tv News RT November 4, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EST
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welcome to the cross stuff bullhorn. here we discussed some real in the minister and republican from pennsylvania. you may not think where is this when i came to the you know what? she is on black. i'm gay and voting for donald trump blurred political lines as us the election day a just closer we explore how long time party loyalists are helping defense amid shifting in values on america as the political landscape. and the letter to the u. n. signed by 52 country turkey, it demands at global arms embargo on israel condemning its deadly actions in the middle east. with most of those accounted and then the presidential election, the incumbent president leaves the race thanks to vote cast by ex pats abroad while
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the opposition of leaders chords big with the electorate on homes, soil and what is freedom for by 10 carpet and click on printer pivots from the other indians and foreign minister outlines the rules of behavior in the new multi polar world calling for respects for the countries political differences the from our headquarters. in moscow, you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble with a little over 24 hours to go until the us picks. that's next presidents. the rates of the white house is expected to be neck and neck. we will be keeping you updated with our special coverage right here on our t. the
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donald trump has pulled into a virtual tie with vice president comma harris, according to latest poles, a racing of 4 percentage point deficit. the survey found a trump on harris each have 49 percent support, among likely voters with the remaining 2 percent saying they would back another candidate. and the final sorts of the campaign, trump has claimed that the system is reg, while his opponent incest is just his latest strategy and to grab attention. all they do is think about how they can cheat. there's only one reason you don't want folder id. there's only one reason and that's to cheat, but we've got all those crap going on with the press, with the fake stuff and fake falls and then it gives you a big conspiracy. thursday's workers varies and they want to lock you up. they want to put you in jail, the ones that should be locked up by the ones that sheet,
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or these horrible elections that we go through. and i've got i would ask, in particular, people who have not yet voted to not fall for his tactic, which i think includes suggesting to people that if they vote their vote won't matter. suggesting to people that somehow the integrity of our voting system is not intact so that they don't vote in the whirlwind of insults and finger pointing. it's all too easy to overlook the real issues that actually matter to the parties. but the age old tradition of sticking the core principles for both democrats and republicans, seems to have gone up a window with political lines blurred and pressed, crossing between sides based on policies of the moment. ortiz marina customer of our breaks it all down. i think alas, used to have a clear separation between it's 2 main parties. the democrats and republicans will,
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over the past decades, the blues don't keys, represented liberalism, globalism piece and social welfare. the right that the focus on the other hand have traditionally been conservative. pushing for nationalism and the aggressive foreign policy and as we market somewhere along the way, however, those lines, gall blurred, old school democrats have been against war, at least the principal. i oppose the water racks from the beginning. it was a flawed strategy that diverted attention and resources away from hunting down or some of been latins terrorist networks. and since then, too often, the present as a rec, policies have worse and american security. today they are the ones screaming. so this one that comes to army as well and ukraine, we must have ukraine in a approved can. we must do it quickly. the simple truth is that their battle is our battle. if they lose americans live democrats used to call out the
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republicans for their aggressive war policies, which included sports or should have had the option of everything up and to and including waterborne. and i think you ought to have all of those capabilities on the table. so the i, that's big cheney, i mean, thank god, the last administration didn't listen to him at the end. fig cheney used to be, the vice president said, also the architect behind the americas, most horace invasions over rock and of gotten this thought it was criticized and even hates. it was the democrats for those brutal wars, one of which had in some a split census. but all is forgiven. now, it seems as long as he says, those magic words against, from in our nation is 246 year history. there is never been an individual. there was a greater threat to our republic. and donald trump, he tried to steal the last election, usually lies in violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected. he's a coward,
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a real man wouldn't line his support. he lost his election any last big. i know it knows that the down, i think most republicans know his, our lives is a former republican congresswoman who completely shares her father's ideology and has also made a u turn to the point. she's now campaigning for the democrats and the crowds. don't see a problem, help us write the ship of our democracy, so that history will save us. when our time of testing came, we did our duty and we prevailed, because we loved our country more. and now and now it is my great honor to introduce you to our vice president and the next president of the united states. pamela harris, the
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but there is a catch, the splice, the diverse appeal of the democrats to voters of all base and nationalities. it seems that once you have a chain, the on board, people get nervous, and security is extra vigilance when arab muslims are in the crowd and was actually sitting down city, some emails on my phone. and i was not even engaged in any conversation with anyone . someone, the lady came to me and said, can you follow me please? and when we went to the door, i found 2 police officers waiting for me there. and they ended me. if i did leave, they would put me in the back of the police car while you were wearing perhaps something that was questionable. no, and i can show you the so with that there was waiting yesterday. i didn't have any pens any. then notice all campaign regrets, this action and its impact on doctor getting the man the community. and he is welcome mad future events. we value while relationship with the muslim american community, and are committed to ensuring all community and political spaces are welcoming and
