safety fast notes for halloween. but donald trump campaign events defending the remainder of the incumbent leadership in the white house. we're not trash. we are what makes america america? i don't think the democrats are the leadership, not the people. know the leadership don't, doesn't respect middle america. i am not a, please, the guy i rich. i will be taking out the trash. and that will be all the democrats, as well as the tensions between the republican and democrat comp simmer. the establishment has stepped into seemingly divert attention with videos of early voting. emerging featuring pallets being ripped off by machines, mysteriously flipping votes from trump to harness the f. b. i says, it knows who's to blame. russia, sitting most school was reading what they call faith footage. what are the
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accusations of meddling? comes from a country that, according to some estimates how's attempted to influence elections and over a to nation since the end of world war 2, the latest being the side caucasus country of georgia, our t shaped boat was, has been delving deeper into that it was a us ramp so to both washington husband screaming at the top of its voice of election interference. we will use every tool we have to counter and disrupt the efforts of a ron, as well as russia and china to exploit our democratic system of government. we learned that russia devoted millions to wide ranging influence campaigns that literally generated hundreds of millions of online impressions for the yard is the us seems to be martin the same swamp. it's accusing older countries of swimming it . as the georgia dream turned into an american nightmare parliamentary elections in
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the country, i've shown a decisive victory for georgia ruling party despite the west best efforts. a pro u opposition and a nation's president were quickly declared the election had been stolen with occupations a vote, a fraud or real thing from the moment. washington of both was realized. their favorites went leading the race. international observers have not declined the result to be free and fat. we can time or contravention of international norms, joined cold from international and local observers. a full investigation of a reports of election related to violations. plus no wonder washington expressed its concerns even before the voting had been gone. we've made our concerns very clear about the trajectory of the democratic institutions in election process in georgia and we remain very concerned about it. ultimately, the future of georgia should be up to the georgia people to decide in a free and fair process. and then a classic us little washington. at the side of the when a sovereign state,
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like georgia doesn't play the game. according to uncle sam's rules, they must be punished with economic penalties and the threat of funding withdrawals . and when the ruling georgia, dream party pass laws for the west end of these disagreed with repercussions soon followed the form of sanctions. george just dreams. leadership has put georgia on a precarious trajectory that jeopardizes georgia's euro atlantic path and undermines us towards a relationship. it is still draft legislation and i'm not going to comment on specific responses that we might take, or from previous specific responses that we might take water mains pending legislation. but i think we have made quite clear how seriously we take this issue and have concerned we are about a dozen in the us has even adopted a special law for georgia, but only georgia. that's following uncle sam's rules. the mega barry act provides major financial incentives for the georgia government, if it complies with washington's and brussels view of the world. now both of
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george's main parties agree that joining the e u is a goal for georgia, dream supporters say they want to achieve it without losing dignity. and the role values of washington does not like, not getting its own way as we can. together with a georgian people logically complete the european path. we started and become a member of the european union while preserving our dignity in response to agents of external forces. still want war chaos and poverty leading to the destruction of the country. you already have to ask yourself why to the u. s. on the u. s. which a problem with georgia becoming part of the western club? maybe it's because the colon georgia government has passed laws protecting the country sovereignty. it's foreign agents law was immediately criticized by washington despite the fact that the us had a similar role in act on in place for decades versus the national security law. and the repressive tactics used to qual, legitimate defense,
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undermine georgia's democracy and the fundamental freedoms to which the georgian people are entitled and run country to georgia is long stated gold reflected in its constitution of euro, atlantic integration and strategic partnership with the united states. so interested in law soon after the controversy regarding the foreign agents law, the georgia union party published date, exposing the organizations were opposing the law. i guess what the vast majority were using complex processes to can see the real origins of the funding. 62 percent couldn't provide exact information of the funding at all. and 97 percent of the organizations hadn't even republished a annual report. and it was all at all again from some politicians here to police. it up to us is attempting to effect some kind of reviewing change here in georgia. i don't remember sanctions or the primary weapon when the us wants to bring somebody into line. now the country it's on to take such actions constitutes
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interference, intellectual process and an attempt to influence the will of the voters. the time chosen to announce the decision to impose us sanctions against george and citizens is related to the upcoming parliamentary elections in the country. and the desire to push the opposition because they see that we have an absolutely worthless opposition. and of course, washington has denied all the allegations because it's all of a peace prosperity and democracy, right. will stay with us through the week is our t special coverage, keeps you buying up to date with all the big developments. as the $47.00 president of the united states is selected on there and online we've got you covered the right. lots more world news to fit in this our starting with vis
