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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  November 3, 2024 7:30pm-11:31pm EST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to world to part american presidential elections have always been more about personalities, then policy issues. and perhaps that's me. sounds because the policies haven't differ, adopt much from one of ministration to the next,
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at least in this century. but given that the state of score is increasingly hard to sustain, can 2024 in the change, how the, who is public politics operates and who, what it takes for granted. well, to discuss that, i'm now joined by wilmer lee on an american political scientist with ally on is going to talk to your thank you very much for being available. my pleasure. thank you for the invitation. so in your writing and in your interviews, you consistently make the argument that elections should be about policies and reflect the police to some extent the will of the constituents. but let me start by asking which actual american elections in the past couple of decades delivered that i mean elections, not as the political theatre, so that the powers that be, or the amount of american public at large can sustain dismiss all for democratic governments, but elections that genuinely tried to execute the will of the people and put it
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into practice. i would, i would say the last election that i believe were we had substantive debate was probably the 2007. so brock obama, john mccain election. and i say that because i think that started with the actual primary campaign between but rock obama and hillary clinton because you didn't have an incumbent president running for re election. you didn't have a sitting vice president running to become president. the field was wide open and with that wide open field that brought it off a lot of individuals that off a lot of ideas to the forefront. and so i would have to say it was the, the 2007 the bronco, bye. and then also the,
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the 2012 obama mitt romney campaign was probably another. another example that was, that was probably the last one. can i ask you here? because a president obama was a truly inspirational figure, at least in the beginning. i'm going to all of us through to arrive to people around the world. then i remember that campaign being indeed very vibrant. i think he was also very noble in the way how he's going to and reached out to people not only the black communities, but also communities. uh, uh, you know, across many demographics, but the president obama actually deliver what he promised because he got talking about the debate. but as far as i remember, you know, believe him campaign, and many of the problem is the same and the domestic font, it was rather disappointing given being serious. jasmine the beginning. oh, absolutely. uh, the whole idea of hoping change. we had the,
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the latino community with si se puede a yes we can. so that was the, that was the mantra. but no, did he deliver on? did he deliver on the progressive agenda that he ran on? no, he did not. did he, did he deliver on health care reform? no, he did not tax cuts. no, he did not. and drew him from a foreign policy perspective, i believe that he was really good for word in order to promote a meal liberal agenda that seemed accessible or acceptable because it was an african american that was promoting. now i think with 4 worth is, it is the key phrase here. let's, let's talk about the personalities. why being put forward in this campaign. and normally there is still a race between the republicans and the democrats, even though they republican not many is that the longer has with some establishment of his party,
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while the democratic candidate didn't seem to exide the establishment of her body only a few months ago is it now a contest of personalities, of agendas, lesser evils, or perhaps something else is a combination of personality. and there's also the argument, particularly from the left, that it's the lesser of 2 evils. there are many, uh, uh, uh, hair supporters. that will make the point. anybody but trump and, and so that is a montrose, a very strong roger from the left. even as you try to engage in debate about the lack of policy articulation by vice president harris. people will not and not, and then they'll smile and say, yeah, but she's not down trump, so i believe it's a matter of, of, of personality versus a personality and the lesser of 2 evils. there is very, very,
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very little policy being articulated. yeah. i agree with the, the lesser of the 2 evils tactic. and i think it was very vividly demonstrated in the latest debate in which the candidates spent more effort disparaging the opponent or describing how they would save the country or from an impending disaster than putting forth a novel or in some way. positive agenda. does the american system, the wave structure? does it still allow for genuine grassroots driven change? i'm going to differentiate between the way it's structured versus the way it's financed. because i don't believe that the structure, even though it is a, it is a do obviously, uh, that still could allow for substantive debate on serious is serious issues that are not only impacting the united states domestically. but also, or having
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a dramatic impact on foreign policy. but when you look at how the campaigns are financed, and in the fact that the military industrial complex or, or the, the mickey met. um and uh, as ray mcgovern refers to it is funding both sides of the argument. that's one of the reasons why you have very, very little debate. and here's a quick example of in, in uh, uh, probably april of this year. just in the new york times. there was an article by a peck saying that they were gonna spend $100000000.00 to earn seat as many progressive democrats as they could get their hands on. it all had to do with their perception of how these individuals felt about
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policy as it relates to occupied palestine. so, so here you have democrats that are afraid to challenge genocide simply because of how much money is being dumped into their campaigns, into their coffers into their pockets by an outside entity such as a pet about mr. leona. you wrote recently that it's imperative that the democratic party not only change the messenger, but also change the message and the paris is wrong for power is based on the policy rather than the fear of another tons of presidency. but isn't the problem with the democrats that they don't actually want the system to change? they want to keep the lead as holding power under the slogans of democracy. is it really so much about the message or the messenger as opposed to what's done with them? after the war to account to the point you're making is validation of the point that
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i just made there, funded by the same interests. i remember back in 2020 i think his name is james calhoun. when he was a ceo of boeing and he was asked during the biden trump campaign, which candidate did boeing, preferred by new truck. and james calhoun said, doesn't matter to boeing because both candidates understand what boeing does. both candidates understand the nature of the need. the boeing fills and they're going to do just fine. so what he was saying was, we know that boeing makes uh, aircraft parts and, and, and, and fighter planes along with lockheed martin any others. and so he's in the york basically what i took away from that was the year is going to continue. they're still going to get paid. it doesn't matter who's in the white house so. so that's
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the point about it's a matter of funding the system. yes. needs to be changed, but with in the established system, there could be space. if a candidate had goods to stand up and champion the, the, the proper issues. unfortunately, there is the financing that is um, that is corrupting the system. well, uh, the way i see both candidates right now, i champing sound, i champing some issues. for example, donald trump is speaking about the migration and uh, he may be very unorthodox in the way he conducts his argument. but still, i mean, he seems to be a junior on a, a police standing out for the thing that he believes. now, campbell or harris, i think she's a little bit artificial, but that again, taking from the latest debate when she spoke on the women's issues, i thought she was sincere. so they, they seem to bring some genuine concerns to the table, the account of accused them of insincerity completely. and he had the it seems that
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the jan approach is fading away once the ballad, the ballad stations are closed. why is that? but there is a difference between articulating issues in articulating policy and so in, in the immigration issue was a perfect example. building a wall. remember donald trump told us, we're going to build a wall and mexico is going to fund it. well, where's the way? and where's the, where's the pay? so if it's where it hasn't found its way of into american accounts, and when you talk about the immigration, it's not a matter of just looking at the number of people that are at the bigger, you have to ask yourself, why are they that are in the people are at the better because american foreign policy towards guatemala, american foreign policy towards mexico,
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american foreign policy towards columbia towards haiti has decimated the economies in these countries. or seeing those people to leave their homes and come to the united states. quick example, shaquita brands, the banana company was just convicted of sponsoring death squads in columbia. and now is, is having in the mis came out in a, in a federal court in florida. i haven't heard donald trump talk about that. i haven't heard combo here was talk about that. comment harris can ring her hands and get all disgusted and frustrated and flustered. because donald trump is making racist tropes and diet, drives about patients eating animals in springfield, ohio, as she should, because that's just races, deplorable and disgusting. but then why is she backing the united states
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policy towards rewriting haley you're paying? can you to do it? that's incredibly hypocritical and incredibly inconsistent. so you can talk about, oh, it's the atrocious. the donald trump is talking. this race is trucks about haitians, which is true. but why are the haitians in springfield, ohio, when the 1st place is because she goes to cara. com, trying to convince the caribbean nations to be the black face on american foreign policy and imperialism as they try to rehabilitate but in democratic party for a very long time. wanted to have anybody on the ticket, but straight wide man in the these days, they seem to have the person who takes all the seemingly, it takes all the diversity boxes. why do you think pamela harris says the reception both within the part is establishment and seemingly, according to the polls within the larger base is not so. and so usually asked in facing people, perhaps a suspecting that having a particular, particularly colored face is not enough to around the country. well, it,
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it never has been, and it never will be because it is not about the politics of female type. it's about the politics of policy. and so when we were heading into electoral season, say, starting in june, jo body who was still on the ticket and there were a lot of people in this country. if you go back and look at the primaries in michigan and look at the primaries in wisconsin and minnesota, you had a, an unprecedented number of de haters. people that were registered by voting as uncommitted because they didn't want either of the candidates. and so when joe biden withdrew from the election, you that now provided some space for another democrat to fill the void. but when, but a lot of people, a didn't like the fact that she was anointed instead of like there was no primary process for promoting carmella harris to that position. then you get to the
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convention, the democrats convention, which i attended. no discussion of policy. and you had a lot of people that were protesting, the guys are policy that their protest fell upon deaf ears. uh huh. so you still have a number of people within the body politic that board liking what they're hearing because they're not hearing anything other than blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. ok, well mr. lee only we have a our own process here. um that process includes taking a very short break. we will be back in just a few moments. stay tuned. the hello and welcome to across the full board. here we discuss and we'll need the
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r c o t r t, formerly known as russia today, trying to influence the presidential election in november. the extraordinary new efforts to once again infiltrate our election and undermined democracy 2 will 5 to see, to direct this information in propaganda here to sort of divide, americans are g as move beyond functioning fact or. okay, then do you want to know who i pick was this time and make sure you turn in for all the special coverage of the us presidential election? the, the welcome back to all the parts with wilmer lee on an american political scientist.
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so early on, just before the break restarted, discussing the particulars of uh, 2024 campaign and how a color, gender, or any other superficial characteristics shouldn't matter as much as a, you know, substantive policy discussion. and um, yeah, i think be judging from what i read in the american media, the democratic establishment, the democratic party is still counting on the black vote. as one of the main support groups do you think they will gather this year? yes, the they will, they will, will they, will they get it to the degree that it's needed to be the mag of bass? i'm not sure, but i do know that there is because if we're still with 40 some odd days away from the election and a lot of things can happen between now and the 5th of november. but as i look at the numbers now, and as i've listened to a lot of the, the dialogue in the discussion within the african american community. yes. uh, uh,
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once again, the african american community will turn out and support the candidate. and the real issue that john jeter, a brand journalist, wrote up it has a piece out called uh, how the dems use performative blackness, uh, to appeal to the african american community. that's not the exact title that's close enough. and then his point is, once again, the democrats are turning to the black community, begging cook cajoling. we need you, we need, you, we, we have to, to feed donald trump, but they're not offering any substantive policy to encourage us to support them. it's a matter of the vice president went to a historically black college. she is the and member of the alpha kappa alpha. so we
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already incorporated is your dad's is pretty ok that's, that's pretty much what was, you know, your, you also wrote the brilliant piece. i saw on the analysis of the 2016 campaign and why hillary clinton last a donald trump at that time. i think you also made a b in that piece a very point in terms of ration countering the mainstream framing that clinton and parents the last because the black voters didn't turn out in large numbers. and the reason the, the turn out was the law was because of a, supposedly post a bomb my epa see what's, what's your issue with this kind of a framing that there's room and there is mass supported by the data. and that it fails to take into account. the 1st important fact it met is
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hillary clinton read a lousy co pay. she didn't care. but for example, shoot him campaign in michigan, democrats camp when the white house, you know, for those that don't know is not only a matter of the popular vote, they have to go through what's called the electoral college. and you have to get 270 votes in the electoral college in order to become president, a democrat cannot get to to 70 without michigan. she didn't campaign in michigan, she took michigan for granted. and she waited till the very end of the campaign to campaign in pennsylvania. she ran a lousy campaign start there before you, then turned and tried to blame african americans for not turning out. and by the way, they started, the democrats started also making that same argument in august about of the about the about 2024 blaming black men. oh,
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black. why the black men not like common light harris, no data to support the narrative, but they just were preparing the country. in case vice president here is loses, they are preparing the country to make the same on the same argument. again, african americans are disillusioned to african americans and uh, are lazy their, their apathetic, and they didn't turn out. what are you giving the community to vote for others then she's not donald trump. i want a quote here here because he rolled that african americans are as political as the rest of the country and they're a real and substantive, political interest. that's motivated the community. it's almost like saying, i work in the american a people to me, you know, isn't that the presumption of the black vote racist that it's core?
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there's no question but, but unfortunately, there are too many african americans that aren't demanding anything of the candidate. so the reason they ask an american community create part of this problem for ourselves, because we go along with the dominant narrative, we're not demanding that they passed the, the, the, another voting rights act. we're not demanding that they pass the john lewis a policing at we're not demanding that comma le harris address. uh, uh, uh, health disparities in wealth disparities and education disparities. we're not making any demands on her. so then when she gets elected, or if she gets elected and then doesn't deliver, and she will give the same answer, the president, the president obama gave when he was asked,
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why did you do more for the black community? the answer she gave you all didn't demand anything about. let me ask you about the, the republicans too, because according to gallup more american voters now identify when they do a p, as the part of that is better equipped to address the most important, the most pressing american problems like economy, immigration, government, inflation. but it is pretty clear the, the parties know what the unified either on the, i wonder if you take these numbers as um, as an expression of genuine genuine supports when they're a public comes or is it the up another. another example of the lesser of the 2 evils that they're sort of supporting what they have a for the like, what if anything better? well, i think it, it really, i think has more to do with the narratives that are being presented and supported by mainstream american media. because they the, the washington post the new york times m. s. nbc,
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cnn. they are very, very selective in the data and the numbers that they present in order to support a particular narrative. and from what i have been reading from those periodicals and what i have been listening to from those television programs, they have already made the determination that they are no longer going to be journalists. they're going to be scribes for the elite. and so they're already basically laying the precedent or predicate that donald trump shouldn't be re elected in common. le harris is the next best thing was lice cheese and, and so it's hard for me to trust the, the, the polling data because the information that those that are being polled is skewed dramatically in trumps 1st around for office. and this is my personal opinion. let me know if you disagree. i think it was characterized by so much in or,
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or internal sob, latasha, in part because he didn't have the republican establishment behind him. do you think this time around? if he manages to secure the wide, how do you think the act on the republican establishment would be any better? do you think they would value this opportunity as their own when or when they seed as yes, trump got into their office again, we have to wait and see for another 4 years. i think when you talk about republican establishment, if you're talking about the mich mcconnell's of the world, and the, and the dick cheney's of the world, they, i believe, are dreadfully fearful of the, of donald trump being re elected tens. dick cheney uh uh, supporting com la harris i i, i for as much as he loves to clamor in, in, in run around uh, behind donald trump,
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lindsey graham. i say it is dreadfully afraid of donald trump because the elite bully the old guard. see this as the last the last ditch effort to save the party that, that they have known and loved. they see a, i think the fundamental shift with this mag of movement that they cannot control. even though they allowed it to develop, you can go all the way back to the tea party. and tom tancredo back in 2006, 2007. donald trump is an outgrowth of that keys. the frankenstein monster that they allowed to develop with through the tea party and tom tancredo, we want our country back in all those races. uh uh, troops, they eugenics troops that, that they, that they factored in into the politics. and they see this as a last ditch effort to get because now they see the,
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the frankenstein monster is ravaging the village. mr. leo, i'm here here mentioned the moment the go on your friend mentioned up in your articles that's voters to need to articulate the vision. and be committed to holding elective petitions accountable for delivering and not delivering practical change. and that's a very tricky issue. because again, in my view, the american system is structured in a way that incentivizes both exorbitant unrealistic promises and very active non doing. just how can voters hold the political powers, not just the political personalities, but political powers accountable for the actions and for the inaction. well, the 1st thing is it starts at the grassroots level, and i truly believe that all politics is local. so it's a matter of control in your city councils, controlling your school boards, even even controlling your, your neighborhood, watch committees, and, uh,
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starting your politics there. and working your way up through the system so that those at the top understand that those at the bottom are paying attention. and by putting your money where your mouth is by funding candidates, progressive candidates that, that truly believe we need to get out of ukraine. that we can't fund genocide in gaza, that we should not be starting a fight with china over tie one. you've gotta be putting your money where your mounds are, attending political rallies, screaming and yelling. when the com la harris has come out and say, israel has the right to defend itself, even though we know it, but based on international law, that's just flat out wrong. but we can't just go along to get along and we cannot just sit idly by and say, well, we can't make waves. now we have to be quiet. we'll deal with these real issues
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later. no, the later is now. well, i think this has actually been one of the best aspects of the american system, this grassroots organization. and the thing many countries, including my, by the way, taking example in bad because this is actually the, the only 2 way of building a community in which you belong and where you can actually affect change. so thank you for attending these discussion on that somewhat inspiring note. i really appreciate that. my pleasure. thank you for the invitation. call me anytime. thank you. and thank you for watching hope to see her again on, well, the part as the number of many places in the world where you can say you're on the divide between the 2 oceans. and the you might not think kids. what does this, hey,
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and what's his northern or found guest vision in the, you know, the national park. and today's when organize the, was a stuff was i'm taking a deep side interest because of the hey, everybody. welcome back to the law school, mules on shay bowes. and i'm joined by our gunners and the photo to the gulf, the laurel to the hardy, and my little side kick and the body saves me from making a complete fool of myself when it comes to the numbers. now of course, the elections are upon us and us because of the election recently in
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a place called georgia, not charging the usa at georgia into so corks is a country of the 4000000 people a long way from brussels or the, and from the united states. but the seem to be lost, a lot of you, an american flags being waived in tbilisi find, you know, how would you dedicate yourself to the western cause that you want to join a you natal and basically say, you know, become uncle sam's bitch? how would you do it? i know, dedicate yourself in the church of harry potter when the video, you know, maybe see about the degree bring the service or what, what are you serious like? this is serious stuff. the reason you want to join you nato isn't because you're the 1st person away from paris or new york. you're hardly in stock. they're not really in new york, but it's not new york, it's asia, right. what's the weight of the tray? i sold tomato, said that you craniums are the harry potter. oh, yeah, exactly,
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exactly. well, the for all georgians. well, the anti government georgians, a lot of them on the streets over there as well. we thought so would they want a 30 or 40000 people to try to put 10 probably did on the home and home at 9 o'clock on the dot tony, when they're there. 20 books are turning around. it was where there is harry potter and hard words. there's also voldemort and it just so happens on this occasion. all the more turned up in the guise of good all shape. bose. yes, your old pile. he turned off, but he spent the weekend to please the romans and around in the bins of democracy and found a show of n g o involvement, nastiness, and phase 3. when the video of the do you speak english? what group are you from or use or for me the utilities? no. okay. are you george in italian or
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a no we are and i'm not to be some moments or for a human rights. ok. he needs any work or? yeah for that right. okay. okay. and for the georgia is not lucian. ok, why is it in english? the so why have you written that in english? because in the nation, all this is what i mean. the main thing is, even though father more pose turned off to ruined the property of how it works. yeah. the main thing is, is that these burn us into toddy. and so just so happened to terminal, you know, it's, are the parliament down to freedom square from my down to point though they just did just turn up on their own thing at the local boss on the, please. of course it's not for this old me joe's eyes to these people. oh yeah. they're just human the right. the actors from a um, a small pro, nato pro crating pro west credit. go with alan group the gold detailing radicals just by chance funded for july. you know, cool. oh my god, oh no, no,
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no by source. oh george soros. go voldemort, go to baltimore was at the protest. sha potties, you both baltimore and uh, one of the key people that turned up there was the lady called salome zora bush, really. and then we'll talk a bit about slow me in about 5 minutes. but one thing she did say during your speech outside the parliament raising up the people to fight against the stone of the election that the f s. b rush of security service had stolen. the election, this was the theme stone of the election. tell everybody that she didn't have any evidence of it apparently because the prosecutor general's officer george said, well this is great. there were some just all the election. give us t evidence, right? because that's what you do, you've got the evidence. you know, the russians stole the election for the fact that it was australian, british, french e u. ukrainian flags been way around. it was ukrainian, british irish politicians on the streets trying to basically top of the government . no russians are chinese, but also allow me to go to some of the hot water boy, basically admitting she was talking on the video here. and no country has been able
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to demonstrate nothing. even the united states, when they were russian differences in their elections, nor others your opinion, countries. so we're not going to be in the position to demonstrate more. and then the countries that have been extra stronger to the most states and she believes the tax that's there. and so she don't have any of us. but what is important is not to demonstrate that of sorry, this is what the children for tradition knows seals and assume. because for us kind of see more of what is happening in the country. and the villagers tend to ga, is that no evidence required in this type of democracy? you just get to make it up as you go last. well, at least, salome is a dedicated, you know, died in the will to stock george. and you know, she'd been there all my life and she never worked for nato. she never worked for the you. and she's not from some of the country. why don't you? she's just the real deal. what she's, she was born in georgia,
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right. least come to president. she was born in paris, france. oh jesus. and she didn't work for nate or like that the she she did for years with the you and yours. this is looking pretty green. i guess it was turned off for the party. of course the place was saturated with the you close gun party, anything to get out a key of, you know, probably take a few bits a was a cash to transfer his welcome honey. the old mr. gunshot wrinkle you might remember him. he got slapped around and try me, stirring up trouble. back in 2014. he turned up, i guess was the property in need of the russian speaker. no completely dedicated to the chronology cause he was spotted on the streets as well. a guy approached him in russian, which a lot of george's majority can speak anybody over 20 years of age, so he's really speak russian there and asked them in russian what he was doing here . that's the deal is what are you doing?