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respectful to every american. if it's all that anyone 20 years ago that hardwired republicans, dick, unless cheney would be on the side of the democrats 2 decades later, you would be considered insane. that sounds almost as insane as a kennedy. supporting a republican. oh, wait, please. the principal cause that persuaded me to leave the democratic democratic party and, and run as an independent and how to throw my support at present drum. because it clauses were free speech war and you grade, and the war on our children. and to add insult to injury, trump is getting realizing support now from black and latino voters who used to be an absolute strong hold. all the democrats and black, i'm gay and voting for donald trump on november 5th. and let me get started with this. there is no law that says because i'm black or because i'm gay or because i
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happen to be both that i'm support supposed to vote for democrats for the rest of my life. meanwhile, team high risk is now focusing on the average. so the hard working white type, i'm a 56 year old. go to come over here 6 almost. she's right. i'm a former minister and republican from pennsylvania. you may not think where is this when i came into the you know what? she is, but whatever was switching teams, issues, policies, and voters from democrats, or republicans and back. it's all ended up as a one big elephant in the room or a donkey. it's hard to tell anymore. nobody spoke to ron university professors side mohammed miranda, who says no matter who wins the west election, the country won't change its hawkish foreign policy despite trumps and promises to bring peace. he continued the wars that obama started the
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support at the genocide in the admin fee continue the dirty war and syria. he never really removed us troops that are illegally based in syria, even though he said he would, he did not. and the occupation of us on the sign and he murdered the ronnie in general, the general so the money to lead the fight against the isis and outside the in syria and the rock. he also behaved a very poorly towards latin american country, his life. and as well, so i don't see him as a peaceful candidate. i don't see him as a better candidate, but i don't see harris as being any better than trump neither. neither of them are going to sort of interest of the world of the global majority. and i don't think either of them will serve the interest of the united states, either one nation caught in the cross hairs of
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u. s. foreign policy is ukraine involved in a conflict with washington has poured billions into with captains position, looking increasingly critical. med high casualty rates on the battlefield and ailing economy and faltering foreign supports. many are saying the future of the country heavily depends on the outcome of the election. what's it like to have the faith of your wrong country be determined by the outcome of a presidential election somewhere else? and how far are you willing to go. busy to save your own skin, bloody motor zalinski whose own presidential firm expired half a year ago is facing a major dilemma as both of the top candidates in the current us election. arden that can next, judging by the all around support for the key of regime from the democratic party. zalinski would prefer pamela harris to when that democrat is one of many voices in
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the american establishment that are calling on savanski to keep up the fight. no matter of the cost, even until the very last ukrainian there are some in my country who would instead force ukraine to give up large parts of it, sovereign territory. these proposals are the same of those of poor and let us be clear. they are not proposals for peace. instead, they are proposals for surrender, but as soon why be the key of can no longer depend on the staunch us support once, enjoy your claims. war effort has already consumed tens of billions of dollars with a significant portion of those funds disappearing without trace. accountability for the american assistance is something that the arrival republican candidate donald trump, wants to see immediately he just left 4 days ago with 60000000000.
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and he gets home and he announces that he needs another 60 value, those that leverage it never ends. i won't have that settles prior to taking the white house as president. i like how that is. can you afford restore x? r is no stranger to high. been out because in the media pass or all his popularity on tv screens in ukraine, most of what propelled him to presidency is the consequent choices, however, have revealed that is better on the democrats, but now he might be regretting that impulse. evidently, there is no love lost between that from the man's and lensky who is now desperate to mend his sides with the republicans. davinsky understands that said from goodwin, and might move forward with that just ations. that'd be great. and present himself as sorts of middle in the us politics, to support the democrats. few of them to win this election so badly. but i would do
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differently. i will work at peace now that speech was made in pennsylvania, where just a few weeks before the election, fudzinski decided to visit an ammunition plans with his state democratic governor jor shapiro. as well as democratic senator bob casey. the republicans have found a peculiar to say the least that a head of a foreign state has found himself along the same path with the democrats in the final switch before us presidential election. donald trump and the other republicans have called as spade as page and the keys be creating politicians of election interference and investigation is now underway. holes the hell is the landscape to be tried to interfere in our election? the arrogance of this guy and the guy i've got to say is an absolute moron for coming to the us 6 weeks before the election. and attacking trump and vance. this
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is just dom on his part. because if truck with and he's got a huge problem that just got bigger and if trump loses, you know, good luck trying to get republicans to listen to what he has to say if he just behaves like a democrat campaign activist. ukrainian issue is certainly worth quite a few points for both of itself. joyce, candidates who seem to have opposing views as to how the us could help. and this more zelinski has actually out loud peace negotiations with russia. and he's been clear on the who support she would prefer is the so called peace plants, or quote victory plans consisting of open and secret points of old being uncompromising and calling for an unconditional, the feats of russia and due to their power. by the way of the same science and lensky as being quite a bogle about this thoughts on the republicans involvement in finding
