tv News RT November 6, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EST
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[000:00:00;00] the while our map is just getting redder and redder as donald trump has now, 12, teeth swing states, north carolina, and more recently georgia, that's as the projected results are continuing to for. and trump appears to have 1246 electoral votes. so far, paris is behind with 21010. well, there have been a lot of concerns about the electrical tele and pennsylvania. a crucial swing states that says those scanning machines broke down, sparking public outrage with hundreds of people refusing it to test their valid multiple bomb threats. have been called in to pulling locations and municipal
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buildings across pennsylvania and multiple bomb threats. red lodge and they received across various states as polling stations of worked through valid the live in the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r t international voting in the us presidential election is finishing up tens of millions of people have done to the polls to choose who will take control of the white house for the next 4 years. we have all the big developments ahead and what is potentially the most heated race in decades. and over to donald puerto, we go who's crunching the tale state by state and the numbers are being updated just about every minutes. a while was quiet for some hours at the beginning, but that was clearly the calm before the storm. results and projections are now flooding in as more and more states start, their final vote counts. but as expected,
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some of the races are still just too close to call, especially in swing states, we will be talking through it, although pen more in our special studio. the as well, polls are closed and vote counting is well under way across the united states. donald trump is leading the race with $246.00 electoral votes and securing $24.00 states. this is there's that had been some serious developments just in the previous moments. just the last state that donald trump one to bring him up to that tally was the swing state of georgia crucial swing state that donald trump, it's being reported that he was able to win that right after winning the crucial
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swing state of north carolina here and in terms of the other swing states that are going to make or break the selection. a lot of them are still great. we're seeing in arizona. there's electoral, there's 11 of, uh, delegate boats there as well. and the counting is still going on there. but probably the most important swing saved here for the selection is going to be pennsylvania. as you can see here, it's still gray. this is a state that has voted for the winning candidate in every election since brock obama in 2008. and right now the uh, over 87 percent of the votes have been counted there and it is in favor of trump. he's in the lead by just 2 percent. if he can win that state, he's most likely on the roads to winning the selection. and in the other swing states like michigan and wisconsin, they're also leading and trump's favor. as you can see they're, they're still grey. but they're still leading in trumps favor and we've got uh, you know, uh, in terms of wisconsin,
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the 68 percent of the votes counted trump leading by over 4 percent. and we still got other states like michigan in arizona. they have only canceled around 50 percent of their votes thus far so they can go either way. but a lot of media are reporting that because of transposition in the swing states, it's likely that he is on the road to winning the selection. as the voting map turns increasingly red from chances of winning the selection are over 93 percent. according to some reports, now, let's take a look at some of the other election projections because in the senate elections, the republicans take a lead. securing 51 seats. and while the democrats take 42 and the house selection was the republicans also lead with 183 seats with the democrats falling behind with 148. now the atmosphere in both candidates
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headquarters is very quite polarized with those in donald trump's camp, celebrating projected results. while kamala harris has canceled her election night address at howard university. according to officials, the vice president, supporters are seen leaving the candidates watching area as she declined to come to speak and public herself with the nominees representative cent instead. so you won't hear from the vice president tonight, but you will hear from her tomorrow. she will be back here tomorrow to address not only the h u family, not only to address their supporters, but to address the nation. so thank you. we believe in you may god bless you make a t u a g o h u n g o her room. thank you. all american politics are never short on drama. so what twists and turns still lie ahead. donald
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trump is demanding that law enforcement acts to investigate allegations of mass cheating in pennsylvania. earlier reports coming out of the state, a wild card for the election. like i said before, said, vote scanning machines had malfunctioned making the republic in the republican candidate, donald trump furious over possible vote or fraud, which he has been anticipating. or they use these very expensive computers and they've come here in pennsylvania. they want to have an answer till 2 or 3 days from now. i think it's an actual loop. outrage give that's the case. so maybe it'll be later, but it's a paper ballots and trash. they went paper ballots because the mail in was not working cuz the rep has been some irregularities reported in pennsylvania in the swing state, as we reported that voting equipment broke down. essentially the election ballot as scanners were no longer working in the various pull in stations, and that was due to
