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tv   Documentary  RT  November 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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it is sorry hosted to me today, but i didn't. and the other day i thought that for my goal is to be as good furnaces on them. if any prospect has put a liberal in agreement or just they'll quit, is devali 16. those up let me know 44. when you go to your belittle, serious deal of when you have no heat. so perhaps it's jim sidney and we generally look for his embassy to cheat anymore. the e. o. lean no e. um e. me, we love god. i live in paradise. the largest and southern most island in the marianas archipelago, while han is dotted with blush, palm trees, and miles and miles of soft white sand,
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surrounded by turquoise squatters of the pacific ocean. but our paradise has a toxic legacy, while i'm sure is the history of contamination with many us and overseas. military based communities is common knowledge that the us military use is highly toxic substances. and we are experiencing contamination of our land and waters when the agent orange. p. fast pcp is petroleum fuels. heavy metals, fonts, high organic compounds, all the military war time cocktail. so you can imagine from being carpet bomb during world war 2. we're an island that has been referred to by veterans as one big superfund site. a history of military dumping impacts the health of many families here on our 212 square mile island. it only takes 2 hours to drive from one end to the other. that's how small we are. and we're inundated with environmental contamination. in this episode,
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i'm sharing real stories of community members whose homes are located by known military top 6 dump sites and how their families are among countless others and the communities suffering from clusters of where cancers in chronic illness. while it's difficult to definitively connect their health issues with the environment, the correlation is enough for them to question why their family members are dying. dr. lisa and it's have it on a professor at university of bombs and primary convenor of mcguire hung coalition for peace and justice. sat down to me and shared just how much this topic legacy left by the us military affects us today. when we talk about the impact of the transition on the health of tomorrows of us as an indigenous population. let me see, is that the toxicity that comes from military activities, from war preparation,
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military exercises. it really is manifested in our physical bodies and we see this in cancer rates for example. and so one such evidence of this is a study that was done by no fall and had it which was published in 1997. and in their study, what they did was they looked and surveyed a 25 year period of cancer death certificates and so, and looking at those death certificates they identified and you know, computed what was the incidence of, of death of cancer on, on go on and they were able to establish that tomorrow's or the highest risk for cancer and that the incidence of cancer was increasing. and this is after they used different calculations from the world health organization to standardize that across populations. and the 3rd finding which for me is, was the most significant was that they were able to glean and 1997 that the
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villages of santa rita and you go where the ones with the highest incidence rates. and they, in their article and particularly point out that those are the villages with the largest military base presence. and so you see this, this can grow and see in terms of military activities and very direct impact on the bodies of tomorrow's. i met up with rudy polco mirror municipality at the heart of while i'm calling my mom to to might see where he was born and raised. this municipality is commonly known as m t, m, and m. c. m. is home of the largest flatland area, and juan called the have gone yes, one more than 70 years ago, run off from a navy operated power plant. and milan drained into a portion of the a gun. yes, one contaminating the residential area at west poly chlorinated by fennel's or p. c . b, which are industrial chemicals. thing to cancer, run out from the power plant once ran into yard of paco's childhood home. to the 19
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ninety's, alco challenged the federal government to test for p. c. bees. not only on the swamp and surrounding soil and but on residents whose health may have been effected by chemicals. but all i asked the federal government was to do a physics for the community of mtm nice every quarter. but that never happened. there's a family right over there in that house, every one of those and stroke cancer and look at where they live right across from the parks. i met up with the nurse to speak a little on pick her up in the home, directly across the navy power plants. she and 5 of her siblings, that old nasal french hill cancer. tragically, all 5 passed away of cancer and she is the soul cancer survivor agents where we
