tv News RT November 7, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EST
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today's, we know the stuff was taking a deep sized, consistent beach because the i am so proud of the race we ran. now i know folks are feeling and experiencing a range of emotions right now. come on, harris can seems to donald trump come back as us presidents and promises a peaceful transition of power. the, the main stream media blame and joe biden, for a couple of harris those failures saying he should have left the race earlier. well that despite them repeatedly saying for months that claims of his mental decline for live, the in israel bombards neighborhoods nearby route international airport as lebanon's death told surpasses 3000 people,
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the 5 in the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble. this is archie international democratic us presidential nominee cumberland harris has conceded it to her arrival, donald trump in the race to the white house in a speech to her supporters. she praised her campaign and urged voters to accept to the results. the outcome of this election is not what we wanted. not what we fought for, not what we voted for. but here me, when i say hear me when i say the lights of america's promise will always burn bright, but i am so proud of the race we ran. now i know folks are feeling and experiencing a range of emotions right now. yeah, well i think it was kind of predictable. a given the campaign that's been run by
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the democrats. it seems obvious that it was going to be lack of self awareness in the, in the end. and that's kind of defined by them at the time it took her to come out and actually can see that she been beaten beat very, very hard. it was a significant wheels of the republicans. we've seen that. so it like a self awareness and a lack of sort of an ability to say, look, i was eating, it's over and obviously the american people have decided that they want something else they've, they've done with democracy as work. no mention of the fact of the present biking called more than half. now we know of the american people uh, garbage, robust dirt essentially no mention of the fact that the voice and probably should a step though this raise a long time ago. for this website we were told he was shot for the attack. so it's a kind of predictable kind of i think she actually believes yourself. it seems to me that you know, this election was probably stolen because the people didn't know what they want. they don't know, we know best. this is the democratic attitude. you don't get
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a right tax. we choose. we know best for parents and child attitude and the democrats, but the american people have completely different ideas as we now see. yeah, they're really no surprises. very little suffer reflection on the side of the democrats, but say, what about the usual russian gay history and the democrats kind of laid the groundwork for this already a couple of months ago. do tell us we've been interfering. yeah, i mean, look, i mean this was predictable. this, the, like patients are rushed into france for how long before the election cycle began. of course, hillary clinton, in 2016. the whole reason she failed the course was russia. russia gave the dividing laptop, we've had it all before. we've all seen this movie before. we all know how it ends, but it was predictable that they would again, deployed. is russia gate at idea, the rush is interfering in the election. we had the allegations that bomb threats from a link to the russian i ip addresses or email addresses. now you are like to go on the internet now and get an internet address or an ip address from anywhere on the
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globe. and of course, the 1st thing you would do if you were russian intelligence and you want to cause may have, is use of russian. oh hi fi, a dresser, you know, email it. so it's quite interesting now interesting. we've just, prior to the election, the cyber security agency in the states was saying, look at, we know that russia is interfering and we had to the usual, the voices were rolled out to softer, it seems, says the selected for completely free and for let's have a look a little before and after regarding russian interference. as we have said repeatedly, our election infrastructure has never be most acute and the election community never better prepared to deliver safe, secure, free, and fair elections for the american people. impulsively we have no evidence of any malicious activity that had a material impact on the security or integrity of our election infrastructure. russia is the most active threat influenced factors linked to russia in particular, on manufacturing videos and creating fake, all goes to undermine the legitimacy of the election. and still say in vote has
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regarding the election process, suggest americans using violence against each other due to political preferences. judging from information available to the intelligence community, there was no mention of interference by kamala harris, of course. now, because the mandate, the size of the scale of the wind was so big, you know, you couldn't even begin to suggest that russian interference other than thing to do with this. the democrats last yeah, they let las decisively, that's for sure. so it's been kind of easy to forget that joe biden is still presidents amid all of this, but of course he will still be president until the trump is an ongoing that on january 20th. what are the plans for the binding, the ministration these remaining months? we're looking at the western is the political media and sort of looking into it. it seems that there's going to be a last minute attempt to rush a final chunk of 8 into your claim. because remember with the bottom administration, the, the, the conflict and you find isn't the whole story, you've got comfortable and you've got the laptop, you've got his membership on the board of police,
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my big ukrainian energy company. you've got criminal charges against hunter. why would that be perkins will tell by his loss to send to you intact if there is one us presidency to department is also potentially so a lot of housekeeping is going to happen. you can bet your bottom dollar if you like, and then forcing for the american type for it's going to mean more money going to ukraine, that there will be quid pro close with making sure the house is telling you that the legacy is insured for the bite and this to sort of kind of build some kind of plausibility, but around this catastrophic campaign that was wrong. and of course, one of the last things boyd and really had to do an inputs he had into the electra . so like it was calling a significant chunk of the american population at ruby's so there's a lot of hiding up to do. there's some time to do it in. but we believe also that trump's administration is going to hit the ground running. remember he said he's going to a very quickly before we actually sits down in the chair in the oval office. and when your clients are rolling, watching very closely to see what happens. what we discussed and trumps victory