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it was very interesting. he pretended he couldn't speak russian and demanded the demand speak ukrainian, or this is georgia or english, me run this video. the sort of deal is, what do you do for you? who are your zillow? i'm a month, i'm a guy who is just a guy. someone who might use ukrainian or english in georgia, you know, through the much this is real, imagine this. and there actually is still with a straight face thing that it was russia that was interfering with the elections. gimme a break, i want to key things. i found when i was a, you know, into believe, see, for a week, 2 days before the election during the election. i'm after, i'm during the protest. as you can see, stand up
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a minute. trouble was the fact that most your just the vast majority might want to join the you. but they also want to maintain good relationship with russia. and there's lots of reasons for that. i don't know because they think it works is going to coordinate that babies for breakfast is because russia does a lot of business in georgia. why don't you? that's right. or the reviewer. roger has a massive trade with georgia around 2500000000 last year, including a lot of experts from georgia. meanwhile, your best friends are the you import almost nothing from georgians and instead have blocked around 60 a trade items coming from that concrete. so you know, huge and g d p has skyrocketed lately because of trade with rushing home being a hub for sanctions or waiting for what they want to cut this down. don't forget the ukrainians. they explored a lot of men of fighting age to georgia to sit around on the roster, drinking beer and shouting slab. oh good i you, me talking about man of fighting age. yeah, of course when i was in georgia, i had to keep my voice down the in case anybody spot me on freedom square. there's a russian asset from the center. this information ology,
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which you were sponsored by a the of us be. so we have keep our voices down why we were there, but the soonest, a realize who i was and what i done. and i posted myself at the old a little a loved letter, started to come from my friends and the georgia legion, and the blue harbor gave a go for health and love you too, bye the course. over stateside election. the season is really upon us. the pressure is building people are getting a bit tense. the battle lines are drawing interesting if you want to see what's really going on and how people are feeling about this sort of civil war election. some people are building it from the gardens of the united states, actually care what happens when the so many put a come our poster in it from fines garden. this is just gold video or you hi. hello there. hi, i work for the harris and waltz campaign. i want to know, so i'm gonna leave it there cuz no, we're not gonna leave it. there's
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a lot because i can't stand them. do not support 10 funds and mens bathrooms. no, i don't support sam. awesome. i was wanting to get this ticket. i got it. so it looks good there though. what's the price on best buy? i saw i saw a bunch of commented unit trust me by my pronoun. what are you an easy transgender, but it gets better. the next phase was a bit of a funny trap. let's say some dude went to an area where a new uh, come out of had a lot of the supporters to boo, hey, brigade had a local chapter and meeting funds. he pulled up the trump side behind the 12 side, which he knew they'd rip down. there was a little surprising, so let's say in the video you, this is just sweet watch. oh so yeah. you with the mike from sign you get shot in the face with a splurge go on. i think they call them. it's absolutely plastic. yeah. have the honda you want to read this?
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i know it's merge beautiful. yeah. i think that's just great. we need to get more of that. and the heat is really building and people are really, really dug in 2 sides of the divide in the states. it's a very, very 10 situation, and when our supporter unobtrusive order pulled up alongside each other and the traffic that they had, the 5 run the video, you the getting pretty frisky. of course the potential for this to get out of this really real and this clip you've got a higher supporter who just start screaming out a little kid, a little one year old in a stroller who just so happens to be the kid of a trump support video, this is a pretty spooky rugs restrict you so well. here we go,
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check it the wow. sleepy frequency. and in this really tense environment to what you need is a presidential come things down. we're all americans, we're all good people. you know, the american dream. we can agree to disagree, it drives me. uh, bring um, sleepy joe, take them out of the cryogenic refrigerator, wipe them down a job, them with a few as opposite of that are all the whatever that they're given them these days to keep them awake. and he will come up with a beautiful know, good of coming at a very influential the old di. com the term. and you call term supporters floating garbage. yeah. floating garbage on the video you that you are puerto rico or in my home studio. is there a good decent on will people do a garbage? i see. so i've got there is a supporters all for so get this, the democrats now have got to really dig deep. you know, year the wheels are full enough for commodity all can go to the polls and she just
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not that smart. okay. trump, you know, he's a showman and they're probably both as bad as each other, you know, made the best lose a when, when it comes to who actually sits in the chair. i will check out what the democrats are doing now. they're trying to tell you, said the republicans, you know, with the bible bashers, you know, the red x, they're going to buy a new from the, let's say, take in the old, the meat and to vegetables in your own spare time. and you know, the video you so oh sorry that you can call me and talk to get it here. i'm a republican congressman now that we're in charge and i'm waiting for nationwide here. tell me what did you get out of my bedroom to print? i was the last election. so what's my decision? i'm just going to watch and make sure you don't. i'm just going to watch the course . it's very unlikely that the republicans, if they do in room when they probably do in. and tom takes the big chair that
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they'll buy on pornography or even the limited in any way because it's a multi $1000000000.00 business in the states. that me personally i, you know, as a kid, you know, maybe a little bit as you get them in. all right. but then these days i would, yeah, absolutely not. i totally condemn use of pornography in every instance in fashion. oh goodness. but you've got some information about the point industry in, in the united states. would you like to fill us in? i certainly do trade. and the thing is true is right, given how greedy republicans are there no different than the the market size of the adult industry in the unit in the united states is 1100000000 in printing 23. and maybe they should be important because right now there's approximately 1400000 american women selling themselves, their body parts, you know, own only fans. and finally,
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like the cherry and top is around 10 percent of american man reported off having for an addiction look. it's all the grease sees. may be creepy. we had the, you know, sleepy joe nibbling on babies. it was a bit frankie right. this week. um, what else you had was at trans kid uh, turned off by the kamala riley. uh just it just isn't right on the video. now she and i am 6 years old and a 16 i chose to be driving this is just gonna be performed shows i think this is probably he started doing this for 5 now, so it's a little confusing. 5 for the re fi. there's even though. oh jesus, look at this. outperform creepy. tell him about the snow turning down. you gotta
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put these people in jail apartment and another kid to do this. why can't they don't it's just about living in the moment and what's exciting for right now, and i think that takes us to this is lunatics have taken over the asylum. i gotta ask you, americans, why are you buying all these guns and don't use the don't say the topic. we don't want it, the kids, it's off the kids fault, right? the parents of these kids should be put in a mental hospital. that's basically what they should be spot on. and me, well judge of being cyrus uh, again, you know, always got a finger on the pulse of america. what's important, it's the important stuff, you know. so she decided to bring a bunch of doctors to one of our riley's, you know, bunch of stooges and white codes. and you know, where they often talk about the importance of been able to kill babies. portion which is a, you know, it's, it's a right, you say it's a privilege of american women which is very closely guarded by camel. uh huh. but guess what happens when somebody in the crowd actually had a heart attack or stroke?
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yeah, i don't think those do it's in the jackets. all you are actually doctors because when the call went out, is there a doctor in the house? uh, they all kind of got a bit a nervous. let's say you to put it bluntly. women unnecessary are like becoming ill and died. the women are and this isn't why and that includes somebody's dying. i go there, someone needs some medical assistance over here. yes, somebody needs medical assistance is 20 and you want to start on the stage talking about slicing and dicing. you know, um, uh hello, of course, if you're a democrat and you screw up a, you know, a bunch of doctors on stage who don't wanna help anybody, etc. or given the wrong answer to the cbs. and then be allowed to answer again and
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record as you might get sued though by the big done you can always ask the media to kind of come to a rescue with that seems to be the way if you're a democrat book as well. if you're a public and then they roast yet it seems that the mainstream media themselves have forgotten that this is video tape. this is the internet. the world never forgets. the camera never lies. and j. d. vance, a very, very smart, very cutely, has decided to put together a little video demonstrating just have biased. the media in the united states are against the republicans and towards the democrats. while the videos you guys talked about the russia hoax non stop yesterday, i wasn't getting an f b, i was investigating it. we so we live. so we were cover then. so you took the words of a named f b i. agents and put them on your network as if they were the gospel truth. you did it again and again of your, of your network wouldn't believe that donald trump and vladimir putin conspired in 2016 now. that was totally and preposterously false. no. well that's what you do, that is false, is it in trump is going to quote extraordinary length to keep specifics about his
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meetings with russian president vladimir putin. secret, even keeping them from top members of his own administration. take a listen to our president, trump responded saturday night when asked directly if he has ever worked for russia . well hold. that's call being a liar correctly. you know, chase sometimes i think we're in order to is information h, keep these guys all for sure. or maybe for sure, and of course the elections basically already under way 30 percent of americans have already voted. but some of them have kind of decided, you know, for the barbecue sauce on the know, nobody really knows why the burning and he's drop in dollars. the deposit of trees or whatever they're called is the thing. why would you bother it doesn't make any sense unless you know whose votes are in there these days, you never know run the video. ok. so yeah, i mean it just could be some retard who has no idea about politics
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on this, you know, just burning stuff future. i'm thinking maybe maybe when these ballots are recovered, tino on fixed they would suddenly turn up with a correct answer. in the vote. only in the event that the election doesn't go certain groups way. they could say that they are, they were covered, some crispy bacon, fried thoughts maybe come out for at least when you know you're about, it's going to go up in smoke literally. and one of the barbecue bucks us, you know, it ain't going anywhere. it's not going to go to the opponent. you know, you didn't vote for you over to them. you know, so i'll give you guys go know where it's going up in smoke literally. but if you use all the latest, the innovations and technology in the voting machines, it don't even want to let you pick your dude firstly against all i really like tell me your finger in there. and when you do,
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it picks the other guy. you think i'm going to stop while the video are you? this is it, this is real. yeah. please let me, you know, it's like your grand china, you know, change the channel, mtv get that in. and it just picks the other guy. i mean, this is serious. this is really serious problem. i what's called an election thing miracle. oh yeah. what are also moving on from the states where the french frying a balance on french fried people's brains. due to the malfunctioning voting machines, the french have decided that they're going to go all the amount of the russia, russia, russia hoax about. uh, president trump. we've got a french general now in france. retired generals often find themselves working the think tanks and the government advising senior politicians. it's a very prestigious role. this particular guy has suggested l roy on french television. donald trump soon to be president,
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probably present very much in the running for president. it is 100 percent working for russia directed from here at the center of this information. ology on the video . there's a good contact on national between c, c o c. some does not sit down as long as they go toward the p dot tom. so can you say a did you do? how does that work? how do you get to actually seriously go on tv and make those kind of allegations? how does that work on? well, my question is to have you sent him the latest instruction. so you forgot again, i forgot the course, can't talk about friends in europe without talking about deutschland and the wonderful beating heart of industry and those great manufacturers, crow wrong, siemens, all the ones who supplied the nazis with weapons during the war will do so well. i know they're going to uh um, it's all kind of less to sit down to europe. the, the guy in the cobra of europe watching america come in and give your wife what you're not capable of. that's a maybe the co cold amount of your big parents,
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like volkswagen shooting down didn't ever suck people before. maybe going to show 3 plans. it's all going to be green. and where is the big economy? where are all the big manufacturing bases? of course china, the biggest manufacturing economy on earth, on india. i'm here the indian minister of economy basically putting it up to the german minister economy, straighten it was a, i mean the lack of respect is payment. but maybe to not you and you respect. and you bend over uncle sam, you get everything you deserve when the video of the supply, your some kind of morning machine. yeah, i can sign this and sweet right into his face at the home. so it's more by just show me how some of the home with the medicine
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but yeah, it's just these actually what is you are 0 yeah yeah, i'll just, yeah, i would just remain up against just on hold. so it opens and sucks me out. so i don't have to listen to any of your disgusting logic nor to stream anybody, nor to know nothing still kind of surprising that mr. how back, you know, was kind of the prophet himself against the door saying, oh, what does this indian, what does this indian, this does dog human talking to me about logic and in the house? i tell you there's also a very important piece of business needs to be, don't forget about investigating the north stream pipeline, which caught germany off from cheap, reliable russian gas. and everybody knows the depth of the street. now. that's what's the german economy absolutely. completely. is it going nobody wants to admit to, i'm the victim does a one solve, i wonder why me. there's a very important piece of messaging which must be pushed out to the public. it's unable to, you know, how we're going to change the direction of the country and,
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and to warn you. crane. reestablish names with the russians. i'm a chinese and move forward and welfare of the people know it's how we're going to tell you. we'd like you to pass in the shower. yeah, pissing the shower to say water because when the water is sharing down, i'll give you the whole body piercing this year. i personally have never ever taken in such a disgusting behavior of the oh, you won the video that was such a store. this is really good. oh no washer. nope. doesn't work. you know all this class. yes. arouse thing she sent me to listen to. so for yeah, i, so that's fine. what's that all over the students face? knowing germany these days or whatever it was was you just don't know these to you just don't know. so saying, and deutschland, a country which really is based on stability and economic cancer cycle welfare through the welfare of the worker. it's been that way for decades and decades. but
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now, as the whole economy goes to and workers are losing their jobs and their benefits, you'd expect you left hoof traditionally come in and for, for a good conditions and stability to ward off the communist. just across the wall. to step up to step up to the stage and amount of the fashion and declared themselves as the guardian of the work or on society. what is said to the left in germany and in the entire west. now it looks more like a mixture between a broomstick, a barber shop floor, and you're on to ethel after she suffered a stroke on the video. i like the reason for why why she's doing well. i mean, why do we send her typo stomach virus? the fear knocked me out. just expectations. types of gender qualities. yeah. mostly
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chairs and what the, what do we have to listen to this for? why do i have to look at you alexander herman. why, why do, why a new home? why do we have to look at alexander herman? because i made you do this hopefully, you bastard society. that brings us to the end of another episode here at the center for this information. ology called you and i will not be transported back to our cryogenic containers in preparation for next week. has all been about the illusion of democracy and when actual democracy takes place in somewhere like georgia, where the routing party rejected the l. g, b, t to propaganda. and they wanted to know where the opposition were getting their money from the terrible crime of, uh they get an attempted coup d'etat basically not by some dictatorship, performed the forces of freedom of democracy any you and the us. and it all seems to be a bit of allusion. look at the united states for america, you need a $1000000000.00 to become president of the 1st place. and it all basically comes down to it, made the best news or when it's all illusion. where were you going to be back here
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next week? see that the the
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the, the the, i'm actually understands. you're welcome back to going underground rule costing all around the world really you a he has if tomorrow's circled elections in the united states of america,
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the usa of being the genocide in gauze or the proxy war in western europe. and countless organizations supporting democracy all around the global south is itself ruled by leads, reciting over executions disproportionately affecting people of color, mass censorship, via and all the got controlled media system and catastrophic levels of poverty. $43000.00 was showing that in the usa last year. $40000000.00 cannot eat tonight without federal food aid programs. with less than 5 percent of the world's population. it accounts for 25 percent of those globally incarcerated genocide. jo, how that goes? tyrese's usa remains the only you and member state that has not ratified the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and the convention on the civil rights of the child. in april 2023, the us senate rejected the constitutional amendment to guarantee gender equality. according to n s. a whistleblower edwards is odin. us authorities, master male. all forms of communication between us citizens going into one gives us poll. 76 percent of americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, as trillions from public money i used to wage war abroad. the gap between rich and
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poor and usa is now reached its west level since the great depression of 1929. if you believe the fake news media in the usa and it's about so later states you think tomorrow's election was being interfered with by russia and china? joining me now from washington, dc of james memphis, a multi award winning journalist, emmy nominated filmmaker and best selling author of the puzzle palace the shadow factory and body of secrets and most recently supply fail foreign spies, most of it is and the collapse of america's counter intelligence, james, thanks for getting on to show head of our coverage of the us selections tomorrow. we know style him is britain is tried to interfere with the outcome of tomorrow's us elections. people can watch our coverage and that's how you being pulled back as expert as a on saturdays, so on rumble. but given the biggest spot, a story, a big a story in the world is still the u. k. u s. e u, i'm genocide in gaza. what pilot is israel wheeled into more as electrons in the
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usa. well, as always, well, did a, a new i was power of the just the fact that the united states is a, basically a co belligerent in a genocide. we're supplying the weapons, they dropped them, but we billed them and send them and pay for them. uh so where is uh guilty is, is, is really, is are for taking part in the genocide. and that happens because we have a constituency that is very powerful and very wealthy and the supports the, whatever we do in israel. but how will they influence the elections? remind us the actually, i have an ex up here for him. us by fail for and spies. most of it was like lapse of america's got your intelligence. you talk about a meeting between john kerry and yahoo in the room. as usual, your beautiful pro style fits the scene of a popular sea food restaurant and be out to reach e,
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a block for rooms type of river. that is for the 2016 election vermillion, that's how they interfered with that one to yeah, i wrote a considerable amount about that and the way i wrote about it was by getting freedom of information act documents from the fbi, i in other agencies. and then what they show is that the israelis throughout the summer of 2016 had been built directly interfere with the election by trying to get to donald trump, to agree to a number of things that netanyahu went ahead. and in order to get that, these relays were basically offering intelligence to the trump campaign. and he had a lot of this came from documents that were released by the f b. i documents that work, transcripts who conversations between the is really agent and a roger stone who is very close to uh, uh, trump, uh,
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during that campaign. so it was a direct uh connection between the is really intelligent and uh, and i actually net and you know, personally, and donald trump for just doing the proven liar about julie, of the sun. sure. as i'm just being on this show as regard to when he took asylum in the ecuadorian embassy in london. but then you'd think then with the power of netanyahu to subvert democracy in the united states and giving the multi $1000000000.00 amounts every week. it seems given by blinking bite and paris sullivan austin, buttons to and that, and yeah, who is the kamala harris all across areas for being with the john to be you think miriam adults and the money for trump will hold the most way to get trump elected as far as for an interference uh, goes tomorrow as well. her husband played a great deal of uh, play the big role and getting trump uh electron, you know,