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a report of software malfunction in the electronic components system. now that is specifically in cambria and bedford, tony, the voting machines are just not scanning. we can accept the votes on the paper ballot. this is all over our county as far as i know, i'm not sure who else who would be effecting. um, i do know the systems are different throughout pennsylvania, so i know it's affecting camry accounts right now and it seems to be all get rid county now. the state has extended its voting hours due to this malfunction, but voters in pennsylvania are massively complaining about this issue. i mean, there was also photos circulating online, showing a line of voters that were held up because of this mall function of the voting machines. so it seems like it's been quite hectic in pennsylvania. yeah. and with things as close as they are between the 2 candidates i have we vote not says so how's everything been going in other states in california has some claim that the states voting system. there is easily susceptible to fraud and there wasn't ex use
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or jordan henry who claimed that pulling station officials did not ask for his id card and that he was able to vote without his id. but it's not today, but i'm just saying it might not be you can verify it. but i'm just telling you it is. you can see my id ready. you can just verify my id. exactly. so it might be might not, might not be a but it. okay. it might not be the time in your savings, 1980 percent to buy design on the other were some reports also claiming that trump's name was not even on the 1st page on some pallets in california. in the older instances, a video was showcasing a kentucky voter that was trying to vote for trump in the voting machine, but he's vote was being changed to kamala harris and other footage a showed a border in new jersey concerned over the fact that his id was not we knew the
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required and the addresses were not being verified. one id is passport and i will be at my major trouble hour, uh right now where you live, they don't even check here or do they just search or for your address? it's kind of weird because i kind of waterfront, i think that sean brush road dash or are they no no id, ma'am? no idea. no, i no wonder it's interesting or again, let's take a look at a video of a woman who claims to have and never really participated in elections. but somehow she finds out that she does have a record of voting in the system. has been a major effort or a to i never tell us. oh my gosh. right. so i always hear someone voted in your name. i mean, you can hear it in her voice and in her reaction that she is genuinely shocked. and
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the list of bizarre instances is quite long. so it can not really be ignored. i mean from pawleys stations and not being bothered to check people's identity to machines breaking down to people find now that they've been voted in the past elections, but somehow they weren't part of it. so the list where he goes on here and what can you tell us about these reports and those are for being organized by you fall last organizations settled about details were released on monday regarding full. 1 left organizations being behind the fragile and solid registrations that were dumped in several counties in pennsylvania as well as maricopa county in arizona. now in lancaster county, specifically in pennsylvania, at least 2500 ballot registrations, were in question. 60 percent of them turned out. they were fragile and in other counties they also reported similar fraudulent activities. now the organization that is set to be behind all of those is also said to have worked with democratic
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candidates and also has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from democratic political committees. this 2018. now the more you look into it, the more questionable things get. there's also this donald trump impersonator of the median in las vegas who has reveals that now he needs the security team in all of the shows. and that was after he was cho biased, a citizen in a hotel elevator, for representing what fun stands for. now, in general, it seems that the election process in the united states is not really going as smoothly. and we will have to wait and see how all of this will develop. cbs news says trump is following quote hitler's playbook. as panic spreads among democrat aligned media outlets that kamala harris might actually lose a. it's a p or project 2025 in miniature in florida. and that kind of extreme sort of extremist right wing, fascist type government in florida. does that make it a more attractive plays out? so they want some good news tonight i,
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i can feel the anxiety in the crowd. you're talking about the propaganda campaign and the play book of trump. this is not new, this is not surprising. this is directly out of hitler's playbook. this is out of an an autocrat play book. this is a way to, i mean that the things that trump has done masterfully, frankly, is to get the entire uh, you know, to get a big part of the population to i believe that the games rate and to so this trust in public institutions and the free press well with donald trump, it being reported him being on the victory trail. we're going to go live now to some live pictures of trumps h q. right now we've got some pictures of what's going on there.