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refer, tiring from care and the government testers, right? but here's some of the sites. so why are you for this case when we were young? i'm sorry, we go through this from my net or this can of the navy risk and. c and go down there and would put in my we put your hands inside, we've got so many, they're huge. and they're very good to find that they're in the front area of those to our area in the rent to my dad. and then then 5 and same mainly my grand kids and my mom to the brothers and sisters live around the area. they can say, yeah,
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there is also from the grid there's. uh huh. there are 6 during those for me it's hardly because, i mean i have been directly affected, but i've had to like grow up my whole life. i have these memories watching my grandma, like very her siblings. and that hurts. losing family members is quite okay. i feel like they kind of have more years on this or that named baby brother to yeah. see, i'm the mother of brittany has his cancer from major, very new york. and then he was and then you know, they can to these and that's what i'm very fortunate
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to around the origin of my exercises. a good way from, you know, like i really selfish to because i'm thankful that my grandma was the one that survived. i like how many, how many list i was is that you list of 5 advice of moving around my mom to the brother right before the end user, 52019, and then my sister, my older sister, she has a native in your dentist and she had a 5 set of treatment, but she never ran out of it. and then a month for years later, i have known that uh, native ranger cancer. so the street in lion same as we
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when i ran in 1997 doctor were seeing that there is no. so cancer is not really the and the company is not right. or there is a 2 x, that cancer in the same time for lunch going on around the area, which is, oh, these kinds immunizations less around my dad. fish. we see a plan and my phone numbers not by then, right? we're not going to, there weren't just p c b use in the nearby waters and figured victoria low, low younger arrows, childhood home sections of the top. so at this world,
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guard to dumpsite were found to be contaminated with hazardous levels of mercury, but arsenic pesticides. and pc piece. the property was formerly of the location of military supply warehouses and military vehicle base yard and a shooting range. the department of defense did a partial cleanup and never came back. oh yes, found that metal fee for this is the metal roofing selected. and just collecting, so those even um the rest of the day on that i think a year yeah. some of the metal center that really belong to the military. these are all oh my, what all these are pipes. so blue cross carts and is there might be a couple in there, but you know, i just threw them all in there. so i know every time the bus,
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the guys comedy kind of fly all over the place. yeah. when i was a kid, i would play in this with martha and bully me and i would like to play in the jungle. and then i find like little pieces of metal guns. how her have greeting me . the land that i grew up and talked to is my mother and, and she inherited it from her mom and, and they started living there after world war 2. it went beyond that, had belonged to the family and was mostly used for farming before the war. and then after the war for both my grandmother and her brother built hose in the app on the property as um, in western. and so we had always known that there was military waste from the war buried in the property. because when we were kids, we went bank the playing in the dirt and there was a gun powder or like once my brother found a bomb buried in the yard and had to, you know, they had to bring the like bomb squad and everything. and it was
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a bigger deal, but so we had been really aware that the property itself had been used as a jump site after the war. but, but we had never been informed to what extent or what was buried in the property. and so, in 2008, the army corps of engineers had contracted a team, they came and they asked permission from our family and from my uncle ben's family, my problem is brother and his children, to sort of take it up and, and really study what was there and the degree of contamination that had occurred. and so the and said that in 2008 in 2010, they invited our families to long since my as the community center and have like a public hearing just for our families about what they had found. and so it was the site power point and all bullet points, and they were, you know, basically saying that it had been both the water and the soil had been so heavily
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contaminated that the mediation they suggested was excavation and off site removal . which was only which only happened in cases where the contamination was so severe . their member of the town hall meetings. what that experience was like hearing finally in details about contamination and what was in your property for me, it was kind of a almost a shock because nobody ever said we never had any clean up or anything like that. when we, even when they were the for the house, it was you jogging, build your house and that was it, right? but it was kind of scary. this is the fact. and now i have grandkids. and how much pile of dirt do i have to have in the bath so that they can be able to play back there? for how much dirt do i have to put a good, clean dirt so that i can plan something back there and need off loud?
