tv News RT November 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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the, the way of 90 percent of the ballots counts of a loan. very well positioned candidate down like is on the store. and all blue was leading to raise the games incumbent preston miles sunday. or is it ministration has accuse russia of the last thing in the boat without providing any the 2 days to go until the last presidential election, several states, a box of aged, the national galls anticipating postables to belong arrest while we each from paris races company to close to the west, the media speculated them and a russian troop involvement and a possible change of us leadership loved him as a landscape. looking quote, will stress labor and do exclusive. protects from the conflicts front lines showing how in where russia is gaining ground. this video was shortened given to us
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exclusively by a russian with kona since team directly from one of the captains from hold here for over a month. it has to with the advance of the russian troops tank regiments, suitcases in less than a week. the hello and welcome you watching the weekly here, and i don't see international bringing you the very laces. well, these are the dates along with the stories that have shaped the way kinds of ways. it's good to have you with us. so top story this hour with polls closed and most pilots already counted in all day over the opposition candidates is currently leading the runoff race with at least 50 percent of the votes. the final results are expected on monday morning, while the nation has been choosing between incumbent pro weston last sunday when full, the prosecutor general legs on the store in old blue. both were unable to reach the
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50 percent market loss runs election leading to this sunday's 2nd and final rounds . but apparently notes and ways though it is a cool moulder of as central authorities refuse to open any posting stations in the break away region of tron. nice though, of hosting locals to head to other places to cost the ballots. however, a bridge was temporarily closed twice on sunday, allegedly, due to bomb threats. hundreds of cars lined up on the crossing for alice. while the citizens fall or trying to meet the will, hoping to vote in the town of law that sub but 3 posting stations was suspended that of a yet another reported bullying threats while driving police closed off the area saying they need to check all the buildings and leaving people with neutrons, the cost of ballots through the evening. so it's, it's late to it. most of the local election official carrying away a ballot bokes, and an apparent breach of regulations. what we heard from some people in a trans,
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denise, the who explains why the incumbent motive and president is unpopular. that will, this is simply outrage because the current government of moldova obviously understands how trans nice trends are disposed and who they will vote for. that is why no polling stations were opened, since people will obviously not vote for the current regime. the results of the 1st round it seems to me, are not very plausible. it seems to me that san diego does not have as much support as the figure show. the absence of poland stations in terms of history a is very bad and wrong because many poland stations were opened in europe and countries, but not in russia, engines, ministry of our votes, and not beneficial to them. most trans, nice friends want to be friends with russia and not with those on the other side of the border. but i think stations were open from all the opens, living abroad throughout the day here in the russian capital crowd, scott, the opposing stations?
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fencing that i'm the based on the government that gave them a very limited is chance to vote. the moving half a 1000000 mole davids who live in russia were only provided to 10000 ballots by sundays administration. and a couple of hours before polls were due to close that local motive and diplomatic more citizens that no more pilots were left. is what we heard from the xbox and most go through about sunday. really nothing changes there in moldova, there is no future. we came so that maybe we would have some kind of voice heard at least something would change. yeah, we didn't love that a week ago. i saw what was happening in europe. it's a big, big mess. big, big trouble awaits us. if we go there. the when i lived in children out there were people on the list who had never been registered in my apartment, knowing that there's the possibility of cheating. i decided to come and cast my
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vote personally with my family, i have come to pay my civic duty. but when, meanwhile, and a twist, but many expects here, that tops on the administration official, has accused russia of, quote, massive into fair words and they won't have an election. but the national security advisor failed to present any proof of that claim. earlier. the french data was slammed by rival politician off to emmanuel the kronos in the arch. the mold does, and people to vote for the pro western candidate at this decisive moment for moldova, and with it for our europe. i want to send a message of courage and hope to the mold open citizens. the path of europe is that of freedom and democracy, the foundations of a shared future. united we are stronger. background has just publicly and officially called a mold, opens to vote in the 2nd round of their presidential election on sunday for pro e u. candidate maya san do. in reality, permanent interference including through corruption and fraud,
