tv News RT November 4, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EST
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and or our children and to add insult to injury, trump is getting realizing support now from black latino voters who used to be an absolute strong hold. well, the democrats, i'm black, i'm gay and i voting for donald trump on november 5th. and let me get started with this. there is no law that says because i'm black or because i'm gay or because i happen to be both that i'm suppose, suppose to vote for democrats for the rest of my life. meanwhile, team high risk is now focusing on the average. so the hard working white type. i'm a 56 year old gun, only white guy. come over here 6 almost. she's right. i'm a former minister and republican from pennsylvania. you might not think where it says when it came to the, you know what? she is. but whatever alarms switching teams, issues, policies, and voters from democrats or republicans and back it's all ended up as a one big elephant in the room or
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a donkey. it's hard to tell anymore. so just following enough fame or take contributor carl john is of the view, no matter which party comes out on the top in the us presidential election. they won't stop supporting wars across the globe. well, the common reframe in us is that we don't really have to part is this, it's, it's a uni park. it's, we have, what do we have is one singular war party with ways of finding that what they're fighting about is really fired right now. the republicans, they want to uh, put less focusing ukraine in europe for more focusing, asian pacific against china. and then you have the democrats for more interested in wage for allowing me the proxy words and ukraine and above both the parties. i've read conclusively my in supporting israel, the commit it's cost of atrocity in the middle east. so it does correct really
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matter which party concert powers is always going to be wars. and we're just going to talk about where is that, where it's going to take place where it's going to be video, use asia or you're at because both parties are very much imbedded with a notary does real complex themselves with a wall nation caught in the cross hairs of u. s. foreign policy is ukraine engulfed in a conflict which washington has poured billions and billions into with key exposition, looking increasingly critical to meet high casualty rates in the bottle fields and ailing economy on faltering for and support many states the future of the country heavily depends on what happens in the election? it? what's it like to have the face of your wrong contributed sermons by the outcome of a presidential election somewhere else? and how far are you willing to go to save your own skin bloody merger?
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lensky, whose own presidential term expired, half a year ago, is facing a major dilemma as both of the top candidates in the current us election. arden that can next, judging by the around support for the key of regime from the democratic party zaleski would prefer pamela harris to when that democrat is one of many voices in the american establishment that are calling on savanski to keep up the fight. no matter of the cost, even until the very last ukrainian there are some in my country who would instead force ukraine to give up large parts of it, sovereign territory. these proposals are the same of those of poor and let us be clear. they are not proposals for peace. instead, they are proposals for surrender, but it soon might be the key of can no longer depend on the staunch us support.
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once enjoyed ukraine's war effort has already consumed tens of billions of dollars with a significant portion of those funds disappearing without trace. accountability for the american assistance is something that the rival republican candidate donald trump, wants to see immediately he just left. 4 days ago. we're 60000000000 and he gets home and he announces that he needs that other 6. the value of those have never it's it never ends. i won't have that settles prior to taking the white house as president. how like how, how did this? can you afford restore x r is no stranger to high, been out because in the media pass or all his popularity on cd screens in ukraine was what propelled him to the presidency? is the consequent choices, however, have revealed that is better on the democrats, but now he might be regretting that impulse. evidently,
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there is no love lost between that from the man's and lensky who is now desperate to mend his size with the republicans. davinsky understands that said from goodwin and might move forward with accusations that the crating and present himself as thoughts and middle in the us politics to support the democrats. few of them to win this election so badly. but i would do differently. i will work at peace now that speech was made in pennsylvania where just a few weeks before the election. and then he decided to visit an ammunition plans with his state democratic governor jor shapiro, as well as democratic senator bump, casey. the republicans have found a peculiar to say the least that a head of a foreign state has found himself along the same thing. as for the democrats in the final switch before us presidential election, donald trump and the other republicans have called a spade a spade, and the keys,
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the crate and politicians of election interference and investigation is now underway. holes the hell is the landscape to be tried to interfere in our election? the error against of this guy. and the guy i've got to say is an absolute moron for coming to the us 6 weeks before the election, and attacking trump and vance. this is just dom on his part. because if truck wins, he's got a huge problem that just got bigger. and if trump loses, you know, good luck trying to get republicans to listen to what he has to say if he, he just behaves like a democrat campaign activist. but ukrainian issue is certainly worth quite a few points for both a bits of us candidates who seem to have opposing views as to how the us could help . and this more the lensky has actually out loud peace negotiations with russia.
