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tv   Documentary  RT  November 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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has and the advice of the police to have people went back to you to the political vacuum. it please have so much pressure on dependence. 3 are leaving till 2 or 7 feet tall to complete the band and they'd be treat october. some of the introduced side comes in the, by the neck ministration. the ensure that as well has all the mazda what is needed in order for them to carry on this journey side. it gives dependence time use, say what you might about harrison by doing a little bit. if it were not for the title of an unconditional and blind support by the administrator to his will. so out of this as well, we have not been able to sustain. neither is judy side, on gauze, or in gaza, or the war, or they've been on the west bank. so the 0, the is the story to drop it by the i do apologize. i think absolutely right. a lot of people do say that there's no way that is real, could continue this war really for more than a few days without the support of the united states. i listened around. so you want,
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i've got you here and it's so good to get you on the program during our election coverage of what's happening in america today. and to nights. and timing is everything right, because these ready prime minister have just sucked the defense minister. you. i've got line to talk to me about the timing is happening during the us presidential election. why? why, why, why is this? right? so it is understood that government is by gives man, and nothing else is gover. and repeated by the administration came out to rest, 2 gallons from being fired. the 1st time he was fired before the current war and garza. and in that instance the americans pushed to bring him back to the did and then the 2nd to fire him repeatedly. so out of this war and that for whatever reason seemed to be the american condition, we would do whatever you need. do not fire gun it. perhaps they sold a gun, it should present to some kind of american interest or the console gun have been
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one way or the other. so wasn't that the meal has done? he has chosen this moment where american leaders in both parties, corbin kerry less and that's what's happening anywhere in the world outside the confines of their own domestic issues. yeah, he chose this time there's very good coverage with this in america media. very few of, aside from blinking and sunny, then they made a statement showing concern. so in other words, the yellow did this because of the american election, knowing that there would be no backlash coming from the street. that the domestic politics and as well is directly linked to the domestic audits of the united states as well. yeah. yeah, yeah. fair play 5 play ramsey. i mean, you know, you talk about, you know, i've got on maybe being by this man that, but somebody say he's, he's a full guy. now he's escape, go to the good. israel is the fact. so it was, mind is a losing the war 11 on every time. the idea of soldiers go know if they have to
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retreat, they get the cause of a time to being taken out by all p, jeez. and, and so on and so forth. i wanted to ask you if i could, while i still got you here, of votes being costs in america, a lot of eyes of the country swing states, michigan, michigan is also known as a, as a, as a very, it's not the law largest, but potential are of american community and united states, you think the, the most of them votes could be, could be a big player in this presidential election in the us. i should say this would be the most important outcome for those who would like to see about us. the american foreign policy in the middle east is almost lived the highest and best supporters, including many progressive jews by the way. so this is not just a racial thing, it's nothing really just to get nothing ethnic thing is. it's this construct you want to see how they are capable of putting goals that are kind of starting on on, on the americans agenda as a domestic issue. i think is going to be
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a game changer. so a lot of us are looking at the results, seeing what kind of a 3rd party showing on jo stein is going to come up with. because to show him how these boats managed to affect swing states, particularly michigan. i think this is going to make a great deal of difference in the way that they are wisdom and pro palestinian both in america is understood and analyzed by future american and egypt. yeah, okay, what about, what about the war and guys come a lot higher. so reason to be pledge to end the war and guys, if elected. meantime, donald trump, quite often positions and positions themselves are pretty hard, causes zionist, and apparently, i mean they seem to be on, on different platforms. or ave, it is interesting that they just made the discovery over the we have to the very, very, in the so the are suddenly russian domestic and rushing to speak to urban was in communities. it seems that towards the very end,
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they made the realization that this particular community could be despised in the way it could swing the votes in some and some states. but you know, a year or 13 months of genocide, toe to support for it as well. i think many on the are and what's the community come up possibly by into what the politicians are saying. i think it's really very clear that that this was always the intended outcome anyway. because i mean, as i said a moment ago, donald trump, you know, he's got a very strong pro, is re lease starts. if, if trump does return to the white house, ramsey, how do you think a is going to impact relations with the arab world? a b what's gonna happen to the palestinian to the so the people do not get upset with me over this. i'm not saying i vote a 3rd party myself any way, but i do not think that this is certainly a gift from becomes the president automatically. there is going to be an expansion
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of the one that sort of thing. uh simply, all the experience that we have of trump is that when he became a president, he took advantage of the fact that the trip seemed to be a bad thing and a bad thing published by the 30 and so did not speak. it seems to be very keen on, on showing resistance to this up at the moment you're willing to play along as long as the price is right. but this time around, it becomes of president. we are talking about major awards going on and up with things a little bit too much because more involving your what does, has we positioned himself as the anti war president, if you will, the one who doesn't want this 3rd, the more the more that that he's be to be back for you. is he really going to expand the war beyond the damage that budget has done? i personally doubt it doesn't mean that his mother full desperately as well.