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with farmer virginia state senator richard black. according to him, we should expect to major changes in the upcoming years. as the newly elected president returns to the oval office with even more political sway, he's going to come into office with the unprecedented power. he is going to be a much more powerful president than he was when he won in 2016. as all of the stars are aligned for him, so we're going to see some very big changes. i think one of the very 1st things is every time that he spoke at every rally and ponders of riley's, he has said, i'm going to add the war and ukraine control of the senate will allow president trump to nominate people who support family to office. these are the centers house to people has to agree is before somebody can actually become
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a part of the cabin or as or part of the administration. so this means that trump will be able to move in to place a far more powerful cabinet that he had in the 1st administration. the question is on with no control of the house is going to be very important. my electronic, the, the measures to spend money, the appropriations and money must originate in the house. so if, if president trump needs money to fund a particular program, then he has to get that authority from the house of representatives. the fact it looks like he's going to control this house has enormous ramifications because it gives him control over the per stretch. what has happened is in so many areas, the public has become very disillusioned with the democrats. but there are so many
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things that i've said people the, the cost of has gone up. and particularly for people who are poor or have moto stated, comes, the democrats have been a great disappointment. and so millions, millions or voters have supported down. in this case, the, the dissatisfaction with democrats is so broad, so across the board that they've even lost the popular vote, but not a close margin by significant margins. the democrats are now putting the blame for harris's failure on joe biden. arguing he left the race to late, and the new nominate just didn't have enough time to find a better presidential campaign. you shouldn't have run. he and his staff have done an enormous amount of damage to this country. the truth of the matter is by the should have stepped aside earlier and let the party put together
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a longer game plan. there was a bite and weariness and he hung on to lot. the main stream media is now pushing the same narrative despite previously claiming for months that bite and was fit for another term until the very last moment. ortiz and being a customer of our dig deeper, the democrats send their supporters. and by that i of course, mean the main. so media seems to be struggling to come to terms with the all but sure. when for donald trump, they're struggling with the idea. so the us that it in their attempt suggests the flights they're not only contradicting themselves by throwing joe by then on the bus. then here's the conversation begun yet about joe by and about the decision to ask him to step aside. it will begin uh, it will begin depending on the outcome. and obviously we, there hasn't been a race called yet. if this, the, if this is not a harris, when that will certainly be part of the discussion of it is she's run a campaign over the course of a $107.00 days. that is not something we've seen in history. and they'll be lots of
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questions about exactly that, the timing and the impact of that. well, and that's what makes the timing, i think of president biden's decision to step down after the debate. something that if she does in fact was, will be under a microscope. because of course, there was so much discussion even over the summer about potentially having an open primary and having that fight play out within the democratic party. so i think it's one of the, the big questions moving forward. there seems to be forgetting that she's been the vice president for 4 years now. some would argue that's plenty of time to prove your worth bought to during that periods, items, disapproval rating almost doubled, to 58 percent in the polls. what school bought started the records to boast about, but sure. let's just say she didn't get enough time or exposure. donald trump has been running for 2 years. come what harris has been running for a 170107 days. so one of my big questions is,
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particularly with her candidacy, is whether that was just enough time to introduce herself to the country and to candidates who weren't. so were dead set on running the button for a democrat, wasn't so sure about him or, or whether she could have used a little bit more time. she had a $107.00 days, but she failed to make the most of them. well. trump was on an interview blitz. she stopped to short stage the interviews and would she couldn't answer how she would be different from jo by that. and she also failed to address or explain the ult vs how she supported until by than staying in power for as long as he did. the way that the president's demeanour in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts, is clearly politically motivated. we have a very bold and vibrant president in job i, vanka,
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our president is in good shape in good health and is ready to leave in our 2nd turn . age is more than a con logical fact. not only is he absolutely authoritative in rooms around the globe, but in the oval office meeting with members of congress meeting with leaders and industry trouble items, health issues and performance have been a cause for concern and the boss of many folks for a long time. now, and it was clear to everyone that something was off what the names the media called the propaganda and lies doing their best to focus on how brave hits the starter god bless him. i mean, demand deserves a lot of credit for fighting through that in a very public way, when a camera aimed at them every 2nd of every day, for someone to go through that and put up with it. you know, takes a lot of courage and he does whether you're a democrat or republican independent. uh, you know, people with hardships have to deal with hardship. he deserves that type of credit for that. start your tape right now,