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where you see that we cause a moment ago, darren was out here. he said in fact, not only did the bro strategy work well, now we're going across live to michael maloof, former pentagon security policy analyst, to always a pleasure having you on the program. michael, thanks for coming on again. uh so now of course voting has ended the voting booths are closed. what can we say about the 1st are the voting day essentially what, what do you think about the irregularities that were mentioned around the country? what would your assessment be to? well, i think uh, this is probably a little cleaner than uh, 2020, uh, simply because they were geared this time for uh, any irregularities with the legal teams, both democrat and republican. secondly, uh trump, this time of uh, on like to 2020. i told people to get out and vote early. so and, and the, and, and, and very early on it was republicans who were uh,
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out there loaning early. uh, as uh, as the democrats did back in 2020. so it's uh, there are some irregularities. i don't think the irregularities are such that they would alter the course of the elections in the, in the, any given state. but they are uh, something that needs to be watched because this was to be anticipated by the democrats to try and retain power at all costs. that's all they care about is retaining power and control. that's why they didn't offer any a. that's why they called previous resort to name calling of trump because they don't have any policy issues that they can run on that would be beneficial considering that they've been in office for the past almost 4 years now. and those policies have been a failure as well. you mentioned the 2020 election. i'd like to go back even farther to 2016 when donald trump ran against hillary clinton. of course, we know that all the polls were saying,
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obviously hillary clinton was going to when donald trump took the election right. this time around we saw the pulse saying that it was going to be like knife edge, close. and yet it kind of, it looks like at least now of course not all of the results have come out, but looks like trump's winning by quite a margin and the mainstream media looks to have already entered panic mode. based on how reality is contradicted the poles that we're seeing for so long. so would you say this is game over for kamala harris? i i wouldn't uh count it out just yet however, it this what, what just happened with, uh, uh, tonight of, of, uh, asking uh, harris people to come back tomorrow is reminiscent of what happened in 2016 with a desktop here. uh, hillary clinton's campaign manager did the exact same thing and she stalled, in terms of the electoral college count. and trump,
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them went onto went just over $300.00 the like tauriel votes. course that just made people go nuts as a consequence. they didn't, they said what happened? this is a little closer, right now it seems as though he, we need to see what happens with the blue walls states. they seem, they appear to be turning toward the republicans. this has happened before. uh and uh, it happened in 2016 as i recall. and it could happen uh, this time it again. but uh that it's a little premature if you, if you put it in pennsylvania and, and one or 2 of the other blue all states such as michigan for m. m, wisconsin, minnesota. then, uh trumps. got it. but uh he's, i think trump is being cautious. he's say there were allegations by the re put by the democrats and he would declare victory before as happened. he's being careful
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about doing something like that. so they keep, they continuously want to cast aspersions upon on trump, including calling him names and equating him with hitler and people. the american people i think, are, are wise to these tactics or media reports are already saying that kamala harrison or h q, are really losing enthusiasm for the campaign. i mean, paris canceled her address. she wasn't even there to announce that. what do you think's going on or? well, i think she is behind caesar about 20 the lo total. for look toral to counts behind trump right now. but trump is in advance, is not advancing quickly because of because of the slow counts and these blue states. and i think everybody and, and it was, it was understood that we probably would not get everything i final result so
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night that it would slop into tomorrow morning. and that's precisely what's gonna happen. so i, i would imagine that by 3 or 4 o'clock, tomorrow morning, eastern will probably have that result. and i think the networks will be staying on to report that. but it's, it's taking time. a lot of these, uh there are, there are challenges in some of these areas right now as we speak. and in some of these are going to emergency court cases. so it's so it's, uh, uh, and, and the, again, it's all true it all in effort to get the discount. we're nearing. 8090 percent count and the state so we should have by and trump is got a slight lead by one by one, maybe 2 points that's significant in these states that were blue or, or,
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or demick the solidly democrats before. and it's clear that the trump had uh, made an impact on them in terms of labor and, and, and in jobs and, and, and the economy and especially illegal immigration. so he was more, he was more policy oriented in his approach. and uh, uh, harris was more into the name calling and casting aspersions on on his personal character because her own policies which reflect the data 5 and really to where they were not had sales. and that's what people are voted against. masses for michael, it's starting to look like you can't have an american election without some sort of accusations of russian meddling. right. we've already seen it. we've seen accusations connected to the bomb threats in georgia, legit bomb threats? i mean, do you think, what do you think is going to come out of this after the elections over?