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president, he is very much so, but i do not think he might use. i certainly want to inherit the responsibilities of buying this destructive war that has led the region to the brink. of course the disaster or i rammed jeffrey. i appreciate that. i mean, i hear what you're saying about trump. i mean, he certainly had some strong rhetoric. you know, towards the iran, for example, but there are others that say the camelot would just be a deep state profit, so to speak. and i mean, i was talking to the former russian president and prime minister the other day about the cycle, deep state in america, regardless, ramsey of who wins. whether it's trump or whether is carmella, how much of a role is the deep state gonna have behind the curtains? you know, it's interesting that you asked this question because, you know, when did we actually discover that's coming to ours was a leadership material. i mean, she has been kind of the both of jolts and most of the late night the economy,
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the as an american, you know, uh tv itself. it's not like come with her is, has a doctorate. what does this become by that? how does a doctor, what does she really stand for? she wasn't what it was that supported after, and she wasn't very good at that. when suddenly she was revived and discovered as this potential to be a bottle of american politics, even though, but the obama. he didn't know how much they didn't like, he didn't care for her. and they were brought kind of to the endorsement of panel of coming up kind of kicking and screaming when suddenly the we need to be need. that's where you to come out of how this has all the answers. so yes, there's a very much of deep state involvement here. i don't think it's gonna have is, is a president. we're going to see any dramatic or, or, or major changes, certainly nothing. the policy arena and certainly locked into because, you know, it's something a few years ago the russian president vladimir putin said he was doing an interview with a german media. and it was, it was,
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it was in front of one of these elections 4 years ago. so and, and they said to him, they said to put in, you know, what, do you expect any, any policy changes with the next to whoever is going to be the next president? i'm put a said, you know what, it doesn't matter who becomes the next president, the guy gets in there. and then within a few days he's all the guys in dark suits and briefcases show up. and then they link the over office. next thing, you know, trump or whoever, whoever has the policy goes right back to what it was with the deep state in effect telling, telling the guys, look, you are the president, but you're just a front man. okay. you're just a front man and you're still going to sell the was you're still going to make money for the military industrial complex, and you're still going to protect the top one percent ramsey. and so yeah, of course i knew this is the case. history has or was to be vista, be the case. if we go back to the post going as well model, you're going to find out that by then has basically completed the mission that started by trump in his terminal office. i mean,
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all the decisions that funds have made about the annexation of the west bank and back moving, busy embassy, or the american embassy put into the deep the drawers and in about the people my as in the be legally occupied. so you have a blog hot websites to be part of it as well as so much more why it is by doing reverse any of these decisions. like if he stayed the course, you'd be buying them from or not, essentially, reading from the same playbook or behaving according to the same set of expectations of but to be succeeded was painting themselves to be behaving according to click and sharply different political edges. and suddenly a lot of people invited to this, but if you will judge based on the outcomes alone and no other biases involved, that's indeed the case. it's essentially the same american foreign policy and very little change. uh, we didn't, we didn't. uh, not just we didn't even use a rena,
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but of globally as well around if i wrote as a public opinion, american journalist on the editor of the palestine chronicle. thank you very much for your time and you call me of the way back to the us presidential election now is us citizens had to the paulding station, so the risk of violence is pretty clear and present or they have for you. i a rest of the amount in michigan who would like to be threatened to carry out a mass shooting of trump wins. so the only such incident to me, the ongoing vote, for example, heading southwards jacksonville, florida. a suspicious package was detected at a busy upholding station called him to the media police real quick on this. are you inquiring the site and reopening it to a patient voters? this will a, comes as washington profess to bill that will not on the board or the, the us capitol, bracing itself a violence that could be sparked by the election outcome. and the capital is starting to look a bit like
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a military base fences erected. a window is getting bullied at up across the city. and it isn't just the white house and all the government buildings preparing for travel. shops and restaurants are taking cover as a recent poll suggests a 3 quarters of americans for yeah, post election violence of phases of explosive reactions to the outcome of mounting . the some press reports calling a token about and then all out war. they side groups mention justified aggression of southern political objectives and automat. one person supporting the cause of violence is pro ukrainian activist ryan. whereas the ralph was a recent vehicle of setting an ambush with a rifle named donald trump. when he was golfing in florida, a jail house let her, the alleged would be assassin claimed drums victory would punish the country into a civil war. months of demonizing language, about the republican candid across the nation, media outlets of also very much done that part the time we begin our final sprint. having arrived at that point in the election season,
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where basically we on this side of the tv screen and set all we can. we've laid out the states and this crucial election where one side stands for freedom. while the other nips the textbook definition of fascism or us that proceeds across the or it will not be holding that traditional election policies this year at washington to point to use apparently fear that trump might win again and spoil the mood. so a contributor now brings us more on these report. so waiting for the us presidential election results to roll in washington's viceroy, as you could say in europe, in bassett, are stationed everywhere from london in paris to brussels in berlin. are apparently opting for a quiet evening of stress eating pockets of ben injuries, ice cream alone on the coach, or maybe even the shares. don't go in the embassy instead of uh, running the risk of hosting a soiree and shopping on the caviar. if trump ends up winning, now that's according to the western press, citing one senior american diplomats who said the quote,
