tv News RT November 6, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EST
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the donald trump declared victory in the 2020 for us presidential race, thinking his supporters and promising a new golden age for america. i want to thank the american people for the extraordinary honor of things. 4740 and as from supporters celebrate pamela harris councils, re election night address at howard university, sending the parties representative to the public. so you won't hear from the vice president tonight, but you will hear from her tomorrow. she will be back here tomorrow to address that only the a 2 family, not only 2 addresses support is put to address the nation,
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the live from our headquarters in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. what tens of millions of americans have gone to the poles to choose who will take control of the white house for the next 4 years. and though it's still to be officially confirmed with valid, still being counted across multiple states, this looks set to be nothing short of a political earthquake in a momentous political come back. and donald trump has declared victory in the 2024 us presidential race. the well, all electoral votes are still being counted. trump gave a victory speech at his campaign headquarters in florida as key swing states turned red on the like toral map one after the other. its massive celebrations could be
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seen in trumps headquarters. donald trump also think the supporters instead of his intention not to start wars, but to end them the victory that our country is never seen before and nothing like this. i want to thank the american people for the extraordinary honor of being 47 as president 40 in the senate elections. the republicans have secured 51 seeds while the democrats take 40 to texas. and florida, among other states have given a vote to the elephants. well, california and washington opted for the donkeys in the house, the election. the g o. p also lead with 194 seats for the democrats falling behind with 176 seats. and as trump scored one victory after another
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of her family harris, the incumbent, vice president lou, than that of her supporters was plain for all to see with the democratic nominee cancelling her election. i address at howard university, the vice president supporters could be seen leaving the candidates watch party with harris, sending a party representative to address supporters instead. so you won't hear from the vice president tonight, but you will hear from her tomorrow. she will be back here tomorrow to address not only the h u family not only to address their support is what to address the nation. so thank you. we believe in you may god bless you make a t u a g o h u n g o harris. thank you. we spoke with us on sibley lead attorney and founder of the muslim legal organization, who says it would have been a travesty of justice for the current administration to be re elected to give them
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their policy on gaza. this is one of the only selections in us history because both candidates are openly competing and uh, in subscribing their support to testing their support to israel's were, i think, a genocidal crimes. i think there's a huge pop up presented to the american muslim population that are utterly disgusted with the democratic party, which frankly doesn't represent americans or democrats. i mean, you look at over 80 percent of democrats, they are against what israel's doing. they, they want an immediate cease fire the want as you will hold accountable. 80 percent of democratic voters are against. what is your doing well? only 8 percent of democrats in congress are against what israel is doing. the white house, which some of the co with democrats, is giving full support is use of the crimes against the palestinians. so the problem you have right now is that the reality is, i don't think binding would have been elected into the white house. if it wasn't
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for the american law symbol, the american listen vote is one of the key bolts in the united states because the american muslim population is spreading keys when states like michigan, i mean the population with some voters is big enough in michigan where i could swing the election, one way or another, and historically, especially since bush and the more terror that he led against the world. the majority of muslims have voted over 65 percent in the last election. the majority of american muslims have booted in favor of the democratic nominee, and i just simply don't think kind of a harris without the support of the americans. so community will succeed in this election. i think that we can be here to see the administration that was in charge during this perfect genocide. you realize that i think would be a great mark of shame on this country and the world to see that the same uh, administration that enabled this genocide continue doing these elections and, and certainly come over here as, as
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b b as part of the problem. no more war is that is the pledge from donald trump and is victory speech to supporters in florida. you know, we had no wars for years. we had no wars except we defeated isis. we defeated isis in record time, but we had no wars. they said she will start a war. i'm not going to start to work with the stuff wars. all right, well joining me now is ortiz marina customer of a marina. i've been seeing a lot of coping and going ahead of my social media feed. um today what, what, what is it where we're hearing from the democrats or the democrats are of course, sole king as are the mainstream media. because right now we have exit, poll data that shows that fund form, for example. and the george of latino voters and pennsylvania and majority of young voters in michigan and majority of latino men in north carolina. and he all pulled
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his support among african americans in the state of wisconsin. so we're talking about mccord demographic. all of the democrats who are often to choose republicans instead. so of course, this has ever happened before and bought it shows is that the democrats were really banking on identity politics all along and it has really shown that it backfired majorly. but we've known all along with that american voters, were really concerned about the economy. there was a gallup poll in october, for example, and it shows up in number one issue for american motors is the economy billions going to ukraine? and so is really something that frustrated voters, they wanted their president to focus on domestic issues. first, then there was another poll that was conducted by fox news, the border analysis. and that came out. they were asking voters with just cast or valid what they were concerned about. and so what was it 70 percent believe that the country is on the wrong track. now, who put it on this track? it was the reply to an ann harris team of course. so we're really seeing