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a manual mike from the has been sloan by the french patriots party president for interference in the mold over the elections. the french leader urge folders in the eastern european country to choose a path leading to brussels with the 2nd round of the presidential vote happening right. not at this decisive moment for moldova, and with it for our europe. i want to send a message of courage and hope to the mold open citizens. the path of europe is that of freedom and democracy, the foundations of a shared future. united we are stronger. background has just publicly and officially called and mold opens to vote in the 2nd round of their presidential election on sunday for pro e u. candidate maya san do. in reality, permanent interference including through corruption and fraud, is systemic in the euro monte list camp as well. it comes as pitching out. officials ha, blamed russia for meddling, and the votes. the kremlin, how strenuously denied any interference. pensions remain high after almost half of
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eligible and opens voted against 0 integration and a recent referendum, opposing president sundays pro european stumps. this sunday people are casting their votes in a run off for either this sunday, from the ruling party or main rival from the opposition. alexander story. and obviously both candidates failed to breach the 50 percent winning special needed in the 1st runs, not pulling stationed or open in law scope, does x box q to cast their votes in the election despite the fact that at least half a 1000000 mullins live in russia cation, although the only 2 locations in the entire country, which is 10 size invalid slips available, and beller roost. people are also raving huge lines that have their site, the scar city, all places the vote has led to logistical problems with some people, even a set to travel to other countries to make sure their voices. yeah, that would be true. cool. i am going to buck who to vote in the presidential
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elections of the republicans, moldova. i desperately want a decent president to stay in power. i know that everything will be fine. i'm not sure, emily, do all our fellow countrymen have gathered focused and i've said we want a future for our republic of mold over our homeland. and so we're going to pay our civic duty for the prosperity of the friendship between people. but i normally nothing changes there in moldova, there is no future we came so that maybe we would have some kind of voice heard at least something would change. yeah, we didn't love that a week ago i saw what was happening in europe. it's a big, big mess. big, big trouble awaits us. if we go there the when i lived inches now there were people on the list who had never been registered in my apartment, knowing that there's the possibility of cheating. i decided to come and cast my vote personally with my family, i have come to pay my civic duty well,
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kitchen all sorts of ease. meanwhile, didn't open any polling stations at all in the contested region of trans nature. in order to vote, people were forced to travel to other regions. since this morning there being long choose on the only bridge connecting comes nature with mold over the road has now been closed. electrically due to a balding thread, meant to prevent people from reaching voting points. what state you in the star key brings you the latest news on that sat crucial presidential election in mold over one which will define the countries future. russian forces have secured another time in the done the republic that's alongside a dozen. other settlements also taken and done by some new train during the week, including important supply routes. the m o. d stays the gains. i to 17000 casualties for kids and over 50. ukranian service been captured. ortiz acres of downtown springs us this exclusive reports on the latest advancements of the russian literature. the good news i
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was born, the unfiltered emotions at a rushing to mont post ukrainian evacuation group is stopped in its tracks. not far from another crippled nato made fighting vehicle that now bears a russian flag. the fighting towards the towns of getting out and sleet of a r s. v as as of a particularly boom boom created from to me. but i usually, usually the last day to death of our guys are storming the footholds because there's a lot of foot holes in the woods. they're made of concrete, most of them doing french, they made the food holes out of concrete. there are some disadvantages of storming such foot holes, but we do it very effectively. so it doesn't matter if it's made of concrete or would, we'll still take them away. this video was shortened given to us exclusively
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by a russian reconnaissance team directly from one of the captain strongholds here, just a couple of hours offerings. ukrainian garrison was kicked out for over a month that had stored the advance of the russian troops. a sold teams of the 80th tank regimen took it in less than a week, and the simple south, it was wooded area about a kilometer long with entrances on both sides and threes and tom. it was like a hole on the ground, seated with fortifications and more specific ations beneath those they dug in very well. we took it almost without casualties. more than 40 gradients with that. in one back out, there were more than 12 people and 15 in a dugout on the other side. and none of the 40 more were hiding. but anyway, the foothold is else now. fresh from the bottle. russian soldiers bring
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a wounded ukrainian prisoner or who is given water as smoke. his hands around tied on the hughes provided 1st aid, the medics arrives which will be addressed to the mon. you mean that night's we were surveying with a drone and just controlling the perimeter. it was decided to send an assault team there. we set up an ambush and waited. the enemy pc arrived and unloaded the troops, but we didn't of time to hit it. we waited the salt team, let them get as close as possible. then we got into a fire fight. that lasted 4 hours. they were shooting to the last until they ran out of ammunition and the end, those who didn't surrender were killed. and this guy surrendered to us if so, but the fighting isn't limited to just free lines. ukraine batches, the town of christ to me, a couple of kilometers away from the front line. it is utilized as
