tv Worlds Apart RT November 4, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EST
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and, and imagination, which is what speech speaks and people typically do so. so i, i must say i'm really enthusiastic about the recording symposium. 25. the annual meeting of the valentine discussing club kicked off today in the russian black sea city of sochi. this is event is focusing on global conflict resolution, common security, and equal opportunities for development. the russian president vladimir putin is set to make an appearance on the last day of the conference on the day before the guests begun the discussion as a cooperation agreement to assigns between the grouping of the pocket study. think times with the opportunity to exchange ideas and find solutions to big issues. and i think from the international relations professor at the university of southeastern new awake, len deezen told on a washington strategy for the gaza will, doesn't, depends on who enters the white house as both sides are supposed to have
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a bit of his round on the american foreign policy, i think the social blog so that there's a consensus on the foreign policy. so very little change in any foreign policy. the only one exception appears to be the ukraine war. but don't go so i think both sides have a very supportive of what is now, effectively, genocide. so they're both sides have been cautious in the way they're supporting this because for many americans, the genocide is a red line. but we also have to be honest, this is not just and this really genocide, this is something that's been committed by the vast majority of american weapons. so for this reason, it's also in america genocide. but given that nobody feel like they can go against israel about at the same time, they're both cautious to come don't genocide we. we see the language being tailored very carefully so they won't be seen to buy support the worst of the war crimes. however, it's not going to be much of a difference whether it's a harris or trump governments. i think they're still going to continue to do
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israel's bidding. it is a happy with us this monday, coming your way. next option we're townslee and guess the stuff as well, the influence of the us presidential election and the nicest episode of going onto the grounds and we'll be back with more news updates of the top of the i'm action or times here. welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the u, a. e. ahead of tomorrow. so cold elections in the united states of america, the usa of being the genocide in gauze of the proxy war in western europe, and countless organizations of budding democracy. all around the global south is itself ruled by leads,
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proceeding over executions disproportionately affecting people of color, mass censorship by and all the got controlled media system and catastrophic levels of poverty. 43000 was shown that in the usa last year, 40000000 cannot eat tonight. without federal food aid programs with less than 5 percent of the world's population, it accounts so 25 percent of those globally incarcerated genocide. jo, how that goes. tyrese's usa remains the only you and member of state that is not ratified the convention. on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and the conventional in the civil rights of the child. in april 2023, the us senate projected a constitutional amendment to guarantee gender equality. according to n s a whistleblower edwards. as odin us authorities must avail all forms of communication between us citizens, according to one. yep. so as poll 76 percent of americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. as trillions from public money i used to wage war abroad. the gap between rich and poor and the usa is now reached its west level since the great depression of 1929. if you believe the fake news media in the usa
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and it's about so later states you think tomorrow's election was being interfered with by russia and china? joining me now from washington dc, a james bond fan, a multi award winning journalist. i mean nominated filmmaker and best selling author of the puzzle palace the shadow factory and body of secrets and most recently by fail foreign spies, mills savages and the collapse of america's counter intelligence. james, thanks for getting back on the show. head of our coverage of the us selections tomorrow. we know style him is britain is tried to interfere with the outcome of tomorrow's us elections. people can watch our coverage. i'm not tired of being pulled back as ex, as a on saturdays show on rumble, but given the biggest spot a story, the biggest story in the world is still the u. k. u s e u. i'm genocide in gaza. what pilot is israel wheeled in tomorrow's elections in the usa? well, it's always well the norm as power of the just the fact that the united states is
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a, basically a co belligerent in a genocide. we're supplying the weapons, they dropped them, but we billed them and send them and pay for it. and so where is guilty is, is, is really, is, are for taking part in the genocide. and that happens because we have a constituency that is very powerful and very wealthy, and the supports, the whatever we do in israel. but how will they influence the alexis remind us, actually, i have an ex up here from us by fail for and spies. most of it was the collapse of america's got your intelligence. you talk about a meeting between john kerry and yahoo in the room. as usual, your beautiful pro style fits the scene of a popular sea food restaurant and be out of the reach e a block for rooms type of river that is for the 2016 election drilling. that's how they interfered with that one to yeah, i wrote