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do you think that the losing side is going to try to spin this and the democratic part of the democratic party in particular, if they don't end up winning the election, do you think they're going to try to pin the blame on russia as well? they did, they tried that in 2016 at that time. everybody took it seriously and, and, but what we now know because of hindsight and numerous investigations that disapproved of those allegations that uh, that, that, uh, if they attempt to do it again, it's just, it, it will be immediately labeled as a hoax. and we've, we've seen this before and, and, and, and, you know, it's this hoax of, by the democrats back in 2016 that has led to this building animosity toward russia for no good reason. and now it has resulted in this stage, and that the united states staging that coo and in ukraine as an effort to, to,
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to try and contain russia. this, you see they, if this was all a hoax they, they had to stick with it because it was their montrose. and that, and, and 3 investigations later showed that there was all that there were, there was nothing to, to these allegations. so uh but, but they've got to stick with it. that's all they've got to hang on and, and it, but unfortunately that hoax could lead us to world war 3. unless some trump was able to work with a lot of me put in and try to get a negotiated settlement going particularly in ukraine, middle east is another matter. and i know he has, i know trump has a issues with netanyahu, but i think he's told him that yahoo stop, stop the bombing of the innocent people. so we'll see what trump does. uh, should he get elected. but you know, between now, between election night and, and,
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and, and, and operation. a lot of stuff can happen. and where, and that, that's, that to me is going to be the most dangerous period. want michael, i'm glad you up the israel, the threat of world war 3, because i want to, to ask you about the some of the motivations behind the way americans vote. right? because obviously domestic issues, issues that affect the lives of people personally, are gonna take precedence in the way that they vote. but when you talk about what's going on in gaza, when you talk about the ukraine conflict, you could make a lot of arguments that that directly affects people's lives. i mean, the ukraine conflict a seriously affected the american economy. us tax payers are sending tons of money not only to ukraine, but also the israel as well to continue this war on gaza. so how, to what extent do you think these foreign policy issues are influencing the way that americans are voting well,
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i think we have the experience now of what we started beginning back in 2003 with the war in iraq. 9 trillion dollars. what do we have to show for? nothing, nothing. and as a consequent and that has driven up our debt as to the point where our debt is, it is now a to, to even service the debt every year is if it is greater then, then then the cost of our defense budget, which will be in trillion dollars a year, that is the what we have to pay interest on on that debt. and there is no way you're going to get that cut down unless you streamline this government spending. it isn't a revenue problem. it is a spending problem. and unfortunately under the bottom harris and ministration, they, they, they, they spent it like, like crazy in the, uh, for example, they would uh, pay off loans of the federal loans of students to just to buy them. but our supreme
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court ruled that that's a legal, it needed congressional approval, but this administration flaunted law and disregard at the law and said that they were going to go ahead and do it anyway. so this, this is a people have seen this overtime and not stupid. they, they, they, they, uh, they watch, uh, they get access to media the m and what have you and them and videos. and it can see it with their see it with their own eyes, but the administration has told us, don't believe you're lying eyes and you know, people are, that's insulting the people, particularly people who are uh, educated, who have high, at least a high school education. and college we have but much better educated people today and they, they know the difference that way they're not done and, and as a result, there they and they feel insulted. and, and they see how this administration, the current administration, the binding harris has conducted its affairs. and it has led us to award. it has
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given us every, every crisis that this, that has developed in the last 2 and a half years has been manufactured by the button, harrison ministration. and we'd be, we'd from, from inflation, which was from about one and a half percent up to 9 percent. and then they say that then they, then they want to brag and, and pat themselves on the back and say, well, what inflation is cutting back. well, you created it in the 1st place. and now you and, and then you say you're bringing a dell of what, what's coming down is really the rate of inflation has diminished, but not the inflation itself. and, and gas prices, fuel energy. when it to switch over to dramatically switch over to clean air. uh uh, technologies which don't exist and, and, and, and which are unreliable or, or, or switching over to easement and even going so far as to tell people what type of