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a spring board for rush is offensive. russia has been in control of what could i use for about 2 months now, i guess, but it is still far, far from a safe place. you can see over there are ukrainian, sho, hit something in the residential quotas. and we are cells. we have to move, we try to stick to moving under the trees because after the drones are still a very big thing. but here, given it's so close to the front line. well, and if the via come, because the drone is far from the only threat ukraine's operational crisis into jeanette screeching aggravates by the day. and as mary a sign of even a glimmer of hope for key of here. we just done a reporting from cranes. the net squeegee a no video of our russian soldier, finding a working us abrams tank. that was
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a part of clear funding has been circulating on social media. several dozen of the multi $1000000.00 vehicles were supplied to key of back in september with the latest reports, claiming that over 2 thirds of those have either been destroyed, disabled, or captured. that's as fairly, as planning to send all those 50 abrams to your train. after having its own stocks replenished by the us, no concrete dates. so how being said to deliver the aging m one a one models? well, we spoke with a former senior security policy on list for the us secretary of defense. mike maluso stays at, keeps trips are unable to use the equipment effectively. the west has tired of trying to help him through through all these arms and nothing ever happens private . we're seeing the, the, the western equipment which they are not accustomed to really being destroyed and,
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and we can't the, the west cannot supply it fast enough. those tanks, for example, just are rather and effective the way they're, they're being employed in, in the, by, by the ukrainians right now. and the fact now that they were able, that the rest of the forces were able to capture a fully functional abrams to me suggests that they're gonna, they're gonna see just why it's so difficult and complicated of even for the ukrainians to use. because those tanks are highly sophisticated, very technical and, and this was one of the original reasons why there was hesitation of even sending them in the 1st place. because they knew that that they just couldn't deal with them on the receiving end loving their zalinski is looking quote, worn and stressed. according to mainstream media, it's citing us officials. they report, he's anxious about key of set box on the bottom of the field, and who will be the next american leader?
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mr. lensky. recently, deliberate, a strange address on social media, where he find soldiers for their efforts. i don't know what's involved. so i think all of you for your work and service, i think everyone who defends ukraine. so effectively, i spoke with commander in chief to escape. he made reported on the front line situation to him. i think all i worry is for that bravery whiskey he knows the war is, is done basically that he's lost and he just refuses to acknowledge it. he knows that if he gives in it and decides to sit down and, and the go share it as he should have done back in 2022. he would be undermine and possibly killed by people in internal forces inside the country. so it's a, he's desperate and we can see with our own eyes as that, that doesn't have any offensive that the, that the keith decides to undertake is doomed to failure. and he just refuses to
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acknowledge that it is that this was over fundamentally mean while it's a merge. so us citizen shared intelligence with russian troops for 2 years, while living and ukrainian controls settlements in don't boss. he was recently evacuated by special forces to law school after recent russian games on the battlefield. daniel martin do stuff done with our teeth, vermont cost rep, to talk about why he risk his life and the dangerous. and deborah, here's a preview of that in for you. what you can see in full later today on our team. i did do my good due diligence to keep chats and my telegram deleted. keep the cash clean. and i took all of those precautions as necessary, but nobody ever checked my phone during that whole time. but i was in the village. i'm very surprised by that everything. everybody's really surprised by that. the
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probably the us passport helped a lot. and the fact that i really was helping a lot of people in the village. everybody was happy that i was there if you needed to get your roof fixed, patched up after some kind of damage from the war. then i was the 1st one who would come and fix your roof or your windows help people with their the gardens. and so everybody was happy that i was there. and i was friends with people who really were waiting for russian to come. and they were in turn, were friends with the local government. so i had good connections. you provided quite if uh, quite a lot of information uh to the russian soldiers, what type of information are we talking about? all i can say is that the main purpose of it was to try to minimize the losses
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among civilians and our own soldiers. these mercenaries that are fighting for ukraine and say kidding, a russian soldiers and a russian civilians. what is the main one motivation or perhaps so we can talk about the range of motivations for all of those people. if they're american, i would expect that in most cases, they just believe the propaganda. an american is really not going to be interested in the kind of money that i believe these mercenaries are being paid. it's not enough to make them risk their lives. you wait for flipping burgers, right. you probably could make more fighting, not being part of the american military. right. so why would you go fighting ukraine? they probably believe that they're the white knights, but they're defeat. i would say to them that before you go and fight some