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a considerable amount about that and the way i wrote about it was by getting freedom of information act documents from the fbi i in other agencies. and then what they show is that the israelis throughout the summer of 2016 had been built directly interfere with the election by trying to get to donald trump, to agree to a number of things that netanyahu wanted. and in order to get that, these relays were basically offering intelligence to the trump campaign. and he had a lot of this came from documents that were released by the f b. i documents that work, transcripts who conversations between the is really agent and a roger stone who is very close to uh, uh, trump, uh, during that campaign. so it was a direct uh connection between the is really intelligent and uh and i actually net
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and young personally, and donald trump for just doing improving liar about julian. hassan. sure. assigned you as being on this show as regard to when he took his violin. when the ecuadorian embassy in london, but then you'd think then with the power of netanyahu to subvert democracy in the united states and giving the multi $1000000000.00 amount every week. it seems given by blinking bite and paris sullivan, austin burns to and that and yeah. who is the kamala harris all across areas who, being with the insurance, but you think miriam adults in the money for trump will hold the most way to get trump elected as far as for an interference uh goes tomorrow as well. her husband played a great deal. uh uh, type of thing, role and getting trump uh electron, you know, the previous selection. so marian has a, is fortune and she is using it again to help trump so unhealthy for i'm sure it'll
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help again. it's huge amounts of money you're trying. i think close to a $100000000.00 or something. i mean, i don't know how democracy is a judge does a, a, a workable idea. if somebody can spend a $100000000.00 to get somebody elected. well, other people have nothing except a single lo yeah, but add those that have part of it the all the god costs element element of it. but then there's a foreign far in the agent element of it. it's not legal. you're not allowed to do that in the united states, surely to know. i mean, marianne allison has dual citizenship, but obviously she's more connected is real than she is to the, to the united states. her husband said that he only has one issue and that issue is israel, there's the united states is israel. so that's why his money is always been
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a nor mostly desired by every basically, every republican politician in washington, they go to him for millions of dollars and that's how it works. is one of the reasons why we're aging in this genocide is money from a pro, israeli. and a lot of very wealthy people who contributed to the basically to, to uh, biden's campaign to, to get them up to bite is basically said that he's is honest. and he's taking more money from the pro israeli lobby than any other politician in the united states. so that's where it stands right now and why you haven't heard very much from a couple of harris in terms of what her views are on the genocide, but they haven't done enough to please netanyahu to win. i mean, israel, i know we can say israel is controlling the result tomorrow because both sides
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support israel in any case. right. uh, but uh, you would think that the, uh, vitamin ministration and harris uh, uh, along with binding wood. um, you know, they have these rules that they keep saying that they want the world to follow and then they don't follow them, then sells and they expect everybody else to agree with evan vote for him. so i am totally at a loss why anybody would vote for the harris a champaign century has never come out and condemn the genocide and yet have despite freedom of information, legislation will never really know the full influence because people improve in the past praised r f k junior and tools to grab it, for instance, for the principles stands against the floor and was endless was around the world. and yet both of them support the other side and perhaps we in
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a trump cabinet. yeah, there was a time when the kennedy, when kennedy 1st came out of sound like he was going to be different. and, and um do uh, take some different actions as opposed to completely uh, going along with everything that netanyahu wanted. uh, and for maybe the 1st 2 weeks he had that attitude and then all of a sudden it was like he was taken to the back yard and spanked. and all of a sudden he's a completely turned and became a, you know, a complete advocate of the netanyahu in the, in the war. and that's simply the way it always works in the united states. i've written enormous amounts about how the the system works and, and just never changes or psychologically impacted on about the fact that it was a palestinian that guild is a his dad who knows. we don't know israel's impact on those 2