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is systemic. and the euro monte list camp to wells level policy research, or george saw me will you for his take on why this on the government gave critical voters. so this will chance to have that say they over say one to already because the results in the desirable direction will happen. you'll be voting for freedom and democracy when you obviously suppressing the opposition vote. i mean is there is a trans new stress. they have no polling stations, that's bad enough, but then there's a problem that can't even cross into mold over prop, uh, and costs that have food. and then you have the huge, um, we'll go with the apps for in russia. and there you only have 2 building stations of the oakland. this is obviously a manipulation of an election and that's on top of the suppression of the media that has been going on for some time. they've been,
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they've been cracking down opposition media for months, claiming that the old serving russia, which is complete nonsense. so the whole idea that a vote for my son, that was a vote for a freedom and democracy is just a sick joke. with just on the $48.00 to go and tell americans, begin to pick the next president. the race to the white house is expected to be neck and neck until the last result is come in. we would of course, be keeping you fully updated with all the special coverage here we're announcing the intentions are high on spilling of uh, an example of the division of play, the state of washington and oregon and nevada, activating national guard troops in case of unrest often days on the 5th,
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the decision came off to a number of ballot boxes, with bones, with officials also concerned about why the election were dates in violence. the election de day i just close to the mud slinging has web definitely gear among us politicians. instead of focusing on the many big issues at hand, hurling insults seems to be the priority instead is increasingly unstable and on hand. she's a very low i q individual. she's done as a rock. these are kind of joshua just smack and were run by very stupid people or puerto rico or my home stay the door. they're good, decent honorable people, the only garbage i see. so now there is a supporters, i like by god vice president biden was directly responding to a statement by a pro trunk comedian who called the us territory of puerto rico, quote,
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a floating islands of golf age. as often jo, finding him back, some republicans have been wearing rubbish bags and safety best to donald trump's campaign events advancing that i'm good at the income, but need to in the white house that we're not trash. we are what makes america america. i don't think the democrats are the leadership, not the people. know the leadership built doesn't respect middle america. i am not opposed to guy or rich. i will be taking out the trash. and that will be all the democrats, essentially. between the republican and democrat thompson, the establishments of stepped into assuming lead time, but attention with videos of early voting, emerging, featuring balance being ripped up, and machines mysteriously slipping. folks from trump to horace. yes, the ice stains it knows who super, who's to blame russia, facing most go supporting what they call fakes, message. the occupations of lead lang. i come from a country that,
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according to some estimates, has attempted to influence selections and over 18 nations. since the end of world war 2, the latest in the firing line based south cool, cuz this country of georgia, nazi's shaped bows has been doubling deeper into that. i think he was wrong. so to vote, washington has been screaming at the top of his voice and that election interference . we will use every tool we have to counter and disrupt the efforts of a ron, as well as russia and china to exploit our democratic system of government. we learned that russia devoted millions to wide ranging influence campaigns that literally generated hundreds of millions of online impressions for the yard is to us, seems to be more in the same swamp. it's accusing older countries of swimming it. as the georgia dream turned into an american nightmare parliamentary elections in the country, i've shown a decisive victory for georgia ruling party despite the west best efforts. a pro
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u opposition and a nation's present work quickly declared the election had been stolen with occupations a vote, a fraud, a real thing from the moment. washington of both was realized. their favorites went leading the race. international observers had not declared the result to be free and fat. we can time or contravention of international norms and join the call from international and local observers for a full investigation or reports of election related to violations. plus no wonder washington expressed its concerns even before the voting had begun. we've made our concerns very clear about the trajectory of the democratic institutions, an election process in georgia, and we remain very concerned about it. ultimately, the future of georgia should be up to the georgia people to decide in a free and fair process. and then a classic us slow washington has the site is doing a sovereign state, like georgia doesn't play the game. according to uncle sam's rules,