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the previous selection. so marian has a, is fortune and she is using it again to help trump. so it help before i'm sure it will help again, it's huge amounts of money you're trying, i think close to a $100000000.00 or something. i mean, i don't know how the democracy is. the judge does a, a, a workable idea. if somebody can spend a $100000000.00 to get somebody elected well, other people have nothing except a single lo yeah. but there's that have part of it. the all the god costs element element of it. but then there's a $4.00 and $4.00 in the agent element of it. it's not legal, you're not allowed to do that in the united states, surely. or no, i mean marianne allison has dual citizenship, but obviously she's more connected to israel than she is to the, to the united states. her husband said that he already has one issue and that issue
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is, israel isn't the united states, is israel. so that's why his money is always been a nor mostly desired by every basically, every republican politician in washington, they go to him for millions of dollars and that's how it works. is one of the reasons why we're aging in this genocide is of money from a pro, israeli. and a lot of very wealthy people who contributed to the basically to, to uh, a biden's campaign to, to get them up to bite. and basically said that he uses eye us and he's taking more money from the pro is really lobby than any other politician in the united states. so that's where it stands right now. and why you haven't heard very much from a couple of harris in terms of what her views are on the genocide,
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but they haven't done enough to please netanyahu to win. i mean, israel, i know we can say israel is controlling the result tomorrow because both sides support israel in any case. right. uh, but uh, you would think that the, uh, vitamin ministration and harris uh, uh, along with buttonwood. um, you know, they have these rules that they keep saying that they want the world to follow and then they don't follow them themselves and they expect everybody else to agree with evan vote for him. so i am totally at a loss why anybody would vote for the harris a champaign century has never come out and condemn the genocide and yet to have despite freedom of information, legislation will never really know the full influence. because people improved in the past praised r f k junior and tools he gathered, for instance,
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for the principled stands against the 4 and was endless was around the world. and yet both of them support the other side and perhaps we in a trump cabinet. yeah, there was a time when the kennedy, when kennedy 1st came out, it sounds like he was going to be different and, and um do uh, take some different actions as opposed to completely uh, going along with everything that netanyahu wanted. uh, and for maybe the 1st 2 weeks he had that attitude and then all of a sudden it was like he was taken to the back yard and spanked. and all of a sudden he's a completely turned and became a, a, you know, a complete advocate of the netanyahu in the, in the war. and that's simply the way it always works in the united states. i've written a nervous amount about how the the system works and, and just never changes or psychologically impacted on about the fact that it was
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a palestinian that, uh, killed is a his dad who knows. we don't know is rails impact on those 2? um as well, we don't know because they barely spelled them speak about it is very difficult to write about israel and the united states. very difficult for journalist actually. right. critically about israel. i've been doing it all my life ever since i began writing and, and i've never had so much push back is whenever i write about israel, what happened? um, what happened to you when? because you know, you've won awards your best selling riser, and then you start talking about is really interference in american politics. yeah, i get pushed back by editors. i get pushed back by the public. i get pushed back by lot of people who think that you shouldn't be writing critically about history.
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well then there are numerous times of been shut out by the uh, settlers. uh, one of the settlers shut at me was the was the machine gun. so i'm fairly familiar with what goes on over there, but writing about it is a very difficult uh topic. when i wrote to a spicy, oh, i wrote a great deal about israel critically, about israel and i was getting a norm was pushed back from a number of people of 9 months later we sort of preceded what, what happened 9 months later, which was the genocide so sort of writing about it before it happened, but it's much more easy to write about it today that would have been 9 months before it happened with my book came out. yeah, i mean, the bravery of jewish activists on campuses in the united states, arguably as shown that they can accuse everyone of being anti semitic any more, actually you've written about how they've infiltrated
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a campuses, student demonstrations. i don't know whether they've successfully managed to suppress them. one point we think it is going to be a can state situation. what tell me just a bit about us in this group. so used to infiltrate the campuses, it'd be united states a well, israel has a very, a strong presence on, on campus. is the very, a covert largely. there's a group called israel on campus coalition in washington. it gets a lot of its money from israel. and it gets a, it's a computer equipment from israel, and its main function is to get a sense of what's going on and all the campuses. and it does out by using people who report confidentially to the, to the group. it's a very large, very,
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it's extensive group i read about or a lot about it in my recent book. and what they do is they collected intelligence on what's going on in the different campuses and then pass it onto through. and then israel passes information out to them. uh, in terms of what to do. so you have a, a group in the united states right here in washington about half a mile from where i live. uh, and they haven't. norma's control over what goes on and campuses and it's directly uh, not only directly connected, but it gets a lot of its funding from the people, the same people who support all the a, a pack and all these other groups. james bond for it. i'll stop you about more from the multi award winning john. listen. bestselling goals are with the puzzle. palace is out of factory and body of secrets after the spring.
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the, the, if you think about russia, what does your mind the picture, the, the flooded landscapes open up before your eyes. the 11 does you imagine the beat of scots dodge the journey? the are you ready to come along the hello
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and welcome to cross the full board. here we discussed the wheel and the welcome back to going on the right. i'm still here with james band for the multi award winning journalist investment in gold of the puzzle palace and body of secrets. and we'll reason to be spiteful for and spies most of it to us and the collapse of america's counter intelligence changed. we must remember, tomorrow is the election day circle the election day in the united states, the any concrete evidence this time i'll be as really interference. we showed on saturdays show about prediction to parents and meet to decades with the new york times to confirm his rails a low role in electing reagan apparently. and then no one believed it that the hostage released by iran was delayed to destroy, causes an attempt to try and to be re elected as president. do we know israel is that hard work right now, trying to corrupt democracy in the united states to more
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a lot, it's hard to say is the, the problem is it's so difficult trying to write about what israel is still going in the united states. the only way i was able to write about it before during the 2016 election where they interfered with the trump collection. the interfering is the understatement. was by getting documents released by the end of the fair information act from the the i the show, the actual contacts between these rarely agent and the trump campaign. but where you see happening was that nobody was ever arrested for that. there was never any follow up by the american press major media. they focused entirely on russia gate, which turned out to be nothing. and completely uh, uh, turned a blind eye to these really, um interference. so uh,
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it's almost impossible to determine what they're doing unless you actually get somebody on the inside to tell you about. so because of how fluid the violence, is there been assassination attempts on trump? uh, by the time this interview is being broadcast, who knows what else will have been going on by the military industrial complex to prevent the trump, but administration all by the israelis to prevent paris. who knows. but you've written about unit $8200.00, that is rarely sig, in the national units. i mean, i mean, claims that lebanese resistance bowman debris explain the past few days, how it uses the national security agency, which was edward snowden showed um, come, was used routinely to surveil mass surveillance stowed. and of course, now in moscow, after seeking asylum. i mean, how is really intelligence embedded within the 1st movement of us intelligence and
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could it be used to manipulate tomorrow's elections as well? the unit, 8200 is extremely powerful. it's about the same as the other, say, the national security agency. i've done 3 books on anastasia fairly familiar with that, and i was, i think, the 1st person interview at snowden in moscow cor, wired magazine. and when i talked to him he, he was adamant that there was a great deal of cooperation between the united states and, and israel a to a unit, 8200. the relationship between that as a and you know, a 200 is the closest relationship for a relationship. that is a house and a uh, the n as a has a, a liaison officer imbedded with unit 8200 and unit unit a 200 as a liaison officer. imbedded right of, for me the we're in a say is headquartered. and so there is a norm's cooperation and what the documents that came from snowden showed was that
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these relays were pressing anessa to get actual location of jill location of people that they were attempted to assassinate the liaison officer. and as a liaison officer pushed back saying that under us law were not allowed to give you information that will allow you to assassinate somebody. and then another document came back saying that the is really 8200 have worked out of some kind of a cooperative agreement with the, the interstate to sort of overcome that problem. in other words, basically as they gave him the information they needed to help with the assassinations, and that probably is still going on today with the assassinations that have been taking place this past summer. us. yeah, we, we don't mean the trumpets i do want to return to the election. we don't mean the trump assassinations because presently is real. doesn't want to kill trump with this close lines with netanyahu. but then what you were saying, just that i presume we implying a could be as, as
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a nation's against us. i have mis routed head of lebanese resistance and chief policy and you negotiate the same uh uh, as a blinking the butcher blinking this, i might say, as a said, the former west exec and sell consecutive states said this is something we were not aware of or involved in it's very hard to speculate on the honey a be referring to the of the policy and you, negotiator was murdered by the israelis. what's your, what's your hunch? i mean, obviously we don't have any proof, but that the bible harris administration was involved in the, as, as a nation to all the negotiator, that they were crowing about at the state department as regards to this uh, cx, 5 plan. well uh, as i said they uh they helped him before in the assassination attempts in an actual complete assassinations that they did in the middle east during earlier wars . so with liaison and giving geo location information. so, i mean,
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if they're giving them the funds to drop on innocent civilians and in refugee camps and hospitals and schools, it's not a great lead to, to give them the detailed information on jill location on where their targets are that they want to assess and aiden live in on or human or, or around or, or wherever. so there's no doubt in my mind that the u. s. is helping the israelis in every way it can. i don't think there's any a pull back whatsoever. all the while impersonating an honest broker and holocaust. harris trying to impress a base with the fact that somehow the different to trump on that issue. well, they may be slightly different, but the point is that the harris campaign has had an enormous opportunity to come out and, and show that they have some, even
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a slight degree of different from the a buying administration or the biking presidency in terms of attitudes towards the genocide and they completely refused. they refused to even have a speaker at the at the convention. so there is no indication that if a harris gets elected president, that there will be any change whatsoever in the, in the administration's attitude towards the israel and towards the war and the, the genocide um, the democrats have never pushed back on this. there's never been an issue with regard to senate or was people running for the center of the house. so it just comes a standard operating procedure that the israel gets what it wants and either administration,
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whoever gets elected that will give them whatever it is that they do want all be at the end. the only chance for change is trump. but then if there is massive law fair between november and january as fights break out in different states over electro college versus popular vote and who knows? what else? uh, uh, the harris team has up its uh, sleeve. suddenly swing state, bowling, showing a trump victory, which way with is or how support. because the israel has lawyers on both sides and in israel as intelligence assets, advising both democrats and republicans. who do they want more? is that what does it come down to? well, i think they definitely want to trust more than they want harris harris's. i'm going along with buying a policy right now. once you select it. and when she takes office in the
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january 20th of next year, who know, you know, she's an unknown quantity. she may vary to the left and i go along with the progressive son on israel, and there is no chance a trip to do that. uh, the truck is i've been explaining earlier uh, uh, went a long, completely with the is rarely program when the secret agent came across. he says he's different now and he made the wrong choices with uh, with uh, john bolton, and the so on. disney is any more unpredictable in that sense. well, here's an unpredictable and you know, in, in a number of senses actually, but um, uh, you know, you could say that he would be against the more heavily involved with these rarely . so for several reasons, one of them, he has a complete dislike for netanyahu. these never hit is a dislike for netanyahu. as a person. he's completely,
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he's complained about him numerous times. and 2nd of all, trump is the guy that comes out saying that we don't want to spend anymore money on wars overseas or middle east for this. and this is about a think of middle east or as you can get so. so you have those 2 ideas that he would not want to help nat geo, because he dislikes netanyahu and, and not want to get heavily involved in the any, any more involved or maybe pull back from israel, of based on his earlier pronouncements studies against any more wars and expanding wars in the middle, lee, so um, so you have those 2, uh, and quantities. uh, whoever gets elected will be at the, the i saw him or slept. and then you know his bed as far as i understand. and uh, but most of the american electorate, while, while the muslim vote is in, arab americans,
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obviously won't be voting for harris. you've actually written about the way they have managed to conceal things in, in your legacy media outputs of the dreadful killing of him. good job, you've written about with a us 120 millimeter artillery shell. having said all of that, the war in western europe, trump has been relatively clear about ending because this is a proxy war that is subsidized to the june of 1000000000 hundreds of billions of dollars, tens of billions of dollars. i don't know, government accounting, office title, the thing is whoever wins will make a big difference as regards western europe and ending that will well hey, especially trump the trunk, but i don't think he has any desire to continue the, the war and in the ukraine of the, you know, the war is going terribly for you. great of now you've got to it and it just keeps
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on expanding in going and strange directions. the one point you have the uh, the ukrainian military taking over portion of, uh, you know, the cursory engine of, uh, of the rush up. and now do you have the north koreans coming in to push the, the koreans out of chris garret? he'll be at that the in did not touch store as the but you know, actually, but just coming to an end. now if trump use is israel, he help he gets in and so on a d n. c in opposition, a democrat or position? do you think build with last be able to reflect on this support for genocide in opposition of trump wins tomorrow? yeah, i think it's trapped when the said, i think the uh oh, you know, at least some of the blame will go on the fact that uh, uh the by the administrative binding harris to ministration had given too much support for uh, uh, for israel and lots of votes in michigan, for example,
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people just would uh, not vote for either party or, or even though for trump instead. uh but i yeah, i think it will be, uh, uh, uh, uh at a time when everybody was started thinking maybe we went the wrong way. maybe we should have been more of anti, uh, uh, genocide. uh, so hopefully if that happens, uh, that will be a, a reflection to the problem is that uh, you just don't know which way trump will go if you, if you wins, whether he's going to a pound his chest and say we're going to win this for israel or do the opposite and say we're getting out of this war james bond from thank you. the method, thanks for having me. that's it for the show. i'll get to do condolences to those brief by u. k. u. s. u, i'm genocide will be back with the brand new episode on saturday until then keep in touch, why will i social media if it's not sensitive, we will country and i to a channel going under warranty, vulnerable dot com to watching. you know,
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the episodes are going underground, sees after the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various. i mean with the artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme in the
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a robot most protects this phone existence was alexis, the stuff for the machine for the picture. such as you the machine, should the vehicle, is it the economic model have us different this kind of experiment to if this doesn't take her to testify this even though it's a new month the california assembly we'll get those on developing bio chemical weathers inside of the guns, good to watch the news when the school should you know where some cheaper to use
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the white glove service cost, but he's because of his center state. the welcome to cross dog bowl ins were all things are considered on pure level. the moment of truth has arrived. what will be the outcome of the us presidential election will either side except the result and what are the form policy implications across i think these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, georgia, samuel, we in budapest, he's a pod cast where the goggles, which can be found on youtube and locals, and here in moscow we have to meet the bob, which is deputy for an editor, uncomfortable sky, a problem, the daily or a gentleman cross that girls. and in fact, that means can jump any time you want. and i would appreciate it. all right,
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let's kick it off with george in budapest. well, we're down to the wire main reflections on this campaign. it was kind of whimsical . queen g. i'm a good dose of humor. i must admit, i'm only on one side. the liberals are not funny anymore. they can't last night. certainly can't laugh at themselves. but, you know, in in toto george, it was a campaign by the leads most of the leads against one man. it wasn't democrats versus republicans that was about one man again. we saw in this is the 3rd election we've had about one man and we're down to the wire. it looks like the trump has some wind to in his sales. we'll see. so certainly comfortable harris turned out to be a complete dud. but when you have institutional power behind you, that can be
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a no, george a good agree with that being said, um, because this is, this is indeed the 3rd consecutive election in which the democrats, the media was the political establishment that secured this state. everybody just piled on to attack donald trump and to seek to do whatever he can't and it's pile up to prevent him from becoming president. so we're women. the in the a in 2016 was complete. absolutely disgraceful hoax. russia, gate folks, which no one has paid any prize, then we have in 2020 the eps of the cover up of the home to buy a laptop which would have been damaging to the bike campaign. and now we have the survey, i guess the attempt to present him as the reincarnation of adul. simpler is a person who we americans have been familiar with when was 50 years. uh, you know,
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a very popular uh, reality tv shows the uh, real estate mogul ago in gambling uh, mobile, whatever it suddenly turns out to be at all triplets. so then whatever they can in the house. but the 2 things that would have to keep in mind as we go into the election night, which is i think that clearly the polls are indicating the trump is doing a lot better than he was doing in 2016 or 2020. i mean, back then he was behind the full of the goals in the national goals, and the panel grapples he was behind everyone. he has never been a head here. he seems to be at the very least the even, or the, even the head of the com a higher is that would indicate that he, that liberally, that he's doing a lot better. and even in those previous selections, they were very close. when he won one closely, he then when the other one was a very close, but this time be, you know,
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you can see it's even and so it would suggest that he's going to win this one quite comfortably. now the thing to keep in mind is that there is no way that the 10 were credits. his political security style bedroom is going to allow him to do it. i mean, we just notice that they got to do whatever they can to prevent this from happening . you know, it's a good game and george and i have had expensive convers of extensive conversations on this. and i've been a, basically, god come to the conclusion. it doesn't really matter who wins on tuesday or thursday, or saturday, or next month, depending on how the ballots are counted. but it's gotta be the reaction to the outcome. and i think that's what is on the minds of a lot of people because they, you know, we, it wasn't political parties, it was tribes, this is tribal, now this is tribal warfare and it's all gonna kick into gear after the result. because as like i said in my introduction,
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i will the other side accept the outcome. go ahead, do me a arms will do right down the i will go over the long the time scale, you know, a was and use papers the to part yes. may be miles apart, they don't because it, but they both have better deals. i don't think if the other side will it will be the very end of both. this is the, the, it's amazing. you know, the, the full or is ation of society. why do you to type them? so why explanation is the uh, the alter libra ropes, s like paul, uh, uh that i do. what would you know the campbell surround in terry's and by done most of the european publications. oh, for liberals and lost us in greek and control of a seat encouraging qualtrics that strive, you know, a lot of people in the mind. yes, 1000 says that basically pod yes i gauge. and so much like each other in the, in the west of the comp tell that the conservative, strong labor you do in the,