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um as well, we don't know because they barely spelled them speak about it is very difficult to write about israel and the united states. very difficult for journalist actually right critically about israel. i've been doing it all my life the ever since i began writing and, and i've never had so much push back is whenever i write about history of what happened. um, what happened to you when? because you know, you went awards, you're best selling riser, and then you start talking about is really interference in american politics. yeah, i get pushed back by editors. i get pushed back by the public. i get pushed back by lot of people who think that you shouldn't be writing critically about history. well then there are numerous times of been shut out by the uh, settlers. uh, one of the settlers shut at me with the woozy machine gun. so i'm
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fairly familiar with what goes on over there, but reading about it is a very difficult the topic. when i wrote to a spice, they all, i wrote a great deal about israel critically, about israel and i was getting a norm was pushed back from number of people of 9 months later we sort of preceded what, what happened 9 months later, which was the genocide so sort of writing about it before it happened, but it's much more easy to write about it today that would have been 9 months before it happened with my book came out. yeah, i mean, the bravery of jewish activists on campuses, in the united states, arguably as shown that they kind of accused everyone of being anti semitic. any more, actually you've written about how they've infiltrated the campuses, student demonstrations. i don't know whether they've successfully managed to
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suppress them. one point, we think it is going to be a can state situation. what tell me just a bit about us in this group. so used to infiltrate the campuses of united states a well, israel has a very, a strong presence on, on campus is the very, uh, covert largely. yeah. there is a group called israel on campus coalition in washington. it gets a lot of money from israel and it gets a, it's a computer equipment from israel. and its main function is to get a sense of what's going on and all the campuses. and it does up by using people who report confidentially to the, to the group. it's a very large, very ex extensive group i read about, or a lot about it in my recent book. and what they do is a collected intelligence on what's going on in the different campuses and then pass
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it on to true. and then israel passes information out to them. uh, in terms of what to do. so you have a, a group in the united states right here in washington about half a mile from where i live. uh, and they have enormous control over what goes on and campuses and it's directly uh, not only directly connected, but uh it gets a lot of its funding from the people, the same people who support all the uh, uh, 8 pack and all these other groups. james bounce it. i'll stop you back more from the multi award winning john list and best selling goals or the puzzle palace is out of factory and body of secrets after the spring, the the,
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the welcome back to going undergoing. i'm still here with james band for the multi award winning join list and best and the gold of the possible palace and body of secrets. and maurice increased by fail 4 and spies most of it to us and the collapse of americans counter intelligence. james, we must remember tomorrow is the election day so cold election day in the united states. any concrete evidence this time? always rarely interference. we showed on saturdays show about prediction to appear intimate to decades with the new york times to confirm his rails, a low rolling, electing reagan, apparently uh then no one believed it, that the hostage released by a run was delayed to destroy, causes an attempt to trying to be re elected as president, do we know israel? is that how to work right now? we're trying to corrupt democracy in the united states to more well, it's hard to say is the problem is it's so difficult trying to write about what
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israel is still going in the united states. uh, the only way i was able to write about it before during the 2016 election where they interfered with the trump collection. interfering is the understatement. was by getting documents released by the, under the fair information act from the, the i the show, the actual contacts between these rarely agent and the trump campaign. but where you see happening was that nobody was ever arrested for that. there was never any follow up by the american press major media. they focused entirely on russia gate, which turned out to be nothing. and completely uh, uh, turned a blind eye to these really, um interference. so uh, it's almost impossible to determine what they're doing unless you actually get somebody on the inside the telling you about or so because of how fluid the