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a huge so and when it comes to support for the democrats, it's really losing its appeal. and we're also starting to see you turn in terms of people speaking out about from right now, for example, we have the u. k. 4 and secretary david, why me to congratulate a donald trump on his when felt let's have a listen. and then i'll remind everyone what he had to say about donald trump before a trump is not only a woman hating neo nazi sympathizing sociopath. he's also a profound threat to the international order that is being the foundation of western progress for so long. he's a racist, he's a sexist, he's a home a fault. and it's very important, particularly when you've got a special relationship that you treat them as a best make it my best made was a racist or sexist or home a fault by to call him out. and i'd explain to him why those views are wrong. so there you saw it yourself, how just a few years and how the statements are starting to change. it's interesting though,
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because the main stream media in america, it seems like they've learned nothing since 2016 how they've been responding. absolutely, well we're seeing right now that they're trying to figure out what went wrong. why does come le harris lose so well lose? we're saying that because that's what exit polls are showing. and it seems of right now they're resorting to trash talking, trump, which we'll get to in the 2nd n blaming, show find it. why are they blaming joe by them? because they're saying, well, he's the one he should have shopped out earlier this way. they only allow tamela how is a $107.00 days to campaign, which is not enough completely ignoring the 5. let's see what was in the office for 4 years before that. let's look at the media. suppose. well, and that's what makes the timing. i think of president biden's decision to step down after the debate. something that if she does in fact was, will be under a microscope. because of course, there was so much discussion even over the summer about potentially having an open
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primary. donald trump has been running for 2 years. come, la harris has been running for a 170107 days. so one of my big questions is, particularly with her candidacy, is whether that was just enough time to introduce yourself as well. it is true because her association with joe by them, of course, didn't do her any favors because actually she was his vice president during the time when his disapproval rating doubled, to 58 percent. and also one journalist for asking her questions to answer what she didn't agree with, show by then she couldn't say anything. also, when they asked her what would you do differently? again, a sure could an answer. and if we look at her media appearances compared to donald trump, who went and gave an interview, seems to pretty much everyone. and some of his interviews lasted as long as 3 hours . then you'll have come a lot higher as barely given in the interviews. and when she did, they were all very stage controlled by her time pay. so that's something that people didn't like,
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and they feel that the didn't get an essence of who she was and what should we do different to joe biden. so people who are frustrated with jo bought and didn't see what they would get different from her. and now of course you have the mainstream media, like i said, so can hand trash paulson from. it's a pure project 2025 and miniature in florida. and that kind of extreme sort of extremist right wing, fascist type government in florida. does that make it a more attractive place? so they want some good news tonight i, i can feel the anxiety in the crowd. you're talking about the propaganda campaign and the playbook of trump. this is not new, this is not surprising. this is directly out of hitler's play book. this is out of an an autocrat play book. this is a way to, i mean that the things that trump has done masterfully, frankly, is to get the entire uh, you know, to get a big part of the population to i believe that the games rate and
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to so this trust in public institutions and the free press, you know, we're going to, there's been a lot of concern about levels of the vision, the newest society and potential violence in the wake of the election that i really have to say. i think that the media is to blame for that as well as given the rhetoric of you know, calling from hitler and worse than hitler of fascist and the same literal democracy is at stake. but, but do you do think that this violence will actually materialize? well, we are seeing experts saying that it seems to be a sort of powder tech situation of why? because we saw security funds thing, for example, going up around several places in washington. this d. c, for example, around the white house around the us capital, including as well kinda la harris's residence in washington dc. and all of this was even before the results started coming out. so that indicates that they are concerned that there could be violence and unrest coming up as soon as the results
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are official. all so we know that for example, that the pro ukrainian activists who tried to kill donald trump. i'm talking about ryan wesley. ruth, of course he's accused of trying to assassinate him to september. well, he apparently in the jail house letter, he alleged that donald trump's victory would plunge the country into a civil war. and does he know something? does he not? does he have other people who are life minded and are planning to create trouble to see from the election results? how efficiently and i hate that talk about civil war. i'm an american. i like to think that our union is much stronger than that, but yeah, we'll see again, is some, it's, it's interesting what you said about what the media is showing because a lot of the time, it's how the media portrays certain things and sometimes to inflame the violence yeah, they really do. i'm or to use summer and it best remember in a thank you in the site, the fact that the official election results haven't yet been released. foreign leaders and political figures have already begun congratulating donald trump on his