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i don't think there was appetite to watch another trump victory. and the last one in 2016, he said, was quote, calamitous which makes it sound like a place ended up looking like a for a house after a night of mass, alcohol poisoning or something. anyway, that trump victory in 2016 also meant the after 8 years of obama. well, these us political appointees stationed in europe would have had to find another job, which would also be the case in the event of a truck victory this time. so it would kind of be like, uh, being fired in the middle of your own party. kind of offered plus their potential party guests in the european establishment. don't really seem to be in much a mood for celebrating either they're acting like people who are in a really bad marriage and everyone can see especially voters, that it's toxic except for them. instead,
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they figure that divorce is about the worst thing that could possibly happen to them because yeah, europe is doing just so great. right now. you know, so is ukraine, and they're really sticking it to put not at all, getting totally screwed on trade already, which they're afraid trump will do know you're already there with the price, the american airline, g, replacing the cheap brushing gas that you cut off? yeah. life is so wonderful, never been better, and trump just a risk ruining all that. yeah, just as all the europeans were voting the establishment out in recent elections. but this figure that if they're forced into a transatlantic marriage with this truck guy, then don't miss all the good times. that when the by the administration was actually just gaslighting the heck out of them. sounds like europe is dealing with more of a, a clinical situation. you can say that an electoral one actually kind of like officials of britons governing labor party, now gushing about the one relationship between trump and british prime minister
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care star. kind of what other top labor figures have already long been expressing trump is not only a woman hating neo nazi sympathizing sociopath, he's also a profound threat to the international order that is being the foundation of western progress for so long. he's a racist, he's a sexist, he's a home a fault. and it's very important, particularly when you've got a special relationship that you treat them as a best make it my best made was a racist or sexist or a home a fault by to call him out. and i'd explain to him why those use our own. yeah, these guys really sound like they put the special in the u. s. u k. special relationship. maybe all this new found, one that they're feeling right now for trump is just the heat from the very notion of a much wanted us britain trade deal under president trump. already growing up in smoke? well yeah,
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my colleagues here and was discussing some of the issues that are plugging this is, should we call it? tends presidential race a. she was talking with michael, reckoning bold, all through of the book. i got google archipelago as well as a laborer and human rights lawyer, a done compile a couple of times. i think a lot will come down to not who wins, but whether whoever wins wins big enough to you know, get rid of any doubt about who really want, you know, we know denied that. so 11300 electro loads. well, i think those who lost will accept that, but if it's very close, it takes days to count. there's a lot of the regularities. yeah, there could be violence. there are grave concerns, especially on the republican side. and then you have on the democratic side there's, there's the senator raskin saying they will not certify trump whether he wins or not. whether you, if he wins, they will not certified as election. so if that should happen,
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i think you will see some mass movement toward civil unrest. you know, we've already got these far and meddling claims. coming out of georgia state to authorities of accused russia of lucas, bracing a fake phones thread for some threats that were on the russian origin. and so i don't know how to describe that. that's viable. we don't think they are, but in the interest of public safety, we always checked out and to just continue to be very responsive when we hear about stuff like that. they've done it by the source. and it was from russia. interesting comments that the bomb threat is no incredible, but russia were still responsible. that what did the swift occupations come from done? certainly, since 2016, the democrats have been claiming that russians interfering in our elections. there is no evidence for that is there will be no evidence that russia threatened to, uh, you know, made a bomb, threatened georgia by, in fact, at 1st i thought you were talking about the country,
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georgia because it's so ludicrous that that would happen in the state of georgia, and you'll also, but yeah, i mean it's, there's the democrats interest in has, again for about 8 years to blame the russians for everything that goes wrong. because they won't take any responsibility for themselves. but i for one, don't believe rushes interfering in our elections. it doesn't convince anyone outside of a few per, you know, fervid democratic um hysterics. but otherwise i think it really doesn't and it doesn't lose anita, whatsoever. there's, there's just no credible source for it. and it's been taught at so many times. they've crap, they've cried will so many times it's really hard to believe anything with reference to that. and we saw that the democrats, while claiming russian interference in the election were actually involved the russian interference themselves. and this is really the,
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every accusation is really a concession on their part in lights of be, was going on and does a level on how impactful would you expect the arab american voting to be. michael, this is a significant amount of voters that could swing the whole election. and i should say, it is a disgrace that neither of the major parties have even made a gesture toward the palestinians and the plight they are under. with the genocidal onslaught of israel against them. i think it's unconscionable that the american public has not made this one of the central issues of the campaign in general. this is, we've been witnessing non stop over a year worth of slaughter and, and destruction and the death of children and women and an innocent man. it's just an atrocity. and i just find is unconscionable that it hasn't swayed this