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they must be punished with economic penalties and the threat of funding withdrawals . and when the ruling georgia, dream party pass laws for the west end of each disagreed with repercussions soon followed the form sanctions just dreams. leadership has put georgia on a precarious trajectory that jeopardizes georgia's euro atlantic path and undermines us towards the relationship. it is still draft legislation and i'm not going to comment on specific responses that we might take are pretty pretty specific responses that we might take. lot remains pending legislation, but i think we have made quite clear how serious would we take this issue and have concerned we are about a dozen in the us has even adopted a special law for georgia, but only of georgia. that's following uncle sam's rules. the mega barry yak, provides major financial incentives for the georgia government if it complies with washington's and brussels view of the world. now both of george's main parties agree that joining the e u is a goal for georgia, dream supporters say they want to achieve it without losing dignity. and they're
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all values of washington does not like not getting its own way. we can, together with a georgian people, logically complete the european path. we started and become a member of the european union while preserving our dignity in response to agents of external forces. still want war chaos, and poverty leading to the destruction of the country. you really have to ask yourself, why do the u. s. and you have such a problem with georgia becoming part of the western club. maybe it's because the current georgia government has passed laws protecting the country sovereignty. it's foreign agents. law was immediately criticized by washington despite the fact that the us had a similar role in act on in place for decades versus the national security law. and the repressive tactics used to qual, legitimate defense, undermine georgia's democracy and the fundamental freedoms to which the georgian people are entitled and run country to georgia is long stated gold reflected in its
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constitution of hero, atlantic integration and strategic partnership with the united states. so interested in law soon after the controversy regarding the foreign agents law jo, just leaving party publish data exposing the organizations or opposing the law. i guess what the vast majority we're using complex processes to can see the real regions of the funding. 62 percent couldn't provide exact information on the funding at all. and 97 percent of the organizations hadn't even republished a annual report. and it was all at the location from some politicians here to police it up to us is attempting to effect some kind of regime change here in georgia. i don't remember sanctions or the primary weapon when the us wants to bring somebody into line for another country to undertake such actions constitutes interference in the actual process and an attempt to influence the will of the voters, the time chosen to announce the decision to impose us sanctions against georgia and
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citizens is related to the upcoming parliamentary elections in the country and the desire to push their position because they see that we have an absolutely worthless opposition. but of course, washington has denied all the allegations because it's all of a peace prosperity and democracy. right. well the 2 u. s. presidential candidates have been accused of spending so much time exchanging insults truly important issues of being sidelined even the economy. despite its taking phone status, the international monetary fund has become increasingly critical of washington's economic policies. the i m f, as was they continued borrowing. that's a non sustainable pace ends. competition with china. increasing risk spoil the global economy at long play full costs. that on the washington's current strategy, a government that is expected to explode, to 140 percent of g d p within a decade. well as a $100000.00 to every us citizen, earlier academic and research,
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a chris elani told my colleague, he didn't know know that americans already seating the bronze of this economic reality. the west is really experiencing the, not only terminal decline, but also increasing isolation because of their belligerent policies. so this election is very pivotal. uh. busy what is to come in terms of monetary policy in terms of the dollar? and i think that it's going to be a really, in a new, a new era for the united states as relationship with other countries. either will have a situation where there's going to be even further belligerents and for example, of further issues regarding sanctions, economic blockades regarding even possibility of war. and on the other side, you might see a transformation of us policy towards accepting other countries. but ultimately, one has to understands that the elections are but f for side, for the real powers that control the united states, especially those elite corporations, the military industrial complex. uh, these various aspects that are deeply entrenched in power. and ultimately,
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i'm elected and unaccountable to the american public. and i think that this is really a pivotal time in relation to the dollar and the future economic policy of the world. do you think most us citizens, fully comprehend what a ticking time bomb the rising national debt is. i think that most citizens today recognize that they are in a precarious economic situation. and given the fact that since 2008 americans have really become accustomed to declining standards, declining standards in housing, declining standards and education in the health care in child care and so on. and the rising costs, not only this inflationary period that we have witnessed since the code on the virus had done it. but also prior to that, americans were experiencing tremendous economic hardship. i think a lot of americans on november 5th are going to go to the ballot box and they're going to be voting with their pocket. but with their wallet in mind,