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and he's been clear on the who support she would prefer is a solid gold piece plants, or quote victory plants consisting of open and secret points of old being uncompromising and calling for an unconditional the feats of russia and use their power by the way of a thing science and this key has been quite a bulk of about his thoughts on the republicans involvement in finding a potential solution. my feeling is that trump doesn't really know how to stop the war, even if you might think he knows how with this war. often times, the deeper you look at it, the less you understand, i've seen many leaders who are convinced they knew how to add it tomorrow. and as they waited deeper into it, they realized it's not that simple. these 2 radical piece mass, which seems to be that ukraine must make a sacrifice. this brings us back to the question of the cost and who shoulders it. the idea that the world should and this war at ukraine's expense isn't acceptable,
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but i do not consider this concept of he's applied in any formal sense. but mister, vast, read up on the history of the 2nd world war. when it comes, she was forced to give part of each to or $3.00 to $1.00 particular person where the elections are approaching fast and the distance between the 2 candidates disappearing. zalinski is now on pins and needles. despite all his sole goal, diplomatic efforts to get on donald trump's good side, he must realize that america's self proclaimed best deal maker probably remembers their complicated bass the crazy and has been on his best behavior towards, from recently trying to use every opportunity to connect. however, it could be too little to like we have a brand new relationship. and i also the relationship is you know, with the president that i think
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you know, it takes 2 to tango, you know, and, and considering that 70 percent of americans won the us to fly and, and the conflict as soon as possible, valencia, you might have to learn some new dance move if you still wants to tango. washington's ukraine strategy is all about preparing european countries to enter into military conflict with las go with a very direct words, a precious foreign minister to see one. yeah. and the sucks. today the anglo saxons counting on defeats, and now i can see using the key presumes hand, just like hip plus gathering most of the country. so if you rope on to knowledge about us, and there's a backup in case this last gives you fails the preparing constant ounce of europe survosity to suicide or gamble a non setting to a direct on conflict with rushes to. to do to have a notice. there's a big event happening in the united states this weekend. oh, actually determine a lot of things that will be going on in the world that it's moving forward. and
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you is really focused on that right now by pretending that they don't really care your family, use the site. it doesn't really matter and gets elected president of the united states as we kind of well, are they boys now and don't need uncle sam telling them what to do? it's really just sounds like some major co pay going on in the event the trunk gets elected and it goes to economic war with the you use a terrace as he's promised, like how it works. could it really be though, the, by the administration that's been waging economic warfare on europe all along and successfully. so not like these guys have noticed that the most are european leaders has been behaving like a bunch of zombies trying to outbreak, to say know the us on your grant and going along with everything from staff deposit their own economy, industry and energy supply to end this complex and ukraine that's led europeans to buy american weapons overwhelmingly. as a research you competitiveness or lack there of reports has alerted. now all this, despite the fact that the you so much more to lose and cutting tires with his
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neighbor russia than the us to us. now we have one of the outspoken leaders on this sudden new push for european emancipation from washington b. the guy in this country is basically still living and mom and dad's basement with his dad to be uncle sam's family. ortho was basement 2, and the here's a whole is prizes and all past powers or trump. some claim that the future of europe depends on the american elections while it depends, 1st and foremost on us, on condition europe finally grows up and believes in its own strength, whatever the outcome, the year of geopolitical outsourcing is, out of the air of outsourcing your brain activity washington is over. yeah, i believe that when i see it, what players about this is that poland has been 80 billions and billions of dollars and so called loans from washington to buy american maybe weapons is the latest being another 2 $1000000000.00. just this past summer, but there's poland payback, this loan with the cash from its summers all, maybe borrow its powell the landscape outfit to go most in lawns. nope. as the top