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cuz i'm about to tell you the truth. and if you, if you can't handle the truth, this version of abiding intellectually, analytically, is the best buys and ever, not a close 2nd, and i've known him for years, the present, excuse of mounting for 50 years. if it weren't the truth, i wouldn't say that's what it says that joe biden was not fit to continue his presidency. but instead of opening up to it, they covered for him. even when there was clear video, evidence of him, the slurring tumbling call, and now i run a cli several. several recent fix actually attacked the president for thinking troops from thinking through. that is what they're attacking the president for both in normandy. this happened and again in italy, and i think that it tells you everything that we need to know about how, how desperate desperate republicans are here. and instead of talking about the
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president's performance and office, and what i mean by that is, is the legislative wins where he's been able to do for the american people across the country. we're seeing these defects, these manipulated videos. and it is again done in bad faith. then i guess one continuing the lives became impossible. joe biden suddenly resigned, and now the same people who were saying who was fits and capable, are blaming him for not resigning earlier. based on what grounds if he was healthy, why resign? and if he wasn't healthy, what did everyone cover for him for so long? it seems that no matter which way you look at this, democrats and the mainstream media have no one else to blame for calm, allows failures, but for themselves and in their attempts to justify it. they are showing their true colors. and chinese leaders, she's been paying was among the 1st to congratulate donald trump on his victory. he
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said china has always been that consistence in his policy toward washington and res, hopes bilateral relations would be based on mutual respect and peaceful coexistence . we spoke to canadian blogger and a journalist in china, alex reporter fi about what the next 4 years could bring to the table for relations between the states. well, i think this is going to be a continuation from the presidency of 2016 to 2020. where we did see the elected president of the united states come to china on many occasions, to work out very difficult situations like trade agreements and having that bilateral understanding this is the president that has the ultimate respect for, as you can think of china here. and i think it's just a continuation, it's kind of like a gesture to say, we're ready to embark on a bright future together. we call it a trade war, but it's more of, you know, as the generations we move on. we're talking about an old trade agreement with the
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w t o, you know a many, many years ago things change, business change, innovation changes, and trump needs to, you know, go back and answer to his nathan of 300 and so 1000000 people that he's come to china to do a good deal. see, this is the unique part about trump. he has the ability to come over, negotiate something that fair, which the chinese agree to even go back to his nation, say, look, i've been hard on china, i've negotiated a good deal. business as usual, and you know, i think for the average person they know how trump operates, and they understand what to expect this for years. i think it's going to be exciting times as both nations work together, not as individual. both nations work together can only be a win win is among all the drama and scandal of the selection, one to critter quite literally took center stage. during election night, the tiny squirrel was seen jumping on stage supporters waited for combat harris's speech, which she later cancel on,
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leaving them in limbo. there's more to this than me. so on social media was switched to respond to mentioning teen at the squirrel, a social media celebrity, followed by hundreds of thousands which was put down by environmental officers on november 1st. and the move funds, outrage online and social media users were quick to say the animals appearance was peanuts revenge against the democrats. the spirit of peanut came back for campbell is concession speech. just to remind the democrats not to ever mess with the squirrels again. a freaking squirrel, just run across the stage at cumberland concession speech. and everyone in the comments is yelling peanut, i'm done. peanut back from the dead to hunt the cumberland concession speech on payment was seized from his owner and a youth denies by the state of new york. the news of his death sparks and widespread theory online republicans accused in new york democrats, of going to foreign pledging revenge of the ballot box. all the democratic use
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trump campaigners of using the issue when boats and they traditionally democratic states. the story had a happy ending for republicans on election night though peanut will remain in people's hearts and minds with the presidential election in the united states. finally wrapped up it's high time for future planning in his interview to tucker carlson, the tesla and space x to e and vocal trump. support are you on lots claim t will improve governmental efficiency by reducing the number of federal agencies if he is endorsed for office 3 more about the seller rise of eli musket newest politics to visit our website. our team dot com. the is really bombs have hit the areas near bayview international airport that comes as a desk to another non surpasses, $3000.00 people. according to the country's health ministry, the
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latest strikes came less than an hour after the idea of demanded. the evacuation of 4 districts in the lebanese capital following a series of explosions and southern bay route, allegedly targeting held hezbollah armories. earlier ariel bombardments, killed 40 in eastern lebanon and wounded dozens more also destroying a residential building that says the overall desks to on the complex for past 3000 people. for letting the shelling as for thousands to flee their homes and setting russians, we decided to stay in the country. some have found refuge in special shelters working to help with displaced. r t. c sweeney. reports from one of them, as well as football of lebanon, has caused kyle with some 1200000 clinton displaced. many of them have fled from the southern lebanon and the southern suburbs all by routes. this former school, it is now a temporary shelter, and is home to some 150 lebanese and russians. the fled,