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i think americans understand though, that the united states is not as strong as it was in the decades prior. and that it is in a very precarious situation at this point. and i think people are deeply concerned and nervous about the election and they're nervous about the future of united states. well, i'll make sure you stay with us throughout the next few days, fontes, a special coverage. we will of course, keep you right up to speed a little. the big developments as the 47th presidents of the united states is selected. based on that and online we've got, you covered the to see what the knee is now. less than full was his house, the children of the town, and the don't. yes. clip pop like the russian ministry of defense states. that's alongside a dozen other specimens. those that take it in. don't boss on duke. right. and
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during the week, including important supply routes, the i know they say is the gains led to 17000 tattletale the key of and to have a 50 ukranian service been captured, all sees equal stone offerings, us this exclusive report from the ground. the good news i was born, the unfiltered emotions at a rushing to mont post ukrainian evacuation group is stopped in its tracks, not far from another crippled nature made fighting vehicle that now bears a russian flag. the fighting towards the towns of getting out and sleet of a r s. v. as as ever receiving the data from anybody. usually the last day to death, our guys are storming the footholds because there is a lot of food holes in the woods. they're made of concrete,
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most of them doing french, they made the foothills out of concrete. there are some disadvantages of stormy and such footholds, but we do it very effectively. so it doesn't matter if it's made of concrete or would, we'll still take them away. this video was shortened given to us exclusively by a russian reconnaissance team directly from one of the captain strongholds here, just a couple of hours offerings. ukrainian garrison was kicked out for over a month that had stool the advance of the russian troops. a sold teams of the 80th tank regimen took it in less than a week and the simple salt. it was wooded area about in columbus along with entrances and both sides and threes and tom. it was like a whole underground city with fortifications with multiplications. beneath those, they dug in very well, which we could almost without casualties. more than 40 gradients were that in one
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back out there were more than 12 people and 15 in a dugout on the other side. and none of the 40 more were hiding. but anyway, the foothold is else now fresh from the bottle. russian soldiers bring a wounded ukrainian prisoner of war is given water as smoke. his hands around tied on the he's provided 1st aid. the medics arrive which by just the moment. you mean that nights we were surveying with a drone and controlling the perimeter, was decided to send an assault team there. we set up an ambush and waited. the enemy pc arrived and unloaded the troops, but we didn't have time to hit it. we waited for you to be sold, team, let them get as close as possible. then we got into a fire fight. it lasted 4 hours. they were shooting to the last until they ran out of ammunition. in the end,
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those who didn't surrender were killed. and this guy surrendered to us if so, but the fighting isn't limited to just free lines. ukraine batches, the town of okay, used to me a couple of kilometers away from the front line. it is utilized as a spring board for rushes offensive. russia has been in control of what could i use for about 2 months now, i guess, but it is still far, far from a safe place. you can see over there are ukrainian, sho, hit something in the residential quotas. and we are cells. we have to move, we try to stick to moving under the trees because after the drones are still a very big thing, but he had given it's so close to the front line. well. and if the via come, because the drone is far from the only threat ukraine's operational crisis and the dynette squeezen aggravates by the day. and there's mary assigned or even
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a glimmer of hope for cube here. i mean, there's done of reporting from credit and the net squeegee. and now the video of the russian soul, just finding a work in us abrams tank that was apparently a band and has been circulating on social media. several dozen of the mostly $1000000000.00 vehicles was applied to kias back in september with the latest reports, claiming that the 2 sides of those have either been destroyed, disabled, or captured. that's as an australian is starting to send almost 50 abrams to ukraine. also having its own stokes were punished by the us. no concrete dates of being set to deliver the aging and one a one models. we start with fullness to any a security policy analyst in the office of the us, secretary of defense, michael maloof, who stays kids troops unable to use the equipment effectively. the west has tired of trying to help him through through all these arms and nothing ever happens.