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election more than it has. i know a lot of palestinians who were either both 3rd party or even for trump because they're so angry. it is the by narrowest administration. i think that could change the outcome of the election. it, you know, before saying, and it's state like michigan that has such a large area, but mean american community, their refusal to vote with the democrats as they normally do, you know, percentage wise, may make all the difference in the selection. and i'll be honest. i want it to make all the difference. i want to buy to me biden harris administration punish for their crimes in god. and frankly, that really would mean and being arrested and sent to the hey, do, which will probably never happen, but minimally i want them to lose. and in an election year with so many twists on tons of social media stuff, square all has been embroiled in
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a scandal. the some say it could even impact the vote. peanuts was use an ice by new york state, causing a furious online reaction type type deal on most even urging that americans should vote in memory over the road and a trouble is running made j. d von says, criticized peanuts death sentence. so saying that the most our he's are ignoring big issues like immigration and crime while they spend time eliminating pets. have you seen the videos of this world? he's like, he's a genius very was unfortunately, but the same government doesn't care about hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant criminals coming to our country doesn't want us to have pets. the craziest, the craziest thing that paid out was taken from his own or on youth. and i buy a new york state off to being tested for ray b is following reports a bit something one of the news of is killing, kicked off online republicans accusing new york democrats of every trial. the
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demons claimed trump campaign as a, using it to get a boat to not traditionally blue state was. here's what, here's what the internet animals owner at the say. never going to dress up again. we're going to need a wall with and then for people to split this obviously not every weekend. so endorsed democrats or your korea takes a hit us the pressure donald trump junior claims americans, celebrities are face during the presidential race. american sing daddy combs arrested on racketeering and sex traffic and charges in september. and trump junior started stay and dive and served as democrats and black male against those who attended the rapids. infamous parties. you know, maybe they should figure it out and it's, it's sort of interesting and then the videotapes happen and everyone starts at doors like, it's like, oh, i know where this is going. they're all there. they're all part of it. none of that stuff. the conspiracy they won't be in photograph, there's a, you know,
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what's happening got, even though you're not moscow remotely backed up that idea of saying so libraries could have felt threatened and connected to whether they endorse tyrus a list is leonardo dicaprio, taylor swift, rober dinero, harrison for jennifer lopez or some other big names, given the support of the democrats, several of whom were on record for remaining a political find the candidate that you feel both are a for fits the category of where we want to be and, and that's it. and that's what you will based off of who you highlight in how you choose to highlight on whatever platform you have is your prerogative. i love you more, but i love pamela harris, even more. i wanted her to be our next president of the united states. don't ask me, i don't the resume did a sense. i don't know as it is,
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no more terrorist joining the raising. she changed my mind completely. i believe in every word that comes out of her mouth. she's passionate, she's compassionate. she shows empathy and most of all did not hello, you know, now i, we're just getting warmed up here on how to international as americans are voting for the next president. my special coverage continuing in just a moment here. the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the russian states never is as tight as on the phone in the most sense. community best ingles, all sense and up in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the rush of funding and split the ortiz food next. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube,
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the question, did you see a request for check? the age 1834 france invaded algeria, and straight away the french started in, habiting it to strengthen their position. the column is known as the new ours to the best land. from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was briefly exploited this cause and as discontent. the people of algeria began their long term fight for
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independence. in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress, to rebuild you and using cruel measures. whole villages were wiped out. acts of georgia and executions of civil people include to pregnant women, children and old people took place. more than 2000000 people were born into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help. cl, jerry and patriot managed to induce france besides these negotiations. in 1962 heavy and the cords were assigned 40 l. jerry on the bass warrants independence. but this was achieved at a colossal price, algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the debts of one and
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a half 1000000 algerians. the stuff was the sewing machine for the picture, such as your dog and the bishop this vehicle, is it the economic go to model have new was kind of what it means. different experiments you if it doesn't take her to testify this thing. so we can say ok, given those, then you must sort of the deal. one gives us the company and some girls each goes up developing bio, chemical weathers inside. you create the guns. good to watch the news. moving a solution,
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you know where some cheap but the reason why the white glove service comes to the customer service the the re, max pay is finally starting to get some color. the fox results are coming in indiana and can talk t off as was expected. currently leading to donald trump, 7 of the states are expected to kick off the final 5 pounds. within the hour we're going to tools to where to go mean the malfunction. for donald trump sounds the alarm over alleged mass treating in philadelphia


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