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victory message from ecuador, as president was followed by his austrian hun, gary, and turkish and serbian counterparts. many of my crown has also chimed in mentioning he already has experience working with trump. while his government speaker proclaimed europe must quote, to take charge of its own destiny. nato secretary general and the prince. so lensky have been fast to follow suit. so saying they're counting on further cooperation. even the european commission presidents are so the underlying center warm congratulations, despite lambaste things from earlier. the new british prime minister also praised the drums victory, ready to defend what he calls freedom democracy, and at a price along the us alongside the us president is really prime minister netanyahu rather cordial message describing the election result has. history is great as come back and his relationship with trump as a true friendship was aging though, when asked whether it will can offer congratulation. instead, it will continue the approach of peaceful coexistence without commenting on from
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seeing directly in the course, even more and more. alright, let's discuss the latest now with nelson, long vice chairman of the shanghai center for rem pack and international studies. nelson good, have you on the program with us trump has declared himself the next president of the united states. so given what we've seen with the trajectory of the election results, do think that this is over now for harris to up . well, yes, we are watching quite closely about the election results in the in america. but here is the point i want. i'd like to make whatever results of that re is i think it's, uh, it's uh, the choice of the american people. and we all hope that the transition or the change of the association in america in the white house is going to be smooth and peaceful. because as the most powerful country in the world today,
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whatever that is happening in america is to be watched closely and does have an impact to the rest of the world. so that's quite no, it's certainly an speaking of peaceful drum, says that he's not going to engage in any more wars and we'll focus on america 1st . should we believe him when he says that of the uh well uh, i think uh there is a certain element of truth in what a set because judging from his remarks over the past few years and also during his election campaign, i think that he might do something to uh, to retreat the us from certain parts of the world. uh its, uh, its america, 1st of that is a multiple and that's as low. but i think every country has the right to make their
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own country. great old, great again. so yes, but i only hope that uh, you know, whatever the president trump is going to do as the new president of america. it's not going to, you know, to bring any chaos to the rest of the world. because we all want piece of, we will want a peaceful environment and it is a peaceful environment around the world that we can all develop all economies and to, to keep surviving and to thrive as well. nelson, how do you expect the potential return of trump to the white house to affect the chinese american relations? i was living in a big gang in 2016 when trump was elected the 1st time. and i remember people in china saying that they really like to trump because as a business man, he negotiates. and i know that's really an important thing in china. the negotiation, of course,
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that was before the trade war and the tariff. do you think that china still would find trump to be more preferable than harris? i don't think that a china has any preference post, say of always going to be in the white house because it's a, it's a choice off of the american people. but when it comes to china, us relief is i believe china no longer has any, an expected expectations. because the fact is packed, and the us has taken a china as the major competitor or right, right. in the, you know, global economic activities. so i think china is going to be quite cautious in hensley relations, ways that us because our 2 countries, economies are into low button by nature. and yes, it's,
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it seems that it is, uh, it's a wide consensus in america that a tougher style which is going to be taken towards is handling of relationships with china. so, but the coupling is not the choice as we know. and so let's see, let's see, we're all have to be cautious but proactive. what about washington suppor of taiwan, which has always been a thorn in the side of aging relations with washington. is that likely to to remain an issue under another trump presidency where i think it's a, it's more of the people who can tie one that uh cares too much about its relations with the us. because often role a chinese government has made it quite clear that the tie one issue is
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a domestic issue of china and whatever the us does with regard to tie one, it doesn't really affect china's determination to seek a national re unification, which taiwan. so i think it's a, it's not going to make much changes actually. meanwhile, some top us officials are already accusing russia of meddling in the election. i know you're in russia right now and, and so to you and you travel to russia quite frequently. do you, do you expect that another russia gate is inevitable here? as well? uh, i think uh who is going to meddling around weighs the us election being that you who as is the most powerful country on the us and it has its own ways of observing the process of the presidential election over the years that it was being accused
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ations of russia or some other countries meddling around uh, it was the us election, but i don't think a, there is any element of truth in that. what about washington's attitude toward military support for israel and ukraine? is that likely to change much? do you think trump really will deliver on his promise to stop these conflicts? well, let's see what is going to do when he becomes the next president. because based on what he said during his presidential campaign, that he's going to, you know, to, to focus more on us, domestic affairs and domestic economy to make it to us of great, again, that's something i think we should, we should expect actually, because for a country like the us of this magnitude it's uh,
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it does make sense for them to care more about their own. it caught them it because we have been observed that the us economy is not at its best. and there are all sorts of a domestic problems in patient which, i mean, every country has actually so it's better to, to, to care more about their own affairs as instead of messing around with other people as domestic affairs or regional conflicts. so if the us is going to the took care of more about their own affairs, i think that's good news for the rest of the world. right, well, leave it there. nelson, long vice chairman of the shanghai center for impact and international studies. nelson, very, to have you on, as always, was the teacher affairs expert doctor had made it con, almost reduced as the outcome of elections will have