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violence is there being his estimation attempts on trump. uh, by the time this interview is being broadcast, who knows what else will it be going on by the military industrial complex to prevent the trump, but administration all by the israelis to prevent paris? who knows what you've written about unit 8200. that is rarely so again, the national unit, i mean, i mean, claims that lebanese resistance bowman debris explain the past few days, how it uses the national security agency, which of course, edward snowden showed him, was used routinely to surveil mass surveillance stowed. and of course, now in moscow, up to seeking asylum. i mean, how is really intelligence embedded within the firmament of us intelligence and could it be used to manipulate tomorrow's elections as well? the unit, 8200 is extremely powerful. it's about the same as the n s a,
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the national security agency. i've done 3 books on, in a say. so fairly familiar with that. and i was, i think, the 1st person interview at snowden in moscow or wired magazine. and when i talked to emmy, he was adamant that there was a great deal of cooperation between the united states and, and israel a to a unit, 8200. the relationship between that as a and you know, a 200 is the closest relationship for a relationship. that is a house and a uh, the n as a has a, a liaison officer imbedded with unit 8200 and unit in and a 200 as a liaison officer imbedded right of for me the we're in a say is headquartered. and so there is a norm's cooperation and what the documents that came from snowden showed was that the israelis were pressing. and i say to get actual location of jill
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location of people that they were attempted to assassinate the liaison officer. and as a liaison officer pushed back saying that under us law were not allowed to give you information that will allow you to assassinate somebody. and then another document came back saying that the is really 8200 have worked out of some kind of a cooperative agreement with the the and i say to sort of overcome that problem. in other words, basically as they gave him the information they needed to help with the assassinations, and that probably is still going on today with the assassinations that have been taking place this past summer. us. yeah we, we don't mean the trumpets i do want to return to the election. we don't need the trump assassinations because prison, we israel doesn't want to kill trump with his close lines with that and yahoo! but then what you were saying, just that i presume we implying a could be as, as a nation's against us. i have mr. all that had of lebanese resistance and chief pilots in you negotiate the same uh as a blinking the butcher blinking some,
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i'd say, as a said, the former west exec himself and texas. they said this is something we were not aware of or involved in. it's very hard to speculate on the honey a be referring to the other policy, the negotiator was murdered by the israelis. what's your, what's your hunch? i mean, obviously we don't have any proof, but that the bible inherited ministration was involved in the, as, as a nation to all the negotiator that they were crowing about at the state department is regards to this uh, cx 5 but well, uh, as i said, they uh, they helped him before in the assassination attempts in an actual complete assassinations that they did in the middle east during earlier wars. so with liaison and giving you a location information. so, i mean, if they're giving them the funds to drop on innocent civilians and refugee camps
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and hospitals and schools, it's not a great leap thing to give them the, the detailed information on jill location on where their targets are that they want to assassinate and live in on or human or, or around or, or wherever. so there's no doubt in my mind that the u. s. is helping the israelis in every way they can. i don't think there's any a pullback whatsoever. all the while impersonating an honest broker and holocaust. harris trying to impress a base with the fact that somehow the different to trump on that issue. well, they may be slightly different, but the point is that the harris campaign has had an enormous opportunity to come out and, and show that they have some, even a slight degree of difference from the a buying administration or the biking presidency in terms of
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attitudes towards the genocide and they completely refused. they refused to even have a speaker at the at the convention. so there is no indication that if a harris gets elected president, that there will be any change whatsoever in the, in the administration's attitude towards the israel and towards the war. and the, the genocide and the democrats have never pushed back on this. there's never been an issue with regard to senate or people running for the center of the house. so it just comes a standard operating procedure that the israel gets what it wants and, and either administration, whoever gets elected that will give them whatever it is that they do want all the. and then the only chance for change is trump. but then if there is massive law fair
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between november and january as fights break out in different states over electro college versus popular vote and who knows what else? the harris team has up. it says sleep suddenly swing state, bowling, showing a trump victory. which way with is or how support, because the israel has lawyers on both sides and in israel, as intelligence assets, advising both democrats and republicans. who do they want more? is that what does it come down to as well? i think they definitely want to try more than they want harris that harris's going along with buying a policy right now. once you select it and when she takes office in the january 20th of next year, who know, you know, he's let her know quantity. she may vary to the left and the go along with