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in the, in region for example, i bought some co operative girls managed to create the whole thing out of nothing. you know, cool in russia, didn't ukraine tear both the 1st and then it will bundle rate in the ninety's. it was the west which could be to the which support the, the extreme is national listing of green. so we need to buy lead to it became a liberal life from the people it candidate show uh, all these issues the same way in the united states. okay, to the 1970 is about these from sexual spend down the well they will, they, you call them these people just where they're, you know, i know it's a huge issue. you know, people are ready to queue in charlotte because of that issue. so uh these uh, these uh, uh, the author, liberals, they, uh, they blinds the walls into,
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into quotes, everywhere in europe and the former soviet union. and it finally came to the states also. so i predict that neither side, we would set up the results of the selection. and you're absolutely right. the real game will stop off cuz they left a lot lot during the day that to you know, georgia, the, the, the, you know, we could of the, under the post mortem. la beasley include what were the inflection points. and i suppose we can point to a number of them, but the, the bike will garbage comments really kind of the sub with some of the one side looks at the other. i may have missed it, but i don't see the right using that kind of language. that doesn't mean they don't use course language. it doesn't mean they don't use offensive language. but just calling, i mean garbage is a pretty well universally understood word. ok, and nobody wants to be it. all right. and i think that that kind of sums it up and
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it is a kind of by prelude to how the, the election is going to be received once the ballots have been counted. a good. i think that's right. it's been done, i think this goes back. really. why does this the trump, the trump campaign arouse so much rage and so much hatred than fury? and i think it does go back to the question of it leads. really have been afraid for quite a long time of popular and popular anger over the way the economy has been handled . i mean there's no loop, but there 1008 crash. which does a game as we know, rail reckoning is that we get a how that came about them. the people paid a price for it. so we've had the, you know, this mass migration and the for risk take effect. but this has have on society as throughout the west, who did this, why was this done? why was no one ever really informed about this? um and then now we have these was and it goes the,
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the industrialization of these ongoing things. and then how that leads respond to this popular and go remember vertical bama. elizabeth, remember that he was a nobody that in 2008, he starts talking about people clinging to the guns and the bibles. and he was lucky of those that he was up against this nightmare. creech and john became and then it goes with hillary clinton with a, you know, top of his trump support as you don't belong to the boss. get the deplorable. and now we have bite and talking about the garbage. and i think that it does reflect the leads view. all the go over the, the mass is you know, that, you know, who's it, who know who, who is a, why does a complaint and then you know, we, we know much better than they do what needs to be done. and i do think that that's really why it, what, whatever comes in office trunk does pose a threat to uh, to the stablish. well that you never know what he's going to do with that. i think
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they move into a sense ability because i agree with everything you're saying, but because the middle class has been essentially decimated, we have and right of thorn wars again. but they would rather talk about people being garbage and deplorable. it doesn't talk about the court issues. i mean, they're, they're, it's, it's fighting over virtue signaling. okay. i mean, i think that's why a lot of people are buried, becoming more more dissolution, particularly minorities in the democratic party. but have you done for me lately, you know, and this goes to the deem it to the issue that you often bring up on this program. it's, it's very high be a logical. it's really to can. it's the demand to control a narrative, but not necessarily outcomes for average people to your room. so the right, the all kinds, wherever it's going to be bad. uh well the reason which george hasn't mentioned there is no wreckage. i mean the, these people use us or what the biology is. you know that, that we do uh,
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when the west bridger size all reaction, we say, what about what, what's happening in mo, door where you're basically still on the west, directly the serious, the, that's what about, uh, the fact that the my, the so called really lucian, was actually available at the end of the list was that uh by the direct presence of us officials and your be an official speak, you know, imagine you would have protest marches in washington and some of them roll from the ground. and what's the term that you know, uh, well someone thrilled before in the street. so that's what kind of been a huge scandal about the american scale all this to themselves. so uh, since there is no reckoning seems there is always these. that's one h at you with this program. you know, uh, the mazda is deal uh, you solutions and left, left alone. uh and uh uh for i zation is based uh what you just
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described. you know, the 2 sides, one in each of the garbage, huge and all sides. okay. ends of abusive language. and what the, what is barry lori? so is that really table? scary things. i've taken a small book during the last 2 months to assist you nation advance against a lot of the candidates for president by the way. uh, you have basically a totally due electro system. uh, you have things that would have triggered the revolution just a few years ago. no, this is all except the, this is a, you know, this less one that you of the, as you have to prevail. and that's what is scary before was a, i mean look, if car is comes to fall, what is the chance of indians? they ukraine, you both. and the grand gulf is, will land was the west. stop supporting the dictatorship with you. the jobs is
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almost 0 because the 1st question to harris, if she accepts some part of the deal with russia would be what have you been doing during the last 2 into 12 years? where did the oldest boot 100 premium, right. the know we're going to continue talking about foreign policy and when we return by a gentleman, well, i'm going to jump in this. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on some real new stay with our to the russian states. never as one of the most sense community. most all sun set up the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on process per day and supports the r t spoke neck. even our video agency,
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roughly all the band on youtube, the student services question. did you say stephen twist, which is the way obviously using but if i saw last time that was easy to share the same. yes. the no, that was the strongest joy moment a little confused on so we can use
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a cool dip startups to get somebody to show it to you as well. yeah, the customer on the bill was covered off from chicago. they put us towards each of them and there's only which means to, to just move those mean is getting you to store. nothing was in your phone and the feeling of getting that by the lights on the welcome back across the bullhorn. so i can get her a little here, were discussing some real news. all right, i'm gonna go back to georgia, daemon, hardy, touched upon. and let's talk about foreign policy. this is a bit of a quandary here because, you know, we have a centrally as cold war 2 point oh,
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focused against russian. we have a proxy war that started under the obama administration were biden, was vice president of a trunk paid his by his role as well, are mainly ukrainian regime. and then we have biden with full blown proxy, more of which has gotten extremely dangerous. no, they're obviously in the indications that there's more fatigue for the donor class in the west and within ukraine. obviously the casualty rate is kind of running out of min material and left hand. and by all accounts, even a friendly media towards the village landscaping, jamie low morale. but what does that mean when, if trouble comes in or hair is comes and explained to me, what could be the difference or what new or is it just really part of the campaign as well?
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i think that some harris will almost certainly pursue the dividing policy. i think she will continue of funding this war. i don't think she has any real ideas. i think she will just simply accept the kind of foreign policy establishment military establishment, the point of view as you might even escalate. you might be even sign off on things that bite in the seemed hesitant to sign off on, such as lifting or restrictions on the use of long range missiles on russian territory. trump is, i think, a more interesting case because, you know, if we go back to what he really believes, i mean, you know, to go back date of the back it into a 2000 when he 1st contemplated running for president. he is always been a games of conflict with russia this, you know, although some of the beginning he saw that this was a nato, was a real waste of money and a waste of time for the united states. 2016. he was clearly identified the trying that it is a real problem. it makes
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a lot of sense for us to wage war against russia, even a proxy war against russia when china is, will be the major beneficiary. and you, you'll have to think that that's what he's going to come in with is going to, if he wants to endless more. because china has to be the focus of america 2nd son. now that's a, it's a different questions as to whether he be able to pull this off. but i think that's going to be his, his initial goal, that to bring this war to a, as a speedy and as possible. if however, he fails to do that, then i can see him going the other way, which is the mass of escalation. so it's very unpredictable, but at least with trump, there is a slight hope that is going to just they take the bull by the horns, it just a right click, but let me just do whatever is necessary to bring this through it. open the media of conclusion. it's interesting that you mentioned china because it,
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even from pre politics was, well, part b on china a whole of the time. i me, it was really one of the 1st major public figures. not, not, not a political figure, but a public figure to um, to talk about that the many as it was a recent interview, i think it was the goal as new cycle where a trump lamented how close russia in china is gotten. and that goes with george just said that he, that's, that's the, that's the price for him. and that it may be the origin 0. we want it would, it would be good to get along with russia from 2016. unfortunately, we have russia gate in between, i think it's almost an impossibility that he can go down the track. i mean, there's so many avenue is closed off for next we both candidates when it comes to the national security state demo too. well indeed, the little while is promising. peace, clear and strong, but you're absolutely right. yep. you know, george was absolutely right. what would she oh ok. why does to be want to uh,
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does she? we tend to want to have the quote like between your crana and russia in order to concentrate on china. so keep this thought a lot at hybrid. what with china? well, we have what i want to know mind is bro wishing piece even wrote english. let's dredge, you know, i think that the power is comes before she can law result the ukraine. busy was she is, i'm sort of, she's a corporate, you know, she was bought at least fully above all by don't support. do you see which led to the support and which exacerbated be supported for more than 2 years. so she could not turn it back on with these rules. again, the united states that handle looks, that entered into a corner. you'll notice there's been lots of band these. what happens with these uh, with these page are there? well,
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how full of books you may need to because is the 1st use or call us quote devices. with episodes it's, it's something like that, you know, a warehouse or chemical weapons southerly. every long becomes a more of a, you know, a developer, a bolt to do it, a sutherland table around the globe, because now we see that these, these can be used that gauge units. again, it's very much breakdown bullet from student body. the other states as a, you know, they already, uh, they already, uh, invented to make any mix about your green. uh they, they connected great to modules they, if you have idea a logical investment to leave it out. so uh, basically the host did use the radio, would you both in your brain and it is real, is called the sun cost fallacy. that's exactly are exactly right. you know, judge on the margins and, but of course right now in american politics, it be what the do, walk away party do awfully, margins matter
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a lot. and for some it's really quite interesting. we look at pennsylvania and michigan, wisconsin, minnesota. get aside is on the ballot for, for many. um, um, um muslims here and arab americans who knows that could flip the whole script. i mean, the more you look at it, it least potentially it's there. and that will have implications possibly. and then maybe you have to hope guys last, then you will see when the other side is on the ballot, you better pay attention to the electric. i'm, i'm looking, you might have future trump administration. i may be, you know, hollowing in the woods here, but we'll find out if it makes a difference. george? i think that's right. i mean, is they, would we make these calculations for election night? it's looking like, um, trump will carry the sun belt states. so it's all going to be down to the 3 blue
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wall states, the great lake states, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. the calculation is if tropics, off one of them, the trunk is president. if harris winds all the 3 that have is as present now, all the 3 left focusing very much on pennsylvania. but michigan could be the guess the sleep. but that because this is a very significant, there's a very significant most of them, an arab american population in michigan, they've already made the ceilings plane, the very upset about the, the bite the ministration. now, the democrats have been saying that, oh, well, but trump would be was that's always that go to argument. oh yeah, yeah. well, you may know of like what vitamin iris did, but one would be worse. but that's the convincing argument, because as a pick from was it was, you know, we have 4 years of trunk and we didn't have anything like this either in the zip
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codes. it's like saying, you know, this person is committed murder, but this, this guy might commit murder. i mean, i was, yeah, it was, i mean, like to 2 people, not just one person could like deal to that. exactly. that's the argument. and it's not a very convincing argument, and that's why the, you know, number of these, um, yeah, most of them in the arab leaders of come out to, in support of trump. and then they will be a game, a very rational calculation. the trump could just come in and bring this to, and that's really, it doesn't really need the, you know, goal this uh, a pack and zion is money is not running around with got offers. elaine is only a guy who exactly is down. he doesn't need marian models, a name or either he's a, he's involved. so he might come in and say, you know, it's already going to be, he doesn't have any particular attachment to israel. i mean it's, it's was always a kind of transaction, real thing. you need the money because it's been very short of money compared to the democrats. so once is empower,
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it's quite possible that he might rethink this and think about his historic legacy is the bringing the piece to the movies because he's never gotten over the fact that brock obama gotten a nobel peace prize and he didn't. okay. the demo um you can talk about the american presidential politics it for the 3rd cycle now without talking about russia. so when he's rushing meddling in this time around in the election, maybe it's all b as here, of course of joking. but, you know, x now goes ill, rush to see this election, do they have a dog in this fight or every single president is the same when it comes to american foreign policy towards russia. oh, i think a is a part of that huge, huge, a disappointing development that we have that seen. so i think they didn't a do. so there was really huge jobs to uh, resolve the conflict between russia and do that to states russia and you were there
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was a lot of goodwill on the sign of ra sheets. amazing co rush. people despise the same . what probably because we were isolated from the west of media when you know the full school, it's a trip that exists in the united states and europe. and even then use the eastern your against us. we would be well have driven over back the world. and the in the light, the us any, the thousands, it seemed to russians that the v is actually a re, is you know, what, it was a very, really 40 petition when she helped the 9th of stage, you know, gave us the 1000 a month after the $91130.00 is that that's what portion of it look like. very, very, really school support them. now if we support them in, you know, guess how they're going to see what hold on people. they have much was a name is the last, you know, look at these a, these from is, there is so what they did to washington,
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a 2 dogs. and what was amazing was that the americans, at least they make the lead. you know, just that, you know, they, they, they present, they, the portal can be something to do with the same force, you disregard, and they were wanting to know if a single roger could be that the respect to do. but this is not a single sir. uh, what the security for woodthrush, its insurance is much great. the security against the congress, which were all really connected to the terrace that actually inside the united states. some of these congress out of beach to us likes. so uh well little by little wasn't patients by little, by little becoming more and more disappointed. but there are still rough in school for some kind of change of the me who is a diplomatic solution. well, the ukraine impulse, that is there is what the majority of already set it on this program. hope guys last. okay, right. this is our last program before the presidential election. i'm sure. next
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time the 3 of us be we'll be talking about the implications if they've are, if, if they're not, i haven't stopped counting ballots, but that is in weeks time. we'll see. all right, gentlemen, i'm going to take my guess in budapest and in moscow. it of course, so what i think our viewers for watching and see in our to see you next them. and remember across that groups the, in our family is one of many families across squan, the 1st semester allows were taken from them after world war 2, around 2 thirds of the island was actually seized by the us after the war. we are domestically a part of the united states, right? we, we,
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we operate within the system of government. but we are not privy to negotiations with other government entities being knighted states as never really acknowledge the fact that we are a colonial people. the national security has never been about us. special security is about securing american infrared and this was about security we would be so occupied were actually targets cuz i know it's pretty nice to someone that just didn't want to say martha, this particular more subspace issue. i see for you under the guise of evacuation about 50000 people were transported the, the main purpose of this concentration camp in bella was, was to in think prisoners was time for us and use them as a human shield against the advancing savvy at on
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a given mind inside the home. but the problem is that is one of us basically when it was in the plugin for the ship that you're shipping and stuff like that. but don't want to put in your name. you know, i'm so sorry i missed because on your certificate 6 to put your side and as a test you've been on, sees use people as biological weapons leading them to perish without food, walter or shelter, feed off some other for me if i did think so, could nathaniel, is that what you should you smoke or can you put the infringe kenesha wheeler should have just put in each each additional restrict financing you move the cam gloucester 10 days or what else made it drastically defense from other camps of the 3rd rice watch. on t the daniels. thank you so much for meeting with us today. we are with that we heard
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that you were in the press conference starts before coming over to the combat zone . you were in poland for a couple of years. as an missionary, can you just explain to us what, what, what that entails. okay. i was a small grateful and polish village where there was a protestant church and i was working with children in summer camps, teaching them english. but of course, with the whole christian theme to everything that was just during the summer during the rest of the year while i was there just trying to live like a christian. and to be a good example. and basically what that being missionary is and that to be the missionary is that what prompted you to go to it's across the board or into cream back in february of 2022 in part. but i really should say that probably the biggest motivation was my desire to be in russia, if and when world war 3 starts
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as a found out. so just recently turns out that you were to under cover for the know what's called executive. let's say, let's go with russian incentive agents, internet's republic for the last 2 years. how did you manage to stay under texas for such a long time? i have to say for the lord, for the i did do my good due diligence to keep chats and my telegram deleted, keep the cash clean and i took all of those precautions as necessary, but nobody ever checked my phone during that whole time. but i was in the village, i'm very surprised by that everything. everybody's really surprised by that. or probably the us passport helped a lot. and the fact that i really was helping a lot of people in the village. everybody was happy that i was there. if you needed
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to get your roof fixed, patched up after some kind of damage from the war. then i was the 1st one who would come and fix your roof or your windows help people with their the gardens. and so everybody was happy that it was there. and i was friends with people who really were waiting for russian to come. and they were in turn, were friends with the local government. so i had good connections and that's the way it happened. he spent the entire 2 years in that village of, of a young man. nothing at all. i was in ukraine for 2 and a half year. yeah. but not the whole time. was there a lot of it a basically the place became uh, something it's easy because you got to know all the people that lived in the village and working with them and helping them. i would say that people became dear to me and my animals to me,
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but not the village itself. the village itself was more like a prison. what do you mean by that? i mean that when you're in prison, you have, you really have no friends. everybody really is with a knife to your back potentially at least. and the people in charge are ready to kill you. if they find out that you're not really their friend. that was probably the biggest challenge here, right? not knowing what to expect. and for me, next is that was that one of the biggest challenges you would say mentally, i would say the biggest challenge was trying not to become extremely angry to the point of losing my ability to properly function in life.