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a potential solution. my feeling is that trump doesn't really know how to stop the war, even if you, my thinking knows how with this war, often times, the deeper you look at it, the less you understand, i've seen many leaders who were convinced they knew how to add it tomorrow and as they waited deeper into it, they realized it's not that simple. he's too radical. his master seems to be that ukraine must make a sacrifice. this brings us back to the question of the cost and who shoulders it. the idea that the world should and this war at ukraine's expense isn't acceptable, but i do not consider this concept of he's applied in any formal sense. but mr. vance read up on the history of the 2nd world war when a country was forced to give part of its territory to one particular person with elections and approaching fast. and the distance between the 2 candidates disappearing. zalinski is now on pins and needles. despite all his sole goal,
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diplomatic efforts to get on donald trump's good side, you must realize that america's self proclaimed best maker probably remembers their complicated past the crazy and has been on his best behavior towards, from recently trying to use every opportunity to connect. however, it could be too little to lights, relationship and i also the relationship is you know, with president that i think you know, it takes 2 to tango, you know. and considering that 70 percent of americans won the us to fly and, and the conflict as soon as possible, the lensky might have to learn some new dance move if you're still wants to tango. oh, yes. officials were quoted by american main stream media outlets also say zelinski is looking worn out and stressed the report he's anxious about cubes,
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setbacks on the battlefield, and full be the next american leader. zalinski recently delivered a strained address on social media where he thinks the soldiers for their service a go some bombs up. i think all of you for your work and service. i think everyone who defends ukraine. so effectively. i spoke with commander in chief to escape. he made reported on the front line situation to him. i think cool, i'll worry is for that bravery he knows the war is, is done basically that he's lost and he just refuses to acknowledge it. he knows that if he gives in and, and decides to sit down and, and the go share it as he should have done back in 2022. he would be undermine and possibly killed by people in internal forces inside the country. so it's, uh, he's desperate and we can see with our own eyes, which has that, that,
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that, that hit any offensive that uh, that the chief decides to undertake is doomed to failure. and he just refuses to acknowledge that is that this was over fundamentally foreign mercenaries from native states fighting for ukraine have been making headlines since the start of the conflict. somewhere on the battlefield for a quick buck, while others have joined the war. spurred on by the anti russian media narrative, but regardless of motive, hundreds have been killed in the war. are new documentary soldiers of misfortune gives you an insights into the uncomfortable truths of the conflict the fillmore air, on the 6th of november. for now, here's a quick preview. the is the launch of a special military operation. moving $13000.00 and far less than race of joining the ukraine miller tray. i used to get enough to stop growing
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up if you knew i knew. i knew the surely couldn't was my friend build for the fine, you know is fine. yeah. the the but if the yeah that that was it is i didn't know the fornia state mental breakdown system. so as a minus, let me look over the tiny see phone susie, i'm going to shiny admitted into this also because so beautiful the supervisor for the wizard. william, as long as she knew also like he's strong enough, listen to the physical and that's the
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all flags on that. turkish protesters boarded a german ship and assemble over the vessels links to israel. the group was furious that the german vessel katrin was reward. will they involved in transporting ammunition to israel and with how to send in flags and the chanted pro, published and in slogan which as they boarded the ship like this. and that's as the turkish government itself has sent a letter to the united nations urging and embargoed to be placed on weapons sales to israel. the national government has become a source of threats, not only for middle eastern countries, but also on a global level. now who continues the genocide in gaza with old methods intense to completely eliminate the 2 state solution. we also see that they are making efforts to spread the war to other places, especially 11, as currently israel kent to rise the region because it can obtain weapons and time you nation from other countries. with this understanding, we wrote
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a joint collateral coal in an old countries to stop selling weapons and ammunition to israel. we forwarded this letter which had $54.00 signatures to the united nations on november 1st. and the document also calls for an end to, as well as violation of international laws in the palace time and draws attention to the rising of civilian death toll and the calls on the un security council. to take urgent measures, $52.00 nations, including russia, china, and 18 african states signed the appeal along with the 2 organizations we spoke to assistant professor of international relations is hoping to jot. tasha, he told us western states will ignore turkey is initiatives in turkey. they will try to united states and other countries west empowered, but they have just simply turned a blind eye to what turkey has been saying. just because if you was saying that don't, don't you believes corporation with african countries along with russia and china
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being g in the past 20 years. and it could also help result owing to crisis in palestine as well. so in the short then middle term, 13 phase, no good, uh, news from the what i think country with and we know what comes into power in the united states and they will be all right, mr. parking them, keep a supporting the young government or in a part of the government in his or i am, which means there'll be no stop. there will be no end for this janice. i was hurting them and all the little bill, but now we're 90. 8 percent of ballots have been counted after sundays. presidential. busy election run off the opposition candidates narrowly. it has evaporated in favor of the incumbent leader. after nearly all of us were tallied pro current for western president maya sand, who is leading with over 55 percent of all. her opponent and former prosecutor