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recipient of funds from the rest of the tax payers, it just takes you cash. he has it right over dogs to help pay for the western weapons laws. so whatever pollings as it wants to do, it really is not in any position to be calling the shots here about any kind of independence from anyone. or thought to sounds like a kid, he said he's running away and then just as a calling back in time for his next allowance, mom, dad task is really just writing checks with his big mouth here that will probably just end up bouncing unless the pays for it, but tough is parity, a growing concerned that obviously is riley around if you back rooms of the blocks over dependence on the u. s. as even the cancels president express just a few days ago. we shouldn't fear the uncertainty about who will be the next president of the united states. i want the fate of my children and great grandchildren to be in their own hands because in europe we decide what our future will be there be played for suckers. and the result of the selection will really
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only determine the degree to which they're going to be screwed in the future. now that the you have to start doing what's right for its own interested citizens. this attitude, a washington stand out like it's their own and not an actual detriment to their own interest is something that you think would be front and center for. that is actually the message that those popular folders that they bill for. and it's so much and want to marginalize into oblivion. they've been trying to send them over and over, getting through the ballot boxes across europe for the past year or so. and all this has happened because it, you went all in with washington on sticking it to put it in water as a president to, to it has noticed there a self satisfied brilliance with actually whole timidly, the ego, he's an arrogance of western states. have led to the current, extremely dangerous state of affairs. we have cameron acceptable close to the point of no return calls to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, which has the largest arsenals of nuclear weapons,
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demonstrate extreme gamble of western politicians. we are witnessing the collapse of the euro atlantic security system. today. it simply does not exist. it must essentially be created a new. all of these requires that we, together with our partners, with all countries concerned. and there are many of them work out our options for insurance, security in you reset them, proposing that for a broad international discussion. because i was like an adult trying to prevent the kids running around the stairs or from stabbing themselves. look, the only real question is whether the you will smart enough and grow up on their own or whether they'll have to learn a hard way from increasingly worst experience the follow result. so most of us presidential run off election helping a 9th, and they see pro e u. candidates and my son to coming out on top in large part thanks to votes cast by ex pats in the west. her rival alexandra story, a number secured. the majority of the votes, by the way, on the fulton road,
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driving his party to run the incumbent down a legitimate leader of the opposition and foxes. it plans to contest the results in the countries constitutional court. my son that has become the diaspora as president the mold open socialist party does not recognize the voting at foreign post stations, which allowed sounded to be declared the winner of the election. my son to is and the legitimate president. she's recognized only by for sponsors and stewards from abroad. the people of small though i feel deceived and robbed the recent presidential election, especially the voting influence. mister and its foreign policy stations cannot in any way be called a free and democratic expression of the will of the people we have faced. and i'm justified. reduction in number of phone stations, blockage of boulder access campaign on the day of silence and on election day, and other violations in the number of countries with hundreds of cases of deliberate action fraud. and the disappearance of ballad boxes. as a result,
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hundreds of thousands of citizens of the country were unable to exercise their right to vote, which explains the final gap. and the number of votes was mentioned. alexander, still in not really actually secured. most votes on homeless soil collecting support in most regions of the eastern european nation. that's those north, every vote from abroad was considered equal. i'll explain. kitchen are provided, pulling stations in western countries with hundreds of thousands of ballad slips, while the half a 1000000 mole domains are so living in russia only received 10000 my colleagues through my short ritual rouble looks toward the pop to miss sanders. with the most of small dove as regions supported the opposition candidate wall sun do is a lead, was boosted by a boats from the dials for are abroad. now while all of this walmart goldens within the country face difficulties voting in their own country, i mean the country's central authorities refused to open any pulling stations in