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a lot of impact on american foreign policy and does have a knock on effect on americans at home. definitely be it's always about the domestic issues when it comes to american election. but this election have uh, a lot of, uh, you know, impact in, in terms of uh, american foreign policy. so not only about uh, and it's very crises that it is also about the ukraine conflict as well. i mean, uh, i believe that most of the americans are very much listening to uh, chrome, that the point of view that, i mean america guys are using it to do sort of see them supporting nato in europe and doing the ukraine. go on and it just costing a lot of money to the american economy and the common american. and that's right. he has given a very clear, you know, of signs that he really, that'd be near the pool problem that you kind of on. and you were know, you would prefer not to go in and find the config. and on the other hand, and uh as i mean, the whole more knows that the very,
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very important issue is in america is about devotion. and it's about a job environment that needs the function. and so for the last 40 years, again, america involving so many international crises, you know, in terms of bringing the managing, devolved and supporting youths. right. he bought kidding, you know, saying, but his damian, so i think it is a dining hall to attempt to get more popularity. and we have seen, even in the spring stairs, he's in a very strong position and he's getting the board from black from north carolina. he's getting the voice of muslims from michigan. he's getting worse from today's this american election has become the most expensive election in the history of americans. we can cross live now to a mere or in defense. and the government columnist at har, it's a mere trump, has declared himself the next president, the united states, even though of course, the official results aren't um in yet. but it's known that is the is really
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government has been very pro trump when it came to the choice of candidates, what is from trump said, assuming when mean for the benjamin netanyahu, a cabinet. and so when you, i'll is overjoyed, he has already congratulate the drum we've been now before. he wasn't mounts that we're near before. terminal harris can see that. and uh, you know, he's trying to get them trumps and best side because they, yeah, she knew shed 4 years ago in a very i remind you so long. now, the joy that the, the extreme right wing is ro, as expressed, is not necessarily going go to their fridge. they may leave to redress it, because you look from phones may, between pose a solution. on page rody, i respond to it, which we mean forcing is, well, at least out of some of the occupied territories. also if drunk these,
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again stopping new walls, he doesn't public record military threats against the wrong. so right, so obviously from y'all referred to the republicans to dennis ross or if there's not something that one so he's wish i will come through. he will be very happy about. yeah, i'm wondering why netanyahu would prefer donald trump over the democratic party because the current administration has basically given israel every, everything is wanted and completely supported, as well as the actions in the war. so far. yes, you're right. but even though the bowman dash when he says that the user a killed the units in public opinion, forgot the site, if it all started, when the spins, how much fuel be in a camp is released. but putting that aside the per moment. historically, the food led by me from y'all always prepared the republican for the older and the
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democrats. they have it political alliance. it has to do is i'd be ology also regarding the business information. but these are all the interests he's most withdrawn all night. the reason the world seems to me see if i may add my own view is ro, uh, and brother had the continuation of good by didn't have his policy. i don't know if he can offer a unique perspective from israel on the coming of harris's campaign, but she started out with such momentum. what, what do you think went wrong for her? well, she has to be commended on the, on the farm on. so only on a moment's notice, she organized a very uh well, right, but i'm saying that wasn't enough. the thing please. one suspect the default is not, is carmella hurry seats with the american electorate,
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which apparently can not stand the idea off the lighthouse. neither hillary clinton nor no gaming, i have managed to convince light the man's life moves. perhaps others uh hispanics. the cheat can preside, the old again, there is a deep sleep is biased. me something and the 3 executable would be called the america i suppose to be the lender pick while it wage. yeah, its really remarkable that on 2024. um we still haven't had a female president, but that's. 9 an issue for another time, i guess what changes if any, are, are we to be expected over washington support for israel's warren and guys. another non of trump does indeed enter the white house. so 1st of all, we have to go through the transition period until january 20th perhaps by doesn't, has something up, is sleep by that one. so on it that y'all out of gaza,
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it's about your se uh from does from one sidney. can you go to any shoes or facing guys before the, you know, the ration obviously is role has very little to doing, doesn't know. it won't see start to just back make. and y'all has alienated most of these really probably the last night by firing the defense minister, who called for a hoss good job deal and beach. not sure thing didn't come. you always feel be that report from january 20th. so it's really an open question. all right, we're gonna leave it there. i'm here or in defense and government call them this stuff hurts and they are great to have you on. thank you. thank you. all right, and that is going to do it for me for now, but do stay with us. my colleague union, o'neill will pick things up and just over half an hour with the very latest updates on the us presidential election. and any other news that's happening in the boss by the
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um, lien, no e, i need the team, uh, 5 as pacific peoples. we have a deep and secret connection to water. yet all around the pacific communities are on the ground organizing to protect this life, giving source in a fight for our lives. i spent the last year on a journey through the mariana islands and so who do i? documenting incision is resistance against us imperialism.
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