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however, we're seeing the, the, the western equipment which they are not accustomed to really being destroyed and, and we can't, the, the west cannot supply it fast enough. of those tanks, for example, just are rather an effective way they're, they're being employed in, in the, by, by the ukrainians right now. and the fact now that they were able, that russian forces were able to capture a fully functional abrams to me suggests that they're gonna, they're gonna see just why it's so difficult and complicated of even for the ukrainians to use. because those tanks are highly sophisticated, very technical and, and this was one of the original reasons why there was hesitation of even sending them in the 1st place. because they knew that, that they just couldn't deal with them to on the receiving end slide. the major
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lensky is looking quote, when i'm stressed according to the mainstream media outlets slicing us officials and reports he's anxious about to have set fox on the battlefield. and he'll be the next american leader. mr. lansky recently delivered a strained address on social media where he sent soldiers for best service gal, ocean bombs. so i think all of you for your work and service, i think everyone who defends ukraine. so effectively, i spoke with commander in chief to escape. he made reported on the front line situation to and i think cool, i'll worry is for their bravery. he knows the war is, is done basically that he's lost and he just refuses to acknowledge it. he knows that if he gives in and, and decides to sit down and, and the go share it as he should have done back in 2022. he would be under mine and possibly killed by people in internal forces inside the country. so
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it's, uh, he's desperate and we can see with our own eyes, which has that, that, that, that hit any offensive that the, that the key decides to undertake is doomed to failure. and he just refuses to acknowledge that is that the, this was over fundamentally and all the news to keep it has forwarded the less as to the united nations as being the num ball going to be placed on weapons sales to as well. a, the national government has become a source of threats, not only for middle eastern countries, but also on a global level. now, who continues the genocide in gaza with old methods intends to completely eliminate the 2 state solution. we also see that they are making efforts to spread the war to other places, especially 11. and currently these real can to rise the region because it can obtain weapons and time you nation from other countries. with this understanding,
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we wrote a joint letter call in an old countries to stop selling weapons and ammunition to ease well, we forward this letter which had 54 signatories to the united nations on november 1st. well, the goal of the last to is to start the supply of arms and any related equipment to as well and put an end to his violation of international laws in palestine. it draws attention to the rising civilian casualties and pools for the un security council to take urgent measures. $52.00 nations, including washer china and 18 african states assigned to they appeal. along with 2 organizations, we've spoken with an assistant professor of international relations. he's spoken to catch the task and he says that the west is blind to turkey as initiatives in turkey. they will try to united states and other countries west empowered, but they have just simply turned a blind eye to what turkey has been saying. just because if you was saying that
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don't, don't you believes corporation with african countries along with russia and china being g in the past 20 years. and it could also help raise owing to crisis impala sign as well. so in the short then middle term, $13.00 fees. no good. uh, news from the way i think country where and we know where what comes into power in the united states and they will be all right, so parking them, keep a supporting the time you all government are in a part of the government in his or i am which means there'll be no stop, there will be no end for this. janice, i will thanks for joining us this sunday, coming up next and exclusive in to be with a us citizen who explains why he decided to share intelligence with the russian forces or staying in ukrainian control assessments and the dumbass and thought that was more news in 30 minutes the
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than welcome to cross the full board. here we discussed some real in the daniels. thank you so much for a meeting with us today. really that we heard that you were in the press conference starts before coming over to the combat zone. you were in poland for a couple of years as a missionary. can you just explain to us what it, what, what that entails. okay. was a small regret, full in police or village where there was a protestant church. and i was working with children in summer camps and teaching them english. but of course, with the whole christian theme to everything that was just a, during the summer during the rest of the year while i was there just trying to live
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for like a christian and to be a good example. and basically what that being missionary is and that to be the missionary is that what problems as you to go to it's across the board or into cream back in february of 2022 in part. but i really should say that probably the biggest motivation was my desire to be in russia if and when world war 3 starts as we found out. so just recently turns out that you were to under cover for the know what's called executive, let's say, let's call russian intentions. internet's republic for the last 2 years. how did you manage to stay under texas for such a long time? i have to say for as a.
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