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or somewhere, look not only at news from your own side, but also from the side that they try to scare you away from. if they demonize someone that what they're writing and telegram is from state and himself, the likelihood is that they are state themselves. and what they're trying to scare you away from is the truth. read both. compare and maybe understand where where truth is. daniel martin deals speaking to r t. no the is really parliament has approve too controversial bills to bomb the united nations relief works agency from operating and it's really territory. and early is andres realist control the organization's head. so he's the band will severely impact children in dallas on the west. but these bills increase the
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suffering of the palestinians. nothing less than collective punishment. it opposes the un shot and violates the state of israel's obligations under international law . it will deprive a $650000.00 girls and boys the from education putting at risk an entire generation of children. well, the agency has established 8 refugee camps for those seeking shelter in the past years since october 7th. now despite those sites being designated safety monitoring zones, some of repeatedly being bone by the idea of who claim from us cologne centers are operating underneath of 6. you and workers were killed in another time. going to school sheltering refugees in the midst of outcomes in september or teach me it's in austin, texas through why the agencies work is so like. and we're here at the columbia palestinian refugee camp right next to jerusalem. swan of about 20 camps proud across occupied palestine with tens of thousands of displaced palestinians have
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been living for decades like many other camps. this was meant to be as temporary shelter. but as refugees havent been able to return home temporarily has turned into permanent. when under was stops working, everyone here will feel the impact of the door. this news game is a shock. it means i'll stop taking my medication. i don't have the money to buy it from the pharmacies. nothing comes to me, not a thing. on the road is the one covering me the campus home to 19000 officially registered refugees. up to 1500 students attend. and there was schools here for free. doctors at under was clinic, received dozens of patients daily. for some of them, these places they lost hope. yeah, no not. or there is no other support system. we are already in the catastrophe and our hardship is only increasing. unfortunately, people don't have money. they own right used to cover lab work and x rays and
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provide much sense to help us look at our homes. everything is rent is one of our stops, everything will fall apart. what is truly our sol lifeline? receive ration cars to rely on in times of crisis. you don't pay single shack, always housing, food and education are covered. but number one of all those on there was services across the palestinian territories, including those at the columbia refugee camp. i'll coordinate it to a central office, staff member as indicates that it is too early to determine the exact impact of the band on the operations. however, it is clear and that they will be the 1st to close the other wall headquarters. they needs jerusalem for months, even before the problem is decision and the office has not been fully operational as the saw. it has to be in a frequent target to of, for testers and demonstrators insisting on the agent's disclosure several months ago. it was such a blaze in temporarily shot down. now with the legislation passed,
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it might be closed forever. stubblefield and have them in september, they came and destroyed our neighbors. 3 story building. you don't know if it was blown up, puts it up. we weren't effected by the explosion because we were close to it, published this window, this damage defend the cabinet. the plaster fell and the bats i threw them out because of how damage they were in the israel's decision has sparked global condemnation before and after the vote. the ban underwashed strong warnings were issued, including from washington. but it seems that what's done is unlikely to be undone. the agency operational, for nearly 75 years, may face its final 90 days before the band takes effect. already if an ocean all t reporting from occupied palestine can, let's add, take you to space where i'm re protesters pelted king philippe with mother and
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rocks. the incident occurred during his visit to valencia, which has been devastated by recent floods. or what you're seeing here, or at the images of the motor, trying to talk to the locals. but footage shoes the public as may make out there are less than willing to chop people try to killer, you know, as the king's entourage trying to protect him with umbrellas, the deadly flushed floods have killed over 200 people. and our 2 reports are from valencia, the area most effected by the contest, your feet on slow government respect. days off to the store. many waves is the most in the hottest 8 areas of valencia, a waste of solidarity. thousands of citizens that have the on the phone to the epi center of the dissolved step, friday is a public holiday in spain and the people overland. so you have decided to take care
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of the victims. we've been working for 20 minutes and the flow of people is not ending. this is how people, the taking care of the victims. overall is one of the hardest hit area is more than 90 hours have passed since the tragedy any many areas rescue is have not a right. many do not understand this disorder and the government. we helped ourselves deal. socrates have done nothing, gave no information. the granada ball was one of the landmarks of the area, a place to make conversation in meetings today you stuff. a neighbors have gavin here again, but for completely different reason. everything around them speaks of the seriousness of what happens. more and more bodies are being pulled out and it's madness. it's, it is often no one comes throughout. i need the residents. what? no one else helps. yeah, again and again you hear, we've run find that many people feel this way. although they emphasize that they are very proud of ed town. no, but we're not like politicians who.


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