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the progressive son on israel. there's no chance a trouble doing that trip is i've been explaining earlier when a long, completely with the is rarely program when the secret agent came across. he says he's different now and he made the wrong choices with, with the john bolton and the so on his name isn't even more unpredictable in that sense. well, here's an unpredictable and you know, in, in a number of senses actually, but um, uh, you know, you could say that he would be against the more heavily involved with these rarely . so for several reasons, one of them is a complete dislike for netanyahu. these never hit is a dislike for netanyahu. as a person. he's completely, he's complained about him numerous times. and 2nd of all, trump is the guy that comes out saying that we don't want to spend any more money
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on wars overseas or middle east for this. and this is about a big of middle east or as you can get so. so you have those 2 ideas that he would not want to help know because he dislikes netanyahu and, and not want to get heavily involved in the any, any more involved or maybe pull back from israel, of based on his earlier pronouncements studies against any more wars and expanding wars in the middle, lee, so um, so you have those 2 uh, unknown quantities uh whoever gets elected will be at that day. i saw him last slept and then you know his bed as far as i understand. and, but most of the american electorate, while, while the muslim vote is in, arab americans, obviously won't be voting for harris. you've actually written about the way they have managed to conceal things in,
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in your legacy media outputs of the dreadful killing of him. good job. you've written about with a us 120 millimeter artillery shell. having said all of that, the war in western europe, trump has been relatively clear about ending because this is a proxy war that is subsidized to the june of 1000000000 hundreds of billions of dollars. tens of billions of dollars. i don't know, government accounting, office title, the thing is, uh, whoever wins will make a big difference as regards western europe and ending that will well, hey, especially trump the trunk, but i don't think he has any desire to continue the. the war and in the ukraine of the, you know, the war is going terribly for ukraine of now you've got to it and it just keeps on expanding and, and going and strange directions. the one point you have the uh, the ukrainian military taking over portion of uh, you know, the cursory engine of,
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uh, of the rush up. and now do you have the north koreans coming in to push the, the koreans out of chris garret? he'll be at that the in did not touch tour as the but you know, actually, but just coming to an end. now if trump use is israel, he help he gets in and so on a d n. c in opposition, a democrat or position? do you think build with last be able to reflect on this support for genocide in opposition of trump wins tomorrow? yeah, i think it's trapped when the said, i think the uh oh, you know, at least some of the blame will go on the fact that uh uh the by the administrative binding harris to ministration had given too much support for uh, for israel. um and lots of votes in michigan for example, people just would uh, not vote for either party or, or even though for trump instead. uh but um i,
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you know, i think it will be, uh, uh, uh, uh, at a time when everybody will started thinking maybe we went the wrong way. maybe we should have been more of anti genocide. so hopefully if that happens, so that will be a reflection to the problem is that to you just don't know which way trump will go through. if he wins, whether he's going to pound his chest and say we're going to win this for israel or do the opposite and say we're getting out of this war. james bond with. thank you. my pleasure. and thanks for having me. that's it for the show. i'll continue condolences to those brief by u. k. u. s. u, i'm genocide will be back with the brand new episode on saturday. i feel that keep in touch, why will i social media if it's not sensitive, we will country and i to a channel going under warranty, vulnerable dot com to watching. you know, the episodes are going underground, sees after the
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election day is just around the corner. hold of us on something higher is telling me that kinetic and the latest polls, the votes will not only get to them in the countries costs for the next 4 years, but possibly the future scale if it's a clear as well. also ahead of you guys, this last gives you files that preparing content on. so if you're open to boston to suicidal gamble, i'm not starting to direct on conflict with russia on those top diplomatic phase. washington and london not pushing you are comfortable with russia or born in the resonates with some of the confidence leaders as they raise concerns about the rest of the gemini on the opposition in moldova sees itself with.
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