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because of the fact that it was in that at that distance away from the front line that all of the training artillery was basically firing from my backyard. and in my mind, when our tether recreating artillery is firing, it means they're killing my friends. and i just had to listen to that, i couldn't do anything about it except to get what information i have, which was most of the time, probably, and sufficient to really try to like back. so that knowledge that my friends are dying out there and i can't do anything about it was extremely hard to bear as i knew from the messages that we saw in the media last week, and you were extracted or evacuated from near the city, or will it are and how did you end up there? somebody help you to evacuate. so that place or is that where the village boys that said you were residing in houses that happened when i was evacuated?
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yeah, the front line was actually right through the middle of the village where i lived. so as soon as we got out of the village, we basically were in friendly territory. not completely out of danger, but in friendly territory. that was all thanks to the soldiers from the 29th, the army rushing eastern command. what was the feeling in your heart when you finally felt that you know, you're out of danger? i didn't really understand it immediately. are probably mostly because i'd become so accustomed to being in danger. it took me quite
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a while to really understand that that is the fact that i'm no longer in danger. i would say that the 1st feeling i had when i saw the russian soldiers there in the village, it was you for a very happy to see them all the time when they came. it was only about a half an hour after i had been sitting in the cellar and i heard ukrainian soldiers right above my head. and in the summer kitchen where i was staying. and so i was expecting a firefight to flush them out. they left on their own, but when the russian soldiers came in, they they called for me. at 1st i wasn't sure because it was possible that the ukrainian soldiers were calling for me. that they'd intercepted some ready to come communication. and they knew how to call me. so i needed to be sure that
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the, your soldiers were actually rushing. not just because they had a, a white arm band. and because they're speaking russian recreating soldiers to do that just as easily. and if they knew who was going to be rescued and they would probably link that kind of an effort to stop the recreation. but uh, i came of the, the stairs open the door a little bit. the 1st a russian soldier that i saw was probably a non i indian from like oceans. mm hm. and so i know that ukraine is don't have asian sold. exactly. so i knew immediately that finally, or i'm free. so what was, uh, so the 1st interaction between you guys, when you, when you realize that, you know, they sold out, didn't actually know that i was american. okay. they just knew that they needed to pick up a valuable package. mm hm. it's an impulse. ok. and so they came down in
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the cellar with me and they wanted to hear the whole story. so i gave them a short rundown of my motivation. why me from there? how long i've been there who i am and they're in shock. me. the manager. i'm not sure about so you know, the type of details that we can ask, but i think the kind of just gave us a sense sofa, you know how this expression was taken place after all, you were indeed right. is it saying that my silica or a very important that package? because uh you provided quite if uh quite a lot of information uh to the russian soldiers, all type of information are we talking about. all i can say is that the main purpose of it was to try to minimize the losses among civilians and our own
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soldiers. yeah, that's the, that's pretty much, uh, you know, good coverage. the entire thing, right. let's, let's switch to a little bit different of the topics because obviously 2 and a half years in ukraine and you being a missionary and helping people out. obviously you interact at a lot with the locals. if you remember, like most recently what, what's the mood among the regular ukrainian civilians for the in regards to the entire trash that is happening, tragedies that are a good word they they saw the tragedy just as close as anybody could. and mostly the tragedy was happening to them. most of them who left the village over the last period of time before the russians
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came laugh because they didn't have a really any place to live left. that's because of the war. i should say that in the end that's all the fault of the training government. the doesn't matter who was bomb it was most artillery shell. it was the cleaning government as a fault. did you experience from the local population? police, some people that's there waiting for russia to come in and stop this entire thing to deliberate them. what was there this feeling of, you know, losing liberation from russia? i think probably before the situation got really hot, that probably everybody there was only making plans about what kind of party they
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were going to throw when the russians came. okay. i was the same way. i didn't realize how difficult it was going to be to move the trainings out to flush them out. i probably would have planned a little bit differently, but, but that was the idea is that the russians are going to come and we'll just put it out. they will be, or there is going to be order of our order will be restored. there will be stability of law, something that was missing in ukraine and for more than 30 years where you perceive the by the ukrainian armed forces by you creating special services. just another uh, send me an email, came out here to help or how would we proceed by them ever had any interactions with them? yes, i have lots of interactions with them. um probably 5050 positive and negative. mm hm. i met with
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a lot of suspicion mostly probably because of the way i say probably needs so really. yeah, that's there. are you aware that. ready the star tests where yeah, before i understood what that was about, i said it just like a russian would say, mm hm. and so i met with a lot of suspicion. it's fairly uncommon for an american to even come to a village like that much less to live there. and so they, it was very common to that for them to have questions about why you're here. because you're on our break, right? if an armed and without any official sponsor, so they were left to wonder. is he working for the russians? is he an agent for the c? i a is a just crazy me. i've never figured it out right.
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instinctively i, uh, there were quite a few of them who, who knew me, they understood that i was not their friends just instinctively. mm. by. that's not enough to go and kill me. so they had to leave me alone. i would you is from your communications with the ukrainian and banners whips, soldiers, or if anybody from the army could you gauge their mood at this moment in time towards you know that their role in what is happening or you didn't have any directions of that kind of the closer to the directions just to see what are they thinking about this entire thing? close interactions. so over the last 6 months, for example, with the training officers didn't happen. but i did have quite a few encounters with just regular foot soldiers. and in general,
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i would say that they were beginning to understand that they were just being used and that it's a losing battle. probably the same question goes for the, you know, regular, ukrainian, the civilians. and so the other thing question probably goes for the, for the regular civilians as well and how they toward feel towards their own ukrainian, the army is there, you know, ubiquitous support for, for everything that they do. how does villians approach? there are army because we hear different things here in russian as well. and we have to, you know, get this information bit by bit, but since you were there and you lived with the civilian ukrainians, what did they think about their army? that was
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a very common topic of discussion just about everybody wanted to tell me how they felt. i think they understood that sooner or later what they told me would make it to into public there, right? but the other side of the coin is the fact that it's just one village and they're in a very specific situation. it doesn't necessarily speak for all of ukraine. but in general, i would say that they all felt betrayed by the government. and perhaps it wasn't even a surprise for them that were they were being betrayed. they were just angry that their government wasn't betraying them idea and doing it in a way that put their own relatives. and they were like, own lives in grave danger. the kidnappings, their young men,
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to go fight and fighting the war in a way that put the village and endanger on a daily basis. you know of, of the last few years. well, even before the start of the special village operation, i have interviewed will, at least half a dozen or $54.00 in mercenaries who were taken prisoner in the boss. for example astray the united states, u. k. cro asia, many, many, many different countries from your experience there, have you seen any of these so foreigners while you were you 2 and a half years or in ukraine?
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any seen any of these people with my own 2 eyes. yeah. i haven't seen any. okay. but i can say with fair certainty that they were in the village 1st, an american. i heard him talking me 1st when he walked by my place that was in the summer of 2022. and then most recently about august i think of this year there were rumors everywhere in the village about of some 50 to a 100. a lot of americans from south america, from mexico, central america, who are with us in the village and who apparently were very bold in their theory. didn't even pay attention to the training in military when the grand military, their hosts would try to stop them from reading civilian homes. and that happens,
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i'm quite sure that it did. so basically they're, they're all $0.04 and making their own decisions without considering the whatever you create an army would say, right? i suppose it's just a matter of how criminal they are, as they are, and really have no scruples. they are not in their own country. they don't fear any punishment for what they're doing. they're being paid well. and so they feel like they have complete immunity. probably to do whatever they want. this come from the balance here, right? yeah. typical mercenaries. unbelievable. yeah, i would say i was, i was going to expand a little bit more of this, but say, you know, obviously you haven't been in touch with them. all right, just trying to gauge of the number, 4 and mercenary. so within the ranks of the you create an army at the moment, just fights. yeah, we can, we can talk about that. let's. uh, let's,
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let's talk about a you personal opinion. and people have for different reasons for picking up arms for a foreign country. these mercenaries that are fighting for ukraine and say, killing russian soldiers and russian civilians. what is the main one motivation of perhaps so we can talk about the range of motivations for all of those people. what drives them to come here and to pick up arms against russians if they're american, i would expect that in most cases, they just believe the propaganda. the american is really not going to be interested in the kind of money that i believe these mercenaries are being paid. mm hm. it's not enough to make them risk their lives. you wait for flipping burgers, right. you probably could make more fighting,
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not being part of the american military. right. so why would you go fight and ukraine? they probably believe that they're the white knights, but they're defeat in the old use. a powerful, powerful thing. i said that, i mean it is. i suppose i'm an example of that. well, you know, there's a good side in the bad side. i mean, we'll have some answers to god at some point or another. and you know, the end of the day, you know, we judge ourselves whether we did everything. and i would say to them that before you go and fight some or somewhere, look not only at news from your own side, but also from the side that they try to scare you away from. if they demonize someone that what they're writing and telegram is from state and himself,
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the likelihood is that they are state themselves. and what they're trying to scare you away from is the truth. read both. compare and maybe understand where, where truth is. you know, it's funny, i tell this to my students, so over time as well, don't you there? read whatever i write, read everybody in that form your own opinion. ok. and finally today, uh, i saw a very that's such and that touching video, a phone call with your parents or your brother, i believe best. yes. can you tell us the purpose of why that video had to be shown to dates of the public and russel and then now around the world? well, it depends very shortly. it's called a dead man's switch. it's uh to me,
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i suppose tie the hands of those whom i try to put pressure on me by persecuting my parents. be afraid of that. i'm not afraid of it, but i do see a need to try to counteract it. why would you get into an accident if you could put on your seat belt? exactly precaution after that, and i'm probably as easy as both of you mentioned the days it was a few days ago. and you mentioned date on the, on the phone call. just recently, so and before that you haven't spoken to your parents face to face in a long time. and out of now i got goosebumps when i was watching that and your reaction, what was into your heart when you finally managed to speak to them and to tell them like, i'm fine. everything is good. i'm going to smile in my face. what did you feel? i would say was just extreme satisfaction. that what we've been waiting for for so long this finally happened. definitely all of those. all the cells in my
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body who knows that that's my dad and my mom just jumped. so it was definitely not the same as seeing them in person. mm hm. but at least by video, you know, my mind has already been come to firmly believe that. yes, my parents are in good health. same things happen for them almost as good as being reunited from what i saw from the vehicle. the you have their full support and everything they need to do. and we're all deep believers in jesus. and he brings us to the understanding of truth. and that truth is the same for them as it is for me. and as long as we all follow our conscience and what we're doing, then where could we find disagreement?
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and uh, finally, one last question probably has to do with the where you see yourself in the near future. you're on the 3333 years old at the moment so, so your whole life is ahead of you and perhaps you associated your future with russia in some way since you're here already. can you tell us about this? so what are your thoughts? well, it has a lot to do with whether or not a words on if on the war ends, we have peace. and i would go back to doing probably something similar to what i've done in peace time before, which is either farming or building farm equipment for farmers but sense or as raging. most likely i would like to be involved
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in it in some way. i probably would like to do my everything i can for the civilians that i left behind in the village and perhaps work with the a similar situations or always is putting civilians who have ended up close to the front line in extreme danger and, and a lot of need and there's probably there is always room for another person to help them. how like that for forming or involuntary. 2 ways either. you know that in russia you can get a free chair of words in the far e. c. i don't know about that. originally again, but i was talking about it, but yeah, there was a chance as much land as you want. it's like america back in the or the 18th century or the 19th century is right. i think we're done. thank you very much for
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the interview. thanks for having me. the the r c t r t, formerly known as russia today, trying to influence the presidential election in november. the extraordinary new efforts to once again infiltrate our election and undermined democracy 2 will 5 proceeds to direct us information in propaganda. here to sort of divide america, our team has moved beyond functioning fact or okay, then do you want to know who up pick was this time and make sure you turn in for all the special coverage of the us presidents? let's take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just
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a shifted reality distortion by power, tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills. and is it just because it shows you few fractured images presented as bus? can you see through their illusion going underground can the at the end of the 18th century britain began the illegal opium, afraid in china. this hard drugs causing addiction and literally destroying the
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human body became a gold mine, or businessman from the foggy l. b. a. however, the ruling chinese gene dynasty tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade, which provoked the wrath of the london business community. in 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards. the barley, armed and morally drain chinese army, was unable to provide adequate resistance. the jing empire was forced to hand hong, gone over to england and open its boards for trading. the leads of good. in 1856, france and the united states joined in the robbery of china. the anglo french troops defeated the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery. destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un menu one palace. the defeat of the jing dynasty and the do opium wars fled to the transformation of the celestial empire into
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a semi colony of european states and started each age of humiliation. and the sale of opium took on collazo proportions and led to the horrible depths of millions of ordinary chinese. the hello and welcome to worlds a part american presidential elections have always been more about personalities than policy issues. and perhaps that's made science because the policies haven't differ, adopt much from one of ministration to the next, at least in this century. but given that the state of score is increasingly hard to sustain, can 2024 in the change. how the, who is public politics operates and who what it takes for granted while to discuss
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it. i'm now enjoyed by wilmer. we are an american political scientist daily and it is great to talk to your thank you very much for being available. oh, my pleasure. thank you for the invitation. so in your writing and in your interviews, you consistently make the argument that elections should be about policies and reflect the police to some extent the will of the constituents. but let me start by asking which actual american elections in the past couple of decades delivered that i mean elections, not as the political theatre, so that the powers that be, or the amount of american public at large can sustain dismiss all for democratic governments, but elections that genuinely tried to execute the will of the people and put it into practice. i would, i would say the last election that i believe were we had substantive debate
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was probably the 2007. well, um, brock, obama, john mccain election. and i say that because i think that started with the actual primary campaign between bar rock obama and hillary clinton because you didn't have an incumbent president running for reelection. you didn't have a sitting vice president running to become president. the field was wide open and with that wide open field that brought it off a lot of individuals at off a lot of ideas to the forefront. and so i would have to say it was the, the 2007 the bronco, bye. and then also the, the 2012 obama mitt romney campaign was probably another. another example that was, that was probably the last one. can i ask you here? because a president obama was a truly inspirational figure, at least in the beginning. i mean to all of us through to arrive to people around
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the world. and i remember that campaign being indeed very vibrant. i mean, he was also very noble in the way how he's going to and reached out to people not only the black communities, but also communities. uh uh, you know, across many demographics, but the president obama actually deliver what he promised. because you're talking about the debate, but as far as i remember, you know, uh, believe me and campaign and many of the problem is the same and the domestic font. it was rather disappointing given being serious yazmin the beginning. oh, absolutely. uh, the whole idea of hoping change. we had the uh, the latino community with si se puede a yes we can. um that was the that was the mantra. but no, did he deliver on? did he deliver on the progressive agenda that he ran on?