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i'm not cancer, because that's not a guarantee for me. the release of the russian states. never as i started as soon as the most sense community invest, not getting all sense enough in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians putting s r t sports net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say you requested a the
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the i think one of the biggest obstacle is we all seasons, the lack of accountability and the lack of information. and so i think the 1st thing for our family is like being fully informed. like when we were requesting information about what went through these particular counseling office, what are some of the houses that are connected to you know, this, this doubled up since combination in the water and soil and we were never provided that information. but we requested that as a public hearing number, if you have anything for us, the biggest issue is you know, informed the community of how bad you know how badly it's been contaminated. and then what does that mean for our bodies? what does that mean for our overall house and then come it's cleaning it up. don't just about it. you know, what they found in the property was that the soil high levels of lead pcb arsenic and a ton of other chemicals i cannot mean. and that even the water has degrees of contamination
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that were higher than other areas on the island. um, in the public hearing, there were family members from other parts of talked to in monroe who had come because in their properties there was military company, you know, waste that they had found over the years just like we had. but they weren't told that the public hearing was only dealing with the monte cavalry banners properties because we were like, i guess, considered one of the super fun in the science. and so any other properties in the village they weren't even going to investigate that. it wasn't on their list and that this was all that they were there to discuss. so like one guy came and was like, you know, i found like tanks buried in my yard. right. and they're like, oh s, it's not on our list of properties that needed to be cleaned up. so where we can discuss that i had followed up because of that very same
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year. i had lost my 1st child to a very birth dfcs caught on file a solid square. his intestines had formed outside his body in a sack and so abdominal wall dfacs are pretty rare, but are very common here in guam. and so when i had been doing research, you know, in so that just because i was, as a mother, really trying to understand like, how did this happen? you know, i had found like a connection. i had found an article, a scientific article linking the presence of an invalid ssl, or like high incidences of abdominal wall dfcs and a community that had like rocket fuel in the water. and so i was like, well, if there's like a mean it wasn't directly caught up cause but there was this correlation rates on like could then this environmental contamination have impacted my child.
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then they did show up a year later with like a construction for most of the contamination was in my uncle ben's property, which is right below my mom's property. and so what they had signed ways of, i dug into the soil like these long rectangles and they had failed like shipping container as full of the soil. and then midway through the project, they ran out of money and they buried everything back and they have not shown up cents. so this went around 2011, and now more than 10 years later they never came to finish the clean up. so they, you know, they investigated who was there, they informed us, what was there they began to clean up and then they ran out of money and never finished the job. and my uncle then sammy, you know, my, and she normally recently died of cancer. i know that you know,
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a couple of his funds have also had cancer and you know, who knows what other health conditions may be connected to this. but you know, a lot of the chemical is on that list are chemicals that are connected to high cancer rates and other communities. but yeah, for me like growing up in psych we were never growing up. we didn't drink water from the time, like it was just always been given that the water is not safe to drink period whether or not we knew how the land was contaminated, there is always just this way in which i think we're aware as a community of like the fact that we don't have clean drinking water and that it's a risk to drink the water coming out of our job. and then when we finally, you know, heard about our specific property. it was confirmed when i think about what
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happened to our property. i mean, think about like just this idea that we like build our whole lives on this contaminated land and you know, with no accountability from the department of defense or not even like, i'm just thinking like there are people who live here. sometimes i wonder if they, when you hear about the way guam is depicted to the rest of the world as the military base. it's like no one ever thinks about the people who actually lived here. they only see one as a military installation. not as a island nation with such a rich history and families who call this place home and have done so for thousands of years freight and that is really terrifying to only be we cannot be seen as a people because what it means is that our actual health and wellbeing our lives,
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they don't matter. and the military mission is what matters. the defense of the continental united states is what matters and what sacrifice is our own house and well be. i think we need to go back to back to the table and discuss some more. i'm just inviting more families in. and even if i don't have a major clean up this way, the test to test the dirt and the ground. because i'm never going to find anything in the back pc, these aren't just a problem in mtm. presidents in the southern village of reed, so are still being advised to avoid eating fish from the co goes to do because the level of pcp contamination and sampled fish remains of bugs federal standards for steve consumption for it says the closest village should compass island, the farmers side of the u. s. coast star is mon range navigation for a bar m station from 1944 to 1963. p c,
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b is from electrical equipment use at the coast. curse lauren stations such as transformers and capacitors were improperly discarded on compass island and in coast. in 2005. the coast guard removes sources of pcb contamination in around to cause island. but in 2015 follow up sampling showed some spikes and pcp levels and levels of toxic pesticide d d t. and the water is around kobus island including fish plants. so we just took a boat out to this is cocos island. it's right off the coast of one right back there is the village of molest due to the military shut down at the navigation station in 1965 if we're still feeling the effects of the p. c. b contamination. up until today. these are lasting decades long impacts of