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the intensity of these way. the aggression in september rushed of advice, some 3000 of its citizens to leave lebanon due to the territories. and situation in the country. many for the south with some waiting for evacuation. others choosing to stay there supported, haven't they lived by the russian liberties co operation organization. roughly about an hour before the aggression against 11 and we prepared this building. we worked on his equipment and contacted the administrative education so that the school would accommodate russian and loving these refugees. we are helping them find housing. we announced the building in the media and provided contacts for reaching us. this building is fully equipped with everything necessary, including bedding and blankets and other amenities. we installed electric generators and water heaters and provided the building with a complete water supply. so it's a lot to additionally, we organize round the clock. security has to maintain safety. every day we provide hot meals for 350 people. we have also equipped the kitchen and allowing us to
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provide hot meals for refugee. russia support for the years has been on waiting for the 2 companies having a special deal. the show has always been on the side of whether or not it has supported us for a long time now, as well as in the future. it will continue to support russia is the only country that is always backed us in tough times and never abandons us. we are like brothers with the russians. we can never leave each other behind. because i'm turn around the building, i see the conditions people are living in groups of families in a me, disease including a library and a kitchen business with us for the russian refugees. many families have come to us here. those families who have nowhere to live in this day with, let's see, and we provide them with everything they need. some people are preparing documents for leaving the country. we help submit the embassy. i don't know how the embassy distinguishes between those one to leave and the other, but they have certain criteria. men stay here while women and children are taken. so sometimes we have 15, sometimes 20,
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and sometimes even 30 families of various kinds. and we expect that as the aggression intensifies, their numbers will significantly on craigslist, we live and we hope to meet all their needs. the one of the refugees, dr. filed, has lived in lebanon since 1974 living through the come to you. so was radio compassion on the economic crisis. he was fishing in his hometown of so when he is ready for the gun, we saw flying overhead. it was on to that that he and his family made their way to buy roots where they sold shelter. auction on the, there was a lot of bombing, there were from there from tire. there are 7 of us. we've been here since day one. even here. there were bombings all around. sometimes it was scary at night to we were evacuated once because the mom fell not far from here. we left everything in the south just like that. it's a very difficult life. sometimes there is no water or electricity. sometimes there is also a problem with food that there has been help from the russian embassy and the cultural center in the form of clothes and food while they helped and kept people
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in touch with both the embassy and the russian center. and they root. he showed me is really like a mattress on the floor, no electricity, and i like of medication. he needs a very so i'm living here with kids. this is the, this is just, this is a health from the restaurant russian house that's in the house. you have is this is some of close that window on the, on that among is the closest front that i most on our um. yeah. and back when my daughter lives some time after one hour from the out of mind of settling on. so this is my bad i think this i think for set up the sort of periods for blood pressure. um
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i, i'm going to the doctor. it has been people groceries when a 52 countries coney, for an honest and ball going as well. i'm for a safe spot to end the hostilities. in the meantime, it continues to evacuate citizens and is working to ensure the safety as well as point of labor to shows no sign of drawing to an end. this is these really for auntie and bailey. now to the right, the southern russian city of so she where the 21st annual meeting of the valid i international discussion club is in its last day. russian president vladimir said it will take part in plans to address the plenary session later. i'm bringing it to gather, leading experts in science, economics, history and geo politics from russia and beyond. the serious theme focuses on lasting to send universal security as well as equal opportunities for developments in the 21st century. we spoke with arise chief director of the institute for
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economic research on innovation. he says it helps us president elect donald trump will stick to his punches to change the course of us foreign policy. i think it remains absolutely atrocious. football or for us as you manage to remain with mr. genocide in west asia. yeah, this can be contents, you know, i cannot imagine the next generation looking back at us who spent a year watching people's lives being destroyed. and the equivalent in terms of the extension through its own, between nature, into this part of the world in great itself. and as a consequence, what we have seen is also the global majority standing against you. and the global majority knows what we require for the future. is peace, really co existence and at the same time, we also need emphasis and solidarity in one of the very early you can call it responses from mr. trump himself. he mentioned is one of the bullet points i
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received earlier. a major issue is indian conflict. so i really look forward to him putting that into practice. in other words, stuff arming the genocide that's continuing and withdrawal out of nature's aggression. and as a consequence, go back to his own country and helped improve the quality of lives of his citizens, stuff, thing and world systems. we have a world that we have to find and we are dealing with whatever issues that come from to us. we don't need the american intervention anyway. we'll just stay with us here on our to international. i'll be back with much more news in just over half an hour . i'll see you then by the
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the best crowds. that's why i bet nato offices who made this video and ukraine were amazed. they got caught in a real world where people actually get killed the is the launch of the special military operations mold, in $13000.00 far less than the race of joining the ukrainian miller tre. why frontier to the fine you is fine. yeah. that's good. the last but if the fellow does, david has never did you say the name of help you they felt from all over a zip on safari with one purpose to kill russians.
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