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no, he did not did he did he deliver on health care reform? no, he did not. uh, tax cuts. no, he did not. uh and uh, drew him from a foreign policy perspective. i believe that he was really good for word in order to promote a meal liberal agenda that seemed accessible or acceptable because it was an african american that was promoting. now i think foot 4 worth is. it is the key phrase here. let's, let's talk about the personalities. why being put forward in this campaign. and normally there is still a race between the republicans and the democrats, even though they republican not many is that the longer has with some establishment of his party, while the democratic candidate didn't seem to exide the establishment of her body only a few months ago. it's now contracts the personalities of agenda as lesser evils, or perhaps something else is
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a combination of personality. and there's also the argument, particularly from the left, that it's the lesser of 2 evils. there are many, uh, uh, uh, hair supporters. that will make the point. anybody but trump and, and so that is a montrose, a very strong matcher from the left, even as you try to engage in debate about the lack of policy articulation by vice president harris. people will not and not, and then they'll smile and say, yeah, but she's not donald trump. so i believe it's a matter of, of, of personality versus a personality and the lesser of 2 evils. there is very, very, very little policy being articulated. yeah. i agree with the the. d ser of the to evil tactic. and i think it was very vividly demonstrated in the latest debate in
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which the candidates spent more effort disparaging the opponent or describing how they would save the country or from an impending disaster than putting forth a novel or in some way. positive agenda. does the american system, the wave structure? does it still allow for genuine grassroots driven change? i'm going to differentiate between the way it's structured versus the way it's financed. because i don't believe that the structure, even though it is a, it is a do obviously, uh, that still could allow for substantive debate on serious dish, serious issues that are not only impacting the united states domestically, but also, or having a dramatic impact on foreign policy but when you look at how the campaigns are financed, and in the fact that the military industrial complex or, or the,
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the mickey met, um, and uh, as ray mcgovern refers to it is funding both sides of the argument. that's one of the reasons why you have very, very little debate. and here's a quick example of being in uh, uh, probably april of this year. just in the new york times. there was an article by a peck saying that they were gonna spend $100000000.00 to earn seat as many progressive democrats as they could get their hands on. but then it all had to do with their perception of how these individuals felt about policy as it relates to occupied palestine. so, so here you have democrats that are afraid to challenge genocide simply because of how much money is being dumped into their campaigns, into their coffers into their pockets by an outside entity such as
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a pat about mr. leona, you wrote recently that it's imperative that the democratic party not only change the messenger, but also change the message and the paris is wrong for power is based on the policy rather than the fear of another trans presidency. but isn't the problem with the democrats that they don't actually want the system to change? they want to keep the lead as holding power under the slogans of democracy. is it really so much about the message or the messenger as opposed to what's done with them? after the war, it's counted, the point you're making is a validation of the point that i just made there funded by the same interests. i remember back in 2020, i think his name is james calhoun. when he was a ceo of boeing and he was asked during the biden trump
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campaign, which candidate did boeing, preferred by new truck. and james calhoun said, doesn't matter to boeing because both candidates understand what boeing does. both candidates understand the nature of the need. the boeing fills and they're going to do just fine. so what he was saying was, we know that boeing makes uh, aircraft, uh, parts and, and, and, and fighter planes all along with lockheed martin any others. and so he's in new york, basically what i took away from that was the year is going to continue. they're still going to get paid. it doesn't matter who's in the white house so. so that's the point about it's a matter of funding the system. yes. needs to be changed, but within the established system there could be space. if a candidate had got to stand up and champions the, the,
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the proper issues. unfortunately, there is the financing that is um, that is corrupting the system. well, uh, the way i see both candidates right now, i can't think sounds. i champing some issues. for example, donald trump is speaking about immigration and he may be very unorthodox in the way he conducts his argument. but still, i mean that he seems to be genuine, and a police spending out for the thing that he believes. now, campbell or harris. i think she's a little bit artificial, but that again, taking from the latest debate when she spoke on the women's issues, i thought she was sincere. so they, they seem to bring some genuine concerns to the table. the account of accused them of insincerity completely. and he had the it seems that the jan approach is fading away once the ballad, the ballad stations are closed. why is that? but there is
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a difference between articulating issues and articulating policy. and so in, in the immigration issue was a perfect example. building a wall, remember donald trump told us, we're going to build a wall and mexico is going to fund it. well, where's the wall? and where's the, where's the pay? so if it's where it hasn't found its way into american accounts, and when you talk about immigration, it's not a matter of just looking at the number of people that are at the bigger. you have to ask yourself, why are they that are in the people are at the bitter because american foreign policy towards guatemala, american foreign policy towards mexico, american foreign policy towards columbia towards haiti has decimated the economies in these countries. or seeing those people to leave their homes and come to the
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united states quick example. shaquita brands, the banana company was just convicted of sponsoring death squads in columbia. in now is, is having in the mis came out, you know, in a family court in florida. i haven't heard donald trump talk about that. i ever heard comedy here was talk about that. probably harris couldn't ring her hands and get all disgusted and frustrated and flustered. because donald trump is making racist troops and diet drives about patients eating animals in springfield, ohio, as she should because that's just races, deplorable and disgusting. but then why is she backing the united states policy towards rewriting haiti and paying can you to do it? that's incredibly hypocritical, in incredibly inconsistent. so you can talk about, oh, it's the atrocious. the donald trump is talking. this race is tropes about haitians which is true. but why are the haitians in springfield, ohio,
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when the 1st place is because she goes to cara. com, trying to convince the caribbean nations to be the black face on american foreign policy and imperialism as they try to re evade hey, to the democratic party for a very long time. wanted to have anybody on the ticket, but straight wide man in the these days, they seem to have that person who takes all the seemingly it takes all the diversity of boxes. why do you think pamela harris says the reception both within the part is establishment and seemingly, according to the polls within the larger base is not so and so usually asked, inducing people, perhaps a suspecting that having a particular, particularly the color of the space is not enough to around the country. well, it never has been, and it never will be because it is not about the politics of phenotype. it's about the politics of policy. and so when we were heading into the electoral season, say,
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starting in june, jo body who was still on the ticket and there were a lot of people in this country. if you go back and look at the primaries in michigan and look at the primaries in wisconsin and minnesota, you had a, an unprecedented number of de haters. people that were registered by voting as uncommitted because they didn't want either of the candidates. and so when joe biden withdrew from the election, you that now provided some space for another democrat to fill the void. but when, but a lot of people, a didn't like the fact that she was anointed instead of like there was no primary process promoting carmella harris to that position. then you get to the convention, the democrats convention, which i attended. no discussion of policy. and you had a lot of people that were protesting, the guys are policy that their protest fell upon deaf ears. uh huh. so you still
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have a number of people within the body politic that aren't liking what they're hearing because they're not hearing anything other than blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. okay, well mr. lee only we have our own process here. um that process includes taking a very short break. we'll be back in just a few moments. stay tuned. the stuff for the summer shift for the picture such as you go with the machine
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to model have us kind of what it means. different products come and see if it's different figurative testing by this thing in the next 2 weeks. ok. then you must feel one gives us the compliance and we will get you those of are developing bio chemical weapons inside of the guns. go to watson and use the solution. you know with them cheaper to use the white glove service cost, but he's because of the sections because the
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hello and welcome to the cross, the full board. here we discuss the wheel in the welcome back to all the parts with wilner lee on an american political scientist. so we, on just before the break restarted, discussing the particulars of uh, 2024 campaign and how or color gender or any other superficial characteristics shouldn't matter as much as a, you know, substantive policy discussion. and um, yeah, i think be judging from what i read in the american media, the democratic establishment, the democratic party is still counting on the black vote. as a one of the main support groups. do you think they will gather this year? yes, the they will, they will, will they, will they get it to the degree that it's needed to be the mag of bass? i'm not sure, but i do know that there is because if we're still with 40 some odd days away from
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the election and a lot of things going to happen between now and the 5th of november. but as i look at the numbers now, and as i listen to a lot of the, the dialogue in the discussion within the african american community. yes. uh, uh, once again, the african american community will turn out and support the candidate. and the real issue that um uh, john jeter, a brand journalist, wrote up as a piece out called uh, how the dems use performative. uh, blackness, uh, to appeal to the african american community. that's not the exact title that's close enough. and, and his point is, once again, the democrats are turning to the black community, begging cook cajoling. we need you, we need, you, we, we have to, to feed donald trump,
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but they're not offering any substantive policy to encourage us to support them. it's a matter of the vice president went to a historically black college. she is the and member of the alpha kappa alpha. so we already incorporated history. dance is pretty ok. that's, that's pretty much what was, you know, your, you also wrote the brilliant piece i saw on the analysis of the 2016 campaign and why hillary clinton last to donald trump at that time. i think you also made a bet in that piece a very point in terms of ration countering the mainstream framing that clinton and parents the last because the black voters didn't turn out in large numbers. and the reason the, the turn out was the law was because of a, supposedly post a bomb my epa see what's, what's your issue with this kind of
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a framing that there's room and there is mass supported by the data. and that it fails to take into account. the 1st important fact in that is hillary clinton ran a lousy co pay. she didn't care. but for example, she name campaign in michigan, democrats camp when the white house, you know, for those that don't know is not only a matter of the popular vote, they have to go through what's called the electoral college. and you have to get 270 votes in the electoral college in order to become president, a democrat cannot get to to 70 without michigan. she didn't campaign in michigan, she took michigan for granted. and she waited till the very end of the campaign to campaign in pennsylvania. she ran a lousy campaign start there before you didn't turn in,
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try to blame. african americans for not turning out. and by the way, they started, the democrats started also making that same argument in august about i did about the about 2024 blaming black men. oh black. why do you black men not like common light harris, no data to support the narrative, but they just were preparing the country and case vice president harris loses. they're preparing the country to make the same on the same argument. again, african americans are disillusioned to african americans that are lazy, their, their apathetic, and they didn't turn out. what are you giving the community to vote for other than she's not donald trump. i want to quote here here because he wrote that african americans are as political as the rest of the country and they're
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a real and substantive, political interest. that's motivated the community. it's almost like saying, i heard in america my people to me, you know, isn't that the presumption of the black vote racist that it's core? there's no question but, but unfortunately, there are too many african americans that aren't demanding anything of the candidate. so the me in the ask in american community create part of this problem for ourselves. because we go along with the dominant narrative. we're not demanding that they passed the, the, the, another voting rights act. we're not demanding that they pass the john lewis a policing act. we're not demanding that convoluted harris address. uh, uh, uh,
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health disparities been wealth disparities and education disparities. we're not making any demands on her. so then when she gets elected, or if she gets elected, and ben doesn't deliver, or she will give the same answer, the president, the president obama gave when he was asked, why did you do more for the black community? the answer she gave you all didn't demand anything. now let me ask you about the, the republicans too, because according to gallop more american voters now identify when they do a p, as they part of that is better equipped to address the most important, the most pressing american problems like economy, immigration, government, inflation. but it is pretty clear the, the parties know of unit 5 either on the i wonder if you take these numbers as um, as an expression of genuine genuine supports when they're a public comes or is it the up another. another example of the lesser of the 2 evils that they're sort of supporting what they have a for the like for,
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for anything bad or. well, i think it, it really, i think has more to do with the narratives that are being presented and supported by mainstream american media. because they, the, the, the washington post the new york times m as in b. c. cnn. they are very, very selective in the data and the numbers that they present in order to support a particular narrative. and from what i have been reading from those periodicals and what i have been listening to from those television programs, they have already made the determination that they're no longer going to be journalists, they're going to be scribes for the elite. and so they're already basically laying the precedent or predicate that donald trump shouldn't be re elected in combat. harris is the next best thing was lice cheese and,
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and so it's hard for me to trust the, the, the polling data because the information that those that are being polled is skewed dramatically in trunk 1st around for office. this is my personal opinion. let me know if you disagree. i think it was characterized by so much in or, or internal sabotage, in part because he didn't have the republican establishment behind him. do you think this time around? if he manages to secure the white house, do you think the act of the republican establishments would be any better? do you think they would value this opportunity as their own? when or when they seed? as yes, trump got into the office again, we have to wait and see for another 4 years. i think when you talk about republican establishment, if you're talking about the mitch mcconnell, so the world and, and the dick cheney's of the world, they, i believe,
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are dreadfully fearful of donald trump being re elected tens. dick cheney uh, uh, supporting com la harris. i, i, i for as much as he loves to clamor in, in, in run around uh, behind donald trump, lindsey graham, i said, is dreadfully afraid of donald trump because the elite bully the old guard. see this as the last the last ditch effort to save the party that, that they have known and loved. they see a, i think a fundamental shift with this mag of movement that they can not control, even though they allowed it to develop. you can go all the way back to the tea party and tom tancredo back in 2006, 2007. a donald trump is an outgrowth of that keys. the frankenstein monster that they allowed to develop with through the tea party. and
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tom tancredo, we want our country back in all those races. uh uh, troops, they eugenics troops that, that they, that they factored in into the politics. and they see this as a last ditch effort to get because now they see the, the frankenstein monster is ravaging the village. mister lee on the ear here mentioned the moment to go on your friend mentioned up in your articles. that's voters to me to articulate the vision and be committed to holding elected will additions accountable for delivering and not delivering practical change. and that's a very tricky issue. because again, in my view, the american system is structured in a way that incentivizes both exorbitant unrealistic promises and very active non doing. just how can voters hold the political powers, not just the political personalities, but political powers accountable for the actions and for the inaction. well, the 1st thing is it starts at the grassroots level,
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and i truly believe that all politics is local. so it's a matter of control in your city councils controlling your school boards, even even controlling your, your neighborhood, watch committees, and starting your politics there and working your way up through the system. so that those at the top understand that those at the bottom are paying attention. and by putting your money where your mouth is by funding candidates, progressive candidates that, that truly believe we need to get out of ukraine. that we can't fund genocide in gaza that we should not be starting a fight with china over taiwan. you've got to be putting your money where your mounds are, attending political rallies, screaming and yelling. when the com a harris has come out and say, israel has the right to defend itself,
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even though we know it, but based on international law, that's just flat out wrong. but we can't just go along to get along and we cannot just sit idly by and say, well, we can't make waves. now we have to be quiet. we'll deal with these real issues later. no, the later is now. well, i think this is actually one of the best aspects of the american system, this grassroots organization. i'm missing many countries, including my by the way, i taking example in that because this is actually be the only 2 way of building a community in which you belong. and where you can actually affect change. so thank you for attending these discussion on that. somewhat inspiring note. i really appreciate that. my pleasure. thank you for the invitation. call me anytime. thank
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you. and thank you for watching hope to see her again on, well, the part the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the, the chess willis. i am the, nobody's telling me that a humorous item does this, but i'm gonna forward it to viola, but it's sort of still the best method from the umbrella dealership within the water to this woman hired. so face and identity because of the nature of her job, which she's been working for almost a year and a team gathering evidence on the existence of sync with us labs in ukraine. the russian interior ministry suspects that we used to test biological weapons. the 1st
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step is that the only saying that she's the real quick, it was say, we shift anybody from the have to replace. expedite didn't exceed the shape. what the he and the she was up before the ukraine army retreated. lemme stuff tried to remove all materials and documents, but they filed the only thing that i needed to send the record is not the way i chose to renew the restore. it looks like you called at the the number of weeks approval. he wouldn't go to the court just spanish his go, i see of the one year. when the abandon lab investigators found evidence of operations with deadly viruses and paper with a test on a named patients. it's on known how many similar centers have been established in ukraine over the past ideas. the russian ministry found signs of them in almost all liberated major settlements, which they are c, e dot, and they sold the category. so chad is showing the subscript wallace tab. so so we need to so that we originally caught
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a few of the yearbook as anya from you. still pushing chest that we were needing to speak to a fund that we missed each one of this month. sure. what else needs to be with the one that stood out and they submit it to like oaks on a many people around the world trying to find the answers to the question. some created this network of bio weapons factories. ukraine has a biological research facilities for how long has it operated and how many deaths?