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the region of trans nest, or are they that essentially forced mobiles to find ways to travel to other regions to cast their votes, but then again the bridge that would allow people to travel to other regions what's temporarily closed twice on sunday, and that is allegedly to do to a bump threat environments as well. colin stations were also suspended over yet another reported bomb threats. so it's very interesting here how people will have to live in the country found so many almost made up obstacles to vote. and this selection was a pivotal moment for politics in moldova, alongside the referendum. has there been much reaction how western countries were very quick and their reactions to indoors? a my son, to preach into usual talking points. i mean, you know, democracy's grades a heading towards a european future is the right way to go. and it's almost like to them. the only way to define a democracy is for a country to work towards joining
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a european future as they call it. it takes around kind of strings to overcome the challenges you faced in this selection. i'm glad to continue working with you towards the europe in future from all day there. and it's people i whole heartedly congratulate my son due on his victory in the presidential elections. mo, diamonds have shown once again the determination to build a european future despite hollywood attempts to undermine democracy. democracy has triumphed over old interference. an old maneuvers from se will continue to tune in alongside. we'll do the on your european pos. now it is interesting to note that before the 2nd round of elections, 1st president, i'm on my call, sent a message of the whole html dove is any, almost was intern, and indirectly tollen mullins, who to vote for. i mean, he calls it a european pad of freedom and democracy, however, that didn't really go well with the french patriots party who slammed him for trying to interfere in moldova and elections. let's take
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a listen. background has just publicly and officially called and told opens to vote in the 2nd round of their presidential election on sunday for pro e u. candidate maya san do. in reality, permanent interference including through corruption and fraud is systemic in the euro monte list camp. now all of this comes a mid multiple by repeatedly accusing russell, interfering in these elections. the kremlin has denied those accusations. so at this point, it seems that the only and interfere is that can happen is one that comes from countries that are not european. one standard has been the presidents of the dias for, for her high share of votes among the buildings abroad. we also saw that pattern in the 1st round. tell us more about that referendum for you. integration was held recently and some do has been repeatedly pushing for this pro you integration for quite some time. now, almost half of the people voted against joining the you in the referendum and even
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former maguvvin president refused to vote in the referendum. he said that this is a referendum on changing the constitution. another political leader also pointed out that while police stations were empty, they saw fit. this has increase being turned out, so the more in paulding stations listed, listen inside the country without the diaspora. people said no in the referendum, 56 percent, to 44 percent. we saw this data around midnight. then they started counting diasporas. we were told that around 250000 people voted. no one knows whether they were there or not. because we had our own representatives at each polling station at times when these building stations were empty, we saw a fictitious increase in turn out at foreign building stations on the central election committee website. so that's the overall picture here, while the west is happily endorsing acendo,
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russia is somehow taking the blaine blame of madame leading those elections. people are almost stripped off their right to even vote, but it seems that this is all part of democracy. well, we also heard from independent political research of greg simon's own, the modem of info to he lamented the way people were either limited or not allowed at all to vote in their reason, including the disputed trans, nice to region, but said the way that was ignored. in the west was just as bad. so this is how the site, the rules, right, or the offer of it. it does not care about more details about results. clearly demonstrated. so she's washington's rep education, you know, in the, the d as flora had been mowed, selectively, volume lies. so those b as for, in. busy the side pool rooms bugs, all the countries in full lakes is the voting thing that we are is bodies deals for
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russia and other countries. they did law. so i mean this was clearly and then to barons was even pulled up political wolfy a. busy by what would you say tipping the scales in favor of lies? well, we'll fight for the volume and other story we are following a group of radicals attacked indian worshippers. i'd side a hindu temple in the canadian city of toronto on sunday. new delhi has express concern about the attack which comes against the backdrop of tensions between india uncovered. we condemn the acts of violence perpetrated by the extremists and separatists that the hindus saw the temple in brampton ontario. yesterday. we call on the government of canada to ensure that all places of worship are protected from such attacks. we also expect that those indulging in violence will be prosecuted.