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washing machines you will have in your house. this is big brother stuff that people, the american people cannot tolerate and they will not. and this is something that the, that they, that they're rebuilding against. and that's why you're seeing dramatic change beginning to occur in, in the look tauriel in the election results here. and also they didn't like the way harris came about being the candidate. there was basically what we would call a soft clue and the democrat party, which what's to preach democracy. but they basically threw biting out. and because he was losing, he was definitely losing against trump, but the left button and bring and then they bring in kamala harris, who has never been elected to anything. and, and, and as a result, even she, she didn't, she didn't even run into primaries. but let's say that she was of these,
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they say the delegates for bite and basically voted for her in the convention. well, that's not an election. she didn't go through the, the term mild of going from state to state in the primaries. she is, she was anointed. and, and i think people resent the fact that if you go against the traditional ways of doing things, that's gonna raise eyebrows. and that's it. precisely what happened. so what, it's not surprising to see the results tonight from the harris campaign to to say, they'll go home tonight and we'll, we'll reassemble tomorrow. and there's a, so that's a mirror image of what occurred back in 2016 with the the hillary clinton's campaign tide, former pentagon security policy analyst to michael maloof. thanks a lot for bringing us your perspective on that. always a pleasure having you on the program. so thanks for having a nice now more preliminary results are coming in right now as the votes are being counted and there are very few grace states remaining with projections now released
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across most of the united states. we can see north carolina and georgia here. these are the latest swing states that donald trump was able to win as the votes have been counted. and these are really, really crucial states for trump, because now that he has these 2 states, along with florida and other swing states that he was able to get the, the uh, other states like pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin. if he's able to get those, just 2 of them, even that would put him over the 270 that he would need to. and of course pennsylvania, as you can see, it's still gray over here because they're still counting the votes over 87 percent of the votes. there have been counted with trump add in a 2 percent lead over harrison that state. but if he can win that states pennsylvania, that key swing states, that's going to be a near 100 percent indication that trump is likely going to win this election. after all, pennsylvania is
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a state that one. i voted for the winning candidate in every single presidential election since the election in tort. 2008 and which brock obama came to power as well. i also, like i said, michigan in wisconsin could go either way, but actually they're leaning towards trump at this point, but the votes, they're only around uh over or just just around 50 percent, a little bit higher than that have been counted. so we could see some sort of difference there, but as i said right now, they're leaning republican, arizona also it could go either way, although leaning republican right now and just about 50 percent of the votes have been counted there. so like many media reports are saying as a result of the swing states that donald trump was just able to when it's looking very likely that trump is going to be able to take this selection, while harris is on the track to secure vermont massachusetts. uh,
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over here you can see the, uh, pretty much all of new england, nearly all of it has been uh, colored blue. but main is a bit of an exception because it's got very specific laws surrounding the election process. so it's a part of those electoral votes could go to route to donald trump and part of them to harris as well because it's pretty much um it's, it's not 100 percent one way or the other in main specifically. but again, it's still greg grey. there because the votes have not all been counted, but we're gonna have to see what happens with that as well. other states that harris has been able to take, as you can see, they're not labeled there because they're too small. but we see uh vermont new hampshire kind of massachusetts, connecticut, new jersey. those have all gone blue as well as maryland. and of course, the district of columbia, which is not
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