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is it responsible for the is my level home? come on, let me show you. show you around. hard to believe a 20 years ago. this man, proud of his route guns, was a top international generalist, a former military officer. he came to georgia in 1991 on business to and ended up as adviser to president me files and stuff is really entering george's top echelons of power. this is recalled, john persimmon is called carol. okay, i think in russian in georgia, jeffrey silverman, his career, flourished until 2011. when he saw a story on george and tv about a new us biological lab. open 70 kilometers from to b. c. individual galaxy of come to the forces. he bought a feel so new the losers as well. but if i just give us some photos really set up
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what they're doing, you've got the option of assigning him to be the most of the mobility as an allow me to costco, some of the edits or the little girl, the silverman, to sit down to find out what the bar drew is out to is very 1st finding shell to right behind me. there's a village near the airport where the workers for the repository used to working with the military barracks. and people are getting sick all the time. there is a war thursday or from the lab. were living here for got sick to die. but what did they dialed? oh, they should food poisoning. oh yes. but they were there and the phone was coming out of their mouth. silver moonlights alone did these experiments were ordered by
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military authorities in washington. i used to work with people my university that had connections with the lab. one was on the ministry of economic development. they were telling me how this project started. the u. s. navy tracks checking the logical labs, when silverman discovered who was behind the lab, and its secret experiments had over the cause many casualties. the public, they called for an immediate end, submitted the agreements between georgia and the us. this program was not a agreement between georgia and the united states. it was there was one sided in position that they said you want to do this. it was like 3 costs. shortly off to these statements, for major us and european use agencies stopped blinking with silverman and president suckers released administration,
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saying to him as well. i wrote some articles, publish them and local media. i gave interviews to george and newspapers, and actually everybody jumped on me. the embassy wrote in their reports and press relations, as the silverman is not to be trusting the nasa t, the truthfulness of his information is in question. despite the backlash, he continued investigating those who didn't want the us journalist to go public with his discoveries. we edited soon enough. as a result of this, i've been kidnapped off the street the and if you look at the luger lab is basically the crown, the flagship, the crown 0 of a network of laboratories in smaller lives in armenia. as you be john center, asia,
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africa was that email local reveals while he is concealed behind the high walls of the bios center, which i shared 3. i don't know. my bush has to be the bus, the philippines from the youngest getting most of the, the up. it was easy about finding the result. yeah. the sooner the better one of the larger the, the, they did, they were just going charging way. i show something to do, show the show, but create a family courtroom. the center really busy schedules the us journalist as a christmas swami, as low as an investigation into a pen to go into the bar trays around the world. she obtained sensational us government documents proving the existence of a network of bio labs in ukraine,
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similar to georgia's lucas center. the united states state department had a press release. that is no longer there, but we did archived this. it said that there were peaceful, biological laboratories in ukraine. to me, it's kind of strange that they put the words peaceful as if they were trying to deny something. normally you do not expect normal biological laboratories to be not peaceful. the general is joan dubin visited one son to the board tree was very safe. the ways the stores and basically they were sent to trials on, on suspension, launched an investigation shortly. all to the u. s. government once again denied it to the board res existed in ukraine. on march,
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the 10th 2022 pentagon press secretary, john chubby made a special statement on the matter. not developing bio logical or chemical weapons inside ukraine is not avenue. now people are starting to realize how disingenuous and untruthful the united states has been with a lot of these vile biological labs that have been in ukraine. they've been getting a lot of coverage there is. now i do have one, i would this account. there was a laboratory, a biological laboratories, maybe a car to you've. you remember i told you that i have a whistle blower in car keys. and this whistle blower is the one that gave me a bunch of documents. it's interesting that he sends me this document here, institute of veterinary medicine of the national academy area. the academy of agrarian
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sciences, donor department of defense of the united states, of america, beneficiary, the state committee of veterinary medicine of ukraine. the connection between the arrival of us bio lab specialists and bizarre outbreaks of diseases that have been sweeping ukraine is want general is the most curious about ok. and you can see now who will feel as if they knew who they are for 5048, for the original wisdom. if it's a full list of the guys got to watch when use move in a solution, you hardly, i don't know where it's going to go live. it's noiseless, she between his mom, me, i'm and we, some of are concerned with his should, can not stumble down as a, belittle in the way that this young lady of the district did us the one. uh, but it is all uh special or do any of it any must say put on the get the list on your cost, blah. i got this from them. you should be snap and when you set it up my show today . so i am uh cuz i was still within you, which it was that i gave me the amount that was your wife's and you could look up
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which not up here when you, when you will. but as also upsets local uh, do a little pool on your trim of the bill, which is customer. alexa decided to look into the weird strain that almost killed his child and hundreds of other idea so residence. well, since 2010 us scientists have been secretly experimenting as a former soviet and see play against the tooth with cups shifting into the system and you upload them both of them. cool finance for them to put me in the position of the building. these people about authority. i'm not uh, in a split in front of us. i could do that. let's press the cooking solution a gulf this company and i'm not, uh, i just key americans to so i just go up and switch them. no, i used to put the bullet points actually on the screen and the one that your data spends even though is that the position or the facility is currently the only one in ukraine. enjoying biosafety level 3 states has effect
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corroborated by john doogan, who assisted like say, elbow's investigations. but he tells me that they are cleaning on their website. and he sends me some documents here. and this document here, and he sends me the original links for them. you can see right here ukrainian research and type like institute. okay. located this once in odessa, the donor department of defense, the united states, the beneficiary, the ministry of health of ukraine, forma, ukrainian intelligence office of us see the process of shows documents proving the existence of secret us army programs in which dangerous pathogens were handled in ukraine photo, both origin for the tax still with me is just the agreement that goes to putting the stairs to him. i don't know, could i even call me or cry instagram, which is a lot better to, to kind of both of them was same. this time, the experts,
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at least of their activities, was supervised by former ukrainian health minister leon us approved a name that is in the secret files of the ukrainian intelligence service. according to the sewing machine, young girls, mister stub, on the shop pma forgiveness for 40 on the suppose a use. i do use the deacon as the default, but i put in a ticket to clean minutes or so then you have some time later in the detroit bone. 40 on the super own move to ukraine in 20. so i'd say in just a year before the crew to know that she was actively involved in watching live, live auction you each i live. but as the study is simple, thomas nice indeed, which it was. so yeah, because that has to be to be so yeah,
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you have to pay to get this job or take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just because it shows you few fractured images presented as fast? can you see through their illusions, going underground can hello and welcome to across the full board. here we discussed the wheel and the
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mysteriously this u. s. citizen. virtually on noon in the country, was appointed by the new authorities to a key post in the ministry of health, shortly optimize the pacific used to them. but it should be noted the rest of the time to present to us. so touching this surface to continue to hold on me to cause cause that i'm not going to look beautiful enough that you know levels us, we need a 100 total e. okay. and the, and that's fine, we have a sample that is done to session. want me to come to class copeland is cuz danielle, can you stay this way? it's in the you ready for me to in a pleasure all in what the news that shouldn't be able to use the club. but i pretty kentoria studies no credit union or serious course i used to drop off for new york for those present. so just to me, if you can make the list of the machine for me to supervisor with you on
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a super rulings activities as ukraine's health minister can be. and from this led to from robot pope, director of the pentagon, the t r. a division fee also to expedite work on transferring ukrainian labs to the control of us specialist common steps to achieve joint objective analysis of highly dangerous micro organisms and the consolidation in the single repository of the shovel overall of the session. insidiousness humor for and probably new and crime schemes to give me, i'm come up and i'm gonna be always really low for you much to cream and you can see doing this the sooner they have some of the edge and then you are there is still not for me just give us cabala, but the edge come, uh, well, i me to come skip. i gotta, i'm just gonna let you go to sleep at the store. yeah. so you can get on them, cuz through frontier secure, bundled with me, i must keep seeing. i can do that. no, a bumble dyslexia, let me stop again. let me think about again, here's my me bidding though. it isn't the see if it's in some i see what you're
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saying. yeah. what you miller view, i'm supposed to shop, but if i'm the one with loud that was the front of mind that somebody's, the nick will use you as a coolest illness for the old laugh that i'm going to know green here because i'm, i guess the formulation you will get all of the data, the worst company at the blue, up again, you must clearly show fucked them. but the, almost the front of mind that said that with the well as that goes, don't keep bugging around a knock out. well, more difficult to use that on some get uh is that the court order, but i get, i went to show uh, central controls of the blue. i didn't receive the see or the phone and get it in the fish. it allows kind of a new website. i was no great kick it off, and the chief story, i'm a product to those. are you mazda fed up place for the resilience? going to go on? i for, to skip the data. i push for the lenient going to going off with the bonus to see if i'm buying in decent, but all of the companies are in less than 3 years, almost all of ukraine's main to biological research stations came on to the
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pentagon, run the agencies control what do i do? can i assume to be honest, approve at this point? i should be assuming you start off on this little you'll claim a new venue. let me look at. i'm still yes, professor, pulling up juvenile abuto, early dayton. there's kind of products again as science at the 50 state, your guns. so you're sort of for me to get the slides be chinese, we use them for 3 hours to boise your teeth and this includes this through as a computer. does that sound kind of give me a little bit, a couple of things you miles look across the board of the book and be able to use colors a know with g, but what do you mean? split time? the lowest pretty. but all documents you due to the goose, even up on top of that as an increase. just lum boozy, what was the fix? you don't then you just click on the 2nd semester like full shift because part of the sites stopping the church and my team was encouraging to me. they kind of thoughts in front of us. if you just go to the gun to signal,
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it's not for me to do, that's what i'm supposed to do. a will we need to shop the patients. we have done that, but i'm sold a lot of beautiful issues. so through dish to kind of for us to get inside the photo of dish, did you go so sure what you mean via those to say the least other for me to get them could you know the villages just gimme a little bit of the music up on the, from the cadets use of for the at the by the so sure i did it through the computer. if you just look across what the city of the one you city where you may be a little you still premature to them for band aid. a flight also you sure. sort of can we go they got the email to dock so usually most of the way not play and when she did off that's gotta mean you can pony tony putting him on the buses and they will just be able to boat you at the out of some sort and it said you may have to
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be out of school. you post k in get out that escape out of it yet. the problem is any mondays or is it a book you'd be able to use collateral, j ease, but the name you will not clearly explain us, which is your cost by out of me you, us things we can of to tie it to the set of both and lots of then we are the simple 3 subtracting calculation is what about 20 g? i'm all of the people's gotten as low as visitors. i will say look, they always go, i don't say visual provides interesting, which i think that will put them not there should be management in the late 19 thirty's, the japanese army occupied hobbins on tokyo as old as the secret santa was opened to is such a new type of weapon deadly viruses for use against china on the soviet union. the desk went by weapons which tested on humans, was code named unit 731. this is david gillis. it is
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a facility on the measurements, viewing pleasure with you, and your little us that are still at the west that actually creates the lodge. i need to be alone is surely in yet or understood near blocker. the natalia relates to the witness the terrible experiments, the japanese military performed on civilians in occupied china during world war 2. the recording, those horrible events is not easy for her. know of any of that desk comes, few survivors, the when the lower jury beginning over ations maternity, it was do a 7. she remembers black smoke billowing from the chimney above the building day
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and night. they incinerated victim, so it died during the her, in this experiments think of a smart up. so what i'll do is there's a d, a show to a store when you 1st of all of the new shows, you got it. with this material, the museum exhibits reminded her again of those terrible moments from her childhood and of the fear of becoming one of the test subjects. the japanese scientists selected from the local population subrogation of because of my beloved human they need a medium in the lift. beach clearly is going to believe is you that as it is an angel, what is what really got some interesting thoughts to share an interesting sure. through your soul like mine. yeah. or middle kirkland submit. little as a full. it's not the smartgate they are supposed to days couple days so especially if they, but it should come through be really, really easy for you to go any further than you were cutting deals. what you do is we have the steel estates and if you're doing good,
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so do you keep the photos keeps which is closer to the japanese. scientists working under general shield ro, issues combined, worked out how microscopic viruses could become weapons of mass destruction behind unit 7. 3 one's bob, while they created, posted in bones filled with infected insects, capable of spreading fatal disease to thousands of people around them on mobile is typically on level i'm with uh, a girl. no, it doesn't matter what the kids will move. it goes to the ball, most of somebody believes you unless you get the chance to get to them. in a short and many trauma tubes of the, at the demick spread unit 731 scientists disposed infected insects of a chinese cities. one of these experiments killed more than 3000
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people, is ation provence. before world war 2, there was a military unit, and it was led by the scientists called as she and the in the course of their research base figured out how to use a flea or sometimes a different kind of insect as a delivery mechanism. and they could inspect the insect or a fleet with a kind of virus or a bacteria. and it could be done delivered to head out a large area of the japan surrender unit $73.00 one's don't. is in general issue liberal to the united states where they collaborated with former german military. don't us. so it carried out similar research on non c concentration come prisoners . we know that the us government definitely we received this technology
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from imperial japan in exchange for letting these scientists go and not training them for their war crimes. and the reason, of course, these biological laboratories appeared is because they wanted to sabotage socialist or communist, basically any country that did not tow the line for their imperial conquests. the war criminals, new home was the secret to us on the biological weapon center at fort detrick's, maryland for good, except the summer. speaking of the view, all the different as it started literally into the though she shoved you got the most can be what i was at the new as i said, sir, this is kind of where i'm the collaboration between the us army and killer scientists, according to chinese journalists would produce results less than 5 years of to the end of world war 2. during the 1950 korean war,
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the radio message date is february. the 22nd 1952 from china sing was state news agency as our frontline corresponded and reported from january 28th to february. the 17th the us address as well. plains systematically dispersed over korea on all true positions and in the rear, large quantities of bacteria and various poisonous insects. on january, the 28th, south east of ancient enemy aircraft dispos, 3 species of insects never before observed on the korean peninsula. but to me, if it's on the way to see new stuff here, i need it because they need those tiny pennsylvania. i'm going to port. how does that i'm with you please was still in the company in the companion of the village square. it was in north south side of the screen for city bushel college to no, no we should the floor which is do you need from us, you know, and he's just the one to seduce the digits and as for,
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for the new s as is coming in from to the and obviously you might on if someone cisco most optimal for them or should be called in this for them to complete this even for the time, the gentleman journalist on his rosa, this started for districts history and the experiments carried out by its specialist in guatemala, having us d i in group on an annual board and it's different as behind of understaffed on that next time and see if it's it doesn't take her to testify this thing and due to us are from next often to redeem the cause that one which the not so someone that just didn't want to say a month that this for face interest. you live, you see for the se, mitchell, i did it under the guise of evacuation about 50000 people were transported the, the main purpose of this concentration camp in bella rows was to in think prisoners was time for us and use them as
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a human shield against the advancing soviet ami is getting ready to go home. but silly and slipping to phone, you put them in the best place to live in love with like you can pick up with the ship that you're shipping and stuff like that. but don't want to bring your name here. i'm so sorry i missed because on your certificate 6 to put decided that there's 2 of these use people as biological weapons leading them to perish without food or to or shelter the joy of some other for me if i did so could if they knew who lives there with usually the small to the can you click the exchange commission wait in there. so that's a huge issue. relationship for them to move the cam gloucester 10 days or what else made it drastically defends from other camps of that the rise watch on t of the many places in the world's wages, the on the divide between the 2 oceans and all the might not think kids,
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one of them is hey, this is northern of town guest vision and aquinos that us national parks. and today's, we know the stuff was from taking a deep dive into the the in 1960, the americans lowest. the huge bellwether operation documents most of the of the reading found that way online. the us army chemical, coal research and development combined in june 1960, directed the doug way proving ground utah to investigate and develop into more logical field testing techniques designed to permit the quantity of a valuation of intimate logical munitions. these tests formed the basis for developing offensive biological weapons. no withstanding that. in april 1972,
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the us britain and the soviet union signed a convention strictly prohibiting such developments. and many con, seamless money in the 2nd year coming in super village school without seeing the models of the new to it seems that all the put the she or say she can wait for the use of the billing scalable authorities. tickets the full may end, an easy, unhealthy minister certified dealer so potty joined to find out what was going on in the mysterious number to us lab opened in the country in the early 19 seventies. surely if it was permitted to do for the position of his shots and took the go infectious diseases with as a nation, many sales staff that the pollution never happened. most
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of the larry ships program was 7 days themselves and but they're fairly to apply to get up with all the stuff, the number 2 with a face to face. and i have to be with the was of part of so now what do you as managed, official who of them were to drive that into and save from my accounts a to be couldn't see it asked if it is a little i redid, didn't see it wasn't the size of the the subs. so i have to, i told it was flipping schiller for them to sell for. it is the of my job that i was active into college of a nearly 40 is up to 2005. when an outbreak of an unknown respiratory disease occurred in indonesia, the number 2 lamps,
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specialists, to the surprise of the will community, identified it easily as bird flew in this. yeah, that's why it's been any frightening of the 2 leases. so we didn't have an is to me in the notes of the virus. why was and then move to the still it was ready to diagnose which is my question. it's if so i knew that before it's happened this my 1st and in my have the presence of deadly virus strains illegally and bolted into the country along the sitting end, an easy and government officials demanded the secret number to us lab and of a pathogen samples to world health organization representatives,
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delena states as are done month or day. well make money. yeah. super die. yeah. w, it's also a comment by law. i've done what chapter, but bike and but if i can that he may have missed 1000000 and us officials ignore the demands, but ordered urgent shipment of all bio samples for the engine, easy and labs to the us as a staff that i do the news above or anything as much as it goes up to agreement and with the fees a as ever. so monique daughter, the separation of the digits lives in the well, yeah, the rules of the game have changed when see, so if i de la safari accused american scientists of conducting illegal research on engine easy and citizens administer was followed. and a criminal case was brought against us. nevertheless, a wave of indignation swept through in an easy uh,
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me to concept because what do you need says? but i get this, the one that lazy to intact in this way, associates 1st if for some but i see to put too much to stop for them wish to achieve their store. i mean, you can see it is putting it in to it a little more. the only information we have was we acquire and there are 2 relates to naturally occurring infectious disease when you will the cost of the white glove service cost. but he used except one assignment, she said basically this today we're going to the visit the military hospital. we're not going into the hospital because it's a restricted area. and we're going to talk about the tribe ration cooperation between the longer laboratory and the georgia military and the how
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young recruits in georgia for they 1st came into the army. they were sent here. this document discovered by jeffrey silverland in georgia, list the country's hospitals, way us defense experts conducted research. it contains the following. volunteer. dest won't be promptly reported to the military hospital. i of a, the, the study will be, can ducted, according to the protocol as in compliance with the regulatory requirements of georgia in the us department of defense silverman trying to tell the world about these dangerous experiments, see what kind of diseases and what kind of community they have, they're designing ways that they get sick, they can help them. but the, they're also designing ways that they can people who have immunity, they can have a virus that is stronger than their immunity bodies investigation into the victims of the gullibility band test was never published by any major europeans on us
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publications. struck a science. so gonna initialize what i've looked at, you show a new pro at g as in year um the slip to an east pit dining, and it's like what your misquoted you he is like one hampton, the only think i thought it for a while to interest here is that the one you to paint and certainly for them for what i cheer, turn them off. even though i it is concerning. these are down here, but it was a guys they are compared to mention is 0. is that the use of wonder? what any uh, what it was usually what they can use, but they have what is it does show a social and that are new to so i can show silverman believes luca buys and his activities in georgia resulted in sporadic anthrax outbreaks in the region. taylor has some a sham pulled out picture day and pretty much a bit off as such as your dog with the machine code the should the guy gutter should do this vehicle?