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we remain deeply concerned about the safety and security of indian nationals in canada. you know, you're seeing those where you will very, very t r. what is happening. it is basically a pro carlos donnie wall that has lashed out at devotees. and in fact, they've also destroyed desiccated, a dental and this is not an isolated incidents. lets me point out this has been happening every few months off in canada. now the devotees, the hindu deputies, the docking new canadians, the ones who will bring this, this is the value festival time in india. so perhaps a lot of them going to these that can do samples when the war attacked by call us on. that was interesting here is the response is the median means the acquisitions coming that we use that essentially the call, the sunny model. the color funny separate is who had sticks in the hands. they were
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using steaks, they was chanting and eating the slogan. they basically attack stuff they can do devotees. also there's major incidents of violence. we've seen that there's been. 7 sort of lip service, which is coming from the canada outside the acts of violence at the him to stop him . and d, a in brampton today. unacceptable. every canadian has the right to practice their faith, really and safely. thank you to the appeal regional police force swiftly responding to protect the community and investigate this incident that the actions must be taken against the culprits. the canadian prime minister has come down this incident, but come down and it is melting off. is a mistake action on this immediately, the government must put the pressure on canada so that the administration that catches the culprits and take strange inspections. inga zip b to b is requested canada all dots. the ro call us on the separate is that are
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basically blowing on the canadian, solely ok, or huge threats to india, the indian leadership, but also to canada on the citizens of canada. but despite that india request that has just fallen on deaf fios, the protocol is donny separate? is there essentially asking for the indian fund job to be carved out as a separate states called college done? now this is not something that the indian seed community, or anybody in india for that matter, wants be unfortunately, the politics of the country that is giving the political lobby. you can call it perhaps, you know, a degree of a play which i would argue is not just bad for us. and for our relationship, i would argue is also bad for the cabinet. the relationship between india and canada has been suffering. it has the really reached a point where you would say that it's
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a rock bottom and nothing really seems to be indicating that this relationship between the 2 countries will get any better off. for now, there is nothing left of the india canada relationship but for more or less here, the periods of sheshe full. vide a former director general, all police in india is to move in kashmir region. you are most welcome and they're written for moody has strongly condemned the attack. how did you see, tell her the responding? what do you think also a will do about it? to see uh well the response of the canadian police uh was not uh what actually the police force should be doing. well that, that goes the did i did go uh the college started the elements there, there the, the was she paused the in the people who but in their temples on,
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on the eve of the why the is a is a of, but he knew festival and developing and look at the way the living there there. so the visual that protected these can do people who are being attacked other than a deep will. canadian police has a, as buzz as was shown on the we do was instead of catching these that are equally meant was attacking the in. do uh, was sheep us. i think the, the role of canadian police was not the we should have the deadline forcing. they should be protecting the victim and not the aggressive it seeing why do it without it is why do you think they're not doing nothing because this attack, it's not the 1st violent incident of its, of its type. is it? it is not any. in fact, it should not have happened in the presence of luis,
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luis was not buried. it can be, it is understood, but the read police had any right information, they what they're in there, but of this, and that tag is taking place. so what should i be that a sponsor of any responsible police boards like we operate in general in cars made? if somebody or tax a peaceful person was paying, we will take action against the fact that i'm not the of the, the big deal. so it didn't just that it was what community police is doing. i think the mr. to those government need to look with they are a dimensionally this will not only strain the relations between india and canada. it, when i do mention the fact the citizens of canada because you're giving space these is already collected, means what it does in that periods. what does it mean? 3 minutes active duty and of all sorts of data in the crimes. so they will id much be a bag,
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does it ends up getting it up. and why is there not that clump done because we heard canadian premier just in crudo condemning the temple violence strong words. yes. but when it comes to actions, nothing really is being being don't. why is that the case? is it? is there too much influence among certain parts of this community and the election coming up? and what do you think is the main reason? i think uh as i would extra and the best ministers that some of leah a, a boat rang. i think mister drew, billy's depended on so all these ready gladly menaced college started. the men will lose our political implants and is a party. and that's right. uh there's no action on is a government spot, but i run the company statement that he is condemned, dark like this, but just in them. but usually a statement is not. i know you must, you are under obligation to protect every citizen of canada, whether it's a into
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a christian and muslim a suit. we all know these identical elements are acting on the be asked of. spark is done deep stand, i a say. and these are all the sponsored by park is bands a i s a and i think good, good. the canadian police knows it very bit with relations continuing to deteriorate between the nations. how secure hindus feeling in canada, do you think? right. i don't think this is your dream fact. we keep getting a lot of what the boards of in those planning to do. some of them did the planning to leave canada. in fact lacks of students go from yet. i was just watching on the another youtube channel that i think some $5.00 to $6000000000.00 is the the amount of money.
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