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historical contamination done by the us military that our people are still feeling . and a lot of what activists have been saying all these years is that we can't be building up the, you know, the, the military expansion in this region is called the military buildup. and we can't be building up while we're still trying to clean up. there's so much taxes to be still in this area. c and so we have to do what we can as a community to continue to raise awareness so that our families are not affected. so that. c we're not suffering from cancer and other chronic illnesses, from the toxicity across our island. and my name is ronna fi, g, dr. melissa, do a born and raised there. i just recently moved up with my father and all generations before me of all of the mothers with 12 from there. and i live in this the more
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northern side of mother. so which is in b b, b. but we fish there all the time and focus on and try. and so it was a big thing. and melissa, my youngest cousin, my cousin at my age at that time, and in his thirty's and dido cancer, and my other cousin who was younger than and his brother, died at age of 40. he died of cancer. and all that i think is because of what they, what, what they left in the ocean for us. and luckily, i didn't made it a habit to, to go there all the time. but they did because that was whenever there was a party we were sent out to go out and do fishing all the time. every time, every day, whenever we needed to, we had to know was the place we went to. so i think the military has not done the due diligence show and they've not really helped people to control what,
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what is there? i'm sure others feel the same way that the pc beach not is, is still there. and is that the position we think there's affected us? i think the federal government needs to continue to do their part, not just on the on the ocean, but also to even assist on our people in the british. very so mere ernest, char gloss says the community has been left in the dark about water quality wherever sash do as far as information because i know they did studies online, they should be cleared up. some other sam, it will show your samples on shar, nurse your nurse on, in atlanta, as well as the waters in the immediate area and then instead of the moon and those studies and then whatever assigned and picked uh, the things that they were doing in the water were never given the community as far as the research where i want to find it for. so to me is the stair step. when the science dash, think of our issue, maybe a and push drive,
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they should collaborate with their informations, to disseminate the appropriate information so that you may know people knowledgeable or what's going on and you keep them updated on one, you'll find these are on, on, on one basis as i'm read, so resident, whose family has subsisted off the land and waters of molest sue for generations, charged off express, concerned about the health impacts of pcp exposure. i was there. i was there, the trash grab, blank drum and toner crap. and i was led to fish as well, so the fish in or on they are in the, the dish affected. i catch the fish on there. so i'm concerned that the, you know, i don't know if i ever, i may have been just it or those that in dollars with the fish that i taught in the area manager said, and i a hasn't bearing on their health from charge of loss perspective. the federal government should continue to conduct regular testing and exhaust all remedies to
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restore the health of the co goes because the responsibility should be on the federal government. they're the ones that created library. so those transformers there, and they should know that you don't dispose of it in a properly use of portions on how to dispose of a pcp containing elements, you know, the transformers or anything, even as talk she materials. you have to discard them. i'm just partial them accordingly, as wanting to chime different ways of onto this portion or not appropriately for each functional and whatever we approach today is something i truly don't have to worry about tomorrow. fun. who can, that will not be in the does not fun. who do we have to do? not fun. who room see her as a look them done on to
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the the is the loan ship. this special military operation mold. in $13000.00 far less than the race of joining the ukranian miller tre. williams. lot of things are good enough to stop growing up. i mean, you need for 2 of us, do you have any of them going to surely cause trouble was the most difficult. you my friend build for the fine you is fine. yeah. the the but yeah. like on the, at the at the end of what it is. i didn't know that you know, fornia state. okay. mental breakdown, skin stepped out as long as any minus time you made a couple of dining. come see fun. soon as the sean you ended gone soon?
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not back of the excess on top of the of the wish of go means it is us. that'd be good. to see a guy and use the us a beautiful supervisor, flor should weigh enough florida. she knew i was like, you strong enough. listen to the cannot say the board all change. our teeth, formerly known as russia today, trying to influence the presidential election in november to extraordinary new efforts to once again infiltrate our election to undermine democracy. 2, will 5 to see, to direct this information in propaganda here, to sort of divide american heart g as move beyond functioning fact or. okay, then do you want to know who, what pick was this time? and make sure you turn in for all the special coverage of the us presidential
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election. the we must establish the results of this election. earlier today. i spoke with president electronics and congratulated him on his victory. couple of harris and the job i did reach out to donald trump to congratulate him on his victory in the presidential election of promising a peaceful transition of power. file size, the republican. when's the election to supply the old code? cases may account pains, and even assassination attend desktops against in the country is never seen before and nothing like is it is victory. speech. the president elect pledges to end was involving the u. s. military because he looks into whether that may take the lead change in washington, his actions around the world or not.


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