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is it the economic options are we have and trucks in georgia where we don't have it and trucks only it's sample in the laboratory. we have and tracks and the walls in hundreds of cattle in the soviet union, the deadly disease was practically eradicated in the caucuses livestock was vaccinated and you use the image. and again, i'm a senior who it's just other people. but a cool way is, by the way, she wasn't, this continued until the early 2 thousands, when american military biologists arrived in georgia. and they stopped the vaccination program. the government didn't in order to see how the end tracts would evolve in new generations, more resistance or antibiotics and which is ultimate use cause of biological, military weapons controls. you be able to just hear almost that's definitely got as far as you know, the scholarly stuff simple style with the visual. most of them. yeah. and you said the top industries, there's no, that's how she she, i'm not going to the g less people. fellows,
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it's help you at least one years. in 2014, according to the national center of a disease control and public health. some 60 people contributed anthrax and georgia infected numbers of gross and most recently people of even being towards on morning t. v shows. how do identify the disease as symptoms? do you? this is the little advantage. maybe she has, nobody really sells it every year. the number of infected people grew alarmingly every year, so many drawers and farmers and shut pressure, getting sick with anthrax. and they study this their blood. well, this is a new strain. maybe we can weapon this strain. the uh, the holidays. uh that has to put a stove, some nose with us as long i ever worked. cuz when i use bull reasoning, i store juice remove since it opened the ssl comes up, i got the plumbing for the oil mixed uh no bushes and its good for that too. which
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one last time so its not be spelled wrong. bulgaria generalist says one has been running about us bio labs, but over 10 years. today the investigation is like uh to crime in my show today, before the penance of the united with russia, americans had begun to equip a former antique playstation such as of da selma. but you watch them last on. so i'm going to, i'm going to kinds of fun you what it says that you're running going good school go through. know will say you need your create a lot of sort of 6 when we saw it and for them they can do a lot of 30 because i'm dying and stuff that's completely above that. i'm move on the circle gods on you put space of will to the 4th document for washing you using the was jim. uh, rosie is the shop phone? yeah, those were saying the,
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the skill austin doesn't emailed all nice professional. it submitted concepts showing 1000 any miles, so newport charging for a month system deluxe swimming. let's see. annual leave of should go to 10, but i don't know. first of all, let's go ahead but ok, so down the voice of jim, i'm one of the ship. them we're, i'm debunking original is began to the investigation over 10 years ago when she went to georgia to fill in the report on american bio labs. work was just now split it out on because i just don't seem we okay on your book as i'm so it must put down your name. please tell me your thoughts because that are still visible college. so don't give me both the bushes that i don't know, but the self government, which is 2 girls are fun to watch. the most could choose that the sheet to go the book as well. a swindle got ski possible from gm and goods on zillow, because which was fun to see another throw off
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a new suit. another series swelled clear. um, best buy g. i'm living thing now cuz alice hello and welcome to cross the full board. here we discussed some real names cuz i don't want you to be not. so someone that just didn't want to say martha, this particular boy should face issue idea. i see, for the thing is like it is under the guise of evacuation about 50000 people were transported. the main purpose of this concentration camp in bella rose was too insane prisoners with typhus and use them as a human shield against the advancing soviet ami. give them my own, but silly and slipping to phone, you put them in the, in the plugin for the ship that you're shipping and stuff like that, but don't want to bring your name. you know,
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i'm so sorry i missed cuz that an extra 2623 foot for saturday and as a post you've been on seize, use people as biological weapons leading them to perish without food. was a motion to the draw of some water from your deity. so could anything who lives out there with you smooth it can you could uh you can use your windows or just put an easy issue really strip for them to move the cam gloucester 10 days or what else made it drastically defense from other camps of that the rice watch on t, the us authorities had something to hide. the during the investigation, the voluntary and journalist on us a real sensation, the new, the new monumental, is your most gravitating you understand the most, cuz you got what those dish networks. so, but i thought it was dish, but on this quote to produce 12 involved to, to put new marks,
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to schwab in the middle. know is that the children learn look somewhat of thoughts cross. and when you pull my teacher screen, the mid on the minutes name and most people just put a nice professional, nobody's come on the studio. so even with google it ups and that old, you know, cell phone does um no little spill or some sort of short snow to ward. so wasn't, besides you with that just doesn't go along the school deals because our storm uh, maybe cost to the formats for new. sure. almost immediately the identity of someone working at the biome lab under the cover of the us diplomat was discovered. when
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does notice, that's our door to the court or they are, but don't was according to law for internet to your cause. we were sort of dental the vision and when you search mills or assignments, it's ryan me and 2 more walk doors, diesel chairs, and a sick on limb uh, searching mushroom but ground them joshua bust. so he was a us diplomats and denied any connection with the bios center. this is boxed and a photo taken as an awards ceremony for us military stuff. deluca on social media boss doesn't hide. his ties with the us department of defense is military and scientific specialization. is insects as deadly disease carriers and joshua boss to live? philip typical us leveled them. what was that? i'm what's going with that's of on me to come up with 10 subjects is job group, but have to go with knowing that i'll be sonya docket. that on both sides, adults toys to know. um the boy will put it in as much shane doesn't gulf coast
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don't store adults stores to up. so just the kid what else that i was trying to do more than a photos which contain it. it says that it was only more storage at the last sort of thing and bill of that cannot also know up with to me to confirm that it's an improve model of the glass bomb showcased the unit 731 museum in hobbin. and i just did, it's still not some window for, well, the center of bottled water is starting us out on saying, and now we're not showing it. so for schools can sort of, most of them your new national products, ducks put in as white some gas that, you know, most of the week of cars listed the products uh, used to comment up. so are you coming to task for them on your let's a 3 to correct, but the screen changed with a 2 car who was move he um he stared with a sunni still sort of curious to get those documents that are sides of them won't budge. you most through it so and yours and sort of show reading the documents when
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one of the search them here looked enough at them, but i feel comfortable as to fix to, to the test. um okay. yes. just let's do. we don't say level to mean i need you to know. so the bus and it but i was you to sway soon? yes. if you to do judas. oh cool. so fuck with your vehicle is above simple. run your computer on your mobile watch. um, motion of the court into this is why it was or was it, i'm would go for you by any notions. so think of them going on a little bit the vanya origin, that of us, that i know it's a fit of different of goodness, dining ac on, on your rich some, most of the former laziness industrial times for. and there's pretty much on each the issue of each time you should get above put them in there. they do know that it means we're skip cutting the nature of one. so as you have a demick was understood in march 2021. when russian ministry of defense
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representatives acquired documents from the ukraine, the lab specialist was studying pathogenic insects and pathogen infected bud migration. study of the super for you beach, repeat it also to you and also let you know what the most is for somebody else on the bus. they're going to choose me give you a shift. you don't see it was a couple of, i don't know 3, but i still don't wanna do it within this cut order. deep cigarette bishop or something. others. what is a new question? the collection, an analysis of via materials containing strains of highly toxic pathogens was carried out as part of projects. you be 3, you be 5 and you'd be 6, are cause it to play the mobile session report the cause of the most people. most people are described just as the result of this, but the computer is session, then you how to get them. this is just the crane. the full project is studying age 5 and $1.00 flew in migrate 3 birds, which has
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a 50 percent vitality rate and humans. u. s. military experts studied new causal disease and ukraine. nation the plague. first, this stuff was safe to sit down here in 2021 crime e and fishermen sounds at the alarm. the coast of lake save us was strewn with dead buds. they come to crimea from odessa, where for several years us programs have been studying the spread of pathogens among birds. at the do you think that the reason why they're asked me to his skin yesterday? a diet sir, by his name is sure what's the matter, but i'm also stuck on the phone. she never even in the living at the end of this anyway. she said it was an echo. he's good news for me. i live in a yeah. long as george will it still on me to come see ok. juvenile is the new mode . so it was that a multiple me deal. when you go to your company into doing it,
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go out rosa. i suppose it must be lost over. it's a companion, some dog which goes, i got was number, i'll get you scheduled that out of the muscle, but it was a new through only single throw it show up on a windows key. our next tournament, as the lord some of those to not do is me that is good to a spitting man to not lead me to is come down and use a scout in your quote. don't judge cool. so this is close to nothing else. bush well is, is the pause. there is a charge but slid step into into $22.00. the russian military published a township secret documents on large scale us some of the tree biological programs in ukraine at the before i guess less than or do part time. and send you on the stuff to it, but i'm all of the sales guy. he must, i'm the new you still offer us tom. and you also shop. i'm going to share. it's a cool. okay. cuz i knew it's probably better because i short usage because i do is to companion black and the which shows the chestnut combine is like
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a total of the just gifted guys. so yeah, always have to have the heads up. right. and that's good. that's so that's and then you call them and see how much the shot. this is correspondence between black and beach and ukraine's health service, notifying them of experiments to study the crime in congo. save a virus bush which has to overpower, i'm to police feeling of realization, a niche there is to frontier secure 1000 show. of course the problem becomes clearly kafka. what it was cool wants to read, so clearly to pronounce black and beach is the main equipment supply for pentagon bio labs globally del ray agency. and the infamous for did treat to the bar trees, a huge customers. there's a reason why d t r a received the contract from the us department of defense to study a new strain of corona virus. long before the pandemic start at the cross. oh, putting it on you are going to do. it's not such a horse and you does have to do with us to hold or come to the smoke of and if it's not. so if it's something that should nipple the table and presentation,
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or what i wish to meet or not with them, granted entry was a slave and i'm with them. you can find your blood can reach purple, show the content will not. and they see it though in the face, and they submit the one that is that i was missed and they split onto my stuff is that i was in yet and they split on it. but i give them this to, judging by the documents of the appearance of us, scientists from organizations directly link or working for the pentagon and ukraine . tens of thousands of people were subjected to secret experiments to the single god assist you in this loaner show. you showed us but tilted unit. i thought fog store greene skin glass thing. you folks you scale as up a little bit. the nicole? yes, i was up on the front, wants to teach thing. you've gone through the, uh, the menus to the store, but the one that has to come out on the 3 of them had be so it's of sure still, but i heard you a number of what it so you for a month or so city it with me for much like this to industrial. gosh, it's
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a sold you to a new it's latrice me or to of the not so easily share these to hours or i've got sort of these can plus, normally these boys on the, brought to on us, the russian ministry of defense revealed the money making scheme but depending on the secret programs were close to inspection sees him was they might use to organise the shop. so please can do the rush of us here in the morning and, but it shows please cannot shoot on your presently didn't stop to restrict me if someone across was a shot. jefferson. so in the front of the center that the record is counter by the some of the money received by 100 bite and controlled firms, found his way back into a democratic party funds fund to himself. judging by his laptop photos also did nicely out the secret pendulum programs. the us journalist,
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georgia license revealed ukrainian scheme to withdrawal millions of dollars from the us bunch of favoring one political party. they have more money and power in washington than saudi arabia does. that's why they're setting up the graph, like the rest of my, for people like joe by some hunter, by and they're doing all these things and making sure that money goes back in terms of grafting, campaign contributions sent with the last associates for it comes in samples and pushing out of that and you know those in a multiple so in a competing young bill and booked it on gifts go off deduction aloud was at the thought on both of personal christian knew it looks images of the federal ago. the come here and says just me and we'll take the longest somebody, it's a fish out, but the most on your portal to update site with us. yeah. such as pin the ocean. um good. almost 9. you should be able to provide a uh one. you just get those to sick. i'm fine. you could go to uh, one of the things you, experimenter i knew i would suggest means desktop. but on the pulse to combine you find that out of doors mean his desktop bottle mississauga order thing. that's when
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you can use drugs. most of them put down your, you know, pseudo and. a nipples too, but those pictures. uh, but only those toilet mammography sent to the little girl who is x amount of watch its uh uh, print of going on in 2022 when the weight of evidence of us some of the tree biological programs that exceeded any reasonable limits. deputy secretary of state victoria newland, for the 1st time admitted us specialist well working in ukraine. ukraine has a biological research facilities which in, in fact we are now quite concerned russian troops, russian forces may be seeking to gain control of. so we are working with the ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of the russian forces. should they approach based on recover
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documents? this moon over 20 labs of working on the united states programs in ukraine, a load that are around 300. some of those centers don't sit around the globe. whatever happens behind the high fences surrounding them is on the russian diplomats trying to raise the issue at the un security council. special meeting in the states of the stuff i think is the shrub of the voice i'm very interested in or do i give it to be i do have to do much invitation with most or one of the bills to shop a bunch of them. so i'm just not gonna, i'm gonna dispute the product. notice we're starting a new one because the color boost mobile doing it is giving you the chance to play sports. then you could just continue squarespace to those stuck if you put them in any ability stores. they're like, excuse me, he will not be really interesting again to book the use of just really separate company deals go for
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a muslim security when you start to use solutions or software from the us and its allies belong the final resolution. citizens of other countries probably haven't heard of the russians attempt to publish the facts. independent journalists send the results of the investigations instantly deleted on major antoinette platforms. the viola bar trees topics was effectively banned by those able to control the information johns. the ukrainian scheme continues to kill some 10 in rich others on east point bill gifts. god, oh, yeah. and was that whole single muta, you use to know? so any good us as a new problem, and i'll send you with jim egan. what else do i a cost at all? yes, the pro is google or will keep cutting glass, but the she's good is in front of mouth say, put a phone down. the news and the selling dealer warning us doing if we will split it to us. is this nevada now? paul gods store a suit. you have reached to nicole jetson and that i need to book 10 or get to school by near,
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but thought i would just finish off cuz i usually have to really do seem to simulate the leasing the most of the machine you spend this month. i mean, the costco rupture present to them going if it's in the to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic. isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions.
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fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the russian states navigate as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles. i'll send some of the same assistance as being the one else calls question about this. even though we will bend in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia cruising and split the r t spoke back,
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keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the student services. for the question, did you say steven twist, which is the welcome to call started goal ins? were all things are considered on to your level? the moment of truth has arrived. well, will be the come of the us presidential election well either side except the result . and what are the foreign policy implications across i think these issues and more i'm joined by my guess, jordan, samuel, we in budapest, he's a pod cast where the goggles, which can be found on youtube and locals. and here in moscow we have to meet the bob, which is deputy for an editor. it comes to most guy a problem, the daily or


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