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general alexander, stay on our blo, has almost 45 percent with no final result. you have a noun, sandra appealed to voters promising to be the president for all of the events, while the opposition leader called on citizens to remain calm regardless of the elections outcome for which i heard your voice. and those who supported me. i pledge to be the president of all of you in our choice of a decent future. we may hold different points of view, speak different languages, but we all want piece, mutual understanding and a decent life for our children. we need to unite society. i urge everyone to remain calm regardless of the numbers. everyone's voice deserves respect, and democracy is above all majority before the result. i sincerely hope that from now on we will put an end of the hatred and division imposed on us a my, a sand who is starting to receive congratulations from e u counterparts with european commission president ursula vander lions,
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saying she's glad to work with sand due to our, to european future from adobe, and french president and manual, my crohn claiming democracy has triumphed. however, the number shows most of all dove as regions supported the opposition candidate on maya sand. his lead was boosted by votes from foreign voters. meanwhile, footage from following stations abroad showed a contrast in picture turn out a problem partly entries, but stations were all by the empty in germany, italy and the united states. and in the itself, the country is essential. authorities refuse to open any polling stations in the break way region of trends in east or 1st thing local to head to other places the cast their ballots. however, a key bridge was temporary, clo, temporarily close twice on sunday, allegedly, due to a bomb threats in our needs, polling stations were suspended over yet another reported bomb threats. heard from some people in trans nustar who explained why the incumbent window of and president
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is unpopular in the region. this is simply outrages because the current government of all dover, obviously understands how trans nice trends are disposed and who they will vote for . that is why no polling stations were opened, since people will obviously not vote for the current regime. the results of the 1st round it seems to me, are not very plausible. it seems to me that san diego does not have as much support as the figure show. the absence of poland stations in terms of history a is very bad and wrong because many poland stations were opened in europe in countries, but not in russia, engines ministry at our votes, and not beneficial to them. most transmissions want to be friends with russia and not with those on the other side of the border. and we heard from earl rasmussen, international security consultants. it says the election is, was not free and fair and that sandy will rule heavily divided country. i would say
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she's the diaspora present. she's the western diaspora. brushing definitely is not normal, although those types of tricks have been done before i think uh um you know, and in other types of countries where we want the outcome to come to a certain degree. so it's, uh, yeah, it definitely was not a open and fair election maybe within the country was it needs to be some probably some investigation into that as, as well. versus the hundreds of balloting places open in the west. she has a divided country and that's and she needs to, to, if she's going to you know, take this and accept this and she's declared victory already my understanding. then she needs to lead in a joint type of fashion and not going in one direction. and that definitely appears that she needs to engage the opposition and,
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and carefully listening to the needs of the people, and especially with a large population, half the country, not even boating. that shows an indication, as well as far as where the people think the country is going in what direction the friendship is a complicated matter. that's the indian foreign ministers take on the countries ability to maintain relations with states that don't always share new dollars. views, friendships are also not exclusive, particularly so, and the most people about it is only to be expected that this even french don't say to maintain better option, rob, restricting, of us, some french murder answer be more complicated than others. and then after all this, shred the same are true as mutual respect over the past have diplomatic, a ticket. we had some time to time she come and shine on domestic issues,
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accompanied by a professor who, sorry, to have missed conversations. have the same courtesies are really according to the other side. what this freedom fairmont can i put in leave to come into a few minutes from the other. we spoke with foreign policy experts to become all due to who says india is able to maintain a relationship with both the west and russia. despite pressures. there are many issues which can be in touch lines, spar get off. i'll decide scrubbing the level of plan to bridge into practice, but what i understand it is like the buying up the informative man. so i need to be on space in relation to canada, in relation to china and out of the box in relation to net time simulation synchronize. it saves a medic. oh, sometimes please talk to the nature of your own. you know, so again,
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my understanding on prime minister and bob funding minister has huge experience and the man sure enough to understand that on to sort of get them off of finalization competition. so into between the rest, unblocked and the russian law. and we have been once the time through relation to that and we have been quite successful so far. and i think we haven't been able to maintain this for the last 2 and a half to 3 years now of to be starting up the c a u k y. and we haven't been able to do a ran a situation spent much so complicated. i've been doing the coffee bar, you know, and in the beginning of the workspace and, and my, my small starting the global life, you know, the time you people managing it, and especially immediately after, before we meet people at the end of a slow relationship, really, the best as well as being russia and all the time. first thing i see no reason as to why we kind of do it now.
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